#nicholas scratch x ps reader
plus-size-reader · 4 years
Real Love
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Nicholas Scratch x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1266 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Nick is used to getting what he wants, but the reader isn’t exactly keen on that. 
Nick had always been a ladies man and a charmer, who could bring both men and women to their knees.
It was just a fact that everyone accepted, not even batting an eye as it happened over and over again.
However, you had made a promise to yourself a very long time ago. You were never going to be one of those witches or warlocks that threw themselves at Nick’s feet.
You would rather die.
You were a witch of pure blood, and a devout follower of the Dark Lord. Never would you have done anything against him, nor would you have refused an order. By all accounts, you were a good little witch.
However, that was the one thing that you would never do. There was nothing in the world that could make you agree to Nick’s offer.
...One night together.
Only one night, that was what he said it would be. Though you were determined not to fall for his pathetic, foolish manipulation.
Nicholas was the sort of man who was incapable of real love. He had always blamed his being a warlock but you knew better. It was true that warlocks weren’t known for their monogamy but you knew that it was possible. Whatever Nick was doing was by his own choice.
Which was perfectly fine.
He was a grown man, perfectly capable of making his own choices but in that same regard, you were a grown woman and you weren't going to be treated like nothing more than a toy for his own enjoyment.
You didn’t care who he slept with or who he dated, as long as it wasn’t you.
Besides, with your luck, the whole thing would all be some prank put on by the weird sisters anyway. They had always found quite a bit of pleasure in your misery.
...Not that you could really blame them.
All three of those girls were stunning. They were beautiful and dripping with sexuality, and you just weren’t. You never had been but Nick wasn’t bothered by that. If anything, he found your uniqueness charming and he liked that you weren’t a carbon copy.
You were you.
The only trouble was that no matter how many times he told you that, you just wouldn’t believe him. You had made it very clear that you would never believe a word that he said on the matter.
Unfortunately for you though, the thing about Nick was that the more you told him no, the more determined he became to have you.
In true warlock fashion, he didn’t like to feel like he’d lost and not having you by his side was the biggest loss of all.
You were unlike any girl he’d ever met and letting you get away would be his biggest regret. So he made up his mind, he simply was not going to do it.
All he had to do was find some way to show you that he was genuine in his feelings for you, and not just trying to add your name to his little black book.
He wanted you for you, and not to round off some collection.
“Good morning Y/N” he grinned, sliding his tray down on the table beside you. You were currently reading some novel that Nick was unfamiliar with, telling him that it was nothing to do with the occult.
Not that he was surprised.
You had always been interested in a more mortal form of entertainment, something that also increased Nick’s fascination with you. He had never found himself so enthralled with another person before, and it was interesting to him.
Everything about you was so strange to him, and he wanted to prove it to you...but for now, he would just have to settle for bothering you when you wanted to be alone.
“Morning Nicholas” you allowed, glancing over your book with mild interest before dropping your eyes back down to the words on the page. You had no idea what he was doing so close to you, but you had given up on arguing a long time ago.
Instead, you chose to ignore him and just kept reading. 
Whatever it was that he needed, you were sure that he would share before too long anyway. It likely wouldn’t be worth setting down your book for anyhow. 
“As I’m sure you know, Lupercalia is coming up” he started, his voice careful as he spoke, his eyes studying your face. 
After a few moments, when he was sure you weren’t going to interrupt him, he continued, “Okay well, I was wondering if you wanted to join me in the festivities?” he poised, waiting for your upset. 
Now, Nick didn’t want you to get the wrong idea, because he was well aware of the way you saw him. However, it was sort of difficult to not draw conclusions based on what he was asking. 
After all, Lupercalia was the bloodiest, most sexual holiday that witches partook in. There were only so many ways that you could take that. It was just that when it came to you, he was torn. Nick wanted you to understand where he was coming from, that he was trying to just connect with you in the best way he knew how. Though, he should have known better.
You weren’t the kind of girl he was used to entertaining.
Immediately after the words left his lips, you tensed. Your book was dropped to the table in a second, your eyes boring into him with distest. Who did he think he was asking you something like that?
Sure, you had no plans for Lupercalia, at least not yet, but you weren’t about to make any with Nicholas.
Nothing would make you stoop that low.
“Join you? And why would I do that?” you questioned, genuinely curious what could have possessed him to ask you something like that.
