#niall horan heacanon
ameliora-j · 2 years
— niall horan masterlist 𐐪𐑂
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heacanons i’ve written (none yet)
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Daydream|Niall Horan
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Title: Daydream
Song(s): Daydreamin’ by Ariana Grande
Warning(s): None
Summary: Where Niall has a crush on someone who’s already taken. 
It was all stupid really, the feelings he was feeling. He knew no matter much he convinced himself he didn’t like her, the moment he was alone the feelings would come crashing over him like a tidal wave. From the way, her hair was always perfectly styled to the way her eyes shone so bright when talking about something she loved. The amount of passion she held for herself and her worth was perhaps the most sexist thing he has ever seen. Niall had fallen, and he had fallen deep. 
Her laughter rang through the air, as his hands dug into her sides, the frantic sounds filling the air making him laugh. Her cheeks sore from the amount of laughter she had done. Finally letting go, she let out a puff of air throwing herself onto the couch beside him, the city lights glowing bringing to life one the most beautiful scenes she’d ever seen. 
She felt at peace, happy even something she hadn’t felt in months. She wasn’t sure how it happened, one minute she’s dropping Kenny off at school and the next she finds herself having coffee with the blue-eyed man. No, she wasn’ t cheating, at least not to her she wasn’t. Either way, despite her feelings towards the Irishman she remained faithful, she wasn’t sure if the same thing applied to her so-called boyfriend. 
Niall wasn’t in the loop with everything going on, not that he even wished he was. He knew there was a great chance if giving the option he would’ve made his move. No matter how wrong it sounded, he loved her. My God, did he love her. He couldn’t explain how it all came to be, all he knew was one day while grabbing coffee with her and a couple others it just hit. The neverending feeling of longing and wishing he could hold her. He wondered if she ever noticed the way he paid extra attention to when she was talking, or when they had game nights at his place how he always made sure to have her favorite snacks and wine. 
“Sometimes, I wished it was like this.” she breathed out looking back at the screen, not wanting to say too much. She knew her next words were powered by the alcohol running freely in her veins. “Just you and I.” 
“Y/N..” he breathed out feeling his shield melt and every single word he craved to say at the tips of his tongue. Day by day Niall found it harder to keep in what he was feeling and having her sitting here on his couch a little tipsy and flushed cheeks made him blush. 
“No Ni, I’m serious.” 
Niall watched doe-eyed, as she got onto her knees and rested her hands on his shoulder to steady herself. Chuckling softly he held her waist for extra stability. Her eyes were bright as she continued off rambling why she wished it was just them sometimes, his heart aching before he too wanted that. He wanted to be able to wake up to her in the morning, share all the lows and the highs that this life had to offer. He wanted that and so much more. 
“Darlin’ you have a boyfriend.” 
She stopped staring into his eyes before everything came pouring out of her lips as he sat there in complete and utter shock. His mind racing as she confirmed rumors he had heard but dismissed, how Jackson had gone off on a business trip and slept with one of his colleagues. His heart aches not only for her but little Kenny as well. The mere thought of Kenny was enough for Niall, he couldn’t understand how a father could ever do a thing like that.
“-and he left me Niall.” she breathed out. Niall knew this wasn’t the ideal situation that this wasn’t how she envisioned life, especially not for Kenny. Though Kenny wasn’t her son, she cared for him as one and knew she was concerned about having to tell him that. “How do you tell little kids this?” she breathed out as he tugged her closer. 
“I’m here darlin’“ he breathed out into her hair as she finally felt the watergates come open. Her tears staining his crisp white shirt as he held her tighter, the sound of her sobs overpowering the low volume of the movie and the busy streets. 
“Please don’t leave me.” 
“I’d never.” 
Looking up to meet his eyes, she felt all her fears and worries flood away. His smile bringing her a sense of comfort as the overwhelming feeling to kiss him took over. The need in knowing what his lips taste like, what they felt like against her owns. The need to know how tightly he’d hold her, to see his face as he’s brought to a state of bliss. 
“Can I-fuck-can I kiss you?” 
Wide-eyed he nodded his head frantically, as she neared forward. Her breath lingering softly over his lips, groaning softly his hand traveled to the back of his neck as he lowered his lips and placed them softly against hers. It was perfect, sweet and slow, the way he tugged her closer had her mind racing and her body aching for his touch. 
Pulling away she couldn’t help the soft giggle that escaped her lips, the kiss tasted like a mix of her salty tears and the Stella he had been sipping on. It was perfect and truly them, from the way he was placing soft kisses from her cheek back to her lips. 
