#nichijou song
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voca-song-a-day · 20 days ago
Today's featured song is: "Ordinary" by Elitetao feat. Po-uta!
(Also, today is the 2nd anniversary of Po-uta's release!)
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pianta · 1 year ago
#11 Spotify Wrapped
#11 the living tombstone - my ordinary life
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unkn0wn-account · 11 months ago
Important Songs
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megadusa · 2 years ago
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★ ──╌╌╌
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fictional-birthdays · 1 year ago
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Happy Birthday! (April 8th)
Erika (Pop’n Music)
Maelle (Animal Crossing)
Cedric Morris (Kaichou wa Maid-sama)
Milky (Jewelpet)
Ikuma Amaki (Shounen Hollywood)
Kanoko (Pop’n Music)
Karoline & Yangels (Pop’n Music)
Keigo* (Pop’n Music)
Kigisu (Code Geass: Genesic Re;Code)
Lucas (I-Chu)
Misato Gori (Tokyo Ghoul)
Makoto Sakurai (Nichijou)
Shabobon (Show By Rock!!)
Tomoko "Ragdoll" Shiretoko (My Hero Academia)
Gin Kunishima (ACTORS -Songs Connection-)
Toshinobu Yamamoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
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doyoulikethisanimesong-poll · 3 months ago
Song: Hyadain no Kakakata?Kataomoi - C
Artist: Hyadain
Anime: Nichijou
Type: Opening
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omentranslates · 2 years ago
Condolences, and Then the Everyday Resumes -- UkaROKU english lyrics translation
Song: UkaROKU
English Translation
I pulled on my uniform that morning, even though I wasn't going to school
And I couldn't seem to bring my parents' faces into focus, both dressed for mourning
The expansive clear sky and pleasant breeze felt disgusting
A voice rang out ahead of me and I got in the car
Faces blur together, both familiar and new
I hope the knot in my heart didn't show in the form of strained greetings
Sitting down in a traditionally styled room, the chair felt cold even through the cloth covering
As the master of ceremonies called us in and slid open the screen
The look on your face was so peaceful, as if you were just sleeping
It almost felt like you would still open your eyes
And flash me the brightest smile
But your icy skin was stiff and ungiving under the burial wash
Every gentle touch on your empty body further broke any illusions I had
Morning the next day, I clothed myself numbly in the will to survive the day
My heart rocked back and forth all the way to the venue
Fit snugly into the coffin you were adorned in flowers, buried in them
And whenever I closed my eyes, reality tracked down my cheeks
The door is closed and the key turns
It's mine to hold onto and I can't do anything but just keep staring at it
The cicadas were crying even though it's not summer yet
As if they were trying to fill the hole in my chest
It's coming time to say goodbye and your coffin is engulfed
Something's overflowing and I can't stop it, or even tell whether it's sweat or tears
Someone bought me a sweet drink from the waiting room and vending machine
I can't taste it, and every time I knock it back more time escapes me
The conclusion of all this spills to the floor and a chill bursts down my spine with vengeance
The master of ceremonies is calling us back
Every last bit of you has been broken to fragments
Pieces passing between chopsticks to fit snugly in a vase
You've become so incredibly small, haven't you
The drops of sweat shed have frozen
You've become light enough that I walk out with you carried in my arms
I've fallen to the point that I can't tell what of this is real and what parts I might be dreaming
A stinging pain radiates from where I burned my hand a bit
And the reality of it all crashes over my head like a bucket of water
