#niko kovač
uncoolfc · 1 year
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*i know he is not hertha's manager anymore but idc
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kloppool · 7 months
watching leverkusen vs wolfsburg for the dilfs football
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footballandshit · 2 years
saudi arabia nt manager, mr. hervé renard...if you’re reading this i am free on thursday night. if you would like to hang out i am free on thursday night when i am free to hang out. i am free to hang out on thursday night so if you want to hang out on thursday night i am free.
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footballandfiasco · 3 months
niko kovač's twin deserves to win
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farmersliga · 3 months
why does switzerland’s coach look like niko kovač
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ynwa-chiesa · 7 months
you know i’m the opposite of a bayern fan but if mourinho went to bayern at least the pressers will be fucking hilarious instead of tuchel trying to find a million different ways to say the sentence “wir haben gut trainiert” 😭 like go girl give us nothing - @lee-kangin
NO LITERALLYYYY imagine the insta posts. The fucking quooootes... All tuchel yaps about is 'in training were world class 🥺🥺🥺 glaubt mirrrr' and when you pan to the sidelines hes just sitting there like 🤔 BROTHER YOU'RE THE COACH!!!!
when we're playing i wanted the camera to pan to jose scribbling in his notebook and throwing a water bottle at niko kovač!!! Thats all i want!!! Also as a bayern fan (a lowkey one, i just support it because i grew up here and stuff) we truly deserve this flop phase a LOT... So lets make the best of it (more chaos)
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elishamanning · 1 year
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rabattbutikse · 11 months
FC Bayern München måste förnya Leroy Sanés kontrakt
Den här säsongen finns det rapporter i media om att Liverpool värvar måltavlan Leroy Sané och laget kommer att byta ut Mohamed Salah för att få honom. FC Bayern Münchens förre huvudtränare Niko Kovač väntade en säsong på att Leroy Sané skulle få svar. Leroy Sané lämnade Manchester City som ursprungligen planerat och valde den röda billiga fotbollströja nr 10.
FC Bayern München har många spelare som nedprioriteras av fansen. Deras styrka är större än deras berömmelse. Det är bara det att fansens uppmärksamhet bara ligger på ett fåtal spelare, och andra spelares prestationer ignoreras alltid av fansen. Thomas Müller är en spelare som underskattas av fansen, och nu är även Leroy Sané underskattad av fansen. Leroy Sanés nuvarande konkurrenskraftiga prestanda och nivå är en vacker njutning för fansen. Han är en av spelarna med bäst spelstil. Liverpools huvudtränare Jürgen Klopp vill värva Leroy Sané, och han är väl medveten om spelarens omfattande styrka. Huvudtränaren Jürgen Klopp är väldigt strikt med att välja ut spelare, och klubbens ekonomi gör honom väldigt försiktig med värvningar. Den här säsongen bestämde sig faktiskt Jürgen Klopp för att byta ut Mohamed Salah för att värva Leroy Sané, och deras taktiska position är också densamma. FC Bayern München kan inte glömma svårigheten att värva Leroy Sané tidigare, och han insisterade på att lämna laget innan han kom till Bundesliga.
FC Bayern München Matchtröjor lockade verkligen Leroy Sané, som spelade för FC Schalke 04 under sina första dagar i fotboll. Om Leroy Sané fortsätter att stanna i FC Bayern München kommer han definitivt att överraska fansen. Om han flyttar till Liverpool kommer han även att ersätta Mohamed Salah och anpassa sig till huvudtränaren Jürgen Klopps taktik. Många spelare har övermänskliga prestationer i en viss färdighet, men Leroy Sané är en allroundspelare och presterar bra. Leroy Sané valdes officiellt till MVP av Bundesliga förra månaden och denna månad. Hans styrka kommer gradvis att ses av fler fans.
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shophrvats · 11 months
FC Bayern München mora obnoviti ugovor s Leroyem Sanéom
Ove sezone postoje medijski izvještaji da Liverpool regrutira metu Leroya Sanéa i da će momčad mijenjati Mohameda Salaha da ga dobije. Bivši glavni trener FC Bayern München Niko Kovač čekao je sezonu da Leroy Sané dobije odgovor. Leroy Sané napustio je Manchester City kao što je prvotno planirano i izabrao crveni nogometni dresovi s brojem 10.
