#ning-ge auditioning for Super Boy (twice)
heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.04.02 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324753885637247075
Ning-ge hasn’t got anything better to do...
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I’m Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. I really haven’t got anything better to do.. Other than stream, all I do is... stream. XD
Comment: You even dressed up. Is it for the trending topic? LYN: It’s not. How anxious for it do you think I am??
LYN: We’re trying to go for an early class and a late class thing. I did the early class already (4/1) and now we’re working on the later class. 
Comment: How do I get this big strawberry to go away? LYN: Don’t you think it brightens the mood? Why do you want to get rid of it? Why don’t you just get rid of me??
LYN: I saw a comment this afternoon that I thought was really nice. The person said that they’re really bored in quarantine and they knew I was going to stream so at least it felt like they had a friend somewhere out here to accompany them. All of a sudden I felt like my stream had been upgraded. It’s so meaningful that it’s able to give you a sense of accompaniment. In that case... let me stream a while.  LYN: There was someone asking this afternoon, if I would be streaming tonight. I even replied to them and asked them if they thought I didn’t have anything better to do than to stream for you all the time. But alas, when night fell... here I am. 
Comment: Are you not busy? LYN: Are you worried that I don’t have any work to do? I’m quite busy- there are a lot of things to do. But I just think that nothing is more important than you.  LYN: Oh? What’s with the sudden cheesiness? 
Comment: Ning-ge, you’re trending. LYN: See? That’s why I have to thank weibo and all of you for tuning in. I haven’t even gotten started yet and I’m already trending. Comment: How long have you been streaming for? LYN: I just started- we’re only five minutes in. You came in at just the right time. 
Comment: What a dedicated anchor. LYN: This... makes me feel a little conflicted. They said I was an anchorman... which is not WRONG, but why do I feel a little inferior? Other than streaming on weibo I’m also a singer! I’m a singer, my friends. Don’t forget, ok? LYN: Other than singing, I’m also an actor- should I act out a little scene for you too? Comment: Since you said you’re a singer, why not a song? LYN: That was my intention exactly. LYN: /in a funny voice/ Let’s go! Uh.. what should I sing? Comment: You’re already hoarse. LYN: /still in that voice/ No~ No, I’m not. My voice is normal. It’s not hoarse!
LYN: Let’s sing something... something from a singer I like very much. His name is Liu Yuning. Let’s see what songs he has, that I can sing for everyone. Comment: My favorite singer is HZT. LYN: Yeah, alright. I like him too. Hm... what should I sing... Comment: Beggar. LYN: I haven’t sung that in a long time! Let me see if I have the accompaniment.... because I have to go to JT’s drama to play a beggar... Alright, let’s go.
 -- 乞丐
Comment: Keep going! LYN: This person’s already too into the music. They enjoyed that first song too much and want me to just continue with another. First of all- this isn’t a concert. Even if it was! It’s not like you had to buy a ticket!! [..] You didn’t buy a ticket, so what right do you have to make demands? If you had spent some money to come here, and THEN asked for another song, then I wouldn’t be right to refuse. But you didn’t.... let me rest a bit, at least!
Comment: Aren’t you a professional singer though? LYN: I’m not. I’m just a music-lover, not a professional singer. Professionally, I learned how to be a chef. If you were to ask me how to make a dish, I can sit here and walk you through the whole process. But as for singing I can only count as a lover of music, not a professional- because they all have certifications and have gone to school for it. I learned how to cook. LYN: Someone really did make an order! Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork!! Red Braised Pork! LYN: Uhm... /puts on some ~cooking music~/ Let’s talk about how to make crispy sweet and sour pork, my friends. /really explains the whole process - even two methods of seasoning it/ Comment: Honestly, I’ve never had it before. LYN: Next time I’ll make it and invite you to my house. Wait for me. Wait for my call.  Comment: Oh, you learned professionally? LYN: With me- I love whatever I do. 干一行,爱 一行,一行行行行行. - purposely messes up how to say it; bc ‘行‘ can be read two ways (xing or hang). See more: here.
Comment: Ning-ge, there’s a reflection from your glasses. LYN: That’s the air of mystery I want. I don’t want you to see my eyes- so you can’t figure out what I’m thinking. 
- someone asks him about another dish LYN: Look it up online! You really came here to learn how to cook??? Should I change my stream title to “Ning-ge’s Little Kitchen”? I just wanted to prove that I was a professional, not that I really wanted to teach you how to cook... 
Comment: Why is your streaming room so dark. LYN: It’s the mood. It’s the late-night mood. If you want it brighter I’ll grab a candle for you. Comment: To make it romantic. LYN: That’s right. Let me find some romantic music. LYN: ~ Honestly, sometimes.. every person is an innocent child. When you can't sleep at night...~ Doesn’t this music fit this type of mood? Music is a very important part of making an environment. Comment: This type of music doesn’t suit your stream. LYN: My stream should be loud and noisy? Because I am a loud person.
