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444namesplus · 3 months ago
Abastorvu Aboonimuor-delta Abuxaxior-alpha Abuxurkoarth Acootiana Acunooine-alpha Adulhegi'oomir Afavior-planetoid Afolnuza Aguntiine Ahaha Aheslior Ajaxalzu Akirviquine-planetoid Akonoolor-alpha Akulxiarth-planetoid Alacooine Alorul Aloyooine-delta Ameqenti Amoove'ofuarth Amorbuxen Amustuline-prime Anirana-planetoid Apasoarth-planetoid Apearth-planetoid Apituana-beta Apoosine-planetoid Aqaldoo Aqirarth Arirmir Arivearth Aroopupeana-beta Atigelor-beta Avakun Avooti Awuor-beta Axarana-beta Axuvoobaarth Ayawiwu Ayulu Azesi'aarth Ba'irior Basfuyisana-he Berirpaarth Boyior-legacy Bumir Casooyor-delta Cegarxi Ceine Ceskenor Citooine Coo'aqeine-legacy Coraana Cutociana Cuvoine-nalzi Dafoosmir Dapaarth-planetoid Deci Defiarth-legacy Deine-po Dekiine-prime Denosana-delta Depanpo Depoogis Diarth Dinfa Doojoor Duine-prime Duvoosur Ebilbooine-planetoid Ecebiine-ga Edinacoor Efediarth Efenkujor-prime Efiwas Efuranasana-legacy Efute Egomi Ehediloine Ehifonri Ehusarth-legacy Ejaline Ejokiana Ejonelqilana Ejooji Ekabese Ekacoor Ekaqeor-xu Ekoonurana-legacy Eleta Elibiana Emalqucul Enoontuarth Epiarth-ger Erismir Esesroomir-beta Esumupo Etihuana-delta Eveqior Eviana Evugiarth Ewavaor-delta Ewipuana Exaqooor Exertu Exilkobeor-beta Exior Exoodaarth Exoveta Eyeine-weye'i Eyoomir-legacy Ezolzowu Ezoogaine-zifar
Feana Ficoine-delta Fiine Fineor-prime Fisteine Fixjaarth Focuor Foduine-rerzus Fozi Fulju Fuxunana-navo'e Gafoo Gankelana Gapuwiror Garlolarth-alpha Geraarth Gerihine Gofoodaor-legacy Hacuine-alpha Hegeor-vi Hibuarth Himir-beta Hocaor Hooine-beta Hoolooine Hoxemir-beta Huarth Hujaine Huxal Iboqegoomir Icacoocerine Idabularth-prime Idalfasamir Idior-beta Idirroor-beta Idoorpa'eor-beta Ifupenbe Igasefoana-la Igeci Iheteine-delta Ihior-beta Ihiqaarth-delta Ijererki Ijilmeine-gewi Ijolana-legacy Ilesmir Iliqooarth Ilooce Ilupor-alpha Imatisor-beta Imegulqeine-alpha Imuana Inetesqirmir Ipiarth-te Ipuncurhe Ipuxooor-planetoid Iqabu Iqamaarth-alpha Iqete Iqukaana-planetoid Isogusa Itesu Itijaarth-beta Ituldoana Ivior-legacy Iweduana-legacy Iwimearth Ixalrireor-legacy Ixocenine-prime Ixoine Iyafetalor Iyaor-legacy Iyesarth-beta Iyilyupaana Iyoxiwi Iyuhulana Izelyuwimir-beta Jaleine Jemaana-bu Jeyiana Jiparor-prime Kabacugor Kagoozvaana Kalor-prime Kihenwaana-planetoid Kirasunarth Kisale Koode Kooloine-prime Koororarth Kunfa Kusmir Lafulor-wasgo Lapaline Laxuarth Lelzar Li'aqiana-beta Liana-alpha Limir-beta Lior-planetoid Lisna Lofi Looana Lumir Manirarth Mejosarth-beta Melleor-delta Mikooor-alpha Mior Miyiti Molveqior Mooana Moodwe Mospurine-prime Muhusiana-loo Mukehoocarth-delta Munearth-beta Mureyoana Muto Muyejeor-beta Neje Neor-legacy Niine-planetoid Nirwaana Nisimir-alpha Noine-alpha Nolmunor Nomir Obasana Obufamir-alpha Ocetewi Ocevuraine-planetoid Odeyirmir-beta Ofuyinku Ogasamir Ogemo'oo Ogoarth-planetoid Ohi'iana Ojajerloine Olawuine Omisfanana-ku Omoofaduline Oobezusior-beta Oobunwawun Oobuor-be Oocapooarth-prime Oodenunuana-alpha Ooguhoor Oohuarth Oohuxeor Oolayiarth Oolevaine Oolubooarth-planetoid Oonoogumir Oonuor-beta Oopogen Oopoolaana Oopooseana Oopuxookumir Ooqeyayil Ooqoxorarth Ooraarth-legacy Ooretulbooarth Oorihegiarth Ooroosiboine Oosomir-alpha Ootidinul Ootuzurqil Oovegior-alpha Oovemir Oovuwasja Oowesine Ooxoolmir-planetoid Ooyecojir Oozajoo Ooziwqemir Opiro'e Opumodooor-alpha Oqofeta Oqoole Osaana-legacy Otoko Ovawin Owabu Owaswa Oxegilmir Oyasiana-planetoid Oyewihaine-delta Pamir-ru Penine-prime Penmooarth Pesior Pezurine Piana Pibexuarth-legacy Pihior-legacy Pilrebamir-beta Pilunbo Pisyeana Powooqeor-planetoid Pulsoor-alpha Puor-legacy Qalcoo Qejoo Qenkabaarth-beta Qiana-delta Qoobaor-legacy Quor Rakisor-legacy Ridisine-legacy Rinejumir-prime Ritoosxearth-planetoid Rivooarth-alpha Roogoxa Roozarden Ruor-legacy Rutimir-legacy Samir Saquxumir-planetoid Sarilhior-delta Selor Selrapemir-ya Sewis Seyeine Soana Sogoorxu Somemir-prime Soojita Soomir-sehe Sulwazis Suna Suraor-beta Suwa Suxiana Tamooarth Tearth-beta Tedoosine Tiralinor Tizitaana Toana-beta Tuine-prime Ubangonqoo Ubevimir-planetoid Ubiine-alpha Ubucumuine Ucenyiine Ucirgoolesine-planetoid Ucusuana Uda'amir Udanooko Udepub Udiweyi Udoarth Udusgu Ufasdaor Ufogumir Ugarupisine Uhaswermir Uhooza Uhuskutinine Ujemaana Ujicooarth Ujoorrerarth-prime Ujugearth-planetoid Ukalarth-yoorcoo Ukevusana Ulerano Umaqaor-delta Umednearth Unaor-prime Unucurine-planetoid Upengaqemir Upoopevearth Uqaor-planetoid Usearth-alpha Uvahorqen Uwaana-planetoid Uwuhe Uxemooine-hu Uxooarth Uyino'uor Uyoonkeqi Uyovul Uyuwaor-alpha Uzootokeana-prime Vabal Vaxooine-cuve'u Vesjoo Vodior-beta Vooarth Vungasaana-prime Wolfadiine Wolzoxana-planetoid Worirmir Wurlu Wuropi Wuxoor Xaliarth Xeluine Xescuarth Xeyakoarth-prime Xeyol Xiji Xilmir-alpha Xingoozoomir-alpha Xiyurdasmir-prime Xushunjiline Yaarth-har Yawinen Yefisor Yenmoosi Yijiine-legacy Yikeor Yilwemooor Yimir Yocaloosine-prime Yoras Yumademir Yunqe Yuva Zacaana Zahior-planetoid Zaor Zecole Zeyubuana-beta Zi'uine-ki Zizilhil Zolpitoomir-alpha Zoolpimir-delta Zudeco
