#nikprice and their adopted daughter bailey
snootlestheangel 25 days
Bringing back something for NikPrice and their adopted daughter Bailey @stuffireadandenjoy @bringinsexybackk69
Based on how my actual day is going:
Price having an important conversation with Nik about something. It's a private discussion, maybe it's about the recent mission that went wrong. Maybe they lost someone. Not someone super close to them, but a lost life is still a lost life.
And maybe they're a bit teary eyed when the conversation is done, and they're sitting in the living room of their home. They're quiet until Bailey walks in, handing each of them a popsicle.
Then they're laughing, because the whole popsicle thing came from this one time that Bailey was having a rough day and Price wasn't home. Nik managed to help her calm down for the most part, but she had still been really upset. It was still really early on, and so he didn't know what to do.
So he just reached into the freezer and handed her a popsicle. And it worked. The cold and the sweetness helped ground her, and she even chewed on the little stick afterwards.
So now that's a thing. Anytime anyone is upset, popsicle. Tears? Popsicle.
But it's just kind of a joke because Bailey had asked Nik: "Were you panicking?"
Nik: "Yes 馃様"
Bailey: "haha and your solution was a popsicle?!"
Nik: "It worked, didn't it?!" *Bailey is dying of laughter*
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snootlestheangel 2 months
Oh no.
I'm thinking about NikPrice and their adopted daughter Bailey again.
I might cry, they're too precious
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snootlestheangel 2 months
Hope you鈥檙e feeling better today! Also we both know how much I adore this little family!
What are the different parenting styles of Nik versus Price? Does one hover more than the other? Is one more strict?
Does Nik teach Bailey Russian? If so, would he teach her curses?
What is a subject Bailey enjoys the most in school?
If Bailey did something bad, nothing crazy, which if her uncles would she call first to help her hide it? (If she would hide it. If not, would she tell Nik or Price first?)
When Bailey starts celebrating Father鈥檚 Day for Nik and Price, what is her go to gifts for each one?
Would Nik keep a secret of Bailey鈥檚 from Price and would Price keep a secret of Bailey鈥檚 from Nik?
During a zombie apocalypse, what would Bailey鈥檚 go to weapon be? And what would be the one personal item she would bring?
Different parenting styles:
Hoo boy, do I have strong opinions about this sort of thing with these two. Like, Price definitely seems to be the more helicopter type parent in their relationship, but it's more of being responsible for ensuring her health. You have to remember, Bailey was not in good physical or mental shape at all when she met Price. After taking her home, he's the one responsible for making sure she's taking her vitamins and her iron, making sure she's taking her anxiety medication, making sure she's eating a balanced diet while also balancing her food sensitivities/aversions, making sure she's showered and brushed her teeth. He's in such a habit of asking her questions like "have you taken your iron yet today?" And "when was the last time you brushed your teeth?" That it's just how their relationship works. She definitely gains independence as she gets older and doesn't really depend on him to help her remember those things, but she will never tell him to stop asking her stuff like that cause it makes her feel loved. It reminds her that he cares so deeply about her. Price can come off as nosy to other people/parents but they have an understanding that him asking questions is him saying "I love you and I want you to be happy and healthy and the best way I can help with that is ask you all these questions about your life and health and school." BUT Price isn't actually all that strict. Like let's be honest, this man does not scream "strict parent". He's definitely protective but nit strict. He trusts Bailey is smart enough to make good decisions, and he trusts they have a good enough relationship that she can come to him with anything.
But NIK on the other hand? He's the one drilling her with questions when she says she's hanging out with some friends. He has to know every detail and even that isn't enough. He's so fucking paranoid that something is going to happen to her, and he can't let that happen. He always anticipated to be someone's Cool Uncle one day, but now he's Papa and it's scary, man. He's now responsible for a whole ass human child and he just wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her. She means so much to his beloved husband and himself, that Nik will sometimes lie awake at night worrying about them. Nik is constantly worried something is wrong with her. He's just not adjusted to having an autistic child that feels safe enough around them to not need to mask, and he's just so worried she's upset about something but in fact she's just chilling.
Does Nik teach Bailey Russian?
