#ngl it would have been funny if when they all took their blindfolds off they were like HOLY SHIT WHERE'S PURPLE
kradogsrats · 1 month
Sat down to chart out the color arrangement of the staffs at the top of the Starscraper, which was both easier and harder than I anticipated... there are just enough shots where clearly something happened that made them rearrange the background that I felt like I had to carefully check every single scene.
Anyway, this is the arrangement. I don't know why there are two Greens. I'm also not 100% sure that Red and Orange aren't supposed to be the same color... we see both Greens in the same frame a fair bit, but not enough of Red/Orange to make a judgement not affected by some kind of distortion.
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We do get one very clear acknowledgement that immediately to the right of Purple is Green.
Speaking of color distortion, this one I think is correct? It's just that the color is skewed toward yellow, making Green and Red look off.
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However, then there are some shots with true inconsistencies...
Labels here are the colors they should be, based on placement of the empty pillar (purple). These could be off because they really, really wanted to keep the empty Purple pillar visible, or even just because they made a camera angle change late in the process.
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Here, based on where everyone is standing for the rest of the scene, the Elder should be between Orange and Yellow, with Purple to his left. It seems like they rotated everyone 180 degrees.
and, of course...
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Pillars? What Pillars?
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thequeenreaders · 2 years
I just watched the JJK 0 movie and I wanna share my thoughts/experience 😶
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(May contain spoilers and manga spoilers so be careful! Also the gif is not mine!)
I was pretty pumped because its been awhile since I went into the cinemas and this is actually my second anime movie that I watched (the first one was Weathering with You and the movie is.... a i g h t)
When we were heading for the tickets, I didnt expect for the mall to have quite a lot of cosplayer from different anime or games!
Cosplayers for Demon Slayer (such as Rengoku Kyojuro).
Cosplayers for Genshin Impact (such as Xiao, Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Sucrose, and Albedo).
And ofc cosplayers for JJK (such as Yuji, NANAMI, GOJO, Yuta, Maki, Megumi, and MY BELOVED SUKUNA 🖤).
We took pictures with dem and I felt so giddy!
For the movie (i wont really describe much wot happened in the movie):
the animations was realllllllyyyyy gooood and seeing how Mappa are one of the animators, such plus!
I was kinda surprised that the movie felt short (even if its 1h 40m +), but its packed with a good story and animations 😤
Its a common rule in the cinemas to be quiet, but i didnt expect for people in the back to fangirl every time jjk hotties would appear in the scene (even if they have short screen time and yis am one of the fangirling people- 😩). It first happened when Gojo appeared, even just him taking off his blindfold and people went "EEEEEEE💦💦💦💦"
And EYOOOOOO a scene with Yuta and Inumaki together. Toge was about to use his curse technique but he "warmed up" his mouth (aka let his tongue out in a way) and dat made me feel things dode- 👀
They have cute scenes where the characs would have a cute expressions on them and it just makes me wanna SQUISH DEM. ofc funny bits here and there!
DODEEEE when the spar scene between Yuta and Maki. Just when Yuta thought he could take advantage of her midair and about to land, MAKI DID A SPLIT AND JUST BEAT YUTA'S ASS EIWJSNWNWNBWBSIWSS (I SWEAR MY PANSEXUAL ASS WAS SLIGHTLY SHOOKETH)
It was advised to me to stop reading the manga at 137 for the movie. I was lowkey expecting for Nanami to show up and OFC HE DID, THE PEOPLE FREAKED OUT IN THIRST💧 though ngl, it kinda made me sad to see Nanami appeared and have his badass scene there cause I had flashbacs of wot happened to him in the manga. (If u kno, u kno 🥲)
Ofc Yuta being such a badass boi 🤧 we're all jealous of Rika, i know it- AAAAAAAAA AND OFC 1ST YEAE TOGE INUMAKI, JUST WANNA CRUSH HIM WITH MY LOVE 😭🖤
Welp so far, thats only my thoughts for the movie! I was told that maybe theres gon be another jjk movie but this one includes the TOJI FUSHIGURO ARC (istg if theres gon be a Toji cosplayer-) 👀💦👀💦👀💦👀💦👀💦👀💦👀 B u t, we gon wait for another 2 years- ;w;
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junmyuns · 7 years
so i am back from got7′s melbourne fanmeet and here are my thoughts!!
ok so, i’m ngl, i was not very impressed with the organisers of this event?? everything seemed like such a mess, and it made things awkward and weird. i’ve been to lots of kpop concerts/fanmeetings since i first got into kpop, but this one was the most messy imo :/
and it’s funny bc got7 aren’t even my fave group out of all that i’ve seen, but i was soooooooo excited for this fanmeet, more than for some other groups that i consider faves.
