#ngl I love the historical additions
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murderandcoffee · 9 months ago
are we dragging isaac newton into the horrors now? was the apple that fell on him full of teeth?
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paperstorm · 9 months ago
I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of kindness and what some people seem to mean by it vs what it means to me. Because ngl some of the worst people you’ll ever interact with have “treat ppl with kindness” in their social media bios and I’ve been trying to figure out why that is. Why do they think they’re kind when they are so clearly not - or, who are they kind to and who are they not? What sort of social capital is gained through declaring yourself a kind person but never backing it up with actions? What have we gained/lost as a society when we put so much weight in just label of good person but so little weight in caring whether anyone follows through? Why can so many people I know relate to the experience of the meanest people sincerely believing they are kind, and using that as a shield or weapon when it suits them?
I don’t know that I have answers yet but I’ve been thinking about how in my conceptualization
Kindness means being nice - complimenting people, lending a helping hand, keeping negative opinions to yourself sometimes, being happy for others success, being a cheerleader for your loved ones. Kindness DOES NOT mean being a door mat - denying yourself your valid emotions, letting others step on you or manipulate you, bottling up your feelings so as not to cause a scene, keeping the peace at the expense of your own well-being. Being kind also means being kind to yourself.
Kindness means being welcoming - inviting people into your groups, being open to making new friends, identifying when someone is feeling left out and maybe altering your behaviour accordingly. I changed high schools for my last year and in my first class a boy i had never met came over and said “hey you’re new, come sit with us.” That was kind and it has stuck with me to this day. Kindness DOES NOT mean being welcoming to everyone indiscriminately. You can’t throw a party for wolves and sheep where everyone is welcome. Sheep are not safe at that party, and pretending they are is siding with the wolves who will use your party to hunt them. You can’t be welcoming to bigots because you don’t want to make waves and still be a safe person for minorities to exist around. Sometimes kindness necessitates making waves.
Kindness means fostering positive spaces - where the happiness is genuine and laughter is abundant and people feel good about themselves when they’re around you. Kindness DOES NOT mean keeping the peace at any and all cost. That is a veneer of acceptability politics where people don’t feel safe to speak up when they’re being harmed, and it often involves prioritizing the comfort of the majority. Again, you can’t be kind to everyone. So much of what some people seem to mean by kindness boils down to the maintenance of a homeostasis where nobody is ever upset. But through what means is that achieved? Is it real or are people with genuine concerns being told to shut up and pretend to be happy? “Absolutely everyone is welcome!” “It’s not that serious/we keep things light and cheerful around here!” “Fandom is supposed to be a safe space/escape from the real world!” “This is a space free from politics!” read as neutral statements but they aren’t. They are statements that can serve, albeit often unintentionally, to invite bigots into your space by communicating that you won’t lift a finger to evict them if/when they start harming historically oppressed people who are also in your space. Having peaceful spaces is good. Having spaces wherein the peace is maintained through the tacit silencing of minority voices because their discomfort is ‘ruining the vibe’ is an act of cowardice, not kindness.
Idk! Clearly don’t have all the answers or even any answers but I’m releasing these brain worms in the hopes that I can keep searching for additional clarity on this and other things I’m always ruminating about in this messy life.
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cottonotter · 11 months ago
Laudanum and (Anthony) Crowley
Results of my late-night history buffing. Laudanam in Latin is 'to Praise'
'Anthony' is derived from the Roman 'Antonius', meaning ‘worthy of praise’
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Crowley says he has 'The constitution of an Ox' which usually means a strong ability to overcome something (most commonly alcohol and sickness)
You'll see how some people who overcome great challenges or show great qualities they are considered 'Worthy'
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Additional funsies: The name was historically spelt Antony. In the 17th century, the letter 'H' was added into the spelling on the belief that the name derived from the Greek word 'Anthos' which means 'Flower' Laudanum was made by dissolving extracts from a flower known as the 'Opium Poppy' in alcohol.
I have absolutely nothing to benefit from these fun coincidences but I still love it. It would be fun to write a fic or something that leans into it ngl.
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epersonae · 11 months ago
Truth or dare! 🔪🧩🪲
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
ngl I am very low research for my fics, back in the TAZ days the most it ever was is looking at tazscripts for specific lines from the show or looking up D&D spells for the characters to use. and ofc David Jenkins School of Historical Accuracy - but I will say that I did do a bit of a deep dive when I was working on chapter two of Hungry for love, ready to drown to figure out what books Stede might have looted, and took way too long figuring out when the Jacquard loom was invented. I think there's a balancing point of having an understanding of what's plausible historically in order to know when to play with it, and writing that fic was a fun place to play with it.
actually, no, wait, speaking of Hungry for love, ready to drown: that is the fic that prompted @emi--rose's Stabifesto, which was merely my attempt to answer the question: how much would Ed be bleeding after getting stabbed? ended up being a waaaaay deeper dive into the subject than I had intended, and I ended up using like three details.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
minimum bar of writing quality, I also have a minimum bar of characterization which is a "know it if I see it" thing (and occasionally if the writing is good enough I'll forgive it not quite being in-character), in particular there's sort of a constellation of things with Ed and Stede specifically that if I see it I'm like oh you don't get these guys. And like, write what you want forever, but also I'm not going to read it. honestly, anything with Izzy alive post-canon.
and then there's this weird, I don't know how to describe it, with canon-era fic, but it's related to my thoughts about use of history, and knowing the rules you're breaking, and sometimes the wrong anachronism will throw me out of the story so badly that I can't keep reading. (there's an absolutely gorgeous fic that I know a lot of people love, but it reads to me like it's set very clearly and solidly in the late 1800s or early 1900s, and I kept getting thrown by the details because they're so lovely rendered, it's a beautiful world that is entirely wrong. if it had been written as an AU it probably wouldn't have bothered me so much!)
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
I'm actually going to skip this, the thing I was working on last is in a spot where I don't want to post anything to tumblr 😅 (but who knows, maybe I'll come back and reblog this with an addition)
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mikestoklassa · 6 months ago
My time at the Zak Bagans Haunted Museum
This ghost hunting episode has compelled me to share my own experience with Zakary Bagary's Spooky Emporium, mostly because I've only shared this story orally and also because I want to flex that I've been somewhere Mike Stoklasa has been. Mayhaps it will inspire one of you to write a Fanfic (gentle persuasion). But truly this is mostly a diaristic blog post for me so that my memory of the Zak Bagan's Haunted Museum never truly slips from my grasp. Facts may not be totally accurate because this is months later and I have a shit memory. Anyways read more if u even care
So my boyfriend and I went to Vegas this past year so that I could see my beloved Vegas Golden Knights <3 Of course that couldn't occupy the whole weekend, and my boyfriend and I aren't gamblers, so we had to find other things to pass the time. When we realized that Zak Bagans' Haunted Museum (which I will refer to as ZBHM) was in Vegas, we had to go. To be honest, by boyfriend and I have only seen a few episodes of Ghost Adventures, but we love spooky stuff and people whose reputations proceed them, so we knew we had to go.
We were staying on the strip, and ZBHM is located more in their downtown, so we had to Uber there. NGL I was expecting some spooky old Victorian house painted in all black, but truly it is just a pretty historic home in a residential neighborhood.