The color of the blazing sunset I can see through the car window is so vibrant when compared to that of my heart
I hate it so much
Morning the next day, I sleepily pulled on my uniform
And had to use enough concealer to hide the puffy redness under my eyes
The clear sky stretches endless on the other side of my window
I grab my bag and let them know I'm off for the day, before I open the door
JP original under the cut (kanji/romaji)
学校を休んだだけど朝制服に袖を通した 礼服を纏った両親の顔はぼやけてた 広がる快晴な空と心地の良い風が嫌味だと感じた 前から声がして車のドアを開け歩いた
Gakkou wo yasunda dakedo asa seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Reifuku wo matotta ryoshin no kao wa boyaketeta Hirogaru kaisei na sora to kokochi no yoi kaze ga iyami da to kanjita Mae kara koe ga shite kuruma no doa wo ake aruita
久しぶりの顔ぶれ 初めて見た顔ぶれ 心ん中綯交ぜで軽い会釈は上手くできてたかな 和室で座る椅子布越しでも冷たくて 係の人に呼ばれ襖を開いた
Hisashiburi no kao bure Hajimete mita kao bure Kokoronnaka nai maze de karui eshaku wa umaku dekiteta ka na Washitsu de suwaru isu nunogoshi demo tsumetakute Kakari no hito ni yobare fusuma wo hiraita
その表情は柔くて まるで眠ってるようだった 今にも目を覚まして 笑いかけてくれるような気がしたんだよ 湯灌で触れた肌は固く硬く冷たかった 絵空事は私の前で破られ空っぽのその身を撫でる
Sono kao wa yawakute Marude nemutteru you datta Ima ni mo me wo samashite Warai kakete kureru you na ki ga shitanda yo Yukan de fureta hada wa kataku kataku tsumetakatta Esoragoto wa watashi no mae de yaburare karappo no sono mi wo naderu
明くる日の朝うつろげに征服に袖を通した 会場までずっとゆらゆら心は揺れていた 棺の中に収まったアナタが花に包まれて埋まってく 瞼閉じたら現実が頬を伝ってた
Akuru hi no asa utsuroge ni seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Kaijou made zutto yurayura kokoro wa yureteita Hitsugi no naka ni osamatta anata ga hana ni tsutsumarete umatteku Mabuta tojitara genjitsu ga hoho wo tsutatteta
扉は閉じられてく 鍵はかけられてゆく それが運ばれてゆく私はそれをただただ眺めてる 夏は先なのに蝉の鳴き声がした 心の穴を埋めてくれた気がした
Tobira wa tojirareteku Kagi wa kakerarete yuku Sore ga hakobarete yuku watashi wa sore wo tada tada nagameteru Natsu wa saki na no ni semi no nakigoe ga shita Kokoro no ana wo umete kureta ki ga shita
別れは近づく棺は吸い込まれてく 止められないほど溢れたのは汗か涙かわかんないや 待合室の自販機で買ってもらった甘いジュース 味がしないそれを飲み干してく度に時間は去ってく 零れた結論が床に落ちて爆ぜ頭から爪先まで寒気が走る 係の人が呼んでる
Wakare wa chikadzuku hitsugi wa sui komareteku Tomerarenai hodo afureta no wa ase ka namida ka wakannai ya Machiaishitsu no jihanki de katte moratta amai juusu Aji ga shinai sore wo nomi hoshiteku tabi ni jikan wa satteku Koboreta ketsuron ga yuka ni ochite haze atama kara tsumasaki made samuke ga hashiru Kakari no hito ga yonderu
肌は果てて欠片になって 箸で渡してく壺に収めていく すっかり小さくなってしまったね ポツリとこぼした汗は冷えていた
Hada wa hatete kakera ni natte Hashi de watashiteku tsubo ni osamatte iku Sukkari chiisaku natte shimatta ne Potsuri to koboshita ase wa hieteita
軽くなったアナタを抱え歩く 現実か夢かがあやふやになる感覚に落ちている 少し火傷した手がヒリヒリと痛みだした 現実だって水を差されたような気持ちになる 車の中から見た夕焼け空心と比べて色は鮮やかだった それは憎らしいほどに
Karuku natta anata wo kakae aruku Genjitsu ka yume ka ga ayafuya ni naru kankaku ni ochiteiru Sukoshi yakedo shita te ga hiri hiri to itami dashita Genjitsu datte mizu wo sasareta you na kimochi ni naru Kuruma no naka kara mita yuuyakezora kokoro to kurabete iro wa azayaka datta Sore wa nikurashii hodo ni
明くる日の朝 眠たげに制服に袖を通した 腫れた目の下コンシーラーで隠さなくちゃ 広がる快晴な空が窓の向こうでどこまでも広がってた 鞄を抱えて いってきます とドアを開けた
Akuru hi no asa Nemutage ni seifuku ni sode wo tooshita Hareta me no shita CONCEALER de kakusanakucha Hirogaru kaisei na sora ga mado no mukou de doko made mo hirogatteta Kaban wo kakaete Ittekimasu to doa wo aketa
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catt-crossing · 3 months ago
heya! tagged by @firethekitty and @effigyofowls thank you both 💖
last song: Our Favourite Foods, from Adventure Time (jeremy shada and joe dimaggio)
last book: im in the middle of The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin
last movie: The Muppet Christmas Carol
last show: Inuyasha and also i just started Bocchi the Rock! tonight and it's been very fun :3
sweet/savoury/spicy: why must i choose 😔 i love sweet and savoury equally!
