#nice to have fics to think ab again it’s been a while !!!!! my mental healths getting better :]
crunchycrystals · 5 months
mind spiraling. i cannot resist a good action movie with a romance i care about. can’t stop spacing out thinking ab a percabeth fall guy au
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thorne93 · 6 years
Whirlwind Romance (Part 9)
Prompt: You’re getting married to Chris Evans… Everything in your life is perfect… Except when you break the news to your two best friends: Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan
Word Count: 2312
Warnings: language, anger, angst, adult themes??
Notes: This is for @carryonmyswansong challenge (Double Season, Multifaceted, 500 Follower Celebration, Writing Challenge!): Prompt – You’re marrying the wrong person! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes bcuz shes amazing and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo@carryonmyswansong for letting me brainstorm with them. Got this idea from @formyfandoms… Fic image made by the super bomb @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​
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The countdown had begun for the wedding, and the engagement party. It was only two weeks away, but work right now was more important. Your film with Tom was closing in on shooting soon and you needed to make sure every muscle on your body was toned and fit. Thankfully, you had a health nut for a best friend who said he’d accompany you at the gym while he was in town for a few days.
“You excited for this new gig?” Seb asked as the two of you drove to the gym a few miles away.
“I am.  A little nervous though,” you confessed.
“Why? You’re working with Tom. Chris says he’s great.”
“No, yeah, I know that. That’s not it. We did those plays together at RADA…”
“So what’s the issue?”
“Well we have to… kiss. Like… eventually.”
“Yeeeaahh?” Seb dragged, glancing at you from the corner of his eye as he drove.
“Isn’t it weird? I know it’s part of the territory but if you and I had to kiss for a movie you don’t think it would make shit weird between us?’
He chuckled slightly, his nose scrunching as he shut his eyes briefly, his famous giggle face. “No, not really. Whether we’re strangers or it’s you and me, the kissing isn’t romantic at all.”
“Yeah, I know that. It never is. I usually just pretend I’m kissing Chris in those scenes, making sure my head is tilted right and all that jazz…”
“But you can’t do that with Tom?”
“I don’t think I can kiss my best friend and fantasize about my fiance, no,” you stated, an air of humor and sarcasm in your voice.
Seb reached over and patted your leg. “You’ll both do fine. Just don’t dwell on who it is. Close your eyes and let your lips do the talking.”
After a moment, you arrived at the gym. You got in, got your bag put away, and you were doing your warm up stretches when suddenly, Sebastian’s voice surprised you from behind.
“Look who decided to join me at the gym!” he said happily.
You spun and saw his phone was trained on him and you. He was taking a video for Insta…
“Ugh. Jesus. Sebastian. No one wants to see my ugly mug,” you complained, pushing the camera away. Your hair was in a messy ponytail and your makeup was nonexistent. You didn’t need fans (or worse, haters) seeing you like utter shit.
“Ugly? In what world are you ugly?” he asked as he peered at you with a cocked eyebrow. He grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him, back into the video. “What are we working on today, Y/N?” he inquired, trying to get some hype and enthusiasm from you and his followers.
“We’re working on not forcing people into social media!” you teased, shaking your head and sticking your tongue out.
“Oh, come on, don’t be a jerk,” he requested, his voice tender and pleading.
“My abs and my legs,” you informed finally, your hands on your hips as you looked at the camera, putting your feigned annoyance on it. “And you?”
“Arms and back,” he answered.
Finally, you decided to join in on the fun. “Tell us in the comments what you’re working on today or this week! Feel free to add gym and health tips!”
“What she said,” Seb reiterated with a nod towards you. “Okay, we better get to work before they kick us out!” He leaned in and kissed your cheek quickly before ending the video.
That kiss seemed to make butterflies burst in your stomach… why?
“Well, shall we get to it?” he asked as he gestured to a piece of equipment.
“Ready to get your ass whooped?” you asked, breaking free from the trance he’d put you in.
“Oh, you’re on. I bet I can bench for longer than you can,” he challenged.