To my shock as a North-easterner, the check in for the museum is outside. So we're greeted by a lovely person who asks if we have tickets. We said we didn't and they told me the wait can be anywhere between 15 minutes and 3 hours, as we'd essentially be hoping that someone who bought tickets didn't show up to their tour. We didn't feel like waiting in the Vegas heat, so said we'd come back. Out of nowhere a man who looked like Guy Fieri if he shaved his head came up to the desk and said we were making the right choice, and to come back tomorrow with tickets. The workers were really nice and let us peruse the gift shop before we left.
My BF and I ended up going to the Mob Museum which was in the neighborhood. It sucked. Don't go.
That night we purchased tickets for after lunch the next day. They were a whopping $54 dollars each, meaning two tickets was already over $100. There was something called an "RIP Access" ticket, but all I saw was we got to go to a basement and got a shirt and I thought that was dumb as shit so we didn't get it.
So we return the next day and have to wait outside for the next group to enter the house. Most importantly, we're asked to sign wavers stating we WILL not sue Zak if a ghost follows us home. I'd never hold Zak to that, so I gladly signed. Once we're informed we can head inside, I assume the tour is starting but no, we're being led to a lobby with a ticket booth. I thought that was weird, because we already had tickets, but I figured they had to give us badges so they knew we were on the tour. There were pictures of people who had come to ZBHM before, including One Direction's very own Liam Payne. No photography was allowed on the tour, so this is the only photographic proof I went.
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So in this lobby, we're basically lined up to a ticket booth where I think we're getting badges. But no, when you get up to the booth, a lovely worker asks if you would like to give Zak Bagans additional money to do the "RIP Access", which includes extra experiences and rooms, as well as free T-shirt at the end. I still think that's dumb as shit, so I say no. But then my BF and I realize we are the ONLY people on the tour who don't have RIP Access, and we don't want to have to stand like dumb dicks outside of certain rooms while everyone else got to go inside, so we let peer pressure get to us. We upgraded for an additional $32 each, meaning now instead of giving Zak Bagan's $108 dollar, we gave him $172. Truly a low point.
So once Zak swindles you out of your money, you're guided out of the lobby, through a yard, and into the museum proper. The first room is truly, deeply, honest, the most censory overload I have ever experienced in my life. Every breath you take will contain 0% oxygen and 100% smoke machine gas. The first room was just an oddities room, filled with haunted items and general cool things that Zak has found along the way. There were human skulls on an old church pew, and as a museum worker myself, I so desperately needed to see the provenance of those. I'm still waiting, Zak. Anyways, our tour guide then proceeds to uncover a machine which is an old Zoltar machine, but instead of a Zoltar animitronic, it's a Zak Bagan animitronic. Then, after each person on this ten person tour gave Zak Bagans $86 dollars each ($860 total), the tour guide asks if anyone would like to "spare a dollar" for the Zak Zoltar machine so Zak may give our tour a fortune. I thought everyone on the tour would feel just as indignant about this as me, but no, people were desperately reaching for their wallets so that they may be the person who blessed our tour with a fortune. I can't remember exacts, but it has something to do with bewaring stairs. Spoiler alert: the fortune did not come back up.
So from the main room, we enter a haunted doll closet, our first RIP access experience! It was a hall filled with old dolls. I think old dolls are cute not creepy, so this was a pretty lame experience for me. Next we entered a room that looked like a chapel, and we are for the first time greeted to Zak's lovely presence. Zak in a voice over begins to tell us the story of Anneliese Michel, the German woman who underwent a bunch of exorcisms. Now I am very much like Jay, in the sense that ghosts are most interesting to me when they're presented as amorphous fields of energy. I do not care for demon stories, especially when it's obvious that the "demonic person" is just severely mentally ill. So needless to say, I was not about this room. After the voice over, Zak invites RIP ticket holders to the spooky crawlspace tunnel below a mantle holding a chalice the Michel family owned? Idfk. I was NOT crawling through some damn tunnel with someone I don't know's ass in my face, so I declined and walked in the hallway with our tour guide to the next room. My BF went through and said the scariest thing was the idea of the person in front of you farting.
I won't lie, it's about here where my memory gets murky, so I apologize if this is out of order. ("But isn't this just the second room you went in??" Girl idk!!) What I remember next was entering a room with a large bed in it. In the room we are greeted to another voice over from Zak explaining that this bed came from Love Ranch. Zak spends a long time explaining that this is the bed that NBA player Lamar Odom OD'ed and almost died on, and that the Love Ranch owner Dennis Hof died on. I was like "Okay I guess that's a little creepy and sad but is it haunted?" And then Zak on the voice over was like "Oh by the way here's a picture of Hof on the bed with a creepy face in the back that may be a ghost" and then we were PROMPTLY ushered out of the room.
Next we're taken into a room that looks like a medical office. We're told the drawings on the wall and the items in the room belong to Jack Kevorkian, who was a doctor and proponent of euthanasia. The Zak Voice Over spent a lot of time explaining how people would faint in this room after feeling very emotionally overwhelmed. I was like okay....it's the Vegas heat, we've been standing for awhile now, every square inch of this place is nothing buy fog machine smoke, and now we're talking about euthanasia...yeah that'd probably make me pass out. Anyways we go into a room which has Kevorkian's van where the euthanasias were performed. To me, this stuff isn't spooky like at all? IDK I don't know a lot about Kevorkian but from what Zak said he just sounded like a doctor who wanted to give people a chance to go with grace.
So with all of that leaving a bad taste in my mouth, we were taken to a room full of serial killer memorabilia. Personally, I don't like the idea of serial killer's being tortured souls who must stay on this mortal coil as ghosts, but I guess it was better than Zak exploiting the deaths of their victims so whatever. It was a little cool to see the artifacts in the room but honestly now as an adult who understand serial killers aren't complex and fascinating psychos and mostly just guys who hate women, I didn't really feel compelled by this room. There also weren't really any ghost stories in this room. I think Zak just wanted to flex he had a John Wayne Gacy painting.
We were then taken to a room that looked with a barn with a big cauldron in the center. I IMMEDIATELY clocked it as an Ed Gein room. The Zak Voice Over once again comes on to explain a little bit about Ed Gein and how the cauldron in the room is the one Gein used to drain the blood of victims. Again, I'm not into this stuff, but was snapped back into it when Zak explained that on a paranormal investigation of the museum, two English witches were performing a seance in this room and one became possessed by Gein and tried to attack the other. I was so onbroard. Zak please if you're reading this pay those English witches whatever they want to explore your museum more.
So the English witches had me so unbelievably hype and the next point in the tour was so fun. We're taken to this carnival themed room where a man introduces himself and then promptly sticks a drill bit up his nose. He then swallowed a sword and explained he'd been working there for awhile. I asked him how you learn you're good at something like that, and he actually explained the process by which he trains. It was genuinely interesting. Next to him was a caravan which apparently was haunted by a little girl, so the group was split in two to investigate. My group was second, so we had a moment to talk to this guy and ask questions. I am of course annoying so I asked how often Zak is bringing objects to the museum, how he decides where to place them, where does he get them from,etc. I think the guys wanted us to ask if Zak was like cool and nice lol but he played along and answered as best he could. Anyways we went in the caravan next and nothing happened.
After we departed from nice carnival man, we were made to walk in a hallways with scary clown animatronics, only some of them were real people. I don't hate clowns, but I do not like haunted attractions with real people, so I spent the whole time just staring at the ground. I couldn't tell you what anything looked like.
Then we were in a normal hallway with two doors. Our tour guide informed us that we'd be going to the left, which was the "torture room". I had my fill of human suffering, so I asked if I could wait in the next room. My tour guide was kind enough to let me do so. My BF went in and informed me it was a serial killer who prayed on male sex workers and they had the bed he would torture them on. I did not mind missing it.
