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chunkyform3 · 3 months ago
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Decided to draw Nidum from Gatekeeper and got kinda side tracked and made an entire story. Again….
Anyhow! The story is like tree’s are vanishing and their stored in a realm underneath the crust of the Earth called the In-between (very creative, I know). There’s s guardians for these trees and look kinda like the tree they’re guarding ig? If anyone can give them good names ill give you absolutely nothing :D ngl I can’t stop shipping characters I make 💀 These guys are oc’s for sure.
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dyphavet · 10 months ago
hey gang! having super terrible issues with minecraft right now. whenever i open a world of mine (called angelus nidum, home to a mega build of mine) it lets me move around for a bit, then freezes and the game closes out. i'm genuinely super worried, because if this world is corrupted, then i'm unable to get multiple years of work back. if anyone can help, please do- and ask whatever questions you need. i genuinely need to get this world back.
information about the world:
-6.6 MB of information
-bedrock version (on switch)
-huge mega build to the point of lagging
-any duplicates i make have the same issue
-this is not happening to any of my other worlds
-lots of recent work (built a large dragon statue)
anyone who may know how to help, please do 🙏
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datfatnerd · 2 years ago
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Thiiiis is the map of a setting I'm gonna use for a dnd campaign! The world is called Nidum, and this specific location is the Triage Strait. Some of the stuff here might be subject to change (primarily the ruler in the top left), but the important thing is that I'm actually pretty proud of it!!
I got a buncha labels written on the back in order to mark down what each funky place is. Well, aside from the names of the three countries, which are on full display here on the map itself. Tsvet, to the north. Erz, to the east. And Oryktó, to the west. You'll notice a couple of dots here and there marking major settlements.
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latinare · 9 months ago
Estne aquila nocita?
Si aquilam in ulterio angulo laevo sub columbario cubitantem videas, est Murphius!
Murphius non est nocitus, infirmus aut anctus. Nidum in terra fecit et saxum diligenter inservit! Volumus ut valeat!
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pencilartiststudio · 1 year ago
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The Birthday Art Raffle 2023 Gallery
JEEZ. LOUISE. This should NOT have taken me more than a month to finish! If only I figured out how to manage my time better, I could've been able to finish this sooner!!! ...Ah, well. At least I was able to finish this before August.  That must be something; I'm sure of it. ................................................................. *ahem* Anyways, you're probably wondering what this is. My friend, this is the official gallery, starring the artworks of people who participated and won my first birthday art raffle back at the start of June! Despite all the frustration it took to finish it all, I am glad it turned out great! (If you want to have a detailed description of each artwork, here is the link: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/pencilartistent/the-birthday-art-raffle-2023-gallery) Thank you so much to all of the participants (Rhynobullraq, Corvi Nidum, DMenchacs, Ruby Kiseli, 1SirBelch1, Thicc_Wolf, 8BitAnt, Sideshow Bud, VolfenF, Julian Cross-Titan, SuperClem_SCS, TutRex9, Pixus) for their contributions! Here's to another year!
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bxboy52 · 2 years ago
In Search of the Operarius nidum - Adventure in Leadership
As your career unfolds and you gain increased responsibilities such as supervisor, manager, and plant manager, each new facility will benefit from your skills and abilities as you put them into practice but you will also grow as a leader as you learn from the staff and challenges of your newly assigned facility. I can guarantee this since during my entire career in warehousing and manufacturing…
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o-amor-nao-e-amado · 4 years ago
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4° DIA
Objeto e fim da devoção ao Coração de Jesus
Diferença e semelhança entre esta devoção e a do Santíssimo Sacramento.
"A devoção ao Coração de Jesus é um exercício de religião que tem por objeto o adorável Coração de Jesus Cristo, abrasado de amor pelos homens, e ultrajado pela ingratidão deles" (Gallifet)
É fácil ver que a devoção ao Sagrado Coração de Jesus não consiste só em amar e honrar com singular culto esse Coração de carne semelhante ao nosso, que faz parte do corpo de Jesus.
O objeto e principal motivo desta devoção é, como já dissemos, o amor imenso de Jesus Cristo aos homens; e como nos exercícios de devoção, até nos mais espirituais, temos necessidade de objetos sensíveis que nos renovem a lembrança e facilitem a prática deles, Jesus em pessoa ofereceu o seu Coração como o objeto mais capaz de nos relembrar aquele amor que o levou a imolar-se por nós e a ficar conosco, até à consumação dos séculos, na adorável Eucaristia.
