#niall horn
chrishemsworthsbitch · 11 months
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I just really really love shoulders and traps, like a lot
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being-simba · 10 months
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cupid-styles · 9 months
halloween plans
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a halloween blurb based on you're my last shot !!
in which a pregnant y/n doesn't like harry very much, except they're having a baby together and for some reason, he wants to celebrate halloween with her.
word count: 1.3k
content warnings: baby talk/pregnant y/n
masterlist | talk to me
halloween/fall blurb masterlist
. . .
"No, Harry."
"What if—"
"Y/N, you're not even listening to me!"
"Because I'm four months pregnant! Why would I want to go to a Halloween party at Niall's house when I can't even drink?"
She huffs, leaning her head against the glass of the passenger's side window as Harry drives them back from her 17 week sonogram. Halloween is a week away, and Y/N has no plans besides answering the door for trick-or-treaters and eating the leftover candy while she watches Hocus Pocus. She's not surprised that Harry has plans to celebrate that evening — she'd expected as much — but she is surprised that he's attempting to wrangle her into them.
"I won't drink, either," Harry replies with a shrug, as if he's implying how easy it is to be pregnant (it's not, and Y/N realized that about four weeks in when her morning sickness started happening every afternoon). "It wouldn't be fair of me if I made you come along and I got piss drunk anyway."
"You have no idea how annoying it is to be around drunk people when you're sober," Y/N grumbles, thinking back to last week when their friends insisted she come out for Josette's birthday. Within an hour, she was exhausted, her ankles were swollen, and she was ready to go home. 
"It's our last Halloween not being parents. Don't you think we should at least try to enjoy ourselves? Besides, what were you gonna do? Sit at home on your couch all night?"
She reaches over to smack his arm and he immediately whines, making her roll her eyes.
"There's nothing wrong with sitting at home on Halloween, you jerk. My neighborhood gets a lot of trick-or-treaters and I already bought three bags of candy."
"Didn't you show up to Ni's basically in lingerie last year? I'm pretty sure I watched you destroy an entire tray of orange Jell-O shots."
Y/N scoffs, but she knows he's right — her tongue was orange for two days afterwards.
"I was dressed as a bunny," she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest. He's turning onto her street as she strokes her fingertips over the crease of her small baby bump, an involuntary habit she picked up as soon as she started showing.
"How about this," Harry pulls up outside of her house and she resists the urge to roll her eyes again, "We'll give out candy for a few hours and then we'll head to Niall's after. That way, we both do what we wanna do and we celebrate our last kid-less Halloween."
She's not sure why he's so insistent that they spend it together — up until now, neither of them have ever cared for the other — but if that's the best solution they can come up with and it shuts Harry up, it'll suffice.
"Fine. But if you drink even a sip of alcohol, I'm taking an Uber home."
. . .
Y/N feels ridiculous.
Ever since she developed a bump, she's had an increasingly tough time finding clothes to wear. Her self-esteem lowers ever so slightly every time she goes to pull on a pair of pants and they don't button, and it often annoys her when people stare at her stomach through a tee-shirt or sweater when she's just out trying to run errands. Being pregnant is so public and she's sure that her discomfort is constantly apparent — especially as she stares at herself in the mirror, a red top just fitting around her bump and a pair of devil horns tucked into her hair. 
She glances down at her phone on the bathroom counter, the screen lighting up with a text from Harry that says here. She sighs and shuffles out of the room, flicking the light off before shimmying a pair of pajama shorts up and over her lower half. She hasn't even attempted to find comfortable pants to wear this evening, and now that Harry's seen her sprawled out on a medical table at the gynecologist... well, it's fair to say that she cares just a little bit less when he thinks.
When she opens the door, he's standing on her doorstep, torso bare except for a fringe vest and a cowboy hat on his head. It's actually so ridiculous — her hormones are raging and she swears she's never been so attracted to someone before, but she wants to crumble into tears at how hot he looks and how awful she feels about her own appearance.
"You can't wear that to hand candy out to kids." is her only response as she turns on her heel, leaving the door open for Harry to let himself in. She hears his footsteps behind her and she plops down on the couch, cradling her belly as she lays back. 
"You look cute," Harry grins, pointing to the devil headband atop of her head, "I hope you're not planning on birthing the antichrist, though."
She rolls her eyes and watches as he grabs a Reese's from the top of the candy bowl. She wants to smack his hand away, but she doesn't have the energy to get up and scold him. 
"You don't have to lie about it, I hate this stupid outfit. Everything's too tight on me and I hate showing my bump. And I can't even look sexy for a Halloween party 'cos it's weird for a pregnant woman to show up half-naked."
Harry chuckles as he sits down next to her, "I'm not lying. I'm sorry you're feeling uncomfortable, though. Why don't we go get some maternity clothes for you this week?"
She shrugs, even though her heart warms a bit at the suggestion. She'd already been planning on doing that, and she thinks that it's sweet that Harry offers to accompany her.
"Aren't you cold in that?" Y/N asks, a frown on her face as she nudges her chin in the direction of his torso. 
"Eh. Not too bad."
"I think you just like showing off. Probably wanna seduce all the moms in the neighborhood."
He laughs, "Why would I wanna do that when I have the hottest MILF to-be with me?"
"Shut up," she grumbles, though she feels her face warm at his teasing, "You're so lucky you don't have to carry this stupid little thing."
"Don't call our baby a stupid little thing," he immediately scolds. "They're the size of a bell pepper this week. Did you know that?"
"Fine. You're so lucky you don't have to carry this stupid little bell pepper."
A cackle falls from his lips this time, shaking his head. "I am, and you know I'm eternally grateful that you're carrying them."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you grab me a Kit-Kat?"
As he rifles through the candy bowl, she grabs the TV remote to turn on a movie while they wait for the doorbell to ring. They sit there in silence, munching on the treats she bought for trick-or-treaters (Harry recalls her claiming that her neighborhood is a hot spot for them, though no one's rang the doorbell since he arrived) and watching Practical Magic on cable.
Y/N doesn't even realize how long they've been sitting there and soon enough, she's nodding off. Her head lulls to the side, the devil horns attached to her head accidentally poking Harry in the arm. He yelps in his typical whiney way and Y/N grumbles as she blinks her eyes open. When she realizes what he's complaining about, she pulls the headband out of her hair and tosses it on the coffee table.
"Sorry. Any trick-or-treaters come?"
"Mm, quite a few," Harry lies, knowing she'll be disappointed if she finds out there weren't any. He clears his throat as he watches her curl into the side of the couch, pulling a soft throw blankets over her body, "Actually, Y/N, do you mind if we skip Niall's? I'd feel bad if we left all those kids hanging."
In reality, it's nearing 10 pm, and there aren't any trick-or-treaters out anymore. Niall's party is probably in full swing at this point — but Harry's soft, and he's especially soft for Y/N, who's tired and snuggly and never wanted to go out to begin with. 
"That's fine," she murmurs, her voice already thick with sleep. He smiles to himself as she nuzzles into the pumpkin-shaped pillow on her couch, her eyes already falling shut again.
