#nicky only has the demon traits obviously
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ejm513 · 4 years ago
1-I know there is now a cannon child for edo Nalu and edo Gruvia with names and everything. I also know that Gajeel and Levy have twins and Levy is currently pregnant in 100 Years Quest.  I love it and their names and everything about those precious babies-but I’ve had these ideas and characters and backstories growing and developing in my head for years so I’m being the stubborn Taurus that I am and sticking with it.
2-Also please forgive any misspellings and grammar mistakes as I am dyslexic and my school failed us at teaching spelling and grammar. I did my best.
Hello my lovelies!! 
So I’ve spent most of the day working on the first two ships and editing everything so I figured why not just post the second one right away. 
And the next ship we’re doing on this crazy journey is my personal favorite my OTP to end all OTPS 
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Ah yes people... I’m in my happy place. 
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  Nicolai Sliver Fullbuster- Nicknames- Nick, Nicky, Nicky Bear (gotta love little sisters)
Birthday: March 15th, 797 (Bonus points if anyone gets the reference :P)
Magic: Ice Make Magic
-Height: 5’10 (same height as Gray)
-Hair: Dark and thick like Grays, slightly wavy curiosity of his mother.
-Eye color: Dark blue and large like he’s mother’s.
-Built like his father.
-He and Gray are the closest to clones.  
-Gray doesn’t want his boy to deal with the consequences of being a demon slayer… so he doesn’t teach him how to be one. At least not completely. He does pass on some techniques and skills but nothing more.
-For example he teaches him Ice Make Sliver. 
-He got the name Nikolai Sliver from both of his grandfathers-I chose a Russian name because I have this idea in my head that in the real world Juvia would be Russian and nothing can convince me otherwise.
-Though he got over it eventually poor thing hated the cold and having to strip in the snow.
-He too got the illness Ultrear had, and while he didn’t get through it as easily as the Dragnell children he got through it in the end.  
And before anyone ask yes… he stripes.
-Loyal (but maybe not to a fault)
-Laid back like his father
-A little moody and temperamental at times
-Can be a bit reserved but more or less wears his heart on his sleeve like Juvia.
-Very imaginative like his mother… which sometimes lead him to being a little ditzy and spacy.
-Very loving
-Very protective of those he loves
-Definitely inherited Juvia’s possessiveness-when his sister was being introduced to the guild for the first time after she was born he grabbed hold of her little blanket, stood in front of her and said
“No! She’s MY baby sister!!”
-Gray QUICKLY helped him get it under control
-A huge romantic like Juvia…like MAJOR romantic. He even enjoys reading her romance novels (but don’t you dare tell anyone)
-He also enjoys drawing, doing anything in the snow and ice
-Very intelligent and did well in school-given his magic he was particularly skilled in art. No one understands how he managed to do so well in school because his note books are covered in doodles
-In general just a much more open and expressive person than his father or sister, much more like his mother.
-Extremely close with both of his parents-the Fullbusters are known for having a very close knit and loving family.
-Like almost every boy in this generation he is a total mama’s boy and you better not call him out on it.
-Also idolizes his father and wants to be just like him
-Absolutely adores his little sister is very gentle and sweet with her. He’s extremely protective of her  and one of the only four people he can be a little possessive over (the others being Lila and his parents).However, she can get on his nerves because like most little siblings she follows him everywhere and wants to do everything with him. Plus they can both be temperamental and stubborn. They are also so much alike yet express themselves in such different ways that it causes clashes.  As a result, they bicker the most out of any of the siblings in the next gen-but their fights never, EVER turn physical. But the bottom line is they are exceptionally close-so close in fact they are one of the only pairs in the next gen that can successfully pull of a Unison Raid.
-Real he just wants Eliza to stop calling him Nicky Bear… in public at least.
-The first of his two best friends is Simon Scarlet. At first it was a matter of convenience because he was the only boy in the guild close to her age, but it didn’t take too long to become genuine friends. They love to bond over their love of sweets. The other of course is Lila.
