#nick is saying he actually likes dan but isn’t ready to be his boyfriend
lgbtvegas · 11 months
anyway i’m mad
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A Stones Throw Away ~ Part One. A Nick Woods Fic.
Summery: Foster James has been through many ups and downs with her band, but this was probably the worst situation she’d found herself in. After getting kicked out the band a stupid accident ends in her hitching a ride with Nick and Sam woods who are on their chase for Corey and Jimmy.  Will she be able to reconnect with her only family? or will she find a new more loving group of people to stand by her.
Pairing: Nick Woods/OC
Warnings: Language.
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"You're an idiot"
"Excuse me?" I stormed after my boyfriend of 2 years.
My heels clicked on the wooden planks that lead to the front entrance of the diner.
"You're an idiot!" I don't even remember how this argument started, In fact I've lost count of how many stupid arguments we've had these past couple of months.
"Do you actually think that or are you just finding any excuse to start an argument with me?"
He spun on his heel and looked at me pointedly, scoffed and crossed his arms. We now stood blocking the doorway to the dinner.
"Well it sure looks that way."
"You're the one that was making up these stories about me going off with other girls." He screeched, I honestly don’t know what I found attractive about him anymore.
"Because it's true! And I have proof. God the only reason I put up with you is for the band." I threw my hands up in the air, I suddenly became aware of two people behind me trying to enter the diner but seemed too awkward to say anything to us. And I wasn’t letting my guard down now.
"Proof my ass, you just want to make something to fight about."
"Oh I want to make something up to fight about?!" I poked his chest hard.
He grabbed my hand forcefully “Listen I could have any girl in this dinner so I'd be careful what you say to me." He spat at me, I just tugged my arm out of his hold.
"Is that supposed to be a threat?” I smirked. “Or a promise. Because honestly, at this moment in time I couldn't care less." I tuned to find a guy behind me, perfect.
"This Mike, is how much of a crap I give about our relationship."
I grabbed his face and kissed him. I ignored how good it felt to kiss this complete stranger, pulling away quickly and turning back to my idiot of a boyfriend. "Two can play at that game Mike."
Crossing my arms over my chest, feeling pretty proud at the souring expression on his face.
"Whatever man." He pushed open the door and finally walked into the building.
"God sake." I whispered to myself, exhausted at the constant fighting I rubbed my face in frustration.
I suddenly remembered about the guy behind me that I had all but assaulted, I groaned and turned around.
"I’m so sorry." I really hope he couldn’t sense the shock on my features. Dam, I think I just forced the cutest guy ever to kiss me.
"It's fine." He smirked.
I just smiled at him awkwardly and finally went into the diner cursing myself for always getting myself into these dumb situations.
I went over to the booth where my other band members waited, making sure I was on the other side of the booth from Mike. He made sure to put his arm around Amy, the constant groupie that followed us around.
I just rolled my eyes and look towards the front counter where the lady began serving cute guy and the older gentleman he was with. I quickly looked away before anyone would notice, but as I turned I caught Mikes stink eye as he looked to the guy and back to me. 
"So the set list." Our guitarist Vee started, shaking both myself and Mike out of the hate filled staring contest.
"What about it." Dan our drummer said while shoving some fries into his mouth.
I scrunched my nose up in disgust at the sight.
"I hate it, can't we swap some songs, we have better songs than the ones on the list."
"And you couldn't have spoke up about this 3 months ago when we started practising Vee? It's too late now, the gigs tomorrow." I said leaning over the table.
"Hey I was just sharing my thoughts, no need to get on my ass." She shuffled out of the booth to go to the loo.
Through out the whole of lunch I couldn't help myself but to peek at the stranger I'd kissed, even when I wasn't stealing glances I could feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of my head.
It would be a lie if I said I was so tempted to just walk up to him and get his number, I even considered just staying here to talk to him and let my toxic band just go on without me. But I couldn’t, being the lead singer of a popular band earns you a lot of money.
Money that I needed.
So instead, when It was time to head back on the road I just walked past the cute stranger. It all went in slow motion, he spun on his chair to catch my eye and he gave me a sad smile paired with an adorable little wave before I headed out to the van.
I had a very strong feeling that, that wasn't going to be the last time I'd see him. At least I hope I’d see him again, as we pulled out of the parking lot a deep regret started to settle in my stomach.