And he'll never admit to her, but if this is how he spends his last Halloween without a kid... well, he's not too mad about it.
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allwaswell16 · 6 days
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All the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in June 2024. You can listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 including the fics on this month’s fic roundup [ @1dmonthlyficroundup ] which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #63 |  ko-fi | fic recs
- Louis/Harry -
💜 Eight Cakes and Two Eulogies (Make a Happy Marriage) by yesllliam
(M, 135k, friends to lovers) The only problem is, after his last disastrous relationship, seven years ago, he has little desire to get intimate with another woman, let alone marry one. Of course, Harry, his famous actor of a best friend, always likes to pip in that he is free to marry him and while Louis loves him to pieces, the joke is getting a bit old now.
💜 I'm Praying (that you don't burn out or fade away) by @lululawrence
(NR, 74k, soulmates) Harry and Louis are literal stars who have known they were soulmates from their creation eons ago, however when Louis came to Earth to start the next phase of their fated future, he forgot everything. Even Harry.
💜 Scarred by @allwaswell16
(E, 23k, omegaverse) When Harry inadvertently rejects him as his soulmate, Harry has no idea he's doomed Louis to a slow, painful death. Pride doesn't keep Louis from telling Harry the truth. But love does.
💜 Lost But Won by @2tiedships2
(NR, 16k, omegaverse) When Harry loses his passport after a weekend trip to see Niall, the inconvenience of being stranded in America becomes a little more bearable after meeting Louis. Or a lot more bearable.
💜 Safe place to hide us away by @lunarheslwt
(T, 12k, omegaverse) weighed down by everyday stress, alpha Harry takes up nesting in secret. It takes a load of missing clothes and unravelling lies for him to realise that his omega would love and accept him no matter what.
💜 Beep the Horn by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(T, 6k, love confessions) the one where Harry dresses as Miley Cyrus for Halloween, and Louis is the tiniest bit in love with him.
💜 Take My Hand, Dumbass by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 5k, roommates) There's only alpha dorms at university, and Louis Tomlinson, omega, refuses to pay the exorbitant fees to live off campus. So, four years pretending to be an alpha it is! That'll be easy.
💜 Missed Chances by @harryanthus-annuus
(E, 5k, omegaverse) they get drunk on some expensive wine. Things escalate from there.
💜 Puppy (Baby, I'm Pawfect for You) by @yoursolosong
(E, 5k, roommates) The one where they rescue a stray puppy together.
💜 Louis and the no good, very bad day by @haztobegood
(E, 4k, soulmates) Louis collapses back into the bed with a groan. Just when he thought his day couldn’t get any worse, there’s a fucking goose stuck on his balcony.
💜 Switching the positions for you by 28sunflowers / @vintageumbroshirt
(E, 4k, omega Louis) the omegaverse AU where they decide to try a completely new position in bed
💜 Come On and Rescue Me by @kingsofeverything
(E, 3k, silver fox Louis) Louis only intends to watch his hot neighbor’s Instagram live, but he winds up with his hand down his pants.
💜 Timeless by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt
(G, 3k, omegaverse) After visiting an antiques shop, Harry gets transported through time, and discovers that he and Louis are Timeless.
💜 I'll Still Feel the Same Around You by @crinkle-eyed-boo
(E, 2k, established relationship) Louis finds the cure for his insomnia in the form of his husband.
💜 call me any, anytime by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 2k, girl direction) Harry’s plans for the night are interrupted by an unexpected FaceTime call.
💜 Feelin' So Good Right Now by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(E, 1k, Vampire Diaries au) Louis, a just-turned vampire, enjoys his enhanced touch sensation.
💜 Remember Me (When I'm With You) by liberty_barnes / @liberty-barnes
(T, 1k, memory loss) the one where Louis was cast out and Harry just wants him to be happy
💜 cause you're a sky full of stars by @femstyles
(G, 1k, uni) A film student on campus randomly stops Harry and asks him to participate in her assignment. Little does he know that agreeing also means putting his heart on the line.
💜 Don’t Embarrass Me, Motherfucker by @allwaswell16
(T, 1k, parrot) Harry comes home from work to find Louis and their parrot are up to something. A Darcy the Parrot time stamp Part 2 of That's How I Know
- Rare Pairs -
💜 You Only Fall In Love Twice by @beanno28
(E, 57k, Harry/Louis/Zayn) Louis meets popstar Harry Styles while he is working at a festival and they hit it off right away. When he is introduced to Harry’s boyfriend, Zayn, Louis is invited to learn about their world of Polyamory.
💜 Third Time Lucky by @beanno28
(E, 31k, Harry/Louis/Zayn) Louis sat back, his back resting on the cushion of the sofa. Harry and Zayn were quick to lay their heads on Louis’ chest so Louis could wrap an arm around each of them. Part 2 of You Only Fall In Love Twice
💜 It's You by @allwaswell16
(T, 2k, Louis/Louis) Five times alpha Louis talks to omega Lou and one time he admits he wants more from his omega clone
💜 The Tiniest Moves by @allwaswell16
(T, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Coffee shop owner Nick Grimshaw may or may not have come to work on his day off in the hopes that fresh-off-his-world-tour Louis Tomlinson might stop by.
💜 A Meeting of Minds (and other things too) by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(T, 1k, Zayn/Liam) Zayn's fed up, Liam's a bartender, and maybe they'll both get what they need.
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defiledheartsblog · 3 months
a couple of character songs
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blouisparadise · 1 year
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics that both have A/B/O dynamics and are soft and fluffy! If you enjoy our rec lists and would like them to continue, please like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Seven, Seven | Not Rated | 1,877 words
“Hello, baby girl,” Harry says as soon as the nurse places the bundle of joy into his arms. “We’ve been dying to meet you.”
2) Send Me Your Pillow (The One That You Dream On) | General Audiences | 3,187 words
Harry is embarrassed to realize he's nesting but can't stop stealing Louis' things for his nest.
3) Whisk Me Off My Feet | Explicit | 5,054 words
When Louis locks himself out of his apartment in just a pair of novelty underwear, he hopes his new neighbor can come to his rescue.
4) Purr And Shout | Not Rated | 5,274 words
The sound that escapes Harry's mouth couldn't possibly be a purr. He's an alpha, alphas don't purr. Or do they?
5) Take Me To The Stars | Explicit | 5,840 words
Staring at his darling daughter, in the middle of the pasta aisle, Louis found himself on the edge of a neurotic breakdown.
"It’s your birthday tomorrow! And your papa better not do anything to muck it up! Because your dada worked very hard to organise it! And all of your aunties and grannies and granddads and friends will be there!” Louis continued in a sweet sing-song voice that seemed to get increasingly frantic as he continued. “And if your papa is in rut, then what? What’ll we do, honey girl? Your dada will be too busy! And your papa will be too horn-”
“Louis,” Harry interrupted, touching Louis’ arm. “I’ll be okay. It’s probably not even my rut. I can appreciate you… all of you… even when I’m not in rut.”
Louis looked at him skeptically, imagining the shitshow that would be Harry in rut, surrounded by family and friends, at their child’s first birthday party. “I hope you’re right, H.”
