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plumomi · 5 months ago
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Baxter/Niffty fankid, Benji ^-^
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 1 year ago
hear me out... Nifter.
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okay i'm not dead serious serious, buT CONSIDER,
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goodmorningbluejay · 7 months ago
So y'all, what are we thinking for Baxter and Nifty's ship name?
Science maid?
Maid fish?
What are we thinking here?
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box16 · 2 years ago
this is a callout post on izzy "box16" nifter
SHES 18........
..Why are you as a minor interacting with an adult
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from kitchen utensils and common snake names
Andadder Apeebisk Apeel Apermsnake Apper Asideratth Asnake Assnake Astcutter Astersnake Asuntater Balder Bamboa Bamisknife Bashake Birdoutch Biscopher Bishviper Bisknife Bissorin Blacher Black Blacup Blamba Blamell Blandper Blangnel Blassorf Bleafviper Bledadle Blessnake Blice Blinell Blingser Bloser Blosesnake Bloutter Blunake Blunboon Blunder Blunnees Bluntnoill Boack Boacke Boarter Boish Boodsnake Boomsnake Boopfor Bownife Bradder Bradknife Brater Bresnake Browboach Brownel Brubber Bruitviper Bulacon Bultsnake Buriscron Bursnadder Busher Busss Butter Buttler...
Caker Callsnake Caper Carrowcon Carterrowl Casheed Cashsnake Castera Cater Caterce Catter Catthoover Catula Cheadder Cheeboars Cheesnake Chings Chingtill Chiper Chnossnake Chola Cholfske Choll Chonsnake Choon Chork Chwhiper Clecon Clemolack Coacksnake Cobrever Cobrotter Cobrown Cobrownife Cobster Cobstoser Coldsnake Colle Comambag Comer Conder Coner Congs Congsnake Congsp Copfora Copsnake Corchor Coreeneyel Corfboa Corksnake Corneyel Corsnake Cradder Crater Cratter Creensnake Creesnake Crondper Crowinder Crowl Curle Derboa Dercer Desedsnake Dester Diamba Diper Doutter Dwarfboot Dwaton Dwatork Dwatsnake Dwatter Eggpier Eggpiever Eggpitcher Eggpitcoll Eggpoop Eggra Eggracler Eggray Eggreater Eggrer Eggresnake Eggsepper Eggsnake Eggtiger Eydiamba Fadder Fieviper Filer Fillongs Filobra Fisher Fishiper Fisssor Flounake Flyin Flyinder Foodsnake Foonsnake Foover Foray Foresnake Forfboa Forsnake Foxsnacke Funboa Funda Funter Gardsnake Gartder Garth Glotater Glove Glown Goper Gradder Gralle Gratsnake Gratter Greamboon Greastra Greel Gresssnake Grever Grewer Grictor Gring Griver Heedsnake Hognosnake Holicke Honbambag Honda Honedadder Honmoutton Honsnake Hopheever Hopher Hopsnake Hormounder Hornsnaker Horsnake Keatholer Kewinake Kindadder Kindboa Kindper Kingcon Kingtrice Lacke Ladlerboa Lameggs Lastra Leator Lemon Lerver Londewer Lottoknife Lyrew Mamboa Mamer Mamsnake Mandper Matosnaker Matsnake Meafviper Meashis Measnacher Meatomslin Meatsnake Meatter Metknife Metkning Metter Mettler Metviper Mezzacke Moccake Monsnake Moodsnake Moongcors Morater Morcer Mounake Moutter Nifter Niger Nutcra Nutcup Nuttentath Nutter Palsnake Parsnake Parter Partsnake Pashviper Pasider Pasnake Pasnaker Paspoula Pastryba Patgreebis Paton Patonsnake Patsnake Patter Pattoreel Pedsnaker Pensnake Perainake Persnake Perve Peseda Pesna Peter Picer Pider Piebirdoll Pieboa Piesnake Pinbasiner Pinbeatter Piper Pizzacke Poacke Poacker Poomanake Pooner Poong Poongsnake Pooper Poopher Poover Pot-hoper Pothake Potter Potters Poull Poultsnake Puffall Pythadder Pythork Queelotter Quefsk Quefske Rachopher Racooviper Raddersna Randbowl Rapercer Rapper Rastra Rater Ricke Rotatter Rowboack Rownwater Ruitknife Ruitviper Rushsla Salder Salmviper Salsnake Sanake Sanakeebra Sanda Sandbotter Sander Sandercer Sandeser Sandper Sandueezer Scaper Scatsnake Scisk Scresnake Scrownife Seandper Sedler Sedsnake Sepasurice Sesnake Sessork Siderch Sinedsnake Sinsnake Sknife Sknifter Slonbot Slosnake Smomatgra Smork Smoursnake Spatheel Spicke Spier Spinake Spoopper Spootsnake Sporeel Sportambag Sportena Spot-hon Spotath Spothadder Spounters Spviper Stedviper Stork Strybacke Sunake Suntara Surinsnake Surivenake Tartarter Tatercer Tigsnake Tingpinba Toknife Tokniger Tondadderd Torcer Torksnake Tortsnake Track Tradder Tratoser Tratter Treamba Treater Treatter Treeda Treel Treeler Tresnake Tresticke Tricke Trubber Trybra Trybracks Trybraings Trypier Trypine Trypiner Trypiper Trywhiper Twiger Twinelbach Twings Vipeel Vipefske Waratter Warler Warsife Wartder Water Waterd Wateyel Watomated Watsnake Watter Whicer Whindboa Whined Whipeel Whiper Wolacon Wolder Woodsnake Woot-hop Worksnake Wortsnake Zebird Zeboa Zebroll
