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nightlitghost · 4 months ago
First post, Let me get use to it. (This is the H.E.L.L. Order) (I might revamp these)
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funstyle · 2 months ago
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communion table visible next to my white boy wasted hat.... visual poetry
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lavalampstealer · 7 months ago
Small sona dump ‼️
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There’s a new one, its name is Benny :)
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that-dinopunk-guy · 1 year ago
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ryoukio · 1 year ago
dear the suckening fans,
What is the ship name for Arthur/Edward. For no reason in particular I must know this information
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the-archive-bitties · 2 years ago
You come across a large tree like building in the forest. It apppears to be a gathering hall.
A young elf woman opens the large oak doors of The Archive, beconing you in. "Welcome, Traveler! Feel free to come in. Take your time and rest from your journey. I make my home avaliable to those who need it. Feel free to partake in refreshments and to restock your travel pack. If you'll follow me I will show you to the main den," she explains as she lead you into The Archive, a large gathering hall that is, surprizingly, empty. It doesn't seem she gets guests often. Hopefully that will change soon in the future. She leads you to den which has a giant curved brown swede couch placed around a massive fire pit which is currently softly crackling. The pale wood of the floor and the pale green of the walls pairs quite nicely. She sits with you as you take your time.
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japanesecds · 8 months ago
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Candi Staton - Nightlites
Released: 1989 Japan
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leupagus · 11 months ago
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A Gale of Wolves, Chapter 3: Tommen
When Tommen was little, he and Myrcella would spend hours trying to find the hidden passageways that their septa told them ran through Maegor's Holdfast. They found a few, mostly ones that allowed for a quick escape should the castle be breached, but the one they used the most often connected their two chambers, so that they could sneak in late at night when one or the other had had another nightmare. They would read each other heraldic tales by the paltry light of the nightlit candles. Sometimes Myrcella would teach Tommen how to embroider, the way the septas had been teaching her, or Tommen would teach her how to fence using the willow branches in her flower arrangements. Myrcella had given him Ser Pounce when she had left, "so you'll have someone else to read to when you can't sleep."
*note: chapters will be posted once a day from April 18 to May 11. Some will be shorter than others, but hopefully this schedule will work for people who a) like to know when they can read the whole thing in one go and b) like to read chapter by chapter as they come.
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year ago
Pushing my "Childe is inspired by Uther Doul" agenda.
I wrote about how everything that he does contains a contradiction and we discussed with Cricket how Canotila's quest implies that the Abyss might not be just a place with monsters and dead forgotten gods, but rather a place where things randomly flicker in and out of existence or change to random other things.
And a huge part of my fascination with Childe is how three years after the start of the story I still can't figure him out. Human psyche doesn't bend at this angles, his combination of traits is not supposed to exist in one person (nor it can be imitated).
Yet, somehow it doesn't feel like ooc or bad writing, I have a very clear sense of what would be childelike and unchildelike, it just doesn't feel like anything that can exist inside a human brain, unless I resort to a very weird theory.
The theory.
China Mieville's "The Scar" has a concept called "possibility mining", certain places and certain magic/technology being able to conjure all the possible versions of a person or an object at once. It can be navigated to some extent.
There's a character called Uther Doul, a warrior-scholar, the pirate city rulers' bodyguard and overall a charming fellow. He's consistently described as someone changing the direction of his actions too quickly and unpredictably or having traits that shouldn't coexist in one person.
(he also wears grey, is proficient in most kinds of weapons and is generally polite and soft spoken. do you see my vision?)
First meeting:
  “Surrender,” he said quietly to the man before him, who looked up in terror and sobbed, fumbled idiotically for his knife.    The grey-clad man spun instantly in the air, his arms and legs bent. He twirled as if he were dancing and stamped out quickly, the bottom of his foot slamming into the fallen man’s face and smashing him back. The sailor sprawled, bleeding, unconscious or dead. As the man in grey landed he was instantly still. It was as if he had not moved.
A fight at a city arena (mostly quoting this for the reaction of other people to him):
It was only when the frenzy spread to her own boat that she realized it was a word. “Doul.” It came from all around her. “Doul, Doul, Doul.” A name. “What are they saying?” she hissed to Silas. “They’re calling for someone,” he said, his eyes scanning the surrounds. “They want a display. They’re demanding a fight from Uther Doul.” He gave her a quick, cold smile. “You’ll recognize him,” he said. “You’ll know him when you see him.” [...] Uther Doul did not seem to live in the same time as anyone else. He seemed like some visitor to a world much more gross and sluggish than his own. Despite the bulk of his body, he moved with such speed that even gravity seemed to operate more quickly for him.
