#ngl i like them all I’d affectionately swing them around
game-on-comics · 2 months
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Caro: … Miis, brace yourselves /j
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nanasarea · 4 years
Zhong Chenle as your idol bf
Genre: fluff
Pairing: chenle x idol!reader
Prompt: zhong chenle, that’s it, that’s the post
Request: hiiii, can i request a chenle x idol! reader? love you btw 🥺💚
Word count: 1293
a/n: chenle coming for my bias list this comeback ffs
Haechan /  Yuta / Mark / Jeno / Jaemin /  Renjun / Jisung / Jaehyun
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you were both mcs
and since jisung knew he had a crush on you
he teased him
right after chenle calmed down
chenle got the news 
and the entire building lost it’s hearing that day
jeno and jaemin ran into the room,
“Who’s getting murdered?”
“My ears.” - Jisung
“My heart”- Chenle
he asks Mark for advice
and Mark ends up panicking
so while Mark is panicking and yelling “I’m not the man for this job”
Chenle just backs away 
and goes to Johnny
but Mark then calms down and they both give him advice
one of them tells him to be respectful and not be pushy
the other tells him 12 pick up lines he can use on you
and then they fight
Chenle’s just in the middle of it
poor baby is so confused
so he does both
when he first meets you, he’s all shy and respectful
but 5 minutes in, he’s telling you pick up lines
“There are 21 letters in the alphabet.” 
you just stare at him confused
“Um, I’m pretty sure it’s 26.”
“Oh, I keep forgetting U R A Q T”
“Chenle, you’re 20, you should know the alphabet by now”
and when I tell you he fell
in that moment, 
he had already arranged your wedding
names your first child
bought your house and baby proofed it
asked jisung to be his best man
you end up joking around like that a lot
he tells you a pickup line
you say something dumb in response 
you both laugh
and he falls deeper in love
i mean, he gets fond of you
after every show, 
one of the members teases him
and he’s a little shit 
so he’s just like “I know”
he’s quite straightforward
so he ends up asking you out way before the others ask their s/o
and the others are like 
“this child, istg”
“i got more game, sue me”
and with that, jeno starts swinging
renjun is pulling up his sleeves
jaemin’s hands are fists
haechan is giving him a glare from the phone due to 127 promotions
jisung’s just chillin, eating his baguette 
watching it all go down
“Chenle, if you die, can I have your hats?” -Jisung
you matched when you were mcs
so one day, you decided on taking a selfie in one of the outfits
and he ends up kissing your cheek
so sm’s just like
“release the photo, confirm it yourself”
staff: but sir, th-
sm: it’s chenle, he can buy us all, we must obey him
i mean they’re right
you’re still mcs after you announce it
so the show ends up giving you a more cheesy script
and he gets shy
and you get to tease him 
“who’s your fave group?”
“*your group* and 127″
screams your parts randomly
if you’re a rapper
be prepared for him to steal your job
bc he will rap every word you do
and he convinces sm to get you a collab
staff: we do-
sm: do as chenle says
and so the chenle x y/n collab happens
i’m not saying he sings/raps your parts more than his own
but that’s exactly what I’m saying
ends up buying you matching gucci sweaters
no occasion, he just spoils you
with so many gifts
“chenle no”
“chenle yes, chenle spend money on his baby”
your album needs restock after only 3 minutes of it being out?
blame chenle, he has a whole room filled with merch
like a whole room
just for your merch
he a rich boy, he can afford it
comes to your practice
and insists on treating you all to dinner after
and so your members love him now more than they did before
they know he’s more than just his money
but everyone loves free food
whenever a new chenji episode is filming
he calls you 
“do you prefer heart or star stickers?”
so you know he’s making whatever they’re doing that ep for you
and if it’s food related, 
he makes one to go 
and brings it to you right after shooting
his face lights up whenever he sees that you’re seated next to each other at shows
cheers a shit ton when you win an award
congratulates you after like 40 times
you meet his members and now they tease you 
and chenle
“ah, young love” -renjun
“you’re one year older than me, hyung.”
“yes, but you are a child.”
but he’s such a gentleman
Johnny and Jaehyun just end up looking at you
“they look like they walked out of a drama”
he cooks for you
like a lot
and he looks so hot doing it
don’t tell him that 
or else he’ll turn as red as the tomatoes he’s cutting 
you pick up some chinese (if you don’t already know)
and then renjun has to either correct it
or scold you
how were you suppose to know chenle’s teaching you swear words?
anyway, yknow when chenji went to Shanghai 
he ends up taking you
but like for a bit longer
you had no schedule and he was like
and so you meet his family
and his nephew
who is now almost always either in your arms or chenle’s
i’m not saying he now wants one
but now he wants one
“y/n, we could have one”
“excuse you?”
his mom scolds him slightly
“you’re an idol, you’re so young,....” -his mom
“well I don’t want one yet! I’m baby!”
