#next step is to try drawing fake panels from scratch...
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soriastrider · 6 months ago
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they deserve some time to relax
(transparent edit under the cut)
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the original dirk and jake images here are pulled from homestuck (i removed their backgrounds here), i just edited them together :) and then i decided to try drawing a fake panel background lol
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pi-cat000 · 4 years ago
MSA: Take Back The Future (part 3)
Summary: Vivi and Arthur travel back in time to the beginning of Hellbent. Neither of them are okay. 
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Mystery, instead of answering Vivi’s questions, leaps over the seat dividing the front and back areas of the van, exiting out the back doors.
“Wait, ” Vivi yells after Mystery, “get to back here and explain what happened to my memories.”
/It is not a tale that can be simply told. Not right now when we may be in danger/
Arthur thinks kitsune turned dog sounds slightly strained but it’s hard to really tell with Mystery’s weird telepathy. When the meaning of words are projected right into your brain some of the nuance is lost.
“Who is Shiromori? Why is she attacking us?” Vivi tries, following to glare at Mystery who circles the van, barely paying attention to the two of them. “Just answer one question!”
His mechanical arm twitches of its own accord and he eyes it nervously.  To hell with it. Arthur frees his hand and begins to feel about for the quick release lever hidden under a panel on his upper arm. After the van crash and almost getting thrown to his death, the arm had been too banged up to safely remove, jamming in place.  Best to be rid of it now, before everything when to shit all over again.
The sound of his heavy metal arm hitting the ashfelt draws Vivi’s attention and she turns to give him a quizzical expression.
“Better off then on,” He explains, “Wasn’t really working that well anyway. Hopefully, that’ll get rid of the curse as well.” Honestly, this cruse is the least of his worries.
Vivi exhales and Arthur can see the stress pinching her mouth, pulling it down into an uncharacteristic frown, “If the curse is specifically attached to your arm then removing it might work. On the other hand, if it’s anything like the one that got my memories then who the hell knows what will work. I certainly don’t. Apparently, I don’t know a lot of things.”
The last sentence is louder, directed at Mystery. There is no response from the dog who is staring off into the middle distance, head to one side like he is listening intently for something.  Arthur offers Vivj an uneasy shrug. He has his own questions for Mystery regarding Vivi’s memories, his arm, and the night they both went missing. However, his most recent run-in with dead-Lewis has him quickly reordering his priorities. None of the answers are going to mean much if he’s dead. Again…
Speaking of which… On the horizon, a purple light flares, glowing brightly against the dark backdrop. Arthur’s mouth goes suddenly dry and limbs feel very cold. Yeah, that seamed about right…
/You called this spirit Lewis?/ Mystery turns his head to examine him, expression troubled. /Are you sure?/  
He gives a short nod, eyes darting from Mystery then back to the road. It looks like Mystery is planning something based on how his fur is glowing red. He’d seen a similar red glow on the night of Lewis’s disappearance and during the confrontation outside his Uncle’s workshop. How much did Mystery know about Lewis? The question sticks in his mind, painfully heavy.
“Lewis? You mean the purple fire ghost? The one that caused the van crash?” Vivi steps up next to him, eyes locked onto the truck which grows quickly larger, “How are we going to stop it from running us all over?”
It’s too late to try a drive or run away now. Even if he decides to run there is a steep rocky slope on one side and a sharp climb on the other. If he did make it down by some miracle there was just flat desert and no cover for miles. Arthur doesn’t voice this observation instead commenting in a voice several octaves higher than normal, “I don’t think you need to worry about the ghost running you over. I’m pretty sure he’s only after me. So…ah…maybe don’t stand near me?”
Why? Why was Lewis trying to hurt him? In his mind’s eye, Lewis and Mystery meld together into a nightmare inferno of fire, teeth and death.
“I don’t want you to get run over either.” Vivi’s voice sounds faint, coming to him like it has travelled a great distance. Too much fear packed into too short a timeframe is making it harder and harder to concentrate. The ice at her feet thickens into long sheets, which creep out over the road, freezing it solid. He is probably lucky his remaining arm hasn’t frozen off with how tight Vivi had been holding it. Maybe if he turns into a giant Arthur icicle and he can sit this whole thing out. The hysterical thought momentarily breaks through his mounting panic.  