6) Young And Sweet | Explicit | 5,894 words
Louis sees his ex at the carnival and thinks that he must be the solution to his problem.
7) Glistening Under The Sun (You're My Honey Soaked Love) |  Mature | 8,996 words | Sequel
The cottagecore fic we all needed, featuring Petal the overprotective bunny, mummy Louis and alpha Harry that lives and breathes for his omega.
8) I Will Cover My Eyes (For If The Dark Returns) | Not Rated | 9,582 words
Alpha Harry asks omega Louis out and things progress from there.
9) When Tomorrow Comes | Explicit | 11,111 words
When Louis and Niall are partnered up to complete a project on Omega scents and how they effect the nesting behaviours of Alphas, little does Louis know that the course of his life is about to be forever altered.
10) Butterflies, The Beautiful Kind | Explicit | 18,401 words
Prompt 36: Louis is a single parent with a child who is terrified of doctors. However, one day, the kid gets sick. Thankfully the new pediatrician, doctor Styles, has wild curly hair and green eyes and a soothing deep voice that the kid immediately grows attached to.
11) Tiger Lily | Mature | 20,155 words
I worked next door and when he walked in, my whole world turned on it's head.
12) This Love Is Ours | Mature | 21028 words
“I told you to call me Harry.” Harry looks amused. It’s not funny. Louis throwing up because of him isn’t funny.
“But I’ve been calling you Mr. Styles for so long.”
“And now you’re carrying my baby.”
13) Swept Me Off My Feet (Took My Heart And Took Me Down) | Explicit | 25,447 words
When Louis had decided to reopen his mother’s bakery, he never thought a charming alpha would walk in through the door, let alone fall in love with him over tea, dessert and music.
14) Raise a Glass to the Four of Us | Mature | 25,470 words
Louis stared at his luggage.
Well. Apparently not his luggage, because the clothing he was looking at currently was a: worth more than everything he currently possessed, b: not his size at all, and c: more suited for a fancy ass lawyer than a holiday in NYC with his best mates.
“Ooh, nice loafers,” Niall said as he pulled one out of the suitcase. “I love the rainbows.”
“Okay,” Liam began. “What do you want to do first? Eat, shop for new clothes, or spend hours on the phone with the airline?”
Louis continued to stare at the luggage.
15) Yours To Lose | Mature | 25,472 words
“I think I know the person that matches your descriptions of your dream alpha.”
“Who? And oh not my dream alpha, god you’re making me sound like a teenage school girl. I’m a mum, H.” They laugh as they watch kids gather in front of the verandah, getting ready to go back to the orphanage.
“Well, you’re gonna have to find out.” Harry winks before standing up to start cleaning their spot.
16) Feeling Peachy, Take A Bite | Explicit | 25,654 words
Prompt 570: Omega Louis works at a cupcake shop. He makes the prettiest cupcakes and loves his job. In comes beefy alpha Harry who absolutely loves to eat Louis’ cake. Inspired by Louis being a cute baby girl handing out cupcakes. (no a/b/o necessary, but Louis has to be feminine).
17) Confections Of The Heart | Explicit | 25,877 words
Louis is a single mom, Harry is a pastry chef, and Oliver just wants his mom to be happy. With a teaspoon of love and a sprinkle of fate, the three might just find a home in each other.
18) I Know How To Whisk (But Teach Me Anyway) | Mature | 32,113 words
Louis scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. “I don’t understand. Unmated alphas don’t just go into a rut out of nowhere. Unless…”
Louis grabbed onto Niall’s arm in desperation. “Am I a homewrecker? Does Harry have a mate? Oh my God, was he not flirting? Did the change in his scent not have anything to do with my smell yesterday? Did I just make that up!?”
Louis let go of Niall and dropped his face in his hands. “I knew it was too good to be true.”
“You’re an idiot,” Niall stated. Louis looked up to find Niall rolling his eyes. He snapped his laptop closed and moved to stand up. “I need to get some work done. Why don’t you stay here and think back to ABO dynamics 101.”
With that Niall hopped off the couch and headed to his room. He stopped and turned to Louis before he made it to the hall and said, “Oh, and Lou. You may want to reconsider your outlook on soulmates.”
Louis yelled after him. “Soulmates aren’t a thing, Niall!”
19) Let Me Feel Your Heartbeat | Explicit | 34,572 words
Harry is 98% sure Louis hates him. So he feels like his bewilderment is justified when the omega offers to help him through his rut.
20) I Found A Love For Me (Darling Just Dive Right In) | Explicit | 46,652 words | Sequel
Louis, an omega with very little control. Harry, an alpha with a lot of emotion. Neither of them have any idea what do to with this little thing called love, but they’ll be damned if they don’t put up a good fight.
21) Gallery Of Us | Explicit | 55,782 words
Harry knew what he was doing in life, everything laid out in black-and-white, each day pleasantly predictable. Cue lively art student, Louis, trying to find his place. An almost insufferably happy person who sometimes forgets to hide the way they feel meets the person who is diligent enough to notice and determined to make a difference.
22) Love Me Until The End | Mature | 207,053 words
“Dr. Styles there’s an emergency at the maternity ward. The head nurse called for you, he needs you there as soon as possible.” The trainee tells Harry over the phone, catching his attention. Louis Tomlinson, the Louis Tomlinson is calling him? He lowers his clipboard and nods his head, getting up from his chair.
“Tell Mr. Tomlinson I’ll be there right away.”
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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hlficlibrary · 12 days
Hi! Do you have any fics where they say I love you for the first time? 💖💖
Thanks you darlings!
Hi! You're very welcome! Here are some fics for you!
Different Than You Do by galactic_larry / @galacticlarry
Louis and Harry have been friends for a little over four years. Louis has been in love with Harry for most of those years, even if he didn’t want to admit it at first.
What happens when he impulsively decides to tell him?
Beep the Horn by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
“Listen, I’ve tried to be helpful," Niall said. "But it's been three years. It’s time for you to make the move. There’s only so much encouraging I can do before it starts to get repetitive. And annoying.” “I feel so loved,” Louis deadpanned. “Of course we love you, Lou,” Zayn said. “We just need you to tell Harry how you feel so you can stop feeling so down on yourself.” Or, the one where Harry dresses as Miley Cyrus for Halloween, and Louis is the tiniest bit in love with him.
cause you're a sky full of stars by @femstyles
Uni AU. A film student on campus randomly stops Harry and asks him to participate in her assignment. Little does he know that agreeing also means putting his heart on the line.
Or the AU inspired by Thoraya Maronesy's videos on YouTube where Harry calls Louis and tells him how he really feels.
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hsgucci94 · 2 years
The ghosts came out to play
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Summary: Harry and Y/N attend a Halloween party…
Content warnings: fluff??????
Word count: 3.1k
Harry wasn’t so sure about dressing up that night. Yes, it was Halloween. Yes, they had been invited to a party. But no, he wasn’t in the mood to put together a few items just to try look like a movie or a book character, or even like a celebrity he might or might not know. At 35 years old, custom parties were no longer his thing, and he didn’t find Halloween as fun as before.