The room I waited in was next, and you guessed it, we were greeted to the Zak Voice Over. Zak explained we were in the antechamber for the Dybbuk Box. I was hype, because this is something I definitely know Zak for. All was well until the Zak voice over started explaining to terrifying night Zak had with the Dybbuk Box while investigating with his "friend, Post Malone." Something in me just snapped, I started crying laughing. I thought it was so fucking funny. But you need to understand, everyone else on my tour was SO into this stuff. I didn't want to be the asshole yucking everyone's yum, so I turned to the corner. I then noticed our tour guide looking at me and realized he was assessing if I was crying or not. Not wanting to be used as a story of "a woman who started having an emotional breakdown right outside of the Dybbuk Box room", I pulled it together. We finally entered to see.....the Dybbuk Box behind four giant wooden walls. Apparently Zak had a vision of someone stealing the Box, so he added the walls for good measure. I was whelmed.
After this, my memory gets REALLY murky. I know we went to the basement where the previous owner claims her dad would perform satanic rituals on her. Very sad, but Zak made a point to note that she stopped texting him eventually. Take a hint Zak.
I remember a spooky doll named Peggy, who we were told NOT to disrespect as she was SUPER MEGA HAUNTED. Even Zak apparently wouldn’t go in alone. We entered, and Peggy was just a doll from the 70s with a page boy haircut and a prairie dress. There was a spirit box in the room and we were told we could commune with Peggy. NO ONE spoke for the longest time so eventually I said “…I like your haircut Peggy!” No one laughed and Peggy did not respond.
The most exploitative room undoubtedly, was the celebrity haunted memorabilia room. Inside were such respectful object such as Brandon Lee’s coat from The Crow, which he died in, Paul Walker’s sunglasses, which he died in, Truman Capote’s summer clothes, which he died in, and for some reason, Patrick Swayze’s tooth. Nestled in the corner was an object which I was immediately drawn to, and which I paid the most attention to throughout our time in this room. It was Sharon Tate’s wedding dress. I don’t exactly know how this object was supposed to be haunted, as she didn’t die in it, but my God did I want to deck Zak Bagan’s in his fucking face because something like this genuinely belongs in a real museum and not Zak Bagans’ Misery Porn Tour of Horror.
I also remember being taken to a nautical themed room which had some Titanic objects, but was mostly a Natalie Wood room, as it had items from the boat she was on when she died. Voice Over Zak explained that he was doing a separate paranormal investigation and placed some objects in the room. At the same time, the captain of the ship Natalie died on texted Zak saying, practically verbatim, “OMG!!! All my books just flew off the shelves. It’s Natalie, I know it.” All I could think was, “For the love of God, let this poor woman rest.”
At this point, the tour was just throwing everything at the wall and seeing what stuck. We went into a room with a rocking chair that supposedly possessed a child. I asked our tour guide what happened to the kid and he was like “Oh the demon left him and he’s fine now.” Oh, good! We went into another room with artifacts from an occultist with a specialization in EVPs. I LOVED this. Again, I love the idea of ghosts being energy who can speak through radio waves. What I didn’t like is Zak being like “Oh by the way, listening to EVPs infected her with demons and she went crazy and wasted away.” I’m sorry, what is it with Zak and demons???
Lastly, of course, was the house from Zak’s wonderful documentary. You’re led a dark room where Zak explains the portal to Hell resided in the basement of a home in…Gary, Indiana. The the walls lifted and from behind a fence you could see some dirt from the basement with a pentagram in it. I’m sorry, how did they transport that? Everyone has to understand they redrew/drew that pentagram in there, right? Anyways, super anticlimactic way to end our tour.
Then of course, exit through the gift shop. I was offered a shirt for buying the RIP access ticket. I declined. My boyfriend did get one, though. Still trying to convince him to do a Mike and Jay Halloween costume with me.
TLDR, the ZBHM had none of the fun campiness of Zak’s personality and was full of human suffering and very little ghosts. I cannot stress enough, though, how awesome all of the employees there are. I truly, TRULY hope that a good portion of the ~$860 Zak is getting form each tour is going to them, because they sell you on it.
Anyways Mike what if we kissed in the Creepy Demonic Crawlspace of the Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum 😳
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antebellumite · 10 months ago
Top 5 favorite people to draw?
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thank you so much for asking! in order, daniel webster, robert hayne, john c calhoun, thomas benton, and henry clay
Daniel Webster: I will be honest, when I draw Daniel Webster, I give him the most nonhistorical hair out of everyone that I draw ( though in general, the hair of all of the peeps that I draw are very generous to their hairlines to begin with lmao ). I love giving our guy the most bushiest eyebrows in existence, super large anime eyes, a strong nose, and tanner skin than the rest of his colleagues. it's even better because doing all that is still historically accurate! #danielwebster #byronicism. Stocky build, short, you know the drill. Gold and blue and black color scheme.
Robert Hayne: Just in general, his features are fun to make out. His hair is distinctly boyish and playful ( and ginger ) whenever I draw it, and I always make sure to give him round eyes, softer, rounder, features, yellowish-based pink-toned skin, and a button nose, thereby making him the second must defined design in my head after webster ( and questionably after calhoun ). Also, technically, me drawing him in a cute childish way would also be strangely accuraet to his historical portrait, which is great, considering that I consistently make Henry Clay like 30 yrs younger whenever I draw him. Color scheme is mainly yellow to me, and he looks like your average twink, moving on.
John C. Calhoun: The wild nosferatu hair! I know we love to shit on that hairstyle, but tbh, tuberculocur satanic corpse Calhoun is actually the second most pleasing Calhoun to look at right after Early Days Young Calhoun. Calhoun with long hair, cheekbones, a square jaw, a sharp nose, and eyebrows with that additional flair on it [if you check my fanart of jcc you will notice that I never draw him without the little hook on his eyebrow ] just gives perfect demonic vibes, yk? It functions as an aweinspiring all-powerful mask to distract the viewer from his horrible pathetic weak non-influential clinging-to-whatever-scrap-of-power-and-signficance faux-manipulative personality inside [ best represented during JCC's middle years when he had spiky hair ] that represents Calhoun's true self. The issue with drawing JCC with this hairstyle all the time though is that it makes it very weird when he's alongside Webster and Clay. Webs looks like he's in his 20s, Clay's in his thirties, and Calhoun is here looking like his 70 yr old deathbed self. I actually draw him significantly more muscular than he probably was during this time of his life ngl. At least, his shoulderspan is larger. He also has a very specific clothing design I use [ black cape, gold waistcoat, white cravat and innershirt ]. Color scheme white grey gold and black.
Thomas Hart Benton: APH Russia hair. Bulky male form. I'm so sorry. I didn't base him off his offficial portrait at all. I actually get most confused about Benton's hair, btw. Is it blond? Ginger? Brown? Anyways, round face, VERY pink skin, and a strong nose are my defining features for him. Color scheme I haven't actually figured out yet, but he seems to be a gold and green fellow, just like....
Henry Clay Ah, Henry Clay. Long face, but I can't seem to find it in myself to make him actually ugly. I also can't seem to bring myself to push his hairline back. And this will be the third time I've mentioned Hetalia in this post but I whenever I draw his long blond hair verison of him ( which I always do ) I am constantly picturing APH Poland. I am sorry. Anyways, long, lanky, legs, thin lips with a wide mouth, long horizontal eyes, significant eye wrinkles in that spot, a long nose, and a green and gold color scheme for me, with a red cravat, unless it's black and gold and red.
thank you so much for asking!!