Arthur can almost hear the crackle of fire and the hum of the truck's engine.
/ You should not be drawing on so much of this power at once! You’ll damage the seal further!/
“I’m not letting Arthur die again. Anything comes near us and I’ll make whoever it is, regret it… that includes you.”
Vivi steps out so she is positioned in the centre of the road.
/I can handle this confrontation. There are still many aspects to the situation that you remain unaware of./
“And how am I supposed to fix that if you won’t tell me anything.”
/ I swear I will explain when there is more time. I only ever wanted to protect you./
“I don’t believe you.”
Vivi snaps the final sentence and punctuates it with a sharp hand gesture aimed at the oncoming truck. Several lines of ice stretch out and down the road, racing away from Vivi to meet the oncoming vehicle. Shining an ethereal blue, the frost coats the road’s surface, smoothing it over. Arthur catches the briefest glimpse of skeletal Lewis before the truck hits the ice sheets and the wheels suddenly lose traction.  The sound of metal crunching is deafening, accompanied by the hiss of water abruptly vaporising. Heat and cold collide in a cacophony cracking ice and explosion of steam.
A flash of bright purple fire. Mystery disappears, obscured by the thick columns of steam. He finds himself being yanked to the side by Vivi just in time to watch the purple truck careen past in a shower of sparks and groaning metal. At such high speeds, it rams straight into and through the guardrails separating the road from the rocky slope. Stunned, Arthur watches it disappear over the edge. If Lewis hadn’t already been dead then Arthur might have been worried. The sound of banging and crashing, as the truck presumably roles several times, has him physically wincing. Scratch that, he was worried. Very worried. Worried enough that it overtakes his mental panic and replaces it with deep concern. How durable were ghosts? He doesn’t know and that scares him. 
“Vivi! What the hell,” He finally manages to spit out, breaking his panic-induced stupor. He tries to rush past her, intent on checking for any signs of Lewis. He promptly slips. The combination of ice and his lack of a second arm throws off his balance and he ends up falling backward. He is saved from a collision with the ground by Vivi who seemed to now have supernatural levels of balance and was unaffected by the slippery surface.
“I …wow. That was… something.” Vivi breaths, examining the road still covered in planes of ice as if not quite believing it.
“Help me to the edge,” He interrupts, trying and failing to stand straight collapsing back on her, “I need to see if he’s okay,”
“Who’s okay? The ghost?"
"You want to see if the ghost is okay? You said it was trying to hurt you?”
Arthur can practically see the concern and confusion now hanging over Vivi as she looks down from where she's holding him up by his one good arm.
“It’s just…a misunderstanding or something. I…we…might know this ghost.”
“Just help me check.” He motions with his remaining arm. Visible through the plums of steam are thicker lines of darkened smoke coming from the space where the truck had disappeared.
Note: I’m Sorry to everyone who’s showed interest in this AU but i’m not sure if i’ll continue this since i’ve lost motivation.  Here are some of the more coherent plot notes if people are interested in this AU. Feel free to ask questions if u have any :) . 
-   Shiromori shows up directly after Lewis’s crash, distracting Mystery. With all the steam obscuring their vision Arthur and Vivi don’t realise that Shiromori has arrived immediately, and there is enough time to briefly look for Lewis. 
- Lewis makes it out of the truck crash only slightly worse for wear and tries to attack Arthur. Vivi moves to defend Arthur, then Arthur has to defend Lewis and it’s all very awkward for everyone. 
- Lewis sees how scared Arthur is a reconsiders his revenge plot, hesitating long enough to get some dialogue in. 
 - Arthur finally gives Vivi a brief Lewis overview (sans the whole ‘he almost threw me off a fake cliff thing’). Vivi is suspicious and somewhat unconvinced. Lewis is slightly confused when Vivi starts referring to the alternate time line. 