Y/N knew that, and of course she was more than okay with him not dressing up, but she did. Her outfit was all black: black t-shirt, black stockings, black short skirt and black boots. Nothing Halloween themed, until she added a devil horn headband and a red tail. Now she was officially a little devil, and Harry couldn’t help but chuckle the moment she walked into his bedroom fully dressed up.
“That’s gotta be your most self-explanatory costume till date, darling.”
“Oh, shut up,” she retorted, jokingly smacking his arm, which only caused him to laugh harder. His arms wrapped around her waist, and pulled her close enough to kiss her, her red lipstick slightly staining his lips. She giggled at such sight, before passing her thumb over them to clean them off.
“I’m so excited for tonight,” she smiled.
“You are?,” he mirrored her expression. Her happiness was always so contagious, and that was just one of the many things he loved about her.
Y/N nodded, pecking at his lips again, “I’ve the feeling it’s gonna be a good night.”
After dating for a bit longer than a year, Y/N was thrilled to be getting to know more about him. She had recently met his family, and that night was about to meet some of his closest friends.
Ever since their relationship started, they had been taking it slow and doing things low-key, almost hiding from the world and its sick curiosity. It was already hard enough for him to date as a famous singer and actor, so things were even more complicated now that he was a divorced man dating a girl 11 years his junior.
But Y/N had been like a breath of fresh air to him. They got introduced to each other at a friend’s birthday party and slowly hit it off; date after date and one step at a time. She soon turned into his lucky charm, the one that had helped him see things differently after having to face such a tumultuous divorce. He wanted to make her happy. If possible, as happy as she made him, so even though he would have much rather spent the night at home, watching movies, eating spooky candy and having makeout sessions every now and then, he had agreed on going to that Halloween party just because he knew she would enjoy it.
“What if I dress all black, too, and wear my red-pearl necklace? Would that match with you?,” he asked her, suddenly cheering up a bit on the whole 31st of October celebration thing.
“You sure you wanna dress up?”
“I know I said I wasn’t going to, but now you’ve made me a little envious,” he chuckled, sweetly pinching her cheek, “I don’t have anything, so maybe you can help me come up with something homemade?”
She nodded, smiling. “Of course, H. I’ve got a red trident that I’m not gonna use anymore, so I think that will be more than enough. We won’t most definitely win any couple’s costume competition, but at least we’ll look good,” she giggled, and his smile only got bigger.
When he parked in front of Niall’s house, Harry’s hands were pretty sweaty. His mind had been off all the drive there, and he was glad Y/N didn’t seem to notice while singing and humming to the songs that were playing on the radio.
At 35, he was still feeling as nervous as a 15 year-old now the he was about to introduce his girlfriend to his friends. Not because they were going to judge him for their age gap, but because it was the first girl he had been with since his separation two years back. He wanted that night to be fun and go smooth for the both of them, so hopefully it would.
“Wow, your friend Niall really went all out with the decorations,” Y/N said, admiring wide eyed the way his house had been transformed for the occasion.
Harry chuckled next to her, passing his arm around her shoulders, “The Irish always knows how to throw a party.”
Candy bowls in every table, fake spider web hanging from every single ceiling corner, and the dim light that lightened up every room gave the place the right spooky atmosphere.
“Hey! Where’s your costume?,” Niall shouted, a beer in hand as he approached his friend. Apparently, he was a Vampire; the cape and fangs gave it away.
Harry rolled his eyes, before lifting the red trident up in the air as if it was so obvious what he was dressed up as.
“You’ve always been shitty at coming up with good ones…, oh, lord. Good to see ya, mate,” the Irish man replied, bringing him into a hug, “Oh, -wait, this is her?,” Niall rose his eyebrows, looking between Harry and Y/N a couple of times the moment he noticed her standing next to each other. When he saw his British friend nodding, he smiled, pulling Y/N in for a hug, “Ah! So good to finally meet you!”
“Guess this is the poor girl that’s been bearing with your ass, Styles?,” Louis spoke, peeking behind Niall, “Y/N, right? Welcome to the squad, love.”
“Thank you. It’s so nice to finally meet you two,” she replied, smiling at the two men standing in front of her.
“So, devils?,” Louis asked them, pointing at their costumes.
“See? It isn’t so rubbish if you can guess it at first try,” Harry retorted, looking directly at Niall.
“Whatever,” this one answered, rolling his eyes, “Go make yourselves at home. There’s plenty of food and drinks for you both to have a terrific night,” he winked at them, before turning around and leave to greet someone else, Louis dismissing them a few minutes later with a small pat on their shoulders.
That was exactly what they did. They walked into the kitchen, where Harry took advantage of all the time he had spent at that house to grab the things he needed to make Y/N a drink. And of course it couldn't be any other than a Bloody Mary.
"The occasion calls for it," he smirked at her, handing her the glass. She laughed a bit, accepting it and taking a good sip.
"'S good, Styles," she passed her tongue over her lips, cleaning them.
"Thank you, miss."
"Aren't you gonna make one for yourself?"
"I don't feel like drinking tonight," he admitted, shrugging. She nodded, and entwined her arm with his before taking them to the living room, where music was blasting through the speakers as Frankenstein, the Little Mermaid, the Cookie Monster and many others danced to the rhythm..., or not at all.
"It's gotta be the scariest room in this house," Harry murmured just for her ears, looking at the dance floor.
"Harry!," she was quick to scold him between giggles, "Not everyone's lucky enough to have your moves, Mr. Treat People With Kindness."
"Right, 'm sorry," he chuckled, and she then hid her face in his jacket because she couldn’t stop laughing at his terrible joke.
In that precise moment, he was glad they were both there, and that she had managed to convince him to come to that Halloween party he didn’t even want to attend in the first place. The day he received Niall's invitation he texted him right away letting he know he wasn’t up for it. But then Y/N found the card and her eyes sparkled. She even gave him a twenty-minute rant about how Halloween night was meant to be spent outdoor at someone's house drinking extra bitter beer while plying beer pong, which seemed enough to convince him. Little did she know that what got him to agree on such plan was actually her excitement and the fact that he just couldn’t ever say no to her.
When she managed to stiffen her laugh, she looked up at him, and he took the opportunity to grab her chin and press a kiss to her lips, savouring the Bloody Mary from her tongue. "Did I tell you already how hot you look tonight?," he whispered against her mouth.
"Not yet..., no," she bit her lip, her cheeks blushing a bit.
"Alright, you two! There's an empty guest room if you wanna use it, lovebirds. Harry knowns which one I'm talking about," Niall chuckled, passing next to them.
Of course he did, he had slept there countless nights.
Y/N only blushed harder at Niall's words, while Harry's countenance turned pale.
The night Rebecca handed him the divorce papers after confessing she had been sleeping with her coworker before deciding to put an end to their marriage, that's where he slept. When she asked him to pack his things and leave the house they had bought together, that's where he went. When he had no place to stay or will to live for almost six months after their divorce was filled, that room became his shelter. And as thankful as he was and would always be for Niall for being a best friend when he needed one the most, that room, that house even, was still haunted to him.
Y/N noticed his sudden mood change, "Hey..."
