doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Klaus Mikaelson x Lexi Branson (The Vampire Diaries)
Requested by @insidious-wxlf
Klaus eyes the girl standing alone in the corner of the exhibit. He thinks the word "girl" lightly only because her face is surprisingly smooth and unblemished by the age that he's aware she possesses.
He politely excuses himself from his conversation with an over enthusiastic guest. She doesn't mind in the slightest when her agreement rewards her with a pleased smile that holds the potential of a promise of his return. He's not one to keep a promise.
The girl with the locks of golden curls just stands there, head tilting this way and that. Sidling up to her, he notices her even squinting her eyes a little bit with her lips twisted uncertainly.
"You're not impressed," he says bluntly, and knows he's guessed correctly.
The girl doesn't even turn to him. She merely glances with a sideways flick of her sparkling eyes, like bubbles in champagne, and gives a tittering smile. Familiar and infuriating at the same time.
"Now, did I say that?" Alexia responds.
"You didn't have to," Klaus says flatly, hands behind his back and doing his best to keep his face a mask so as to not seem wounded by the slight poking of a sharp dagger in his chest and his throat. "Your face said it for you."
"Well, I wasn't aware that my face had developed the unheard of ability to speak for me. And with my mouth closed, to add further astonishment."
Klaus rolls his eyes and sighs, already sick of their little game. He waves a hand at the canvas in front of them.
"If you're going to come here and silently judge my work, then, do tell, what exactly is it about it that you find so unimpressive?" he asks. More demands, but one never really demands anything of Alexia Branson. He's learned that lesson before. Many times.
Sure enough, she takes an extra moment to answer simply to spite his tone. He clenches his jaw but stays quiet, waiting.
Then she squints her eyes some more, gives another tilt of her head, as if really examining the flaws in the painting. Klaus even finds himself glancing over it uncertainly. Perhaps it wasn't one of his best. He does recall being rather frustrated with it during the process of creation, and there had been a light squabble between his siblings that he had been made to deal with in between. Maybe it reflected a little too much in his work.
Then Alexia says, with an air of finality on her descision, and extreme confidence, "It's too blue."
Klaus stares at her. "It's too... blue? Your problem with this piece is that there is too much... blue?"
"No, not too much of the colour blue," Alexia says, shaking her head, making those curls move with her, fascinatingly. "It's too blue. Sad. You may has well have just painted a big frown on it and titled it, "My Inner Soul"."
She turns to him and he finally sees the grin stretching across her delicately painted lips. A weight is lifted out of his chest and then he's shaking off his disbelief.
"You're mocking me," he scoffs, a low chuckle starting beneath it in his throat. "To my face as well, a very bold move, I have to say!"
It's her turn to roll her eyes now. "Oh, I'm so scared, Nik! What are you going to do? Kill the only person who actually buys your paintings? Now, would that not just be a poorly-thought out business move?"
She's turned to properly face him now, her head tilted again, and that smile still playing across her lips. It's impossible to hold any displeasing thoughts or feelings inside of him when it feels as though she can peer right into the soul that he questions the existence of. She doesn't. She has no doubt that it's in there -- she's told him as such, time and again, despite his protests and attempts to prove her wrong. She's so certain.
He sputters a bit, fumbling over his words, something in which she finds great amusement. And he finds fondness in her amusement, so really, he doesn't mind too badly.
"Now -- that is simply untrue! I have other buyers."
"Mhm." Lexi hums. "But if that's the case, then why have I been granted the absolute privilege of being allowed to remain... well, undead?"
Klaus considers it. In truth, he's snapped necks for lesser insults and grievances.
But he looks at Lexi, and his mind instantly softens his hands to caress the delicate skin of her neck instead. He can see the places where his lips have left love letters, once reread over and again, now tucked away beneath the surface of her skin to be kept secret.
An odd feeling posesses him for a moment longer than he'd like. Similar to the time one vampire got brave and made a grab for his heart, managing to get their idiotic little fingers wrapped around it for just a moment. They had just started to twist when their head had landed on the other side of the room, courtesy of a well-timed Elijah.
It's that feeling. The twisting of his heart, phantom fingers around it like it's some kind of ball for them to play with, just to give the strings a little tug.
It's an aching, hollow feeling right in his chest and down a bit, where no one should be able to reach.
He swallows and draws his eyes away from Alexia's unmarked neck, back up to her still sparkling eyes. She raises her eyebrows at his delay in answering.
"My god," she says, widening her eyes with feigned amazement, "I've actually rendered the great Niklaus Mikaelson speechless. I wasn't sure anything could ever make you stop talking -- if you don't inflate your ego, who else will?"
Klaus' mouth twitches at the corner and he allows the smile to blossom into another chuckle. He shakes his head.
"Precisely, my love," he says, but he is too soft, still caught up in his thoughts, where the desire to be gentle always won out.
Alexia doesn't bat an eyelash. "So, am I going to be walking out of Chicago with a head then?"
She's kidding, of course. Teasing him because they both know that he's never had a single desire for her pain in any form. Even the thought of it makes his gut twist like someone has stuck a dagger in it and forgot to remove it.
"I'd rather you didn't walk out of Chicago at all," he confesses before he can think.
This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Alexia was simply a fellow vampire he stumbled across during a darker period. Many vampires have come and gone through his many centuries, many during much worse times in his life, and yet she's one of the rare few who got stuck in his mind. Her gentleness, the way he softens just by being near her or thinking of her and how she'd react if he made a particularly unpleasant descision.
Finally, she's the one who's caught off her guard. "Oh," she flusters. "Um... I mean, I don't have to go right now. Kind of got forever. So... I can stay."
Klaus nods. "Good. I'd..." he clears his throat, but the words seem to have lodged themselves firmly in there.
Alexia's grinning again, leaning in closer. "What was that? That word you were going to say? You'd...?"
Klaus clenched his teeth again but it's partly to keep his smile from stretching like it wants to.
"I'd advise you quit while you're ahead, dear Alexia, or--"
"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?" she interrupts. "You sound like your brother when you call me Alexia."
Klaus actually is wounded this time. "Point made. Lexi it is."
She smirks, and says, "Good. Now, you were saying that I should quit while I'm ahead?"
"Which would apparently be always," Klaus concedes.
Lexi laughs, looking rather pleased about it, too. Such cockiness on anyone else would infuriate him. With Lexi, it's more fond exasperation. If anything, it's a good look on her and one he always takes pleasure in.
"I would be very happy if you were to stay for a little while longer," Klaus says, finishing his thought.
Lexi beams at him. She tilts her chin up and takes his arm, surprising him as she hooks it over her own.
"Then it is a very good thing that your happiness actually means something to me," she says. "Now, show me the rest of your paintings. And I want less sadness! Show me your happiest one."
Klaus peers at her for a moment. She just smiles that beautiful smile at him.
"I know just the one," he says, and she gestures for him to lead the way.
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