Comment: Ning-ge, turn off the mood lights. LYN: I saw that, too. That the lights hurt your eyes. But the streamer in that case had the lights pointed directly at their face- mine are behind me. They’re shining on you. They can’t hurt MY eyes, but they can hurt yours. /laughs/ I’m fine, but YOU be careful.  Comment: AHH MY EYES! LYN: Stop messing around. My light, in your screen is only a blue stripe, it can’t hurt you. Unless.. there’s no “blue” in your world? I just said it to scare you, and you’re really playing along. It’s fine as long as it’s not shining in my eyes. Comment: It’s purple. LYN: It is blue, just that my filters are on. I’ve adjusted the color settings, so that the blue might look purple. Over here- is a rose red but right now it looks pink. Comment: Is the blurring filter on max?  LYN: :( How can you guys be like this. Why do you think that filter is at max?? /scoffs/ You’re kidding me.. /shows his screen settings/ Look at how high the blur tool is. [t/n: it’s at max.] It’s... oh, it is at 100. /denial/ The max is 1000! I’m only at 100 right now!! Comment: Is the “big eyes” filter on? LYN: No, that one really isn’t on. My eyes are small enough. LYN: ... LYN: Why do I feel like I’ve been cyber-bullied? I came here with good intentions, but you’re all criticizing me. I’m not happy. :(
LYN: Alright! What song do you want to hear? Let me know. Tonight’s for entertainment- I’ll take you out clubbing later.
Comment: I heard you signed into YY’s agency? LYN: You must be new. Welcome. I also welcome everyone else who is watching my stream for the first time today. How many of you are there? Can you type “me” into the comments? I want to see how many. LYN: There are quite many- you’re all typing ”me”. You can stop pretending. I’ve seen some of your IDs so many times already. Thank you for coming to watch my stream- I know a lot of you may have just clicked in through the trending topic. Let me introduce myself. I’m a singer/actor. My name is Liu Yuning. I’m a singer and recently- even if you haven’t watched my dramas- I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Comment: You’re an artist (yisu). LYN: 去你的. You flatter me. I’m not buying it. I’m not an artist. LYN: I only have skills (jisu). I’m not too bad at cooking. 
LYN: My O My? I haven’t sung that in a long time. Let me try. It’s a song off my first album. I just saw the track... But I don’t really want to sing it, because this song is a little sad. I want to sing more lively songs and then later in the night I’ll sing the slow songs.
Comment: You didn’t finish talking about the agency. LYN: I talked about this maybe last year? All the tabloid accounts make up stories that are a year late. I already laid it out last year, and they only got around to writing the rumor now. It’s a good agency, and I also really like YY, and if I were to be signed into it it would only be my honor. But the thing is- I am NOT signed with them. I used to have an agency, and it’s been about a year since my contract with them ended. So now I’m my own boss. I saw that the tabloid said I wanted to sign with a few big projects, and that’s why I needed to sign with an agency. But I am my own boss- I have my own studio and it’s quite nice. We have a lot of work already, so I don’t see the need to sign with a bigger agency. LYN: But this rumor came around because I have worked with YY’s agency- Yuetai Entertainment. My first concert, I signed with them and worked with them to accomplish. My second album that I’m working on right now, I also gave to Yuetai to take care of. It’s a partnership, not that I’ve signed under them. I won’t sign with anyone. LYN: A different company came to me recently and wanted to know if I would like to sign with them. My first reaction was of course, not to sign. I’m my own boss now and I have a lot of freedom- I can do what I want to and take the jobs I want. Thankfully I have a pretty good reputation in this circle, and a lot of people are still WILLING to give me work. Sometimes I can go to a wrap party and get a job out of it- do you think I need a company... I don’t need one. Also- I saw the company doesn’t have any work for its own artists, what do they want to sign me for? Some of my friends are part of their company- they’re all at home doing nothing. I don’t want to go and give you MORE pressure. It isn’t worth it.  LYN: I’m not likely to sign with any company, but I will work with them. For my music and my concerts, I’ll work with Yuetai. I didn’t sign with them, though I’d like to... well, I wouldn’t. This is hard to say. If I had the chance, it would be my honor. There’s nothing wrong with saying that, right? I can’t let anyone get leverage over me with those words. It’s ok, right? Not problematic?
Comment: Ning-ge, can you make the sound louder? LYN: Can you make your own audio louder instead? Please, I’m begging you. I already need to shout to get you to hear me. Comment: The sound isn’t loud or quiet. LYN: Fine. I’ll speak like this- straight from my mouth. I’ve adjusted the volume of my mic now. When I sing I’ll turn it down.
- someone asks about his hair LYN: It’s been a while since I’ve cut it, since I need it for my drama... Someone asked me when I’m going to be in a crew. They must not follow me very closely- I’m in one right now. I hope to shoot three dramas in one year, so I’m all set. Three dramas, one variety show, and one album.