relationship status: i have a silly boyfriend :]
last thing i searched: Nichijou manga set
current obsession: Rune Factory 3 and the Life series on youtube! :D
tagging: @throesofincreasingwonder @cuccosneverdie @unsettlingcreature @otteritos @arbushq @micechicken @majormeilani @subterra-rose @pumpkinspice-unicorn @sunshineinantartica @avoir-sommeil @thebigjawpokemon @gingerbreadeffects @captorcorp @elendsessor @similartendencies and anyone else who wants to! 💖
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jelloapocalypse · 9 hours ago
Holy moly that was a good video!
Sorry for the long ask. I am very excited!
The List itself was so well done and cutting right before jubun wo got a good laugh out of me. So many emotions all at once and the way it was put together got me genuinely emotional enough to cry.
Number one was such a great pick too. A masterpiece. A gesamkunstwerk, even! Just like the list itself! I feel as though with this list, far more than most, I've really gotten a glimpse into your genuine sense of taste and not just a parroted repeating of what people think is popular. Even (especially) though I definitely disagreed with parts.
I have two questions, though:
1) At the very beginning, it mentions submissions for this project. Was there a submissions form somwhere that i just completly missed somehow? Or does "submissions" here just mean "the anime needed to have aired prior to this date"?
²) The whole time watching, i was wondering where any monogatari series opening would place because i was 100% confident at least one would on account of many of them being among Shaft's best works. But then seeing the final number one pick made me almost certain Renai Circulation and Mousou Express should have gotten the same treatment AND that you probably would have liked them had you been aware of them, so:
2) are you simply somehow unaware of the monogatari series, or was there something about those openings that just didnt have the jennies?
Obsessed with your numbering system here that has "square" between 1 and 2, lmao
1) "Submissions" in general just means we were done accepting new entries for consideration as of February, but we did ask literally everyone we knew for suggestions. I also did some informal asks on Patreon, Twitter, etc.
2) I would hope it's obvious we do know the Monogatari series considering it shows up in the video several times! I used clips from Hanamonogatari and Owarimonogatari. The latter was even the title card for the "Theming" overview.
This is the best Monogatari OP, by the way. I would not mind popping this one onto the 90s to replace one of the lower entrants. But almost nobody talks about this one!
Shaft is great at picking a weird, fun, artsy thing to put in almost every opening they do, but a lot of them are kind of a one-trick pony if you zoom out from that.
Staple Staple, for instance, has a strong color palette and the clicking staple trails is such a fun visual. And then you watch it and realize... Oh. This is like 90 seconds of the exact same idea with almost no iteration on it. It really is just CG staple trails over black and white footage. That's such a shame.
We didn't talk about this in depth, the biggest thing that eliminated OPs from consideration (other than credits) was the "Should this be 90 seconds long" factor. So, so many openings have enough ideas to make a great 30 second opening, but not a good 90 second one. Steins;Gate and Blue Exorcist are great examples of that. Nichijou too.
Meanwhile a lot of other famous Monogatari OPs like Renai Circulation are like... just a good song. Can you watch this muted and tell me it ticks any boxes besides "nice colors" and "this girl wants to fuck her brother"?
I'm comfy with our Shaft representatives on the list being Pretty Boy Detective Club, Maria + Holic, and Yet the Town Moves. I think all of those are holistically better than all the Monogataris, which we watched twice in desperate hope of putting one on there.
