#nft software development in dubai
patang01 · 1 year
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valiantcodes · 11 months
Valiant Technology - Making Life Easier
Hey, guess what I found out recently? There's this awesome company called Valiant Technology, and they're all about making digital success super simple and cool! I mean, how cool is that?
So, Valiant is this software consultancy firm based in Dubai's fancy “World Trade Centre”. And get this, they've got a bunch of services that cover everything you can think of! They do product development, software and web development, and even mobile app development. It's like a one-stop-shop for all your tech needs.
And you know what's really mind-blowing? They're into all that futuristic stuff like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. They're like tech wizards who can make your wildest tech dreams come true! With their predictive analysis and natural language processing skills, they're like tech magicians.
But that's not all. They lead the charge in the blockchain revolution. Yeah, I know, sounds fancy, right? They do blockchain development, create smart contracts, and even lead the way in decentralized finance solutions. If you've ever heard of NFTs, they're all over that too – talk about staying ahead of the game!
Oh, and wait till you hear about their design and development skills – jaw-dropping! They'll create websites and landing pages that look like they're from another dimension. And if you're into gaming, they've got some serious game development skills, from 2D/3D games to VR and AR experiences. It's like stepping into a whole new world of digital awesomeness!
And guess what? They are also a creative powerhouse and do video production and animation like no other. From game promos to product walkthroughs, they've got the magic touch to captivate any audience. And their creative copywriting and translation services will make your brand shine globally. It's like having a whole creative dream team at your service!
But here's the coolest part – they're not just about creating cool stuff. They also know how to optimize and fine-tune everything. Their expert audits ensure that your code, design, and infrastructure are top-notch. It's like giving your digital presence a complete health check-up!
So, if you're ever in need of digital success made simple and cool, Valiant Technology is the way to go! With their expertise and friendly approach, you'll feel like you're chatting with a tech-savvy friend who's got all the answers. Embrace the digital revolution with them – it's gonna be one heck of an awesome ride!
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brillmindztech · 1 year
How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Food Delivery App like Zomato?
Food delivery apps like Zomato have turn a part of our lives. It's easy to order food online and get it delivered to your doorstep. But what if you want another than just takeout? The question is: How much does it cost to develop an app like Zomato.
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What is Zomato?
Zomato is an eatery discovery platform that allows junkies to search for eateries and food in their area. It's the largest eatery discovery platform in India and has over 3 million freaks
Zomato was inaugurated by Deepinder Goyal, Pankaj Chaddah and Gaurav Bhatia in 2007. The company offers a wide diversity of features including 
Restaurant recommendations based on user preferences (e.g., type of cuisine)
A rating system where users can rate the quality of service they experienced at any given establishment during their visit there
Why use a mobile app?
Though, the answer is simple: mobile apps are used by millions of people every day, If you're wondering why your business needs to develop a mobile app. This means that if you have a product or service that can be delivered on the go, further your company needs to have an app as well.
Mobile apps also appeal to a wide range of consumers; they're used by people of all days and creeds, gender personalities and races. In fact, according to Statista( a statistics website), there were over 1 billion active Android freaks in 2016 alone!
How much does it cost to develop an app like Zomato?
The cost to develop food delivery app like Zomato depends on the size and compass of your design. The larger your design is, the more you'll have to spend on development. The lower your design is, the lower capitalist you have to spend on development. 
 The average cost of developing this type of mobile use is between$ 5 million and$ 10 million US dollar ( USD) depending on factors similar as :
Whether or not it's going to be primarily for iOS or Android devices;
What kind of backend infrastructure (database storage engines etc.) are needed;
How many times each day users are expected to use their product;and more!
How can Brill Mindz Technology help you with your App Development project?
With Brill Mindz Technology, you can be assured of a high-quality app development project. We have been developing apps for over 10 years and have done many projects in the past with different companies and organisations. Our team consists of experts who are highly skilled in their respective fields and understand what customers want from an app.
We offer a wide range of services including:
Mobile App Development
Mobile game development
Ed tech app development
Blockchain app development
Metaverse Development
NFT Development
Read more: Android app development company in Dubai
What are the costs of maintenance and support for an app like Zomato?
When it comes to preserving and supporting, there are several costs that come with the niche. The first is maintaining your app on multiple platforms, as well as handing over support for those platforms. This can be done by hiring a company of innovators who work just on your platform or by using third- party tools that help you cover exercise from each platform.
When it comes to conservation and support for mobile apps like Zomato, the costs are actually comparable anyway of what type of company you run:
Hardware costs (such as phones) vary depending on how many devices need upgrading at once; however, they're usually around $1k per phone or tablet purchase. If you want to upgrade more than one device at once then this could be an additional expense since most companies will charge per item rather than per total number of items purchased during the checkout process (which is usually only 2-3 items).
Software licensing fees vary based upon what kind(s) of software licenses are purchased along with any other products such as plugins/modules etc... These charges typically range anywhere between $5-$15k per year depending upon what type
How much does it cost to launch an Android or iOS mobile app like Zomato?
Cost of development: The cost of setting up an app like Zomato is roughly$ 1 million. This includes the cost of developing the usage, testing it, and launching it on iOS or Android platforms.