- Not time for further discussion because Mystery is fighting Shiromori and, since he had warning this time, he’s winning. 
(fight scene stuff. Vivi rushes in to do something idk this part is not planned.) 
Vivi overused ice abilities. 
Lewis and Arthur have a moment alone. 
Vivi, slightly untrusting of Mystery, ends up stepping to stop the two from fighting. (Vivi ends up saving  Shiromori maybe??? a parallel  to the original timeline). A dramatic moment where Vivi rushes in ( maybe takes a blow for Shiromori idk would depend on Shiromori’s backstory) and ends up injured. 
- ??? makes an appearance, takes over Vivi instead of Mystery. 
Some background world building stuff
- Vivi’s ice powers might become unsealed and she is vulnerable to ??? (spiritual energy is damaging to humans if too much is used at once or if is not used correctly)
- Yukino family are spiritual channels making them both more powerful and more vulnerable. Mystery holds a seal to the ability and it eats up a tails worth of power to maintain. Same deal with Shiromori, Mystery holds a seal to keep her fully realised abilities in check which also eats up a lot of power.
- The seal is damaged when Mystery is hurt
- Arthur is unaffected by the ice because he’s got some odd time based supernatural power which has bonded to vivi spiritual signtaure as well. This is the reason ??? want to possess Arthur. One possible resolution was for Arthur to figure out how to rewind time to the seconds before Vivi gets possessed, giving her a chance to defeat ???. It takes a lot of power which Lewis ends up giving to him. 
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stormtrips · 6 years ago
- therapy #1 -
This place is a lot less... clean, for lack of a better word, than the pictures they put online. The building this therapist is in seems newer, but the waiting room is dingy, latticed aluminum ceiling holding up popcorn gray panels and yellowing fixtures for fluorescent lights. There’s a rack in the corner holding worn children’s books and a tired-looking wooden train set abandoned behind a set of threadbare office chairs.
There’s also no receptionist behind the front desk, just a window with a sign that says, in both English and Spanish, “PLEASE WAIT FOR ASSISTANCE.” The lights aren’t on back there, but there are forms and a sign-in sheet waiting for you on the ledge.
This is stupid. You scratch your name and the time, take the loose leaf papers, and get started.
Yeah, yeah, basic demographic information. Insurance—well, technically you’re still on your dad’s, but he doesn’t even live in this country anymore, and fuck if you can remember the information. Family history? You don’t know anything about this. Personal medical stuff? The only time you’ve been in the hospital was for rehab. They want to know what medications you’re on, too, which is awkward, because you don’t know the name or the dose of what Fucker gave you, you just know it’s not working.
Underneath those basics are questionnaires, Becks something or other. All of these questions are stupid. You score a 31 on the first one (kind of depressing) and a 22 on the second (not so bad, really). After circling all the numbers and x-ing all the boxes, you don’t really have anything else.
So you wait.
Click the pen a little bit in your hand, twirl it around your fingers. Your dexterity got thrown off a little bit again by last weekend’s events, but you’ll get it back eventually, right? You jiggle your leg, crack your neck. One of the lights is humming obnoxiously. There’s a fly trapped under one of the busted metal quarter-inch blinds. With this much time, you let your eyes trace out patterns in how the dirty linoleum peels up from the floor at the seams.
You’re almost nodding off when the door to the office opens. “Oh!” a female voice says softly, keys jangling. “Are you early, or am I late?”
“Are you Alex?”
“Yes, hello!” She’s already looking in her phone. She might be a few years older than you if you had to guess, brown-skinned with long black hair, wearing floaty clothes in neutral colors with long gold earrings. Damn it. You had been hoping for a dude—and that tiny expectation takes you by surprise. You make a mental note of it for later. “Oh, I was late, I’m so sorry. Please, follow me.”
You stand up—had your feet really fallen asleep?—and get ushered into a tiny side room, only just wide enough to fit a full-length overstuffed couch with too many tasseled throw pillows. When you take a seat, it wheezes. The corduroy feels crumbly under your fingertips.