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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A pair of ruby studs earrings with push back closure. These earrings can be worn as normal studs at earlobes or as helix earrings as the helix part of ears. These studs look the best when paired together with styles 'Pearl & Ruby Heart Earrings' and 'Pearl Press Earrings'.
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infoloker · 8 years ago
Lowongan Kerja Posisi Admin Staff Export - Import-PT Nirwaana Paratrans https://t.co/lDlVjstVJx
Lowongan Kerja Posisi Admin Staff Export - Import-PT Nirwaana Paratrans https://t.co/lDlVjstVJx
— kerjalowonganinfo (@info__loker) February 23, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/info__loker February 23, 2017 at 01:43PM
Lowongan Kerja Posisi Admin Staff Export - Import-PT Nirwaana Paratrans https://t.co/lDlVjstVJx
— kerjalowonganinfo (@info__loker) February 23, 2017
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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Seven Chakra chain bracelet with delicate ring clasp opening. The bracelet length can be adjusted according to the wrist size. All the seven chakras are represented in the bracelet through the unique chakra symbols or their respective gemstone charms. 
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contemporarywearableart · 4 years ago
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A healing crystal like the moonstone , nickname ‘mellow’ .Also check out the ashy lace made of moonstone
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contemporarywearableart · 4 years ago
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Couple coordinated jewelry, a blue lapis beaded stone 
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contemporarywearableart · 4 years ago
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lapis lazuli cufflinks for Men with micron plated sterling silver
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contemporarywearableart · 5 years ago
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Simply U, the first series of this minimalistic collection has pearl based styles. The kind of jewelry you'll never want to take off! Classic pearl studs are the simple studs anyone can think off, a must have for every woman. Made from real pearl and sterling silver, with micron gold plating. Can we ever get enough of pearls. Nah! ...and why, 'Pearls are always approriate' ...don't you agree?
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contemporarywearableart · 5 years ago
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A twin heart shaped red garnet ring
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contemporarywearableart · 5 years ago
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Black onyx drops with intricate gold kundan work
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contemporarywearableart · 5 years ago
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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A classic pair of heart shaped studs with pushback closure.
Base metal: Sterling silver
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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Chakra bracelet and chakra neckalce
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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Seven Chakra chain bracelet with delicate ring clasp opening. The bracelet length can be adjusted according to the wrist size. All the seven chakras are represented in the bracelet through the unique chakra symbols or the respective chakra's gemstone charms. 
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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Seven Chakra chain bracelet with delicate ring clasp opening. The bracelet length can be adjusted according to the wrist size. All the seven chakras are represented in the bracelet through the unique chakra symbols or their respective gemstone charms. 
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contemporarywearableart · 3 years ago
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