Cost of maintenance: To keep your mobile app running easily, you'll need to invest in upgrades for your system software and operating system updates so that freaks can download new features freely. You must also hire a company to regularly modernise content comparable to menus and reviews so that they're always current with what’s passing in eateries around the city.
Cost of support: Even so, we offer free consultations where our experts can deliver guidance on how to structure your operation while answering any questions that arise during this process( similar as marketing strategies), If you want help getting started with your business enterprise. We also hand over ongoing training sessions where our staff members partake their knowledge about colourful contents including strategy development & guidance forms wanted when running successful businesses like ours present!
Cost Of Marketing: Our marketing department uses social media platforms similar to Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin which allows us to manage drives snappily without having any specialized experience needed at each- just fill out some information formally also sit back and relax knowing everything differently has been taken care of automatically by its algorithms!
Invest in server infrastructure and hiring experts who can design and develop it.
To produce an app like Zomato, you need to invest in waitperson configuration and hire experts who can design and develop it. This is because the app needs a lot of funds comparable to bandwidth, memory, warehouse space, and so on. You can outsource all these schemes because it helps you concentrate on other effects rather than dealing with technology stuff.
If you are looking for Best Mobile App Development company in Bangalore that offers custom development services at affordable rates, also consider hiring them because they'll easily be qualified to deliver what you want at a reasonable price point!
It’s important to note that this is just a rough estimate of how important it costs to develop an app like Zomato. The cost depends on several factors, such as your company size and compass of work. However, please get in touch with us at the moment!
If you need further information on how Brill Mindz can help you with your app development design.
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buypropertyeasy · 2 years
Top 3 Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms in the Middle East
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Crowdfunding real estate is a growing trend in the Middle East. You can choose to buy, sell or lease property through a platform like RealEstate. Buying a home at auction is the main way to get financing in most countries. By modernizing your offerings with artificial intelligence and mobile interfaces, we can help you reach new buyers and increase value by bringing transparency, trust and simplicity to every deal. 
A licensed real estate crowdfunding platform called Smartcrowd enables users to increase their wealth by pooling their investments in rental homes.
Using the award-winning digital platform Smartcrowd, consumers can take benefit from all the advantages of direct real estate investments (i.e., by owning the properties) and lower their risk by spreading their wealth across a number of properties.
Real estate investing is made simple, hassle-free, and less dangerous for people thanks to Smartcrowd, which enables investments for as little as AED 500 (about $140).
The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) regulates Smartcrowd, which is registered in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).
The DIFC’s financial services are governed by the DFSA.
2. Getstake
By developing a digital platform that enables real estate investing easy, transparent, and accessible to everyone.
They lower the entry barrier to AED 500, pinpoint the market’s most alluring assets, and give you all the information you need to make a wise investment choice.
Additionally, they handle the entire investment process for you, from acquiring the property to allocating rent and handling payments to carrying out the sale of each asset when it is time to exit.
With Stake, you can build your own diverse property portfolio in a matter of minutes, become a landlord, and then relax while earning a second income and the best-in-class total return on your investment.
3. Baytuki
By making small real estate investments, Baytuki, a crowdfunding platform, helps Emirati women of all ages and economic levels achieve financial security.
Baytuki manages and facilitates the processes of buying, managing, and selling real estate so you may go about your daily activities and let your money work for you.
They are here to support you on your path to financial freedom and to arm you with the knowledge you need to make wise investment choices that will bring you financial assets.
Baytuki is managed by the Dubai Financial Services Authority and provided a license by the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) (DFSA).
None of these articles constitute financial advice. Articles are highly summarised to make it easy for the reader and save your time, so please DYOR further before putting your hard-earned money into any product mentioned.
Please note that the tech industry evolves rapidly and the info in this article is correct at the time of publishing. As Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant,” so if anything sounds old or off, please holler on the socials or comment here so everyone stays peeled.