Alex shuts the door behind her, blocking out the dead, clinical light of the waiting room. It’s much darker in here, only lit by a nightstand lamp with maybe a fake candle bulb in it. Alex sits down in a large armchair, her bag landing heavy on the floor when she drops it and starts looking for something. “You’re a new client, right?”
“Yeah. I filled out all this paperwork.” You offer her the stack.
“Oh, yes, thank you.” She apparently had been looking for a pen and a clipboard, because your papers get neatly pinned and she starts taking notes immediately. “So, John, how did you find out about us?”
You shrug. “I did a Google search. This was the only place that had an appointment this fast.”
“Oh, that’s because I had cleared my schedule for Good Friday.” Shit, you’re so out of it that you forgot it was a holiday weekend. “I’m glad you came in. Now, what brought you in to see us?”
You freeze.
You were expecting this question, yeah, got dogged by it for four hours last night while you were unable to sleep and worrying about Dolch. That doesn’t mean you have a good answer for it. You’re pretty sure you filled out a thing online for this place (or maybe it was for one of the ten other places you tried to get ASAP appointments). Why can’t she look on there? Whatever. You pick the simplest answer first. “I went to rehab and they said I needed to keep doing therapy when I got out, so I thought I would start.”
Alex’s pen stops. “Rehab? For a... drug addiction?”
“Alcohol.” Dead and clipped off.
“Oh, right.” Like it wasn’t as serious as Percocet or heroin. “Well, we don’t really do addiction counseling here—or alcoholism counseling, whatever—but I can see what else I can do to help you today. Maybe get you a referral. How does that sound?”
Something in that guarded, hopeful part of you deflates, an already-drooping Mylar GET WELL SOON balloon destroyed by a dart. “Fine.”
“Oh, you didn’t fill out this section of the form.” She tilts the clipboard towards you and gestures to it with her pen.
“That’s because I don’t know.”
“Don’t know your family medical history?”
“Not really.” Is it that surprising? “We didn’t really talk about that stuff a whole lot.”
“Ah, right, gotcha.” She sounds like she got a bunch of insight about you out of that last sentence. “Did you bring your medications with you?”
“Just the one.” You were careful to bring this in your jeans pocket, so no one would have to see you manipulating your sylladex to get to the goods. The pills you got from Fucker look pathetic in this little snack baggie, but it’s all you had. “I lost the bottle, sorry, I forget what this is.”
Alex peers at it under the low light, then draws back into her own space. “Looks like a low dose of sertraline.”
“What now?”
“Generic Prozac.” Oh, wow. Fucker really put you on an antidepressant. Like that’s supposed to help with whatever has your brain this rustled. “Just a baby dose,” she says, like that’s supposed to make you feel any better. “How long have you been taking it?”
“Just since Sunday.”
“Any side effects?”
“Not much of anything, really.”
She clicks her tongue. “That’s too bad.” What the hell does that mean? She flips over to another piece of paper in your makeshift chart, tapping her pen down the page until she turns to the next one. “Thirty-one, yes, same number. Oh, dear, that’s not good.”
“What does that mean?”
“That’s in the range for severe depression, Jonathan.” Ugh. You hate it when people try to get cute with your name. “And the anxiety inventory, this is in the moderate anxiety range. Good thing you got an appointment!”
“Yeah, no kidding.” There’s no mirth in your voice, yet no sarcasm, either. No one told you therapy would be this boring.
“Well,” And Alex jingles her wrist to shake her bracelets away from her watch, “that might be all the time we have for an initial appointment like this. I’m sorry we can’t take you on long term, but if you’d like, I can send on your name to another practice. Oh, and, credit card, please.”
She plugs a chip reader into her phone port as you fork over the plastic. You feel a little nonplussed. You’re pretty sure you scheduled for an hour, and you’ve been here for much longer, but you could have sworn this whole thing in this room only took a few minutes. “I guess,” is all you really have to say.
Alex is focused on her phone again, then smiles as the app resolves the transaction. “Great!” she says, far too chipper. “Well, check your portal, and by the end of next week, you should have a message from us about next steps.”
