#nico olvia passed on all of her love to robin
tchotchkez · 11 months
y'all robin is so good with kids, she'd be such an amazing fucking mom
seeing her interacting with children makes my heart break because she's just So Pure with them and she always looks so happy.
she's had such a rough fucking hand with life and yet she still smiles at kids, humors their stories, reassures them, plays with them. you can see it well enough with chopper but it's not just him, it's every child she interacts with.
I'm just watching filler and she comforted a kid and stood by them simply because she was there, even tickling them so they felt at ease. the alleged "demon of ohara" tickling children and protecting them.
nico robin is so fucking GOOD and she would make an amazing mother
thanks for coming to my tedtalk please give your love to nico robin on the way out!
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whereistheonepiece · 4 years
Late Nights (cotd.)
Law felt stripped bare before Robin on the deck of this unfamiliar ship, expressing fears that he hadn't even known he had. He'd never asked himself what came after Doflamingo, not once in all the years of planning and ruminating and sleepless nights.
What came next when the driving force that had kept him alive throughout his teenage years and his adult life was no longer present? Law hadn’t thought that through. It had never felt necessary when he’d lived with the quiet but persistent notion in the back of his mind that he wouldn’t live long enough for it to matter. White Lead Poisoning or no, Law had lived with the suspicion that he wouldn't live to see old age whether he defeated Doflamingo or not.
What came next? There were other enemies to face, but after that, what then? Law didn’t know. 
Feeling himself being pulled down into that hole at the bottom of the ocean, crushing darkness surrounding him, Law reached out and found Robin’s hand, the one she had in his hair as she attempted to soothe him, and he grabbed hold.
Robin let Law hold her hand, squeezing back when their fingers connected. She kept quiet while she waited it out with Law, allowing him to weep in her lap, and all Law could do was think to ask why. Why did Robin keep seeking him out? Why did she spend her free time with him?
“There’s something I don’t understand,” he said when his breathing had steadied enough for him to speak clearly.
“What, Law?”
“What do you get out of all this?” Law asked, staring at the floorboards before him, grateful that he didn’t have to look her in the eye right now. 
Robin was silent for a moment before answering. “It’s not about ‘getting’ anything, Law,” she said slowly, thoughtfully. “I choose to be around you because I care about you.”
“Why?” Law said, his breath coming out in an uncontrollable shudder. He squeezed his eyes shut, hiding his face behind the sleeve of his coat as Cora-san’s smiling, bruised face came to him in that moment.
“I love you,” Cora-san had said.
“Why?” Law now wanted to say.
A new sob passed his lips and Law was at it again. And he resented himself for it because it wasn’t just that Law hadn’t cried in front of another person in years–Law hadn’t cried at all in the last thirteen years. The last time had been when he’d figured out how his fruit worked; Law hadn’t felt much of anything at first, knowing that it was too little too late for the man he’d come to see as a father figure, until one day a few days later when Law, practicing with his new power, remembered how useless he’d felt while Cora-san lay before him, slowly bleeding out, and Law had no idea how to help. Law had felt like he could die in that instant, curled in on himself, screaming “No more no more no more please god no more” in his mind while primal sounds of pain erupted from his mouth. 
He hadn’t cried since then.  
Now, thirteen years older, Law cried in front of Robin. When he'd worn himself out, when Law finally felt that he had nothing left within him that could surprise either of them, a silence settled between them. Robin sat there with Law, maybe listening as his breathing steadied once more, and as Law let out a long exhale, wiping his face with his sleeve, Robin began to tell him a story about a lonely little girl who'd lived on the island of Ohara.
Law had heard about Ohara, but he was in the habit of disbelieving anything the World Government told its people. He’d heard about the island of evil people; he’d even heard talk of the child who’d allegedly sunk six Navy ships, but he’d rolled his eyes and put the information out of his mind, writing it off as nothing more than propaganda and tall tales. But as Robin continued to talk, telling him about a bookish little girl who had no friends growing up and who rarely saw her mother, Law remembered what she’d said about looking after herself for twenty years, how she’d been alone for a long time before she met Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates, and Law felt himself grow cold as he realized where Robin was going with her story.
Robin told Law about the Tree of Knowledge, Jaguar D. Saul, Nico Olvia, Professor Clover and the community of archaeologists, and the community of people who lived on Ohara before a Buster Call had wiped out the island and its inhabitants. Robin told Law about the kindness of a man who wanted to see a sad little girl smile, and how that man had laughed as he died while protecting her. 
Time had passed and Robin met a group of people who had accepted her, but that hadn’t been enough at first. Robin had known a life of hardship, of loneliness, and it wasn’t until she allowed herself to accept their love that Robin had begun to believe that she was worthy of it.
Robin had begun to stroke Law’s hair again when he’d loosened his grip on her hand as he listened to her story. He couldn’t see her face, but he felt her looking at him. “No one is ever truly alone in life, Law,” Robin said softly. She moved her hand down to his face, gently cupping his cheek and directing him to look up at her. Warmth radiated from Robin to Law and it was too much for him in that instant. He turned his head and looked away, but he grabbed hold of her hand again. “Even if it may feel that way sometimes. We simply need to let others in.”