“The best feeling in the world.” 
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Irreplaceable|Niall Horan
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Prompt(s): “Can you please come and get me?”
Taglist: @anjalovestheworld
He didn’t mean too, God he seriously didn’t mean too. The second be heard her voice he knew it was too late, the sweet sound causing his eyes to glass over and his emotions to run wild. The bitter taste of vodka rested on his tongue doing little to soothe the pain he had been feeling since he allowed her to walk away from him, away from them. His hand rasing signialing the bartender for a refill.
“Niall?” she breathed out, wide awake despise her state before. Her heart racing once his sweet accent finally hit her ears.
“Can you please come and get me?” he breathed out, his head pounding as everything became too much. The sound of her voice mixed with the alcohol in his veins.
It wasn’t long before she was stumbling through the crowd looking for him. Her heart humming rapidly as reality kicked in, she had left her bed in the middle of the night to come to his rescue. She left her home, to go find him even after all the hell ge put her though. The moment their eyes locked, he felt a since of comfort as she neared.
“Why are you doing this Niall..” she breathed out pushing the half full glass away from him. His cheeks rosy and eyes glassed over as he gave a small smile.
“Cause you left.”
“I left because you told me too..”
“But I didn’t want ya too love.” He breathed out causing her breath to stop and his head to drop because in that moment he realized she was irreplaceable. 
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
The Art Of Pretending 0.5|Niall Horan
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Series: Art of Pretending 
Title: Almost Time 
Warning(s): None 
Summary: Where the day of their departure is leaving and Amelia can’t help but feel the pressure build up. 
Series Masterlist: Here
It’s been three weeks since Amelia and Niall had their heart to heart after brunch, since then she had vowed to herself to help him feel as comfortable as possible in the situation they were in. Granted, he was the one in need of a girlfriend. Amelia liked to think she knew Niall enough to know this wasn’t something he was fond of or every necessarily comfortable with and knew it was a last minute decision. That was one of the many reasons why her room looked as if a tornado had passed through, the amount of clothes and shoes scattered around were unhealthy. 
Walking into her room Deo did a double take not being able to process what he was looking at, he had Niall mentally freaking in one corner he didn’t need an angry Portuguese woman on the other either. “What happened?” He chuckled softly as he found himself a empty corner of her bed to sit on. 
“What does one take to this family reunion?” She mumbled, this wasn’t something she was at all familiar with. She knew outside of the glitz and the glam that is Niall’s life, he’s nothing more than a chilled back lad who loves nothing more than strumming on his guitar. In sense it all seemed dramatic of her, but than again she was meeting her not-boyfriend’s-but boyfriend’s family. It also didn’t help that was starting to develop a bit of a crush on the blue eyed Irishman. 
“You don’t need much babe..” He mumbled as he looked around the room sighing before joining her on the floor and helping sort through a couple of tops. “You nervous aren’t you?” He finally asked a she nodded her head leaning back and looking him in the eyes. 
“I just never had to deal with anything like this before.” She huffed placing a few more shirts in the suitcase. Sure, she’s meant many parents but she’s never meet someone’s parents the first time and at a family reunion none the less. “Plus it’s also a wedding..” She huffed out as he let out a chuckling waving her off. 
“Hey it’ll all be good, Niall and I will both be there.” He reminded her as she shrugged her shoulders not wanting to engage in any more conversation. She had promised Niall she’d stop by later but by the way things are going the chances of her actually leaving her flat anytime soon as rather slim and nonexistent. 
“Still don’t know where we’re going..” She huffed as she smiled faintly thinking back to the conversation her and Niall had last week. He was running through the list of all potential family members they might see and the actives they would be doing while away. As he had promised he had a packed agenda in hopes of giving them both enough time away from the praying eyes of his family and close ones around. 
“Heard he got some pretty big actives though.” Deo smiled he tossed a pair of leggings into the bag making her scowl him at his messiness. He also knew something she didn’t know but wasn’t going to be the one in telling her. He was more than delight when Niall had confessed just how of a liking he had taken on to the pretty girl he was introduced too. “Doing anything today?” He asked as she frowned. 
“Yeah packing.”
“I meant are you seeing him today twat!” He laughed throwing a few shirts at her as she giggled lightly and shrugged her shoulders. As much as she’d like to follow through on her promise, packing was taken longer than she admitted and she had a document she had to review before leaving bright and early Monday morning. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“He said you were.” 