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hippowallet · 2 years
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Introduction to Hippo Wallet The blockchain industry is continuously expanding. Because of this, more people are jumping into the crypto space, allowing more businesses to flourish and emerge. With the crypto industry’s inevitable growth, users require sufficient knowledge regarding the right tools to use. And one of the basic tools that you should have if you want to tread the crypto space is a crypto wallet. A crypto wallet is an app that allows users to safely send, receive, and store their digital assets. It’s comparable to a traditional wallet that stores conventional money, except that a crypto wallet allows you to manage your cryptocurrencies. Most of the time, a crypto wallet app is available for both iOS and Android mobile phones, while some are also conveniently accessible through desktop, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS versions—like Hippo Wallet, which offers all of those options.  Boasting a top-notch security system and non-custodial privacy settings, Hippo Wallet is certainly a good crypto wallet to use. What is Hippo Wallet? Hippo Wallet is a decentralized, non-custodial, multi-currency crypto wallet. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), and ERC-20 tokens. With its user-friendly interface, users can operate Hippo Wallet easily, allowing both new and experienced traders to securely send, receive, and store their cryptocurrencies. Users also have full control over their funds, and the app does not keep any personal or identifiable information from the users. The Hippo Wallet app is free to download. It is available for both iOS and Android mobile applications, and as mentioned above, desktop, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS versions as well. This flexibility of the Hippo Wallet allows users to utilize the app anytime or anywhere on different devices. Because users’ preferences differ, Hippo Wallet offers them a variety of options to easily access their funds. In addition, Hippo Wallet employs robust protective measures to provide more layers of security for the sake of its users. The app also addresses backup issues that other crypto wallets face by incorporating a recovery phrase, that users can use to retrieve and recover their access to the wallet if anything goes wrong. When it comes to Hippo Wallet fees, the app does not charge its users any fees when installing or setting up their accounts. The gas fees, moreover, are either paid to the miners/validators or the PoS (Proof-of-Stake) chains. The team behind Hippo Wallet, Blockchain Commodities—a custom blockchain software development company based in Dubai (DMCC)—mentioned that they will be enhancing the app’s features with a soon-to-release version that allows users to connect to their own nodes; something that will set Hippo Wallet apart from any other crypto wallet! Hippo Wallet will also be having its own token which will add benefits to the users especially when it comes to crypto transfer gas fees. The Blockchain Commodities team is also working on several exciting product launches that include: a decentralized exchange, payment gateway, and an NFT platform, to name a few.   For Hippo Wallet, the aim is to provide the best and safest way for users to manage their cryptocurrencies, as well as build a strong crypto ecosystem for all users. Getting started in the crypto space is easy if you know the right tools to use, and Hippo Wallet is a private and secure crypto wallet that you can choose—user-friendly, multi-currency, private, and secure.  Visit Our Website: https://hippowallet.io/
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cryptodailysun · 2 years
The Metaverse is a digital ecosystem that aims to create an entirely interactive virtual reality incorporating augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain technology - to offer a space that mimics the real world.  How did the Metaverse emerge?  Acclaimed Science-fiction novelist Neal Stephenson introduced the Metaverse concept in 1992 in his book "Snow Crash" as a utopian concept - one that hypothesized a near future where inhabitants would be escaping into a "safe haven," known as the Metaverse. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, took this vision and made it a reality. While he isn't the first to think of the Metaverse, its link to Facebook and other social media platforms will provide a much higher engagement, which is better for the algorithms, as they utilize that data to build a more visceral virtual, immersive reality. The Metaverse is now coupled to the blockchain. As a result, there are several decentralized metaverse initiatives you should invest in at the appropriate time at the local crypto exchange of UAE. It's the same as investing in bitcoin in 2010, and Bitoasis is an excellent place to start if you want to invest in exceptional blockchain metaverse companies because they have many of them. What is Dubai's relation to the Metaverse? Like every fast-paced, modern metropolis, Dubai didn't hesitate to jump on the Metaverse Bandwagon. Developments like the MetaTerrace project seem especially promising - which is powered by CollosalBit, a Dubai-based design and development firm that consults in all matters related to cryptocurrency, blockchain, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While this develops, a wise thing would be to scope out Metaverse tokens available in the UAE and which platforms offer them.  Here are the best Metaverse projects to invest in Dubai. ● Decentraland (MANA Coin): Powered by Ethereum, Decentraland calls itself a virtual reality (VR) platform that can effectively make and monetize applications and content. MANA is Decentraland's native currency, liable to work in the Metaverse. This token can be used to pay for virtual real estate, assets like vehicles, land, and other VR services and goods in the Metaverse. Check out MANA Price in AED and begin your Metaverse investing odyssey from a local UAE crypto exchange. ● Enjin Coin (ENJ): Powered by the Enjin Network (a platform to provide ease to programmers to market their NFT software development kits), this currency even has an NFT supported wallet, qualifying it for use in the Metaverse. The ENJ token may be a massive attraction for investors because it is a metaverse token with a lot of popularity and good usefulness. Enjin is meant to work with games; you may use Enjin Coin as money and buy, sell, and trade NFTs with the Enjin wallet.  ● Terra Luna (Tera): It's hardly a surprise that Terra (LUNA) is doing well. Terra Luna is currently one of the most underappreciated blockchains in the crypto world. Marketplaces, DeFi platforms, NFTs, Metaverse initiatives, and more are all part of the ecosystem. In this gamified Metaverse, users may build various avatars, and they can use them to do multiple tasks inside the Terra world metaverse. The Terra wallet, which mints NFT tokens, is connected to each user account. Tera is, without a doubt, one of the most popular blockchain platforms in Metaverse. You could also buy Tera in AED on a local crypto Exchange, so you might also be a part of these significant gains from this excellent Metaverse platform. Conclusion:  The Metaverse, much like the Crypto ecosystem, is bound to grow exponentially. The auction for the Megacity has already begun, and this will continue until all hexes are purchased. In its early days, investing in Metaverse was the same as investing in crypto. Go to Source
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enterprisessolution · 3 years
Anthem Hayek Blanchard And Austin Davis Of HeraSoft On Security In NFT And Blockchain, Plus: WazirX NFT Marketplace, Chicago Physical NFT Gallery, Paragon NFT Fragmentation +
Security breaches are a major concern in many industries today, especially now that most work is done from a home-based setting. NFTs aren’t exempt from the concerns, and blockchain security is often under the microscope as well. In today’s episode, our hosts Eathan Janney, Jeff Kelley, and Josh Kriger are joined by Anthem Hayek Blanchard, the CEO of Hera Software Development and Anthem Gold, and Austin Davis, the Chief Revenue Officer of Hera Software Development. They discuss personal and network security and why it is very important in today’s fast-paced digital world. They also give us a look at HeraSoft’s Enterprise security solutions and how they work. Plus, we’re treated to a discussion on the present and future of NFTs and how they will impact our life and commerce well into the future.