Yes absolutely. She loves learning so much, and she loves language cause to her it's so cool that humans created different ways to talk to each other (read as "to say I love you"). She definitely convinces him to teach her how to say I love you first. To her, learning how to say I love you to the two of them is important, and she learns very fast that saying it in Nik's native tongue makes his eyes all watery and he gives her the biggest bear hug. She's definitely trying to learn Russian seriously. She wants to be able to have conversations in Russian, even if she ends up still not being entirely fluent and using English to fill in the gaps for things she doesn't know. He definitely teaches her curses. She's his kid, she's gonna know how to curse when she's upset.
Bailey's favorite subject is either science or math.
If she did something bad, how is she handling it?
I will say, she grew up in a family that prioritized communication, so she's definitely going to her dads, probably in tears, about what she fucked up.
But if she had to call one of her uncles, she's calling Gaz. She loves Ghost and Soap, don't get her wrong, but she knows they'll start lecturing/mothering her, and she's not in the mood for that if she's made a mistake. Gaz is the least likely to lecture or mother her, so she's calling him.
Go to Father's Day gifts?
Mugs for Price and little random knick knacks for Nik for his many vehicles
Would her dads keep her secret(s) from each other?
Yes. They both work and deal in secrets. She tells them quite a bit, and rarely keeps secrets. They honestly wouldn't do it on purpose, but unless she explicitly tells them it doesn't have to be a secret, they just end up not sharing the information to the other. Part of it is they respect her privacy too much to just share half of what she tells them in private, even if it's just a meaningless little story from school.
Zombie apocalypse?
Go to weapon is a bat. Light enough for her to be able to carry it but can still be an effective weapon. She will also joke she's choosing Nik as her weapon.
She's taking her stuffed zebra with her. It's the one thing she's had for basically her entire life, she's never letting go of it.
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snootlestheangel 1 month
As much as I love the idea I originally had for how the boys find out Nik and Price adopted Bailey, I had a new thought.
The original idea being that the boys panic thinking Nik and Price are getting a divorce, so they corner the two of them when they're in Price's office having a conversation about being parents and how Price feels inadequate.
But I also really like the idea of something is going on, and both Nik and Price are needed basically full time at the base for whatever reason. Soap is searching the halls for Price for whatever reason, and he's just unable to locate the captain.
He steps into Price's office to see if he's in there, but instead it's Bailey wrapped up in Nik's jacket while reading a book on the sofa in his office. Soap is obviously a bit startled by the sight of a kid in Price's office, but he's so focused on trying to find Price that he's a bit frustrated.
"Know where Price is?" He asks her, and she just quietly shakes her head. Soap nods, glances around the room, before narrowing his eyes at her.
"You good?"
"Mhmm, just chilling." She's so quiet it's honestly startling to Soap. He just nods and leaves her be, heading back out into the hall where he quickly runs into Ghost and Gaz, both of whom have ended up without any sign of Price.
"Not in his office?" Gaz asks and Soap just shakes his head.
"Nae, just a kid."
The pause after his sentence is long, and awkward. Soap suddenly blinks and makes a weird face as the reality of what he just witnessed settles.
"Why is there a kid in his office?" Soap asks and the other two stare at him wide eyed. No one had a clue and no idea where their captain was.
Thankfully, they quickly run into Nik, and confront him about the situation.
"Why is there a kid in Price's office?" Ghost snaps and Nik just starts to awkwardly smile.
"He didn't tell you?" There's hesitation, like Nik knows he's revealing the thing with the kid is a big deal, but he's honestly about to start laughing at the fact Price is still struggling with his emotions.
"About what?!" Gaz asks just as Nik starts to walk away, laughing his ass off now.
Yeah I don't know where else to go, I feel like shit today but I just needed to get this out
@stuffireadandenjoy @bringinsexybackk69
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snootlestheangel 8 months
More Bailey feelings
I was watching a compilation of Nik moments/interactions in both MW2 and MW3 and just realized he's like one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet
Bailey hearing that Price is married. Laswell asking Price something and mentioning this "Nik" person. She doesn't want to pry into Price's personal life, and he doesn't seem to be a very open person. (Price is just emotionally constipated, it's okay sweetie)
She first sees Nik in passing. He's been the one transporting most of the survivors out of the 141 base. She has the instinctive response of "oh shit he looks like one of the men I was stuck with during the quarantine that was NOT a good person". She finds out he's Price's husband and is trying to tell herself "he doesn't seem like a bad person. Both Laswell and Price trust him, so I should too"
Bailey is terrified the first time she has to interact with Nik. She hasn't even seen him yet but the idea that she has to is scary enough.