i got there kind of late though (5pm), and so most of the merch was gone (though i don’t think i had plans to buy any so that was prob good for my wallet), but most of the freebies ppl were passing out had gone too. i managed to get a pack of cute photocards and a banner but that’s about it. i was too busy in the gold queue for wristbands. i got the yellow one!
that being said, even at the very beginning when they had technical trouble (the curtain was supposed to drop and reveal the members but it never did so they had to bring guys in to manually remove it from the hanging), it was kind of like an omen of what was to come (this sounds so dramatic).
that being said, this is no slight on the boys at all!! they were wonderful! (and dealt with the curtain malfunction perfectly). just other things could have been handled a lot neater by the organisers tbh.
i think they performed q and sign first?? i’m trying to think back on everything... i really love q esp btw, it’s one of my faves on the album (just kind of sad that they didn’t do my fave: paradise).
so at the beginning, andy (the host) asked them a bunch of questions based on the arrival letters. idk i feel like that concept made things a bit awkward, esp when he’d have to prompt the boys to talk. i always like it better when one of the mcs is in the group itself bc since they all know one another, it kind of makes it easier to get a conversation/banter going? they did good though! and mark talked quite a lot in this portion, which warmed my heart. he was pretty good at getting the others answering the questions, and it was all really cute :’) (esp when it was revealed that he and jb have been stealing jinyoung’s shampoo and jinyoung told them it was ok bc “we are one”...he touched jb after that and i’m sorry but my jjp heart launched itself right out of my chest i love them i can’t believe i witnessed that live...I WILL GET BACK TO JJP IN A MOMENT THOUGH).
also, when he got to the letter V, bambam started talking about taehyung?? then he and the translator had the most awkward exchange ever bc bambam joked about it being nice when he’s next to taehyung?? something like that, and the translator thought he said the sun (taeyang), and bambam was like nope this is bad joke sorry. it was so awkward to watch but thinking about it now makes me laugh so much though oh my god.
everyone seemed in a good mood but jackson :( idk if something is up with him, whether he’s not feeling well/he’s tired/misses his mum (bc it’s her birthday) or maybe even his brother and niece, but i don’t think he even talked at all during the first question round. he kind of just sat there looking sad while everyone else talked. i have seen jackson get like this in varieties and stuff, but it’s really heartbreaking to see in person, esp bc jackson is usually so hyper, and he’s my fave too. however, he did talk more towards the end, and i just think he was having an off day (which i don’t blame him for at all bc the amount of stress and work that they have is ridiculous). i think i spent most of the performances staring at jackson and feeling really worried about him, which gave what i was watching more of a sense of realism that i usually don’t feel when i’m at a concert. either way, i really do hope he feels better soon whatever the case.
also, i didn’t talk about youngjae yet!! he wasn’t there (he’s in korea bc he’s not feeling well. he’s with coco according to mark :p), so we didn’t get to see him :( he did have a video message for us though, and the cheers were so loud for him every time they showed him on screen it was great :’D i hope he feels better soon too!
anyway after that, they had a games round and i think the first one was the cheek to cheek round and the JJP LET ME TELL YOU. so basically, it’s that game where two ppl are blindfolded and then there’s an object held between both of their cheeks and they have to guess what the item is using only their cheeks (jackson: “any object?? even a PINEAPPLE”). jb and jinyoung  were put together and i y e l l e d bc i never thought i’d get to see jjp live but boy did i. i actually legit got choked up and i’ve never felt that way at a concert before. like my bias could be dancing right in front of me but give me my otp and i am a fucking goner. THEY DID THE JJ CROSS THING. also one of the members (bambam??) took away the object at one point and jjp were cheek to cheek/sort of kissing?? i can always trust the other members to give me A++ quality jjp content so thanks guys!! (btw their object was an apple). jackson and yugyeom were next (object: plush toy parrot) and then (after some discussing) it was mark and bambam (foam plane).
either way, the jackson/jinyoung/bambam team lost and jackson had to do a girl group dance (aoa’s excuse me) and it made my life. he’s so cute. also at one point jinyoung had to do aegyo and he apologised after but it really was adorable i love aegyo.
i think they did the x2 dance speed game after that? this is another thing that annoyed me. the speed was wayyyy too fast, and yugyeom even brought it up after the first round...that not even weekly idol did it that fast, and whether the organisers could make a bit slower, but nope, just as fast during the second round... and idk. i just didn’t like how the organisers dealt with that.
but before they started dancing bambam was like “i need to take my earrings off for this”. i love this kid.
mark/jb/yugyeom lost and their punishment was another fast dance oh man.