And naturally Happy… Happy is everyone’s best friend
-He has loved Lila pretty much his entire life-before he even understood what that feeling was. When he learned what the concept of marriage, he knew right away she was the one he was going to marry. As stated before he constantly referred to her as his wife as children and when they were older (like almost 20 or older than 20) he would say “You know I’m going to marry you one day Dragnell right?”
Elizaveta/ Eliza/ Liza Ur Fullbuster
   Birthday: November 23rd, 801
Magic: Water.
Height: 5’2 (a couple of inches shorter than Juvia who is 5’4 according to the Wiki)
Hair: Long, thick and wavy like Juvia’s, dark like Gray’s
Eyes: Juvia’s shape but dark like Gray’s
-She has the same gifted build as Juvia, but somehow a little more fragile looking
-Has her father’s smile
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-Yes that beautiful beautiful smile 
-Has heard from Gray that despite her strong resemblance to her mother something about her reminds him of his mother
-Elizaveta or Eliza Ultear got her name from Juvia’s mother and obviously Ultear. Eliza is what she goes by and only those closest with her call her Liza
-Eliza was born five weeks early and this caused… problems. She was extremely sick as a baby. She ended up becoming dyslexic. Finally, it messed with her powers. She has water powers like her mother, but because she was born so early they are technically incomplete because her body isn’t completely made of water like Juvia. This means she’s not impervious to physical attacks, but she makes up for it in other ways.
-Due to being born early and being a little sickly, when she got that infamous illness all the children in the next gem see to get Ultear’s illness (I have no idea what else to call it) she got hit the worse. She actually came close to dying and Gray and Juvia were told to expect the worst.
-Because of this, despite obviously being a skilled and well trained wizard, Eliza is more known for her emotion strength and endurance rather than her physical strength (at least until she was almost an adult)
-Is definitely no ice wizard and can’t stand the cold, but did learn some tricks including how to freeze her rain into snow or freezing rain.
And yes… she is absolutely forbidden to strip under any and all circumstances unless she doesn’t want to see the outside world until she’s 30 or until Gray is dead… which ever comes first
-Massive, huge heart of gold
-Very sweet
-Very shy and introverted
-Extremely reserved, keeps everything close to her chest like her father
-Appears laid back but is a ball of emotion and anxiety and occasional bouts of depression
-Comes off as an ethereal, sweet, Mary Jane type of dainty princess when she is anything but
-Actually, has a very snarky, sarcastic sense of humor a la Gray and is just funny like her mother.
-Is never willing to start a fight but if you push her enough she follows the same line of thought as Lila;
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-Is very stubborn, moody and temperamental at times
-Very ambitious and always smiling despite everything that’s happened to her.
-Is quiet laid back with her language when she’s older and has been known to swear.
-Is also great at impressions.
-Has Juvia’s quiet astounding imagination and is definitely a dreamer.
-Is a HUGE romantic, openly reading her mother’s romance novels. Otherwise she’s very good at hiding it… mostly.
-Exceptionally smart but struggles with math and is a slow reader because of her dyslexia. She excels in history and music.
-I have a head cannon that Juvia can sing because of all the hydration she gets from having a water body, mermaids/sirens luring sailors with their voices and because apparently Juvia’s voice actress can sing. So Eliza inherited that gift but never sings on stage for the public.
-Because of how sickly she has always been, and because she was the first girl born to the guild a string of boys, and because of how bad she’s treated by kids at school, Eliza is utterly spoiled and a little coddled by all. No on one minds though because she never acts spoiled. She just loves having such a safe and warm space to fall.
-Like her brother is super close to her parents.
-Juvia is her rock and the pair are inseparable.
-She is also daddy’s littler girl though don’t you ever get her to admit it. They love joking around with each other and just talking.
-She adores and idolizes her big brother-her Nicky Bear. She always wanted to follow him around and do what he did-which after a certain point would get on his nerves. She also sometimes get annoyed with how protective he can be. They can both be a little possessive over each other and their parents.  As mentioned before they have many of the same personality traits but express them in different ways, so they bicker a lot. But in the end she would be lost without him.