Sendo, com efeito, o coração do homem de certo modo a fonte e o foco do amor, com razão se lhe atribuem os mais ternos sentimentos da alma. Jesus Cristo tem um corpo; ora, se seu corpo e sangue precioso merecem todas as nossas adorações, quem deixará de concordar que seu Sagrado Coração exija ainda mais particularmente nossas homenagens?
O fim que nos propomos no culto ao Sagrado Coração é:
Reconhecer e honrar o quanto pudermos, com frequentes atos de adoração, pela retribuição do amor, pela gratidão e dedicação sem limites, o amor infinito do Coração de Jesus aos homens, principalmente na adorável Eucaristia, onde tão pouco conhecido e amado Ele é até daqueles que mais o deviam pregar.
Desagravar por todos os meios ao nosso alcance as indignidades e ultrajes a que O expôs seu amor, durante o curso de sua vida mortal, e ainda hoje, todos os dias, no Santíssimo Sacramento.
O Coração de Jesus incendiado de amor por nós, é pois, o objeto desta devoção; o desagravo do desprezo em que é tido este amor, principalmente na divina Eucaristia, eis o fim; amor ardentíssimo ao Salvador, graças sem número, serão o fruto e recompensa dela.
A devoção ao Sagrado Coração de Jesus difere da que devemos ao seu Corpo na Eucaristia: uma tem por objeto o Coração de Jesus, sem especial relação a seu Corpo; a outra tem por fim o Corpo inteiro de Jesus Cristo debaixo das espécies Sacramentais.
Na devoção ao Santíssimo Sacramento, o motivo é venerar a carne Sagrada de Jesus, unida ao Verbo, e por tal união verdadeiramente digna da maior adoração dos Anjos e dos homens. Na devoção ao Sagrado Coração, o motivo essencial é honrar seu Coração, unido à Divindade, principalmente reconhecer o amor que o inflama pelos homens, e desagravá-lo de tudo o que da parte deles sofria e ainda sofre todos os dias no seu Sacramento de amor.
A devoção ao Coração de Jesus e a do Santíssimo Sacramento, se bem que diferentes no objeto, são, como se vê, intimamente ligadas; a primeira, longe de destruir a segunda ou de diminui-la compartilhando nossas homenagens, a embeleza e aperfeiçoa. Que imenso tesouro é o Coração de Jesus no Santíssimo Sacramento! E por que não o aproveitamos?
Aparecendo o Senhor a Santa Matilde, ordenou-lhe que amasse ardentemente e adorasse quanto possível lhe fosse o seu Coração no Santíssimo Sacramento, pois Ele O dera como penhor de seu amor, e para lugar de refúgio durante a vida, e na hora da morte.
Desde então, a Santa sentira-se penetrada de extraordinária devoção ao Sagrado Coração e tantas graças dEle recebera que costumava dizer: "Se me fosse preciso escrever todas as graças que tenho obtido do amabilíssimo Coração de Jesus, eu faria um livro mais volumoso do que o breviário".
Em todas as comunhões e visitas ao Santíssimo Sacramento, propor-se a louvar o Sagrado Coração de Jesus e fazer-lhe reparação pelos indiferentes e opositores dessa devoção dulcíssima.
Oração jaculatória
O pardal achou casa para si, a andorinha ninho para os seus filhotinhos; vosso Coração, ó Jesus, será o meu refúgio! Passer invenit sibi domum, et turtur nidum sibi, ubi ponat pullos suos; Cor tuum, Domine, Rex meus et Deus meus.
3 vezes:
Divino Coração de Jesus, tende piedade de nós.
Coração Imaculado de Maria, rogai por nós.
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5style · 4 years ago
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Rejuvenating mountain experiences. Gorgeous inspiration by @oabramovich. #5STYLE (at NIDUM Casual Luxury Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKMaE7Ihspo/?igshid=ok66lni9qghd
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audientvoid13 · 5 years ago
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“Nidum” -- Martin de Diego Sádaba
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ts-porter · 5 years ago
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Hey remember that time I wrote a book, and it won the Bi Book Award for erotica, but then my publisher went out of business while I was in the process of moving across the country?
Well, I managed to self-publish it, and it’s been available for a while! but I was very distracted with the whole moving thing and never made a post here. On my writing blog. Where I post about my writing and stuff.
