unluckyleprechaun · 3 months
Just some random musings.
Phantom is such a fucking mood
"You just spilled my pot of coffee. ITS THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME SANE!" *Proceeds to beat the shit out of bizzaro and auperman at the same time* "I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARE!! HOW DARE YOU SPILL THE ELIXER OF LIFE!!!"
*Supes mummbling on commes* "batman i found one of your ferals." *Proceeds to go unconscious*
Lex has been reported to pee his pants after watching a twink in an oversized hoodie beat the shit out of supes. Hes asking Bruce wayne for sanctuary in gotham.
"listen. I can smell rich fruit loops from a mile away. I dont know why you are a vigilante. I dont care. What i wanna know is...WHY DO YOU HAVE BUTT BUMPS IN YOUR SPANDEX TO MAKE YOUR ASS THIS BIG?!"
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