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tiger-grace · 7 months ago
In the Batfam the rule for speeding tickets is “it only counts if you get caught”
Somehow, going several hundred miles on twisting city streets in a Batmobile seems to make the cops give up after a while. They’re still trying to go after the motorcycle folks but they are absolutely losing the battle and the war
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fandom-hoard · 1 year ago
All of this is golden, but I do need everyone to know Nightwing does canonically have his own motorcycle- the Wingcycle.
It is even more important to me that everyone know that the original Wingcycle looked like this
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[Image ID: Nightwing sits on an incredibly dopey looking motorcycle with an even dopier looking sidecar attached. Dick is in his full Discowing era with the plunging v-neck and and popped collar up to his ears. An unknown blond hero sits in the sidecar. The motorcycle has a bright blue underbelly and is white on top. The two colors are separated by a yellow band that matches the yellow embellishment on Dick's Discowing suit. The dopiness of the motorcycle cannot be overstated. It looks like it was designed as joint parent-child seating for a kiddie coaster.]
canonically Jason and Tim have motorcycles, right? and B and Duke too but the other two are more well known I think
ANYWAYS what if everyone in the batfam had one tho? because. the potential.
Dick takes his off of roofs sometimes, but it’s built for it. before all his modifications, it was just a blue and black chrome Yamaha sports bike, nothing special. he added a Nightwing sticker on each side, a bunch of weapons (mostly electricity based), grappling hooks, Nightwing things. there’s even a sidecar for Haley.
Babs (before the wheelchair days) had a purple and yellow one that matched her suit perfectly. it sort of meant she couldn’t use it during the day, but occasionally she rode it to work with extensive concealing of the random dangerous gadgets. hers was also a Yamaha (same model ^^)
Jason canonically has a black shapeshifting one like some maccadams shit but it’s fine— it’s loud as shit, so he doesn’t really use it for patrol, but he loves it during the day. because it’s just black, it’s pretty easy to take it out for completely non-suspicious speeding law breaking joyrides. no harm done!
Cass has a jet black Ninja, and her reputation on the streets is about the same as the nightfury’s at the beginning of the first httyd. dark, deadly, and it’s even quiet in Gotham’s busy streets. watch your back for her.
Tim’s got the BATCYCLE it’s CANON. it’s also canon that it’s got a liquid-cooling engine and a Robin-themed paint job, but fuck that, I say it’s dark red and electric and he rides it to work. so sometimes (most of the time) he pulls up with ruffled clothes and helmet hair, which Conner nearly fainted at the first time he saw it, but we don’t talk about that. he doesn’t use it for patrol because Kon said he’d carry him everywhere if Tim gave him rides in exchange. on the bike. he has said on more than one occasion “wear the helmet, ride a biker” and Tim punches him really hard
Steph’s bike is purple, and the wheels do the hover-shift-glowy thing like in Mario Kart (also purple). she’s not scared of you or anyone; she will ride that shit to school and use it on patrol with the hovering and distracting color and everything. fight me.
in canon, Duke’s bike is electric with a bunch of lights and black and yellow and lowkey built like a tank. I kinda like it! I think it’s a fabulous bike for a fabulous man so therefore he gets to keep it I won’t be taking criticism
Damian gets a green and red and black electric Ninja, plus a helmet that he painted with feathers and paw prints n shit. Jon likes the spare, which is just black but has a red mohawk. what more could you want? he could fly everywhere, but he also could just have his badass motorcycle bf drive him everywhere while he wears his dope ass helmet and vibes to whatever 2000s pop shit Damian lets him play. he’s a professional backpack.
did you think I’d stop at the Batkids? sorry imma keep going
I like the idea of Brucie having a black sports bike that’s 90% modifications like in the movie. no one remembers what it was before he took it all apart and added Bat-stuff, but it looks great now! it’s blown up more times than you can count, just because it’s a really good target for rogues.