Chad Koehn, president and founder of United Capital Management, said he was referred to Blanchard by a friend for a software build he was doing, and became impressed with the security solution like gamification solutions, enterprise security, finance solutions.
This episode features guests Anthem Hayek Blanchard and Austin Davis of Hera Software Development Incorporated. The zero-failure, ransomware-proof, enterprise software solutions company. It helps to solve the world’s toughest enterprise and cybersecurity finance, gamification, and logistical challenges. Anthem is Cofounder of HeraSoft serving in-house public blockchain software stack, Hercules, gold-blacked cryptocurrency company AnthemGold Inc., and Cofounder of precious metals dealer Anthem Vault Incorporated , gamification solutions, enterprise security, finance solutions.. He was raised by legendary goldbug and precious metals pioneer James U. Blanchard III, who helped restore American’s right to own gold and also founded Blanchard and Company. One of the world’s largest rare coin and bullion companies.
His passion is empowering people to manage their crypto portfolios and understand the joys and pitfalls involved in the space. Austin is Chief Revenue Officer at HeraSoft. He is also Cofounder of CommunityElectricity.io and other tech ventures. He also began dabbling in the NFT space many years ago. Building prototypes and hosting community and educational events in LA related to new token standards, such as NFTs. He holds Advanced Degrees in Engineering, and Austin is also a strategic advisor to tech companies, such as CasperLabs, HeraSoft, and MeWe.com. He’s an avid entrepreneur with proven experience and passion for efficiency, driven tech, and renewable energy solutions to benefit all humanity.
Great bios, guys. There’s much more that we had to trim, so the readers shall know that you have a lot of cool stuff going on and we’re happy to dive right into it.
Good to see you guys. Austin, it’s been a minute since we both have seen each other in LA. Where in the world do you live these days? Are you in LA when you’re not traveling to the Middle East?
I’m over the place. I’m bicoastal. I’m on the East Coast a lot these days with my family. I’ve got a little one. I’ll be in LA, so maybe we can see each other. I was in Dubai with Anthem. He’s over there still right now. I don’t know he’s been going on a world tour, but we both travel quite a bit.
Hello to our Dubai audience. You guys might get a kick out of the fact that at one point, we were number 38 in show and technology and Dubai. We hit the radar at some point. Maybe our audience will get excited about this episode as well.
Within the first few weeks of our launch at that, so very exciting.We’ve talked about your friend’s background already, and there’s such an interesting story behind the evolution of HeraSoft and the work you’ve done. We understand it spun out of AnthemGold, which is the cryptocurrency that allows you to buy gold with blockchain technology. How did that transition happen? What was the inspiration?
I appreciate it again. Thank you very much, guys, for having me on the show. It’s a pleasure. It was a lot of luck. I was adopted into an amazing family that became pretty legendary in the gold business. My parents, one of their claims to fame was helping to push for the relegalization of gold ownership in the United States, which was illegal for 40 years and became relegalized again in 1975. My parents were responsible for founding and building the world’s largest gold coin and bar retailer named after my dad, James U. Blanchard III, and company gamification solutions, enterprise security, finance solutions.. They sold it to GE Capital many years ago. That was my basis. My dad passed away in 1999. When I graduated college at Emory in Atlanta in ‘02, I looked at our estate’s portfolio and took a liking to a digital gold currency company called GoldMoney.com. It was a fledgling startup under $500,000 metal.I got to spend six years there and it was an awesome board secretary, director of marketing strategy, product, help with audits, accounting, and client service. It’s an awesome experience like a utility. That gave me some good experience as it turned out into cryptocurrency “public protocol.” My wife and I founded our precious metal company, Anthem Vault, years ago. We started developing in this public protocol technology that the Bitcoin founders created years ago. It’s been quite a long run playing in these tools. From there, we started building gold, stable coins, prototypes like Reuters credited us with building the world’s first gold token a few years ago as a marketing tool.
In 2017, we built an inventory log anchored into Bitcoin. That is 100% public protocol. We created our own public protocol layer called Hercules that serves like an index, a library, or a very basic operating system. We serve the solution to governments and companies. What it does is it provides them with 100% uptime ransomware proof and guaranteed data integrity to the level of Bitcoin. Obviously, with the news, JBS meatpacking, the world’s largest meat processor getting cyber hack colonial pipeline. It’s getting cyber hacked that our reserve is going. Now, the publicity is out there. The world knows about it. It’s impossible to hide these attacks anymore. It had been happening exponential rates for a couple of years and every day gets more so. As Bitcoin and cryptocurrency get more valuable, one of the repercussions is that the bounties that you can extract from ransomware and denial of servicing systems for example, gets exponentially greater. It’s something to understand.
Security is quite an issue these days, especially with their ICS double ends of the spectrum. There’s a theme in our culture, especially since the early 2000s of being open and sharing. We’re all creating profiles and all these sites, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and all these different places. At the same time, not only is there more of a need for security but there’s also a different set of culture that is all about being more secure with things. It’s almost even more difficult these days. In general, outside of the specific rounds that you deal in, any thoughts on how an individual or their business as they’re growing their business, how they might manage their security?