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calem-creative-corner · 3 years ago
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[Photo ID: On the left is a basic reference for a character with tanned skin and long wavy brown hair and red eyes. They are depicted with a knee-hinge brace mobility aid, along side a cane depicted next to them. On their right side is an enhanced version of their eye to show that their pupils are white with a white skull, underneath that is their color palette. On the right side of the picture is hand written notes about the character that reads as follows:  Jax Ridgemont  He/They/It 28 5′3″ Ability: Ghost - Can phase through objects and people.  - People forget their presence if not directly interacting.  - Can interact with human and non-human spirits.  Likes * Snow-pea (Service dog in-training)  * Caramel * Sweet Foods * Sci-fi novels * Suspense Movies  * (A doodled headshot of a white dog, noted that this is snow-pea, a Great Pyrenees) Dislikes * Rats (trauma related)  * Almonds * Overly salted or sour foods * Historical Fiction * Romance subplots * (A doodled headshot of an albino rat, noted that this is Rue’s rat Nifter)  End ID] My newest scrungle oc Jax!! Its going to be the protagonist of a story involving one of my oldest oc’s Chrys with an overarching theme that you don’t have to make a big impact on the world to touch a lot of lives.  Jax, when the story starts, is just coming out of a six week coma with new found abilities (though these abilities are not entirely unheard of in this world). It will follow his story of recovery and working through his past traumas, whilst struggling to handle his new place in the world with his abilities. He will meet others like him (mainly Chrys, but a few others I haven’t decided on at the time) as well as the spirits responsible for the abilities themselves.
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theequeerstrian · 3 years ago
Not gonna lie, nifter-fuckers taking over MIGHT be the blight that finally gets me to quit tumblr
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how have we not killed this website yet
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300jive · 2 years ago
Owen Benjamin | #1630 Drifters, Nifters & Grifters + “Love” Payments, BlackMaff & Fair Use
Digital Superchat – https://entropystream.live/app/OwenBenjaminComedy Analog Superchat – PO Box 490 Sandpoint ID 83864 Crypto Superchat – https://odysee.com/@OwenBenjamin:6/Livestream:a Ozarks Donation – https://beartariacampgrounds.com/
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nifterads-blog · 6 years ago
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thinkwinwincom · 3 years ago
Nifter (TM) affiliate ClickStream moves to become global NFT market leader with Nifter (TM) advent in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean
Nifter (TM) affiliate ClickStream moves to become global NFT market leader with Nifter (TM) advent in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean
Beverly Hills, CA / ACCESSORER / August 30, 2022 / ClickStream Corp. (OTC PINK: CLIS), a technology company focused on developing digital applications and platforms that disrupt traditional industries, today announced that its subsidiary Rebel Blockchain, Inc. Also known as Nifter™, a leading NFT art, sports and entertainment company is set to become a leader in the global NFT market with the…
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hazbinextgeneration · 7 years ago
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Fanart of @ellen-jello ‘s nifter child.
