#nighttime diaper
diaper280 · 6 months
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Ok which diaper do I wear tonight for bed
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baby-klok · 3 months
I think Nate needs a nap
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balloonboyismyson · 6 months
might i add something to Monty's marriable thing... he's indeed husband material and father material. Like seriously he also gives off the fun and but also can be serious father vibes as well.
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cherrydata · 9 months
completely tmi but having incontinence issues growing up really messed me up and i think my sleep issues are not helped by that fact. i havent had an accident in years but i still lie in bed wanting to just roll over and pass out like everyone else but i know ill have to go to the bathroom beforehand and getting up and doing that wakes me up and then im in a vicious sisyphean cycle until im satisfied my bladder is a dry shriveled up prune and then i can finally attempt to get comfortable and hope i fall asleep quickly (spoiler: i wont)
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pampbotbutt · 2 months
wahhhhh I leaked in bed >< babybot punished for being lazy
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dimpy2020 · 2 years
Snuggy is India's oldest and first-ever baby diaper brand. Snuggy has been a partner to parents throughout the country in their baby's growth journey.
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diapereddoe · 29 days
Hey there little miss piggy turn that butt around and show us the mess that’s undoubtedly in your pamper
One soaked nighttime diaper coming up
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lolaandthens0me · 1 year
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It’s my one-year 24/7 anniversary!!!
🎉 whoop, whoop 🎉
Here are some of the lessons I’ve learned along my 365-day journey of becoming a full-fledged 24/7 diaper slut:
+ daytime vs. nighttime diapers - having a wide selection of different absorbency levels and types of diapers is helpful in maintaining comfort throughout the day.
+ have fun - keeping my interest piqued by buying whatever new diaper is out there and keeping my shelves stocked with old standbys and new, exciting dips alike has made me excited to reach for a change day-by-day.
+ ups and downs - some days I simply don’t feel like wearing. I’ve learned to give myself grace and compassion. Not wanting to wear some days is normal and totally OK. I know the tide will turn. By pushing through, I find a sense of pride, achievement, loyalty, and completion and it continued to be worth it month after month.
+ loss of control - no, I’m sorry to disappoint, not that loss of control. In going 24/7, I have not in any way become incontinent. What I have become is more fully engrained in a submissive lifestyle and that has become a richly rewarding, deeply meaningful part of my everyday. It delights me just as much today, if not moreso than it did a year ago, to give up control of my most fundamental choices.
+ convenience - if you are looking for a more convenient way of living, going 24/7 may not be the answer for you. At least until you get very, very used to it. I find that wearing 24/7 is more of an inconvenience most days. I have to plan my day, my outings, what to pack, what to wear all around my diapers. I admit though, it is nice to never have to leave the theater in the middle of a movie!
+ baby powder is my friend
+ NorthShore Supreme wipes are 100% worth it
+ I still delight in the feeling of peeing my pants every time
+ Daddy is simply the best - as much of a commitment of going 24/7 has been for me, I fully acknowledge and appreciate how much of a commitment it is for the other half of this 24/7 D/s dynamic. I cannot thank him enough for staying in this with me for a whole year. I love you, RY 💙
+ I don’t know what the next 365 days will bring, but I do know that I feel proud and happy looking back at the last 365.
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letsbebabies · 1 year
What are your favorite adult diapers and favorite baby diapers
At the moment we're loving TENA Ultimas for daytime and Crinklz Fairytales for nighttime 🧚‍♀️ Our favourite nappies are currently the Animooz from Tykables, I have to say Daddy looks pretty damn good in pink though 💕
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We've recently been liking dry nights due to how hot it has been, but our favourite baby nappy is Pampers. Neither hold that much, but Daddy says I look cute ✨️
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leossparkle · 8 days
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I still can’t believe I hid my little side from my friends for years! I mean, what’s better than starting the day being teased 'cause your nighttime diaper is so soaked that you can only waddle? 💦
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cameronspecial · 5 months
dad!drew , coming home from the hospital after giving birth and bring the baby home , and the first night with the baby !
Their Own Little Party
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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“You know you could’ve driven faster,” Y/N comments, tossing the strap of the diaper bag over her shoulder. Drew peeks into the car seat where his sleeping daughter is and smiles. He unbuckles the seat, taking her out gently. His head moves like a dog shaking off water, “Are you crazy? I had two precious cargoes in the back. I wasn’t going to go any faster than that.” She giggles and goes to his side. “I feel like you could’ve done that without driving so slow. I mean, Baby, even that little old lady flipped you off,” she notes, opening the front door for him and switching the lights on. He sets the car seat down and drops to the floor to start taking Mila out of her car seat, “She was mean.” Y/N watches as he picks up their daughter. “This is your home, Pumpkin. We are now in the front entryway, where I’m going to teach you how to tie your shoes and put on your jacket in that funny way kids do,” he whispers the next part. “After I figure out how to do that.” “Are you going to do this for every room?” she questions. Y/N finds it adorable, but giving birth and worrying about being a mom has really drained her. All she wants to do is get to bed and she knows Drew is going to take forever with his tour. He can read her like fortune-telling tea, “Why don’t you go sleep? I can handle putting her to bed tonight.” 