I’ve got some basic tips for that I still correct people all the time even people that have been in this industry for many years. Never use your real cell phone number, especially not on your email signature. A lot of people still have their actual cell phone number and email signature. You might have multiple cell phones in that one. You don’t have any attachments to any real email accounts or bank accounts or anything like that, but most people do. The easiest way to your wallet, whether it’s a bank account or a crypto wallet, is through your phone number gamification solutions, enterprise security, finance solutions.. SIM swap is a huge problem. A mutual friend of ours, Michael Turpin has a notorious case with AT&T for, I believe, $200 million. He’s selling them. I’m not sure if that closed or not yet, but at any rate, it’s a big problem in the industry.
Don’t broadcast where you live. Your address is sacred. You never want people to know where you live and if you can avoid it. Some people live in the same place they work and they have meetings there. That’s unavoidable. Basic things like that. Use different email accounts for everything. Don’t use the same password for anything. I know that’s hard, but there are ways to manage it. There are platforms that help you manage your passwords if you trust them but some of those have even been breached. The best way would be to come up with your own password system and have different passwords for everything and save storage of those passwords offline.
Austin, that’s great advice and putting that in the context of NFTs. We want you to have in the show because security is not a sexy topic when it comes to NFTs. Everyone wants to talk about the cool stuff that NFTs can do, but the reality is there are real security issues here that both consumers need to address and enterprises that are building this cool stuff with NFTs. Any addendum you would add to the basic set of advice? You’ve got NFTs that are in closed systems like NBA Top Shot, where what you shared is very relevant. What about NFTs that live in the open space that someone has in their MetaMask wallet? Any extra precautions that you guys think of when you think of NFTs?
Specifically, the MetaMask. How safe is your computer like basic way if someone can get into your computer? Potentially, they can get into your MetaMask wallet and transfer that in NFT out. MetaMask and webtrees systems have been breached as well in the past. They’re not foolproof. They’re a lot more secure than other things, but they’re not 100% foolproof, especially in this industry where you have people reviewing code all day long looking for these loopholes and tanking projects or accounts and draining things gamification solutions, enterprise security, finance solutions.. Luckily, there are funds to replenish the coffers sometimes like with finance. They’re notorious for replenishing when a project gets hacked and drained if it’s in their ecosystem.
I would say be as cautious as possible with your computer, your phone, and anything that you’re clicking through with those devices because you are the weakest link, even if there are no code flaws that people can hack or anything like that. People can certainly easily be hacked. It’s always you, that weakest link. Be cautious of what you click on and where you store these things. Don’t store them all in one place either. Traditional is very simple gamification solutions, enterprise security, finance solutions.. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t put all your NFTs in one MetaMask wallet. You can create 1,000 MetaMask wallets on different devices if you want.
This issue gets more complicated now that we look at the intersection of NFTs and defy. Every day, there’s a new project coming out and we’re pretty excited. We’ll have some guests on the show talking about collateralized loans against NFTs, both physical, digital assets, and fractional NFTs. The idea of loaning in NFT adds more fuel to the fire at the end of the day.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
The DeanBeat: The blockchain hype train comes to gaming
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/09/the-deanbeat-the-blockchain-hype-train-comes-to-gaming/
The DeanBeat: The blockchain hype train comes to gaming
Blockchain this and that. You hear it all the time now. I get pitched a few times per week, or sometimes per day, on new game startups that are using the security and transparency of the decentralized ledger technology. None of them realize that they’ve already become a cliché or that someone else pitched me with the same idea a week or a few months ago.
Blockchain is software that gives companies a ledger where they can record and verify transactions among multiple parties without using intermediaries like brokers or exchanges or app stores.
The hype train for blockchain
Above: Cocos-BCX team
Image Credit: Cocos-BCX
At companies such as IBM and Disney, it’s being used by big companies and small startups alike to fashion disruptive ways to do commerce. IBM has 1,500 blockchain experts working to make a type of open source blockchain called Hyperledger into the foundation for commerce.
In gaming, the French video game giant Ubisoft is working on blockchain technologies with startups in France, and it is sponsoring an upcoming Blockchain Game Summit in Lyon. Ubisoft takes pride in taking more risks than a lot of its rivals, and now it wants to lead in blockchain innovation.
“Obviously we’re very interested in blockchain. We’re exploring that here with various products,” said Catherine Seys, startup program director at Ubisoft’s Strategic Innovation Lab, in an interview with GamesBeat. “What that helps us embrace is how to go one step further beyond rewards and incentives. We’re not really talking about cryptocurrency. That’s not what we’re working on currently. Rather, we’re looking at the value of digital assets and how they can be used in the environments we create.”
Above: Ubisoft’s Catherine Seys is startup program director of the Strategic Innovation Lab at Ubisoft.
Image Credit: Ubisoft
Anne Puck, another member of the Ubisoft lab, blockchain initiative associate manager, and board member of the Blockchain Game Summit, said in an interview, “Our job is to analyze the changes happening in technological fields, in society, and in business practices. Ubisoft is working to remain at the forefront of emerging technologies and provide players with new ways to have fun. As you know, blockchain is the biggest thing on the market for technology since the internet. We feel that we can’t miss this opportunity, and that’s why we decided to launch the blockchain initiative at the beginning of this year.”