“He also said he’d tell me where we’re going.” She tease bitterly as Deo knew she got him. Though he wanted nothing more than to help his cousin out he couldn’t help but have ulterior motives. Deo liked to think he knew Amelia enough that Niall would hopefully check a few more than half of the boxes on her little checklist, and he knew Niall enough to know that Amelia most certainly checked all of his boxes. 
“Thought he did, but someone in the Caribbean.” He stated not really remembering the exact location seeing as Niall had promised that they could ride with him and Amelia when he was booking the jet. “Don’t know much, Niall’s more informed than myself and Willy.” 
“Still don’t know, why I’m friends with you lot.” 
With loud sigh she let herself skin into the cushions around her, Niall’s moments heard in the kitchen as he popped open a bottle of wine. It wasn’t long before he was joining her and reaching over to select a movie. Her eyes were slightly closed as she leaned farther in hopes of finding a comfortable position. Much to Niall’s pleasure she had kept up with her end of the bargain, seeing as Deo was actually some sort of help. 
He had ordered take out and the two were now more than ready to let the rest of the night pass by as they comfortably watched whatever movie seemed decent. Her muscles were sore and tense as the relation that in a matter of three days she would be whisky away in a fancy place to a out of this world location. 
“Are you ready?” He asked as he pulled up A Christmas Prince, she couldn’t help but smile at the choice of movie. 
“Just about yeah.” She breathed out trying to face him as he smiled and nodded his head. His mind was spinning in hopes of maybe using this time in being a bit more flirty and open with her. He knew where his feelings stood and just hoped she somewhat felt the same. 
“We land mid-afternoon.” He stated as she nodded her head, he mind wondering to all the time in the sun she’d be getting. Though the beach won’t be her ideal place it’ll make for great pictures and a killer tan. “I was thinking we hit the beach or something.” He muttered as she nodded her head. 
“Sound’s wonderful Niall.” She smiled softly leaning over and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. “Just hope you don’t get sick of me.” She giggled softly as he rolled her eyes. 
“Could never get sick of you love.” 
“Look at us all sappy, it’s like we are actually a couple.” She giggled softly before turning her attention back to the movie and trying her hardest to forget about the handsome boy sitting before her.
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
A Cup of Coffee|Niall Horan
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Series: A Cup of Coffee
Title: Articles and Blue Eyes
Warning(s): None
Summary: Jade‘s torn between following her heart or skipping out on the cute guy from the coffee shop.
Maybe it was the cool fall air, or maybe it was her sudden need for a good cup of coffee. She didn’t know what it was but she soon found herself dressed in leggings, a long sleeve shirt and black flats walking down the streets of New York as she made her way towards a place she would soon call a second home. Pushing the door to the small coffee shop open she sighed in content as she made her way to the front ordering a cup of coffee.
She can’t seem to get the words out on the document before her, here she was all her life waiting for the day she finally landed her dream job. Now she has it and her anxiety is eating her alive as she chews on the inside of her cheek, she had her research, she had the facts but the words wouldn’t come to mind. No amount of papers she’d written prepared her for this, but yet she knew she could do it with just a little push, and a little push was just what she got as her phone buzzed besides her coffee mug.
Incoming call from Danielle
Smiling she quickly answered the call as Danielle’s rushed voice sounded making her chuckle softly at her friend’s words. “Hey, Dani slow down. I gotta understand what’re saying before I give you an answer.” She stated as Danielle laughed from the other line and slowed down.
“Sorry babe, wanted to know what you’re up too tonight??”
“Can’t go out tonight, wanna finish this rough draft and send it to Alex before I focus on a social life..” She sighed as she stared at the open tabs on her iPad and Mac trying to find the words to say just want she needed to say.
“Hey, don’t stress yourself babe, this is only a online article..” She reminded her as a soft groan escaped her lips.
“All the more reason why it has to be perfect..” She muttered not even noticing the brunette man who was studying her from his place in the front as he awaited for his order.
“Do you want help? Libby and I can come over with wine and help you brainstorm?” She suggested as she stood up from her couch.
“No-no it’s fine..” She mumbled as the words seemed to finally be coming to her. “I’m not even home..” She added as her fingers worked the keyboard quickly placing her thoughts into words.
“Not home? Girl where are you?”
“That coffee shop near the office, hey I’ll call you guys when I’m done?” She asked as she started pulling the facts together.
“Of sure, if it’s not to late wanna stop by? We can order take out???” Danielle offered as Jade agreed and promised to either text or call once her article was finished and sent to Alex.