he then takes you to the amusement park
and when you go on all the rides
he’s so excited
he holds your hand when he can
if you’re scared
he’ll do his best to calm you down
and some nctzens see this
congrats, you’re trending online now
you go shopping and you end up buying way too much stuff
he just throws stuff in the cart
“get something for your members”
“this one member likes grape and apple flavor, which should i get?”
takes both and puts them in the cart
you’re just standing there like
but it’s okay, he insists
speaking of shopping, 
you get something for this family for welcoming you so well
and his mother is now officially planning your wedding
she ends up telling you to call her your mother-in-law
she’s so sweet to you
his whole family is 
and you now get where he got it from
idk his mom just seems really sweet 
i feel like she’s just such a nice person ??
idk how to explain but yeah
yall remember one night sleepover trip where he was dancing?
his grandma ends up dancing with him 
and you go heart eyes
“show how well I taught you to dance!”
so you’re practically already married in the eyes of his family
you get back and your members are like
“how’s it feel to be trending for breathing for a week straight?”
you have to do aegyo on a show
and his camera roll is now filled with that video
he makes you do it 
he sends you a text like he did to mark
“you’re so cute it makes me sick”
you clown each other over your teaser images
even tho you’re both dying from cuteness
speaking of teasers
chenle is the spoiler king
he not only spoils his own stuff
but now he even spoils your stuff
cue jisung being a third wheel
“I’d rather be in jaemin’s affectionate embrace than look at you two” -js
“you called?!” -jm
“No! i didn’t mean it! I take me back!” -js
“buh bye!” - you and chenle being petty
in conclusion, chenle is a rich man, but not because of his money, but because he has your heart, which to him, means everything
might have cried in the middle of this....ngl....
Tag list (req): @soleilchannie​
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sweetlysilent · 6 years
Drunk!Peter.. (Headcanon)
Was Requested by @thebrilliantbean
OHMIGOSH Sweetly hun, you gotta do a Drunk!Peter story (doesn’t matter if it’s a one-shot or not) with possibly the other avengers!!! (I know you’re not taking requests, but I just thought that this would be fun to write after you finished Undercover Pt. 2.)
Side Note: ohmygosh I am sososo sorry that this has taken me so long to write, I really hope that this does justice to how long this has taken me to upload. Also, Thor is currently blasting up the sky atm and I can’t sleep bc my room is lighting up like crazy and the thunder is hella loud lol. we love thor.:)))))
P.S. I apologize in advance, this might suck bc I haven’t written a headcanon in so long, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it!!
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- oKAY lets be real when peter got invited to one of Mr. Starks parties he was shook
- “Mr. Stark are you serious??? I can come???” Peter would question once more, unsure if he heard Tony correctly.
- “Yeah, of course kid!” Tony would grin, patting Peter’s shoulder before heading off with Happy to do who knows what.
- but we all know he really went off to go plan the party that was happening in less than 24 hours lmao
- peter would stand there with the dumbest smile on his face as if he had just won the lottery
- to him this basically was the lottery tho??
- he’d instantly rush home, texting you about how he got invited to the biggest party of the year, and that he wanted you to tag along with him
- i mean you weren’t going to say no lmao lets be real
- the biggest party of the year
- AND to be going with PETER
- we love young love, yes we do
- peter would be getting ready, dancing away in excitement in front of his mirror
- what a NERD
- eventually May had to come in and help him find an outfit bc lets be real, she slays with fashion amirite???
- also how does this boy not know how to put on cologne properly??
- vv concerned about that ngl, poor child literally sprayed it in his face
- once he was finally ready, Aunt May drove him to your apartment, picking you up also before heading off to Tony’s house
- you and peter were both excited, mainly bc yall had never really been to a real party before besides Liz’s
- “Alright guys, we’re here! Have fun you two! But not too much fun!” May shouted out the car window as you both laughed, waving goodbye as she drove off.
- you both excitedly walked into the house, people everywhere, laughing, having a good time, music blaring throughout the whole house
- peter hesitantly grabbed your hand, causing both his and yours faces to turn a shade of pink
- you’d both walk over to the snacks/drinks area, getting a plate and a few different foods to eat
- peter on the other hand is searching around the house for Tony, before he finally sees him talking with Steve
- he tells you that he’ll be right back, before rushing over to Tony, who lights up a bit when he sees Peter
- “Kid! You made it! Wasn’t sure Aunt May was going to let you out past your bed time.” Tony teased, causing Peter to roll his eyes in response, letting out a sarcastic laugh as Steve chuckled
- “Nice to see you again Parker.” Steve grinned, placing his hand out for Peter to shake, which he did without hesitation, a smile on his face
- the last time Peter saw Steve they weren’t on the best terms, basically all the avengers were fighting each other
- but everything is better now bc the squad can’t be broken up forever
- peter would then go back over to you, where you were currently stuffing your face with food bc it was aMAZING
- “You look like a chipmunk Y/N.” Peter would tease you, causing you to cover your face, a laugh escaping your lips, making Peter smile
- he loved making you laugh
- it was one of his favorite things
- but he was too shy to admit that to you tho smh
- as Peter glanced around at the people in the room, he spotted Thor and a few other avengers
- deciding he should mingle a bit, and with you giving him the nod to do so, he went off
- note to self, he should of stayed with you
- who knew Thor would challenge him to a drinking contest
- those damn Asgardians
- peter got drunk hella quick
- “I am Thor!!!!” Peter would shout, swinging around a hammer like utensil, making a few people chuckle, and Thor to roll his eyes in amusement.