Kate has one that’s almost exactly the same, except hers is maybe a little closer to what it was originally. she doesn’t quite have all the same stuff Bruce does, but they’re the same vibe!
anyways that’s the vigilante weirdos club, so like it’s expected that they’d all have a dangerous vehicle. slightly less expected— Alfred freaking Pennyworth has a Harley with tall handles and sparkly black paint, but nobody knew that for such a long time because he barely leaves the manor. all the kids lost their minds when they found out. what can I say
anyways some Bat-bike shenanigans that have ensued:
street races between all the Batkids at least once a week, whether that be on patrol or in civvy clothes
Jason obnoxiously revving really loud whenever he sees one of them in the street, on a date, when he’s picking them up from something, just as often as possible. obnoxious revving. old people hate him
cool lesbian aunt Kate picking up kids from school with her badass bike and epic helmet
sometimes Dick will be talking about “his child” or “his baby” and no one’s sure if he’s talking about his dog or his bike
bike-related thirst traps on social media
“race you to the next light”
not a single one of them has left a Gotham speeding law intact even once (not even Alfred, although he won’t admit it)
Wally likes to get Dick to race him on his bike even though he knows he’s going to win
both Jon and Conner have said something along the lines of “I bet I could pick up the bike with you on it” as a show-off attempt, but Damian and Tim love their paint jobs too much to permit them to try
Batfam on bikes❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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leapingbadger · 1 month ago
I swear I used to be normal and now if my brain is quiet for a minute it creates a conversation between two fictional clones!
Anyway, this is a fun little chat between Cody and Hunter as they didn't get the screen time they deserved. Hunter helps Cody through some CodyWan stuff.
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Cody sat in a half empty diner in the lower levels of Coruscant, pushing his half-eaten food around the plate, more for something to do than because he actually wanted to eat it. The sun from the artificial daylight didn’t reach down this far, not that it mattered this time of day. Neon signs glowed on the dark, steely exterior of the buildings as he gazed out of the window.
He looked at the chrono in the corner of the room and sighed, what was taking so long? Just as he was about to give up, a figure strode in the restaurant, his large black and red pauldrons dwarfing those around him and making him look too wide for the space, his helmet tucked under his arm. Hunter’s face cracked into a smile upon spotting the Commander. His half skull tattoo certainly made him look more menacing to those who didn’t know him, but to Cody, he would always be his baby brother.
“Nice of you to join me,” Cody said with a smile, standing up and squeezing Hunter’s forearm as he did the same in return.
“You know I can’t say no to you, big brother. What’s so urgent?”
Cody sat down and indicated for Hunter to do the same. He had to shove the table a little to get into the booth with all his heavy armor on. Cody looked around, noticing eyes on them.
“You couldn’t have been more subtle?” he asked in an amused but exasperated voice.
“Cody, I dragged my ass halfway across the city I the middle of the nightcycle for this. What do you need?” Hunter replied with an eye roll.
A waitress in a blue uniform and four arms strode over, “What can I get ya, hun?” she asked Hunter in a bored voice.
“Just caf, please.” He said, turning back to Cody, “well? Is everything okay? I’m assuming it’s not about a job or you’d have invited all of us.”
Cody chuckled and shook his head, “where are the rest of the degenerates tonight?” He asked.
“I left them at 79s a few hours ago. Cross and Wrecker were fighting over the same Twi’lek and I didn’t have the energy to intervene. Besides, she was more interested in Tech anyway.” He said with a chuckle.
“You didn’t want to take a shot yourself?” Cody asked conversationally.
“We have back-to-back missions and I’m running on caf and some supplement of Tech’s own invention that I’m starting to think may be an illicit substance. I just wanted to sleep, until you dragged me out of bed.” Hunter said with a huff. “Cody, seriously, is everything okay?” he asked, leaning forward in the low light of the diner to try and get a better look at his brother.
Cody pulled his civilian clothes closer around him as the waitress returned with a cup and a pitcher of caf for Hunter. He smiled his thanks and poured the first of what would likely be many cups.