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djlitlife · 4 years ago
ClickStream Acquires Rebel Blockchain Inc. - Developers of Nifter(TM) Music NFT Marketplace | CLIS - ClickStream ...
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444names · 3 years ago
american and british desserts + animals + fish + breakfast cereals + cocktails + cooking and eating utensils + drinks + fruits and vegetables + common herb names + italian foods + pizza varieties + pies + sandwiches
Aghoparsh Aglearloot Allead Alown Ambarts Andwicker Angrallope Apepie Apisin Apoccake Apumpbuzza Arthe Bable Bacusemich Badrab Baghon Baladle Bannaspet Barrich Basinker Bastcrot Beafuddi Bener Beratmeton Berfbasso Bersh Biana Bighimp Bilebes Bishat Bleadoni Blemout Blessboad Bleygra Borfish Bostes Bounkwic Bownrunch Bredmus Bremozza Brespoon Bringerry Broul Bunch Bunchubad Burge Burish Burybrepie Buttie Butto Cablowfis Caertip Cagopsa Cakass Cakescon Caman Capizza Carinler Catth Caver Charpipple Chealesna Cheelie Cheeta Chfilrad Chion Chmacke Choke Chopse Chpolo Cicente Cinne Cipuskier Cirtary Clebregard Cobble Cocerfish Cocockbix Colamp Colasugarm Coldcrene Colders Colifel Compkina Congfish Conspuff Corerryake Coring Cotuck Cracko Craco Crandshar Creado Crearrowt Creash Crese Crewenamon Crijoltca Cringfisp Cripiedsh Croation Croby Crood Croshal Crouper Cruebbinna Cruffle Cruthquish Cucklencer Cupfock Curgrappie Cusroastal Dagfingle Damcola Damserstun Danackers Danafforns Darspia Dastrorn Dengli Devia Dhuaken Dicake Dinanjawl Dougrana Dounch Eetor Eettlemil Egrandwich Elifefish Emoneyel Emonsalon Emoopie Etaingola Fairit Fandwizzle Fapple Farkta Feeta Flookinla Flynoonut Flypied Fowoones Frairch Fricks Fruard Frunches Fruncraw Frunte Galesh Garing Garjoesh Garock Gatfuscurk Gatter Genrose Gheelsh Ghiger Ghorastad Ghtni Gimelopsu Gobens Gobisspie Goner Grabacech Grachal Grane Grant Gromb Grounter Grunce Guillsh Guitath Halegup Handwich Harave Hawlsh Heark Heerrat Hocce Hocoryles Honefilla Honeych Hoonch Hopie Hostes Houls Hubleyrt Humbee Icocksfus Itenrogno Ittini Jacish Joekimer Juckyrowl Julatrose Jumbes Kafish Kerefs Kiwinsarch Knigno Koischeerb Konchex Kuehes Kuerbok Lacke Lakey Lasspaina Lastark Lasty Latesna Lenfise Lereatie Lerepples Letopper Lettry Liarrypize Liger Llroot Llummeat Loallower Lonstlefla Lorayforz Lostrish Luefish Macheppie Mackrot Mageonel Magolfish Magon Mancrail Mandwice Manipech Maribark Masfe Masine Matot Meady Melmon Mickey Mitork Mondwinake Monettlet Mongermon Moofich Mooturt Mornaket Moubench Mroost Muddi Muddinsp Mudsping Muffsh Muldel Mulla Murabblo Nesselu Nifters Nipcollana Oldspock Orefrun Orpookop Ownpie Pachogarto Pamsh Pandwich Pandwicot Panpon Passch Pazza Peafe Peali Pecarryper Peefisiop Peletes Pello Penet Petpuffani Pettle Piderie Pieslive Pinklamme Pinnyfish Pithersna Piñacamir Pluebabà Poldfish Poosercush Pooter Potcrus Preezza Pumall Purnes Quatalia Quitsh Rabark Rabellilla Rahittaime Ranowalani Rasse Raterbozza Ratet Razetopto Razza Reamassod Reedrango Renellt Repplufish Rilphawsh Risha Rotasers Rourgyric Rozza Ruffudcron Sacceladle Saffuskine Sakeye Salackle Salchdin Saleer Samealch Sanch Sanchith Sanda Sanger Sangerfish Sanifer Sanuits Sanzark Sarspe Sarte Sassane Saves Scakebran Scoke Sconbur Scruitops Seacerb Seadi Seagos Seepika Sefish Semirricer Serfaich Shanio Shawsh Siandwice Sicin Skygre Sliber Snamit Snianat Snocants