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mamamittens · 8 months ago
Been having funny thoughts about ToTK and BoTW. Every so often I consider making Nikia in each race just for funzies but I'm really bad at non human characters so I end up trashing the idea.
That and I honestly can't recall a single female goron besides the really old goron lady from Majora's Mask (at least... I think that was a woman??? Deeply titties out with big lips I think?? Hold on... Googling now. Well, if there is, no one knows who they are! So that... Was not a woman?!? It's been a long time so maybe I just don't remember them well enough...)
Anyway! Just for fun, here's some little headcanons about what race random OP characters would be!
Marco, I think, would be a Kokiri! Specifically an unusually tall one! Seemingly ageless with magic abilities, perhaps even a sage for a strange land!
Ace would be a Gerudo who pretends very hard not to be on account of male Gerudo historically being Just Ganon Yet Again. He's not and would never be, but the suspicion he'd revolt and throw the world into darkness would persist anyway. Obvs, his mom was a Gerudo warrior and Roger a Hylian Pirate, or perhaps just a man from another country besides Hyrule.
Izou is clearly a Sheikah with little care for the ninja stuff or gender binary dress code. He can still pull it off just fine, but prefers long range weapons to get it over with.
Luffy? Ngl, I really want him to be a little tree Korok just waddling around like he's swallowed bells. He fits the vibe so well! Maybe he has a 'Hylian' disguise but it usually ends up bursting in a cloud of smoke when he gets jazzed up.
Zoro is a Hylian and probably the only person in history to get so lost in the Lost Woods he perfectly navigated to and from the Great Deku Trees every time. A sort of 'so wrong you looped back to being right again' sort of fella. Hopefully he's not this incarnation of Link or Zelda will have to wait a very long time for him to find the castle, regardless of the size Ganon is circling it.
As tempting as it is for her to be a Gerudo, I think Nami is just a Hylian who lives in a coastal village. She does bullshit Gerudo heritage to scam people though and who knows, she just might have a Gerudo ancestor, but she'll never get that height and cheese shredder abs. Sorry bby.
Robin? Oh, Sheikah. So very Sheikah even though she does more history than ninja work. Undoubtedly the one that knows every legend and scrap of lore by heart and thrives in it all.
Ussop is also from a coastal village but definitely has some mixed heritage from... Somewhere. Unclear where, but he's got too many weird skills for just some fisherman's son. Yossop being Sheikah himself is of course, where all that bullshit magic invention shit comes from, not that Ussop didn't make it his own in due time. Though I wouldn't be against him being Rito! It would be an interesting change and excellent addition to his preference for long range weapons! I don't recall them having magic tho so idk... only downside I suppose.
Brooks? Well... I think he'd make an interesting Twili who found just enough magic spells to live in the daylight but... Looks like a skeleton. Whoops. Can't have everything I suppose! He makes it work, though!
Chopper would make a cute little Goron, honestly! If he wasn't just a reindeer with magic sentience. Wouldn't be out of the question given the shit we see elsewhere! Why not a Korok? Actually... Korok would be super cute! No disguise, just baby! I'll workshop it, there's a few good options!
Sanji would clearly be a Yiga who abandoned the Yiga clan and now pretends to just be a regular Hylian who loves cooking. Certainly wouldn't be the strangest thing out there!
Jinbe's so easy it's almost boring, clearly he'd be a Zora. An unusual whale shark Zora, but a Zora nonetheless! Most Zora seem to be shark based anyhow.
Sabo is a Hylian noble, obviously, and very done with aristocracy, preferring to rough it out in the wild.
Thatch is also a Hylian, one of many who love cooking but is also not dumb enough to poison himself in the name of experimentation... Looking at u, master chef weirdos. Seriously, what the shit?!
Whitebeard is absolutely a Goron though! Massive mountain man who breaks mountains with his fists! Old as shit! It's a great fit!
If I had to choose a race for my OC, Nikia... Imma be a fucking cheat and say Fairy. Great Fairy? Somewhere between the bottle fairies and Great Fairies at least. Their design changes each game honestly and the recent version has them be sisters implying there's a family structure somewhere? Idk, she's still getting the hang of her magic and doesn't want to sit in a pocket dimension via flower portal, so she's not as strong as the Great Fairies yet. Prefers to hang around isolated ponds and tends to attract smaller fairies to her side. I imagine their size/immobility from an area indicates strength, usually, baring Wind Waker where the Great Fairy is literally child sized and implied that the other Fairies you see are puppets... Weird reveal ngl. So she's capable of some interesting stuff in her own right. Almost wanted to say Rito cause I like their designs (even if the idea of an open house like that wigs me out lmao, what a fucking drafty ass house to have!) but no, Fairy works for me. Maybe she gets small when traveling outside of a sacred area to conserve power and safeguard herself.
She would not be naked though, absolutely not lmao, very modest for her race. Another oddity I guess you could say.
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ideas-on-paper · 8 months ago
Book review: Adrian Mayfield/Green Flower trilogy Part 1
With Pride Month being over, I want to share my thoughts on a really great LGBTQ+ book I picked up and read during June: the first part of the Adrian Mayfield/Green Flower trilogy by Floortje Zwigtman. (Original Dutch title: "Schijnbewegingen")
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The story is about Adrian Mayfield, a young homosexual in Victorian England who grew up in the East End of London.
The first thing that strikes the reader's eye is the unique writing style: The plot is narrated by Adrian in first person, in a blunt, almost coarse manner. This actually gives the book a lot of its charm, and I found myself laughing out loud more than once at the sarcastic, dark humor. It makes Adrian's experiences feel all the more authentic, in addition to painting a wonderfully disgusting picture of the Victorian period's hypocrisy.
The historical setting itself is brought to life by vivid descriptions, which integrate organically into the narrative without feeling long-winded. The story also superbly manages to hit some more serious notes, addressing social issues of Victorian times such as homophobia (both internalized and external), poverty, and the strict social class system. It also takes a sober, by no means saucy look at the male prostitution Adrian eventually finds himself in.
Quite a few historical figures also feature prominently in the novel, including Oscar Wilde, his lover Lord Alfred "Bosie" Douglas and Aubrey Beardsley, among others. As far as I can tell, the author really did her research and portrayed their personalities with respect to their historical counterparts. In fact, if you didn't know, you couldn't tell which characters are historical and which are fictional - I was surprised to learn that Charles Parker, Alfred Wood, Bob Cliburn and most of the other rent boys actually existed.
As for the fictional characters, my opinions about them range from "love them to bits" to "absolutely insufferable". Augustus Trops, Adrian's first acquaintance from high society, belongs to the latter category - not because of his sexuality, but because his understanding of art, personality and overall attitude are completely at odds with my own. However, that doesn't mean that Trops is a bad character - rather, it's admirable feat on the author's part that he feels exactly like the kind of person I couldn't stand in real life.
In general, I found it quite welcome that the book doesn't make any attempt to dictate which characters you're supposed to like or dislike - all of them have their flaws, and to be frank, most of them are assholes. Still, each of them also has their good moments, even Trops - I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Among the standouts on the positive side was Mary Ann, Adrian's energetic sister whose outgoing, confident personality I couldn't help but smile at. (Fun fact, btw: "Mary-ann" was actually a synonym for a male prostitute in Victorian times.)
