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umbral-odyssey · 1 year ago
Umbral Odyssey
The What: Umbral Odyssey (UO for convenience) is the first campaign set in the highly detailed original world of Nibarr. It's going to be completely free for everyone to play, remix, and maybe even sell. It's being written for D&D 5e first, and will be rewritten for GURPS, World of Darkness, and other systems afterwards.
The Who: UO is developed by one obsessive artist as a passion project. All art, writing, mechanics, design, editing, and more are all done by [Cy?] unless otherwise noted.
The When: Every day is another step closer. The first play test is likely to be in Spring 2025.
The Why: Because I can and really want to share my stories.
The Where: This blog will be accompanied by a dedicated website eventually as well as other social media.
The How: I'm building this project with a wide variety of tools and techniques and all shall be credited.
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zetobii · 4 years ago
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✨commissions currently CLOSED ✨
on hiatus for DA:tV
waitlist is OPEN 0/3 currently waiting
taking simple, single character portrait inquiries for now. Shoot me a message if you’re interested!
Deviantart Instagram Kofi
Call me Tobi, please! I’m old, boring, and tired but I’m an open book- kind of an artist I guess, sometimes I write fanfic, occasionally I shitpost about my cats. Mostly just reblogging video game content, weeb stuff, and things I think are neat. I collect fantasy maps so pls link me if you see any 🧐
minors, terfs and bigots DNI - you will be blocked.
✨🤞✌️Love and peace, lovlies ✌️🤞✨
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gronglegrowth · 4 years ago
Fabricant Names from SSE
Adaira Twoanninanninanonanonan
Addunidi Onanninanthirtan
Alendu Thirtansixan
Andalara Fivantwoansevan
Arelas Ninaninaninaninan
Ashahulu Fourantwentansixan
Ashanabi Sixtanfouransixtan
Asserbas Twoanninanfouran
Assudiraplit Twelvansixan
Thindo Fivanfouransevantwoan
Sarendas Fouranthreeansevan
Dram Eightansevansixan
Berend Ninanninantwoan
Biznoan Eightaneightan
Bongond Fouranninanfivan
Mels Fivanfouranthreeanonan
Shuldrus Fourantwoanonanonan
Nethre Onantwoanthreean
Arver Ninaneightaneightanonan
Solan Sevan
Loban Twoanonan
Cronhi Twoanonan
Dalam Eightansixanninan
Dalam Sevanninaneigtan
Dalave Threeanfivanthreean
Damaran Sevanfivanthreeanzeroan
Demnev Fivanfivaneightan
Dissam Onansevantanfivan
Dun-Ilu Twentanonanseventan
Eno Twoanthreeansixanfivan
Ethasour Sixanninanfouranonan
Favala Onanfivanthreean
Fedaves Fivanthreeansevan
Fefan Onantwoan
Lelanuve Sixantwoanonanfouran
Gadave Sixanninanthirtanfouran
Garena Fivanzeroanfouran
Novo Fouranfouran
Gharanis Fouranfouran
Komov Sixantwoanzeroanonan
Onan Onanonanonanonan
Teladi Fouranzeroanonan
Touvil Twoan
Arman Nintansixtanninan
Teraoan Tenan
Vougan Tenan
Gilnith Fouranninanfouran
Hainnabi Twoanthreeanthrean
Hairarap Sixaneightthreean
Hlarar Sevantanzeroan
Indalara Twoanthreeanonan
Ineriab Sixansixanninan
Kausamsi Fourantwoaneightan
Kokorahn Sixanthreeanonan
Kuteba Fivanonantwoanninan
Indala Sixanonanninanninan
Llaala Twoanthreeaneightan
Llaram Sixanzeroanfouran
Maelasi Elevansixanfivan
Maessa Fourantwoanfivan
Mantiti Sixtanthreeanfivan
Mibdinab Threeanfivaneightan
Midaves Twoanfivaneightanfivan
Mirshamammu Threeanfouran
Muldyn Onanfivanfivanfivan
Munbeb Twoanninanninantwoan
Nibarr Thirtansixansixan
Obo Twoan
Raram Twoanthirtaneightan
Rilamus Onanonansevan
Roganz Sixsixantwoan
Rothalnim Ninantwoansevan
Sendal Ninansixtantwoan
Sendalas Twoanzeroansixanfivan
Shand Onanfouranzeroanonan
Goren Threeanthreeansixan
Ilvel Threeanthreeanfouran
Hloval Fiveaneightansevan
Dralval Twoanfouranfivantwoan
Gopan Tenantwoan
Steliar Sixansevantenan
Yokeuran Onanninanthreean
Sodoan Nintannintan
Hlevui Sevansixaneightan
Midnav Sevansevanthreeantwoan
Boltanu Sixanfivantwoanfouran
Manos Sevaneightanonantwoan
Telbari Eightansixanninan
Gothren Zeroantwoanfivanfiftan
Arendu Fivansixaneightan
Otheri Ninanzeroanfouran
Ulanov Fivantwoan
Silenia Sixanfivaneightan
Nobak Fourantwoanonan
Arelvam Sevaneightanonantwoan
Govo Twoan
Sothani Fifteeansixan
Bongond Fouranninanfivaneightan