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n-o-eyes · 7 months ago
I was tagged by @the-one-who-lambs (ty for tagging me <3)
Get to Know Me Game
rules: answer + tag six people u want to know
fav color: dark midnight blue, and i like to wear deep red clothes
last song: Roar - I Can't Handle Change. fitting
currently reading: book for class. its called Watsonville/Circle in the Dirt.
currently watching: i have not watched tv in a while but i got halfway through Nichijou. i should finish it sometime soon
currently craving: a burger with cheese and sweet potato fries and a chocolate milkshake bc i am an american and i had a terrible day
coffee or tea: both. i prefer iced black coffee and hot earl grey with milk
tagging: @lammydraws, @megsiepoo, @dipdoodlesamu, @poppy-purpura, @adairtrashart, and @cultoftheswag (you do not have to, nor do i expect any of you to)
anyone else who wants to join can as well i dont mind
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fxggotclown · 1 year ago
i also dont know anything abt him aside from those two things so hes probably done a lot of other stuff
i found out recently that the guy that sang the nichijou opening songs (hyadain) is also the guy that sings crash lets do it (the yaoi cover of the crashman song from megaman)
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problematic-yuri-poll · 2 months ago
Problematic Femslash Ship Tournament - Losers' Round 3
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Negitoro - Miku Hatsune x Luka Megurine (Vocaloid) VS. Nano Shinonome x Nakamura-sensei (Nichijou)
Winner is up against Shion x Mion.
Info and propaganda under cut! This will not be spoiler-free.
Problematic elements for Negitoro:
age gap when using their official profiles (16 and 20)
Problematic elements for Nano x Nakamura:
Nakamura-sensei is the science teacher at the high school Nano attends. She can tell Nano is a robot, and wants to capture and study her. She spends most of her series screentime stalking and setting traps for Nano, from drugged coffee to digging pitfalls in the schoolyard.
Propaganda for Negitoro:
an absolute classic femslash vocaloid ship! possibly one of the most well-known, with songs like "magnet" being classics. while vocaloid characters do not have any set identity or personality, and you are free to portray them as whatever age you want, this ship deserves a spot here because of the massive backlash it got in the late 2010s, in which due to the default ages on their official profiles, basically anyone who shipped negitoro regardless of how they portray the characters would get called out over it. but, you know, portrayals that do keep their default ages and have miku liking older girls are kind of based. as an addition, since this is a mod submission, we would like to mention that we realized you can very much make luka even older. awesome
Propaganda for Nano x Nakamura:
Nakamura-sensei is obviously a lesbian, I mean look at her. Her Team-Rocket-like obsession with Nano (and similar level of success), combined with Nano trying SO hard to keep the fact that she is a robot a secret, makes an excellent dynamic. Science teacher x secret robot student is such a great couple!
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jjs-brainrot · 8 months ago
Are there any yuri manga/anime that you would recommend to a new fan of the genre? Everyone swears by Utena but I don't think I have the mental fortitude for a show like that yet.
Sure thing!
Bloom Into You by Nio Nakatani
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(manga and anime)
It's the classic newcomer entry point but there's a reason it's still as highly lauded as it is: It is just that good. It's got excellent drama, the main two characters have a really great and intriguing dynamic between them and it much more openly acknowledge the queerness of it's characters then a lot of yuri before it did. A lot of the more recent yuri mangakas regard it as a major inspiration, and the anime getting as big as it did tends to be seen as one of the major factors in the yuri boom we've been experiencing the last 4 years or so.
Both the anime and manga for it are excellent, though the anime only covers the first couple of volumes (which unfortunately is something I can say about about most stuff on this list as yuri anime tend to not get more then a single cour...)
Whisper Me a Love Song by Eku Takeshima
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(manga and anime (not recommended))
Had to get at least one band yuri on the list. Unfortunately, the recent anime for Whisper Me a Love Song kind of turned into a trash fire. Which sucks as the manga itself is quite excellent. Early chapters are very cute and sweet and the later chapters have some very spicy drama.
I really can't recommend the anime for this one so it's a manga only recommendation outside of maybe checking out a playlist of the songs from the anime when they appear in the manga.
How Do We Relationship? by Tamifull
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(manga only atm)
Hands down one of the best examinations/dissection of what it means to be in a relationship from any romance series I've ever read. Every character feels like they're written as people with their own likes/dislikes and feelings towards romance and sex instead of romance character archetypes. it genuinely feels like you're watching people navigate their differences to make a relationship work rather than a "these two were made for each other" style romance series.
