#ngl what would Prolly Help is if Everyone Got Out Of The Damn House. what is my deeeeeeal
toytulini · 1 month
one more baja blast. either im going to clean this tank or fall miserably asleep while screaming and crying trying
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milks-writings · 4 years
Hi hi hi!!! Omg LOVE your headcanons!! Can I please have one with Kyoutani, Koganegawa and Aone (most under appreciated squad) as boyfriends?! Thanks so much!!
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Kentarō Kyōtani x GN!Reader;   Kanji Koganegawa x GN!Reader;   Takanobu Aone x GN!Reader
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: swearing, crackkk
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕒/𝕟: underrated squad headcanons are da best don’t @ me
I really hope you like those too! And thank you for requesting, I love writing for underrated boyos <3<3
☆*.:。.✿ 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
☆*.:。.✿ Headcanons:
Kyōtani, Koganegawa, and Aone as boyfriends:
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Ok not always, almost never but he is!!!
I think he will def be shy around you and barely do the first steps since he is a little bit too shy and scared to make you uncomfortable
Ngl, at first you were totally scared of him aojsdfa
But who wouldn’t be??
He is totally that type of boyfriend who gets all quiet and affectionate whenever he is jealous
He gets jealous easily, since he is insecure, not about you not loving him, but about him not being enough :(
I can also see him being this cuddly type, and be into PDA
Like he will just randomly hug you in public, but not really give kisses?
Idk man I never dated him you tell me pls
But fr he will be into hugs and holding hands in public if that’s okay with you!!!
A gentleman
He will walk you home if you waited for him to finish practice and make sure that you are safe awe
He will listen to you!!! Always!!! And he gives a big fuck over what Iwaizumi says
After you came into his life he barely started to listen to Iwaizumi if you were around
And will always compliment you if you wear something new
Will take you to the sweetest dates!
Like for example he once took you to stargaze and also to a restaurant you were talking about a few weeks ago
He might not give you many kisses, but he makes it up with the sweetest hugs and cuddles
He could never say the three words first and will start of with “I like you”
But after a while of being together with you that three words will turn into “I love you”
He will def take things slow since he has no idea about dating, but is totally down to learn new things about dating!
Probably confessed just randomly under a tree, without no plan what to say
Gets pretty easily embarrassed awe, so if you tease him there is a 99% chance of him getting embarrassed
Like he will do anything for you to stay safe n so on
Of course the other two are also worried about you but he is probably the most protective out of them three
Behind the doors, he is so clingy and a baby
100000% a babey for you
No fr, he is such a smoll baby, and I am so sure he loves resting his head on your lap while you two cuddle 🥺
He will spoil you with anything you want! If you mention something like you liked this or that the next day it’s in front of your door, wrapped in a sweet paper!
Him dating would have not many downs since he always apologizes first and tends to be really insecure. I feel like he would be this type of boyfriend who is a little awkward at first, but will warm up pretty quickly
He won’t call you things like darling, babe etc. but he will get a very sweet nickname out of your name and add something like chan since he thinks its more personal this way???
If you get what I mean;;;
He is also this type of boyfriend who is very patient!
His favourite thing to do with you is watching films while cuddling
He isn’t the type to talk much, so he loves listening to your rambling, but sometimes if he needs to get off something from his chest, he will just tell you without hesitating since he knows that you will listen
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His one braincell is 100% not working around you
Soooooo, first of all, he is so soft
Like not only in the relationship but in general
So if you get into a relationship with him think twice if you can take his one braincell brain
If you can, then yay, you got the sweetest boyfriend ever 🥳
I feel like he would be this boyfriend everyone loves, because he is so sweet and a little dumb, but handsome!
He is a big softie and would do anything with you, if you want to go to somewhere he would arrange that
But you have to take care of him since he is literally baby
He is def into PDA and will give you a few kisses here and there
And he gets immediately into this whole dating thing!
It’s pretty easy to date him, since he is simple-minded and you will immediately understand what he wants
As dates I can imagine him taking you often to the arcade or to the amusement park, just to fool around with you at those places
He doesn’t mind being in public while hugging you or showering you in kisses, but if you don’t like it, he won’t do it :)
Respects you a lot! Sometimes you would think that he does not drink his respect  wo/men juice but he does!