Comment: When are you going out tomorrow? LYN: I know someone who sells the schedules for all celebs, do you want his contact info? LOL. No- I have to go out pretty early tomorrow. It’s a full day of fight scenes. I’ll definitely stop streaming before 11p too. I need to make sure I get enough sleep or I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up tomorrow.   Comment: Why do you have their contact info. LYN: I was making a joke! D: Why would I? To buy my own schedule?? Or to buy someone else’s- I’m going to chase the stars? No. I was just joking.  Comment: You can buy other people’s. LYN: Why would I?? I’m a part of this industry, my friends.  Just because I’m sitting here streaming with you, don’t forget that I am a part of the entertainment circle. If I wanted to know someone’s schedule I could just ASK. Are you under the misunderstanding that just because I chat here with you that it’s my job? Please don’t forget I’m a singer and an actor. If you’re going to be like that I’ll leave! 
LYN: The last stream, didn’t I bring up the Fox Spirit Matchmaker? And then I saw someone say I mentioned it just for clout. If I ever find them I’m gonna give them a flying kick. Let’s talk this out. If I mention this drama in my stream, what good does it bring me? Nothing. LYN: If I really wanted to gain something I’d bring up any artist and then diss them. For example, “Get LYN out here.” “I’m here, what do you want?” “LYN sucks.” If I tell him off a little I guarantee I’ll be the talk of the town. LYN: I stream for my fans. For the ones who’ve been with me for five or more years, since I was still on the streets. For the fans who just got to know me three years ago when I first debuted. And for the fans who got to know me the past 1 or 2 years from the variety shows or dramas. I need to make them feel like chasing this star is a unique experience. Also, I really do just want to talk. Honestly, I don’t really have a lot of friends. Streaming is the only way for me to let off steam. LYN: People who like me or people just stopping by can watch a little. But if you REALLY don’t like me, stop watching. Don’t watch AND be angry about it. It’s like walking down the street and seeing some dog poop. You’re not going to say it stinks but also get a closer look to see HOW much. If you don’t like me, just go around- you don’t have to pay me any attention. LYN: Not to say that I am calling myself dog shit... that was an example. Maybe not the greatest example...  Comment: Why did you diss yourself... LYN: Human nature. If you don’t want others to hate on you, you have to hate yourself first. If they can’t diss me any worse than I diss myself then they’re going to give up trying. If you’re bullied at work, just start slapping yourself. From the moment you get off the elevator until you get to your desk. I guarantee no one else is going to bully you again. Because you’re already doing it to yourself. Don’t you think this is logical? They’re probably going to think you’re crazy and if they mess with you again, that you’re going to off them. LYN: Maybe my explanation was a little extreme, so please don’t actually do that. Just diss your self before other people get the chance to. That’s all I’m trying to convey. Comment: You can diss yourself but not hurt yourself... LYN: I was just trying to make an analogy, you don’t have to be so serious!! This is like going out to buy a sweetheart cake (lao po bing - “wife” cake) and complaining that there’s no “wife”. Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce (yu xiang rou si - fish-fragrant pork slices) doesn’t have fish in it. Comment: Who’s Bi Fang and why do you have to hit them? [t/n: 打个比方 - dǎ gè bǐfāng = make an analogy. 打 = “hit”; it’s a play on words) LYN: /sigh/ This is why you have to subscribe to my weibo. Later I’ll tell you why we have to “hit bifang”. Everyone who comes to watch me gets online classes.  Comment: There’s no squirrel (song shu) in Squirrel Fish (shong shu yu). LYN: Oh, are you a cook too?
--- song relay
LYN: Alright. Let’s sing something... Something not mine. How about Xue Zhiqian? I haven’t sung his songs in a long time. - wanted to sing 像風一樣, but there’s no accompaniment. 
Comment: Shan Yichun. LYN: She’s a woman! Her songs are all in the female key. I can’t.
- couldn’t find ANY accompaniment for XZQ’s songs, so he tries another singer: Wang Sulong. LYN: WSL! I can. Every time I go to some event they always want me to sing his songs. They probably figure I have a similar tone to his. XD Our voices are both very sweet~ - wanted to sing Sponge Baby, but the track isn’t available either :p LYN: Someone else!  Comment: Zhang Bichen.  LYN: :x A male singer, please. I can’t sing female singer’s songs. There’s no saying I can sing male singer’s songs either.  Comment: HZT. LYN: Ok, let’s see... let me tell you- his songs are all so hard to sing. I can’t sing them- they’re too high. Let’s listen to this one. // Ok, whatever- let me try it.
-- 舍不得 LYN: /gives up halfway/ Actually I wanted to use this song to show you my rap skills.
LYN: Let’s try someone else. This is the best of my personal ability. This song is so difficult. Comment: Li Ronghao. LYN: Ok, I can.