“End of next week?” Full offense, but you’ve already been waiting long enough for an appointment when you’re in so much emotional pain it literally feels like it’s cracking your sternum in two.
“Yeah, all referrals take at least 72 hours and it’s a holiday weekend. Thanks for your time!” She’s already standing, opening the door to usher you out.
Good. You don’t want to be here any longer. “Thanks,” you tell her, an automatic politeness, but as you leave the office and take the elevator down to the building lobby, all you feel is confused. And kind of laughing at yourself for how seriously you took it. If it’s all going to be bullshit, at least you know what to expect for next time.
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shewantedtobeasecretgirl · 6 years ago
7. Bass is heavy a.k.a. useful finger techniques, Dee Dee Ramone’s yelling and helpful octopuses
„Damn, I forgot Sly and Ethel in the van!” she groans and slaps on her forehead.
“No problem, I bring them with the next round.” Scully offers and disappears in the hallway that leads to the backdoor. I have no idea who Sly and Ethel can be but I don’t want to know it either… Now that she’s been left alone she tries to push the carriage trolley with the amps to its place on the stage. With little success. But her fight with the gear twice as heavy as her reminds me of a scene.
“Old woman!” I call her.
“Man!” she corrects me still pressing against the load at full strength. Okay, she passed the test again but that’s not a big deal, Monty Python’s Holy Grail basically became a mainstream movie by now, anybody could quote a few scenes from it. Okay, not everyone, none of my former girlfriends was familiar with absurd humor and neither is Amber. I got her to watch it with me but I gave up the mission and turned off the video recorder when she asked for the third time how much time was left of it. It’s just not for her.
“Okay, Dennis, where’s my cow?” I inquire while I’m helping her win the battle; otherwise hours later, the amps would still stand in the middle of the stage and our crowd would enjoy her hopeless struggle instead of the show.
“Are you deaf? Or just concentration problems?” she asks harshly, avoiding my glance and trying to ignore my intervention but her rush moves uncover the surprise she might feel about it.
“Hey, it’s not easy to talk with you, do you know? I asked you about something, I even emphasized my lack of information using a different tone, in grammar text books you can find the encyclopedic explanation in chapter “Question”.” I draw a question mark with my index finger in the air. “The next communication panel is the so-called “answer” in which you satisfy my need for details…” I gesture the quotation marks too.
“I won’t satisfy you in any way, excuse me…” she cuts me off and even tosses me away a bit as she steps dynamically to the monitor board to plug the cables into it.
“I’m just trying to ask where’s my…” I don’t need to finish the sentence since Scully arrives back with Dave’s stage prop, holding my cow under his arm.
“And I was trying to refer to the fact that we take care of Ethel and Sly.” she nods at the two mascots.
“Ethel?” I blurt out frowning. This chick isn’t sane, she was serious about searching for a name for it… “Since when has she been called Ethel?”
“Actually her name has always been Ethel, you’ve just never asked her about it.” she fixes her glasses with a wiseacre face. “She was quite unhappy, did you know that? I caught her searching for numbers of slaughterhouses in the phonebook as she wanted to volunteer to be a steak ingredient, no wonder knowing you. But when I told her we were traveling to Texas soon she immediately changed her mind. Now she wants to be the spokesperson of the anti-rodeo movement. A little care makes wonders.”
Her fantasy is quite intense, I have to admit.
“So you’re obsessed with stuffed animals?” I ask leaning against my Marshall and watch her wiring the stage with quick moves.
“…asks the guy who keeps one on his amplifier…” she mumbles darting at me for a second and raising one eyebrow. “What are you doing here, anyway? Are you supervising me or what? As far as I know I’m an unbearable person who makes the others admire her and uses her family ties…”
Nice attempt but not enough to distract me.
“…and who told, ahem, yelled at me that I should get to know her better, that’s what I’m trying to do right now.” I continue the sentence. “So tell me, Judith, how many stuffed animals do you have exactly? I bet there are a few ones in your bedroom… my first estimation would be somewhere between five and ten.”