FC Bayern München ima mnogo igrača koje navijači omalovažavaju. Njihova je snaga veća od njihove slave. Samo što je pažnja navijača usmjerena samo na nekoliko igrača, a učinak ostalih igrača navijači uvijek ignoriraju. Thomas Müller je igrač kojeg navijači podcjenjuju, a sada je i Leroy Sané također podcijenjen od strane navijača. Trenutni natjecateljski učinak i razina Leroya Sanéa prekrasan su užitak za obožavatelje. Jedan je od igrača s najboljim stilom igre. Glavni trener Liverpoola Jürgen Klopp želi potpisati Leroya Sanéa i dobro je svjestan igračeve sveobuhvatne snage. Glavni trener Jürgen Klopp vrlo je strog u odabiru igrača, a klupske financije ga tjeraju da bude vrlo oprezan u potpisivanju ugovora. Ove sezone Jürgen Klopp zapravo je odlučio zamijeniti Mohameda Salaha za potpis Leroya Sanéa, a njihova taktička pozicija također je ista. FC Bayern München ne može zaboraviti poteškoće s potpisivanjem Leroya Sanéa prije, a on je inzistirao na odlasku iz momčadi prije nego što je došao u Bundesligu.
FC Bayern München nogometni dres svakako je privukao Leroya Sanéa, koji je u svojim počecima igrao za FC Schalke 04. Ako Leroy Sané i dalje ostane u FC Bayern München, sigurno će iznenaditi navijače. Pređe li u Liverpool, također će zamijeniti Mohameda Salaha i prilagoditi se taktici glavnog trenera Jürgena Kloppa. Mnogi igrači imaju nadljudske performanse u određenoj vještini, ali Leroy Sané je svestrani igrač i dobro radi. Leroy Sané je prošlog i ovog mjeseca službeno izabran za MVP-ja Bundeslige. Njegovu snagu postupno će vidjeti sve više obožavatelja.
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moda2sportowe · 11 months
Bayern Monachium musi przedłużyć kontrakt Leroya Sané
W tym sezonie media donoszą, że Liverpool rekrutuje docelowego Leroya Sané, a zespół wymieni Mohameda Salaha, aby go pozyskać. Były główny trener Bayernu Monachium Niko Kovač czekał przez cały sezon, aż Leroy Sané otrzyma odpowiedź. Leroy Sané opuścił Manchester City zgodnie z pierwotnym planem i wybrał czerwoną Stroje Piłkarskie z numerem 10.
FC Bayern Monachium ma wielu zawodników, którzy są bagatelizowani przez kibiców. Ich siła jest większa niż ich sława. Po prostu uwaga fanów skupia się tylko na kilku zawodnikach, a występy innych graczy są zawsze ignorowane przez fanów. Thomas Müller to zawodnik niedoceniany przez kibiców, a teraz niedoceniany jest także Leroy Sané. Obecne wyniki i poziom Leroya Sané są dla fanów prawdziwą przyjemnością. Jest jednym z zawodników, który ma najlepszy styl gry. Główny trener Liverpoolu, Jürgen Klopp, chce pozyskać Leroya Sané i doskonale zdaje sobie sprawę z wszechstronności zawodnika. Główny trener Jürgen Klopp bardzo rygorystycznie podchodzi do selekcji zawodników, a finanse klubu sprawiają, że jest on bardzo ostrożny przy pozyskiwaniu zawodników. W tym sezonie Jürgen Klopp faktycznie zdecydował się na wymianę Mohameda Salaha na Leroya Sané, a ich pozycja taktyczna również jest taka sama. Bayern Monachium nie może zapomnieć trudności związanych z pozyskaniem wcześniej Leroya Sané, który nalegał, aby opuścić zespół przed przybyciem do Bundesligi.
Koszulka Bayern Monachium z pewnością przyciągnęła uwagę Leroya Sané, który na początku swojej kariery grał w FC Schalke 04. Jeśli Leroy Sané pozostanie w Bayernie Monachium, z pewnością zaskoczy fanów. Jeśli przeniesie się do Liverpoolu, zastąpi także Mohameda Salaha i dostosuje się do taktyki głównego trenera Jürgena Kloppa. Wielu zawodników osiąga nadludzkie wyniki w niektórych umiejętnościach, ale Leroy Sané to zawodnik wszechstronny i dobrze sobie radzi. Leroy Sané został oficjalnie wybrany MVP Bundesligi w zeszłym i bieżącym miesiącu. Jego siłę stopniowo będzie dostrzegać coraz więcej fanów.