"I'm fine... I just need some fresh air," he assured her. She nodded, and was ready to walk outside with him until he gestured her to wait for him there. She frowned, but just watched as he opened the front-door and disappeared.
Out in the night, Harry forced himself to take a deep breath, feeling the air escaping his lugs as he was finding it harder to breath. The memories he had been hiding in the back of his mind for so long were starting to make a comeback, reminding him how heartbroken he once felt. The past was feeling so overwhelming so out of the blue, his eyes started getting watery, and soon he was letting all his pain and frustration out in the form of tears. They ran down his cheeks desperately, wetting his face, and even though he was alone and no one could see or hear him in that state, he hid his face between his hands, using them to cushion his sobs.
He didn’t know how long he had been there for when he heard Y/N calling his name.
He quickly passed his hands over his face, cleaning his wet cheeks with the back of them. He readjusted his clothes and took a deep breath, wishing his cheeks weren’t as flushed as they usually got whenever he cried.
"What happened?," she cautiously approached him.
His back was to her, so she hugged him from behind, her hands resting over his stomach. He closed his eyes, feeling relieved to have her there. He didn’t say a word. Instead, he rested his hands over hers. They stayed there in silence for a few minutes, until Y/N broke it, once she realised he had no intention of talking to her about whatever made him feel that way.
She wanted to understand why he hadn’t opened up to her yet, but deep down she couldn’t. Thirteen months together and it seemed like she was pages ahead of him when it came to their relationship. She wondered right there and then if they would ever be on the same one.
"Last month was our one-year anniversary," she softly spoke, "By then, I had already introduced you to my family and my closest friends. You, on the other hand... I've been honest with you, Harry, I opened up to you in ways I didn’t to anyone before," she gulped. He knew well enough where her words were heading to. "I've got the feeling that...," she gulped again, unable to mouth her thoughts out, scared they might be true.
He closed his eyes, not knowing she did, too. He closed them because her words hurt him, unaware his lack of them pained her.
Y/N let out a rather quiet sigh, before unwrapping her arms and turning around to make her way back inside. She had the feeling she was slowly losing a battle, and was not so sure if she wanted to stay to pick up the rubble.
"I'll go grab my things and take a taxi home," she mumbled. Then, silence. The was the last straw.
He could feel her slowly slipping though his fingers only because he was afraid of letting her in completely. During their last months together she had included him in all her family and friends gatherings, showing him how serious she was about them both. Him, however, introduced her to his mum the week before, only because Anne decided to surprise her son in his London home, not knowing Y/N, her partner, would be there as well. His mum wasn’t even aware he was in a relationship.
Harry needed to get his act together, he knew that. He didn’t know how, however. He had posponed for so long talking about Rebecca, and his feelings, and the way he was afraid of letting someone else come into his life just because he wasn’t capable of losing someone he loved again..., he didn’t know where to start. So he just got inside Niall's house, and looked for Y/N.
He found her in a corner, thanking Niall for the invitation and saying goodbye to both him and Louis. Harry cautiously approached her from behind, resting his hand in her back as he lowered his head enough to say: "Don't call a taxi, I'll drive you to your place". His friends looked at them confused, a bit conflicted wether they wanted to know what was up with them or not at all. They chose to leave and let them fix it on their own.
Y/N shook her head, before turning around to face him, "I think we both need some time alone."
Harry scratched his nose, "No, we don't. We're fine together."
"We clearly aren’t if you don’t feel like you can trust me with whatever it is you aren’t telling me, Harry," she quickly retorted, in a pissed tone that soon turned into a hurt one. Her voice cracked by the end of the sentence, and she had to pinch hard the inside of her cheek to avoid her emotions to take over. She wanted him to confide in her the same way she did on him..., was that too much to ask? "Is it me? Am I the problem?," she continued, her eyes getting watery the more she stared at his, "Didn’t I show you you can count on me the same way I can count on you? I just... don't understand why you keep pushing me away."
"Come with me," he said, and grabbed her hand, walking them both out of the living room and up the stairs. His feet took him almost instantly to that room in particular, and as soon as he was in front of it, a knot grew in his stomach. But he pushed the uncomfortable thought away and opened the door, letting her in. When he shut the door behind him, he glued his back to it, before grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her to him, his arms wrapping her in a hug.
His eyes remained closed, unable to open them and see the four walls that brought so many bad memories to him. He thought he had already escaped them, but there they were, back on his mind.
He didn’t remember a time where he had been more miserable than that one, so talking about his divorce and how it made him feel wasn’t an easy task. He them pulled away enough to fix his eyes on her face, passing a hand through it to put some strands of hair behind her ear, "You know I divorced a couple of years ago, but you don't know why: my ex-wife cheated on me," he gulped, "I came home one day and she told me she had been sleeping around with her coworker and that that was the end of us. I hadn’t really felt so strong about someone until I met her, and I truly thought we were gonna be together forever. I... I loved her,” a small sigh escaped from his lips, "Once our marriage ended, I lost my mind. She took the house, so I came here to sleep. This was my room, and until then I don’t think I have ever cried so much in my life," a sad smile peeked enough through the corners of his mouth, "I know this conversation should have happened sooner, my darling, and I’m sorry. I guess I’ve kinda been taking things slower than usual between us because I don’t want you to get tired of me like my ex did. But she’s my past and you’re my present, and I promise to prove you so from now on.”
Y/N had been silently listening to him talk, and now that he had finished, she didn’t know what to say, so she tightened her grip around him as a response. Her face hid in the crook of his neck as she told him with her hold everything she couldn’t with her voice. Harry felt relieved for finally having opened up to her, and was glad to know she wasn’t going anywhere.
“I don’t want to keep you like a secret, neither I want you to feel like one,” he mumbled, “But I do want our relationship to feel special, so that’s why I’ve been taking my time to figure out where the right time to do what was.”
“So me meeting your mum wasn’t actually scheduled for another few months?,” she replied, graciously frowning at him.
He chuckled, playing along, “Something like that, yeah.”
“Jokes aside…, thanks for telling me this, H.”
He nodded, a small smile growing between his lips. He then pressed their lips together and kissed her, their tongues soon intensifying the kiss. “Do you still want me to take you to your place?”
“Not really. Can I still stay the night at yours?”
“I find the whole question pretty offensive, if you ask me,” he replied, pecking at her lips again, “Of course you can, love. In fact, I wouldn’t like you sleeping anywhere else tonight.”
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Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten track 🎶, then tag ten people!
Ooooo this is gonna be fun!!!
I was tagged by @strwbrrydaydreams
1. Seeing Blind- Niall Horan feat the RTE Concert Orchestra
2. You & I- One Direction
3. Fade- Lewis Capaldi
4. Flicker- Niall HorN feat the RTE Concert Orchestra
5. Our Song- Anne-Marie & Niall Horan
6. Illusion- One Direction
7. Canyon Moon- Harry Styles
8. Pointless- Lewis Capaldi
9. Steal My Girl- One Direction
10. Little Freak- Harry Styles
I’m tagging these people but this is 100% not obligated! Just for fun!