“I bet you can’t even get on the bench,” you teased in a mutter.
He climbed onto the bench while you stood over him as his spotter. “Hey, I heard that.”
“Oh, really, old man? Wasn’t sure you had your hearing aid turned all the way up,” you mocked with a goofy face.
“Shut up and spot me,” he ordered playfully.
“Hey! Hey! So good to see you!” Chris said for probably the tenth time already. You had stressed to him that the engagement party list should be like one-quarter, if not less, than the wedding guest list, and so far, people were pouring in.
The party had started hours ago, and now it was getting a little later but the party was still in full swing as people were still showing up.
Hors d'oeuvres were being passed around on silver platters, champagne and ice water were being handed out to guests. Guests were coming in with small token gifts, hugging and kissing you, congratulating you and Chris. Tasteful metallic decorations were accented everywhere inside Chris’s home.
He’d just welcomed in someone you had never met. You think it was his cousin that still lived in Boston with her husband and their three year old. Your parents had managed to make it, Chris’s parents were there, Sebastian and Tom were there. Mackie, Lizzy, Robert, and Paul were all there. Other than your immediate family and like five friends outside of the Marvel cast, you didn’t really invite anyone to this. It was mainly Chris’s huge family and a crap ton of friends. Everyone was kind, sweet, supportive. Everyone was throwing advice your way, or asking a million questions about the wedding. Everyone demanded to see the ring, to which everyone gasped when they saw it.
“If I could have everyone’s attention for just a second,” Chris suddenly said, taking place at the entryway between the expansive living room and state of the art kitchen. His raised voice commanded everyone's attention and after the commotion died down, he continued. “I wanna thank all of you for coming tonight. It really means a lot to Y/N and me. For me, this has been a long time coming. From the moment I laid eyes on you, Y/N, I knew you were my world.”
A sound of appreciation went through the crowd, making your cheeks blaze red as all eyes shot to you.
“Of course, you didn’t make it easy though,” he remarked, a small laugh coming from him, inciting a laugh from everyone else. “She played hard to get. Now, I’d like to say it worked. But I think the truth is, whether she said yes to me the first day, or fifty years from now, I would still be chasing her. She said yes to marrying me. In a few months, she'll say yes again, I hope--” more laughter trinkled around the room “and I’m blessed to have that. Because Y/N, babe, I will say yes to you every day for the rest of my life, even if you tell me no.”
A small tear reached your eye as Chris raised his glass.
“Here’s to chasing love. May we all get the chance to find a love worth fighting for. I love you, baby,” he said with adoration.
Everyone joined him in raising their glass and then took a sip.
Chris made his way over to you as your friends and family went back to their chatting. He wrapped his free hand around your waist and pulled you close.
“You’re a sap, you know that?” you asked in a chiding tone.
“Only for you,” he cooed before kissing your cheek. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it… you know, except for the part about being in front of everyone we know,” you said, your cheeks still hot from the sudden attention.
“You’re gonna have to declare your love to me in a few months, better get used to it now,” he said in a low voice before smacking your ass. You gasped in shock and you were about to admonish his behavior, but then Lizzy, Mackie, and some of Chris’s family you had yet to remember came over.
“So how are the wedding plans going?” one woman asked cheekily, you thought it was his aunt.
“They’re going. We’re knocking stuff down,” Chris informed as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, his hand holding your arm, his thumb moving slightly in a reassuring motion.
For some odd reason, you couldn’t shake it, you wanted to leave. You wanted to go into the backyard, or the bedroom. You weren’t sure where, or why, you just felt like you needed to escape, like you were suffocating. It wasn’t all the attention, you were somewhat used to that in public, on the red carpet. You just couldn’t get over this feeling of needing a breather.
But why would you need a break at your own engagement party? Shouldn’t you be enjoying friends and company and food? The celebration of love?
“That’s good! So have you two decided on where you’re going to live?” she inquired. “I hear you live in LA. That might be hard on a marriage, with Chris being here. Are you going to find a new place or--”
“Boston, for sure,” Chris interjected with confidence.