“Really? But we need to parent together and this is her first day home.”
“I’m not going to stop you from missing out on this milestone if you want to help. However, I hope you know that even though she is only a few days old, I do feel like we are doing this parenting thing together. We don’t need to do everything together for us to be doing this together. Sometimes we’ll just need to take turns.”
It would be nice to go through this milestone with Mila, except Y/N has already gone through a nighttime routine with Mila during their time at the hospital and she would much rather sleep than experience the same routine in a new setting. Relief spreads across her and she steps onto her tippy toes to kiss him. “Thank you so much, I love you.”
Crying comes from the baby monitor and Y/N is about to get up to care for the child in need, yet the wails stop and this gets her running out of the room. She hears the floorboards creak and a male voice she recognizes comes from Mila’s room.
"Au clair de la lune,
Mon ami Pierrot,
Prête-moi ta plume
Pour écrire un mot.”
She peeks into the room to find Drew holding Mila, who is only wearing a diaper, against his bare chest. He is quietly singing into her ear and swaying in the spot where he stands. Y/N steps forward, the floorboard announcing her entrance. He freezes and turns towards his wife. “Hey, you should be asleep,” he whispers, walking close to her. She wraps her arms around his waist from the front and nuzzles her head beside Mila’s, “I was and then this little one got fussy. It seems like I was missing the party though. I must say that it is very rude of you not to invite me.” He chuckles. “I’m sorry, your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail,” he jokes. The two of them don’t exchange any other words; instead, they spend the night cuddling in their own little party with their little family. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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regressionschool · 1 month
the pull-ups to Pampers pipeline
Tim stood in front of the mirror, examining his reflection. He wore a pair of snug, brightly colored boxers that seemed slightly out of place on his adult frame. His girlfriend, Amy, had been encouraging him to wear them, claiming they looked cute. He had shrugged and decided to give them a try a few weeks ago.
"Come on, Timmy," Amy called from the bedroom, her tone playful. "Let's see how you look!"
He stepped out, feeling a bit self-conscious. Amy's eyes lit up when she saw him. "Aw, don't you look adorable!" she cooed, walking over and giving his bottom a gentle pat. "They fit perfectly!"
Tim blushed, not used to this kind of attention. Amy grinned and handed him a pair of Pull-Ups. "But I got you something even better," she said, her eyes twinkling. "These are even more comfy and fun."
Tim hesitated but then seeing Amy’s smile "Okay, why not?" he said, slipping off the boxers and stepping into the Pull-Ups. The snug fit and the crinkling sound they made were odd but strangely comfortable. Amy clapped her hands, delighted.
"You look so cute!" she exclaimed. "Now you don't have to worry about little accidents."
Tim laughed, thinking she was just being playful. Little did he know, this was just the beginning.
A few weeks had passed, and Tim had grown used to wearing Pull-Ups around the house. They were surprisingly comfortable, and Amy's constant praise made him feel good about himself. One lazy afternoon, Tim was lounging on the couch, watching TV. He felt a slight urge to pee but didn't feel like getting up. He thought, "Why not?" and let go, feeling the warmth spread through the Pull-Up.
Amy walked in just as he finished. "Did my little Timmy have an accident?" she teased, her tone light but condescending. Tim blushed but nodded, expecting her to be annoyed.
Instead, Amy smiled and hugged him. "That's good, sweetheart. That's what your Pull-Ups are for. Let's get you changed." She led him to the bedroom, where she had a fresh Pull-Up ready. Tim lay down, feeling a mix of embarrassment and comfort as Amy cleaned him up and put on the new Pull-Up.
"There we go," she said, patting his padded bottom. "All better. See? No need to worry about anything."
Tim stood in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. The Pull-Ups had become a regular part of his routine, even more so after he’d started having the occasional nighttime accident. It was just easier to wear them, he told himself, especially with how supportive Amy was. Still, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed every time he woke up in a damp Pull-Up.
One night, as they were getting ready for bed, Tim felt a familiar urge but was too sleepy to get up. He sighed, deciding it would be fine to just let go. The warm, spreading sensation was comforting in a strange way, and he drifted back to sleep without a second thought.