But then she sees Nik walking towards them with his swagger walk and his cool sunglasses and that dope leather jacket and she's just like "oh okay, I guess I'm just paranoid"
And then when he actually speaks?? Maybe not addressing her directly but the first time she hears him speak??? He's just so Russian and just so casual and he intentionally says something to fluster Price
And Bailey wants to laugh. Wants to laugh cause he's clearly not a threat to her at all and he's so totally the opposite of what she expected that it's so relieving its almost comical.
Bailey who does befriend one of Gaz's little cousins. Gaz's mom and his aunt are pretty far apart in age, and their kids also end up with age gaps. Gaz and his sisters are between the ages of like 24-30 his cousins are all between the ages of 13-19.
Gaz's youngest cousin is Ava, who sees the new girl in her class and instantly has a "target acquired" moment for acquiring a new best friend. Ava who is a bit of an outcast from the social circles forming amongst the other 13 year old girls.
Bailey ends up actually meeting Gaz before ever finding out he works with Price. Bailey was invited by Ava to join her to the local fair or something. It was originally just her siblings and her, but then Gaz came back home on leave and decided to be "cool older cousin" and take them instead of Ava's mom.
He's actually so good at putting Bailey at ease it's honestly incredible. She has a couple of "oh shit crowds" moments but Gaz is playing it off and is like "Yeah we'll go do this thing instead to avoid the lines. Lines suck, we're just trying to have fun, yeah?"
And it works. Bailey has a lot of fun despite still seeming very anxious the entire time.
Ava and Bailey become inseparable over time. Ava definitely hits another kid for them saying something mean about Bailey. Gaz finds out and is definitely laughing his ass off. Until he remembers he has to go home eventually and face the wrath of both his mum and his aunt for teaching his little cousin how to throw a proper punch.
Bailey hugging Ghost. That's it, that's the feeling.
Bailey hugging any of them to be honest.
Bailey's first night home and she can't sleep so Price stays with her until she does fall asleep, except he also falls asleep. Nik waking up to see Price laying flat on his back in Bailey's bed with her curled up against his side.
Bailey getting her period and having horrendous cramps. She's just borderline miserable as she lays in her bed all day.
Surprisingly, both her fathers are good at acting natural about the whole situation, even if it's just checking in on her a bit more frequently and being a bit more hovering.
She's too emotional to not cry when Nik cryptically leaves only to come back with her favorite snacks. He genuinely doesn't understand why she's crying and oh god Bailey please it's okay and "oh fuck, I made her cry, John is gonna kill me"
Nik ends up sitting on her bed and holding her for a bit to help her feel better. It's still relatively soon after she started getting closer to him, so Nik's a bit in over his head with the whole situation.
Price checks in on her only to see her dozing off in Nik's arms. Nik is getting teary and Price can't tell if it's because they're getting closer or because he's so confused as to what happened.
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snootlestheangel 18 days
Welcome to the Brainrot
Navigating Snootles's COD Brainrot
Posted WIPs:
Silence is Golden But Consequences Are Red (under revision as of 9/3/24). SoapGhost slow-burn, AU where Simon Riley "died" and Price helped cover his faked death. Ghost is a well-known vigilante type, the 141 is ordered to hunt him down, Price has to let others in on his secret in order to uncover bigger problems.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
Of Earthly Things SoapGhost fic; Cryptid Hunter/Cryptid AU; The 141 is a team of researchers and professionals that help normal people deal with cryptids and creatures. Simon Riley is the new hire, and something about him doesn't seem to be quite human...
>Audio recordings by chapter:
His Wounded Cry SoapGhost fic; WolfShifter!Ghost AU; Ghost gets taken by a rogue scientific group and left to die while stuck in his wolf form; a friendly and familiar family takes him in while he recovers.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
Break For Your Heart SoapGhost fic; Prison Break AU; unhinged!Soap, Ghost was framed.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
Dead City COD x Left4Dead, established SoapGhost in the fic.