I feel like he would def be a big baby, so he is pretty clingy n so on but in a sweet way
Sometimes it might get annoying though but if you tell him he will immediately stop
He is very well mannered, you might not think this way since he radiates the biggest crackhead energy, but in a restaurant, on a date, he is behaving so well just so you can enjoy the time with him <3
No way he is insecure, I think that he would never been very insecure, but if he is, its just because someone told him something really mean like ‘They don’t love you’
If he gets jealous it’s he is baby
Honestly when is he not?
He will just pout the whole time and be so clingy ugh
But in a cute way
He would def get jealous easily, not giving him attention might make him jealous
But he is not that toxic type of jealous!
He really needs much attention, almost like a puppy, so you have to be a person who would take that
Is that type of boyfriend who would cuddle you everywhere where its possible!
Loves giving you small kisses, on cheek, forehead, nose tip, corner of your mouth, small pecks are very important to him!
He would buy you always ice cream while walking back home!
Though he has no money for something else to buy you---
So he spoils you with ice cream :)
Sometimes, he would just randomly come over to your house and ask you if you want to cuddle <3
Your parents would def love him because they know that he is just a softie and would do nothing to you
If you are also a crackhead that’s def a big plus point
He would be into those type of things where he snuggles up to your side while placing his head on your shoulder and just be a softie
He would also always ask you If you need ever help with something
Will call aone if someone if being mean to you just to protect you >:(
He is not very protective, but still always makes sure that you are fine <3
All in one I would say that he is the best boyfriend who everyone would love to have, even though he might be sometimes a lil dumb. He would do anything for you, and if you need help, he would be immediately there, without hesitating. Also, he is a big baby, and 100% bottom, idc what you say :(
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Ngl at first you were a lil scared of him
At first, it might have been a little harsh for you to date since he shows barely any expressions but him hugging you, giving you small pecks n so on would reassure you that he is an actually big softie
100% radiates best boyfriend vibes
Like, for you he is the sweetest person on earth but if someone only looks weird at you then he will kill them with his gaze
He is not into PDA at all, just sometimes holds your hand in public and so on, but not more than holding hands
But behind the doors, he is the person who would cuddle you till death 🥺
Yes, he just gives this vibe off, do not question
He would def take you on very expensive dates, like to restaurants, but also to the cinema to bring something different into this dating thing
At first, he would be prolly a little bit weird with dating, and he would have no idea what to do, but gets into it pretty quickly!
He is a little bit insecure since he barely shows expressions, but the small smiles and small laughs he gives you reassure you that you are not dating a fucking stone
He doesn’t get jealous really easily, but he does tend to get jealous
Like if someone gets too close to you, in an uncomfortable way
And then he will just wrap his arm around your shoulder, but stay quiet
Like Kyoutani he is not the person who talks much, but I guess he talks a little bit more than him?
So if you had an exhausting day he has no problem to let you ramble about it
He will also try to talk more if you really want him to
Once even let you draw eyebrows on his non-existing ones but you two just ended up cringing and you have never done it again hshsaodif
He loves being the big spoon and having you in his arms!
Would also sometimes come over with some food for your fam since his mother told him to do so, but also because he really wants your family to like him
At first they were probably a little bit confused bout why he is so,,, idk,,, emotionless?
But after seeing him smile at you so tenderly and hold you like you are his everything they fell in love with him as well!
This type of boyfriend where no one knows why you date him but after a time they would probably find out;
Before he kisses you, hugs you, or holds your hand he always asks for permission!
Also, he is protective! Not very much, like in the middle of the other two
If he sees that someone is clearly making you uncomfortable or feeling weird he will just glare at them but uses no violent ways
Sometimes he has to ask you for advice what he has to do next since he doesn’t want to mess up awe :( <3
He loves playing with your hair and doing it!
He will always do it whenever he gets the chance to
Aone is the type of boyfriend who will always bring small snacks for you, it’s his way to spoil you
All in one I would say that he may not show much expression with his facial expressions, but his small kisses and hugs, also snacks he brings always for you to make sure that you eat well, shows that he cares a lot about you. Sometimes he even cracks a smile and is also surprised himself how soft you have gotten him. He is a little bit insecure since he knows that you could’ve gotten a way better boyfriend, but again, this kind of reassures him that you choose him for who he is and that you are dating him, not his looks etc.
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