So to rectify that, here’s where you can buy your very own copy of Rescues and the Rhyssa:
Cadan is cousin to the King of Nidum star system, and his favorite weapon to needle the Imperial forces encroaching on their territory. With her combat implants and a reckless streak the size of a planet, Cadan has never failed him. Pan Sophi, Captain of the Rhyssa, is a smuggler who makes her living off the tensions. With her crew behind her, Sophi's always on the lookout for the next deal. Anything to keep flying. They only get along when they're falling into bed together. Otherwise the clash between Cadan's idealism and Sophi's harsher worldview always results in a fight. But when the King's children are kidnapped, only Sophi has the skills to help Cadan get them back.                        
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syngoniums · 5 years ago
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Orchid show haul! This was a pretty great year.
- Nepenthes glandulifera x (spathulata x jacqulineae)
- Nepenthes truncata
- Nepenthes veitchii 'Big Mama' x 'Pink Candy Cane'
- Amorphophallus titanum(!)
+ a medley of hybrid orchids from other sellers, and a really nice variegated Asplenium nidum!
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writingwithcolor · 6 years ago
Find your next diverse read! (WWC Reader Publications)
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We asked you to tell us about your publications to have it featured on our page, so here we are! These are the ten (10) books submitted to us written by Writing With Color readers. Thank you for sharing your lovely diverse works. Folks who missed out on this shout-out or haven’t had their works released just yet, look out for more submit requests in the future! 
Book Titles 
The Apprentice Sorceress
Change of Address
Eight Secret Nights
Illusive: Need vs Want
The Language of Flowers
Rescues and the Rhyssa
The Sleeping Seer
The Unlikely Tale of the Royal Elite Squad
Book Descriptions
Title: The Apprentice Sorceress
Author: E.D. Walker | @beth-a-saurus
Series: Yes. Stand-alone Series.
Buy: Amazon | Goodreads
Premise: A lady would never practice magic…until now. Using magic could destroy her reputation, but denying her powers could get her killed.
Themes/Elements: Orphans, nobility, fake relationship, a ball
Main Character (MC) Race/Ethnicity: Mixed Race - Black and White
Other Diversity: Trans boy love interest
Title: Change of Address
Author: Jordan Brock | @anauthorandherservicedog
Series: No
Buy: Goodreads | Amazon 
Premise: Disabled veteran Michael Baldwin retreats to his family’s vacation home with his service dog, Kaylee, intending to rebuild his life without giving in to his father’s political ambitions. On his first day there, he discovers the local bagel shop – and proprietor Josh Goldberg. Letting someone in is a tall order for two men who can’t trust themselves, but if they have any hope of a future together, that’s exactly what they’ll need to do.
Themes/Elements: Romance
MC Background: Michael (white), Josh (white, Jewish, adopted, ownvoices)
Other Diversity: Queer (gay, bisexual), Jewish family (ownvoices), mental illness (PTSD, anxiety, service dog, ownvoices; also aphasia and dyslexia), physical disability (traumatic brain injury), weight (fat character, insecurity but no fat-shaming, ownvoices)
Title: Eight Secret Nights (short story)
Author: Shoshana David | @rosefyrefyre
Series:  No
Buy: Books 2 Read
Premise: Someone’s been leaving Hanukkah presents on Mara’s doorstep.  Sweet presents – thoughtful presents.  Hopefully her secret admirer is the cute guy who moved in next door and not the creep from 7A.
Themes/Elements: Romance, Secret Admirer, Hanukkah
MC Background: Jewish, White
Title: Firebreed
Author: Aviendha Rounds | @lady-of-the-summer-court
Series: Yes
Buy: Amazon
Premise: The twins Amber and Ember find themselves thrust into a world on the brink of civil war.
Themes/Elements: Young adult, War, coming of age, super rad sword fights, fantasy and sci fi
MC Race: Filipino
Other Characters: Japanese, African American, Mexican
Other Diversity: LGBT characters, mental illness
Title: Illusive: Need vs Want (Novella)
Author: By Celeste-Marie Lyon @celeste-marie-lyon
Series: Book 1 in The Illusive Series (Book 2 is available also)
Buy: Amazon | Nook | Smashwords
Premise: Alyssa was on a well-deserved vacation when she met the lead singer of Djed. The two hit it off immediately but is there more to their attraction? Will Alyssa let down her guard and give Marcu a chance? There may be something stronger than chemistry drawing them together.