Brarayni Fouranfivanonanfouran
Cylben Twoanfivanfivansixan
Tovas Twofivanthreean
Loose Legs Merli
Headless Herli
Armless Ana
Subenemu Nintanfourtansevan
Tadali Fouranonansixan
Tadave Sevanfivan
Giles Fouranthreeanfouran
Arelvam Sevaneightanzeroan
Beraren Sevanthreeanfouran
Gthan Fivanfivantwoanonan
Serial Ninaneightan
Verlza Fivanfivantwoan
Tedyne Twofivanfivanfivan
Yiddlan Fourantwoansixan
Diamondbreaker Dedave
Ulevz Ninaneightansixanfouran
Balam Twelvantwelvan
Sidnai Sixan
Loubsaran Eightaneightannan
Gearsculpter Sera
Bazdan Twoanthreeansevan
Morgan Fivansevaneightanninan
Azromo Sixantwoanonanfivan
Lleuvzan Tenanfouranthreean
Flovan Ninanninan
Ligemei Sixansixantwoanninan
Anasour Twoan
Nostran Twoanzeroanonantwoan
Terli Nintanonan
Irtel Nintanthreean
Bildammu Onan
Vaden Twoan
Llaalam Threean
Shogzan Fouranonanonanninan
Lawran Twotwoanthreeantenan
Fovan Sixan
Mazli Sevaneightantwoantenan
Bavalia Twoaneightansixansevan
Trainer Forv Eightaneightan
Vilerui Tenantenan
Vabadan Eightantwoanfouran
Tokeuri Tenantwoanfouran
Ninan Ninanninanninan
Godo Ninan
Fovoi Eightan
Thobi Onanonantwoanthreean
Tubiba Fivtanthirtan
Ulenus Elevanfourtaneightan
Ulenusu Threeanninanfivan
Uradas Fouranfouranninan
Uvirith Twentanninansevan
Uvulas Threean
Vabdas Fourtanthreeaneightan
Vervyn Onanfouranthreean
Zababa Threeansevanonan
Zababa Twoansevanninan
Zainnabi Threeanonanfouran
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zetobii · 11 years ago
Character... tell me about your relationship with your parents. *psychiatrist glasses*
Ohh- hm. This is a really good one. I’ll run through the list of my mains(this is pretty long oops)
Tajhor - She doesn’t have any strong feelings one way or the other about her parents. Being the middle of 3 she was usually left to her own devices and spent more time focusing on her magic than anything else. Her parents care, yes, but they’ve really got no special connection besides blood. 
Nibarr - Nibarr’s da was killed before he was born so his mother raised him alone for a long while. She cared for him a great deal and he was happy to spend time with her and take care of her as the years went on.
Estina I still haven’t developed a headcanon for ahahhaha~
Vriska Amell - Vriska’s parents were the usual loving parents. They adored their daughter and lived a happy life until her magic reared it ugly head and they sent her off to the circle. For the first year or so they would try to keep in contact but, when her mother became pregnant, their visits became more and more scarce until they eventually stopped all together.
Freigha Cousland - Positively spoiled by her parents, well-taught, well-trained in a few different arts; Freigha and her parents got along very, very well. They love her and she them and they lived relatively peaceful and simplistic lives. Until.. well, you know. ha.
Paela Tabris - Darling Paela was born to a magic-wielding mother and a hunting father who were both born and raised with the Dalish. They were loving but tough- Every lesson was something taught with a cold stare but rewarded with a warm embrace. They honed her into a skilled fighter and a caring person, even if she tries to deny that she can actually smile.
Maen Surana - Maen never knew his parents. Instead he was raised by an elderly Apostate in the Wilds. This was the closest person I could call a ‘parent’ for him. They lived a quiet life, and he respected his ‘father’ greatly. He taught him of spells and herbs and demons and the fade- gave him the knowledge he needed to stay out of the Chantry’s grasp and keep himself safe and hidden so he could live a peaceful life before dying quietly in their home where Maen remained for some time after.
Valen and Chase are still huge WiPs as far as back story omg.
Oh! My Hawke.
Savra Hawke - Savra and Malcom were quite close- and she was close with Leandra for a time as well. Until they left Lothering. Leandra laying the blame for Bethany’s death and Carver’s conscription on her slowly turned her bitter. She love her mother, make no mistake, but she was also very angry toward Leandra, not understanding how she could lay the blame on her and not be sensitive towards the fact that losing her siblings hurt for her as well.