The blockchain and gaming news is coming in hot, and I’m starting to recognize some patterns in these companies. First, if you recall, the investment fads have come and gone in games. First it was Facebook games. Then iPhone games. Then virtual reality games. Then augmented reality games and esports. Now I’m seeing multiple game blockchain investments happening every week or so, such as Beijing’s Cocos-BCX raising $40 million to develop a blockchain gaming platform. That’s just one of many game-related blockchain fundings. Animoca Brands bought the Sandbox game maker Pixowl for $5 million for its blockchain potential.
“We at Pixowl and The Sandbox believe blockchain gaming has incredible potential and we are particularly excited about Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs),” said Sebastian Borget, cofounder of Pixowl.
The obstacles to blockchain adoption
Above: Mance Harmon is CEO of Hedera Hashgraph.
Image Credit: Hedera Hashgraph
Blockchain is hot for investors, but that’s a little suspicious as it reeks of being a fad. Blockchain conferences have sprung up everywhere. Because I’ve written about blockchain companies, I’ve been invited to cover, moderate panels, or speak at blockchain events in Las Vegas, Bali, France, Singapore, Dubai, Santa Monica, Scottsdale, Silicon Valley, London, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. And here’s a news flash: I’m no expert.
Many people who pretended to be experts raised money through initial coin offerings (ICOs, where people bought cryptocurrency coins on the assumption they would be worth something). From early 2017 through May 2018, cryptocoin deals raised more than $9 billion, according to the Satis Group. So far this year, blockchain startups have raised $1.8 billion in VC funding, but ICOs are also disrupting venture capital.
But often the entrepreneurs ran off with the money. The Wall Street Journal reported in May that of 1,450 ICOs it analyzed, 271 had serious red flags such as plagiarized investor documents or fake executive teams. Regulators from China to the Securities and Exchange Commission in the U.S. are cracking down on ICOs. Many companies are shifting over to token sales, some that are backed with real assets. Some are trying to develop stable coins, or those without wild swings in value that make commerce difficult. Cointopia is trying to gather trusted blockchain services in a marketplace.
Blockchain companies have trade-offs to deal with. The early implementations of blockchain in cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, exhibit this problem. Decentralization leads to secure and transparent transactions, but it also slows the process down and makes it more expensive. Different kinds of blockchain have been dreamed up to solve these problems, often layering different features that can make the technology more useful. Hedera Hashgraph has created an alternative to blockchain, dubbed hashgraph consensus technology, that can solve these problems. It can also build trust by creating a governing council with representatives from dozens of big companies in a variety of industries. And for that, it raised $100 million.
Above: Jerry Cuomo is vice president of IBM Blockchain
Image Credit: Dean Takahashi
Jerry Cuomo, IBM Blockchain vice president, told me in an interview that an enterprise-ready blockchain needs to be open and interchangeable, accountable, private, fast, secure, and scalable. About 70 networks are operating on IBM’s Hyperledger Project because it has those features.
“It’s being used to protect people’s personal identity or ensure that the information being fed into a clinical trial is correct,” Cuomo said. “A drug that you’re taking hasn’t been counterfeited, or the food that has salmonella in it can be recalled quickly without affecting more people and without shutting down the whole U.S. production of spinach. These are all things that are good for you and I, not just for the industry.”
But none of these new kinds of blockchains and the accompanying cryptocurrencies have gained traction in a big way with consumers, which is where they bear relevance to gaming. Blockchain applications aren’t easy for consumers to use. A bunch of wallet applications are emerging that allow people to trade cryptocurrencies on their smartphones. But these can come with transaction fees, and they could slow and make more expensive the transactions that should be happening by the millions each day in games.
CryptoKitties burst on the scene in December 2017 with the debut of its collectible cats. You could buy and sell them, and some of the kitties started going for prices as high as $200,000. That crashed the Ethereum network, slowing transactions to a crawl, and forced CryptoKitties to increase its transaction prices.
Consumers need something motivational, such as mining for riches, to adopt cryptocurrencies or blockchain in some form, Cuomo said.
“There’s a game theory, or a behavioral economic behind blockchain, that is at the essence of it,” he said. “Some people call it mining, but every network, even in a permissioned non-currency, there needs to be some motivational economic in the middle of that network to make it tick. There has to be an ecosystem of buyers and sellers or data providers and consumers that creates an incentive to have a seat at that network. It can’t just all be for the benefit of IBM, or the three companies that founded it. There has to be that — what is it? The Nash motivational economic system.”
Ideas for blockchain in games
Above: Perrin Kaplan interviews Brian Fargo at GamesBeat Summit 2018.
Image Credit: Michael O’Donnell/VentureBeat
If we suppose that blockchain gets past its regulatory problems, its technological issues, its scalability problems, and gets adopted, then we can start thinking about putting some of these imaginative blockchain ideas to use in gaming.
Brian Fargo, CEO of InXile, has been working on games since 1981, and he plans to retire soon. Yet he heard the blockchain siren sing, and he unveiled a blockchain startup, Robot Cache, early this year to get gamers to adopt a new cryptocurrency. He is setting up an alternative app store that will only charge 5 percent transaction fees for PC game sales, instead of 30 percent on Steam. Robot Cache could pay royalties in hours instead of 60 days, create a reward system for gamers, discount merchandising for publishers, and enable a used game trading system where gamers can get a 25 percent cut and publishers can get a 70 percent cut.