“I …um…I heard something today…wasn’t sure who to talk to about it with Rex off planet and you know…it being…confidential.”
Hunter lounged back in his seat, “Are you kriffing kidding me? You dragged me out of bed to talk about your boyfriend?” he said with a laugh so loud the other patrons’ heads whipped around.
“Shh” Cody hissed, lowering his head and covering the side of his face with his hand.
Hunter regained his composure, his eyes soft on his brother, a pitying smile on his lips, “I don’t have any experience with relationships, Vod, I don’t think I’m going to be much help. And Rex wouldn’t be able to help either. You’re in uncharted territory, my friend. Maybe you should call Bly.”
Cody narrowed his eyes, “I’ve seen you at 79s, you do okay for yourself.”
Hunter looked smug but waved his hand dismissively, “those aren’t relationships, they’re…encounters.”
Cody grinned, “Your last encounter looked pretty nice.”
“Ah, she was,” Hunter said, his eyes un-focusing for a moment before being brought back to reality, “but we’re not like you. We don’t stay in one place long enough for the whole relationship thing. And we don’t have a Jedi to fall in love with. So now that we’ve established that I am the worst person you could be talking to about this, except maybe Tech, what can I do for you?”
Cody sighed, suddenly feeling awkward and wondering if he should have just gone to speak with Obi Wan directly.
“You might not have a Jedi now, but you had a pretty epic crush on Shaak Ti back in the day.” Cody said with a grin.
Hunter rolled his eyes, “Every cadet on Kamino had a crush on Shaak Ti.”
“Not all of them drew pictures of her,” Cody teased.
“Okay, okay. So, you asked me here to shoot you, it that it?” Hunter joked.
Cody liked that he could tease his brother. As the leader of Clone Force 99, Hunter was rarely given the space to let off steam because he was constantly responsible for his younger and more rebellious brothers. With Cody, he got to be the little brother, and the Commander relished that for him.
“So, what’s the matter?” Hunter asked, clearly losing patience.
“I think…I think Obi Wan might be cheating. I heard rumors this morning, that he’s seeing someone.”
Hunter arched his eyebrow. “Who did you hear this from?” he asked, taking a deep sip of his caf and wrapping his large hands around the small mug.
“General Skywalker asked me about it. Wondered if I knew anything about Obi Wan’s…extracurricular activities. He said he was gone at strange hours of the night,” Cody said. He fell silent, looking at his brother across the table, trying to decipher his face and failing. Hunter put the mug down and ran his hands through his long hair exasperatedly.
“Cody, It’s 3’oclock in the morning. And you’re worried about a rumor that Obi Wan is seeing someone? He is, Commander, he’s seeing you. Has been for months now. I heard that rumor too, you know why I didn’t comm you? Because I know it’s true.”
Cody blushed as he sat up straight, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Was he really this stupid? “Do you think Master Skywalker knows?” he asked in a sudden panic.
Hunter waved his hand again and poured himself some more caf, “Skywalker doesn’t know bantha shit. He’s too consumed with banging Senator Amidala to notice that you’re banging Kenobi.”
“You wanna say that a bit louder? I don’t think the kitchen staff heard you.” Cody hissed.
Hunter gave an apologetic smile and leaned low on the table so they could whisper to each other.
“From what you told me you don’t have to worry about Kenobi, he’s got it pretty bad.” Hunter said with a chuckle as he downed another cup of caf. “And so do you by the looks of it.”
Cody felt the heat rise in his cheeks and touch the tips of his ears, “I really hate you sometimes,” Cody said, unable to keep the smile off of his face.
“You really don’t. You wish you could though,” Hunter said with a smirk. “So, what now? Wanna come to 79s with me and round up my brothers? Or do you have somewhere else you need to be?” the younger brother asked, eyebrows raised suggestively.
Cody threw a napkin at him and smirked, “I think I’ll head to bed.” He said knowingly.