“Oh good! It’ll be nice to have the family nearby!”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” Chris agreed.
From there, Chris mainly managed the conversation with everyone, answering his families questions as well as Lizzy’s and Mackie’s. You just stood by his side, sipping your champagne, hoping something would happen to pull you away from this, as badly as that sounded.
Eventually, Chris steered his family away to go talk to someone else in his family, discussing something sort of personal he probably didn’t want the other two to hear.
“You okay?” Liz asked, eyeing you.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, just a lot on my mind. People keep asking all these questions about the wedding and I’m having to make all these mental notes. Like nothing too sweet for wedding favors. I can’t play this song or it’ll make Chris’s Aunt Trina sad… Just stuff like that,” you answered. It wasn’t even a lie, thankfully. You were trying to keep track of everything people did and didn’t want, and other things you needed to check on or add to the checklist.
“Okay you just seem… down?” she commented.
“Yeah, man for a party that you’re hosting, it sure seems like you’d rather not be here,” Mackie noted.
“I’m just stressed, I guess,” you huffed. “One film has started filming, I’m trying to learn this script and plan this wedding--”
“You know I’m here for that, right?’ Liz reminded sweetly, humor mixed in her voice as she reached up and squeezed your arm slightly. “Anything wedding related you need me to handle, I can do it.”
“Thanks. I may send you some stuff tonight or tomorrow…”
At that moment, Sebastian walked up, evidently drunk. He was stumbling and a little sloppy. He wasn’t so far gone that he needed a cab, but he looked like he was just past the mark of tipsy. Heading into full drunk territory.
“Hey, Seb,” you greeted, a light filling you. You should’ve just found Tom or Seb to stick around all night, maybe then you would’ve have felt so bombarded and overwhelmed.
“Hey… you know, I love you,” he said as he stood awkwardly against the built in entertainment center.
You smiled at him. “I love you too, Seb. You’re my best friend.”
Seb shook his head and said, “Not like that.”
Color drained from your face as a pit in your stomach formed. You looked to Lizzy and Mackie who had concerned expressions on their faces. This wasn’t good. What the fuck was he talking about?
Did he really confess what you thought he did? What the hell was he thinking saying that in front of everyone?
You were mortified. Half of you wanted to hit him, the other half wanted to just laugh it off.
But you took an alternative route.  
“Would you excuse us?” you requested politely with a dazzling smile as you grabbed Seb’s hand and nearly yanked him away with you. You hauled him into the master bedroom and shut the door behind you, leaning your back against it.
“What the hell are you talking about?” you demanded, staring at him.
“I’m talking about us, Y/N,” Seb said, before sitting on the bed, putting his face in his hands for a moment. He rubbed his face and looked up at you. The drunkenness had started to fade. He seemed… tired now.
“What us? There is no us, Sebastian. We’re friends,” you stated, your arms crossed as you stared him down.
“Really?” he challenged in a disbelieving tone. “Just friends? Is that all you feel when we’re together?” he asked, looking deep into your eyes.
For a moment, you just stared at him. You swam in his ocean blues while he searched the depths of your irises. What did you feel when you were with Sebastian? Did it compare to Chris? Was it romantic love or platonic love? Sure, you and Seb seemed to have more fun than you and Chris, and sometimes Seb really understood you in ways Chris didn’t yet, but that could be because you knew Seb a long time.
Yeah, you had felt some things with Seb. Ways that made you question your entire relationship and dynamic.
But right now, at your engagement party to Chris, that wasn’t one of those times.
You shook your head. “I’m not doing this… I can’t do this, not at my engagement party. We’ll talk about this later,” you said before quickly exiting the room, leaving a very confused Sebastian behind on the bed.
You made a beeline for Chris, and didn’t dare look or speak to Seb for the rest of the night.
Forever Tags:
Tom Hiddleston:
Sebastian Stan:
Chris Evans:
WR Tag:
@gaylemonshark @tacohead13
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