“Oh yeah, my bedroom. Damn, you’ve got me… First of all there’s that huge teddy sitting on my bed, how did you figure it out? Then there’s the bunny in the armchair, the cute seal on my desk and my stuffed pony and unicorn collection, I gave up counting them a few years ago. And I have to mention that everything in the room is very pink and very fluffy. Do I meet the profile you created about me?” she bats her eyelashes.
Clever, but not clever enough to drive me to the wall.
“Actually, when I asked you about stuffed animals I was talking about stuffed animals. Like, dead animals which are stuffed. I mean, I could totally imagine a few stuffed bats, snakes and rats hanged on your shelves full of mysterious ingredients for occult purposes. Candles arranged on the points of a huge pentagram, right next to the coffin-shaped bed…”
“You left out the voodoo dolls. I have a bunch of them, the latest one I prepared wears denim pants and a Luv Co shirt tucked into them…” she approaches threatening me with a jack plug and for one second I think she’s about to stick it into my eyeball but in the last moment she changes direction and plugs it into the matching slot of the amp. I acknowledge, she didn’t need much time to know her way around our gear… But come on, even a chimpanzee can be trained how to put different solids into the right holes, she’s on the level of an average lab monkey. “But how come I turned from a nun into a witch in one single day? You’re pretty much inconsistent at insulting, Gossard…”
That makes sense. I open my mouth to cite the witch hunt scene from the mentioned movie but Scully intervenes in our conversation.
“Guys, if you go on like this I’ll claim payrise from Eric…”
“For what? How do you mean it?” she turns in his direction with hands on hips.
“Conflict management bonus.” he shrugs casually. “Seriously, could you just stop for a moment? For just a few seconds, I feel like I was at a fucking dogfight.”
“It was him who started it!” she exclaims outraged pointing at me.
“Don’t look at me, I don’t know what she’s talking about.” I play dumb raising my hands in front of me.
“Jesus, you’re hopeless. Forget the stopping part, I just want the money.” Scully shakes his head resigned.
“Money? What money? I don’t know what’s going on here but I want money too.” Smitty enters in the company off Dave, Karrie and Jeff.
“When did everybody get so greedy? Actually, it is you who should pay me for my show, I’m the only one who keeps you entertained in this boring touring life.” I smirk as I begin to tune my orange Les Paul.
“As for me, I prefer boredom by all means.“ she rolls her eyes and begins to flipping through her notebook.
“Hey, Judy, we have a few spare hour after the soundcheck and I thought… I thought we could begin your bass guitar lessons.” Jeff scratches his nape holding his other hand deep in his pocket. Awkward loverboy alert… I pull a few steps away because I’m not interested in this embarrassing lovey-dovey but I also try to stay within earshot. Not that I give a shit about it, it’s just better to keep up with the sequels.
“Sure!” she smiles. “I mean, Karrie, do you have any plans for the rest of the afternoon? If you don’t, we could…”
“Beth wants to do some shopping, I forgot to mention it… so I’m going with her. I wanted to ask you too but I have a mind like a sieve…” Karrie answers suspiciously quickly.
“Oookay, then why not?”
“Your place or mine?” Jeff asks not noticing how ambiguous he sounds.
“Jesus, Jeff, you don’t waste your time, straight to the point…” I throw in, which makes the others stop staring them and suddenly everybody pretends to be busy with their work to hide their grins and snorts.
“There’s that small park near the hotel, what if we go there?” the target person of the courtship tries to ignore my remark but can’t disguise the tremble in her voice.
Clever, again. She picks a neutral place. Cautious enough not to show her closest surrounding and smart enough not to get in awkward situations. I mean, boys’ rooms tend to be quite messy, the mixed smell of sweat and deodorant for men, not to mention the stinky sneakers and boxers left on the bed…
“Great. I’ve already mapped out which things I want to show you first.” Jeff goes on enthusiastically and more awkwardly if it’s possible at all. I see Dave’s shoulders shaking as he kneels behind his bass drum to fake-fix its pedal.