“Yours or Kenobi’s?” Hunter continued, clearly enjoying teasing his Vod.
Cody looked for something else to throw, his fingers inching towards his cutlery.
“Don’t even think about it, Commander.” Hunter said as he slid out of the booth, throwing some credits on the table.
Cody chuckled and got up to leave as well. They stepped into the cool atmosphere of the undercity when Hunter’s comm sounded, “Ah, Sarg, I think we’re gunna need an extraction.” Wrecker’s boisterous and inebriated voice sounded.
Hunter sighed and rolled his eyes before pressing the comm, “I’m on my way. What’s wrong?”
Wrecker laughed into the line, “It’s Tech, he’s cornered and we’re either going to have to extract him or buy him back.”
“Buy him back?” Hunter asked through gritted teeth.
“Crosshair sold ‘im,” Wrecker chuckled.
“I would have sold you, but he was worth more,” Crosshair’s snide voice sounded in the background.
Cody watched as every emotion crossed Hunter’s face before it settled into that of the stoic Sergeant.
“Have a good night, Vod,” He said to Cody with a little salute, “Tell the general I said hi.”
Cody laughed as his brother disappeared into the night and hailed a taxi to take him back to the surface.
“Where to?” The cabbie asked.
“The jedi temple,” Cody said with a smile.
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gaywineauntsstuff · 4 days ago
The best things in the new Nightwing run!!!! (In a random order)
Part 1!!!
Skip if you don’t want spoilers??
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Is he gonna crash out????
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LOOK HOW HE LOOKS WHEN SHES INSULTING HIS TEAM??? HOW HE LOOKS AT THE DIGS AT HIS GIRLS?? LOOK AT MATURE HES BEING??? Not crashing out?? But absolutely making us all know he 100% wants to crash out.
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Damian Damian Damian… I hope we see Damian this run! Please I love them together? Why doesn’t Damian crash at dicks until Bruce gets his shit together???? Mayhaps
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Crashoutcrashoutcrashoutcrashoutcrashoutcrashoutcrashoutcrashoutmybaby boyyyyyy ughhhhhh
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(Can you tell I like him angry)
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Yes 100% agree random mysterious circus themed villain (lowkey the villain is actually getting me invested like?? What is going on there???)
Also the nightcycle looks so so cool
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See how u can be funny and not insufferable???
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U don’t gaf do you? (That’s a lie lmao)
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Gotta love anti cop sentiment in nightwing comics thank you for reminding us that the institution is in of itself corrupt as shit I miss you here! No more of that cringe shit we Saw him do since 2016
We love a Grayson who is actually badass as fuck
-babs was also not grating at all here! I lowkey really really liked their dynamic! Which is rare for me I am the biggest dickbabs hater ik! But she was also SO COOL HERE!!
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salsae · 1 year ago
so like we all know tim is a total car boy right? most of the robins are--they all love their shiny cars and vehicles and cycles etc. but I'm thinking abt how much the Hot Pink Barbiecore Supercycle LOVES TIM BACK.
i know he's only used it in YJ and it's been lost to multiple crises, but I'm thinking abt Dick in his Nightcycle Ducati, Jason on his Harley, and Tim rolling up in his magic sentient mash-up of a Mom Van and Monster Truck on Gotham roads and everyone having to take her seriously.
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vaguely-greenish · 6 months ago
Continuing on from that Robin Only AU because it will not get out of my head.
So, Starro attacks and attempts to conquer earth, enthralling many of it’s most powerful heroes but overlooking the young heroes who work alongside those heroes. This group, later known as The Titans defeat the conqueror, free their mentors and the world, and banish the would be ruler to the Phantom Zone thanks to Supergirl.
During this crisis, when all seemed lost Supergirl told the tale of the Kryptonian heroes Flamebird and Nightwing to inspire the group and this story stuck with Dick in particular. After this battle Dick sheds the title of Robin, moving on from his quest for vengeance, and dons the name Nightwing.
