#nexus thinking they finally found someone to be free around only to put their guard down and IMMEDIATELY be killed for his knowledge ?!?!
starheirxero · 3 months
I can't believe, Nexus came out of the closet before Sun/silly- He's even getting himself a new body! :D
I've seen a lot of mixed opinions on his name change, and it seems to be a 50/50, I'd say! Personally though?
I absolutely adore it!
It makes so much sense! From the moments he woke up, Nexus had to live the life of someone long passed on. Someone, who has made mistake after mistake, and lead them into worse and worse situations! It was pretty much a Steven Universe situation! The Sins of the father trope!
It just makes sense for Nexus to want to distance himself from his identity of Moon, and even completely reject it!
It's even more apparent, seeing his reaction to Old Moon's departure! He was so relieved and giddy, like a burden was lifted from his shoulders!
Also, Dark Sun just keeps getting greater and greater🙏 He truly planned all of this down to a T, even being aware of Solar's return!
It even makes sense for him to slow Eclipse down as well! Had he not done so, Nexus likely would've noticed it, and stopped it! But he still NEEDS Solar. For what is unclear, but he has a purpose in Dark Sun's little game!
I'm very certain now, that he has something to do with Nexus' state. As Puppet pointed out, and as you yourself mentioned, his decline into what he is now seems very fast and sudden! Theres gotta be something to it, right???
Something is at play here, and I can't wait to see it!
YESYESYES EXACTLY WHAT U SAID!!!! I was saying this to another friend just the other day but New Moon's messy feelings about where the line ends between himself and Old Moon has always Wildly fascinated me!! So seeing him take things into his own hands and go "here, this is where he ends and I begin" IS SO COOL TO MEEEHWJABAKD
AND DARK SUN YEAH YEAH!! I'm so terribly anxious and excited to see what all of his hard work will lead up to and just have many people and things he's been subtly guiding onto his desired path!!! Because yesyes Nexus has GOT to be as a result of him!!! Maybe if times were kinder, we would have had this identity change anyways, but the current circumstances are terribly nerve-wracking!!
I hope things get so much worse and everyone explodes amen HAJAHAJABC /silly
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hey, i saw you write for tdp, could i request a soren x reader imagine where reader is a half-elf or something like that? please make reader gender neutral if you can
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Omg, my first request! I love this idea, there are not enough Soren imagines, and of course I'll make it gender neutral! I hope you like it! It's a bit long because I had to put some context in it, much love <3
Uncovered Secrets (Soren x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of death
Genre: Angst, a lil bit of fluff.
Fandom: The Dragon Prince
Summary: See request
Word Count: 1978
part 2
I've always had to hide myself from everyone. I had to learn from a young age how to do it. I've always been told how, when I was a baby, I was found at the border and given to my father after saying he would take care of me, and he has ever since. I'm a hybrid, half Moonshadow Elf and half human, so I had to learn as soon as possible how to do magic in order to create illusions to hide my appearance. I remember when I first did it at the age of ten, I was so happy, all those years of covering my head and half of my face were over, I didn't even have to paint my eyebrows anymore; I could finally be normal and treated like any other human in Katolis.
Life from that moment really changed for me. My father was a respected general so I'd always lived in the castle, but I started hanging out with the other kids, Prince Callum and Lord Viren's children. We quickly became inseparable and did pretty much everything together. I think it's safe to say that everyone knew about my special friendship with Soren. I don't know why, but we just understood each other even from a young age, and it only got stronger as the years passed. He was always there for me as I was there for him, he'd helped me a lot when my father passed away and I trusted him with my life, we knew everything about each other... except for what I really was. I thought about telling him a couple times but I knew it was wrong, and I knew how much humans hated elves, even Soren. But this was the life I had, I was destined to hide from the people I cared about the most. Or at least, that was until Rayla appeared in our lives.
The two Princes, Rayla and I discovered that the egg of the dragon prince hadn't been destroyed, and we were going to take it home to its mother. During our trip, I decided to tell them the truth, if Rayla had been accepted as our friend then there was no reason to fear anymore. Thankfully, I was right, nothing changed between us and I even stopped using magic to hide my true appearance. It was weird but at the same time it felt right, it was freeing.
