ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 15 of NinjagoVDay2024
I know I fell way behind on these but that’s because I finally updated my fic “Hidden Among the Wind” a while ago. I’d say it’s going well.
Anyways, Sam is definitely the kind to throw herself into danger to protect others so of course, Big Sis Sam had to be shown here. She gets hurt and Cole’s the one patching her up and saying “you know.. you were actually kinda cool out there.”
This would be some time before Cole ever confesses to Sam and he just sounds like Shang from Mulan with the same “you fight good” line. XD You know he would.
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 months
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Day 27 of NinjagoVDay2024
You know how I said that I knew the context of what happened in my version of Tournament of Elements? Yeah well, that’s… It’s a touchy subject. (I don’t want to expand too much upon it since I myself have never experienced it, so I’ll be doing a lot of research on it later on when it comes time to write it.)
All I can give you guys now is that Sam feels so immensely guilty about the certain type of the situation that happened with her and Cole feels horrible for not being there when she needed it the most.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 25 of NinjagoVDay2024
While I do write a lot about Cole comforting Sam, there is an instance where it’s the other way around. I think it’d be a moment where Cole believes it’s hopeless for him to ever become human again. (It gets so much worse when I know the context of what happened during Tournament of Elements).
Also don’t mind Sam’s hair. I was trying to play with it and put it up into a messy bun. I got as close as I could.
Yes this is another pose from mellon_soup.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 23 of NinjagoVDay2024
So they do separate either sometime when the Merge happened or after it did. Either way, I just imagine Cole being in his Golem form when he spots her in the distance. The golem just breaks apart when he’s running to her and he leaves it behind, grabbing her and swinging her around. (Kinda paralleling their first meeting.)
If this ain’t the most heartwarming and fluffy kind of reunion they’d get, then I don’t know what is.
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 months
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Day 3 of NinjagoVDay2024 on IG
This fan season is currently unnamed as of right now.
It’s mostly a concept idea that’s set before Hands of Time (right after Skybound but since that technically didn’t happen canonically something else had to take place aside from the Ninja leaving stardom behind). Basically, Sam is finally facing her fears of the one Anacondrai Warrior who not only survived Pythor’s feeding frenzy but he’s been tormenting her for years and she is supposed to achieve her true potential then.
This fan season would also utilize the Vermillion as a horror concept instead. I know they are supposed to be in Hands of Time instead but they do not fit the time travel theme. They felt more like a body horror theme instead, especially with my headcanons back on Tumblr. I’ll expand another day.
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 months
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Day 2: Pining of NinjagoVDay2024 on IG
Don’t worry. Minimal effort Jay isn’t real he can’t hurt you.
Minimal effort Jay: *in the background*
Jay’s literally been seeing them together since the first moment they met and he still hasn’t let up Cole about it.
Sam pins for him first in my fic (chapter 11) and Cole pins for her after my fic (he only noticed his feelings for her in the last chapter). They don’t even become official until book five of my series and that’s only because we’re switching between focus characters. (I’ll explain in depth about that in another post.)
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 16 of NinjagoVDay2024
Somehow, despite me typing that they’d bond in the kitchen, I never once drew them in there. It felt kinda awkward with drawing Cole anywhere in the kitchen at all. I mean, the dude’s not even trusted in there by his blue bestie.
However I do like how it turned out. It’s a nice change of pace to try drawing out a scene. I hope I can do more like this later on.
And one more thing, Sam never really puts her hair up pre-season 8. It’s actually one of Cole’s scrunchies. He’s been holding onto them cause he actually waiting for his hair to grow out long enough to be a man bun. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t.
Yes, this is based on a pose from @/mellon_soup. (Just learned they're on Tumblr too) For once, it's actually based on it.
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 months
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Day 9 of NinjagoVDay2024
I am just having a time of my life making sure Jay remains as minimal effort as possible. I mean. Just look at that blue dude. It’s perfect.
Anyways, yeah. Funny. Not really sneaking out, but more like sneaking around. It’s not really hard for a Ninja to do that. I was gonna do Lloyd but that would spoil everything I have planned for him. So he’s gonna have to wait.
And yes, this is a reference to Tangled. And of course I used a base from mellon_soup on Pinterest.
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 months
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The alternate take on Day 4 of NinjagoVDay2024, featuring my OCs, Kathy the Kunoichi of Darkness and Vasuki the Hypnobrai-Anacondrai hybrid.
Vasuki is actually hinted at in Hidden Among the Wind, having been spotted by Cole moments before he’d meet Sam. He’s also been mentioned by a Hypnobrai scout in a fit of (rightful) annoyance over losing an eye and had to stop because Skales doesn’t like hearing about him. Vasuki wouldn’t appear again until book 2 “Slithers and Whispers,” a fic featuring my Serpentine OCs and their growing rebellion against King Pythor.
Katherina would become a main focus character in book 3. It’s still a WIP, I think I’m leaning towards her meeting Vasuki after 3 and 4 (a kid Lloyd focus fic) but we’ll see what happens then.