My favorites, however, were Imogen and Vincent. Imogen is a tomboyish girl who just can't seem to fit into the role of "refined lady" that was cut out for her, preferring to realize her own creativity by writing. Being a hobby writer myself, I immediately took to her.
Meanwhile, Vincent is totally my spirit animal: Shy, reserved artist who is sort of belittled by his company of (false) friends, not very interested in joining them in their excessive consumption of intoxicating substances, hating parties, more married to his work than anything else and spending months of research poring over every historical book about Palestine just to get David's sandals right for his painting? Yep, that's definitely me. xD (Ngl, the guy was giving me serious autistic vibes at times; also, I'm willing to bet money that he's ace.)
As a fair warning though, the story gets pretty depressing at times. I really felt with Adrian having to deal with the various intricacies of life, and since the first half of 2024 has unfortunately been pretty rough for me, it resonated with me all the more. To share some of my favorite quotes:
"Every time I had managed to find life pleasant by the means of all sorts of tricks, something happened that turned everything into one big mess again."
"From time to time, it was fair for life to seem okay, but I knew from experience: It wouldn't stay that way for long."
"It was such a mess that it was probably true. Life. Just damn life."
However, I think the book actually sort of helped me through my troubles; at the very least, it made me think deeply about my own perspective on art and love.
On a side note, while there is sexual content in the novel, none of it is really explicit, making it a great read even for people who feel uncomfortable/awkward about sex scenes (like me). In fact, I would say the story helped me confirm my own identity as demisexual.
The sex scene between Trops and Adrian made me feel absolutely nothing - the context was clearly sexual, but it didn't turn me on in the slightest. I simply couldn't get behind their relationship, so it left me completely cold.
However, when Vincent confessed his love to Adrian at the end - how much he suffered from hating himself - I almost broke into tears. I absolutely adore both of them, and I support them with all my heart - they'd make a wonderful pair, IMO.
[spoilers end]
It's a real pity that the language barrier prevents this book from being accessible to a wider audience, since it's only available in Dutch, German, and Danish. (Kind of ironic that such an excellent novel about Victorian England isn't available in English.)
Still, I highly recommend it to anyone who can read it - it's emotional, compelling, and downright disgusting at times. It's exactly like the abyss from Edgar Allan Poe's story referenced in the book: Despite wanting to shrink away, you can't resist the desire to throw yourself into it.
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hausofmamadas · 2 years ago
NO MAMES KITTEEEE | Bc here we stan a side character with moxie y moda tan shingona
✴︎ Good morrow, mi gente 💃🏻💃🏻 ✴︎
Can you actually believe someone asked me to dump summore gifs out into interwebs instead of me unsolicited shoving them down everyone's throat. I know, revolutionary. One for the books really and truly. But I did get an honest to goodness gif request from my df, dear friend @cositapreciosa (with additional support and screaming in caps from @narcolini)
cositapreciosa: *beeeep* hi Kay it's meeee, you said i could send some request your way, may i have a small gif set for our Kitty 👉👈 they can arrive whenever because i don't think i have another kitty fic for the moment, but i'll make sure to do one to baptise the new gifs 😌
narcolini: honestly… there are so few gifs of him that any would be a dream..
Am I woefully behind on react reblogs because I decided to make these??? and work this other Javivid instead Why yes, yes I am!!! I'm so glad you asked you didn't but as my dfs so thoughtfully pointed out, there is a distinct lack of Kitty Paez gifs in these here interwebs, the supply is abysmal, and it was a historic injustice that needed to be corrected esp because there are quite a few bomb ass Kitty fanfics in existence (see ⇢ here and ⇢ here for examples) and any future fics are in desperate need of visual aids and by visual aids, I do mean Bad Bunny shirtless and smiling and laughing like he is literally the sun itself and feeling fucking fine about it
Narcos: Mexico - Season 3, Como La Flor
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Narcos: Mexico - Season 3, Los Juniors
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Narcos: Mexico - Season 3, Boots on the Ground
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Narcos: Mexico - Season 3, La Jefa
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And yeees, yea, I know you said "small gif set for our Kitty," and liiiiike I don't think.... it's not every single scene Kitty's in...? but ngl 👉👈 once I got going 👉👈 kskskskksksksk i couldn't stop. So instead of making 10, I made like 30. I just love him so much, enserio Bad Bunny estaba en una in this role and it's a travesty he wasn't featured more tbh like literally if we could just take every part rat-faced Romeo you know the one i'm talking about, the one with the Beetlejuice jacket, c'mon I'm not the only one who thought it, it's okay, this is a safe space is in and replace him with Kitty, it would satisfy a fraction of my need for more Arturo Kitty Paez. Like mans isn't even really a full blorb for me? Like he doesn't consume my every waking thought I only have so many thoughts and we all know the blorbs those are tied up over skskskks but every time he's on screen, I can't look away and I can't stop smiling?? yes, even when he's doing terrible thinks like street terrorism. So yeah in conclusion, Romeo was a waste and in this here house, Kitty is the one true narcojunior okay.
PS. some bonus Món gifs that just idk magically found their way into the mix somehow, i have no idea, not sure, no tengo ni idea como han llegado esos ahí, mis cabrones, lo siento pero era impotente pa detener esto
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↑ and this was the exact look of satisfaction on my face when i finished all these ↑
taglist(have some gifs): @ashlingnarcos @cherixrosa @purplesong1028 @criatividad-e @tinylittleobsessions @cigarettesaftersunset @artemiseamoon @narcos-narcosmx @thesolotomyhan @mandaloria314 @bellinitini @narcosmx @alreadywritten @drabbles-mc @complete-nonsequitur @narcosmx @dashavau
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jyndor · 2 years ago
watched the episode, it was great, need to watch again but some thoughts off the top of my head, spoilers under the cut
I wasn't sure if the crystal in Maarva's ship was actually a kyber or not, but now I'm certain they are going for a DIRECT parallel with Jyn and the kyber crystals given that Luthen gives Cassian a Rakatan (!!!! Lol no Easter eggs my ass) kyber pendant. I wonder if the crystals are representative of mentors/parental figures in their lives as well, and obviously Luthen's gonna die at some point. Also I think they are representative of moments of transition. This is... I mean they're just pointing them in the direction of home, their final home at least.
Love the attention to DETAILS! Cassian shaving, tending to wounds, the rings and the wig Luthen puts on and the way he practices his persona, the fake name Cassian chooses (Clem 🥺, his adopted father).
Cassian DID fight when he was 16 but I was getting ready for work so I missed what he was saying. Interesting that he literally sounds like Jyn - "they're all the same" - when referring to the Partisans, Separatists, Alliance, etc. I mean it's... wow. Like it's not even subtle at this point.
Luthen is a compelling character, the clear disdain he showed for the man he became when he put on the dressings of the Coruscanti version of him was interesting. It's Very Interesting that he is selling historical artifacts to fund rebel cells, considering how historical artifacts have been trafficked irl by European/US empires and not for good altruistic reasons. I'm curious to know if they will address how messy that is.
I am also glad he isn't actually TEACHING cass how to be a rebel, he's just pointing him in the direction of other movements that need help. I don't love the optics of a Core worlder organizing and funding rebel cells of marginalized groups but I also think he's maybe playing the role of an ally - opening his wallet so to speak.