I should have at least got his number.
When I hopped in the van, I had no option but to sit next to Mike.
"You’re a dumb ass you know that" I mumbled more to myself.
"Don't start, I swear to god I'll kick you out of the van." Mike sneered at me.
"Really? You’re the one picking fights with me, cheating on me yet I’m the one who would be kicked out? You don’t have the authority to do that anyway."
I turned in my seat so I could face him properly.
"Anyway what the hell will you do without your lead singer eh?"
"Okay one, I’m the leader of this band I have to authority to do anything and everything to protect its future. And two, I’m sure we could find someone better. Someone more trusting and less argumentative." He smirked.
"What are you doing?" I said before being lunged forward by the brakes.
The van stopped and Mike slid the door open so aggressively that you could hear the hinges groan.
"Get out"
"I said get out, I mean I have to give it to you, your vocals are some of the best but your attitude sucks. So if you can find your own way to the venue then you can sing. If not then guess we'll be advertising for a new singer."
“You can’t just kick me out in the middle of no where, plus you’re the only one who wants me gone.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“Anyone in favour of Parker staying?” The van was deadly silent that you could hear a pin drop.
I felt so betrayed, this band had been like the family I never knew.
Mike all but pushed me out of the van while the others laughed behind him.
"You're a piece of shit, you know that Mike?"
He just tutted. "Then you should have dumped me when you had the chance." Just like that the door was slammed in my face, the van speed off covering me in dust.
I just stared after the retreating van in absolute shock. The only family I had ever known had just left me out in the desert to fend for myself. I felt alone, I fell to my knees sobbing. I looked down the long road we’d drove up but it was deserted. God knows how long it would be before another car came along, and it would be dark and cold in about two hours.
I’d stopped crying about twenty minutes again, I got to my feet and dusted myself off. I could feel the sadness turning into anger, I know the stop sign never did anything to me but it's the only object out here that I could have kicked. So I did.
Really hard.
"Ow ouch for god sake."
I picked up a biggish rock from the ground and threw it as hard as I could towards the road, I’d failed to see and hear the lone truck driving my way. But of course it was just my luck that the pick up truck was passing just as my rock flew through the air. The rock managed to find its way through the back window of the truck smashing the glass making the driver screech to a halt.
"Shit." My hands flew to cover my mouth in shock, I wanted to run but my feet had different plans. It was like I was glued to the spot, I didn’t know what this random person was capable of.
"Hey! What the hell!" An old man got out of the drivers side to inspect the damaged window, he had the rock in his hand probably ready to throw back at me.
"Oh god am so sorry! I was so angry and I just picked the rock up and.." The passenger side door flung open and there stood the cute guy from the diner.
"Am all for taking your anger out on things but seriously?" He laughed at me, I just ignored him.
"Look I’m really sorry, but my ass of a boyfriend just dumped me in the middle of no where and I have to be in California tomorrow or I’m going to loose a lot of money. Also this place is a waste zone I was trying to release some pent up anger and didn't see your truck coming." Both guys where just stood staring at me ranting.
"I’m sorry okay."
The cute guy just looks to the other dude who was still stood at the rear of the car.
"So how are you going to right this situation?" The dude points to the window.
"I can pay for it, I promise." I moved a little closer to them, I wasn’t getting a threatening vibe from them at all.
"But that means we'll have to give you a ride, quite frankly I don't know if you deserve that." Cute guy says in a teasing manner.
I just give him a funny look, turning back to the older guy with a pleading look. "I know I broke your window but would you really leave me out here by myself? It's kinda getting dark and cold. God knows what animals are out here." I said shivering, crossing my arms over my chest trying to keep warm.
Cute guy just laughed. Again I squinted at him.
"Fine hop in." The other dude said.
I walked towards the passenger side, but floppy hair blocked my way in.
“Little cold for you to be wearing that isn’t it?”
I looked down at the skater dress I was wearing then looked back at him, I caught him looking me up and down.
“I didn’t exactly plan on being stuck in the middle of no where. Abandoned by the only people I consider closer than family. I expected to be in a nice hotel room right about now, so excuse me if I’m not dress appropriate. Can I get in the truck now?”
“Sure.” He just smirked at me, he shuffled into the middle seat and I got in after him.
As soon as I had shut the door we were off.
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