#ngl the threat to close the boarding school bc of the kids was kind of a dick move
lichtecht · 7 months
of the dfk audiobook translation
Uli: „I messed it up.“ Matze: „Huh? Why you? That was all of us together…“
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Uli: „…“ Uli: „…I want to get out of here. Of Kirchberg.“ Matze, jokingly: „Hey, I'm taking that personally!“ Uli: „…“ Uli: „I had hoped so much that I’d do something brave.“ Matze: „… Come, we’ll go inside.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Herr Bökh watches his protégés from the window. They seem pretty depressed to him.
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Narrator (audiobook): And then the handsome Theodor is standing there as well.
Theodor: „Well, well, well! Our filmmakers.“ Martina: „Ugh, and now him.“ Theodor: „And? Was there overtime shooting in the assembly hall?“
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Jo: „Yeah. So much work.“ Theodor: „It’s half past seven, and you haven’t been in the assembly hall all afternoon. I’m really sorry, but I have to report that to Herr Bökh.“ Jo: „Come on… Theo…“ Theodor (imitating): „Come on. Theo.“ Theodor: „Unbelievable. Come on! Go on.“
Narrator (audiobook): But before Herr Bökh gets a visit from Theodor and our friends, his telephone rings.
Bökh: „Yes, please?“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „Ah, Herr Bökh. I’m pleased to have still reached you. In sight of the circumstances, those are not pleasant.“ Bökh: „What is the matter?“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „It is no longer justifiable that your kids hurt kids in town-"
Bökh: „Yes!“
Narrator (audiobook): It knocks on Bökh’s door. The handsome Theodor and the Internals step into the office.
Direktorin Kreuzkamm (through the phone): „My daughter told me everything-“ Theodor, to the kids: „Go on.“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm (through the phone): „- A battle has apparently taken place at the shore, and you can guess three times who started it!“
The door closes. The four Internals come in, visibly battered and dirty.
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Narrator (audiobook): Herr Bökh puts the telephone on speaker so the others can listen.
Bökh: „Who?“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm, heatedly: „Your inmates! You need to do something about that.“ Bökh: „And in your opinion, what should I do? Should I close the boarding school, send the Internals home?“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „If that’s what it takes! It definitely can’t go on like this.“ Martina, quietly to Jo: „Is that Kreuzkamm?“ Jo, quietly: „Sounds like it…“ Bökh: „Frau Kreuzkamm, I will look into the matter. You can rely on me.“ Direktorin Kreuzkamm: „I would hope so! It’s your pedantics that create this aggression.“ B��kh: „Uhm… yeah, we’ll talk about that later, yes? Good.“
He quickly hangs up.
Bökh: (deep sigh)
Narrator (audiobook): Herr Bökh hangs up sighing and turns to his visitors.
Bökh: „Theo.“
Narrator (audiobook): Bökh rummages for loose change in his pocket and hands it to Theo.
Bökh: „Will you get us some snacks?“ Theodor: „Pardon?“ Bökh: „Yes, cookies, drinks, potato chips. Something like that.“
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Narrator (audiobook): Rather perplex, Theo leaves the room. Shortly after, the kids are chilling in the boarding school director’s office, enjoying the treats and listening to his words.
(slurping and crunching)
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Bökh: „So this is our mutual punishment. Mine because you don’t dare to come to me when you have trouble, and yours is that you have to listen to this old story now.“
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