We've been staying with Lujanne for a few days now, enjoying the little dragon's company and giving ourselves a little break. Rayla and I knew we had to go, though, but the Princes weren't very interested on leaving yet, so we agreed to stay one more day. Everything seemed fine but the elven girl and I felt a bit unsafe, so we decided to take turns and keep guard in case something or someone decided to appear.
It was my turn to keep guard so I was looking for Rayla to replace her but when I found her she was lying on the ground, surrounded by two people. I prepared myself to attack, thanking my father for all those sword and combat lessons he'd make me take, I wouldn't let them hurt her.
"Get away from her!" I yelled as I approached them, but I stopped when I realized who they were. Soren and Claudia were standing a few feet away from me and it felt like I hadn't seen them in a lifetime.
"Oh, great, another elf?" Soren said. "So what, there's like a whole other group of you?" I could sense the hatred and disgust in his voice. He didn't recognize me, neither of them did. Before I could say or do something, Rayla woke up and took them by surprise.
She started fighting with Soren and I got out of my trance only when Callum showed up, trying to calm everyone down. He was happy to see them and I would've been too, but I just couldn't believe what had happened.
"She kidnapped you and Prince Ezran, how can she be good?" asked Claudia about Rayla. "And it seems like she didn't act alone because there's another one of them too!".
"No, wait! There was no kidnapping, Claudia. We went with her by choice" explained the older Prince. "And what do you mean by 'another one of them'?"
"Well, what does that mean then?" said Soren, pointing at me. Hearing him speak about me like that was the worst thing I could've ever imagined.
"That is (Y/N)" answered Rayla, clearly annoyed at the blonde boy.
"What do you mean? (Y/N)'s hair is not white and they don't have horns, or pointy ears, or those weird things under their eyes! Stop lying!"
"Soren, she's right. It's me" as soon as I said that I used my magic to change how I looked, going back to how they knew me. "I'm a hybrid, I've been using magic ever since I was ten to blend in".
I could tell he was shocked and he opened his mouth to say something but the words never came out.
"Listen, guys, it's late. Let's just get some rest and cool off, okay?" We all agreed to Callum's words and went back with the others but I could tell there was a thick tension in the air. And that tension stayed there until we all went to bed.
When we woke up, we had breakfast together and I started using my magic again, at least when Claudia and Soren were around, I already knew what they thought of me and I didn't want to put up with their looks too. I spent all day learning some magic with Lujanne, it was nice to learn from an actual mage and it didn't hurt to get my mind off some things for a while.
When I was done for the day and ready to go to bed, I heard someone knocking the door.
"Come in" I said loudly.
"You'll never guess what happened today, (Y/N)" said Rayla as she entered the room, we had become good friends in the last couple days and it felt nice to have someone kind of like me around. She told me about what Soren had done earlier that day, and about how she tried to talk to Callum but he didn't pay any attention to her. "And I just talked to Lujanne because maybe she would help me and I realized that the only way for them to completely trust me is by telling them the truth, even if it hurts them".
"The truth? What do you mean, Rayla?"
"This is not easy to say but... Their father is dead and I've been wanting to tell Callum but I just don't know how to and I-"
"Hey, Rayla. It's okay, you're just trying to protect them, I'm sure they will understand. We're friends, remember?" I interrupted her, trying to clam her down. She let out a deep breath and nodded with her head. "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course, (Y/N). We're friends, remember?" she said, repeating my words. I smiled weakly before continuing.
"I'm not totally surprised about what you said about Soren, not after how he reacted with me at least. And you know what's the worst part? I'm sure that his father is behind what happened earlier today. I know him but he just needs Viren's approval, you know? And it hurts, a lot actually. I just hope he realizes there are people who truly care about him before it's too late".
"You like him, don't you?" I opened my eyes at her words, trying to deny it but all she did was smile. "You're not very good at hiding it, (Y/N)".
"I guess I'm not. I just hope that deep down you are wrong and that they both realize that what they're trying to do is wrong".
"I hope so, too" she hugged me tight, wrapping her arms around my neck. "It's late, I think I'm gonna go to bed" she said as she started heading towards the door to go to her room.
"Go, I'll stay up a bit longer".