You knew that if you immediately shot him down, you would never know. You were desperate to find out what it was about you that he couldn’t let go.
At first, Nick was at a loss for words.
It was a fair question, all things considered but that didn’t make it any easier to come up with a reason. He had a million to choose from, but nothing would really convince you.
He couldn’t just tell you that he wanted to get to know you in the way that only Lucifer could have intended. He didn’t want to admit that he was completely and totally enthralled by everything you were.
Anything like that would be too damaging to his ego.
So, he just shrugged instead.
“I just thought it would be a good time” he tried, packing up all his things as he did so that he could get out of here as quickly as possible. Being rejected wasn’t something he was used to, but he wasn’t dull enough to think this was going any other way.
You didn’t like him, and you had made that perfectly clear.
However, before he could leave completely, you stopped him with a hand on his forearm. “If you still want to take me on the new moon, I will allow you to escort me” you hummed, letting him go and picking up your book again. 
It was a chance...albeit a slim one, but Nick had to take what he could get. You hadn’t said no, and if there was one thing he was willing to do, it was wait.
After all, real love was the sort of thing that took time and Nicholas knew that.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Little Hunter
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Nicholas Scratch x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1459 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Reader is a Witch hunter, but that doesn't stop Nick from falling for her. 
The news that there were other witch hunters in Greendale only served to upset you.
Sure, they may have been similar to you in some way but they were not the same.
You had rules, strict guidelines that you had to follow and you took pride in what you were by blood.
However, all of the witches of Greendale were under your protection until otherwise decided and the idea that someone else would dare break that was unacceptable.
Nicholas came to you first, as soon as Dorian took care of the bastard that tried to kill them both.
He didn't want to, you knew that but you couldn't refuse him. There was too much love in your heart for the man to ever turn him away, even when it was against your own kind.
"What do you mean witch hunters? There are no other hunters in this area other than my family" you explained, searching your gun safe for the perfect thing.
You were a mortal witch-hunter, a proud bloodline that went all the way back thousands of years.
Your grandfather always kept a detailed grimoire with a list of every other hunter and where they all resided. It made it easier to make sure that no one else intruded on each family's hunting ground.
You knew for a fact that there wasn't a single family for hundreds of thousands of miles. Whatever these hunters were, you knew for a fact that they couldn't have been human.
"Are you sure? They were very clearly trying to kill us all" he sounded nearly hysterical but you couldn't blame him, considering all the things that had just happened to him. It wasn't every day that you almost got murdered after all.
"I'm positive Nicky, when have I ever been wrong?" you teased, reaching out to take his hand in your own, which you used as leverage to lead him alongside you down the street.
You weren't going to let anything hurt him, or any of the other witches in Greendale.
If anyone was going to execute a witch, it would be within the proper guidelines. Whatever these 'hunters' were doing, it was closer to slaughter than anything else.
You were going to protect them, especially Nick.
...No matter what it took.
"Perhaps, my little hunter, you may be onto something" he grinned, following you without a single doubt in his mind.
He thought back to the time that you two had met in the first place. You had been heaven-bent on bringing him to his knees in front of you. You intended on killing him, but as soon as your eyes met his own, you realized that he didn't deserve to die.
Nicholas had never done a single thing against you, he had never harmed you or anyone else as far as you knew.
It wouldn't have been right to kill him if he didn't break the rules. He hadn't killed anyone, put anyone in danger, or used his magic for evil so you couldn't execute him.
Instead, you two had become closer than any two people could be. It didn't matter to him that you were a hunter, and it didn't matter to you that he was a warlock.
All you could think about from that moment forward was protecting him, and eventually the other witches and warlocks at the academy.
Your grandfather would roll in his grave if he ever saw something like this. A witch hunter, hand in hand with a talented warlock. It went against everything he'd taught you as a child.
Perhaps that was true, perhaps you were doing something that you should have never done in the first place...
Or perhaps he had been wrong.
You had never had a truer friend than Nick, not for as long as you'd lived. The relationship you two shared made you question everything you'd ever known. Was it possible that generations of witch hunters could have been wrong? You weren't sure, but right now, you weren't a witch hunter. You were hunting the hunters.
"You're sure about this?" he clarified, looking up at the church. He knew for a fact that they were in there, but once you went through those doors, he couldn't protect you. The idea of it made him feel sick to his stomach.