-- 年少有為
Comment: I cried. LYN: You must be using me as an excuse to cry, because I didn’t sing it with THAT much emotion. Just for fun. Comment: What’s there to cry about? LYN: Don’t be like that. Everyone’s experiences are different, their living conditions are different, their emotions are different. Maybe I sang something that was sentimental for them. Or maybe it sounded so bad they cried. Anything’s possible. Don’t go around laughing at others. Don’t laugh when others cry. I’m like this too- if I go to a movie and everyone else is laughing, I’m sitting there thinking, “What’s there to laugh about?” But I won’t say it out loud. Everyone’s different.  Comment: You were afraid to get hit, so you didn’t voice it.  LYN: That was part of it, too. - advises people to leave comments with good intentions, and not to always attack people
- next singer to try: Mao Buyi LYN: Mao Buyi-laoshi. See? You might be the same age or older than someone else in this industry, but there’s nothing wrong with calling someone “laoshi”. At least I thought that was a safe way of calling people. But there are always people who can nitpick- they thought I was being facetious.
Comment: Lao-da, HZT’s here. LYN: What’re you telling me for?
-- 不染 LYN: Eh? What type of glasses does Mao Buyi usually wear? Black frames, right? Let me switch. - got stuck in the middle of the song and blames it on his microphone
- next singer: Wang Junkai LYN: I don’t know about WJK himself, but how about I sing one from the three of them (TF Boys)? The only song I know is probably 宠爱. I know I might be a little old and not suited for this song, but I still hope you can sing along. LYN: Let’s get ready. Let me wear my sunglasses. So no one can recognize me.
-- 宠爱 LYN: Let me find a “younger” filter to go along with it. This one. Let me pretend to be cute for a sec.
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Comment: Cheesy. LYN: My glasses already cover half my face- could you not just IMAGINE that I’m younger? It’s true that I’m over 30. But can’t a guy dream of being more childlike? I don’t care- I’m going to finish the song! - when the song’s over LYN: It’s true. I’m too old for it. You’ll have to excuse me.
Comment: Are you selling glasses? LYN: Yah, you want any? If you don’t want any, then why are you asking?? 
- next singer to try: Lu Han LYN: I actually do know his songs.
Comment: Ning-ge, why do you know so many people’s songs? For clout?  LYN: No- when I go on some shows and see singers I’m really happy. Like Jam Hsiao, DZW, XZQ, etc. I’m so happy when I see them, because- well, I can’t say they’re my idols, but they are singers I like a lot. I used to always listen to their songs, even long before I debuted. Even though now we’re in the same circle and we’re colleagues, I was listening to their music on my way up. I really dislike those people who think too highly of themselves once they make their debut. // Before I debuted I was already someone who liked to sing; who’s song could I sing to? There are only so many. Now I’ve become one of them. :) - side note: tells people off for posting walls of text because it influences other people’s viewing experience
-- 勋章 - it’s too high for him :p LYN: My equipment is so unreliable. It’s normal to experience unexpected technical difficulties- not even just in my stream! It happens during concerts too! Right, my friends? Fam?? (read: back me up here XD) Comment: Change it (your equipment). LYN: Let’s forget about it. I’ve grown attached to this mic.
Comment: Second Hand Rose LYN: You guys go so hard?? I think I’ve only heard one of their songs... I think it’s called 仙儿, but there doesn’t seem to be an accompaniment. It’s probably not available because they’re a band. 
Comment: Something from EXO. LYN: I already sang it didn’t I? One from HZT and one from LH.
Comment: Zhai Xiaowen. LYN: I’m sorry- I’ve heard him sing, but I don’t know any of his songs. I know him. We did Our Song together. 
Comment: Xu Song. LYN: Let me see what songs he has. I know 有何不可. There’s no original accompaniment- it’s all what other people have arranged. Let’s try. -- 有何不可 LYN: ??? Is this a kazoo performance? LYN: Let’s try a different one of his songs. 灰色头像. No accompaniment for that either. Alright. Let’s try another singer.
LYN: Stop typing in actor’s names. I haven’t heard a lot of SINGER’s songs, why do you think I’ll listen to ACTOR’s?? You might have heard them, but not me. oTL
LYN: Zhou Shen! I saw a lot of people typing his name. He uh.. his singing is more in the female range. If I sing his songs I might... (die?). There’s no need.
- next singer: Zhang Jie LYN: I’m a little afraid to sing his songs because he goes too hard. All of his songs are difficult to sing. Sometimes I don’t dare to sing his songs because I don’t think I CAN. They’re high and you have to have power. His songs are likely to make you pass (away). LYN: I’ll try it.
-- 天下 - moment of silence for ning-ge’s vocal chords XD LYN: Give me another chance. // I’m a man. I’ve got to power through this. - can’t power through it LYN: I think men also need to have a weaker side. They can’t pretend to be too strong. Otherwise they won’t be self-aware. LYN: Who requested Zhang Jie-laoshi’s songs. Get out here! There are two singers whose songs I will never sing in my stream again. The first one is Wu Qingfeng and the second is Zhang Jie. Not because their songs are bad, but because I’m not good enough.