And suddenly that 'bit longer' turned into at least two hours. I couldn't sleep, I just kept thinking about Soren and his attitude. I decided to get out of my room and go to the Moon Nexus, if I was going to stay awake thinking about things at least I would have a nice view while doing it.
I was standing against the edge when I heard someone coming. I started hiding my true appearance out of instinct but was interrupted in the middle of the act.
"You don't have to do that". Soren's voice sounded loud in contrast to the silence of the night. I stopped using my magic and he came to my side. "Can't sleep?"
"Yeah... What made you change your mind?" He stood there looking confused, not understanding what I was talking about. "Yesterday you didn't even recognize me without the illusion and even looked disgusted at the sight of me. What's changed?"
"I noticed you hide your elf-like features when I'm around, but I've never seen you being more you than when you stop hiding" I looked at him confused, I thought I'd made sure to use my magic whenever he was around. I could tell he saw how disconcerted I was. "I saw you practicing your magic earlier today and then playing with the kids. I've never seen you so... Happy and free".
There was a brief silence between us until I broke it.
"That's because I've never truly felt like that, until I stopped hiding".
"I'm sorry for acting like that yesterday, I was a fool. And I think you look really cute like this".
"So you don't hate me?"
"How could I ever hate you? You're the most important thing in my life, (Y/N)".
I smiled at his words and turned my gaze to the water underneath us. I looked into his eyes again and we started getting closer and closer, but just when our lips where about to touch, I backed off.
"I'm sorry but I really need to ask you something. Why did you lie to the boys earlier, saying that King Harrow missed them?" he looked confused and a little bit scared.
"W-What to you mean?"
"There's no way you hadn't known that he was dead, you literally are a Crown Guard, Soren. So just tell me why you did it, please".
Again, there was silence, but this time it was tense and extremely awkward.
"I-I'm sorry but-"
"But what? You can't tell me? Why? Because it would ruin whatever plan your father has regarding the Princes?" I stopped to look at him but he was avoiding my eyes. "Because you don't want to admit that it was a strategy to be able to kill the boys a lot easier by making them trust you?" I said, remembering what Rayla had told me before about the zip line.
He just stood there, now a few feet apart from me and I could se how surprised he was, but I also could see something else, that I was right about my assumptions.
"You don't understand, (Y/N), I-"
"Oh, no, Soren. I think I understand really well".
As soon as I said that I left, going back to my room with tears running down my face, and ignoring Soren's voice calling for me. How could he even think about doing that? How would I tell the Princes? Would I even tell them at all or would I just try to keep them safe without destroying the image they had about his so-called friend? I had so many questions and not even one answer. I only knew that Rayla wasn't wrong at all.
Oh, boy, this took a long time to write. I was thinking about doing a part 2 but I'm not sure about it.
-Mica :)
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⁂ Echo [o2/o3] (Daniel Bryan)
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“Through the eyes, and through the nose. They will follow, The echo, echo, echo, echo.”
Finally, after hours and hours of mindless standing, the crowd – which had grown in size – was finally let inside to take their seats. You and Kyle got the good seats, right beside the ring and on the right side of the commentator’s table, thanks to months of grueling work and money-saving. It was pretty expensive but Kyle made it, and you even managed to snag some apparel from WWEShop.com before the event arrived.
Kyle was dressed in light blue jeans with a dark grey hoodie which was zipped only at the bottom. Beneath that was an Edge Rated R-ockstar t-shirt. He had a white and pale blue bandana around his orange locks, topped off with a John Cena Cena Approved trucker cap. On his right wrist, he had one Nexus bulk band – yellow, with the word NEXUS in black – and a Randy Orton bulk band – yellow with the RKO logo. On his left wrist, he wore a John Cena Cenation cuff bracelet. Around his waist was CM Punk’s Aftershock belt. And, last but not least, around his neck was a John Cena Cenation pendant.
While Kyle loved most every wrestler the WWE had to offer, you were a bit pickier.
You were dressed in baggy black jeans, which were being held up by The Miz’s My Name Is belt. You wore a baggy long-sleeved white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to my elbows; it had been left unbuttoned, too. Underneath that was a white tank top. The Randy Orton Viper pendant and The Miz I’m Awesome pendant stood out against it. Your left wrist showed your support for The Miz with his My Name Is cuff bracelet, while your right wrist had one of The Miz‘s bulk bands – red with the My name is Logo – and one of the Nexus’ bulk bands – black with the Nexus logo. Last but not least, you wore The Miz’s My Name Is cadet cap.
