pixelgamer07 · 9 years
Can Sprites Dream?
Pixel awoke to find himself in a strange field. Getting up and stretching, he looked around with mixed curiosity and confusion. "How did I get.......here?" he said aloud, spinning a 360 before noticing a fountain a little ways off. Pixel headed to the fountain, hoping to find someone that could explain what was going on. 
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lordreala · 10 years
Reala grimaced at the very mention of food. "No soup. Water should be fine." Though Reala's domain was prone to varying into cold and warmth depending on its owner's state and mood, it most often was a perfectly neutral temperature. Reala had no need for a blanket. He, at least, was not running a fever or suffering chills. He had that consolation for his current state of well-being: Only his stomach ached; nothing else felt awry.
NiGHTS looked slightly disturbed by that comment, not particularly liking the idea of being around someone who might throw up.  This was his partner, however, so his expression changed to one of concern momentarily.  Nightmaren didn’t really get sick, did they?  He couldn’t recall being sick in the past but they had been alive for a very long time and he certainly didn’t remember everything. 
He floated down to the chair, sitting barely on the arm rest, ready to bolt up if Reala suddenly decided to yak.  “Do you know why you feel unwell?” he asked.
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rebelliousreverie · 11 years
Time Flies
It had been a while since he had returned to the grand universe; too terribly long for him to comprehend. Even though it hadn't felt long to him, he knew that it had been a long while since he stepped foot into this place. It was disorientating.
In the mockery of his universe, he floated gently as he searched; it looked like he was alone once again. With a soft smile and a sigh, the purple nightmaren decided it would be a good idea to find one of his counter parts. Though he had to pause for a moment; was he on bad terms with any of them? His heart sank at the idea, but he decided to press on anyway; he would apologize to them if they decided that they were going to be sour. Without so much as a glance back, he left his mock-verse behind to venture off into another NiGHTS's territory.
Soon enough, he had entered a universe he felt was slightly familiar, though he couldn't quite place it. It was not the smaller NiGHTS; whom he was sure by now had completely disconnected from the grand universe. The elders, perhaps? That was a possibility. He wasn't exactly sure...
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realisticrebellion · 11 years
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"How am I going to tell all of you apart?"
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lordreala · 10 years
Magic anon: Any Nightopians or Nightmaren you eat for the next 3 days make you feel incredibly sick to your stomach.
Nooo. Noooooo. Reala gave a small groan as he turned over in his throne, clutching his midsection. The general of Nightmare couldn’t be sick! The stomachache had started as a slight bother on his way home, but it had only gotten worse since. He felt on the verge of vomiting. Could Nightmaren even vomit naturally? He honestly couldn’t say.
What had made him sick in the first place was another mystery. It had been an especially busy day; he had eaten only nightopians that he had picked off on his travels. Unless someone had somehow tampered with those or this had been something slow in the making, he couldn’t imagine.
NiGHTS was going to be so disappointed. He had been talking up some place he had wanted to share last time they saw each other, but Reala doubted he would be able to leave his throne without heaving. He rolled over onto his back, keeping a hand on his stomach. Breathing deep and slow, he tried to relax.
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rebelliousreverie · 11 years
Spreading Lies
After his encounter with Chibi, he had to hurry and find the other NiGHTS... He didn't care if the other was busy with his job or not; he definitely could be in danger and if Tiffu didn't act now, it could be too late. He wouldn't let the other fall to death like the elder did.
So with that, he called out; "Other me! NiGHTs! Where are you?!"
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bluedudewithatude · 12 years
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nightsthenightmaren replied to your photoset: WHOA—! Sure are a lot of you guys! ….How’s...
Well Sonic. You’re a popluar little hedgehog~
Haha; don't forget that you're popular, too, NiGHTS!
*He laughs and speaks without realizing. But then... he finally does realize a split second after. He turns back to the nightmaren.*
Hey, it's about time you showed up! Ulala and Purge are here already, same for a few people from Puyo!
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ur2sl0w · 12 years
Sonic it's been awhile. What are you up to?
Oh, hey! I remember you! 
I haven't been doing much lately. But how are ya?
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lordreala · 11 years
I know your weakness.
The words elicited a brief spasm of panic, but Reala recalled who was speaking to him and quickly dismissed the feeling as (most likely) irrational. Outwardly, he simply raised a brow and crossed his arms, choosing to withhold judgement. Knowing NiGHTS, this could either be serious or, more likely, completely ridiculous.