-- bathroom break -- (neighbors are fighting) Comment: Who won? LYN: No- I just found out. They’re actors and were practicing their lines. Comment: Who? LYN: What’s it to you?? 
LYN: Alright- do you have any favorite singers? Type their names into the chat.
LYN: People are still typing Zhou Shen’s name. Even though we are friends, I really can’t sing his songs. Some people might now know, but in musical terms I’m considered in the male mid-range. Zhou Shen is already the male high-high-high range. We’re not in the same range, so I really can’t sing his songs. Comment: Can you sing the female mid-range? LYN: The female mid-range is already very high for men.
Comment: Jay Chou. LYN: I know a lot of his songs! I may not be able to sing them all the way through, but I’ve heard almost all his songs before. LYN: Black Sweater? How about I sing you a “White Sweatpants”? Do you want to hear it? It pairs nicely with “Black Sweater” too, we can listen to them together. -- 黑色毛衣 LYN: Alright, up to here is enough. Comment: I want to hear 算什麼男人 (What Kind of Man ). LYN: Why? Is it a gift for your ex-boyfriend? LYN: I dedicate this song to all of our female friends’ ex-boyfriends. -- 算什麼男人 LYN: Alright. That’s about enough of that. 
LYN: Let’s chat a bit now. Stop requesting songs now, I can’t sing anymore. I have a new day of filming ahead of me tomorrow. I have to wake up for makeup at 6a- so around 5:30a. Let me preserve some energy. I’ll chat with you.
----- chat [ skimmed ]
Comment: Let’s talk about motorcycles. LYN: I don’t know how to ride them. I had like.. a moped before, though.  Comment: Didn’t that doctor you played ride a motorcycle? LYN: The stunt double rode it for me. He rode it over and parked it, and THEN I got on and off for the shot. I can’t ride.  LYN: It’s normal isn’t it- I mean, look at the Hollywood actors, aren’t they all using stunt doubles for these things? You think all those artists are so good at driving??  Comment: Those are race-cars tho.
Comment: Ning-ge, you’re exceptionally handsome today. LYN: What, I’m perversely handsome? What does that mean- that normally I’m ugly?
Comment: What’s the bracelet? LYN: It’s nothing. These are just uh... it’s a bracelet. Very cheap. I uh.. I saw someone else wearing it and I thought it was nice. It’s for warding off evil- because I feel like I’ve been needing to ward off evil lately. >.>  Comment: What’s it for? LYN: You might not know Hengdian, though it could be because I’m a little more cowardly. Sometimes when we film it’s in a really old style neighborhood, and we wrap for the say at 2 or 3 in the morning. There are no lights, and then when the car lights turn on, all they reflect on is red cloth. It’s so scary. At least, I’m scared- so it’s a way for me to alleviate my fear. I don’t know what I’m scared of, I just am. I’ll just need a set of red sweater and sweatpants and I’m all set.
Comment: Ning-ge, those little figures behind you moved. LYN: You mean these guys? Great. I’ve been waiting for the day they move. I love them so much.
LYN: I went to record for Detective Plan and I even asked them- are there are particularly scary elements to the show? They asked me if I was scared of ghosts, or what. Like- zombies, devils, witches- things like that I’m not afraid of, but I’m kind of afraid of our Eastern ghosts. Those things mentioned in movies when we were young I’m afraid of, but not vampires. They’re so cool! I remember I was watching Vampire Diaries (?) and I thought, “Wow, so handsome!”  LYN: That’s why I don’t play those escape rooms where there are horror elements. Zombies are fine, but embroidered shoes I’m out.
- can’t talk about his next drama yet because the contract is still in the works - also afraid the leak info about his next project bc 9/10 something WILL go wrong
LYN: My friends are always so worried that I won’t have any work to do. If I stream and my mood is a little low, they’ll start thinking all sorts of wild thoughts. And If I’m happy during my stream they’ll start to extrapolate and conclude that I HAVE work and rest assured. But you don’t need to worry about me, really. I know what I’m doing. Sometimes I may be a little subdued in a stream because I have TOO MUCH work. Have you thought about that? I’m genuinely tired. So you really don’t have to worry about me. I’m doing just fine. 
Comment: When will you work with Yang Zi-laoshi? LYN: I’m waiting for you. I await the day you become a producer and fix her for a project, and then come to find me. Ok? I know a lot of people want me to work with certain other people, and I know that you will be happy for me when that time comes. But the condition is that YOU have to become amazing first. You have to have the ability to sign them first, and then invite me. Only then will we be able to work together. LYN: Of course, I will keep doing my thing- walking forward one step at a time. But I won’t be able to work with them through my effort/wishful thinking alone.
***  - saw a tabloid that was analyzing LYN’s Development Progress and Predicting his Next Steps LYN: Let’s go through this line by line:
1. "It’s difficult for male actors who are short to get cast in dramas. But being too tall also has its disadvantages- because you have to put into consideration whether working with female actors will be influenced.” LYN: You’re just afraid they won’t be compatible, right? First of all, this writer must not have seen The Long Ballad.
