ruins-of-rin · 8 years
nillyvoid replied to your post:So like… when you transform into a magical girl,...
It’s a package deal. You get magical powers, nice clothes AND the knowledge of how to show off all your good angles. The price is the featherweight burden of having to save the universe or watch it crash and burn because you fucked up. A great deal.
... K-Kyubey?
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geekybiologist · 9 years
Ooh yessss!! It’s been awhile! I was tagged by @nillyvoid and shamelessly copied their copied style sheet. The rest is below the cut.
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to this post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. What is/are your favourite colour(s)?
-Green! Of the moss/olive/forest variety. I like natural colors the most (blues and browns) and pastels (turquoise and pink) second. 
2. What is something you really wish you could do, but never can? (Why?)
-Now this is a difficult question... At first I thought about changing things from my past, but then again I do think everything that happened (or more specifically didn’t happen) have helped make me into who I am today. Everything I can think of now, that I wish I could do, isn’t really impossible. All it takes is for me to actually put myself into it. Never is a strong word and so much depends on motivation and attitude. I only have to go out there and acquire the skills and experiences I wish for and work on/around the obstacles, you know?
3. What song has been stuck inside your head for a while now?
-I’ve been listening to くちづけDiamond on repeat since I watched Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo about a month ago.
4. The last time you went to the movies? (And what did you watch?)
-That would be in October 2015 for the pre-screening of The Martian, that my friend got free tickets to!
5. Halloween or Christmas?
-Christmas! Here Halloween isn’t anything but a commercial copy of the celebrations in America, while Christmas is celebrated with family and can be quite cozy if you manage to avoid the stress
6. What is your opinion on birds?
-How much time do you have? As a child I was attacked by a crow so I’ve been scared of them for the longest time. It’s better now but I still approach a flock carefully or duck (lol) when they fly close to me. Other than my wariness towards them, I really do love birds. Large flightless birds have always fascinated me, enough for me to consider studying them at uni. Then there are parrots and crows that are so intelligent! I love looking at videos and documentaries about them! Then there are the absolutely gorgeous tropical birds or small fluffy cuties I’d like to pet. I’ve praised birds a lot now, but it’s important to note that really, most birds are huge dorks, and that’s what I love the most about them. As a proof and reminder I link this article to my sister once a month. Besides this love I have for them and the at least six bird guides I have sitting on my bookshelf, I’m absolutely rubbish at them though (species knowledge and such; I’ll never understand how ornithologists can recognise black dots in the sky or the vague sounds they somehow manage to hear).
7. If you could change the way you looked, would you? (What would you change?)
-I’d like to have better skin.
8. Chocolate or crisps? (Or ‘chips’ if you’re American like that)
-If you served me both I would eat more chips than chocolate. Overall I think I eat more chocolate... I don’t really prefer one over the other though. 
9. Tell us about the last time you did something embarrassing in public.
-Whyyy... Okay actually I can’t think of anything (I am really good at repressing bad memories and I’m always afraid I might embarrass myself in public so I act in a way it doesn’t happen much at all). To tell you something at least; I began a new French course yesterday and we had to do that awful “present each other to the class thing”. The guy I talked to and had to present was an exchange student so when he asked me about my interests I told him I really like languages (I’m taking that course of my own free will after all) and that I also study Japanese and plan on going there for an exchange next year. So, how does he decide to present me? “This is Ella, she studies botany and likes Japan”. It’s like... you’re not entirely wrong... but could you maybe not make me sound like a possible weeb or dork for having a country as an interest... 
10. What was/is the subject you hate(d) the most in school?
-I honestly can’t think of any...
1. Do you have a role model or someone you admire? (Who and why?)
2. What skill would you like to learn and why?
3. What’s your favourite food?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. What was/is your favourite subject in school?
6. What is/are your favourite book(s) and why?
7. What is/are your favourite tv-series/anime and why?
8.  What is/are your favourite movie(s) and why?
9. Tell me about and describe the place you’re at right now
10. What’s the best or most memorable dream you’ve ever had?
11. How would you describe yourself in three words?
@strawberryeclaire, @memokkeen, @reiwa, @bluepuddingcat,  @1a1a1and, @shokiin and @tara-in-our-hearts 
If you feel like answering, it’s okay if you don’t want to!
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wolfpainters · 9 years
Moshi moshi swagmoney desu
Delete yourself.
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geekybiologist · 9 years
The tagging frenzy continues! This time I got tagged by @nillyvoid! Thank you!!
There’s only 5 questions but I have a tendency to get carried away...
Why did you pick your url?