@be-with-me-so-happily @kaminokatiee @swiftmendeshoran @fruitmans @erggggggggg
@harrysmimi @a-strange-familiar @violetsandfluff @missmielyhoran @watermelonlovershigh @mouthfulloftoothpasterry
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He’s incredible 🥵
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evilovesyou · 1 year
I’ve saved this one from the prompt generator, and I’ve been thinking about it for a while
Genre:Romantic Comedy
Trope: Angels and Demons
Prompt: Learning a hobby together.
It’s crafting time! and to flex those well developed fluff muscles!
When Zayn had looked through the peephole in the door, all he’d seen was a grinning Niall. Now that the door was actually open, he had the very same grinning Niall right in front of him. Marvellous. It was evident he’d rushed to see Zayn by his flushed pink cheeks and his crooked halo. Zayn was almost knocked off his feet with affection. 
And that was when he saw the box.
“What’s in that box, Niall?” he asked, suspiciously narrowing his eyes. He flapped his wings behind him in a threatening manner. It sounded a little bit like the sleeves of a leather jacket rubbing together.
“Supplies!” Niall was unperturbed.
“What are the supplies for?”
“We’re crafting today, Zaynie.” Niall nodded to himself, and stepped forward, ignoring the way Zayn tried to block him. “C’mon. It’ll be fun!” he said, petting Zayn’s left horn and using his momentary shock to push himself into the apartment. His soft, feathery wings brushed Zayn’s shoulder and he carried the scent of late summer.
“Don’t… Niall, I told you my horns are sensitive.” Zayn sighed and closed the door. The angel had already kicked off his shoes and put the box on the coffee table.
“And I used the information to get into your house.”
“That’s not very angelic of you, is it?”
“Eh,” Niall shrugged, wings fluttering with it, and pulling a series of things from his box. “I did it in the name of Fun. And Fun is sacred.”
“Fun, depending on what kind, can also be considered demonic,” Zayn pointed out. “Is that wood?”
“It’s willow reeds, Zaynie. We’re going to learn basket weaving!”
“What do we need baskets for?” Zayn slowly came closer and sat down on the edge of his sofa. His. This was his apartment, even though the angel he’d accidentally befriended in college seemed to consider everything that was Zayn’s to also be his. “And why are we making a mess in my living room, not in yours?”
“You know how Harry and Liam can get about messes in the house,” Niall explained, lining up the supplies neatly. “I figured you wouldn’t mind.”
Zayn chose not to point out the fact that Harry was dating his best friend, who was the messiest demon he’d ever met. “What if I tell you I do mind, actually?”
“Oh, do you really?” Niall looked up at him for the first time, dropping his busy hands into his lap as he sat back on his haunches. Zayn’s soft, blue and yellow rug reflected in Niall’s bright eyes, the afternoon sun streaking his ash brown hair with golden streaks. The orange and pink of the oncoming sunset on Niall’s wings was completely out of place in Zayn’s self-proclaimed demonic, dark mind. He sighed.
“I don’t mind, Niall. I would just appreciate a heads-up next time.”
“But if I told you beforehand, you would’ve come up with a million excuses like ‘Niall, we don’t need baskets.’ and ‘Niall, for the love of God, don’t buy willow reeds on the internet at 3am.’ and ‘Niall, I don’t want to spend time with you–’”
“I always want to spend time with you,” Zayn rushed to correct, not realising that he’d said it out loud until he heard Niall’s quiet gasp.
“I thought it was quite obvious.” Zayn admitted, dropping his head into his hands. “Everyone teases us about it.”
“Yeah, because I have a crush on you, Z. Not the other way around.”
Zayn’s head snapped up so fast his horn almost poked Niall’s outstretched hand. Niall’s wings snapped up, ready to take flight, but immediately relaxed back down when their eyes met. His halo was still crooked. 
For a moment it seemed very quiet, until Zayn could hear people talking underneath the open window, a car going by in the street, the neighbour’s dog barking, his own heartbeat. He slowly reached across the edge of the table, tracing Niall’s temple, and fixed his halo for him.
“I like you, Niall,” Zayn said finally, as he dropped his hand. “A lot.”
more of my writing
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cupid-styles · 9 months
opposites attract
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a quick lil halloween blurb based on my grumpy h series !!
word count: 692
content warnings: none ! a little spicy but nothing wild
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
"I feel silly."
Harry lets out a breathy chuckle as he watches Y/N analyze her Halloween costume in his floor-length mirror, reaching up to fix the devil horns embedded in her hair. He rises from the edge of his bed, taking long strides to come up from behind her and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. 
"You look hot." he mutters into the shell of her ear. She gasps and turns around in his arms, a cackle sounding from his mouth at her shocked response.
"I do not, and this is a dumb costume idea. Why can't I be the angel?"
The idea had come to Harry a few weeks ago, right after his housemates decided they would throw a Halloween party. In between Niall's excessive alcohol purchases and Pauli's myriad of ghost and ghoul themed decor, he made a pit stop at the local Halloween pop-up store to snag angel wings and devil horns for him and his girl. 
It wasn't a totally unique idea, he knew — he was sure that there'd be tons of devils and angels attending the party tonight, but none would come anywhere close to his sweet girl. Especially because he was making her be the devil.
She was bashful when he introduced the concept, her face warming. 
"You can wear all red— that cute little plaid mini skirt you have, maybe, and I'll wear all white. It'll be cute."
"I dunno, H, I feel like you have a pretty skewed perception of me..."
"That's the point, baby. It's like opposites attract."
After that, there wasn't much room for compromise, especially because Y/N didn't have much free time to look for other couples costumes. So, reluctantly, she shows up to Harry's place with her overnight bag in tow, her red devil-themed outfit folded between her pajamas and her bag of skincare.
It's only when she puts the requested mini skirt on, tucking her red bodysuit into the waistband, her usual platform Doc Martens on her feet and the devil horn headband in her hair, that she starts to feel uncool. Especially when her boyfriend is standing behind her in a silky white button down, cream pants pulled over his legs, and fluffy angel wings strapped to his back. She doesn't understand how he can look so good in nearly anything, and she just looks so... her.
"That would ruin the whole point of the costume, dove," Harry murmurs, ducking to rub his nose against hers before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "We can swap if you'd like, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. But trust me when I say you look incredible."
She sighs as she allows him to twist her body back to the direction of the mirror. She watches as his fingertips trail up the length of her outer thigh, ducking underneath the fabric of her skirt. 
"Do you understand how lucky I am?" he mumbles, pressing light kisses to her neck, "I have this sweetheart on my hands, and she's so fuckin' gorgeous... and no one else knows what a filthy thing she is in bed."
"H..." she murmurs, her lips parting as he uses his other hand to float over the valley of her breasts, up to her chest and over her neck. He doesn't apply any pressure, instead just letting his fingers ghost over the width of her throat.
"That's really why I wanted you dressed up as my little devil tonight," he continues, kissing her hair as he gives her hip a squeeze. "I want them all to wonder... to see this beautiful body and fantasize about you... only to realize that I'm the one you go home with."
He chuckles quietly when he notices her rounded eyes, her lips swollen from biting at them. 
"Isn't that right, baby? My devil girl only goes home with me."