-Like her mother Eliza was unfortunately bullied badly by kids outside the guild and even more unfortunate a few kids in the guild. So her three closest friends are Lila Dragnell, Hazel Redfox and much to her chagrin Iggy Dragnell.
-Iggy is the only person who can flare her temper on the daily and who she has fought with-he never fights with more than words but from time to time she will blast him with water just to get him to leave her alone. He is more or less the annoying younger brother she never asked for but similar to her own brother would be lost without him.
-And before you ask no she has not and will never have a crush or any romantic feelings for Iggy… but Simon Scarlet on the other hand….
-Has a love hate relationship with Happy after he was flying her around ounce and dropped her from pretty high up which gave her a fear of heights.
 All right my lovelies!! That is it for this round! I’ll be back soon... hopefully with the next ship!!! 
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 Dear Author—
First of all, you need to know how enormously warm and OVI PROUD for you I already feel about what you’re going to write. 
I’m a bit of a ridiculous prompter, but they’re written that way because I’m hoping something—whether it’s the general outline or just one of the silly little details—will really strike your fancy. Don’t feel like you need to use every suggestion, and if you have another fun idea, run with it! If you look at something I suggested and think "Uh, obviously that would be what happened, it would happen like THIS instead, duh,” YES. Do it that way.
  Please print out a favorite Proud Ovi photo for me and pin it to the wall of your Writing Lair.      Good Things, generally:      
Yes, no matter how completely bonkers my original prompt was, you are invited to put MORE HOCKEY in it. You have blanket permission to write a canon hockey-playing story in which my original batshit weird prompt is a metaphor or literary theme    
Even without hockey, WINTER THEMES  
Team team team. Lots of social dynamics going on, especially in dialogue. The more guys talking over each other, the more I like it    
The positive and the negative ways social culture (of team sports, social class, countries) affects people. This includes my love for little daily habits or thoughts that someone living away from their country of origin might have       
Different people liking different things (including different kinds and amounts of sex, and different people!) and that being OK 
   Things I Do Not Like So Much, generally:   
Gender essentialism (including describing physical traits like muscle development, body hair, and calluses as ‘male’ or a vague “softness” as ‘female.’ Characters can absolutely still admire those traits! Just write about how nice they look and feel on this particular person, or how the narrator personally reacts to them.)  
Unquestioned  stereotypes about sexual identity/sexual role, formalized primary/secondary poly dynamics 
Unquestioned national stereotypes
Unquestioned social class stereotypes 
“Everybody’s gay”/ Everybody already knows/A character’s fears were All In Their Head  
Injury for pure Drama.   
The Prompts:
(Again, yes, you may make all of these about playing hockey. Honestly, please tell me how these prompts are really about hockey. ) 
Nicklas Backstrom/Alexander Ovechkin—Howl’s Moving Castle
 Does the whole countryside believe Wizard Ovechkin eats young people’s hearts, except for one sensible hatmaker, who seeks shelter from the winter cold…only to find the wizard hungover in a castle full of dog hair and unwashed teenage apprentices? Or does our hero bully his way into the castle, remind antisocial Wizard Backstrom to go to his appointments and answer that stack of letters from King Barry about the war, and redecorate in beautiful Russian style?  
I think Don Cherry is the Witch of the Northern Waste either way.
 Good things:
Mix it up! Maybe we’ve got an ice demon, not a fire demon; maybe there’s no demon and more of a Koschei the Deathless situation, or other Russian/Swedish elements, and small or significant changes to the plot 
Demon played by a long-suffering TJ, trapped on a line/in an ash bucket listening to them? 
Whichever one is cursed enjoying the heck out of life as a grumpy old man with a stick. Gimme some thoughts and feelings about aging as an athlete
    Braden Holtby/Evgeny Kuznetsov—Beauty and the Beast  
 Holts is Beauty.  
Pick any setting you like: canon, modern AU, classic fairytale, the whacky AU of your dreams. Just give me them sharing space, slowly getting past that first grouchy impression. 
