#next time id prefer it if you kept the characters seperate lol
canarydraws · 4 years
3, 8, 18, for Brook. 12 and 37 for Leland. 13 for Shalamit. 34 and A for Ossia (this is a lot so don't draw them all or you'll die.)
Yea I wanna get to this ask quickly and it’d prob take me a bit to make 4 good sketches. If the asks were sent to me divided by characters I totally would draw them all and space out their postings. But I don’t want just one to wait in limbo forever lol. I still want people to be able to associate faces with my characters tho so I’m gonna share some old portraits of them instead.
3 How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Thinking and listening to music! Depending on the day and the hours she works Brook tends to go to bed fairly early so as soon as she gets home she chooses to unwind by putting on some music as she makes dinner and keeps it on until it’s time to sleep. If she’s working late nights then she just passes out as soon as she gets home.
8 What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
As some of you may know her childhood was not normal lol. She was either surrounded by abusive authoritative figures or was left to take care of herself. In the beginning though when she was surrounded by stronger figures that didn’t have her best interests at heart she was told to stop being afraid, to be stronger, to not be timid.
18 What embarrasses them?
Whenever someone might even suggest something brook does is unusual she gets super self-conscious. It sorta sends her down this spiral of “oh my god is that weird? Like supernatural weird? Did I do that in front of other people before??!?” Bonus points if it’s an actual supernatural creature pointing out her oddness (or similarities to the creature) because she hates being comparable to them.
(IIIIIIIIIIII don’t actually have any good pictures of her lol. But she’s cute. She’s 5”2 with iridescent dark hair and really dark blue eyes.)
12 How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
What an interesting question lmao. Leland is canonically a flexible bastard so I think it’d be difficult to find a place he couldn’t reach.
37 Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?
Leland has great memory already so if he was hired for something that looks like a quick job he might jot down some notes but keep all the important details in his head. If he’s hired to take out a bigger target however, and the job requires weeks I’d not months of research and preparation, Leland would take more dedicated notes. He’d end up with a folder with pages of notes about the client, the target, and possible means of taking them out. He’s not the most… organized though. His work desk is the counter in his kitchen and it’s a bit of a mess covered in old and new jobs, pictures, files he’d obtained from various resources, and written notes. Once he’s finished a job he puts everything away in one of those vanilla folders and keeps it in a stack in the corner. Then he makes a new mess for the latest job and the cycle repeats.
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13 What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Shalamit loves to dress in red because it matches their hair. However I think if they were to wear a red dress cloak or robes the red would probably get too overwhelming with their already red hair and warm violet skin. If shalamit’s hair were shorter I think it’d work better just so their curtain of long hair won’t just blend in with the rest of their outfit. As their design is now I think they look quite nice in black because it makes their hair all the more striking.
(There’s also two versions of this character. One for dnd the other for my own creative world. Their personalities are the same tho)
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34 How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt?
It is very hard for Ossia to shake a sense of guilt. She already feels terrible for all the suffering in the world even if she is not personally at fault. She has a strong sense of responsibility and if something she did lead to terrible consequences it will take her some time to forgive herself or feel like she has made amends.
A) Why are you excited about this character?
She’s a bit poetic in design like a tragedy lol. She’s an interesting blend of dark and light traits and together they make this morally grey character who thinks she’s risen above her faults and does good while at the same time keeps lamenting about her natural state being evil and cruel. Her actual state of “goodness” is still very questionable as she can excuse needless murder if she believes it reduces the amount of pain in the world. Plus she gets premonitions about the future to a degree so I enjoy watching how much she fucks up while literally getting hints about the consequences.
(A wip I hadn’t finished yet)
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