After a fight with disgraced former hypnotherapist Harleen Quinzel, better known as the villainous Yo-Yo, Nightwing finds his ‘Nightcycle’ missing it’s wheels and after some digging finds them in the possession of an orphan not much younger than himself, Jason Todd.
Seeing a glimmer of himself and what he could have become, Dick let’s Jason go with the wheels but quickly finds that Jason is just one of many Orphan’s manipulated by Black Mask and his Falseface Gang.
With Oracle’s help he tracks down the heart of Black Mask’s criminal empire and foolishly rushes in, angered by the manipulation of these kids. After a drawn out fight, Dick finds himself on the back foot and one wrong move away from losing it all, until the thunk of a crowbar against the crime lord’s mask gives him the opening he needs to strike and leave the villain unconscious.
Jason Todd looks down at the criminal and then back at the crowbar in his hands and then to the hero he’d stolen from. An anonymous tip comes through to the Wayne Foundation about a group of orphaned youths in need of help.
Within the hour many of the teens are being taken to the Leslie Thompkins home for forsaken children, except for Jason who finds himself at Nightwing’s hidden hideout, The Aviary, ready to don the mantle of Robin. While elsewhere The Court of Owls fumes over the loss of their puppet’s criminal ring and plots against Nightwing.
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hellishere7980 · 10 months ago
Whatever It Takes (CH-4)
Dear mother, I know you're mad at me. I was supposed to stay with Damien. Stay ‘safe’ as you put it But there is still a weak point I need to cover. You said our aim was to get Damian to safety. Mother, you and I both know he is not completely safe. Safer? Yes. But not completely safe. You know, I promised to myself that I would do whatever it took to keep you both safe. This is my way of doing it. Go ahead and say that ‘You don't need to do it’. But I know I need to do it. So, forgive me, mother, for disobeying your direct orders. I was following the order you gave me a long time ago.
I love you, Mother.
You always said that repeating something again and again reduces the value of your words. These three words I will never tire of speaking to you. Because you gave birth to me. You kept me safe as much as you could. You snuck in and stayed with me when I was sick. You are my mother.
You always said, “Mariam, You are my daughter. Be brave.”
Now I'm saying, “You are my mother, Trust me.”
Trust me to know what I'm doing.
Your daughter, Mariam.
Talia fell down crying after reading the letter. The woman who never shed a tear even after being stabbed and shot.
Bruce stepped forward and supported her to a chair.
— — — — — — — —
“M-Mother?” Damian asked as Talia was about to get back into the car.
“Yes, Damian.” Talia said, smiling at him.
“Don't worry.” Bruce said, standing beside Damien. “We'll keep a lookout for Mariam.”
Talia just nodded and was about to get into the car when a notification chimed up in the bat computer.
Facial match: Ra’s Al-Ghul Location: Gotham Harbour, Dock #7
They all looked at each other as they rushed to put on their costumes. Dick dragged Damian with him to at least make him wear a basic black Kalver uniform. Soon enough, they all took off. Dick and Tim on the nightcycle and the R-Cycle. Bruce, Damian and Talia in the Batmobile with Alfred manning the comms. After breaking some traffic laws, they pulled up at the Gotham Harbour in under 20 minutes. They all stepped out and saw Ra’s standing on a cliff while his personal helicopter, ready for takeoff, waited below in the sandy area.
“Well.” Ra’s said, turning towards them. “I expected that pusillanimous girl of yours to do this.” He said to Talia. “But you? You failed to achieve the low expectations I set for you. This has gone on for long enough. If you so desperately wish to get out of the league, then fine. The league has no place for cowards like you and your daughter who can not even respect their blood. Come along, Damian.”
“NO!” Talia And Damian said together.
Ra’s opened his mouth to say something else but just then a stone was catapulted from the nearby higher cliff which hit Ra’s, the momentum throwing him off the cliff and onto the spinning blades of his helicopter.