Morning came, and as Tim stretched and yawned, he felt a wet, cold sensation around his hips. The Pull-Up had leaked. He sighed, a bit frustrated with himself as he looked down at the damp sheets.
Amy came in just then, noticing the wet spot. “Oh, Timmy,” she said softly, her voice a mix of sympathy and something else—almost like she had been expecting this. “Looks like your Pull-Up wasn’t enough last night.”
Tim blushed, feeling like a little kid who had wet the bed. Amy, ever the comforting partner, quickly reassured him. “It’s okay, sweetie. It happens. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
That night, after dinner, Amy approached Tim with a different package in her hands. She pulled out a thick diaper, the crinkling sound unmistakable. Tim’s eyes widened slightly.
“After last night, I think it’s time we try these,” Amy said, her tone gentle but firm. “These will keep you dry all night, and you won’t have to worry about leaks anymore.”
Tim hesitated, glancing between the diaper and Amy’s reassuring smile. “I... I don’t know, Amy. Isn’t this a bit much?”
Amy shook her head and patted the bed, encouraging him to lie down. “Not at all, Timmy. This is just for extra protection. You’ll sleep so much better knowing you’re completely safe from accidents.”
Tim sighed and reluctantly agreed, lying back as Amy expertly taped the diaper around his waist. The difference in thickness was obvious, and Tim felt a bit more self-conscious as he stood up, the bulk between his legs making him waddle slightly.
Amy smiled, giving him a kiss on his padded bum. “There you go, all set for bed. Doesn’t that feel better?”
Tim nodded, though the crinkling sound that followed his every move was something he would need to get used to. As they snuggled into bed, Tim couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted.
Yet, as he drifted off to sleep, the thick diaper providing a strange sense of security, Tim found that he didn’t mind it as much as he thought he would. Maybe, just maybe, Amy was right—this was better and after all, he only had to wear them at night.
Early morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a soft glow across the living room where Tim sat on the floor, deeply engrossed in his video game. The crinkle of his diaper was barely audible over the sound effects emanating from the screen. He was completely absorbed, his fingers deftly maneuvering the controller.
Amy, still in her pajamas, walked in, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She paused, watching Tim for a moment, a fond smile tugging at her lips. Noticing the sag in his diaper, she approached and sat down beside him.
“Morning, Timmy,” she said softly, her voice still thick with sleep. “Why didn’t you wake me for a diaper change? You look like you’ve been up for a while.”
Tim glanced at her, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I didn’t want to wake you, Mommy. You looked so peaceful sleeping, and I was just playing my game. I didn’t mind the diaper.”
Amy reached over, gently squeezing his shoulder. “Sweetheart, you know I don’t mind getting up to take care of you. You shouldn’t have to sit in a soggy diaper just because I’m sleeping.”
Tim looked down, fiddling with the controller. “I know, Amy. I just… I kind of forgot. It really doesn’t bother me.”
Amy nodded, a smile dawning on her face. “Okay, sweetie. But remember, it’s no trouble for me. Let’s get you changed now, okay?”
Tim found himself in another pressing situation as he strolled through the park with Amy. The sun was shining, birds chirping, and everything seemed perfect—except for the growing pressure in his stomach. They’d been out for a while, and the nearest bathroom was all the way across the park. Tim tried to ignore the urge, focusing instead on Amy's cheerful chatter, but each step made it harder to hold it in.
“I think we should start heading back,” Tim suggested, trying to keep his voice steady. He could feel the sweat forming on his forehead as the urge grew more intense.
Amy looked up at him, noticing his strained expression. “Are you okay, Timmy? You don’t look so good.”
Tim bit his lip, trying not to panic. “I… I just really need to go to the bathroom.”
Amy’s eyes softened with understanding. She glanced around the park, seeing how far they were from the nearest restroom. “Oh, sweetie,” she said gently, placing a comforting hand on his arm. “I don’t think we’re going to make it in time. You might want to just… let go.”
Tim’s eyes widened in shock. “But… but I have to go poopies,” he stammered, his face flushing red. The idea of doing that in his Pull-Ups, out in public, was mortifying.
Amy’s tone was soothing, but there was a hint of firmness in it. “Timmy, it’s okay. I’m here. You don’t need to worry about accidents.”
Tim felt his resolve weakening. The pressure was becoming unbearable, and the bathroom was so far away. Despite his best efforts to hold on, his body betrayed him. A faint crinkling sound accompanied the warm, spreading sensation as his Pull-Ups filled up. Tim’s eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment, unable to believe what he’d just done.
Amy noticed immediately and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a comforting hug. “Shhh, it’s okay, Timmy,” she whispered soothingly into his ear. “You did your best, but sometimes accidents happen. There’s no need to be embarrassed.”
