#nikola becames everyone's (but tim's) friend somehow
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Obcessed with the stupid silly AU that Nikola and Jon were Mecs together.
Like the anatomy students Nikola just decided to take a time during uni to understand better how people work. First days... not that good but then she started making weird friends, joined a concept space pirate band and had the time of her life. Years later, she is in her secret Eye free base preparing for the Unknowing, kidnnaped Archivist on a chair except when she was very close to start her first weird mosturizing routine she just really looked at Jon and went "Jonny?" and after an annoyed and confused humphf "Jonny D'ville" and Jon's eyes went huge and he answered with a muffed and confused "Toy Soldier??". The kidnapping was over as they both engaged into a trip to memory lane and a passionate discussion where Jon convinced Nikola to not try ending the world.
When facing a pissed off Tim over the fact his "monster boss" came back with another monster and a circus one Nikola's defense was "I had nothing to do with Danny, I was in uni, Jon can prove I was in uni." It was akward in the archieves for a while after that. But at least Tim didn't die.
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