Mon Mothma's home is BEAUTIFUL and opulent and very much juxtaposed with where Cassian was sleeping on Maarva's ship, and Aldhani in general. I know she did not say that she would be the first to fall 🤣🤣🤣 I am certain she meant in the Senate but that just shows her lack of real connection to the struggles of rebel fighters. Ofc she IS putting herself in danger - to deny that is to deny what the Empire is - but she would never be the first to fall and Luthen seems to know that, and in fact I'm sure that him saying that he has mouths to feed (in addition to being a signal that he is a parental figure, and IMO I think Val(?) is his daughter they just... had a vibe idk) is him reminding her that for all of the danger that she is in, she is able to feed herself and live in luxury when there are people who are in the mud.
btw Aldhani feels very Ireland/Scotland/Aoteoroa which... crying ngl. Iirc they even said highlands which??? They're just scalping the British empire ilu show
Saw Gerrera mention love him sfm. Also I love the Aldhani rebels, they're fantastic.
Cassian Andor needs sleep
Dedra and the ISB are... no notes everything is horrible and Imperial and structured and wow perfect. Majority white, majority male. Fascists can also be women, especially white women. She's great. I hate her already.
Speaking of hate, they literally called Syril "proud" lmfao he's a proud boy. Love his mom, I'm sure she's trash too but I literally have no notes.
Cassian is the first to hear the TIEs, our guy is so fucking observant. Also now he looks super young so pls don't age his ass up too much it unnecessary.
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fruityfroggy · 11 months ago
Now that there's actually some context as to who my ocs are, I'll add actual links to these playlists if you want to take a gander at the vibes floating around in my fruity brain
Lilygris - ended up oddly summer-y, but it’s basically just messing around and being gay for each other catching feelings vibes. A feel good playlist in general
Digris - SAPPHIC YEARNING, with a tinge of forbidden love maybe (specifically the kind that takes place in a historical setting) vibes. But it’s also gentle yuri at the same time…oughh PINING PINING “I NEED HER SO BAD BUT I SHOULDNT” type beat
Toothigris - also very gentle (femme x femme) yuri. Having picnics together and getting tucked into bed with lots of sapphic tension type vibes.
Fun fact: the name of this playlist was based on a comment I made about Toof’s design from a leak (“She seems like the type of lesbian to make out with you in a dark room…I’d let her kiss me in a closet or smth” - me) DONT QUESTION IT DONT QUESTION IT PLS
Medigris - this is a new addition to the group (and it’s very small ngl) but it’s kinda hard to sum up the vibes of this one…you just have to be there? Um, “you’re a mess and I love that about you. Let’s be a mess together” vibes? Or is it “I’m a mess, but you’re still here. Maybe that means something?” Vibes?
Lady Clef:
Clefant - toxic yuri, sexual tension, probably plotting and scheming together type beat. NEXT!
Clefurion - also toxic yuri and sexual tension, but it’s more of a “this situationship is probably bad for me…but she’s hot tho…” type beat
And I’ll throw in my general oc playlists for them as well, for funzies
Haven’t really talked about Berillus yet, but magical forest ambience needs no explanation
The general vibes of Lady Clef’s (hypothetical) event.
“Trust no one, but keep your enemies close” type beat
There’s something about making discreet ship-playlists by naming them shit like this because said ships are oc (that no one knows of) x canon character ships, even though you could literally just make them private. There’s just something about it……
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97-liners · 2 years ago
i literally have not been able to stop thinking about your latest wonwoo fic since i read it this morning like it hasn't left my mind once!!
i already said this in my reblog but the writing was so beautiful im so in awe like !?!!! the concept alone was amazing but you really pulled me in with the way you wrote it
im so obsessed with the way you chose to describe things from the setting of a scene to the way things play out it was so cool to read ill literally never get over it omg
also i NEED to know if you chose to write this in a specific way because of the setting but it reminded me so much of old xianxia movies. at first i assumed that was the intent because of the magic but it was so strongly weaved into every scene, even the ones where it was just two characters talking (especially those ones honestly), that i had to ask
reading this genuinely felt exactly the same as watching an old xianxia movie like everything was new but familiar and homey and im sorry this is so long but i loved every bit of this fic ill literally never forget it ever 😭
hi!!! sorry i let this ask sit in my inbox for a few days, but i genuinely felt like i was gonna explode from happiness when i read this. thank you so so so sooooo much for the feedback and the review, it really means so much!!!
fic talk below the cut:
ngl when i made the very first text post, it was still in a totally ambiguous setting. like, it could have been modern royalty, it could have been 18th century korea, it could have been european fantasy setting, it could have honestly been anything. but,,,,,, i did hone in on an east asian fantasy setting by the time i added my second addition and subsequent additions.
i like to include a lot of east asian influences in my fantasy settings or vaguely historical settings, because i'm asian and my gripe with historical aus involving asian characters in western settings is that it's a very white pov to be able to just.... suspend disbelief and pretend that imperialism and racism haven't been the driving power structure between european history for the last couple hundred years. like, white people just think of themselves as the default and don't even think of the fact that having wonwoo in a historical european setting would require a huge suspension of disbelief.
also. most people who write fantasy settings end up making things just.... transparently european, probably because they're westerners who are used to their culture being the default. stone single-complex castles with towers, balls and ballrooms, knights, all of these are european concepts. even down to the social structure, standards of formal interaction, etc.... people write them as european without realizing or without pointing it out. so yeah, it's part of why i like to make my fantasy settings vaguely east asian, because everybody else's is vaguely western european lmfao
i think also part of the reason the voice turned out the way it did was because i decided to relisten to the mdzs audiodrama around the time i was planning this fic LMAOOO so that's probably a big part..... originally there wasn't going to be elements of magic included, but that changed after i went on a run and listened to like the first four episodes of mdzs audiodrama.... so yeah the xianxia influence was intentional. i'm a casual costume drama enjoyer too!!
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aconstantache · 4 years ago
HM: The Minute I Saw You by Paige Toon; Fair As A Star by Mimi Matthews; You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle 
10. Take A Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert - loved, loved, loved these MCs. They were both so well-realised and multi-faceted. Zafir may be one of my favourite heroes ever and the depiction of a South Asian family here is also an all-time fave?? No boring, tired, sad diaspora vibes? No overused tropes re: Muslims? MIRACULOUS. So Zaf is a romance novel-reading lover of love and Dani is Not About Relationships. Unstoppable force meets immovable object etc etc.
9. Two Rogues Make A Right by Cat Sebastian - the ultimate in hurt/comfort decadence. Literally the entire plot is one person is really sick and the other person spends the entire rest of the book looking after them. LIKE, MAYBE THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENS?  It takes a bit to get into it but also the sick one is kinda villainous and the one looking after him believes there’s good in him despite all evidence to the contrary. V good dynamic! 
8.  Wild At Heart by K.A. Tucker - I read and LOVED The Simple Wild last year and was so happy the author decided to write a sequel. I would read ALL the books about these two characters just living their life in this universe. I know Tucker is branching out and writing about other characters in the ‘verse and: eh. I only want to read about Calla riding snowmobiles and Jonah telling her how competent she is I’m sorry!!! Wild At Heart focuses less on romance and more on Calla getting used to Alaska but it’s still satisfying seeing them work out how to compromise and start a new life together. 