The heroine contemplating after (I don't think need to comment):
They left and walked the winding nightlit pathways of Thee-And-Thine toward Shaddler, and Garwater and the Chromolith. Neither spoke. At the end of Doul’s fight, Bellis had seen something that had brought her up short and made her afraid. As he had turned, his hands clawed, his chest taut and heaving, she had seen his face. It was stretched tight, every muscle straining, into a glare of feral savagery unlike anything she had ever seen on a human being. Then a second later, with his bout won, he had turned to acknowledge the crowd and had looked once more like a contemplative priest. Bellis could imagine some fatuous warrior code, some mysticism that abstracted the violence of combat and allowed one to fight like a holy man. And equally she could imagine tapping into savagery, letting atavistic viciousness take over in a berserker fugue. But Doul’s combination stunned her. She thought of it later, as she lay in her bed, listening to light rain. He had readied and recovered himself like a monk, fought like a machine, and seemed to feel it like a predatory beast. That tension frightened her, much more than the combat skills he had shown. Those could be learned.
Uther explaining lore:
   Uther quoted something like a singer. “ ‘We have scarred this mild world with prospects, wounded it massively, broken it, made our mark on its most remote land and stretching for thousands of leagues across its sea. And what we break we may reshape, and that which fails might still succeed. We have found rich deposits of chance, and we will dig them out.’    “They meant all that literally,” he said. “It wasn’t an abstract crow of triumph. They had scarred, they had broken the world. And, in doing so, they set free forces that they were able to tap. Forces that allowed them to reshape things, to fail and succeed simultaneously-because they mined for possibilities. A cataclysm like that, shattering a world, the rupture left behind: it opens up a rich seam of potentialities.    “And they knew how to pick at the might-have-beens and pull out the best of them, use them to shape the world. For every action, there’s an infinity of outcomes. Countless trillions are possible, many milliards are likely, millions might be considered probable, several occur as possibilities to us as observers-and one comes true.    “But the Ghosthead knew how to tap some of those that might have been. To give them a kind of life. To use them, to push them into the reality that in its very existence denied theirs, which is defined by what happened and by the denial of what did not. Tapped by possibility machines, outcomes that didn’t quite make it to actuality were boosted, and made real.
Fun detail: he also wields what's called a "possible sword", it takes the shape currently preferred by the owner.
If I recall that correctly, it's never actually stated explicitly or explained why does Uther have such a weird combination of traits and fans argue a lot about which side was real.
I think all of them were. He just switched constantly between all the different versions of himself. And I think so does Childe. Not just in "he compartmentalizes" way (although that probably too) but in reality-shifting way.
I also think that's the real reason why Childe wasn't in Sumeru. His thought process itself is probably a massive spoiler. Also Nahida would have probably speedrun a corruption arc with a pace inconceivable both to King Deshret and Rukkhadevata if she tried to peek into his head.
It gets weirder and even more fun when you see the drops from the 4.2 boss, but I'll wait for the patch to drop to draw parallels. For now I'll just say that it involves a whale and a music instrument.
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sillyvanillycheos · 11 months ago
Okay so first of all, congratulations on your engagement Shadow Milk Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie! 🎉🍾
Second off, what are your dream weddings 💒?
a beach side one? A big glamorous one with all your friends and family or a little private ceremony with only those closest to you?
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Oh my dream wedding nothing short of big! I’d want it to be a bit ballroom gala with my dear vanilly as the star dancer! He’s has quite the talent you know~
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I honestly don’t care what our wedding will be like, I just hope it to be a wonderful day of celebration! But a nightlit wedding does sound up my alley…
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cee-grice · 2 years ago
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you know what time it is, folks. that's right, it's worldbuilding time
today, we're talking about:
💎Magia Conduits💎
A magia conduit is a tool that mages and some priests use to wield magia, meaning, it's something that they require in order to do magic. It's a type of crystal called nightlite that has unparalleled magia conductive qualities, and functions as, well, a conduit through which people are able to access magia in the air. This crystal is typically cut into gems and used as jewelry. By far the most popular metal to encase it in is gold, as it's significantly conductive as well, and may provide help in smoothing the link to magia. Any person wishing to do magic must have a magia conduit on their person. There are many factors that impact its functionality, however.
Nightlite gets its name from its night-like appearance, which is especially prominent in the dark as it has a slight glow to it (when cut and polished, it loses the glow). See the illustration below:
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It's commonly found in caves strewn about the continent; although, at the present time, there is much less of it left due to the mining for conduits. It does not seem to form anymore either, nor is it possible to transmute. Nightlite was found very early on but its magia-related qualities were discovered much later. When scholars first started theorizing that magic could be done by anyone, not just priests (see this post for a bit more info on that), they spent years trying to find ways to achieve that. At some point, they turned to folklore, as nightlite was well-known among the common people. Those that dabbled in worship believed it was a manifestation of the deities and brought miracles into their homes if placed somewhere inside. Some saw it as a tool for curses and thus either seeked it out for nefarious purposes or avoided it as best they could. And some thought that if gifted to a newborn upon their birth it would bring the child good fortune for the rest of their lives. In short, there were as many beliefs as there were communities—and all had to do with mystical abilities (this was likely caused by accidental casting, so most of those beliefs had some truth to it). And so, when scholars began investigating this crystal, they quickly discovered that it, indeed, was just what they'd been looking for. On a separate note, nightlite has baffled geologists ever since they started investigating it and still does to this day. Although it looks like a regular crystal and can be cut and polished, its physical properties and structure is entirely unlike any other crystal. For example, it doesn't conduct heat at all, never sinks despite being heavier than all known crystals, tastes vaguely like burnt wood, makes no sound when hit—so far, nightlite remains a mystery to geologists, although a lot of effort it being put into uncovering its nature.