 Good things:
HoltBelle doing crosswords in a castle library 
All the Caps being touched by the curse—and go as dark as you want with that
At least, like, five more Caps than anyone would want trying to Fix Things. (Picking which Capital is MOST like a singing candlestick is not easy. Might be Schmidt. Nicky and Ovi are a beautiful matched tea set, with all their rookie teacups) 
     Braden Holtby/Nate Schmidt—Books books books books books  
I have JUST NOW remembered that Schmidt's last Better Halves Player Gift Basket not only included the Harry Potter chess set, but ALSO a copy of  The Secrets of the FBI. Please meditate with me on what, and why, is on Nate Schmidt's reading list. 
 They've both given a lot of solid interviews on what it's like to be an athlete and read and learn largely outside of school when the world around you isn't really encouraging that, a subject dear to my heart, so I'd love to see more about that. Anything about reading and exploring and being extremely intense and focused doofs: 
  Does Nate Schmidt carefully Sort everyone in the league into the right Hogwarts houses, and occasionally scream “HUFFLEPUFF!” in delight from the bench at a passing opponent who mostly speaks Czech?     
Does Holtby sometimes surface from a post-loss funk to realize that the last 5 minutes of this pep talk have sounded...suspiciously like Dumbledore quotes?    
I'm really stuck on the FBI thing: how often has Schmidt dragged Braden around a new city reading historical landmark signs, and then spend lunch sitting outside a cafe guessing which passersby are undercover agents? 
Does he have a Double-Secret, Holts-Only-Clearance list ranking who on the team would be the best secret agent? (I’ve been imagining all of these as a tired-but-charmed-and-touched Holts POV, but you can do either, and have Nate slowly becoming passionately convinced Holts would be the bestest James Bond ever)   
I'm also happy to see a judgmental geek rift between Holtby's Serious Business crosswords and fantasy novels that they needed to work through over the years. 
Or, write me a You’ve Got Mail story where they never really started talking and are both feelin secretly a bit lonely on the team, so they go home at night and chat with their BFF on Goodreads who always has the best lists and reviews....  
     Nicklas Backstrom/Andre Burakovsky/Marcus Johansson 
 The most stately and reserved courtship in Vague Historical Sweden is interrupted by a brash, unexpected young suitor.    
Some quick possibilities to help you start:    
  1). Vague Historical Sweden
Nicky, a prince or an heir to something, is resigned to marrying someone proper who he can’t ever tell about his 20-year prank war against Polite Society. So he’s been silent and dead-eyed and thinks that’s how you court somebody  
Mojo would quite like to be married, so he’ll never have to go to another formal ball where people ask him about The Wars. (Instead he will hide in a comfy study, writing more secret drafts of the secret military memoirs he definitely won’t ever publish.) Their match has been Expected for years, but they’ve barely talked and he keeps getting anxious, calling Nicky by either a full formal title or ‘Lars,’ which makes Nicky look even more dead inside, and tripping over things. Many a tactical retreat has been called.     
Polite Society is...pretty sure Andre’s a fortune-hunter. He keeps asking each of them for a dance at every ball, and inviting them to skating parties, and trying very, very hard to be impressive.    
2.)  Award-winning Vikings 
Nicky is a shieldmaiden (please don’t question me. Vague Historical Sweden does gender roles differently), and keeps a prosperous farm. Mojo is maybe the son of the next landowner over, has made a name for himself raiding, and everyone in town agrees they’d be a fine Viking couple.  
 Andre, who was captured on a raid or is a jarl’s kid or something, don’t ask me, also thinks they are a fine Viking couple.  
  3.)  Modern royalty. Space royalty. Magic. Go mad with your power.     
I like happiness, but I’m okay with bittersweet too. As much pining and miscommunication as you like, and any kinks or power dynamics you’ll have fun writing. You can end with a triad, a V, or a dyad if you…really want to, I guess, as long as it isn’t moralistic. The relationships don’t have to be the same, but please no formal primary/secondary poly dynamics, though.  
   You are best.
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