You didn’t love half as many people as Kyle did, considering he only disliked two or three people in all of WWE history.
Anyway, the show finally began, and the adrenaline within the arena was crazy. Before it even began, the crowd was in waves of cheers, the sound echoing throughout the building. Even so, the annoying commentary of Michael Cole could still be heard. Like most of the WWE Universe, you thought Michael Cole was a complete and total dumbass. However, he does make for good entertainment.
“Hello, and welcome to Monday Night Raw, LIVE!” the cheering grew louder, those who had been standing outside eager to get the show going. “Monday Night Raw is brought to you by Smackdown vs. Raw 2011!”
“Tonight’s first match is an interesting one, indeed! A tag team match between The Miz and Alex Riley vs. Randy Orton and John Cena!”
The crowd was equal for all three men, but when John Cena’s name was spoken, the whole arena started to cheer, not a single boo in the entire arena. You found it hard to believe that everyone loved John Cena, but meh.
“What is the GM’s motivation behind this, Cole?” Jerry Lawler, the announcer that people actually like, turned to look at Cole since he was the only one who was able to speak to this mysterious General Manager. You for one had the strong urge to learn how to hack just to find out who it really was.
“Well, last week on Raw, Randy Orton got involved with the fight between Nexus and John Cena, for what reason, no one knows! The Miz offered to cool things down between the three men and, somehow, it led to this! Whoever wins this match tonight gets a free shot at the whole of Nexus!”
Looking at the expressions of the wrestlers, it was pretty easy to tell what they were feeling.
John Cena looked pumped and ready to go, always happy to have another shot at Wade Barrett, the leader of Nexus. Randy Orton looked like he couldn’t care less either way, as long as he got to hurt someone. The Miz didn’t look too happy at the thought of facing Nexus with just Alex Riley in tow – they didn’t stand a chance, no matter how good they were. And Alex Riley kept glancing between the commentator table, his two opponents and the Miz like he was unsure of what to feel.
“Either way, it’ll be good,” you muttered under your breath, leaning back in your chair and propping your feet up on the black barricade separating the fans from the wrestlers.
“If Miz and Riley win, they don’t stand a chance against Nexus.” Kyle commented, “At least with Orton and Cena, they stand a small chance.”
“Miz won’t win.”
“Eh?” he blinked, looking over at you.
“Think about it, idiot. The Miz would be crazy to face the Nexus with just Alex Riley as a backup. If I had to guess, he’ll either forfeit this match or lose on purpose. Or maybe let Riley take the loss. Cena, on the other hand, will jump at the chance to face Barrett, even if it’s against the rest of the Nexus, as well. This match is set in stone before it even begins.” You pulled your hat down farther.
“Hmmm, I guess you’re right.” he murmured, turning back to the ring.
“We walk alone, in the unknown. We live to win another victory. Our sacred scars, show who we are, it’s time to face it!” We Are One by 12 Stones started blasting through the arena, pumping up the crowd as the Nexus slowly walked out from backstage, stopping at the top of the ramp, “We are one, We are one, We are one, We will stand together! Number one, Number one, the chosen ones! We are one, We are one, We will fight forever! We are one, and we won’t. die. young!”
“Ya know, now that I think about it, that song is very fitting for them…” you muttered, looking up at the extremely high ceiling towering over the arena.
“Well, duh! That’s why they chose that song!”
“It’s a nice song.”
Kyle grinned, nodding in agreement.
Of all of the themes, the Nexus’ theme was probably your favorite. Whereas, Kyle was in love with Edge’s Theme, which was also pretty awesome.
The Nexus stood tall, each harboring a smug look on their face as they stared down the four men in the ring. Your attention was drawn between three of the members; Wade Barrett (because the English bastard was one you loved to hate), Heath Slater (who had some of the coolest hair in the WWE) and Justin Gabriel (who seemed too kind to be a part of the Nexus).
Wade Barrett licked his lips and slowly began walking towards the ring. When he got inside, he grabbed a microphone, watching the four with sparkling eyes. Of course, they took the offensive, staying to the opposite side of the ring.