Luckily though, it didn't matter to you that he couldn't accompany you. In fact, you preferred it that way. It was the only way that you could be sure he was safe. You weren't worried about them hurting you.
"Of course I'm sure. Just don't miss me too much while I'm gone" you teased, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss to his cheek.
As soon as you made contact, you were gone, leaving the man alone on the stairs. All he could do was hope for your quick return, trying not to go insane in your absence.
All he could think about was what he would do if something bad happened to you. How he would feel if you died and he couldn't save you...it would ruin his life to have to live without you.
And it wasn't until now that he realized.
Nicholas was completely, and totally in love with you.
"How could I be so stupid" he grumbled, throwing his head back dramatically. If only he had been more insistent. You could have found another way around it, a way that he could help you. If only he hadn't been so quick to involve you in this mess.
It wasn't your fight.
This had never been your fight, and if something happened to you, it would be all his fault.
The fight within the walls of the church had been brutal.
However, aside from a few scratches and bruises, you made it out relatively unscathed. Not that you were really ready for what you saw when inside. Sabrina was some kind of ticking time bomb, from what you could tell, and you had no words.
Luckily, Harvey was there to take care of her so that you were free to meet Nicholas outside.
The man was practically vibrating with nerves, sitting on the cement steps with his elbows resting on his knees. You could tell that something was wrong with him, but due to the spinning in your skull, you could hardly tell for sure.
"What's up?" you wondered, sitting down beside him on the step, throwing your legs down dramatically. It was just meant to be a casual greeting but as soon as Nick's eyes locked on you, you'd have thought you were bleeding from your eyes.
He was panicking.
"What happened to you? Are you okay? I'm so glad you're alive" he rambled, running his hands over your face lightly, as if assessing the damage that had been done to you. He couldn't imagine what had gone on in there.
In all honesty though, you were just looking at him like he was crazy.
Nick had never acted like this with you.
“I’m always fine Nick, what’s going on?” you wondered, studying his face with critical eyes. Perhaps the shock of what he’d endured today was just now hitting him, or he was in hysteria. 
Whatever it was, you didn’t like it one bit. 
Now, it was the warlock’s turn to be silent. He had approached this whole thing with too much zeal, and now he had to explain himself to you. The main problem was that he had no idea how to do it. 
Knowing you, you would likely just laugh in his face. 
Still, Nicholas would never be able to live with himself if he didn’t find out how you felt for him. These feelings for you weren’t going to go away, but perhaps you cared for him.
...Just maybe.
“I’m in love with you” he spit out, feeling the air change between the two of you as soon as he did. Being friendly with a warlock was okay, but it had taken you a long time to get there. 
He could only imagine how long it would take you to get comfortable with the idea of entering a serious relationship with one. Still, Nick had to admit that he felt as if a weight had been removed from his chest as soon as he did. 
Not that you could say the same. 
Loving Nicky had never been an option for you, right? What would your family say? What would the witching community think if they ever found out? It would be far too dangerous. 
Though, you couldn’t seem to stop yourself as you smiled, leaning forward to capture Nick’s lips in a kiss. 
...The world would just have to find a way to accept this unlikely pairing, like it or not. 
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plus-size-reader · 5 years
Rondevu with a Warlock
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Nick Scratch x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1271 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader is a witch hunter, who finds herself in a complicated relationship with Nick Scratch. What happens when the two lovers decide they’re done hiding? 
You had told Nicholas to stop barging into your window a million times before but no matter how much you asked him, he kept ignoring your wishes.
As far as you could tell, he just kept ignoring you.
And had no intention of stopping his nightly visits.
"Really Nick, one day my father is going to catch you in here" you whined, entering your room and quickly shutting the door behind you when you noticed the uninvited guest.
Magic or not, there was very little he could do against your dad's shotgun.
Not that he seemed bothered at all by the threat.
"Oh please Y/N, you know you love my little visits" he grinned, winking at you. You rolled your eyes, but you knew that he was right.
No matter how many times that he disobeyed you, you couldn't deny that you couldn't stop the increase in your heart rate, each time you entered the room to see him there.
However, the one thing that stopped you from diving fully into your feelings for the warlock was knowing what would happen to him if the church of night ever found out about the two of you.
Not to mention if your father or brother's ever caught him here.
The two of you were natural enemies, and if either one of your worlds was ever to collide, you could both be killed.