What kind of magia conduit a mage has depends on what kind of mage they are. In short, the smaller the gem is, the less magia they can command, but the more precise their control will be. Imagine a hammer vs a spear. It depends what your needs are. For all-rounder mages (jack-of-all-trades types), they usually go with an average-sized necklace, a comfortable middle. A necklace is also the standard for students until they get a personalized one and most priests that use one. Those that tend to command larger amount of magia and don't require much precision, such as abjuration mages (they deal with protection magic, basically), typically go for arm braces or pendants with large gems. In contrast, those that need much more precision, like transmutation mages, opt for rings or delicate bracelets. Charm mages are somewhat unique in this regard. They're the only type that command magia primarily through speaking, and so they tend to wear conduits as earrings or hair/head pieces—something that would be closer to one's mouth. An example (how Quil's looks like):
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Now, sometimes it's in your best interest that others can't tell where your conduit is, so some tend to hide or otherwise disguise them. Some, however, like Merridie mages, wear so much jewelry with so many fakes that it can be difficult to tell which is the real one. Some don't try to hide it at all, thus showing how confident they are in their own abilities.
Magia conduits are also typically linked to one specific mage at a time. This is done to ensure the best possible flow and control. Each person differs in so many ways both physically and spiritually, so it's only natural they'd use magia differently, too, to some extent. That's why personalized conduits are a must for most mages. It's possible to wield magia with another's conduit, but it won't listen to you as effectively. It's common conduits to be passed down from parent to child if they come from a mage family. It's said that conduits that are family heirlooms work more efficiently for their new wielders as the more they've been in a family line, the more exposure they've had to it and thus are better adapted for it. This also means that they function more poorly to anyone not from the family line. In addition, more prominent families also have specific designs for their conduits. Quil's family, for example, go for more triangular and sharp designs. Some of such conduits have a reputation of their own, and children may even compete for them. It's considered high honor to inherit an old conduit. (As a note, whilst Quil did inherit his own, he had it remade into a ring as it used to be a hair piece. This was a very controversial move within the family lol.)
tag list (lmk if you wanna be added or removed): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind, @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess, @scribe-of-stories, @thesorcerersapprentice, @stuffaboutwriting, @doriians
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americangirlstar · 2 years ago
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American Girl – Kingdom Hearts AU
Marisol Luna of a place Under Starry Skies, where she uses the power of the sky to fuel her dance-based magic.
Jess McConnell of the Thousand Foot Falls, a dense jungle filled with mysteries to explore.
Nicki Fleming of Nightlit Meadows, a farming community based around humanity’s connection with the animals.
Mia St. Clair of the Lucerne Arctic, a cold and frozen kingdom of warriors and heroes.
Chrissa Maxwell, Gwen Thompson and Sonali Matthews of Edgewater Lake, an aquatic-based land where only true friends together can defeat Darkness.
Lanie Holland of the Monarch Warrens, a world overrun by mystical flora, as dangerous as it is wondrous.
Kanani Akina of Napali Coast, a beautiful beachfront where Kanani strives to protect the local wildlife.
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lavalampstealer · 7 months ago
🏷️ If you were an EOD Agent, what would your earned code name be?
Oh dear lord this is a tough one. I thought this was gonna be easy but it’s NOT AT ALL 😭 I’ve spent way too long thinking over this- literal DAYS. A chosen code name is one thing, it’s the “earned” part that’s getting me.
I was gonna go with something based off of one of my sonas, like Static (TV), Nightlite (moth), or Scribble (pony), but none of them really seem right :/
Honestly? I am coming up with nada, zero, zilch. I cannot, for the life of me, think of an “earned” code name because I feel like it would depends entirely on what missions I got and where, whether or not there’d be just as many goofy/unorthodox ways of going about solving puzzles, etc. Just call me Overthinker or something along those lines at this point
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Strong recommendation for the Road to Pro series of videos made by Alex Kelley on the YouTube channel Nightlite Pinball
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maximuswolf · 4 months ago
Bonobo - Nightlite (feat. Bajka) [electronic]
Bonobo - Nightlite (feat. Bajka) [electronic] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsLkmyPg8bs Submitted October 25, 2024 at 01:20PM by -_aesthete_- https://ift.tt/jvYF1rO via /r/Music
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llita · 6 months ago
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