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thetoxicgamer · 2 years
Why G2 Are the Favorite to Win IEM Katowice 2023
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Over the past few weeks, the European superteam has been playing practically flawless CS:GO while exhibiting great individual mechanics, confidence, and strategy. These elements work together to make it difficult for G2's adversaries to win a map against them, let alone a series. Once you dive into G2’s record, you’ll quickly realize some impressive feats. Rasmus “HooXi” Nielsen and his men are currently on a 17-map win streak. They’ve also won 10 series in a row, with their latest loss being against FaZe Clan on Dec. 14 during the BLAST Premier World Final 2022, an event which they won. Since that loss, G2 have not only gotten revenge against FaZe twice but also defeated some other significant teams in CS:GO. They overcame Vitality, Liquid, BIG (twice), and Natus Vincere (three times), and have only lost a single map against the former. The European squad secured a place directly in the IEM Katowice 2023 semifinals and it’s tough to predict anyone beating them in the race for the trophy. Here are a few reasons why. G2 players are stepping up Photo by Jak Howard via BLAST Premier With a lineup of G2’s caliber, it should always be expected to see the individuals perform at a high level under immense pressure. In the last two months, though, they’ve done more than that. The star names of Ilya “m0NESY” Osipov and Nikola “NiKo” Kovač have been bringing their A-game lately. The latter was the best player of BLAST Premier Spring Groups 2023 with a 1.48 rating, with the young AWPer following in ninth place with a 1.16 rating, according to HLTV. And Nemanja “huNter-” Kovač has been producing solid numbers as well, having a 1.13 rating in the IEM Katowice 2023 group stage. Moreover, two other G2 players have also leveled up their play, even though their roles don’t demand admirable numbers. Still, as of now, support player Justin “jks” Savage is the third-best player of the IEM Katowice 2023 group stage with a 1.30 rating. And even their IGL HooXi has a decent rating with a 0.99 score at the event, similar to star players like Emil “Magisk” Reif (0.97) and Lotan “Spinx” Giladi (1.01). G2 players have been solid across multiple competitions as of late, and that’s a fact, not an opinion. With such a great form, only they can be their own greatest enemies if they get overconfident. They have their head in the right place But it doesn’t look like G2 are getting overconfident since the players have been constantly underlining that they take things step by step and keep it cool. “We have experienced players in the team who went through a lot of things, and we know what we should do to not get overconfident,” huNter- said in a post-game interview after G2’s latest win over NAVI. “We are aware of it, that can be dangerous. … Step by step, game by game, and yeah, we are only thinking about the next opponent.” At the same time, huNter- pointed out that G2 are aware of being the strongest team in the world right now and that every other squad will be aiming to bring them down. And when it comes to staying at the top and securing trophies, having that self-awareness and being cautious when approaching their next opponents are key to staying in that place. Don’t make wrong assumptions, though: G2 are still playing confidently. In round 20 against NAVI during IEM Katowice 2023, they boldly took control of the lobby on Nuke’s CT side just 10 seconds into the round, despite having a comfortable 12-7 lead. Aggressive plays like these are typically a sign of desperation from teams. But in this case, it was a pure example of G2’s confidence in their individual form and the strategies they had prepared. That round, like the remaining three, were won by G2. G2’s stars outperform other iconic players Some of the greatest stories in CS:GO are written by exceptional individual performances. You can have a team that performs well across the board and has its head in the right place and still lose due to a single enemy’s brilliance. Well, that doesn’t look like the case here since G2’s superstars are also blowing out the competition. Their AWPer m0NESY has already made some unbelievable plays in Katowice. During Inferno against NAVI, he secured a one-vs-two clutch on B site defense, which sealed the map for G2. More importantly, m0NESY won all 13 duels in that series against the G.O.A.T. of CS:GO, s1mple, according to HLTV. When you come at the king, you better not miss, and m0NESY is hitting all his shots so far. In the 10-year history of IEM Katowice, no team has won the tournament without losing a single map. With their performances so far in Poland, though, G2 could very well write history as the first roster to do so. If that were to happen, jks would also become the first player to win the event back-to-back on two different lineups since he triumphed with FaZe Clan last year. Any of the other five teams who will play in the Spodek Arena have the capabilities to take down G2, with the toughest opponent being Heroic, at least on paper. Moreover, Heroic are the only one of the five teams left who haven’t lost to G2 since the latter’s loss to FaZe in December. So if there’s a final nemesis on G2’s way to IEM Katowice 2023’s trophy, it’s them. If they meet in the final, it will certainly be a series for the history books. IEM Katowice 2023 returns this Friday, Feb. 10 with the quarterfinals. G2 will face the winner of the Liquid vs. Vitality matchup on Saturday, Feb. 11. Read the full article
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hoodup · 3 years
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kovacissues · 3 years
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Veins 🥵
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chrsitophwaltz · 4 years
i really CANNOT for the life of me believe that someone finally had the guts to ask d*ddy supreme niko kovac how tf he’s so sexc like that and he basically answered “it is what it is”
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ynwa-chiesa · 5 months
*me without any footy knowledge whatsoever* .... What about niko kovač?
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chaostrick · 3 years
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