Themes/Elements: Romance, Erotica
MC Race: Black
R/E Others: White/Sicilian, Asian
Title: Inspired
Author: Danielle E. Shipley | @outlawsofavalon
Series: Yes; 2 novels, 1 flash fic, and 1 journal published, so far.
Buy: Amazon
Premise: An author’s sudden death means her characters need to find a replacement writer to be their home and tell their stories. 16-year-old Annabelle could be just what they’re looking for. …if she can put in the work to one exacting muse’s satisfaction.
Themes/Elements: The art of writing; imaginary friends; multiple planes of realty; stories within stories
MC Race: Annabelle = African American
Other Characters: Apart from Annabelle and her family, no human* races/ethnicities are specified (*fantastic races like light elemental and cat god, though present and hella awesome, don’t count)
Other Diversity: Both Annabelle and character Uri identify as asexual
Title: The Language of Flowers
Author: Christina Rose Andrews | @christinaroseandrews
Series: No
Buy: Books2Read
Premise: Afghanistan vet and new teacher, Cole Visser, never expected to find himself teaching at his old high school. Which is why when he runs into his old college girlfriend, Zara, and her cute-as-a-button daughter, Angelica, Cole’s life turns on its head. How is he going to reconcile his feelings for the one who got away while trying to build a relationship with his newly discovered daughter?
Themes/Elements: Romance, Second Chance Romance, Teachers
MC Race: White
Other Characters: Hispanic/White Bi-racial.
Other Diversity: LGBTQIA+, disability, mental illness, etc.) Main character is an amputee with PTSD, Love Interest has Depression
Title: Rescues and the Rhyssa
Author: TS Porter | @ts-porter
Series: No
Buy: Goodreads
Premise: Cadan is the king of Nidum star system’s favorite weapon, and his beloved cousin. Her sometimes-lover and main annoyance Sophi captains a smuggler ship. When the king’s children are kidnapped, Cadan knows only Sophi has the skills to help her get them back before full war breaks out.
Themes/Elements: Lesbians IN SPACE, aliens, antagonistic relationship to romance, family both found and blood, love in many permutations
MC Race: Black
Other Races: Chinese diaspora
Other Diversity: Lesbians, Trans characters, Disabled characters, Nonbinary characters, Muslim characters, Polyamorous characters
Title: The Sleeping Seer
Author: Morgan Blue Malory | @morganbluemalory
Series: Yes
Buy: Amazon
Premise: Siblings Luke and Ellie Kakiro are the last surviving members of an ancient line of seers. Armed only with their late mother’s journal to teach them control over a perilous and oftentimes forbidden gift, the two become the target of complex hidden societies and forces not entirely human. Entangled with Lilith, a complicated woman trapped in the modern world and on the run from the same enemies, and aided by Viper Insane, an all-women street-racing gang, the Kakiro siblings journey across the country—and sometimes between worlds—in search of the secrets behind their mother’s research.
Themes/Elements: modern fantasy, magic & tarot, family, the first generation experience, mental illness worsened/complicated by magic, moral dilemmas, society, girl gangs
MC Race: Mixed - Puerto Rican, White, and Middle Eastern/North African Diaspora
Other Characters: Colombian, Mixed - White, Middle Eastern/North African Diaspora
Other Diversity: Bisexual main character, LGBTQIA+ major secondary characters; mentally ill main character & major secondary character
Title: The Unlikely Tale of the Royal Elite Squad
Author: D.A. Alston | @da-alston
Series: Yes
Buy:  Amazon | Character Artwork 
Premise: It’s a coming of age tale about 4 young and very different girls who get paired together for a science fair project. Something goes wrong and they end up blowing up their school. The series follows them afterwards as they try to pick up the pieces of their lives, manage new friendships, juggle school, maneuver through family drama all while discovering new abilities.
Themes/Elements: Superhero, Friendship, Diversity, Life skills
MC Race: Cuban/Puerto Rican , African American , Caucasian , and Pakistani
Other Characters: Creole
Other Diversity: Muslim, Plus size
If you enjoy any of these books, let us know here so the author can see! Also please leave a review on goodreads, amazon, etc. 