7. Beach Read by Emily Henry - I love when a romance novel has a lot of hype and it lives up to expectations (see The Roommate for the opposite, ugh that book was bad.) Honestly I get off just on the blurb of this book: he writes pretentious literary fiction! she’s a bestselling romance author! they help each other write and slowly fall in love at the same time! It also deals with slightly heavier themes and there is focus on a recent death and some other stuff which I know a few people struggled with but there’s plenty of humour and light-heartedness so it all works imo
6.  A Dangerous Kind of Lady by Mia Vincy - It is so rare for me to like every book in a Historical Romance series but Mia Vincy’s Longhope Abbey is 3/3 atm. I loved the first two (as mentioned last year) and this one is an A+ addition (ngl I have qualms about the fourth book but I think MV has won some trust at this point so.) We originally met these MCs in the first book when they were introduced as very happily married and devoted so rewinding to them being conflict-stricken and angst-ridden youths was great.
5. You Say It First by Katie Cotugno - So I simultaneously adored this and also found it irritating. This book focuses on ‘liberal’ Meg who has progressive values and is very involved in things like voter registration phonebanks. She ends up on the phone with Colby who is her age and struggling with his family’s lack of money, his dead-end job, etc and has no time to discuss how the electoral system could help him. From a political point this had the potential to be really interesting but I think it’s pretty mishandled by the author. I think she could have done a much better job at writing a character who has no faith in the political system for valid reaons but like, some of Colby’s opinions are just nonsensical? Also Meg often feels ‘liberal’ in a way that is twee and annoying and superficial. Why did I place this so high when I have such a list of complaints??? Despite all this, the relationship between Meg and Colby is so sweet and satisfying and well-built. Most it it takes place over the phone and I love that liminal space that exists just for the two of them. It managed to outweight my negatives!!!
4.  If We Were Us by K.L. Walther - I know people have had qualms with this book but I still loved it. The boarding school vibes; the friendships; the siblings. Quintessential YA things done well! Sage and Charlie are best friends and would be perfect together (valedictorian types) except Sage is far more into Charlie’s twin brother (v not valedictorian type) and Charlie isn’t into girls at all. Two good, satisfying romantic relationships found here folks!
3. Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall - FAKE DATING EXCELLENCE. I think every year I need something new to fill this particular category and Boyfriend Material is a really stellar entry. That being said, I don’t think there’s much actual fake dating going on in this book apart from premise-wise but we move! Luc and Oliver have a good mix of awareness and conflict so you get the Good Stuff TM of them being together and sweet and wonderful while still having to wait for their climactic Get Together.
2. Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon - I’m obsessed with “I’ve hated you all along! Wait... have I?” narratives and it’s executed so perfectly here. Rowan and Neil are two massive nerds and competitive rivals who end up spending their last hours of school together. There is very little plot to this book - it is almost 100% relationship development and hangout time - which is almost always all I ever want from romance.
1. Mix Tape by Jane Sanderson - I read this all the way back in January (what a completely different time in the world!) so it’s a testament to how good it is that I still feel strongly enough about it to give it pride of first place. This is the kind of book - because it’s not reeeeally genre fiction - that seems destined for a sad or, at the very least, ambigious ending but (HA!) it provides a warm, wholly satisfying happily ever after. Anyway if you’re into second chances after decades and decades apart and people communicating through songs and yearning and never being able to Let Go - this is for you!
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pass1onepr1ncess · 7 months ago
Episode 5? I think? Also I will be talking a little bit about the sex scene in this one so all my minor followers look away, shoo shoo!
Best friend and I kept just going "Will you two PLEASE talk to each other like adults?!" about Simon and Daphne BUT IT PAID OFF!!!!! The wedding scene was very pretty but I know it would've been so much more impactful if they were actually able to enjoy it instead of being so stressed about everything
Ngl I'm very pleased with the explicit consent from Simon in the sex scene! They're very cute!
SPEAKING OF SEX SCENES, SHOUTOUT TO BENEDICT!! Me when there's a canonically queer and poly couple who hosts an entire orgy in my historical fiction show. I specifically was VERY happy about the poly rep! Here's to hoping Benedict turns out to be at the very least bi and bags both the painter and his wife (DO NOT SPOIL ANYTHING)
As someone who very much likes fashion in addition to character design, I noticed that Eloise's dress always seem to incorporate more masculine shapes such as the suit lapels and buttoning down the front of her dresses! It's very good for showing what kind of character she is solely by her attire as it reflects that she doesn't want to share the same fate of her sister or any other debutante for that matter. Unfortunately her character arc so far very loudly screams "Feminist written by a anti-feminist man." I get that she wants freedom and to live her own life not defined by marriage but by her own accomplishments- However comma, girly bashing literally everyone and pretending like you're better and above everone else who is content on finding a husband- especially in the political climate Bridgerton is set it- is not the way to go about it! It even got to the point that she was indirectly insulting Penelope the entire time
I've since warmed up to Anthony a little bit more since my first Bridgerton ramble! He's had some nice character development in letting Daphne make her own choices (for the most part) and just truly wants what's best for her without being too controlling! He loves his sister :)
I kinda have more to say about sex scenes in particular but those thoughts will go another blog! :)
Shoutout to Bridgerton for solving all of my problems <3 /j but also /hj
I just finished Ep2 with my best friend and my current thoughts are :
LOVE Penelope (It's a good day to be a lesbian my GOD she's gorgeous even in those hideous yellow dresses)
Daphne is wonderful in addition to being very pretty and oohhhhhhh boy her and Simon can say all they want that it's just a ruse but the fake dating trope comes for us all and I am HERE FOR IT
Eloise and Anthony both are getting on my nerves ever so slightly but I wanna cut them some slack for now
I've seen clips here and there of the prequel series on Queen Charlotte and I absolutely adore her, Lady Danbury, and Brimsley lmao
I don't know who the fuck the Cowper daughter is but I kinda hope she gets bitten by a snake or something she's been a bitch twice now she's only a background character
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smallfrost · 5 years ago
Homeostasis in Motherland: Fort Salem Part 2 - The Balance of Witchbomb
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I had previously discussed how the structure of the magic system in MFS followed the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Specifically, that there is a balance interwoven throughout Motherland, and in order to create something, something of equal value must be given in exchange.
At first glance, though... it would appear as though Witchbomb defied the Law of Equivalent Exchange, that Raelle was healing people without consequence and that she was able to produce this huge energy source without giving anything in return. However, I am here to argue that these two apparent caveats are in fact WHY Witchbomb is a perfect example of maintaining homeostatic balance in MFS.
We previously discussed that uses of magic without an energy exchange can have catastrophic consequences. Adil told us this in 1x07 but we were also hinted this before the show even began, with BTS historical snippets including this one of Alder:
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Ma’am, your indifference towards global warming is troubling
The left-hand column is blurry but reads “global climate destabilized by weatherwork” and can be found in this clip here from Freeform. So definitely, the over-use of magic has drastically pushed the world out of balance.
Raelle was an example of balanced energy exchange in this universe because her unconventional methods offered herself as a source of energy to be exchanged in return for healing others – prior to linking with the Mycelium, she always took on the illness, at least by a little bit, maintaining homeostasis by doing so. We were all curious about what Raelle’s link to the Mycelium would mean; the implications it would have. The old hypothesis was that it would impact the ecosystem around Fort Salem (and who knows, maybe it will in season 2). But what we do know now for certain is that Raelle’s connection with the Mycelium is sentient and eternal. She exchanged DNA with the Mycelium, linking with the “living death fungus.” So now, Raelle is able to heal people without taking on any of the illness, and that when she “died”, her emotional link with Abigail triggered Witchbomb, which eradicated the remaining Camarilla and, in its wake, left behind a plethora of new life (mushrooms sprouting).
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Raelle: Abigail, we should start our own entertainment business, because you and me? We’re a blast.
