oikaw-ugh · 4 years
So...I remember this one time where I borrowed (well, no. I did not ask permission) my classmate’s pen and she was so mad she went, “Mamatay na unta ang nikawat sa akoang ballpen yawa.” which means ‘I hope the person who stole my pen dies, fucking shit.’ and- and- and- i’VE NEVER BEEN SO SCARED FOR MY OWN LIFE WTF
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dumbplastic · 11 years
After this weekends Outside Lands, we noticed that events organize more trash than they do tickets. "organizers can change folks' behavior patterns. It involves providing the right incentives, the right penalties and, perhaps more than anything else, making it easy to be green." "Thousands of people are coming to an event that's going to be one of the most memorable experiences of their year," Jensen says. "It's up to [festival organizers] to decide what kind of legacy they want to create in the world out of that." According to Superfly Productions (Outside Lands & Bonaroo) 75% of last years trash was sorted and properly disposed. At each trash area there are representatives watching the trashcan and showing attendees which container to put their trash in. Recycle, Compost, etc.. MOST EVENTS are now allowing attendees to bring their own canteens and are providing free water. STOP purchasing the $5.00 water bottle and bring your own canteen for free :) Among the dirtiest events are Coachella and MOST Electronic Music Festivals. - For some reason electronic music tends to bring the less eco-friendly people. SOURCE: http://www.laweekly.com/2013-07-11/music/music-festivals-sustainability-bonnaroo-lib/ Enjoy the Music and the festivals. As Flea (RHCP Bassist) says, "music is love." The earth is love as well. Let's always remember to bring our own canteen and lessen our use of #singleuse products Say no to Single Use Plastics. Say no to plastic-the unit of purchase for charity funding. #peoplewater #thankyouwater #nikawater #ethoswater #aquahydrate #cocacola #pepsi all single-use beverage containers #greatpacificgarbagepatch #peopleoverconvenience #dropfordrop #donttrustthehype #plasticisnottheanswer Yes for #nextgeneration #reusablebag #reusablebottle #peoplenotplastic #plasticisnotforcharity #dumbplastic #1centwater #recycle
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dumbplastic · 11 years
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When will we stop using plastic bottles? "Plastic bottles are responsible for one of the ocean’s most pressing environmental problems. Urban legends have been rife for decades about a large mountain of plastic trash polluting the Pacific Ocean. The truth of the matter is, in fact, much worse. There are at least 5 of these super-sized garbage sub-continents currently polluting the Earths’s seas. What’s Happening? There are many places in the world where plastic bottles are the only way of safely transporting water, where one bottle is re-used countless times. This doesn’t contribute to the pollution problem in the world’s oceans at all compared to the incredible waste that we see in the First World. For every six plastic bottles bought, only one is recycled – five are thrown away to eventually end up in landfills, or the ocean. Plastic takes literally hundreds of years to decompose – poisoning the environment and the wildlife living in it in the meantime. Another major problem is the amount of pollution caused by the manufacture of plastic bottles. Crude oil is liberally used – each plastic bottle manufactured takes up an entire quarter of the bottle’s volume capacity of crude oil. Put simply – plastic bottles are an environmental nightmare at every point of their existence. Say NO to all single use plastic companies. Especially ones claiming to serve clean water in a charity effort, like these companies: #peoplewater #thankyouwater #nikawater #ethoswater #aquahydrate #cocacola #pepsi all single-use beverage containers #greatpacificgarbagepatch #peopleoverconvenience #dropfordrop #donttrustthehype #plasticisnottheanswer #plasticisnotforcharity Yes for #nextgeneration #reusablebag #reusablebottle #peoplenotplastic #plasticisnotforcharity #dumbplastic #1centwater #recycle
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dumbplastic · 11 years
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The Issues Plastics were developed in the early 20th century and were environmentally important, replacing ivory, tortoiseshell, horn and other plant and animal products. By the 1960's plastic had gone from being used in durable items to widespread use including disposable plastic packaging. Every piece of plastic ever produced still remains somewhere in the earth today. In the last half of the 20th century over 1 billion tonnes of plastic was produced. This figure has already doubled in the first ten years of this century. See the rest at : http://www.plasticfreejuly.org/the-issues.html The issue is real, plastic is not the answer. Small differences in your daily life can cause an industry to change. Say NO to single use #peoplenotplastic #plasticisnotforcharity #saynotosingleuse #nextgeneration #reuseit Say no to large and small water bottle companies. Bring a darn cup to Starbucks for the iced frappa-whatever. Seriously, we need to downsize the convenience. #bringthecanteen #rockthatreusable #dumbplastic Say no to #aquahydrate #peoplewater #nikawater #thankyouwater #cocacola #changeyourbrandsavealife #dropfordrop #gatorade#grestpacificgarbagepatch
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