"Uh-huh," she nods, eyes fluttering shut when he finally applies the smallest amount of pressure to her throat, leaning her head back against his chest. 
"That's my girl," he smirks, turning her body back around to face him, a slightly stunned expression on her face. "And if you're good... this angel will let you sit on his face tonight."
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1d1195 · 4 months
hi sam,
I need big sister advice...how do yoy stop yourself from liking something...and not just a person, just anything...celebrities, a fandom, a show, how do you stop the obsession before you go down the rabit hole
First and foremost 😭 big sister advice I'm 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay, second, I am happy to give you my advice but I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask given my personal history with Twilight/1D/Harry.
HOWEVER. A little tangent: I am obsessed with iced coffee as well. Not sure I have mentioned that on here (you can probs tell from my stories, but anyway). I am constantly in a battle between "I should just make coffee at home" and "it's only $4" literally every day. I constantly here about how my $4 a day routine is attributing to my lack of a house in today's market. Not to toot my own horn but I do a lot for my family, my students, my friends, my boyfriend--pretty much anyone that enters my life, you get a piece of me that's yours to have. I don't do a whole lot for myself--self-care or otherwise. So I think life is short and I try to remind myself that $4 a day is not the worst thing in the world. (probably a bad mindset but if I don't do something for my mental well-being I think I'm going to explode).
The reason I say this is because I DO think life is short and you should allow yourself some indulgences. Otherwise, what's this all for? I'm not saying you should spend thousands on an obsession (see also: my Harry collection 🙃) but if you enjoy something, there's no reason you shouldn't as long as it's not causing you physical, mental, or financial harm (in my opinion).
For me? I have to limit myself. I used to watch EVERY interview, read EVERY article, watched EVERY Instagram story the entire 1D fandom had to offer and it became so overwhelming, so EXHAUSTING I had to stop. Like in my crazy teenage mind I thought that if I didn't watch EVERY piece of 1D things people would call me out for not being a real fan or that Harry/Niall would one day find out I didn't see their interview on Oct 12, 2013 and they would kick me out of the club.
It's part of why I had such a big hiatus on here. I am a huge planner so setting time for myself to do what I want to look at, watch, think about (albeit, it's very little time these days) is really important to me. Also, I have to decide if it's healthy or not for me to do so. I was staying up all hours a night to write stories and post and interact here on tumblr. It wasn't good for me.
I think just reframing the context is important too. I would like to believe I'm not really obsessed anymore. I have a great appreciation for shows and celebrities. I like to believe I know a LOT about Harry (but obviously I don't--para-social stuff ya know?). I know a great deal about How I Met Your Mother and The Princess Bride. I love potatoes, babies, math, reading, etc. I don't think these are obsessions they're just things I love.
Obsession often has a negative connotation and while I do like to tell people I have an obsession with Harry Styles for exaggeration/honestly what else am I supposed to call it? I don't think it's the right thing. Tbh, corny as it sounds I have the utmost respect for Harry. I think he's wonderful of course, and I wouldn't have known that without being so crazy for 1D for so many years.
So, I doubt any of this was helpful so I'll try to summarize:
I would really think if it's obsession or just something you really enjoy. I think there's a pretty significant difference. I also think it's okay to indulge in the things you love. Life is too short to not enjoy anything--especially something you're feeling passionate about. Moderation is important for this though. Your well-being is more important than knowing every detail about the thing you love. Not everything has to be an obsession.
If this wasn't helpful, let me know I'll try again 💕 Thank you for asking me for advice! This is like the sweetest, nicest thing 😭
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musewritingsforyou · 1 year
Asked and Answered
A/N: I’m finally back!!! I had to leave for a while to focus on ending the year strong but I am now back and hoping to post every-other day until I am done with the requests in my inbox!
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Tw: sickness, slight angst, fluff at the end
Now anyone in or out of health care knows this one little fact. Men are absolute babies when it comes to being sick. By now I was used to it. The “y/n my stomach hurts, i’m going to die!!” and the *sniffle* *cough* “are you okay?” “oh my god, yes i’m fine why would you even say that!” To be honest most of the time I ignore fifty percent of their complaining, treat their symptoms and by the next morning they are fine. But every once in a while they aren’t being dramatic.
“Mhhh” Even from the opposite side of the bus I could hear him groaning in his sleep.
“Niall?” no response. It couldn’t be that he was sleeping and making those noises at the same time.
“Uhhh “ Alright so maybe he was. We had been driving for about ten hours when Niall fell to the bug. I had been doing my best to keep it from the boys but somehow despite my best efforts, it made it through. He was the first so far, but probably not the last. If one boy gets sick, the others always get it. The bug had been moving quickly through the crew staff, hitting at least three people a week. My once solitary and quiet med bus was now full to the brim with groaning patients. The other unfortunate side effect of this; I couldn’t no longer sleep in the same bed as my boyfriend. Well, at least not until this infection is out of the way and I’m not scared of him getting sick.
I walked out of the back rooms to see Niall passed out on the med bay couch, face down and groaning louder than a truck horn in his sleep. I had seen Niall sick before. Hell I’ve had to wipe vomit off of his face before, but this shit was brutal. And I won’t lie, the toll of not being able to escape it at all for the past few weeks has been getting to me. My sleep is constantly interrupted by alarms on my phone going off to remind me to check everyone on the bus, refill their fluids, check their temperatures, and administer medication if needed. I haven’t been able to talk to my boyfriend in weeks for longer than five minutes. At this point I was almost praying to get the virus just to have a week off. Except maybe without the fever, and then sore throat, and the nausea. So maybe not.
“Ni” I shook his shoulder lightly to attempt to wake him up. Nothing.
“Niall” Again, nothing. I could only be grateful that right now he was the only one sick. Finally with a big snort and a flip onto his back his cloudy eyes opened.
“Hey bud, how ya feeling?” He groaned once more and shut his cloudy eyes.
“Nope. None of that. I know you’re going to hate me but it’s time for more meds.” Nothing but another groan.
An hour or two later we finally found ourselves at a hotel, a wayside stop for a few days until everyones feeling better and the boys are able to perform. The second we got off the bus- me with several bags of medical supplies along with my actual suitcase, and Niall with a single backpack underneath the blanket he had wrapped around himself like a cloak- Harry came up to me with a frown on his face.
“Long time no see love bug” He moved in to kiss me but I gently placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back a step.
“I will not get you sick. Remember how bad it was last time? No way. I love you, but no.” He pouted like a child being told no and hung his head.
“Baby, I promise the second Ni is better we’ll be spending all day together, we just have to be careful, that’s all” while his head was still facing down I thread my fingers through his hair and gave his scalp a little massage. After I was done speaking I gave him a light kiss on his head.
“Now come on, let’s get inside so we can all get our keys and go to bed, Okay?” Still pouting, he nodded at me and continued in without saying another word.
Once we were all inside Paul was standing at the desk waiting with keycards in his hands to give us our rooms. He started with the crew and then once they had all filed off to their rooms he gave the other boys their room keys. Lastly, he handed one to me. The last one.