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Ngl, I never considered mushrooms to be that big a deal, but now they’ve started to grow on me
So how is the Mycelium working to maintain balance here? Well, Raelle usually took on the illness, sacrificing herself, using her own energy. Now, she is linked to the Mycelium, and it is instead offering itself as an energy source for Raelle. We see that when Raelle heals Khalida, the plague detaches and goes into the ground around them. Since the Mycelium is a network running under Fort Salem, we can infer that the plague is picked up by the Mycelium. This is immediately confirmed when we see Izadora dissecting mushrooms and looking at the Mycelium with utter dread as the black plague infiltrates.
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*Insert confusion over the plague spore-adically detaching from Khalida*
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Izadora playing her life-sized version of Pandemic, secretly nerding out over mushroom things
So now… we can infer that every time Raelle heals someone (Khalida, Tally’s broken leg, Tarim boy, etc.), the affliction is transferred to the Mycelium. She survives and is left unaffected. This could also explain why overdosing on Salva didn’t kill her – it was after her connection with the Mycelium was formed and it prevented her from dying by taking on most of the drug (hypothetically).
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Raelle just really needs a vacation in season 2
So already, by using itself as an energy source instead of Raelle, the Mycelium is maintaining balance. But how was Witchbomb a result of this? Well it comes down to questioning, how is it possible for the Mycelium to retain all of this negative energy without any consequence? What balances negative? What balances death? The answer: Positive and Life. Therefore, my new hypothesis is that the Mycelium, due to its intimate connection to the underworld and its sentient nature, retained all of the negative energy taken on by Raelle’s fixing and refocused it. We know that mushrooms, as occupants of the underworld, can be brought forth utilizing the resonant energy of the freshly deceased. The Mycelium is likely functioning in a similar fashion by channeling all of the negative energy collected by Raelle into a massive energy source (almost like a battery) that with the appropriate trigger, could be released into the world, replacing death with life. Essentially, Witchbomb is a giant ‘Reset’ button to return the world to a balanced and homeostatic state after the scale had been pushed too far. It is a giant filtering system, taking the negative energy from Raelle’s healing and releasing it back into the world in a positive manner, and in this instance, bringing life to where there is none.
So therefore, I would guess that in order to access Witchbomb in the future, Raelle will need to “charge” it by healing numerous people. The more drastic the illness, the quicker the “bomb” will be charged. And then there is the question of the trigger. We know for sure that the sisterly love and friendship between Raelle and Abigail was enough emotional energy to trigger the energy release (though some people love to point out the link was with Raelle’s left hand, the one Scylla marked).
Raelle is extremely emotional, she lets her emotions run wild resulting in bouts of extreme magic.
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You practice summoning tornadoes yet, High Atlantic? Cause our plot line has a great Twist…
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Raelle Collar, making girls fall for her left and right without breaking a sweat
So, in season 2, we’re going to explore if there are additional emotional responses that can trigger Witchbomb and whether or not Raelle can control this trigger by controlling her emotions. I would bet money that eventually, the emotional linkage between Raelle and Willa (whether it’s hatred and anger initially or unconditional love later) would be enough. That Raelle’s love for the other third of her Unit, Tally, would be enough. And of course, the love she has for Scylla and their inevitable, emotional reunion, would definitely be enough. And if that’s the case, since linking with a blaster to create Witchbomb resulted in an actual, destructive explosion, could it be that Raelle generates a Witchbomb channeling the specialization of whomever she links with? Would linking with Willa create a “fixing” bomb, healing everyone instead of blasting them? Would linking with Scylla allow her to open a death current by harnessing sufficient energy that would only be possible during Beltane (or Samhein) otherwise? Or since Necro is so close to Fixing, would is similarly be a “fixing” bomb, literally bringing life from death (and I must credit @thefabfan10​ for these “fixing” and “death current” bombs, because it’s brilliant and I definitely agree). So, to build on these, would linking with Tally generate a Witchbomb that would allow them to see into the future or make a prophecy of sorts?
All in all, Witchbomb is a conduit and has the power to re-purpose negative energy into a positive force. It is the embodiment of balance and reminds us that nothing ever really dies. And in a universe where maintenance of balance may be integral to the survival of humankind, Witchbomb may be a solution to re-stabilizing the magic system (and it wouldn’t have been possible without Raelle and Scylla’s love).
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whocalledhimannux · 4 years ago
ngl, I'm really into the framing device I'm using for In Affectionate Remembrance so I'm putting my author's note(s?) on tumblr instead to keep the chapters themselves clean. note for chapter 5 beneath the cut.
For the most part I'm basing this fic on my favorite Regency-written novels and a few modern historical fiction novels, but for this one I did draw a lot on a nonfiction source, so I wanted to specifically cite Robert Morrison's The Regency Years: During Which Jane Austen Writes, Napoleon Fights, Byron Makes Love, and Britain Becomes Modern.
Also, I'm kind of playing around with mapping canon QT events onto this AU, although obviously a lot of things can't really have direct parallels without massively rewriting British history. Some of these things, imo, work pretty well, like the general plot of TaT. Some... don't. I'm ambivalent about how they work in this chapter, to be honest. It's inspired on two plot points from canon, but in reverse order and with some historical elements thrown in because that seemed to make more sense for the AU, and I think the references may have become a bit muddled.
Basically, the big parallel is meant to be the moment in Return of the Thief where Relius argues against Costis returning to Roa, which I read as him being protective of Costis on Kamet's behalf. (I know Teleus isn't in that scene in canon, but my personal headcanon is that he was entirely on Costis's side, hence his interference in this chapter.) But in order to most closely parallel the canon scenario, I would have to be really, really, really specific about what "the Medean affair" is, and so many players in QT would legally have no real role in the British parliament and I would have to learn more about British parliament and for the most part I'm trying to limit the number of characters whose letters are featured in this fic so I just... didn't want to do that.
So instead, to recreate the life-or-death urgency that moment has in real life, I turned to the Regency's real-life homophobia, which seemed similar and simpler. In general, I don't really enjoy writing about homophobia and I doubt this will be a prominent theme in later letters, but personally when I'm reading and writing historical fiction I sometimes get pulled out of it by writers either ignoring the aspect of homophobia altogether or writing it in a notably anachronistic way. The gbq characters in canon don't seem to have any hangups over their sexuality, but in a Regency setting there would be additional misgivings and I wanted to represent those fairly. The idea of England having much stricter mores regarding homosexuality comes from Morrison's book; at the time, a significant portion of Western Europe was under the Napoleonic Code, which had decriminalized sodomy. It may not have been viewed favorably by the residents in those countries, but it wasn't reviled to the extent that it was in England, according to Morrison.
(One of the only other main ways that homophobia influences this fic is w/r/t how the letters are written and addressed. You'll notice that the characters are often vague in their terminology, and that more direct letters typically include nicknames and initialisms as opposed to full names.)
And then the little parallel is, of course, to Costis and Kamet going off and getting their own little place in Roa, which here is more of a permanent establishment. My idea is that Kamet passes himself off as a poor scholar without many marriage prospects, so he mooches off various friends and ~just so happens~ to spend the greatest amount of time with Costis, and occasional longish stays with Eugenides and Irene, Relius, or in London.
Also, as a final, more general note this really is just a jumble of related oneshots and I don't have a "plot" or a regular updating schedule, per se, but I do have at least three more letter chapters and two prose interludes (including one that gives context for the title) in my WIP folder.
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