- the second you saw Peter and how wasted he was you knew you needed to get him
- “Peter, hey bud, how about you sit down for a bit, drinks some water yeah?” You smiled, as Peter stumbled over to an empty couch.
- “Y/N, I have to tell you a secret, nobody but Ned and Y/N know this, but..”
- …
- “What Peter?” You’d laugh, seeing him zone out for a split second, then blinking a few times, coming back into reality.
- “I’m Spider-Man!”
- you’d let out a snort, watching as Peter would place a finger up to his lips making a ‘shhhh’ sound
- peter was one of those kind of drunks
- where they acted super stupid, but also super lovey and affectionate
- you however found it hysterical
- “Y/N did I ever tell you how much I like you?”
- “Peter I think you should stop before you say too much, you’re so drunk right now.”
- “But Y/NNNNNN!!!” Peter would whine, making you smile.
- “Peterrrrrrr.” You’d reply back, watching a smile form on his lips, his eyes lazily gazing up at yours.
- he’d reach for your hand, which you’d let him have, watching as he’d play with your fingers
- “Today I became Thor, but I wasn’t able to make lightning appear, how lame.” Peter complained, making you laugh as he continued to rant.
- “I wonder what it’s like to be Captain America, like you’re a captain… OF ALL OF AMERICA!” Peter would exclaim, his eyes wide as you bit your lip to hold back from laughing.
- being with drunk Peter and the avengers lead to the most amazing conversations
- “If I was Iron Man I’d fly around the whole world, and be like 'sup everyone I’m Iron Man, no sir, I’m not made of Iron, but if I was that’d be AWESOME.” Peter grinned, as he let out a chuckle, as you continued to laugh at his behavior.
- you both spent the next few hours in the same spot, trying to give Peter a chance to sober up before his Aunt came back
- peter spent the entire time talking about the avengers and how cool it’d be to be them and have their powers
- he’d then remember he had powers too
- he’d try to fling a web, but he’d miss and end up face planting on the ground
- needless to say, he was still vv drunk
- again, thank you Thor -.-
- you were only slightly buzzed which you were grateful for bc you had to take care of Peter and he was a handful
- a few more hours would pass and the party would be over, Peter still being hella drunk
- you couldn’t wait to see Aunt Mays reaction
- as you both were leaving the house, saying goodbye to Tony on the way out, who was chuckling at how trashed Peter was
- “Can you keep a secret?”
- “Of course Peter.”
- “I like Y/N.”
- you’d stop walking, your head turning to face him as he’d blink a few times, still believing they were moving when they actually weren’t
- everything was S P I N N I N G for him
- “Well you want to know a secret too?”
- “Y/N likes you too.”
- peter’s eyes would widen, a smile forming on his lips at the new information
- you’d let out a chuckle, seeing May’s headlights approaching, dragging Peter down the driveway
- May would give you a look before taking one glance at Peter, a laugh escaping her mouth as he got into the back seat
- “We’re so having a conversation about this tomorrow morning mister.” May would shake her head, as you sat next to him.
- Aunt May is the best tho amirite??
- she’d drop you back off at your apartment, before heading back to their own
- she’d help Peter into bed, giving him some water and asprin before shutting the light off to his room
- you on the other hand grabbed your phone, sending a quick text to him
- “Pretty sure you won’t remember this, but this text is to remind you that you confessed your feelings to me, and before you panic, I feel the same way about you dork. Hope you sleep well xx”
- you’d bit your lip, a smile on your face as you’d send the message
- needless to say Peter wasn’t expecting that message when he woke up the next morning
- and as much as he wanted to be upset about confessing his feelings towards you, he couldn’t be, because you liked him back, and that’s all that mattered
- who knew it would take him getting drunk enough to pretend to be other avengers and to confess his feelings to you
- “So, Peter, you want to tell me what happened last night?”
- “Where do I begin?” He’d groan, flopping backwards onto his bed, he barely remembered last night.
- curse that Asgardian Thor
Peter + Drunk = Him Confessing His Feelings to You & Pretending to Be Every Avenger lol
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