Everyone else remaining on the cliff were stunned and watched in utter shock as they heard the sound of flesh being sliced and falling into the slightly acidic waters of Gotham Harbour. As the men in the helicopter jumped out, arrows from the nearby cliff, although from a different area, claimed their lives as they fell down in the pools of their own blood.
All of them stood motionless. Then Batman said, “Whoever did this, the intention was not to harm us yet. Proceed with caution. Robin, Damian, check if there are any survivors. Talia, Nightwing and I are going to check the cliff from where the attack came.”
After spending hours, they couldn't find anything. Just a note that said.
I Bow to thee, Talia Al-Ghul. The Demon Head of the League of Assassins.
“What does this mean, mother?” Damian asked when they showed the note to everyone back in the Batcave.
“This is an ancient ritual.” Talia said looking at the note with something akin to silent horror. “Whenever a Demon had died and the heir took the place as the next Demon Head, all the people of the League of Assassins were supposed to pledge their loyalty to the new Demon Head. They used to bow as a symbol for accepting their superior.”
“But didn't Ra’s say that you were not to inherit the League?” Bruce asked. “Because you are a woman.”
“I know that.” Talia said.
“OK, OK, you are the new Head.” Dick said. “Got it. What are we gonna do now? I think that Mariam might have done it—”
Talia said, “She wouldn’t kill her own Grandfather.” She took a deep breath in.
“I still think the League isn't a fit place to bring up Damian. I still wish you would keep him here.” Talia said, looking at Bruce.
“That would be my absolute pleasure.” Bruce said. “But I want to know one thing.” He continued turning towards Damian, kneeling down to his level, “You wanna stay here, Damian?”
Damian looked deep into Bruce's eyes. “Yes, Father.”
“Well, that's settled!” Tim said. “He gets to stay with us. And you,” He said to Talia. “Get to head the league. Fun.”
Talia gave a light chuckle. “I will leave now.”
And so the days went by. Damian adjusted in his new life as the new Robin after Tim gave him the mantle. Talia went on to Head the league, changing the name from League of Assassins to League of Shadows. When Damian called her about it, she replied, “A new change of aim, means a new change of name.”
Talia even revealed that Jason was back in the living world. They tried to fix that burnt bridge. But Jason was still not completely open to coming back, but, baby steps. Everything was going swimmingly until one day, specifically on Damian's birthday, someone rang the doorbell.
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rawmeknockout · 1 year ago
Hello! Is there any way you could write a Rodimus x Shy / Quiet Bot! Reader where Rodimus realizes he might have a crush on them after they crack a less-than-appropriate joke?
Rodimus lets out his most dramatic groan yet, the fifteenth, in fact, as you dig through his neck armor for the last wriggling vine. Perhaps next time he'll listen to Drift when he advises the planet seems 'strange'.
"I can hear you admonishing me in your head," Rodimus grumbles, peering up at you over his shoulder, "I already got it from Ultra Magnus and Megatron, I don't need it from you, too."
You sigh, world weary, and say nothing in response. It wouldn't help wasting your words on him, plenty have already tried. Better to let him steep in the quiet disappointment, especially because you don't have the audacity to raise your voice in anger at a superior. Or anyone, really.
"Next time," Rodimus huffs, flicking a leaf from his elbow joint, "We're putting you on sentient-vine fighting duty." He's pouting. Your Captain is sitting in his Captain's chair, letting you pick out the vines from his armor, and pouting. You stifle a laugh behind your derma, a rush of affection swirling in your spark. Even when he's a servoful, you can't help finding him so utterly... Endearing.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," It's a throw-away remark, hardly worthy of a second thought to you, but as you turn away to grab a cleaning drone Rodimus has to double-check that it's you who just said that. It almost makes him choke on the lubricant wetting his intake. You, quiet and unassuming, letting your guard down long enough to throw his playful ribbing back at him.
Rodimus spends the rest of the nightcycle replaying those precious few nanokliks in his processor over and over again.