She chewed softly on the inside of her cheek as her eyes quickly scanned the written passage checking for any mistake or changes that could be made. She had promised Cathy a perfectly written article for the online segment of relationships in the making this week. It was hard working with a magazine when work seemed to follow you home. It was never ending, but she loved it. She loved her job and wouldn’t want change it for anything else in the world.
“Is this seat taken??”
Looking up she was meet with the most bluest of blue eyes as the guy stood before her. His left hand was holding a white mug similar to her own. He wore dark blue jeans, a light cream color long sleeve. His hair was left in somewhat of a messy hairstyle but fitting his attire perfectly. Blushing she nodded her head and cleaned up around her making room for him to sit.
“I’m Niall and you are?” He asked taken note of her flushed cheeks and somewhat messy hair that he assumed was from all the times she had ran her figures through them.
“Jade.” She stated softly as he smiled and leaned closer to her with a soft smile on his lips.
“Well Jade I have to say, you managed to capture my attention from the moment I walked into this place..” He winked as she quickly looking down at a part of her article and changed it.
Sometimes you find the right person in the least most likely of places, but its your choice to pursue that relationship or wonder about all that could’ve been.
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
The Art of Pretending 0.6|Niall Horan
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Series: Art of Pretending
Title: Introductions
Warning(s): None
Summary: It’s there first day at Niall’s family reunion and the wedding is only two weeks away.
Series Masterlist: Here
The humidity was slowly killing Amelia as she following Niall down the stone path that would lead them to their home for the next three weeks. This surely wasn’t how she ever expected her first time in Bali to go, either the less the view was breathtaking and the company wasn't sore on the eyes either. Once stepping into the air conditioned villa a lovely sigh escaped her lips. Her bag and carry on following to the floor as Niall let out a chuckle.
“Alright there flower?”
Looking at him she nodded her head softly before walking deeper into the home, it wasn’t big but it was roomy and homey. The view of the ocean making her smile as she looked back at him.
“Trynna impress?”
She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips, his smile wide. as he dropped the bags scooping her up in his arms. Her laughing hanging in the air as he placed soft wet kisses onto her face, this was something he learned she loved. Finally placing her back down on her feet, he sighed.
“You sure you’re okay with sharing with me?” he mumbled as she tuned in his arms to face him. “I can request a bigger villa.” he pressed on, the last thing he wanted was to ruin whatever real chance with her he got. Somewhere on the flight there Deo had convinced Niall into actually pursuing something with Amelia. 
“Niall..” she moan softly feet stomping on the ground softly making him chuckle at her childish ways. “I told you it’s fine!” she chuckled placing a soft kiss on is and running up the stairs. 
Running up the stairs she starred at the three bedroom doors that were open, she wasn't sure how she even got here. One moment she was just a simple girl trying to make it through and the next she was posing as Niall Horan’s Girlfriend. Sighing, she walked into the room that was straight ahead, the four post king sized bed facing the opened balcony doors. The light ocean breeze flooding in giving it the most amazing view of the ocean. 
“Knew you’d like this one.” 
Niall couldn’t help but chuckle as he watched her fix her hair one more time before his parents arrived, narrowing her eyes at him he chuckled softly. “They’ll love you petal.” he shrugged as she sighed feeling the sudden guilt work its way into her.
“I don’t want to hurt them Ni.” she breathed out scared that anyone could hear and possibly out them, that and the fact that pictures had already leaked of their arrival. Niall never talked about the outside world knowing and that thought alone was terrifying.
“I won’t.”
“But we’re lying..” she hissed out, the same gut feeling he got with Deo was coming back. The feeling of wanting and craving bubbling inside.
“We’ll talk later.” he sighed catching his parents from the side of his eye. It was show time, he just hoped the same chemistry they had behind closed doors can come to play. “Mum, dad this Amelia.”
Her eyes widen slightly as the blond Irish woman came rushing her way with open arms. The sweet smell of vanilla and peppermint invading her senses as she giggled softly before tugging away.
“It’s so lovely to meet you.”
“Pleasures all mine dear.” she chuckled softly leaning over to press a kiss to her son’s cheek. “This one can’t shut up about you.” she added with wink.
“Don’t be nervous darling.” Bobby chuckled softly leaning across the table to place his hands over hers. A bright smile lighting up his face as he sent her a cheeky wink. “We don’t bite.”
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Cup of Coffee 0.3|Niall Horan
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Series: Cup of Coffee 
Title: First Date 
Warning(s): None 
Summary: The one where Jade and Niall finally go on their first date. 