Tim leaned into her, his face buried in her shoulder. He felt a mix of shame and relief, the warmth in his Pull-Ups both uncomfortable and oddly reassuring. But this was different—worse, somehow—than just wetting himself at home. He had really tried to make it to the bathroom, but it was like his body just couldn’t hold on anymore.
Tim looked down, his thoughts swirling. He remembered how comforting the thick diapers had felt at night, how they made him feel safe and secure. He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. “ I don’t know. Maybe this is a sign that I should be wearing… you know… a diaper.”
Amy’s eyes lit up with surprise and excitement. She had been slowly guiding Tim to this point, but she hadn’t expected him to suggest it himself. “Oh, sweetie,” she said softly, her voice full of warmth.
Tim blushed as Amy carefully removed his messy Pull-Up and wiped him clean with gentle care. The crinkling of the fresh diaper as she unfolded it sent a shiver down his spine, the thickness much more noticeable than the Pull-Ups he’d been wearing. Amy expertly taped the diaper snugly around his waist, her hands moving with practiced ease. Tim felt a strange mix of emotions—embarrassment, yes, but also a deep sense of relief. The thick padding between his legs felt familiar and comforting, like a protective barrier against the world.
Amy helped him sit up, patting his padded bottom affectionately. “There you go, all snug and safe,” she said with a smile. “How does that feel?”
Tim shifted slightly, feeling the bulk of the diaper as he moved. It was a little awkward at first, but as he settled back into the car seat, he couldn’t deny the comfort it provided. “It… it feels better,” he admitted softly, his cheeks still tinged pink.
Amy beamed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before buckling him back into the seat. “I’m so glad to hear that, Timmy,” she said, her voice full of warmth. “Now you don’t have to worry about anything. Just relax and enjoy the ride home.”
As they drove, Tim found himself sinking into the comfort of the thick diaper. He stared out the window, watching the world pass by, when he suddenly felt a all to familiar warmth spreading between his legs. He blinked in surprise, realizing that he hadn’t even noticed the urge this time. The diaper absorbed everything effortlessly, and Tim felt a strange sense of freedom knowing he didn’t have to worry about holding it anymore.
Amy glanced over at him, noticing the slight blush on his cheeks. She reached over and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” she asked softly.
Tim nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Yeah… it does,” he admitted, his voice full of contentment.
Amy smiled back, her heart swelling with pride and affection. “I’m so proud of you, Timmy. You’re doing great.”
Amy watched from the doorway, a soft smile playing on her lips. She had seen how much Tim had changed over the past few months. The little hesitations, the self-consciousness—those had all but disappeared. In their place was a relaxed, carefree version of Tim, content and happy in his padded state.
"Timmy," Amy called softly, walking over to him. "How's my little boy doing?"
Tim looked up, his eyes lighting up as he saw her. "Hi, Mommy!" he chirped, his voice carrying a hint of childish excitement. He gestured proudly to his legos. "Look, I made a farm!"
Amy knelt beside him, admiring his work. "Wow, that's amazing, sweetie! You're so good at building."
Tim beamed at the praise, clapping his hands together in delight. Amy ruffled his hair affectionately, then glanced down at his diaper. She noticed the slight sag in the front and the way the material was puffier than before.
"Timmy, did you use your diaper?" she asked gently, already knowing the answer.
Tim blinked, as if just realizing what she'd said. He shifted slightly, feeling the warm, squishy sensation around his bottom. A small giggle escaped him as he nodded. "Uh-huh, but I didn’t notice. I was too busy playing."
Amy smiled and gave his soggy diaper a soft pat. "That’s okay, sweetie. That’s what your diaper is for, remember? To keep you comfy and dry while you play."
Tim nodded, his attention already drifting back to his toys. Wet diapers had become such a regular part of his life that he didn’t even think twice about them. In fact, it had been days—maybe even weeks—since he last used the toilet. The diapers were just... easier. They let him stay in his little world, where everything was soft, simple, and fun.
Timmy sat on the plush carpet in the corner of the living room, surrounded by a colorful assortment of blocks and stuffed animals. He was humming a little tune to himself, entirely absorbed in stacking the blocks as high as they would go. His diaper, thick and crinkly, peeked out from beneath the pastel-colored onesie Amy had dressed him in that morning. The soft fabric was adorned with cartoon animals, and the snaps at the crotch made it easy for Amy to change him whenever needed—a task that had become a routine part of their day.
Amy sat on the couch with two other women, their conversation drifting between sips of tea. They spoke in low voices, occasionally glancing over at Timmy with fond smiles. He was blissfully unaware of the discussion, his focus solely on the wobbly tower he was building.