WWC Reader Publications - Spring 2019
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theugliestwife · 5 years ago
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Super small + super dark resin of Nidum Dolls Fatima 🤎💗⠀ ⠀ #nidumdolls #nidumdollsfatima #fatima #bjd #balljointeddoll #tanbjd #bjdfaceup #bjdfaceupartist #artistbjd #bjdmakeup #faceup #doll #ooakdoll #customdoll #dollstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B9W6pW7J2D2/?igshid=1hi5zyiwmmto
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gwagedd · 4 years ago
Sarn Helen
O Gaer Rhun (Canovium, caer rhufeinig, Afon Conwy?) i Gaerfyrddin (trwy Dolgellau, Dolweddelan) Am y gân o'r un enw gan y Super Furry Animals, gweler Mwng. Defnyddir yr enw Sarn Helen, neu weithiau Sarn Elen, am y ffordd Rufeinig oedd yn rhedeg ar hyd ochr orllewinol Cymru o gaer Canovium (Caerhun) yn y gogledd hyd gaer a thref Maridunum (Caerfyrddin) yn y de. Credir fod yr enw yn dod o enw Elen Luyddog, gwraig Macsen Wledig yn ôl y chwedl. Mae'r ffordd o Gaerhun i Gaerfyrddin tua 160 milltir o hyd.
Nid oes olion i'w gweld o ran gyntaf y ffordd ar ôl gadael Caerhun, ond credir ei bod yn dilyn glan orllewinol Afon Conwy cyn belled â Threfriw, lle mae'n rhannu. Mae'r brif fforch yn arwain dros y bryniau i Betws y Coed, tra mae'r llall yn arwain ar gaer fechan Caer Llugwy. Gellir gweld rhai olion o'r brif ffordd wedi iddi rydio Afon Llugwy, yn dringo dros y bryniau tua Dolwyddelan. Mae'n rhedeg ar hyd Cwm Penamnen a heibio rhan uchaf Cwm Penmachno. Gerllaw Ffestiniog mae'r ffordd i'w gweld yn eglur am dros ddwy filltir wrth arwain tuag at gaer Tomen y Mur.
Credir ei bod wedi dilyn llinell y ffordd bresennol heibio Trawsfynydd. Mae'n debygol ei bod yn pasio'n agos i safle'r gar fechan yn y Brithdir, ger Dolgellau, sy'n sefyll ar y ffordd Rufeinig i/o Gaer Gai, ger Llyn Tegid, a Chaer. Er nad oes olion, credir ei bod wedi cadw at ochr ddwyreiniol Cadair Idris nes cyrraedd caer fechan Pennal. Efallai fod rhan o'r lein bach rhwng Aberllefenni a Maespoeth yn dilyn cwrs y ffordd Rufeinig.
Nid oes sicrwydd lle'n union yr oedd cwrs y ffordd i'r de o Bennal, ond gellir gweld rhan ohoni ger pentref Lledrod yn Sir Aberteifi, ar ei ffordd tua'r gaer yn Llanio. Yn Llanfair Clydogau mae'n fforchio, gydag un fforch yn arwain i'r dwyrain heibio Llanymddyfri a Dolaucothi i Nidum (Castell Nedd), a'r llall yn mynd yn ei blaen i gyfeiriad Caerfyrddin.
Pwy oedd Helen?
Gwraig Magnus Maximus? Mae son bod gan Magnus Maximus wraig o Brydain.
Catrawd o filwyr Rhufeinig yn Croatia Segontiensis? Oes linc yna? Aeth Magnus Maximus â’i fyddin draw i Ffrainc. Gorchfygodd ei brif elyn Gratianus ger Paris ac ar ôl hynny fe'i lladdwyd gan Facsen mewn brwydr yn Lyons ar 25 Awst 383. Magnus Maximus (Latin: Flavius Magnus Maximus Augustus, Welsh: Macsen Wledig) (c. 335—August 28, 388) was Western Roman Emperor from 383 to 388. In 383, as commander of Britain, he usurped the throne of emperor Gratian, and by negotiation with emperor Theodosius I, he was made emperor in Britannia and Gaul the next year while Gratian's brother Valentinian II retained Italy, Pannonia, Hispania, and Africa. In 387, Maximus' ambitions led him to invade Italy, resulting in his defeat by Theodosius I at the Battle of the Save in 388. In the view of some historians, his death marked the end of direct imperial presence in Northern Gaul and Britain.
Welsh legend Legendary versions of Maximus' career in which he marries the Welsh princess Elen may have circulated in popular tradition in Welsh-speaking areas from an early date. Although the story of Helen and Maximus's meeting is almost certainly fictional, there is some evidence for the basic claims. He is certainly given a prominent place in the earliest version of the Welsh Triads which are believed to date from c. 1100 and which reflect far older traditions. Welsh poetry also frequently refers to Macsen as a figure of comparison with later Welsh leaders. These legends come down to us in two separate versions.