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zetobii · 11 years ago
I'm sorry I don't have any specific questions since I don't know your ocs well enough, but you should tell me about Amel and Nibarr! (They look really cute in your art and I love how close your Amel looks like my nord, Gudrun haha)
Wahah Nord babies are the best >Uand im like in love with that short hair asdgfa
and omg im gonna put this under a cut becaUSE IM GONNA RAMBLE ALOt.
Amel’s dad and Nibarr are both former companions(though he wasn’t part of the circle-) and so he’s present through her time growing up in Riften. He eventually joins the Thieve’s guild for some extra coin when Amel is only.. oh, say, 3-4. At this point Nibarr is in his 30s, mind you.
Nibarr takes to Amel really well and pesters her alot to make her train harder- she works best when trying to prove herself so he pushes her hard once her father starts teaching her how to fight.
He tries to make it seem like he doesn’t like her but, in reality, she’s his little Nord princess and he buys her cool gifts for her birthdays and never tells her they’re from him- its sweet really. he’s like the overprotective uncle and its super adorbs and yeah.
After Amel’s father dies, when she is about 15, she’s sent to Solitude to live with mommy dearest(who is a twat but thats another story).
Nibarr is away on guild business at the time, else he would have taken her on his own.
Anyways, he returns to Riften to her being gone and his oldest friend dead and, when he asks to take Amel (because her mother stated outright she wanted nothing to do with her when she left), her mother tells him she died on the trip to Solitude(a lie, of course). At this point he dives into his work for the guild and starts to cut himself off from most of his old acquaintances and become really bitter and introverted, having lost the only people he really cared about in Skyrim. Things are quiet until about 12 years later when the whole ‘mercer thing’ happens and he just grows angrier and more bitter from the betrayal of the guild master he laid his trust in. however I changed up the ending so that Mercer manages to get away and the guild continues a search of sorts for a maybe dead possibly alive mortally wounded but escaped Mercer. then, a few months later, he gets a letter from Kodlak claiming she’s alive and well and looking for him.
aaand so he races off to Whiterun just as Amel is facing off against Mirmulnir, and this is where he gets the lovely scar on the side of his face-
And from there things generally follow the main storyline and the companions quest line- and he helps her through taing the best blood, having been the only one who knew of her father’s ‘gift’ as well.
essentially, Nibarr winds up being Amel’s rock through everything- her closest companions and confidant. and she give his this semblance of home for things in his life to move forward.
needless to say, Amel and Vilkas have had this thing going on since they were kids- everyone always thhough she would wind up with Farkas but, nope. Eventually they kinda get to bing an actual thng and, oh my god, does Nibarr take that info and ruuuuun.
Queue tons of awkward moments and horrifying jokes and angry, blushing, shuddering Amel and a mildly horrified but bemused Vilkas.
WOAH HOLY TEXT WALL AHAHA. And this is jut the mini version oh god. ADSDFDCSAF
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zetobii · 11 years ago
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Nibarr stop egging her on- ugh.
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zetobii · 11 years ago
I was asking your character(s) lol
WAHAH Well in that case I guess I’ll just run through Moria, Amel, Vriska and Nibarr because they’re my main babes.
Moria is a beach kind of person- any place with a beach and a bar with cheesy names for their mixed drinks and she is there. bonus points if there are no reapers and/or hanar.
Amel just wants a day with no errands or dragons. It helps if theres a snowball fight or two but, shhh, thats a secret.
Nibarr doesn’t do vacations but, the closest, is his retirement plan: a big house in the middle of nowhere with Mercer’s head on a pike on the front lawn. Also a basement full of gold, but thats obvious.
Vriska wants nothing more than to go to Orlais- reading books on Orlais and listening to Leliana’s stories have made is so she absolutely needs to go- also Antiva but that’s mainly so she can see Zevran in his element because she thinks he’s just the bee’s knees at killing people so.
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zetobii · 11 years ago
is Amel paired with anyone? or are she and Nibarr a thing?
Amel hooks up with Vilkas and his cute-ass self and later they get married and life is fluffy and they’re such adorable puppies uUu
But she and Nibarr are total bros- She met him when she was a kid and living in Riften(this being before her father died and Nibarr was probably like 30 at that time). He sticks around Riften after she’s sent off to Solitude(and eventually Cyrodil), as he’s part of the Theive’s Guild, and joins up with her when she comes back to Skyrim, some 15 years later. And then he’s kind of there and not there throughout her quest to defeat Alduin and he helps her through alot of scary shit. he’s also the only one who knows about her being a werewolf besides those in the Circle.
he also likes to make her and Vilkas feel really awkward and embarrass them all the damn time and its great because Nibarr is great and Amel gets pissed and throws books and yea.
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