"And he’s like this all the time now?" one of the women, Karen, asked, her eyes wide with curiosity as she watched Timmy giggle to himself.
Amy nodded, a proud smile on her lips. "Yes, he is. It took some time, but once he got used to the Pull-Ups, things just… progressed naturally. He didn’t even notice when he stopped going to the toilet. Now, he’s just my sweet little baby boy."
The other woman, Laura, leaned in closer, her voice full of intrigue. "How did you do it? My husband would never agree to something like this."
Amy chuckled softly, glancing over at Timmy, who was now babbling happily to his stuffed bear. "It’s all about patience," she explained. "I started with the Pull-Ups, telling him they were just for convenience. At first, it was just around the house. Then, little by little, I encouraged him to use them. Made it sound like it was no big deal. He was hesitant at first, but I kept reassuring him, praising him every time he did. It wasn’t long before he started using them without thinking."
Karen watched Timmy with a mix of amazement and amusement. "And now he’s just… like this?"
Amy nodded, her smile widening. "He’s completely regressed. Doesn’t even notice when he wets himself anymore. It’s all second nature to him now. He’s happy, carefree, and he loves all the attention. Plus, he calls me Mommy now—it’s the sweetest thing."
Timmy, oblivious to the conversation, gave his block tower a final pat, then turned to his stuffed bear. "Look, Teddy!" he said in a high-pitched, sing-song voice, "I did it! Big tower!" He clapped his hands, giggling as the tower wobbled precariously.
The women exchanged knowing glances, each lost in their own thoughts about how this might work in their own relationships. Laura, who had been taking mental notes, leaned forward, her voice curious. "But doesn’t he… resist at all? I mean, he used to be an adult."
Amy shook her head, her expression calm and confident. "Not anymore. Once he started to rely on the diapers, he just let go of all those adult worries. Now, he’s happiest when he’s like this—no responsibilities, no stress. Just my little Timmy, playing all day."
Karen couldn’t help but smile as she watched Timmy shake his plush bear in excitement, his diaper crinkling loudly with every movement. "He’s adorable," she said softly, her tone almost envious. "And he really doesn’t care anymore, does he?"
Amy’s eyes twinkled with pride. "No, he doesn’t. He’s fully embraced being my little one. And honestly, I think it’s better for him. He’s more relaxed, more content. And I get to take care of him, just like I’ve always wanted."
Timmy suddenly crawled over to Amy, tugging gently at her skirt to get her attention. “Mommy,” he lisped, looking up at her with wide, innocent eyes. “Look what Teddy did! Teddy made a big tower!”
Amy beamed down at him, reaching out to pat his head affectionately. “That’s wonderful, sweetie! You and Teddy are so clever.”
Timmy giggled, clapping his hands in delight before toddling back to his play area, his soggy diaper sagging heavily between his legs. Laura noticed Amy’s gaze and followed it to Timmy’s soggy bum. "Does he need a change?" she asked, her voice full of curiosity.
Amy nodded, but there was no rush in her movements. "He does, but there’s no need to hurry. He’s perfectly comfortable, and it’s not like he notices anyway."
Karen chuckled softly. "You’ve really thought of everything, haven’t you?"
Amy shrugged modestly, though her smile was full of pride. "It’s just about knowing what he needs. And right now, he needs this—his diaper, his toys, his Mommy. That’s all that matters."
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dee-writes-smut · 3 months
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ROSES (Chapter Nine)
FEATURING Eris Vanserra x pregnant!reader
SUMMARY Eris is settling into both life as a High Lord and a new parent while also juggling the repairs needed for your relationship. Good thing he's tenacious.
CONTENT WARNINGS tooth-rotting fluff, that's all I have to say.
AUTHORS NOTE It breaks my heart to say this, but this is the last chapter in the official Flowers series. Don't fret; there will probably be spin off chapters and headcannons, but this is it as far as the main story goes. I can't simply find the words to express how grateful I am for all of you who followed me through this journey. Thank you to each and every one of you, new and old, for your support and love. I hope to see all of you in my future endeavors.
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Three months had passed since the harrowing night of Eilidh’s birth, a night that had forged an unbreakable bond between you, Eris, and your daughter. The autumn leaves had begun to fall, painting the forest with vibrant hues of red and gold. The palace had a renewed energy, one that came from Eris assuming the mantle of High Lord of the Autumn Court. It was a role he embraced with a sense of duty and responsibility, balancing it with the demands of fatherhood.