So yeah these two would actually be the ones secretly dating each other cause well, they meet during the events of season one and no one really knows that hybrid Serpentine could only have one set of abilities from their parents (Vasuki got his invisibility from his mother). Things do get better later on and they won’t have to hide forever.
The pose came from mellon_soup on Pinterest
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 months
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Day 4 of NinjagoVDay2024 on IG
Honestly if these two were secretly dating then they would almost be a terribly kept secret. Of course, Cole would insist on not saying anything at first just so he doesn’t have to tell Jay he’s right to his face. (He ends up having to and Jay will never let him forget it.)
There is a pairing meant for this prompt though. Just give me a bit to post.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 20 of NinjagoVDay2024
First off, I’d like to say I finally know something I cannot draw myself and it’s vehicles. It was an absolute nightmare to even try to make the Rock Roader. I had to trace over concept art just so it even worked.
And secondly, I have no idea what Sam’s dragon would even look like. I know. Shocker. I’m good with dragons. I have anthro/half dragons set in my world and yet I never once thought of Sam’s dragon until recently. All I know is, she couldn’t possibly have an Elemental Dragon cause she didn’t even reach her True Potential until long after the Tournament of Elements. How does she have one then? Well, that’s something for the story. (Aka I have no idea yet.) (Please don’t mind the messy handwriting.)
Anyways, this pic would be set sometime before my AU version of SoG. I say, maybe a few months, almost a year Sam and Cole would go separate ways. I know they definitely keep contact whenever they could but they don’t physically see each other until Lloyd brings them together to meet Hutchins.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 19 of NinjagoVDay2024
I know I draw them as legos most of the time but Cole’s still taller than her and takes advantage of it. There’s honestly a whole thing of them smothering each other in kisses. It’s adorable, but I felt too lazy to draw all that.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 12 of NinjagoVDay2024
Overuse of an elemental power can take its toll. Sam overdid it during their last mission and she ended up passing out. Next day, or the day after (idk yet), she tries to get up to do some things herself but she’s still exhausted and possibly limping a bit and Cole ends up helping her the rest of the way. Of course it does lead them to talk about their fight and communicate their feelings and all that. In the end, it is okay. Not perfect but they’re okay.
(Also, yes, I do notice the lines being thick. Am I going to fix it? No. I think it’s fine. If it needs a redraw then it’ll happen way later on.)
Yet another pose from mellon_soup. I will draw something original eventually.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 11 of NinjagoVDay2024
I honestly almost dreaded this prompt but I knew it needed to be done.
Despite the almost perfect relationship they have, it’s not actually perfect.
At this point in time, Cole’s overprotectiveness of Sam came off as him thinking she was incompetent to her and Sam grows sick of him thinking she’s some damsel, showing her scarred up eye and yelling she wants to help and she was going to whether he liked it or not. Meanwhile the entire time, Sam doesn’t even noticed that Cole was scared. Not of her pushing back against him, but of her being hurt. He’d already hear of the things she’s been through and doesn’t want anything else happening to her. Of course he doesn’t get to say that when they leave for whatever mission they have to do and decided he’ll pick the conversation back up when they get back.
Little does either one of them know it’s a close call.
Oh and have they been physical in a fight? No. Both of them would rather avoid that. There was one time where Cole grabbed her by the wrist and it threw her back into old memories she wants to forget about. Cole never forgot how terrified and teary eyed she was and instead of apologizing then and there. He ran.. He never forgave himself for that even if Sam had forgiven him long ago.
The pose came from mellon_soup once more
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 months
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Day 28 of NinjagoVDay2024
Last day of this challenge but definitely not the last piece of Sam and Cole!
It’s still funny knowing this is years later in their relationship and somehow Sam surprised Cole a little too well. He’s looks like he’s rethinking everything and wondering “my sweet innocent Sammie isn’t innocent? How?!”
Anyways I love that I not only had this ready as a sketch but I put so much effort into a ship dynamic meme-esque drawing. It originally came from darklephise-art on here. Some of the dynamics actually fit these two very well whether you guys know it or not.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 months
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Day 26 of NinjagoVDay2024
You know Dad Cole was something I’ve always wanted ever since season 3 and I’m glad we got that in SoG with him and Baby Wu.
You know what’s really funny about it though? I actually headcanoned Cole to be so scared of holding a child. Like yeah sure he could lift small kids and all but he never thought he’d hold infants at all. I mean he considered himself a big guy and was scared that he’d hold on too tightly or something. The others, including Sam, had to convince him that he’d be fine and he wouldn’t hurt anyone so little, let alone on purpose. Having Baby Wu helped a bit with Sam and Cole acting as parental figures long before they’d ever have their own little one.
And that little one is Arya. Cole’s the one who named her. Kinda ironic since he was always so hooked on to Cole Jr. Next thing he knows he wants to do everything with Arya and now he actually does refuse to let go of her when he finally gets comfortable with holding her.
Oh and before I forget, Arya had arrived a short while before the Merge would happen. You can guess what happened from there.
Yes this is yet another pose from mellon_soup.
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