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luccislegs · 5 years
alsjlskzjs, I loved the Law/maleso/Luffy, you wrote it amazingly! Can I ask for a continuation, maybe with a little interatcing with the crew and their ghosts, but as a little time passes, Male reader finds himself accidentally using the ghosts powers or skills? like, they are at dinner one night, and sneezes fire. Or after getting startled, they silnce the whole ship for like 3 hours? or like, hes talking to Robin and can read the Ponglyps for a few mineuts (Robons mom) and they freak out?
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sorry this took me so long! i really had to take and do this in chunks bc my brain would fry trying to figure out all the little details for everyone. i don’t think sanji has anyone important to him in his past, so he isn’t here. also the first four are the longest bc they play an actual part in some things, and also theirs have the most obvious powers and drawbacks. i hope i did this enough justice to warrant the wait lol
Over the course of the few months you were on the sunny, more ghosts began to show up, like they were drawn to you. Some spirits, like ace and rosinante, sought you out before you ever met whoever was keeping them tethered. Others, like Olvia and Tom, seemed to sense when you met their loved ones, and then sought you out.
Or that was what you guessed anyway, since they didn’t seem to have an answer for it either.
Regardless, there were now half a dozen ghosts following you around, and new symptoms had shown up on top of that.
Safe to say, you were losing your mind.
You were just cuddled up with Luffy on the couch in the aquarium, his head in your lap as you chatted back and forth about the next island.
The urge hit you out of the blue, and you turned your head to the side to avoid sneezing all over Luffy.
That went right out the window as a huge column of flames shot out of your nose when you sneezed, lighting the curtains beside you on fire.
You immediately jumped up, knocking Luffy onto the floor as you panicked, smothering the flames with the other half of the curtains. 
Luffy, helpful dolt that he is, laid on the floor upside down staring at you in awe before jumping to his feet and picking you up in a hug
“That is so cool, ___. I didn’t know you could do that! You looked just like a dragon!”
To be fair, you didn’t know you could do that either. Over Luffy’s shoulder, you sent ace a murderous glare, to which he happily responded with a shoulder shrug, a smirk, and laughter.
You never actually got a chance to figure out what the hell had happened because, mid-hug, you fell asleep right in Luffy’s arms.
A few days after the incident with Luffy, something else happened. You were beginning to think you needed to screen the ghosts before you agreed to help them from now on.
You were hanging out quietly in the boy’s room with Law, who was busy reading over a medical text from chopper, and Rosi, who was lounging on the other end of the couch smoking a transparent cigarette (which, by the way, was pretty funny when he managed to light himself on fire, freaked out, then realized he couldn’t actually burn) when Franky came bursting into the room with Usopp hot on his heels.
You weren’t even sure how it happened, it was like reflex. Rosi jumped and floated up to the ceiling, you jumped off the couch and hit the floor, and then all of a sudden everything was dead quiet.
You could clearly see Franky and Usopp yelling about…something, but you couldn’t hear anything.
Law, on the other hand, was looking at you with curiosity, like he knew exactly what was going on.
“Er, Law…?” you asked, and you heard yourself perfectly fine, but he didn’t react.
Rosi floated down behind you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he spoke. “I think you may have just silenced the ship. Seems you can use my calm calm powers, ___.”
You sighed. “Yeah I was afraid of that. how do I fix it?”
But Rosi only shrugged before floating over to law. “Come over here and see if he can hear you.”
You didn’t understand how moving closer would help, but did as told. 
Or tried to. You tripped over the floor mat and tumbled, smacking your head off the floor and blacking out before you could get there.
Your next stop was to see Robin, and you found her in the library, looking over a charcoal shading of some strange symbols. She looked up as you entered and smiled.
“Well hello, ___. What can I do for you?” she asked. She always had a knack for telling when someone was actively looking for her and when you just happened upon her.
“Well…I have a problem. and I think you might be the most able to help,” you said, sitting beside her.
You glanced over the sketches in her hands absentmindedly, and a word popped into your head.
“Those are Poneglyphs, right?” you asked, pointing to them.
Robin froze, then nodded slowly. “How did you know that?” she asked, staring at you with a guarded expression. She had never mentioned them to you before, or in your presence, and she was pretty sure that no one else would have a reason to.
“Uh, that’s sort of why I’m here,” you answered, pointing over your shoulder to the– to her, empty– space where Nico Olvia floated. “I think I may be spouting some of the spirits powers out. It just started. I almost burned the library down a few days ago, then just earlier I muted everyone like Cora used to do.”
Robin looked stricken at the mention of her mother for a moment, as she always did, before it turned thoughtful. “I’ve never heard of that being possible. Although Blackbeard stole devil fruit powers, he can use them freely. You can only use them momentarily, right?”
You nodded, looking back down at the papers. Some of the words you could understand, but most of them just looked like gibberish. Slowly, more came into focus, as if your brain was automatically learning another language. 