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Eilidh, now three months old, was a bundle of joy and curiosity. Her bright eyes, the color of rich amber, were always exploring, taking in the world around her. Her soft coos and infectious giggles filled the air, bringing warmth and light to every corner of the palace. Her presence had a calming effect on everyone, even during the most turbulent times.
Eris had become a devoted father, his transformation evident to all who knew him. He juggled his new responsibilities as High Lord with the demands of caring for Eilidh, often seen carrying her in his arms during council meetings or while handling court affairs. His love for her was palpable, his every action reflecting a deep commitment to his family.
But the road to this point had not been easy. After the night he had left you, the guilt and regret had weighed heavily on him. He had groveled, begged for your forgiveness, and worked tirelessly to prove his devotion. Every action, every word, had been an effort to make amends for the hurt he had caused.
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Eris's groveling had begun the moment he had returned to your side. As soon as he saw you again, his eyes filled with tears of remorse and self-reproach. He had knelt before you, his voice trembling as he apologized, his words spilling out in a rush of desperation.
"I’m so sorry," he had whispered, his eyes pleading for your forgiveness. "I was a fool. I let my anger and jealousy cloud my judgment. I should have trusted you, should have listened. Please, forgive me."
You had looked down at him, your heart torn between the pain he had caused and the love you still felt for him. It had taken time, but you had seen the sincerity in his eyes, felt the depth of his regret.
In the days that followed, Eris had gone to great lengths to make amends. He had taken on the majority of the nighttime feedings and diaper changes, insisting that you get the rest you needed. He had brought you breakfast in bed every morning, each meal accompanied by a heartfelt note expressing his love and gratitude.
He had arranged for the palace gardens to be filled with your favorite flowers, their blooms a constant reminder of his devotion. He had planned quiet, intimate dinners, where the two of you could reconnect and share your thoughts and feelings. He had even sought counsel from the palace healers and wise elders, determined to be the best partner and father he could be.
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One evening, as you rocked Eilidh to sleep, Eris had approached you, his eyes filled with determination. "I know I can't erase the past," he had said softly, "but I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. You and Eilidh are my everything. I will never take you for granted again."
You had seen the truth in his words, felt the sincerity in his actions. Slowly, the walls you had built around your heart began to crumble, replaced by a renewed sense of trust and love.
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Now, three months later, Eris stood by your side as you gazed down at Eilidh, who was nestled in her crib, her tiny hand clutching one of Eris's fingers. The palace had become a haven of love and laughter, a stark contrast to the tumultuous times you had endured.
"Eilidh’s growing so fast," you murmured, your voice filled with wonder.
Eris smiled, his eyes softening as he looked at his daughter. "She is," he agreed. "And she’s more beautiful every day, just like her mother."
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his embrace. "We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?" you said softly.
"We have," Eris replied, his voice filled with pride and love. "And we’ll continue to move forward, together. As a family."
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Eris's coronation ball had finally arrived, an event that had been the talk of Prythian for weeks. The Autumn Court’s palace was aglow with lanterns and magic, casting a warm, golden light that reflected off the autumn leaves that carpeted the ground. The ballroom itself was a masterpiece of design and enchantment.
The grand hall was adorned with rich tapestries depicting the history of the Autumn Court, their vibrant hues illuminated by the soft glow of chandeliers hanging from the high, arched ceiling. The floor was a polished marble, intricately patterned to resemble the fallen leaves of the season. Tables were set with fine china and crystal, each centerpiece a bouquet of autumnal flowers that filled the air with a delicate fragrance.
The atmosphere was one of celebration and anticipation. Musicians played a lively tune in one corner of the room, their music mingling with the soft murmur of conversation and laughter. Nobles and dignitaries from all courts mingled, their elegant attire a dazzling array of colors and styles.
You stood near the entrance, holding Eilidh in your arms, her tiny hand clutching a strand of your hair. Her wide eyes took in the splendor of the room, the lights reflecting in her amber irises. You wore a dress of deep crimson, its fabric flowing around you like a cascade of autumn leaves, perfectly complementing Eris's formal attire of dark, intricately embroidered robes that signified his new status as High Lord.
The Inner Circle of the Night Court arrived in a flurry of elegance and power. Rhysand, with Feyre by his side, led the group, their presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. Cassian and Azriel flanked them, their imposing figures exuding strength and confidence. Mor and Amren brought up the rear, their grace and poise adding to the group's undeniable allure.
“Congratulations,” Feyre said warmly as she approached, her eyes twinkling with genuine happiness. “Eilidh is beautiful.”
You smiled, the pride in your heart evident on your face. “Thank you, Feyre. She’s our little miracle.”
Rhysand stepped forward, his gaze softening as he looked at Eilidh. “May I?” he asked, extending his arms.
“Of course,” you replied, gently passing your daughter to him.