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gimmemore14 · 8 months ago
WIP tag game
Thanks for the tag! @lordwisteria
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Feel free to ask specific questions or just put the name in the ask box! Some of these are reasonably written out and others are just random ideas/words written down after an inspiring fever dream
I’m still on vacation but will need something to keep me busy in the airport on the way home so it’d be fun to answer any of these and my other asks on Monday ❤️
- Blood in the Water (duh ;))
- FTH mobster Jaydick
- No Surprises 2 (sladick)
- Zombie Au Sladick
- Royalty (Dark!brudick —> endgame jaydick)
- Tower Rescue(sladick)
- Loaded god complex (transformative cont.)
- Pirate/navy Au omegaverse (Dark!brudick—> sladick)
No pressure tags plus anyone else that wants to :) @hii-theree @caroaimezoe @zeroducks-2 @nightcycles @thesubtextis @withthekeyisking-writer
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billadler · 1 year ago
Night Cycling
I've created a Facebook group for people who bicycle at night. Share your nighttime photos, tips, and adventures! Join us.
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bludhavenbooty · 1 year ago
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Dixie worked up a good sweat working on the Nightcycle. She noticed an unusual amount of foot traffic through the Titans' Garage this day for... some reason.
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synninbone · 1 year ago
head empty just stray jason and nightwing dick
and jason always robbing the tires off the nightcycle for funsies and laughs
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ao3feed-sladedick · 1 year ago
a matter of perspective
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/N6iKwWh by nightcycles Dick has a problem. Slade decides to provide a solution. It’s not a solution that Dick wants or enjoys—but, apparently, the fact that he doesn’t want it is the point. Words: 4134, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, minor Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne - Relationship Additional Tags: Slade Wilson Being an Asshole, Dark Bruce Wayne, Forced Masturbation, Victim Blaming, Forced Orgasm, Hurt No Comfort, a little comfort but he doesn’t enjoy it, Aftercare, again he doesn’t enjoy it but it’s there, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/N6iKwWh
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jemo630 · 1 year ago
One of my favorite views from one of my nightly bike rides. #chicago #bikeride #cycling #nightride #eveningbikeride #outandabout #aroundtown #nightcycling #nightbikeride #skyline #whataview #awesomeview
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cathycycling · 20 hours ago
🚴‍♂️ Brighten Up Your Cycling Adventures with Gaciron Bike Lights! 💡
As cyclists, we all know how crucial visibility is when riding in low-light conditions, whether it's early dawn or a late-night spin. That’s why I’m excited to share my experience with Gaciron bike lights. They’ve been my go-to lighting solution for a while now, and I couldn’t be happier with the performance!
The KIWI-1200 front light offers an impressive brightness that cuts through darkness and ensures you're seen from a distance. Plus, it’s super compact, so no more bulky lights getting in the way. And for rear safety, the Raptor-1800 has been a lifesaver. The red tail light is super visible even on the busiest roads.
These lights are not only durable but also designed to handle all types of weather conditions, so whether it's rain or shine, they’re ready to keep you safe. 🌧️☀️
If you want to upgrade your bike lighting game, check out their full selection on the official Gaciron website. You won’t regret it!
🔗 Explore More: http://gaciron-shop.com
Pedal on with confidence and keep shining bright! ✨
#BikeLights #CyclingGear #Gaciron #CyclingSafety #NightCycling
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atplblog · 1 month ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] 4 modes: Long Bright, slow flash, explosion flash, and strobe. 4 modes: Long Bright, slow flash, explosion flash and strobe. Super waterproof, make you riding freely regardless of rain. High brightness and energy saving LED. Front Light (USB Rechargeable): Material: PC+ABS Output (Maximum): 300lm Lighting Distance: 30-50meters at night Cycle Light and Cycle Tail Light Front Rear Bicycle Lights Set Mountain Bicycle Night Cycling Headlight USB LED Safety Warning Taillight Bicycle Accessories [ad_2]
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