Sobbishaw Soulaty Sounch Sourrooney Spander Splesang Spooddinie Spooksale Spoonberch Spootaii Spycork Squander Squil Start Stead Stealiack Stortors Succhead Sucke Suckymel Sucup Sughi Sught Sugra Sumspie Sundo Supciny Swalibbla Swanncer Sweena Swepperack Swish Swollebang Tacake Taimefleco Tatfish Tecarog Tedfistar Teread Terius Tharry Theendwich Thers Thersh Tingout Tinion Tinnchit Tirich Toascinife Toasemonip Toats Totter Tragù Travese Trolotcrun Troonab Tropark Trourrowsh Trouthbun Truilk Trula Tucker Tunno Ulder Ultrat Unnowellia Varry Verot Vieaartch Voddogardo Waine Walake Warypin Waychiteco Weerry Whallowde Whang Wheeres Whinut Whitart Wickst Woffe Wolpie Woola Woostipano Wrager Yallowl Yellpeboin Yotch Zimch Zucer
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mapsute · 6 years ago
Rabbi kenig from breslov tzvas that was just nifter https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMsSSInnmqY_E9vaFg9xj5zfNVqctGHjEdhTM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fy29m9er1pzc
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superfunkomatic · 7 years ago
Robbie Burns – “The best laid schemes of mice and men, Go often askew”.
Well, I tried to blog again on my trip last year and well, failed….
Just couldn’t bring myself to write night after night again. A function of age? A function of laziness?
Well, I’ll let the photos speak for themselves (sort of – I’ve put captions below).
The Mighty Rupert River
Last Night of Camping on the Way Home – Grand Beach, MB
What does the fox say? Rimouski, QC
Percé Rock – Gaspé, QC
Hopewell Rocks, NB
Fort Louisburg, NS
Fort Louisburg, NS
Fort Louisburg, NS – The Gates
Stone work – Fort Louisburg, NS
The Ramparts – Fort Louisburg, NS
Fort Louisburg, NS
Downtown Fort Louisburg, NS
Fort Louisburg, NS
New France – Fort Louisburg, NS
Birchbark Canoe – Fort Louisburg, NS
Wall at Quebec City
Crossing the Prairies, AB
Candle Lake, SK
Flin Flon, MB
Manitoba Jesus Rain Storm
Rennie, MB
ON/MB Border
Blue Lake, ON
Blue Lake, ON
Silliness Ensues…
Silliness Ensues…
Tranquil campspot – near Shawinigan, QC
First time in Quebec
Black Spruce – Highway to James Bay
Black Spruce – Highway to James Bay
Lodgings in Chisasibi, QC
Crossroads of Chisasibi, QC
James Bay, QC
Made it! James Bay
The $1000 Nail – Damnit!
Kind helpers in Chisasibi, QC
Chisasibi Cree Village, QC
Ready for the $1000 tube – Grand Riviere Airport
Route du Nord – QC
Nemescau, QC
Tough riding conditions – dust, sand and thick gravel
Almost the end of the Route du Nord, QC
Gaspé Peninsula, QC
First long trip – already 10,000 K
The most maritime looking place in New Brunswick
Have wood will travel. Wait, that sounds wrong…
Cape Breton, NS
Cabot Trail, NS
Wreck Cove, NS
Celebrating 2017 – Canada 150
Our cottage in PEI – Nifter’s Nook
Down the street from Nifter’s Nook, PEI
A foot in the ocean, PEI
Old Quebec City, QC
Old Quebec City, QC
Wawa, ON – Goosey Goosey
Sunflower seed capital of Canada – MB
Funk’s Toyota, MB
The Next Day… A Year Later… AKA Lazy Ass Blogger Robbie Burns – "The best laid schemes of mice and men, Go often askew". Well, I tried to blog again on my trip last year and well, failed....
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hazbinextgeneration · 7 years ago
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Fanart of @ultimatefangirl-exe ‘s Nifter triplets.
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