Niall Horan was good at many things, one thing Niall wasn’t good at was dating. He couldn’t recall the last time he had gone out with a girl, let alone a girl he was so infatuated with. His mind was wreaking itself in as he found himself scrolling through google at articles to help him perfect the absolute most beautiful impeccable date she’d ever had the pleasure of being taken on. Looking back at his computer screen he couldn’t help but let out a slightly frustrated groan, the conversation he had with her earlier on the phone replaying itself in his mind as he thought long and hard of where to go on this date. 
His hands were shaking slightly as he stood in front of her door, the soft sound of her voice was heard along with a few others laced in. He wasn’t sure what was more nerve wreaking the thought of taken her on this carefully thought date or the mere fact that he was only a piece of wood away from meeting her friends. His mind running through all the things he should and shouldn’t say. With a deep breathe and a quick pep talk his fist was colliding with the soil oak door and the sound of voices stopped briefly before the door was flanged opened. 
“Hey.” She smiled softly cheeks slightly flushed, he couldn’t help but relax farther as she quickly reached over grabbing her bag and shouting a quick good-bye to those inside. Once safely alone in the comfort of the hallway he held out his hand for her to take. “and where are we going?” She asked softly as he led them out towards the front of the building making his anxiety built up. 
“Hope you don’t mind walking..” He mumbled softly as she shook her head walking down the slightly busy streets of her neighborhood. He wanted nothing more than to get to know her better and to give her the opportunity to ask whatever questions she might have, sure they have been texting here and there but there was nothing like being before the person in a relaxed environment. 
“Not at all..” She assured him as they walked deeper into the chaos that is New York City, her cheeks flushed from the cool autumn air and few too many glasses of wine she sipped on while getting ready. She didn’t know much about him but she knew enough to know he screamed money and power. Thanks to Libby’s research she knew a few facts about his business in hopes of not making fool out of herself, that and the fact that Alex did write a piece about powerful businessman and woman in todays society that just so happened to feature his business. 
He knew it was crazy the moment they showed up to his business building, her leg shaking lightly as she watched him open up the door for her with a soft smile. Walking inside she looked around the lobby seeing the huge sign that welcomed each and every single person each day. The sign that told her that this was real and this was happening, Niall wasn’t sure what had possessed him to pick his building out of all the ones in downtown Manhattan. He knew it was a sense of security and knowing that she would be most comfortable in a place where people weren’t starring, or maybe it was his own selfish desire to keep her hidden and all for himself. 
“Come on.” He smiled softly as he nodded at the night guard before taken her to the elevator and pressing the last floor. He knew it was somewhat egotistical to bring her here as well, but when he saw the idea on his screen he knew this was perfect. 
One thing that never changed was the view of the city as night, he watched from a few feet behind her. Her dark hair blowing in the wind as her eyes took in the scene before her, walking closer he couldn’t help but just stand and admire the way she looked in the city lights. The small little set up he had asked her assistant on doing was beyond his expectations, the containers that held her favorite food sat waiting for them as she turned to look at him with a soft smile. 
“How’d you know?” 
“I just had a feeling..” He mumbled softly taken her hand and leading her to the massive bed of blankets laid out on the cold floor for them. The sounds of roaring planes up above mixed with those of the car horns and loud chatter giving off a calming vibe. The city lights in the distances making her swoon as her heart swelled at the amount of thought he must’ve put into this one date. 
“Sit with me on this rooftop and telling everything and anything that comes to mind.” He mumbled as he pulled up a blanket wrapping her tightly as she leaned back taken in his appearance. His hair slightly messy as his white button down top rested snuggly against his frame, his massive hands resting on her covered thighs as he leaned back watching her ever move. 
“I’ve always wanted to be a writer, since I was younger really.” She mumbled softly looking up at the darken sky. His eyes soften as he took a seat besides her watching and waiting carefully almost scared to blink and miss something. “It wasn’t till I was about sixteen that things felt more real, knowing that college was getting closer and so was the ending of life as I knew it.” She stated as he nodded his head. 
“How’d you end up at Glamour?” He asked curiously, pouring them each a glass of wine. Taken the cup from his hands she smiled softly tracing the rim with her bright red nails. 
“It was suppose to be just an internship.” She stared out with a soft giggle shaking her head, she knew she had to count her blessings everyday for all the opportunities she had been blessed with. “It all sorta just happened, one day I’m running around getting everyone coffee and the next I’m being asked to sit in for a sick editor. Next thing I know Cathy’s asking me to if I’d like a more permanent position.” 
