#nic brenns
mellowyknox · 6 years
Netflix “Narcos Mexico” Main Titles
Design Director: Nic Benns Illustrator: Miki Kato Producer: Tim King Music: Rodrigo Amarante
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/301886930
Creator: Carlo Bernard, Doug Miro Director: Josef Kubota Wladyka, Alonzo Ruizspalacios, Amat Escalante, Andres Baiz
Cinematographer: Luis David Sansans, Damian Garcia
Year: 2018
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fiarts-blog · 6 years
[project] i don’t know when to explain: SA396
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rework · /rēˈwərk/ · verb
make changes to something, especially in order to make it more up to date
“I Don’t Know When to Explain” is part of the Rework Project assigned for Senior Seminar that challenged students to take an original projects and to learn from previous mistakes to recreate the project. I used my original project, “I Don’t Know How to Explain” to create a project that expanded on the ideas from the original project. “I Don’t Know When to Explain” is composed of 57+ prints that feature 20+ models covered in black light powders. 
The original project. “I Don’t Know How to Explain” could be considered the original test for the majority of the project as it expressed an amateur application and use of black light elements. I wanted to continue to push the boundaries of the images I could create using these elements and ended up with brighter and more mature images with the partnering sequel. I felt as if my install were far more successful, filling the photo studio with a linear setup for easy viewing. By committing over thirty hours to this project to create a unique and bright project and instillation. 
I wanted “I Don’t Know How to Explain” to challenge the way that people see the form of the human figure as well as how they experience the beauty of color. I believe that it questions how we begin to experience the different parts of people such as race, gender, sexuality and so much more. I believe that these photos questions and challenge the way that we see relationships with different people and the way that we can find words to explain different art pieces. 
I believe that I accomplished everything that I wanted to with this series. I believe that I pushed myself as hard as I could with something I was passionate about and was able to create something that was polished and easy to view. By being able to create a work that has a large amount of prints that work well with the black and color space. By having a variety of poses, people as well as dedication to creating a large and dedicated project. 
The process of the project had to do with creating a sign up list with slots for an hour for each person who was interested in participating. This involved messaging a series of people directly and then opening the photos up to the public. I ended up having a variety of people who come from different backgrounds and places, and I found I ended up using the photos of the people I knew the best and the ones closest to me.  Materials used were black light powder, black light as well as a Nikon D7000 model camera. The Sage black room space was where the photos were taken, although I aspire to have a better and more welcoming space in the future.
Models from the original project (I Don’t Know How to Explain) included Teddy Scheuerman, Ian Brodka, Bradley Porceng, Connor Newman, Erik Nunez, Luis Nova, Kailey Ferger, Jien Ogawa, Caitlin Davie, Cassidy Clayton, Nic Hesse, Sammi Richardson.
Models from the sequel (I Don’t Know When to Explain) included Julia DeLuca, Emily Tworek, Ardelia Krupkin, Reid Wilson, Leif Gruetter, Ali Thome, Ewan H. Shannon, Josh Hyde, Bradley Porceng, Brenn Whiting, James Dietz, Elise McCarthy, Margaret Slate, Carter Ball, Zoe Irving, Jess Palmisciano, Saralinda Schell, Nic Hesse, Caitlin Davie, Charlie Norvell, Alexandra Deitrich, Jien Ogawa, Kamilah Robison, Patience Brooks, Chiara Pizzirusso, Claire Janezic, Lydia Dake, Patricia Hanna. 
In the responses to my re(rework), I noted alot of comments about size. I look forward to eventually printing these in a much larger format to install. I would ideally like to print them in a larger format for a book. In the end, I don’t believe that I could make them smaller, but they can only get bigger from here. I have an ideal installation idea in which the prints would be displayed in a room with fluorescent that changes to a black light as the time of day changes. I ended up showing off my ideal installation that occurred at ArtAwake 2018 for the class and I believe that there is not much more that I could do for this project. 
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