>Audio recordings by chapter:
To Love, To Let Go NikPrice fic where they adopt a young teen girl named Bailey Gray. They help her heal and she helps them learn how to be parents.
>Audio recordings by chapter
Guardian of Mercy and Men Price x F!OC; Bryn Campbell and John Price used to work together/knew each other, yet despite all their years apart, their feelings remain and they learn how to navigate them once she's assigned as a medic to their taskforce.
>Audio recordings by chapter
Unposted WIPs:
Oh Death, Who Art Thou? (Assassin!Ghost AU but they're not called Assassins, they're Reapers. Fantasy elements, Simon and Johnny are already married. Post here, here, and a post here)
Death Doesn't Want Me (zombie apocalypse AU in which Ghost is separated from the 141 and joins a group of civilians trying to make it out alive. Turns out to be part of the MacTavish family, one post here, first one here)
When It Works (GazAlex Undercover AU where it seems everything is going wrong except for how well they work together as a team, one post here )
Taste Test (cannibal!Soap and retired!Ghost au; after having a mental breakdown while on assignment, Ghost is deemed unreliable and discharged from the military. Now, he spends his days traveling, too restless and paranoid to stay in one place for too long. But after encountering a charming Scotsman, he finds a connection worthy to stay put. Just so long as he doesn't find out about Soap's little habit...)
To A Fault (Villain!Gaz AU, post-MW3 where Laswell faked Soap's death, and it's a couple of years later. Price was awol after killing Shepherd, Ghost vanished as he hunted down Konni group, Laswell was swallowed into hunting Makarov down (and helping Soap as a new contact once he recovers from the injury). Gaz continued on with his life completely alone, and upon finding out Soap was never dead, he cracks.)
Security (Ghost's journal type of fic, SoapGhost, here's the post about it)
Instinct (COD Shifter!AU; Raven!Soap, Wolf!Ghost, Otter!Gaz, Bear!Price and Nik)
List of OCs:
Bailey Gray: NikPrice's adopted daughter, featured in To Love, To Let Go. Find anything on her under the tags :bailey gray: or :cod oc bailey
Bryn Campbell: Nicknamed "Angel", medic, love interest for Price in Guardian of Mercy and Men.
Shadow OCs:
Initial dump; another dump
Ness; Woody; Truck; Flash
Art of Ness and with Ness
A Snootles ask game
The tag :certified snootles moment: is for everything personal; :my sweet odysseus: has my cat
Check out this art of Cryptid!Ghost for Of Earthly Things by @/mikorsthings
Tumblr media
Anyways, that is all! Enjoy the brainrot!
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snootlestheangel 10 months
I'm bored and having a hard time getting the brain to do the writing thing so I'm gonna do something.
Making my own lil "ask game" thingymajig so it's very much whatever Snootles felt like doing
馃挮 for something related to Silence is Golden But Consequences Are Red
馃尣 for something Of Earthly Things related (cryptid hunter with Cryptid!Ghost au
馃惡 for something His Wounded Cry related (wolf!shifter Ghost au)
馃敨 for something Break For Your Heart Prison Break AU related
馃挏 for something To Love, To Let Go related (dads!NikPrice and their adopted daughter Bailey)
馃尫 for something oc Bryn / Guardian of Mercy and Men related
馃挘 for something Dead City Left4Dead AU related
鈽狅笍 for something Death Doesn't Want Me related (zombie au with Soap's family)
馃獝 for something When It Works (GazAlex Undercover AU) related
馃枻 for Oh Death, Who Art Thou? (Assassin!Ghost au)
馃 for something Taste Test (cannibal!Soap and retired!Ghost au)
馃摎 for something Security (Ghost's journal)
馃 for something Instinct (Shifter!AU)
馃 for something Shadow Company OCs related
馃Ж for a surprise
馃懢 for something Snootles (idk why I keep referring to myself in the third person)
By "something related" it'll either be like incorrect quotes (for like the Shadow ocs) or something detailing the story, but most likely an actual story snippet. Yall can ask for multiple of these, btw. May also be random fun facts about inspiration for the story, my favorite parts about the story, origins of the title of the work/individual chapters, or a self criticism of the work.
Spam me, I don't care
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