“I was about fifteen when I first got into business..” He started as she smiled fondly wanting to know each and every single aspect about him. She craved to know the deeper version of him that only his close friends and family got to see. She craved to know what he’d be like in times of stress and in times off need. What was his go too snacks when he wanted something to munch on, what inspired him to move across seas and invest in foreign grounds. 
“My father had just gotten home from one of his many business trips and was talking to my mother about some sort of investment he was working on. In that moment it all just clicked, I know it sounds weird but that’s sorta how it happened for me.” He shrugged not knowing what to say but wanting to say anything that would give her a feeling into a little bit more about him. 
“Why New York?” 
“When I was first thinking of expanding I never thought America would be a concept for myself or my business. Something about this concrete jungle was intimidating and frightful, the fear of failure was there. I was so secure and comfortable back with my branches in London and Dublin I didn’t feel the need to expand any farther.” He stated as she nodded her head having some what of an understanding. 
“What changed?” He couldn’t help but smile at her sudden curiosity and interested in everything he had to say. She wasn’t asking just to ask, but she was asking in a way that had him swooning over her every word and movement. The amount of interest and attention she was giving him wasn’t one he was used to unless it involved a business aspect of conversation. 
“My mother was over at the office in London…” he started off with a faint smile, his eyes looking over at the world around them. At was at moments like these that he realized just how small and insignificant he really was compared to all the wonders in the world. “It was late and I had promised to go over for dinner but I was working on a new merger. She came over and say the land proposal on my desk and she just took one look at me and knew.” 
“She knew you weren’t going to take it?” She asked placing a soft hand over his, turning over to look at her he chuckled lightly and nodded his head. 
“Yeah she did.” He stated as she nodded her head wanting him to continue. “She told me to take risks in life, if I win, I can lead others. But if I lose, I can guide.” He stated as she giggled softly nodding her head understanding just what his mother was talking about. 
“How long have you had this office in New York?” She asked looking around the massive rooftop, she knew very little about his business other than he was a investor and deals with loans here and there as well. 
“About three years now, I had a few branches here and there but nothing settled like this.” He stated a she nodded her head feeling a strange sense of pride built up within her. “I go back to London and Dublin every now and again to check up. Right now though New York is my main priority.” 
“It’s you’re baby I get it.” She stated as he turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow causing her to giggle and study him for a second before speaking back up. “When I first started writing, it was this tiny little bag segment every other week on Glamour something that Cathy needed to see my potential before throwing me into the world wind, I need to nourish it and care for it like a baby. Kinda like what you’re doing here in New York. It’s still fresh and new, you can’t start it up and say here. You have to take baby steps in making sure everything is perfect and everyone knows their place.” 
He couldn’t help but chuckle lightly and press a soft kiss to her temple, she was smarter than she gave herself credit for. Something Niall picked up on quickly from the few amount fo texts they had exchanged, she was witty. “You would make a fantastic business woman.” He smiled as she shook her head. 
“Oh heavens no, I’ll that up to you.” She giggled but widen her eyes lightly with a soft chuckle. “But if I’m ever willing to dabble in the future I know who to turn to as in investor.” She winked causing a soft smile to escape his lips. 
“You are something else Jade Miller.” 
“Something good?” 
“No, way better than good.” 
Her smile was bright as they waltzed down the street back to her apartment, the city alive with the sounds of chatter and the noises of the cars on the streets. Her heart beating incredibly fast, she wasn’t sure how but he had managed to sweep her off her feet. Her eyes were sparkling as he spook lividly about of his most recent ventures he was excited about, his cheeks were rosy and she didn’t once miss the way his eyes crinkled slightly when he smiled brightly or the way his pearly whites shinned in the city lights. 
“Is it bad that I don’t want this to end?” He asked softly taken her into a soft embrace the moment they reached her building. Her heating pounding and mind racing as the words escaped his lips. “I don’t this type of thing..” He breathed out not sure what to say but knew what he wanted. 
“What type of thing?” She asked nervously, this whole night was to perfect for her to leave on a note of uncertainty. She was developing feelings and she wanted nothing more than to stay put and see where things would lead. 
“The type of thing where I haven’t even drop off at home and I miss ya darling..” He hummed out as she smiled softly wanting to crash her lips against his in hopes of showing him she was just as he was. 
“Oh my god..” She giggled softly causing him to smile softly hoping he was saying the right things in hopes of being able to see her again. “You’re too cute.” 
“Cute enough for a second date?” 
“Definitely cute enough for a second date.” 
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