i’m prob messing up all the order with everything that happened, but i can’t remember too well haha.
i know that they performed fly and skyway at some point in the middle though. and it’s funny bc fly isn’t my fave title track of theirs at all, but i loved watching that performance.
i haven’t talked about how cute both yugyeom and bambam were though!!!!! they were so fun and if i didn’t have my bias already locked in place they would have threatened that position so easily :D also bambam kept dabbing but does that come as a surprise to anyone. pls. they seemed really happy :)))
so at some point they had a draw to win an all member signed placard, and they were supposed to pull seat numbers from a box. like a lucky draw type thing. each of the members was supposed to pull a seat, BUT when they started they kept drawing blank pieces of paper?? and so andy had to go backstage to see what was up with the blank pieces, and then got7 were told to entertain the crowd in the mean time, and it was just so disorganised? like the members were kind of confused, and the organisers were kind of scrambling to figure out some way to choose ppl (at first they wanted the members to point out ppl from the crowd, but then they managed to get the lucky draw thing to work somehow idk). anyway, to distract us all, bambam made yugyeom do a sexy dance which was awesome, but also yugyeom is a BABY to me. he’s younger than my lil bro and he can sexy dance all he wants but i still feel like his mother haha.
also, at some point a fanboy won one of the placards and bambam (and mark) got super excited about it. bambam wanted another fanboy to win one it was cute.
they did their ments then. it went: jackson, jinyoung, jb, mark, bambam and yugyeom. all of them did it in english except jb haha. jinyoung’s english is REALLY good. like i knew he was good, but i didn’t expect it to be THAT good, you know? i also really like how whenever jackson tells everyone to stay healthy, he always stresses both physical AND mental health. it’s nice :’)
they performed hard carry and never ever then, i think? suuuuuper hype!!!!!
ok so another awkward moment is that during encore, one of the members (mark?) told everyone to get up out of their seats and literally everyone started rushing to the front of the stage. like everyone in gold. and then the security guards had to yell at everyone to go back to their seats, and bambam was just like “...i just meant get up, guys. not go forward...” and it was just a confusing mess of awkward but also kind of funny now that i think back on it. but then they came out and performed out and go higher and ppl swarmed to the stage again, but i don’t think the security guards could do anything at this point since they were performing already. either way, i got a good view of all the boys since the ppl in front of me had headed to the front and it was BEAUTIFUL. got a good view of pretty much all of them tbh since they moved around the stage a lot.
LASTLY, HI TOUCH!! so everyone in gold was given an armband at the start (either green, yellow or pink). they announced at the end that green and yellow were hi touch and pink was the photo opp. i’m actually SO GLAD that i got hi touch bc i wanted that more than the photo opp. so yesssss, i’ve actually seen up close and touched all the members (except youngjae ughhh). order was: yugyeom, bambam, jb, mark, jinyoung and jackson. i was telling myself that THIS TIME i would gauge their heights (bc i always want to do it when i do hi touches but never end up managing it bc it goes by too fast). i was soooooo nervous when we were lining up. maybe even more so since i waited longer than previous hi touches, and when we were lining up all of us got a nice view of them and they’re so good looking irl it actually pains me. and no, i didn’t remember to check our their heights. hah.
it went by so fast (like most hi touches), but i remember yugyeom and bambam’s hands are pretty soft. jb and mark smack five you a bit more. i don’t remember what jinyoung and jackson did bc i literally forgot how to word and exist the moment i saw jinyoung. he is GORGEOUS. you think you know but you don’t k n o w. i also very clearly remember yugyeom bc he was first and there was a tiny lag in the line so i was prob in front of him the longest. bambam was really cute. jb gave me direct eye contact. i love him. mark tbh i don’t remember all that much bc it was too fast :( jinyoung, like i said, ethereally beautiful. and then jackson wasn’t as smiley. i think he still wasn’t feeling so great, so he just looked a bit sad/serious :( anyway, i didn’t manage to say anything other than “hi” to them, and i don’t think any of them said anything either? just smiled mostly.
also, when i was lining up the security guard told me that her fave was jackson and i was like saaaame girl.
either way, the last person i touched was jackson and the first person i saw was my bro who told me to touch his face so i rubbed jackson on him haha.
and it’s funny but i don’t feel that post concert/fanmeet depression feel as much lately when i go see groups. i just feel kind of happy and a bit nostalgic, which makes it a lot easier to deal with. i’m so happy and fortunate to have had this experience (despite my qualms), and i like feeling like this. it’s a lot better than being devastated that it’s over. of course i’m sad that it’s finished, but i’m also really looking forward to looking back on this whole experience as a fond memory in years to come. and there’s something really nice about that, i think :’)
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