Hunters had never been too keen on the witches and warlocks.
It was just the way it was, and neither you nor Nick could do anything about that. There were just things that no amount of love or conversation could ever change.
"I do, but the constant fear that you will be killed under this roof kind of puts a damper on the whole thing" you huffed, opening your closet for good measure.
The open door showed off your large collection of witch killing memorabilia and weapons. You had everything from warding to knives and guns.
Every single thing in that closet had been given to you with one purpose in mind; to maim and kill witches...or in his case, warlocks.
You were dangerous for him, but he didn't seem to care. In truth, you both posed a great danger to one another but neither seemed to truly care.
It didn't matter to you that you should have killed him the moment you met, because Nicky had wormed his way into your heart and you couldn't imagine your life without him.
From the day you'd crossed paths, you could never go back to the person you'd been before.
It just wasn't possible.
Not after you'd fallen in love.
"Well we could always go to the academy, if you'd prefer" he offered, watching you nearly shudder at the thought. If you ever set foot in such a place, it was possible that your skin would set fire just due to principle.
There was no way in hell that you would ever go there.
Something that Nick knew perfectly well. However, it still brought him a great amount of joy to tease you over it.
There was just something about the rage in your eyes when talking about anyone other than him. That rule applied to mortals, witches, and all other creatures.
You were just so angry all the time, but something about him had broken you of the habit.
He had turned you, his vicious little witch hunter, into nothing more than another lovesick girl, and you knew that.
Though, it wasn't all bad.
You had completely fallen for him and wouldn't go back to a time before you knew him. You wouldn't be you without him anymore, or so it felt.
"You know better than that Nicky" you tutted, clearly faking upset with him at the idea of it.
It was one thing to fall in love with a warlock, but going to such an unholy place was another thing entirely.
That made him laugh, thinking about the idea of you two strolling into the academy of unseen arts, hand in hand.
That would be quite the sight indeed..
In truth, there was nothing more he’d rather do. After all, Nick kind of thrived off of the chaos and nothing would cause more of a stir than being with you out in the open.
“Think about it though Y/N, how great would it be?” he laughed, laying down against your bed, his arms above his head and a dreamy look in his eyes.
He was absolutely insane.
“It wouldn’t be great Nick, it would be blasphemous” you groaned, laying down beside him after once again making sure that the door was locked.
The last thing you wanted was for someone to interrupt your little rondevu with a warlock.
He shrugged, after all, it was best to assume that you were right. He didn’t want you to get all bothered by it.
Being with him was one thing, but being an open supporter of the church of night was a different thing entirely. Imagine if your grandfather ever found out? He would lose his mind.
For right now, the best you could do was be with Nicky in private, however, maybe you would get to the point where you could be out in the open with him…
But, today was not that day. It was bad enough that he was in your bed right now, behind a locked door.
“Blasphemous perhaps, but also awesome” he teased, rolling over to look at you, a grin on his face.
You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and in truth, he would look at your forever if given the option.
It was only fair cosmically that you two would be natural enemies, just to take away from the absolute bliss you could be living together.
It just wasn’t fair.
“I don’t want to hide you anymore, I just want to scream my love for you from the rooftops” he groaned, getting lost in how unfair the whole thing was.
Everyone else fell in love without a problem, and was free to mascarade around the town, hand in hand, openly in love. For the two of you, it seemed like you would never be free to do something like that…
Especially not in Greendale.
It was dangerous. It was unheard of, and most of all, it was scary.
No one had ever done something like that in the history of the town. Sure, Sabrina had skirted that boundary with Harvey, but she wasn’t a full witch at the time, and Harvey had never executed a witch before.
Your situation was different.
You had killed more than a few witches and warlocks in your day, and Nick Scratch was not only a warlock, but a very accomplished one.
The two of you getting together would set off a bomb in the Greendale political sphere. Likely, the two of you would receive anything from death threats to actual abuse...there was no telling what would happen.
However, Nick didn’t seem to care about any of that.
More than anything, he wanted to take you in his arms and never let go.
“I want to claim you too Nicky, but it can’t be that way” you shrugged. You didn’t like it either, but that was just the way it was.
You were more of a realist in that way.
Warlocks and witch hunters just didn’t get together...that was just the way it was.
Nick was going to have to find a way to accept that. You only hoped that he wouldn’t put his foot in his mouth, because that would cause trouble for both of you.
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