Before you could really start to piece the words together though, everything seemed to explode into agony. You couldn’t breathe, as if your lungs wouldn’t expand. The edges of your vision turned black, and you collapsed.
Robin’s voice sounded very far away, and there was Chopper’s alongside hers. As you came to, you could start to make out what they were saying.
“…he just blacked out? What was he doing before then?” Chopper was asking.
“We were just talking about the new powers he developed, and he was looking at the pictures of Poneglyphs, and then he was on the floor gasping.”
“Look, he’s waking up.” That was Law’s voice, and he sounded very concerned.
You opened your eyes just a crack, testing whether that was a good idea. Your head felt like it was splitting open, and Law helped you to sit up slowly. 
“What happened?” he asked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know. I was talking with Robin and then suddenly everything hurt, like I’d been beaten, and I couldn’t breathe anymore,” you said, looking around at everyone. It was just you, Robin, Chopper, and Law in the room, and they all looked like you felt.
Robin’s gasp broke the silence, like a lightbulb had turned on. “It sounds like you were experiencing what my mother did before she…I wonder if you aren’t taking their powers but also some of their personality too,” she said, looking at you curiously. “What happened after you used Ace’s and Cora-san’s?”
Law broke in before you could answer. “He fell asleep in luffy’s arms after lighting the libary on fire, and tripped and knocked himself out after silencing our room. Which is exactly what they used to do.”
You nodded in agreement, but Robin still looked perturbed. “It seems like you experience more than just their quirks, but their deaths too. That can’t be good. I’ll do some research and see if there’s anything about your powers, but you need to be careful too.”
This new development was slightly detrimental to your health. You couldn’t figure out a rhyme or reason to how your new powers worked, or when they would, but you were keen to find out. 
The safest way, you figured, was to try practicing with a sword and seeing if you couldn’t channel some of Kuina’s swordsmanship at will.
It didn’t work. At all.
You couldn’t seem to find any trigger for making it work, swinging the sword as you normally would have. Zoro seemed disappointed as well, having hoped to have a decent match against someone besides Law for once. It didn’t matter that you explained to him you could only use it for a few seconds.
Only when Franky, who was working on something on the mast, accidentally lost his grip on a drawing knife he was using and sent it flying towards you did those “instincts” kick in. Your vision went a little blurry, as if you were seeing things through water, and you lifted the sword and swung with more grace than you ever had, knocking it aside before it could reach you.
Zoro clapped in impressed surprise. “I guess you need to be in danger to use it,” he said, watching you stumble and fall to your knees. “Are you alright?”
“No, I uh,” you struggled to think through the screaming pain that was lancing through your back. It wasn’t nearly as excruciating as Olvia’s death, but your head was still swimming from it. “Can I ask how Kuina died?”
Zoro paused, looking like he swallowed a lemon. “She fell down the stairs.” He sounded bitter, so you nodded and moved on.
“I think I’m experiencing some of the things the others did in their lives, deaths included. Earlier, I could read Poneglyphs, but right after I went through Olvia’s death. This is…a little scary,” you admit, just as Luffy and Law came onto the deck. 
Franky had gone to fetch them when you collapsed, and they pulled you gently to your feet. 
“Are you alright, _____?” Luffy asked, just as Law asked, “what the hell is going on?”
Explaining it all over again, you sighed tiredly. “I just want to go lay down now, if you don’t mind.”
Nothing happened for a few days after that. At every turn, though, you were expecting an outburst followed by some type of mayhem. Practicing with Zoro a little more revealed that only when something dangerous you weren’t expecting happened did you channel Kuina’s excellent swordsmanship. Needless to say, Zoro was disappointed.
Nami’s first experience happened when you were helping her trim her tangerine trees. It was one of the only pleasant experiences you had, because for some reason– maybe you were just relaxed enough that it was flowing– Bell-mere’s knowledge of tangerines was flowing freely. 
For nearly an hour, you and Nami chatted about the best ways to take care of the trees. You could see Bell-mere floating aimlessly through the trees, and knew she was listening but never once did she input anything to the conversation. 
The only negative side-effect you experienced was an overwhelming craving for cigarettes.
Franky’s was another pleasant experience, since you were able to channel Tom’s knowledge of shipbuilding. It didn’t last as long as Bell-mere’s, but it came much more frequently than Rosi’s or Ace’s. 
You were beginning to suspect that the physical aspects took a different type of catalyst compared to the knowledge. Unfortunately, you were unable to physically put any of Tom’s knowledge into effect, but Franky enjoyed talking with you while he was working.
Chopper’s was another unpleasant one.
Channeling Hiriluk’s medical knowledge was a struggle at best, because even though you knew what was going on, you didn’t really understand, and it gave you a headache. 
Combine that with the fact that you spent almost 30 minutes doubled over from unbearable stomach cramps– which you found out was most likely what Hiriluk experienced before he died from eating a deadly mushroom– and his knowledge really wasn’t worth the experience.
Chopper couldn’t even really enjoy chatting with you about it because you were just so miserable, but the catalyst for Hiriluk’s knowledge was pretty much just entering the medical bay, so you suffered quite a bit from that one.
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