That being said, this is probably the hardest to read series on this list as it can absolutely get way too real at times and also does not shy away from talking about heavier subject such as homophobia, trauma, etc.
School Zone Girls by Ningiyau
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(manga only atm)
This is basically a Nichijou/Daily Lives of High School Boys style slapstick comedy but full blown yuri. If you're a fan of stupid x stupid, this is the series for you as there are so many morons (affectionate) in love with each other here.
Unfortunately, the manga is currently on indefinite hiatus while the mangaka works on other projects which is the main downside of this one but it's still def worth checking out.
I'm in Love with the Villainess by Inori
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(light novel(audiobook version also available), manga and anime)
Otome game villainess isekai romcom that is very gay while also being extremely frank when it comes to discussing queerness, bigotry and uneven wealth/power distribution. It's a series that that ardently refuses to use subtext at every turn which is quite respectable given how many yuri tend to dance around discussing queerness outside of "they're in love". It's not perfect and does have its flaws (enough to get labelled as "problematic" by the usual ingrates) but its strengths easily elevate it to one best yuri series from last couple of years.
The anime and manga are both excellent (with both the JP and EN dubs of the anime being fantastic) but they are pretty behind compared to the light novels (anime only goes up to the first chapter of the second book and the manga is roughly 70% through the second book). The light novels are genuinely excellent reads so if you get caught up on the other two, I'd def recommend picking up the LNs.
Superwomen in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit by sometime
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(manga only atm)
What if Kamen Rider but yuri?... That's basically it on my sale tbh. It's an extremely gay yuri tokusatsu. It's genuinely a crime that it has not gotten an anime or an actual live action tokusatsu...
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irkeninvader810 · 3 days ago
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Hello world!!
I've never made an introduction before so bear with me 😎✌🏽
My name is Evangelino/Cleothus/Hayden!
I am neurodivergent although tone tags are not required for me.
He/Him/please ask because it changes!
Facts about me
I am black and from the southeastern United States (no I don't have an accent)
I have severe anxiety disorder
I like making music
I can play the cello and tuba
I like playing video games! (Minecraft, Red Dead Redemption, COD etcetera.
I am learning many many languages, although I am most proficient in German, French, and Japanese!
I am abrosexual, meaning my sexuality fluctuates!
I enjoy coding, reading, composing sheet music, playing games, drawing, and pacing around.
My past hyperfixations and interests (TALK TO ME ABOUT THESE TEEHEE) are:
Call Of Duty
Half Life
Silent Hill
Scott Pilgrim
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Lucky Star
Hatsune Miku and other vocaloid/utauloid things
Azumanga Daioh
Invader Zim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Good Omens
Teen Wolf
The Amazing World of Gumball
Interview with the Vampire/The Vampire Lestat (at the time of writing this, my current hyperfixation)
Homestar Runner
Death Note
Loons (the birds)
Phantom of the Opera
Eltingville Club
And a few more I probably missed :3
Music I'm into!:
Fleshgod Apocalypse
Linkin Park
Lemon Demon
The Lonely island
Our Lady Peace
Limp Bizkit
Fatboy Slim
Aphex Twin
Franz Ferdinand
Ryoma Maeda
Specifically the song Everybody do the flop by Lil' Deuce Deuce
Bring me the Horizon
Bloodhound gang
Fall Out Boy
Meg & Dia
The Smashing Pumpkins
Will Wood (and the tapeworms)
White Zombie
Breakcore and it's subgenres
Tyler, The Creator
Pharrell Williams
Faith No More
They Might be Giants
Avril Lavigne
Dot Dot Curve
Rory in Early 20s
The Living Tombstone
Run The Jewels
And others sigh...
Anyone who ships gross stuff like incest, pedophilia, zoophilia etc
Age players
General gross, evil scum
Ask me anything, let's be friends!!!! (Sorry this was so long)
(I block freely)
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someawesomeamvs · 1 year ago
Warning: LOTS of flashing lights, comedic violence
Title: Show!
Editor: DaWaitNiggi
Song: Show
Artist: Ado
Anime: Nichijou
Category: For fun
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