“Sorry y/n they’d only give me one key for the both of you” Harry standing with the other boys around me walked forward.
“Don’t know what you mean Paul, I’ve got the other key right here?” I signed and turned to face him.
“Oh. you’ll be sharing a room with Niall then, won’t you.”
“Yes. I need to keep an eye on him tonight make sure his fever doesn’t come back-”
“Whatever” I took a step back, feeling the lash of his tone on me. Did he really think this was fun for me? This is my job, the whole reason I get to be here touring with him in the first place, it doesn’t just suddenly disappear whenever he wants it to. I took a deep breath. It’s fine. He’s just frustrated, just like I am, that’s all. This cant be easy for him either.
“We might not be able to share a room tonight but I do hope you’ll still come say goodnight before you go to sleep?” I tried to reach out a hand and was coldy rejected.
“Maybe. I wouldn’t want to disturb the both of you.” I made a surprised scoff and looked over at Niall who was standing behind me with an equally surprised look on his face. Before I would even respond, he was off to the elevators without aso much as a look behind him.
After a few hours of television watching and unpacking in our hotel room it was time for Niall’s least favorite activity. Taking his meds.
“Niall?” I found him again face down on one of the beds in the room, not asleep this time, just hiding from the light.
“No. I won’t do it this time.”
“Hate to tell you but I have dealt with non-compliant patients before and usually it ends up worse for them than it does for me.” He dramatically flipped over and layed starfish on the bed for a moment before slowly pulling himself up to a sitting position.
Twenty minutes after he had taken his meds, like always with Niall; he began to groan my name while I was attempting to take a shower for a moment of peace. Like any good physician I ignored the first two and after not hearing a third, went out to check on him.
“Ni? Are you okay?” He was in a fetal position with his eyes closed taking deep breaths.
“Puke. definitely going to puke.” I cringed a little and grabbed one of the anti-nausea meds from my bag.
“Here. Put it under your tongue, it should work pretty quick.” He did as I said and continued groaning. In a moment of pity I grabbed my book and hopped onto the bed beside him.
“If you’re going to be miserable it’s the least I can do to not make you be alone” I moved up on the bed and patted my lap with one hand.
“Come on, you big baby”  He placed his head on my lap and I opened my book, beginning to read from the page I had dogeared. Not twenty minutes later Niall was fast asleep and I left him laying with his head on my lap as I read my book in peaceful silence. Peaceful that is until a certain someone knocked on the door.
“You can come in Harry, it’s unlocked.” He stepped in and right away turned what looked like a sorrowful- even remorseful- look, into one of pure fire.
“Really, y/n”
“Haz- ” I didn’t get the chance to say another word before he was out of the room and walking quickly down the hall. I carefully untangled myself from Niall- who by some grace of god was still asleep- and chased Harry down the hall.
“Harry!” I grabbed his arm and he pulled away.
“Get away f’me”
He continued walking down the hall, and I almost let him until I snapped.
“Harry Edward Styles don’t you dare act like a child and walk away from me right now!” He stopped in his tracks at the tone in my voice but didn’t turn around.
“Do you think that this is fun for me? Not being able to see you at all for weeks, having to stay away from everyone and anyone just in case I could get them sick. Having to constantly be on call and working for days at a time?”
Now he turned around.
“While you have been out there, acting like a pouting child with the rest of your friends I have been trying to make poor Niall feel even the slightest bit better!” I paused for a breath. “So don’t you dare try and make me feel bad about comforting our friend. Dont. you. Dare!”
I realized then that a few tears of exhaustion and frustration had slipped down my cheeks. I swiped them off and waited in buzzing quiet as he walked toward me. His head was facing the ground when he finally got over to me.
“Im stupid.” he finally said in a small voice. He reached out and put both his hands on my arms, still respecting the distance I wished to maintain, but allowing some sort of comforting touch for the both of us.
“Yeah, you have been.”
“Does it help if I say that I’m sorry and I never should have acted like a child because you were just helping Niall?”
“Of course it helps Harry”
“Are you still mad at me?”
“I mean, a little. You acted like a douche.” he let out a disappointed huff, but still nodded in agreement.
“Are you mad enough that we should talk about it more before we both go to bed?” I thought for a  minute but the second I looked up at his cinnamon roll curls I knew the answer. I let out a dramatic sigh and opened my arms.
“No. come here” after a hug that the both of us had been waiting for over weeks, he released me and gave me a short kiss on the top of my head.
“Goodnight love.”
So finally I made it back to my room, turned out the lights and settled into my own bed. It was colder without him in it.
“y/n/n” someone whispered in my ear and I jumped awake. Harry stood over me pale and looking half dead.
“Oh no. oh god no. you’ve got it don’t you.” he did a slight nod before throwing off his shoes and jumping into the bed with me. One part of my brain went warm, comfy. The other was screaming expletives at him and myself for not being more careful. He nestled up next to me and placed his head in the crook of my shoulder.
“Well, at least now you get to hang out with me
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darcyolsson · 1 year
wait when does someone murder a bunch of people and replace them with clones?? and what is meant by the devil flashes a kid. i am at a loss
first one is in the dream thieves, chapter 59, kavinsky reveals to ronan that he killed his dad and proko and replaced them with dream copies:
“I’m not doing this,” Ronan said. One thousand nightmares of Matthew dead. Blood in his curls, blood in his teeth, flies in his eyes, flies in his guts.“You won’t get away with this.” “I got away with dear old dad,” Kavinsky observed. “And Prokopenko. And no offense to your brother, but they were a lot more complicated.” “This was the wrong play. I will destroy you.” “Don’t let me down, Lynch.”
the other one also happened in the dream thieves, in chapter 12, basically ronan has this memory of one of his father's creatures (which he thought was the actual devil, but obviously is just a dream creature) showing niall his dick lol:
"Niall Lynch had had a gun in hand — the Lynches had an enormous number of guns of all sizes — and just as Ronan had opened the gate, his father had shot the thing about thirteen times in the head. With a shake of its horns, the unharmed devil had presented its genitalia to Niall Lynch before bounding off. It was an image that had yet to leave Ronan"
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1d-trashcan · 1 year
Jojo listens to the show for the first time: the unhinged edition
The show
If you leave me
is for the girls with attachment issues ty niall
Never grow up
hope we still fight about bands that we love, bro HOPE YOU KNOW i’m not settling down with anyone that fights me about 1D. That’s a red flag bestie.
Listen I hear you but “suffice it to say that the existence of broccoli in no way affects the taste of chocolate.” - John Green
“And gravity comes and wraps her arms around you again” Niall is so real for this
You could start a cult
I love that he’s in love but I can’t wait until I get to scream this at him bc YES I’LL FOLLOW YOU TIL THERE’S NO TOMORROW
omg harmonica YES🥹🥹🥹
Save my life
Ooh it’s giving a lil flicker i love it
Also the “AAAH” YESSSS
last comments: I am an emotional WRECK
On a Night Like Tonight
“Is the silence a little too much”, Niall i can’t even listen to music bc my anxiety drowns it out
Yes Niall, it is just science but it hurts rn
This is for the through the dark girlies (i am a through the dark girlie)
Must be love
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