Rhysand cradled Eilidh with a surprising tenderness, his expression one of awe and reverence. “She’s perfect,” he murmured, brushing a kiss to her forehead. “You must be very proud.”
“We are,” you said, glancing over at Eris, who was deep in conversation with several High Lords. “She’s brought so much joy into our lives.”
Cassian and Azriel were next, each taking a turn to hold Eilidh and marvel at her tiny features. Mor cooed at her, making silly faces that had Eilidh giggling with delight. Amren, ever the enigma, simply nodded in approval, her sharp eyes betraying a rare softness.
As you watched the Inner Circle doting on your daughter, a sense of peace settled over you. These were your friends, your family, and they were here to celebrate this new chapter in your life.
“Here,” you said, gently taking Eilidh back from Amren and turning to Lucien, who had been standing quietly by your side. “Why don’t you spend some time with your niece?”
Lucien's eyes lit up as he took Eilidh in his arms. “Hey there, little one,” he whispered, his voice filled with affection. “Uncle Lucien’s got you.”
You watched as Lucien walked off with Eilidh, their heads close together as he spoke to her in hushed tones. The bond between them was growing stronger each day, and it filled your heart with joy to see Lucien so involved in her life.
Turning back to the ballroom, you took a moment to appreciate the grandeur of the occasion. The walls were lined with flickering candles, their flames casting a warm, inviting glow. The ceiling was enchanted to mirror the night sky, a tapestry of stars twinkling above. The music had shifted to a more formal tune, signaling the beginning of the night's official proceedings.
Eris stood at the head of the room, his presence commanding and regal. He caught your eye and smiled, a look of love and gratitude passing between you. Tonight was a night of celebration, but it was also a night of reaffirmation – of the love and commitment you shared, and of the bright future that lay ahead for you, Eris, and Eilidh.
The High Lords and their entourages took their places, the atmosphere in the room shifted, becoming one of anticipation and reverence. This was a momentous occasion, the dawn of a new era for the Autumn Court under Eris’s leadership.
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As the evening wore on, the grand ballroom of the Autumn Court was filled with an air of contentment and celebration. The official proceedings had concluded, and the mood had shifted to one of relaxed enjoyment. Guests mingled, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of the orchestra that now played a gentle waltz.
Eris, who had been engaged in conversations with various dignitaries, finally found a moment to break away. His eyes scanned the room, searching for you amidst the sea of elegantly dressed guests. When he found you, standing near the edge of the dance floor and watching Lucien proudly show Eilidh to Elain, a tender smile spread across his face.
He crossed the room with purpose, his movements graceful and assured. As he reached you, he extended his hand, a silent invitation that spoke volumes. "May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting.
You took his hand, your heart fluttering at the touch. "I would love to," you replied softly.
Eris led you onto the dance floor, the crowd parting to make way for the two of you. The orchestra began to play a new melody, one that seemed to capture the essence of the moment – a blend of joy, love, and a touch of nostalgia.
As you stepped into Eris's embrace, the world around you seemed to fade away. His hand rested lightly on your waist, guiding you effortlessly through the steps of the dance. Your free hand found its place on his shoulder, and you moved together as if you were two halves of a whole, perfectly in sync.
The dance floor felt like a canvas, and you and Eris were the artists, painting a picture of grace and elegance with each step. The marble beneath your feet seemed to shimmer with every movement, reflecting the golden glow of the chandeliers above. The flickering candlelight cast a warm, inviting glow on your faces, highlighting the emotions that played across your features.
Eris's eyes never left yours, his gaze intense and filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away. There was love there, yes, but also admiration, gratitude, and a sense of profound connection. It was as if the entire journey you had shared – the hardships, the joys, the moments of doubt and the moments of certainty – were encapsulated in this one, perfect dance.
The music swelled, and Eris spun you gently, your dress flaring out like a burst of autumn leaves caught in a gentle breeze. As you came back to him, he pulled you closer, his grip tightening ever so slightly as if to reassure himself that you were truly there with him.
"I never imagined this," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the music. "That we would be here, together, like this."
You smiled, your heart swelling with emotion. "Neither did I," you replied. "But I wouldn't trade it for anything."
As the dance continued, you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment, in the feel of Eris's strong arms around you, the warmth of his body against yours, the way he moved with a confidence and grace that was uniquely his. The world outside the dance floor ceased to exist; there was only the two of you, and the beautiful, intricate dance you shared.
Meanwhile, at the edge of the ballroom, Lucien stood with Elain, who was holding Eilidh. He watched you and Eris with a fond smile, feeling a sense of peace and contentment as he saw how happy you were. Elain cooed at Eilidh, who giggled in response, her tiny hands reaching out to grasp at the sparkling lights.