Lots of rivals are now doing the same thing with crypto and blockchain. But the challenge is getting games that people want to buy. Fargo hopefully has connections to make that happen.
A certain freedom comes with blockchain-based ownership. Stephen Ip, a game entrepreneur, said that the ability to create mods and services without a central authority or platform shutting you down or changing their model is a big deal. Without the protections of blockchain ownership, the platform owners can cause you to lose your service, such as what happened to Steamspy when Steam changed its services.
Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, has said that blockchain could be the underlying technology for the Metaverse, the virtual universe envisioned by Neal Stephenson in his 1997 novel Snow Crash. Sweeney was intrigued by Ethereum because it enabled smart contracts, or programs, to run on the blockchain, which could eventually become a blazing fast distributed computer that combines the power of everyone’s computers. And that would power the Metaverse or the world of Ready Player One.
“The Bitcoin blockchain updates once every 10 minutes. If it’s going to run simulation code for games, it better update about 60 times per second,” Sweeney said in 2017. “It stores 10 gigabytes of data from inception to present. You’re going to need terabytes of data produced every day if you want to scale it up for virtual worlds. I think all of these things can be accomplished, and the tools for accomplishing them are well-known. People just need to go and build it now. It’s a wonderful model, to be able to build distributed systems on that basis, where everybody can contribute and nobody is in control.”
Above: Tim Sweeney at GamesBeat Summit.
Image Credit: GamesBeat
Jules Urbach of Otoy hopes to take such a global cloud-based computer and turn it loose on rendering graphics. It could become a tool to enable anyone to build awesome game worlds and the beautiful, ray-traced objects and environments within them. Similarly, iExec, a startup at the Station F accelerator that Ubisoft is collaborating with, is a blockchain-based decentralized marketplace for computing resources. It’s allowing anyone to monetize their computing power, Seys said.
And Jez San, CEO of Funfair, is using the transparency and security of blockchain and the smart contracts on Ethereum to create online casino games that use random number generators that are transparent. In other words, blockchain ensures no cheating happens in Funfair’s casino games.
Philip Rosedale, CEO of virtual reality world firm High Fidelity, and game developer Ed Annunziata of Playchemy are separately hoping to enable characters to be moved across worlds. Rosedale envisions a system where the merchandise you buy can be moved from platform to platform. Annunziata wants to allow players to take their own creations in virtual worlds and move them to other worlds, particularly if one world shuts down. No longer would the game company own the assets and simply let the players use them. The blockchain could authenticate ownership of the avatars or merchandise, so no one can copy or steal your items. Puck at Ubisoft believes blockchain can help players push the limits of what it means for a game to be truly open.
Above: Authenteq can scan your identity for web site signups.
Image Credit: Authenteq
One interesting idea with application in gaming and big social media companies like Twitter comes from a blockchain startup called Authenteq, which has an account verification system that could be used for online games. Authenteq CEO Kári Thor Runarsson thinks it could be used to stop online trolls, who have become a curse for the game industry.
You sign up through them and they authenticate who you are through a picture of yourself and a picture of your ID. They associate the two together and come up with a hash string for the blockchain. If Twitter needs to verify your identity, they go to that hash string and it says yes, this is a real person. But they may also get a reminder that they recently banned this person. That person now cannot open a second account on Twitter. But Twitter never handles those details, the photo or the personal information. They just get an answer from the blockchain. It proves a fact, without divulging private data.
Verses has also come up with blockchain-based property rights in augmented reality. If companies build out the virtual environment in augmented reality, with an anchor in the real world, they could build virtual property on top of your house. Verses believes that you, the real world home owner, should own that virtual space as well, so somebody doesn’t put a virtual liquor store on your property that causes a lot of undesirables to show up at your real property (recall that problem happening with Pokémon Go?).
Other developers are moving ahead, full blast. CryptoKitties has raised money and is trying to launch a full KittyVerse ecosystem with dozens of developers who can build games on top of its collectibles platform. Kik, the messenger service company, created its Kin cryptocurrency last fall, and it recently launched its Kinit app on iOS to let people earn and spend cryptocurrency inside apps, using a kind of gamification. Kin also has dozens of developers working on consumer cryptocurrency apps.
“We think that blockchain has the potential to transform the gaming experience and even maybe to empower players as true stakeholders in their worlds,” said Puck at Ubisoft. “Yves Guillemot, at China Joy, mentioned blockchain as a potential revolution for the video game industry in the future….For us it’s always about players. How can we offer them more, offer them something new? The distributed nature of the blockchain network and the current state of the technology make it hard to envision what exactly will be the future of gaming and blockchain, but what we want is to use what blockchain has to offer for our players.”
Blockchain may be able to work wonders, though it’s probably not going to work miracles, or become a substitute for a good game.
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patang01 · 1 year
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valiantcodes · 11 months
Embrace the Digital Revolution with Valiant: Your All-in-One Software Consultancy in Dubai!
Hey! I've got something exciting to share with you. Have you heard about Valiant? They're a software consultancy firm based right in the heart of Dubai at the World Trade Centre. They offer a wide range of products and services that'll blow your mind!