Okay, long story (since I don’t know how to be concise). Originally I wasn’t planning on blogging, only following other blogs silently. Therefore my url didn’t really matter and I only wanted something simple that would describe me. (I also tried out some vague fandom ones but they were all taken). I lack all things called creativity when it comes to naming, so went to some online name site, where you pick words that describe you and they come up with suggestions for you. I don’t think geekybiologist was one of them, but I got it by making some slight change to one of their suggestions. I do like it, since it does describe me and I don’t feel bad blogging about plants and such every once in awhile, but I do feel bad for people who think I only blog about biology and follow me for that. (I’ve had/have biology blogs follow me, although I don’t know if they like anime as well). I don’t want to change my url as I’m now known by this one, and I like identifying myself through biology as my fandoms might change, but I’ll always be a biologist by heart!
Favorite color?
Green! Mainly different shades on the olive-, moss- and forest spectrums.
Favorite song?
If I only get to pick one I’m picking Haiiro no Suiyoubi. The lyrics are depressing, but I usually feel a bit better after listening to it (when I feel down). It’s melancholic and nostalgic in a way that gives me a sense of security? “It might be bad now, but it’s been good before therefore it’ll get good again” -maybe?
Top 4 fandoms?
Definitely Utena. It’s a series you can analyse and have deep conversations about, but it’s also really silly and full of absurdities you can joke about. It’s my favourite anime and the fandom only strengthens my love for it. 
NO. 6 because through the fandom all the good parts become even better and I can cry over the ending together with others.
Evangelion and Mawaru Penguindrum will be my other two choices since I’m only considering fandoms I’m more or less actively following right now. I enjoy both series immensely and I’ve been following both fandoms for years. 
Why do you enjoy tumblr?
*Insert obligatory “I don’t enjoy Tumblr” joke here*
I keep coming back to this site for the content and the friends I’ve made.
Tag 9 mutuals:
I’m following Nillyvoid’s example by only tagging 3, but if you feel like doing this, please do so!
@breakablemind (You might even respond if I’m persistent and keep tagging you), @strawberryeclaire (You’re now on my list of people who I’m always going to tag) and @memokkeen (You’re so sweet, I love you <3)
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geekybiologist · 9 years
3 things about me
I was tagged by @sarik- no wait! @nillyvoid (you’ll always be sarikoniri in my mind). Thanks!!
When you get this write 3 things your followers probably don’t know about you and then send it to 10 followers
1. There’s a big pile of lichens right in front of me on my table. I’ve collected them for identification purposes for a course about lichens I’m taking right now. Later I’m going to make/add them to a herbarium! I have several already: One I made as a kid, one for mosses and lichens only, and a huge one with ~300 specimens, I began working on during my first summer as a Biology student. 
2.  I’ve been to all of the Nordic countries. Iceland was my favourite because of the geography and nature.
3. I scuba dive as a hobby. It’s a whole new world under the surface, let me tell you that! (Although not a very exciting one where I live compared to the tropics)
I’m tagging @qkawo, @strawberryeclaire, @bluepuddingcat, @breakablemind, @pinkhenq, @parikala, @merryanyo, @1a1a1and, @memokkeen and @eksynyt-virvatuli. I’d love to get to know you better!
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ruins-of-rin · 9 years
Since I did the other one... Thanks for tagging me, @nillyvoid​~
Rule #1: Always post the rules Rule #2: Answer the 11 questions the person who tagged you wrote, then write 11 new ones Rule #3: Tag 11 new people
1. What are three of your favourite songs right now? You There (Aquilo), Oh! Rival (Porno Graffitti), and Daisy (Stereo Dive Foundation). 
2. Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who? Nope. 
4. What is your favourite dish? I freaking love spicy mapo tofu man. You can imagine how bad Angel Beats fucked me up. >_>
5. If you could pick any location, where would you then go on a vacation? Osaka, Japan. I just went recently, but it was pretty rushed. Universal Studios was brilliant!
6.  Your favourite series and why/what do you like most about it?  Currently it’s the Percy Jackson series. The characters are just really well written, and I appreciate Percy’s snark. Plus I’ve always had a thing about Greek Mythology.
7. Three favourite characters? Hinata Shouyo, Allen Walker, and Wataru Takagi.
8. What is the weirdest thing that’s happened to you this week? Four different people came into our house on Saturday morning, which is more people then have been here in... years. LOL.
9. If you could choose a dragon, what kind of dragon would it be? Fuck. I just... any dragon would be sugoi!
10. What’s your favourite colour? Either royal blue or some variation of blue-green.
11. Do you have any pets? I do not :(
I’m not gonna write questions or tag anyone because it’s 6 AM and I have class in like 4 hours LOL. Gotta run! BYE! If you wanna do it, answer the same questions I did?? B)
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