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lordreala · 11 years
So This Is the New Year
When Rowan fell asleep for the final time, everything clicked into place.
And the illusion shattered.
Reala floated in the entrance to the Dream Gate, himself again at last, and tried to comprehend what, exactly, had happened this past week.
A Visitor had gotten the better of him and turned him into one of them. He had forgotten his Nightmaren origins entirely; his memories had been completely overlaid with those of a Visitor. He had thought he was one of them. Well, one of them as well as his memories had allowed. He had still thought himself greatly superior. His face flushed a deep blue as his hand hit his forehead; it all felt so idiotic now, not to mention absolutely humiliating. At least there was some form of truth in being a Nightmaren to back up his arbitrary claim to superiority as a Visitor.
Being forced to live in such filth, having to scrounge for food... How degrading for one such as him. Though... He had had Nightopias. He frowned. That was a strange feeling. A reflection on those made his blush deepen; if NiGHTS only knew... Not that, if Reala had any say in it, NiGHTS would know. Speaking of, what had happened with that? Why had NiGHTS never tried to take his Ideya? A quick glance around showed that the purple Nightmaren was nowhere to be seen, thank Wizeman. Reala darted down below a cliff, where he could sit and think. He wasn't completely hidden, but at least he wasn't in such an obvious place anymore. He wasn't yet ready to face his partner, nor anyone else.  He needed something to tell everyone about where he had been first. His questions about NiGHTS's activities would just have to wait...
Having dropped off a small sum of Ideya--not much, but it was something to announce his return--he returned to his lair and groaned, facepalming. Why..? He didn't even need to ask who the vandals were. Very few 'marens cared an ounce for holiday spirit. Under normal circumstances, he probably would have been more irritated and wanted to devise some sort of revenge, but not tonight. Tonight, he just wanted it gone; as effectively as he could, he paralooped it all into NiGHTS's lair.
There. As much as he wanted to collapse into his throne, however, he still had one last thing to do: If NiGHTS was wandering around looking for him on day four, he could only imagine what a state he was in now, having to manage everything alone. He flew off to find his partner.
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lordreala · 11 years
The First Night
Rowan had dropped off to sleep quickly despite the cold; it had, indeed, been a long day.
Tonight, he dreamed.
It wasn't an unfamiliar place. Most nights, he didn't dream, but when he did, it was of this place. An island floating in the middle of the night, a cobblestone path and a fountain. Pine trees, bodies of water, and doors.
He never remembered much from his visits. He would walk to the doors, then... Nothing. The doors were always there. He repeated the cycle and walked forward, but before he could arrive, stopped. Something had broken the cycle. There was someone there. A figure in red, that he narrowed his eyes and tilted his head upon spotting. He took a step towards it. "Who are you?"
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lordreala · 11 years
"Hey, Reala! Check out my new outfit!"
"Your... new outfit?" Reala raised a brow as he looked NiGHTS over, narrowed his eyes, then raised a brow again as he looked NiGHTS in the eye and asked, "Why?"
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lordreala · 11 years
"What of you, NiGHTS? Fantasia, perhaps?"
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lordreala · 11 years
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Reala looked around as he followed NiGHTS into the lizard's domain, spotting the various minions going about their duties, and only looked up as he picked up on Chamelan's voice. Despite overhearing those last couple sentences, he found nothing suspicious; the thought never crossed his young mind. As Chamelan approached and greeted them, he merely blinked and shifted his box of pocky from one hand to the other. He was still full, so he had decided not to open it yet. He nodded in acknowledgment of the apology, but the question immediately twisted his black lips into a pouty frown. "A Lucid Visitor got me," he grumbled and crossed his pudgy little arms, excusing at least himself.
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lordreala · 12 years
After waving bye to Bella, Reala had led the way into the next Nightmaren's domain. With his little arms crossed over his chest, he looked around as he floated into the entrance hall. "Puffball!" he called. "Hey, Puffball! Are ya here?" Despite his smaller form, his voice could definitely still project.
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lordreala · 12 years
The pair's fun was never to last. Even though they had finished their usual load of work, Wizeman had found cause to give them more; this time, he claimed a powerful Visitor had entered Nightopia... They were to ensure that this Visitor did not escape. As per usual for interruptions like these, Reala made no complaints; he simply used the time in transit to shift his mindset from fun and games back to business.
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