Let's start with their services because they've got something for everyone. Whether you need a product, software, or web development, Valiant has the expertise to bring your ideas to life. They can create stunning websites, develop mobile apps that'll make your jaw drop, and even dive into the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Imagine the possibilities!
But it doesn't stop there. Valiant is a pro when it comes to predictive analysis, natural language processing, and image and video recognition. They can help you unravel hidden patterns in data, analyze language nuances, and even make your digital products recognize and understand images and videos. Talk about cutting-edge technology!
When it comes to recommendation systems, Valiant is your go-to. They'll create personalized experiences for your users, ensuring they get the content or products they need. And if you're curious about blockchain, Valiant is ahead of the game. They specialize in blockchain development, smart contracts, and can even build you a customized NFT marketplace or a staking platform. Get ready to embrace the decentralized finance revolution!
Valiant also knows their way around website creation, from eye-catching landing pages to robust eCommerce platforms. They're experts in lead generation and custom web development too. Oh, and gaming enthusiasts will love this – Valiant can create mind-blowing 2D/3D games, immersive virtual reality experiences, and thrilling augmented reality games. Prepare for gaming adventures like never before!
But wait, there's more! Valiant offers solutions for no-code or low-code platforms like WordPress, and Webflow. They'll help you build your dream website or application without the need for complex coding. It's like magic!
In addition to their impressive range of services, Valiant also offers audits to ensure your digital presence is top-notch. They'll assess code quality, UI/UX design, infrastructure, brand presence, SEO, and even smart contracts. Think of them as your tech detectives, ensuring everything is in tip-top shape.
And that's not all! Valiant has a creative side too. They excel in video production, game live streaming, product walkthroughs, copywriting, translation, SEO content, and mind-blowing animation – both in 2D and 3D! They're a powerhouse of talent.
So, if you're in need of top-notch software services, Valiant is the way to go. With their classy and professional approach, they'll bring your ideas to life while making you feel like you're chatting with a close friend. Embrace the digital revolution with Valiant by your side – you won't be disappointed!
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patang01 · 1 year
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patang01 · 1 year
Better Freight Tracking- It becomes easier to track freights. A proper authentication channel is offered by the blockchain management system as it helps in the least tempering of data.
Improved Shipping Process Efficiency- Logistics get highly positively improved through the blockchain management system as they improve the delivery process locally and internationally. This will also help in improved capacity and efficiency.
Security for the Internet of Things (IoT)- These devices are being used by various companies to maintain the quality of time and increase efficiency. With the help of this blockchain management, it becomes easy to analyze and categorize all the data from IoT devices to effective business strategies.
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valiantcodes · 11 months
Valiant Technology - A New ERA
Hey there! Let me tell you about Valiant, a top-notch software consultancy firm based in Dubai, right at the World Trade Centre. They offer a wide range of services and products that cater to various business needs. It's like a one-stop destination for all things tech-related! When it comes to services, Valiant truly shines. They have a talented team that excels in product development, software development, and web development. Whether you need a stunning website, a mobile app, or customized software solutions, they've got you covered.
But that's not all! Valiant is at the forefront of technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. They can help you use the power of predictive analysis, natural language processing, and even image and video recognition. It's like having your own tech-savvy genius on hand! If you're looking to enhance user experiences and boost customer satisfaction, Valiant can create recommendation systems that will wow your audience. And if you're intrigued by the potential of blockchain, they're experts in blockchain development, smart contracts, and creating presale dashboards. They can even build you an impressive NFT marketplace or a staking platform. Talk about staying ahead of the curve!
Now, let's talk about Valiant's web development expertise. They can craft stunning websites, create captivating landing pages, and even set up eCommerce platforms to help your business thrive. Plus, they know a thing or two about generating leads and can assist you in custom web development, ensuring your online presence stands out from the crowd.
Are you a fan of gaming? Valiant has got you covered there too! Their skilled team can develop engaging 2D/3D games, captivating virtual reality (VR) experiences, and exciting augmented reality (AR) games. Get ready to dive into immersive worlds and captivate your audience with unforgettable gaming experiences.And if you're looking for a quick and efficient solution, Valiant can work wonders with no/low code platforms like WordPress, Webflow, Shopify, or Bubble.io. They'll help you bring your ideas to life without the hassle of complex coding.
But wait, there's more! Valiant understands the importance of validating your ideas and ensuring your products are up to par. That's why they offer comprehensive audits to assess code quality, UI/UX design, infrastructure, brand presence, SEO, and even smart contracts. It's like having a team of experts giving your business a thorough check-up.
Oh, and did I mention their video production services? Valiant can create stunning videos for various purposes, from game live streaming and captivating game promos to engaging product walkthroughs. They're also great at crafting compelling copywriting and providing seamless translation services. Plus, their expertise in technical content writing and animation (both 2D and 3D) will make your brand shine!
So, whether you're a startup looking for a minimum viable product (MVP) or an established business aiming for product-market fit, Valiant is your go-to partner. They offer a classy and personalized approach, just like chatting with a friend, to bring your vision to life. With their expertise and friendly team, you'll feel confident knowing that your tech needs are in good hands.
Reach out to Valiant today and embark on a tech journey that will elevate your business to new heights. You won't be disappointed!
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patang01 · 1 year
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