“Instead of letting you all have a match to determine who is going to face us, how about we take all four of you on?”
On cue, the rest of Nexus began towards the ring, circling it like a pack of wolves until they were on every side of the ring. They climbed up, just outside the ring. You and Kyle exchanged a look and you put your feet down, leaning forward on the black barricade.
“They’re gonna jump them, right?”
“Of course,”
“We have to help Viper and Cena.”
“And Miz and Riley.”
You exchanged another look before returning your attention to Wade, who had begun to speak again.
“You see, John Cena. Despite the attacks on Nexus and the threats that you feel the need to make, Nexus is still standing strong. It doesn’t matter what you throw at us, or do to us, Nexus will never fall.” his accented voice rang throughout the arena, and the crowd continued to boo. “There isn’t a person on this earth that is capable of taking us down.”
The Nexus slipped into the ring and began their assault.
You and Kyle exchanged another look before nodding. You knew you had to move fast to avoid the security guards, so you quickly jumped over and dashed into the ring. Kyle jumped over the top rope while you slid under the bottom one. Kyle took on Skip Sheffield and David Otunga who was on top of John Cena while you took out Justin Gabriel before he could perform his 450-degree splash on the Miz, who had been set up by Heath Slater while Michael McGillicutty kept Alex busy. David Otunga and Husky Harris were keeping Randy busy while Wade Stood back and watched.
Just as Justin jumped from the top rope, you jumped up, tackling him to the floor beside the Miz and pinning him there with your arm on the back of his neck. The Miz slowly moved over towards you, telling you to bring him to his feet and hold him. After that was done, Miz put his right leg over Justin’s and performed his ever-awesome Skull-Crushing Finale. Looking up, you noticed the security guards pacing outside the ring. They, obviously remembering the beating Nexus had given them when they first arrived on Raw, weren’t in any hurry to rush in and pull you both out, especially since you were taking on the Nexus, but it was obvious that they were ready to grab you the second you were out of the ring.
“I’m not believing this! What are those fans thinking?!” Michael Cole screamed.
“I think it’s impressive that they’re even able to keep up with the Nexus.” Jerry Lawler commented.
“It may be impressive, but what are the security guards doing? They’re just standing around while the fans go wild!”
“Shouldn’t you be happy? They’re helping the Miz.”
“The Miz is so great, he doesn’t need help! But still, they’re fans, they shouldn’t be in the ring no matter how good they are. They could get hurt!”
Being focused on the guards, you failed to see Otunga coming up from behind, sending a kick to your back and making you fall to the floor.
“See? I told you!”
“Ahh, but look! The mysterious fighter is getting revenge!”
With a growl, you wrapped your ankle around his feet and tripped him, causing him to fall onto his back with a grunt. Smirking, you pulled yourself to your feet and climbed to the top rope. With a battle cry, you jumped off and body-slammed Otunga, making him roll off to the side and out of the ring.
You caught Kyle’s eye and nodded.
You stood on opposite sides of the ring with Heath slowly approaching him while Skip tried to come after you. With a grin, you both ran forward, past the man who was blocking your way. With a quick high five, you traded places, clothes-lining them from behind and sending them to the ground.
“Yeah!” You raised your fist into the air, hopping onto the middle rope. Kyle did the same opposite you and the crowd went wild.
The Nexus scattered, regrouping in front of the ring. The four men still inside stared at you curiously as you moved to stand before them, still in the ring. Kyle leaned on the ropes, a grin on his lips. You stood beside him, hands in the pockets of your jeans.
“What’s this?!” Wade Barrett questioned, looking none too pleased as he narrowed his eyes at you, “You’re hiring fans to aid you now, Cena?”
“Wrong~!” Kyle sang, loud enough for him to hear. Because he had no microphone, the crowd tried to quiet down so they could hear the mystery fighter’s speech. “We were just passing by, ya know?”
“And we got sick of you dogs messing with our guys, so of course, we decided to take matters into our own hands.”
“Well, I can promise you this, love. You will regret making an enemy of the Nexus,” he spat, “You’re either Nexus, or – ”
“We’re against you,” Kyle interrupted with a wide grin.  “See, you may think we are hypocrites because of these,” he pointed to his Nexus band on his wrist, and then held your own up to show the group, “But, we can still like you and hate you at the same time.”