2. “LYN, due to being too tall, has been switched out of roles.” LYN: Let me tell you where the fault here lies; it SOUNDS alright, but- I have never, up to this point, never met anyone who lost a role because he was too tall. I have heard the opposite though. 
3. “There was a drama based off a manhwa that came to look for him-” LYN: I don’t think this has ever happened?? Maybe I’m not suitable.
4. “- but when the investor saw him, thought he was too tall. Though the producers pushed for him, in the end he did not get the role.” LYN: The keyword here is “investor”- uhm... this being only appears for movies. Every web drama or tv drama out nowadays don’t have “investors”- they’re produced by platforms or film and television companies. 
LYN:  I know I’m not handsome enough for a drama (based on a manhwa). But if it was based on a short story- I’d be okay because there’s no set image to associate the character with. LYN: But actually I really do know of one drama (based on a manhwa) that stuck my image up next to a character- but they never contacted my studio or anything. Comment: The Long Ballad. LYN: Hao Du was more of a supporting character anyway... Comment: Zi Chuan LYN: No, I was confirmed for that role long before.. LYN: It’s a drama but I’m not sure who specifically they cast. One of my friends sent it to me- they said, “Look. We’re having a meeting for this drama. Ning-ge, your picture is on there.” Comment: TGCF. LYN: No, no. I can’t. That one needs someone ah.. younger.  Comment: Hurry and tell us! LYN: I won’t say... if I’m not wrong it was Yi Ren Zhi Xia (Under One Person/The Outcast). But I don’t even know if they started shooting or not- I just know they used my picture, is all. 
5. “LYN has a respectful attitude when filming, everyone seems to like him-” LYN: This is true. 
6. “-so his resources will not end. His next drama is a modern drama.” LYN: I’ve said in my stream that it’s a modern drama already. That doesn’t count as something you looked into. I said it myself.
7. “His live-stream have a good reception, so his studio has decided to use it as a place to promote him.” LYN: First off, my streaming does have a nice reception, yes. But I don’t do any publicity here, because I don’t have any products. I only promote things when one of my dramas is actually airing. Wouldn’t it be strange if I were streaming and I didn’t mention my drama AT ALL?? So I guess what they’re saying is also true. I do share with you when my dramas or songs are released. Otherwise what’s my stream for? Just playing around with you guys?  LYN: There really is no design to my stream- no one’s writing me a schedule or line-up. I just come here and respond to whatever you’re typing. I’m the type of person who will be really awkward if I have things set-up a certain way. So I come here and just let it flow. If I have to follow a schedule I’ll be really awkward about it.  LYN: ALSO! Sometimes I stream for five hours- tell me how you’re supposed to plan for that??
LYN: Another thing is- when I’m going to shoot a drama, I very rarely go out to MEET anyone. There won’t be any investors who want to meet me. Usually actors only meet the director or producer. Who do you think I am, to be meeting with INVESTORS? Do I have to drink two glasses of wine with them, too?? I’d LIKE to meet with some investors but there’s no chance. XD
Comment: Where’s your rich woman? LYN: I don’t know! She hasn’t spoiled me yet. I don’t even know where she is.  LYN: /to the mysterious rich woman/ Spoil me already! Get me some resources! Don’t give me a surprise, just tell me already.  LYN: hahaha
Comment: Sing Heroe’s Theme song. LYN: The drama’s not even OUT yet. 70% chance it’s airing in May, but I don’t know the exact date. Comment: Which platform is it on? LYN: HOW DARE YOU! It’s Tencent’s. You have to remember. Zi Chuan is joint Tencent and iQiyi. ALZ is Youku’s! LYN: ZC has already contacted me, to go do the voice-over on April 10. 
- talks about Detective Plan- which has been postponed again but SHOULD be able to air on time in May. It’s fun for Ning-ge bc usually when you go to a show you have an idea of what’s going on, but for this one you don’t have a clue. You just have to look pretty and bring your brain. The only thing you have to know is your name. Says the production company must have pulled out all the stops for it- because all the props he sees are expensive. XD Normal people look at the guests, but Ning-ge looks at how much the props must have cost. Haha.
 LYN: Sometimes when you’re watching a drama- there’ll be a sudden endorsement. You might feel a little annoyed at them, and want them to go away. But- what did I want to say here?- Just think about it. Without these endorsements the program you’re watching wouldn’t even be able to air, you know? There’s just no helping it. You need someone to invest in your project so that you can complete it. As a viewer myself, I can understand where they’re coming from.  - gets into brands/platforms and which ones he CAN mention on stream and which ones he CAN’T; depending on the situation- you’ve got to be aware of where you are.  LYN: Sometimes I’ll go to attend some event- and they’ll tell me that after my song I’ll have to do a short introduction of the broadcast station and name of the even I’m attending. That gives me so much pressure! I forget about the song and just keep going over it in my head- where am I right now? What am I here for? Because if I forget and I say the wrong thing I’m never going to be allowed on that station again. 