"She looks so much like you," Elain said softly, her eyes warm as she looked at Lucien.
Lucien chuckled, his gaze softening as he looked at his daughter. "She has her mother's spirit," he replied. "And a bit of her uncle's mischief, I think."
Elain laughed, a musical sound that blended perfectly with the joyous atmosphere of the evening. "She's lucky to have so many people who love her."
Lucien nodded, his heart full. "Yes, she is."
As the dance drew to a close, Eris pulled you even closer, his forehead resting gently against yours. "I love you," he whispered, the words a promise and a vow.
"I love you too," you replied, your voice trembling with the intensity of your emotions.
The music faded, and the room erupted in applause, the guests acknowledging the beauty of the moment you and Eris had shared. But for you, the applause was just background noise. What mattered was the man in front of you, the love you saw in his eyes, and the future you knew you would face together, hand in hand.
Just as another song began, Lucien appeared at your side with your daughter in his arms. “She’s been quite the hit tonight,” Lucien said with a grin, carefully handing your daughter to Eris.
Eris took Eilidh with a tenderness that melted your heart, and you couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of the two of them together. “Thank you, Lucien,” Eris said sincerely, his eyes meeting his brother’s with a newfound understanding.
Lucien nodded, stepping back to give you both space. Eris cradled Eilidh between you, her tiny form a perfect blend of the two of you. As you continued to dance, your daughter nestled close, the moment felt like a dream.
The music slowed, and you felt the world shift around you, as if everything had aligned in that single, perfect moment. The love you felt for Eris and Eilidh was overwhelming, a powerful force that filled your heart to bursting.
And then, it happened. A sudden, undeniable snap that resonated deep within your soul. The mating bond. It surged between you and Eris, a connection that was as ancient as it was unbreakable. You gasped, feeling the intensity of it wash over you, binding you to him in a way that was profound and eternal.
Eris’s eyes widened, and he pulled you closer, his grip tightening around you and Eilidh. “Did you feel that?” he whispered, awe and wonder in his voice.
You nodded, tears of joy welling in your eyes. “Yes,” you whispered back, your voice trembling with emotion. “I felt it.”
The bond was a revelation, a confirmation of what you had always known in your heart. You were meant to be together, to share your lives and your love, to build a future that was as bright and beautiful as the stars above.
As the last notes of the music played, you and Eris stood together, your daughter cradled between you, the bond of love and family wrapping around you like a protective cocoon. It was a moment of pure magic, a testament to the journey you had taken and the love that had blossomed along the way.
And as you looked into Eris’s eyes, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, bound by love, fate, and the unbreakable bond that had finally snapped into place.
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dimpy2020 · 2 years
Snuggy Diapers is India’s oldest and first-ever baby diaper brand. Our Diapers are soft, super-absorbent, and tell you when it’s time for a change. Order Online now!
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biggest-little-boy · 9 months
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The dreaded nighttime diaper check😣
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starrylevi · 1 year
Dad!Levi 💫
Dad!Levi who pushes the stroller when you’re both out
Dad!Levi who gets all the chores done around the house while having the baby strapped to his chest
Dad!Levi who literally takes care of everything the first few months after you giving birth
Dad!Levi who packs the baby’s bag whenever you both leave the house because somehow you always manage to leave something but Levi never does
Dad!Levi who tries every diaper brand before picking the one he deems is the best for your child
Dad!Levi who bundles up your child as if they’re going to experience a blizzard their first day out in the cold
Dad!Levi who cuts your child’s hair himself because he doesn’t trust anyone else
Dad!Levi who internally freaks out every time your child gets sick
Dad!Levi who seems to be the stricter parent but is actually the biggest softie and lets your child indulge once in a while
Dad!Levi who doesn’t let just anyone take care of your child. They’re always properly vetted or are a well trusted friend
Dad!Levi who teaches your child to be scrappy and resourceful so no one messes with them when they first attend school
Dad!Levi who’s in charge of bath and nighttime routines
Dad!Levi with a sunshine child who is absolutely obsessed with him even though everyone else fears him
Dad!Levi who doesn’t get upset with his children’s messes because how else will they learn how to clean up
Dad!Levi who makes sure he is gentle with his little boy knowing the world was never gentle with him
Dad!Levi who holds his little girl close, reminding him of his time with his mother
Dad!Levi who just cares about raising good humans not soldiers
Dad!Levi who doesn’t punish your children but teaches them lessons
Dad!Levi who tries his hardest to be the best father since he never thinks he’s good enough
Dad!Levi who loves your children with every fiber of his being as they are healing his inner child
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