“It’s more of a standstill type situation.” you took your hand back, stuffing it back in your pocket, “We like the Nexus – ” you waited for the boos to die down, “Only when you’re standing there doing nothing, and when you don’t speak. However, when you decide to brutally attack our guys because you losers have nothing better to do than prove how weak you truly are, we turn to hate you. Nexus’ reign ends now!”
The arena erupted in cheers and Kyle grinned, hitting your arm lightly. You nodded and, fast as lighting, you and Kyle jumped onto the top rope before jumping off and body slamming the group. David Otunga and Heath Slater just barely managed to get out of the way, having been standing at the end, but the others weren’t so lucky. Before they could recover, you and Kyle booked it, running up the ramp.
“Security! Do your bloody jobs!”
And so they did. The security guards were hot on your heels as you dashed backstage, narrowly missing the large guard who had been waiting for you, the cheers of the crowd egging you on. You turned every chance you got in hopes of losing them and this continued for a good twenty minutes until, finally, you stopped to take a breath.
The hallway you stood in was silent and empty.
Kyle leaned against the wall, smiling brightly despite how heavy his breathing was. You were in front of him, hunched over with your hands on your knees and one eye closed as you attempted to slow your breathing.
“Now what?” he questioned, glancing down the hall every couple of minutes, “This building is huge, there’s no way we can find our way back. I doubt anyone would be willing to help us, and even if they did, they’d probably lead us to the guards before the exit.”
“We do the only thing we can do.” You took a deep breath, your breathing finally back to normal.
“Which is?”
“Walk aimlessly ’til we find the exit… or something equivalent.”
“Equivalent? You mean…?” Kyle followed as you began to walk down the hall, keeping your eyes and ears open for any approaching person.
“Yep. If we can’t find an exit… we make one.”
Kyle snickered, readjusting his hat on his head, “Sounds like a plan. And if we run into anyone?”
“Depends on who they are. If it’s a security guard or one of the wrestlers, we book it. If it’s anyone else, we kick their ass.”
He hummed, sounding thoughtful, “I wonder if they got angry for us interfering. I mean, I know the Nexus is pissed… but what about the others?”
“Do I look like a mind reader to you?” you asked, glancing over your shoulder at him. In doing so, you failed to see the wall in front of you. At least, you thought it was a wall until you looked up, rubbing your forehead in the process.
“K-King Sheamus!” Kyle’s eyes gained the childish sparkle that he got only when he met his favorite wrestlers, his hands under his chin.
“You’re the lass and lad that took on the Nexus.” Sheamus glanced between you, his Irish accent thick.
“Y-Yes, we did that!” Kyle grinned, holding his hand out, “Kyle Anders, it’s a pleasure!”
Sheamus chuckled, shaking his hand, “You were pretty impressive out there.”
“Wasn’t a big deal.” you muttered, pulling yourself up and brushing invisible dirt off your shoulder, “Nexus is weak. The formula for their destruction is pretty simple; divide and conquer.”
“And you be…?”
“Y/N! Their name’s Y/N!” Kyle grinned wider, putting his hands on your shoulders.
You put your hand on the back of his head and pushed him down roughly ’til he hit the ground, “Idiot. Telling him our names isn’t wise.”
“Eh?” he blinked, pausing mid ow to look up at you, “How come?”
“If he tells the security guards our names, they won’t have to catch us anymore. They can meet us at our house.”
“The lassy is right.” Sheamus laughed, slapping your shoulder, “But no worries! I won’t tell anyone you’ve been down here.”
“So awesome!” Kyle watched as Sheamus walked down the hall from which we had just come, his eyes shining, “He’s so cool!”
“If you love him so much, then why didn’t you wear any of his merch?” you muttered, glancing at him as his form got farther away, “I’m leaving you behind!”
Realizing that he was being left, he quickly hurried after you, trying to close the distance. Of course, you just had to be turning a corner when he slammed into you from behind. And, of course, someone had to be there on the other side, causing you and Kyle to land on top of him.
“Damn it Kyle!”
“Think you can get off of me?”
You both froze, looking down at the man that you were currently laying on top of. Laying there, dressed and ready to go out to the ring, was none other than Chris Jericho, the same man you had run into that morning.
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