-- bathroom break --
Comment: Ning-ge, will you hold a fan-meet? LYN: Why? Should I do a handshake meeting? You buy my album and I’ll shake your hand. I can’t. Let’s not gather in large groups right now. If I had the time to do a fan-meet I’d rather hold a concert. 
Comment: My mom said your accent is too strong. LYN: /switches to Standard/ Aunty. This might be the first time you’re seeing me. I am an innocent big-boy from Liaoning, Dandong. My accent is heavy because when I stream I hope my friends can feel close to me. When I stream I use my hometown dialect. But- I can speak Standard Mandarin, Aunty. Did you hear me, Aunty? :)  - tongue twisters LYN: Do you think my Mandarin is standard enough? 
Comment: You’re going to sign with YY’s agency right? LYN: My friend- when I stop streaming for today, please watch the playback. I’ve already addressed this question. Alright?
Comment: Ning-ge, you can get a certificate for speaking Standard Mandarin. LYN: I don’t see the need. As someone trying to get by in this industry, I thought having more skills was better. So I went crazy. I thought- was it possible for me to get a certificate to be a principal (?). I looked up what it takes to pass the test- and I gave up. There’s too much material. It would have taken me three years to finish reading all the books before I could take the test. It didn’t only rely on how good your Standard Mandarin is. There’s a lot- look it up.  LYN: I gave up. I couldn’t even learn properly when I was going to school. So I thought, there was no need to torture myself. 
Comment: Ning-ge, could you be yourself again. I’ll tell my mom not to speak nonsense.  [t/n: bc for the past three questions he’s been trying his best to speak Standard Mandarin only] LYN: When I speak to other people I do use Standard. It’s just that when I’m streaming I want to relax a little. It’s just because no one’s talking (audibly) to me- all the comments you type I auto-translate into the Dandong dialect.  - briefly shows off his Shandong dialect bc someone asked.
Comment: Ning-ge, do you use Standard when talking to Daimi? LYN: I never use Standard with her. I use English. XD LYN: Daimi! Come here. Daimi, Daimi. Come here. Come here, please. Please. PLEASE? Ok. Up to you. LYN: F! F, F, F! F! (bc “f” sounds like “arf” = dog barking sound)  LYN: She’s ignoring me. She went away a little- I scared her.
Comment: Do you know any Chongqing dialect? LYN: I don’t. But this drama- originally my character is from Sichuan. I thought it was okay, because a lot of the actors on set are from there, so I could learn from them. But I found that if I open my mouth and try, the character’s going to flop. Comment: Can you do Henan dialect? LYN: [t/n: I didn’t get what he said, but I get the feeling it was something along the lines of “shut your big mouth” idk, though.] - Tianjin Dialect, Beijing Dialect, Cantonese (reciting song lyrics), Minnan Dialect (one of his aunt’s husband is from Fujian, Fuzhou; the dialect is close), Shanghai, Xinjiang (nope, but he’s heard it before, bc he was shooting a scene with Reba once, and she took a call during a break and was speaking it. LYN: It was so cool!) LYN: Let’s stop talking about dialects, because I really don’t know them. I can’t speak them. Honestly I only really know a little Cantonese and the Dongbei dialect. Everything else- I’m not good at it. 
- Promoting Dandong as a tourist city~ 
Comment: Have you been to Saiyang (?)? LYN: As a person from Dandong, do you think I haven’t?? Many years ago when I was in Happy Boy (Kuai Le Nan Sheng aka Super Boy) I went to the competition in Saiyang. I was even in Happy Boy! I told my mom I wanted to go and she asked me why- was it because I was not happy? I told her no, it’s because I wanted to be a celebrity. She said “Alright” and went with me. We took the train there- I think it was three hours? It should be faster now, maybe one hour, because there’s a speed rail. That was my first time in a competition- I was quite young. I won’t tell you HOW young, though.  [t/n: the first season of Super Boy was 2007- so 18 years old. The second season was 2010 - 21y/o. Or third season in 2013 - 24 y/o. Which one is it hm....] LYN: I had to prepare a song and I went with “你是我的眼”. Have you heard of it? -- 你是我的眼 LYN: Of course I didn’t sing it that way. It was my first competition ever and I was really nervous. I went in there, introduced myself, and started singing. There was no music accompaniment at that time! I got two lines in and they told me to stop, and asked if I had any other song prepared. So I sang Zhang Huimei-laoshi’s 人质. Judges: Alright, stop. Thanks, you can go. Young LYN: Did I pass? Judges: We don’t disclose that today. You can go back and wait for the official notice- we’ll call you. LYN: So I waited until today- 2022, and they still haven’t gotten back to me. LYN: They didn’t get back to me the first year, so the second year I went back. I don’t know what got hold of me. I didn’t care- I was working towards my dream. I went again. Comment: Which season? LYN: The- the season Hua Chenyu came out on. [t/n: HCY was on the third season in 2013. So that means Ning-ge was 21 and 24 respectively, when he went audition the first and second times. :p (If my math is right)] LYN: But this time, I didn’t go to Saiyang- because I thought there were a lot of skilled singers gathered there. Because