Elen Luyddog Cymeriad yn y chwedl Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig yw Elen Luyddog. Mae Macsen Wledig, Ymerawdwr Rhufain, yn breuddwydio ei fod yn teithio i ogledd-orllewin Ynys Brydain, lle mae'n gweld caer ysblennydd wrth aber gyda mynyddoedd gwyllt a choed y tu ôl iddi ac ynys ffrwythlon gyferbyn. Aiff i mewn i neuadd y gaer a gweld gweision yn chwarae gwyddbwyll a'r forwyn 'decaf erioed' yn eistedd ar 'orsedd orwych'. Mae hi'n codi ac yn dod ato ac mae'n rhoi ei freichiau am ei gwddw. Wrth iddo eistedd gyda hi ar yr orsedd ac ymserchu ynddi, mae twrw'r tariannau'n ymysgwyd yn y gwynt yn ei ddeffro ac mae'r weledigaeth yn diflannu.
Mae Macsen yn anfon negeseuwyr allan i bedair ban byd i chwilio am y ferch yn y freuddwyd, ac yn y diwedd maent yn darganfod y gaer a'r forwyn. Maent yn gofyn i'r forwyn briodi Macsen, ond mae hi'n gwrthod oni bai'r ymerawdwr ei hun yn dod i'w cheisio. A dyna a wna Macsen a'i wŷr. Glaniant ym Mhrydain a goresgyn yr ynys gan yrru Beli fab Manogan a'i wŷr ar ffo. Elen yw'r ferch ac mae hi'n byw gyda'i thad Eudaf a'i brodyr Cynan (Cynan Meiriadog) ac Adeon yng Nghaer Seint yn Arfon (Segontium).
Erys Macsen i ffwrdd o Rufain am dros saith mlynedd, ac erbyn iddo ddychweld gyda Elen, mae ymerawdwr newydd wedi cymeryd ei le. Mae Macsen yn gwarchae dinas Rhufain am flwyddyn, yn aflwyddianus, nes daw brodyr Elen a chriw o ryfelwyr Arfon i gipio'r ddinas a'i hadfer i Facsen. Yn ddiolchgar iddynt, mae Macsen yn caniatau iddynt grwydro a goresgyn tir fel y mynnant. Ar ôl blynyddoedd o grwydro ar y cyfandir cyrhaeddant Lydaw. Mae hanner y llu'n dychwelyd i Gymru gydag Adeon a'r lleill yn aros yn Llydaw dan Cynan. Cyfeirir at y traddodiad mewn un o'r Trioedd fel un o'r "Tri Chyfor a aeth o'r ynys hon, ac ni ddaeth drachefn yr un onadunt".
Yn ôl y chwedl, ar ôl Elen yr enwyd y ffordd Rufeinig Sarn Helen. Cred rhai ysgolheigion bod yr Elen wreiddiol yn cynrychioli sofraniaeth Ynys Brydain a'i bod hefyd yn dduwies Geltaidd yn wreiddiol. Cymysga'r chwedl ei hun hanes dwy ferch wahanol, sef Elen Luyddog ac Elen ferch Eudaf. Credir mai Helena, mam yr ymerawdwr Cystennin Fawr (306-337) yw sail cymeriad Elen Luyddog. Diau bod elfennau o hanes Elen o Gaerdroia wedi lliwio dychymyg y cyfarwydd (chwedleuwr) o Gymro hefyd.
Santes Helen a lot o hen saint a'u gwreiddiau yn ol yr hen grefydd. Oedd y Rhufeiniaid yn adeiladu ar sylfeini'r hen Celtiaid? Sylfeini cyn-Rhufeinig?
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leonievdelzen · 8 years ago
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Care for a little Sunday swim? 💦😘 • • #sunday #swim #chill #relax #dipin #luxury #luxurytravel #luxurystay #casual #hotel #boutiquestyle #alpinestyle #alpinelife #deluxe #nidum #seefeld #hotspot #austria #genieten #oostenrijk #luxe #sun #bluesky #thegoodlife #ludwigsfavorites #spa #wellness @nidum_casual_luxury_hotel (bij NIDUM Casual Luxury Hotel)
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bernhardprangl · 8 years ago
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Die wirklich wichtigen Dinge sind hier eindeutig ausgewiesen: #nidum #mösern #seefeldintirol
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