there’s a music school there. So this time I went to Hangzhou. I’d never heard of any music academy there, so I thought I had a chance. But at this time I was already working in a bar, and doing okay for myself. Comments: /naming music academies in Hangzhou/ LYN: I didn’t know at the time! I still didn’t have much saved up- the bar only paid me 800RMB a month, for six songs every day. Later it raised to 1200RMB. At that time I didn’t really have a lot of money, but I bought a plane ticket to fly to Hangzhou. That was my first time on a plane- all for my dream. But I didn’t have the money initially- I asked the bar owner if he could give me my pay in advance- 3000RMB. He asked me why and I said it was because I wanted to try being a celebrity. He was afraid that if I succeeded, I wouldn’t come back and then I’d owe him money AND he’d lose a singer. But I negotiated- If I succeeded, I would pay him back double. If I didn’t I’d still have to come back and work, right? I’d been working there for three years already, so he trusted me, and he gave me the money. Comment: Did you pay him back yet? LYN: ?! I didn’t succeed back then! I had to go back to work!! I got to Hangzhou- I forget where exactly. THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE. There were multiple days for the auditions and I thought if I went on one of the last days there would be less people. There were even more. I got in the queue and there were 300+ people ahead of me. It was so hot in Hangzhou (Southern, HOT) as someone from Dandong (Northern, COLD) it was too much for me. That was my first time in the Southern region, my first time on a plane. There were so many people I took a picture and even made a post about it, and got a little emo.  - goes on telling the story of what went down that day, including making two friends from Ansan, passing the first round and meeting the judges in the second round- which he didn’t pass. LYN: Wait- how come I’ve talked so long about Super Boys? But in the end I went back to the bar and was able to return my boss the money he lent me. 
Comment: It’s a good thing you weren’t chosen, otherwise you wouldn’t be the Ning-ge we know now. LYN: Well said. I don’t think this is shameful at all. People will do a lot of things on their way to success- as long as it isn’t illegal or immoral- none of it is shameful.  - Also tells how he tried auditioning for The Voice, too. For three years. LYN: Life is just like this, but as long as you continue to persevere, one day a surprise will be waiting for you.  LYN: I went from being eliminated from Super Boy- twice!- to singing OSTs for the hottest dramas. This is what’s called a “counterattack”! Sometimes I even look in the mirror at myself and say, “Liu Yuning, who knew a day like this would come.” LYN: So if you have a goal, as long as you keep on trying to reach it, I believe one day you will succeed. It doesn’t matter if you stumbled along the way, you’d still be better off for having tried.
- tells a story about when he was on Singer 2019.  LYN: A lot of things got popular in 2019, including me. Li Xian was big that year... also The Untamed, and uh.. YCY’s group... I think ZYL also had an “ignition” point that year. There was a lot. - received a lot of criticism for being on it, because people didn’t think he was worthy or qualified. LYN: I had just debuted. I was weaker back then- I came back to my room and cried. Wailed. The neighbors made a police report. I made a post about it- it’s still up- I wanted to morally kidnap them. I said, “Are people not allowed to have dreams? Please just give me one song’s worth of your time.” I felt a little aggrieved- the program invited me to be on the show! And they were still over here yelling at me. I didn’t receive an appearance fee- I had to prepare my own clothes, my own transportation- I SPENT money to be there; they still yelled at me.  LYN: When you’re standing up there for the second round, not knowing if you’re going to pass into the next or sing your goodbye song- that moment is the most cruel. I had a feeling I was going to lose- I was just a viral star- just a little internet famous, after all. But when you’re standing there you can’t help but feel despaired. It just proves that all that people were saying about me was right- I wasn’t worthy. I felt like when I opened the envelope it would be those three words: You’re not worthy. I just felt like that. LYN: The fact that I’m able to say this today means that I’ve already recovered from that trauma. I’m just telling you how I felt back then. It’s the reason why I’m able to have such a strong heart/mind now. Pretty much nothing phases me now.  - talks about how there were two music producers on that show from Lianoning, who invited him for drinks after he was eliminated. So LYN, AZ & DF went. LYN got two beers in, needed to use the restroom, tripped on a corner of a suitcase and grazed his arm against the wall. He was bleeding but still needed to go to the restroom so he went. Then AZ & DF took him to get his arm taken care of and go home. LYN: I think the scar is gone? /looks/ Oh, it’s still here. // This scar teaches me something- on my road to making music... don’t drink. So I really try not to.
LYN: Alright. I hope you had a wonderful night. Let’s meet the next time. Goodnight everybody. 
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