“Let’s begin with the basics, I only learnt the most common chords to be able to play some accompaniment to campfire songs and nursery rhymes.” she insists on keeping the conversation under control but Jeff doesn’t seem to cooperate.
“I can teach you a few useful finger techniques.” he exercises the fingers of his bear paws with sincere innocence in his eyes but at this point everybody cracks up; even his future music student giggles bashfully.
“What’s with everyone?” he looks around confused. “What’s so funny?”
“You should… have… heard yourself...” Scully hiccups as he and Smitty collapse of uncontrollable laughter onto each other’s shoulder.
“Oh yeah. That conversation was… juicy.” Dave adds winking and doing unmistakable moves with his hips and arms.
“Oh fff…” Jeff buries his face into his palms replaying the scene in his head. Dave steps to him to pat his shoulders a few times.
“You know what, Ames? You shouldn’t talk so much about what you’re going to do. Just… do it.”
“So what’s your plan with that skateboard?” Judy asks while we’re walking in the park searching for a remote place. She hasn’t come up with that awkward conversation yet and I can’t be grateful enough to her for that. I don’t know what happened to me, usually I’m not that clueless type… I was probably way too much focused on the possible outcome of this day. If can I stick to my plan, I’m going to ask her out in like one hour and I have absolutely no idea what she might answer and that drives me crazy. Cool down, Ament, don’t act like a junior high school student before his first prom…
“Uhm… I know it sounds surprising but I thought I could skateboard here…” Aaaand in the category of meaningless answers, the Oscar goes to… drumbeat… Jeffrey Allen Ament, Big Sandy, Montana!!! “Plus, I thought if being a qualified musician, you found the class boring, we could spice it up with some physical challenges… like… you should play bass lines while rolling and balancing on this skateboard. And if it was still a piece of cake for you we could search for a skate park with half pipes and you could even do somersaults and flips.”
“I don’t know… I’m not an athletic type… I’ve only tried to ride a scooter once in my life. Mary Sue Kellerman, my classmate lent me hers on the playground when we were second graders. She explained and showed me how to do it but somehow I didn’t feel the technique, I stepped on it, drove it a few times and enjoyed the speed so much that I forgot to drive it again.” she giggles.
“And… what happened?”
“Seeing I was slowing down she yelled after me like ”Drive, drive!” but I felt paralyzed, I pulled up gradually and ended up tumbling from a standing position…”
“Poor you! But my first skateboarding attempts weren’t glorious either and I still collect a few injuries when I decide to learn a new trick. But I fell in love with it at first… try, and I never want to give it up.”
“You could be a cool, skateboarding grandpa who shocks the youth!”
We find a calm, trellis-like corner and settle down still discussing the same topic. Unlike most girls I know, she doesn’t mind it at all and when I tell her how my father convinced me to build my own skateboard instead of buying that expensive Stacy Peralta board, she turns out to know him. I can’t believe my ears when she mentions Tony Alva too, I mean, who’s this girl?
“And how did you pick up how to play the guitar?” she nods towards the bass on my lap.
“Believe or not I took a few lessons… But they were boring, at least for me, no chords, no songs, only scales…”
“Scales are important!” she corrects me. I always forget that she’s pretty conscious as for music which isn’t typical at all in the band.
“What can I say… I grew up listening to my uncle’s records and as I could spare some money I spent all of it on ordering music magazines and vinyls. And when I started playing bass I figured out how to use my stereo vinyl player to learn Dee Dee Ramone’s parts.”
“I love them!” she exclaims.
“Really? I mean, you know a lot about music and punk songs aren’t very sophisticated concerning the musical part…”
“But that’s the best in punk. Even if you’re not very talented technically you still can play a bunch of songs… or if you can’t, you can still reproduce Dee Dee Ramone’s totally out-of-rhythm “one-two-three-four” yelling. And most punk songs operate with the classic scale degrees. Ramones also use the holy trinity of tonic, subdominant and dominant like the greatest composers before them and…” she jabbers enthusiastically without breathing.
“Waitwaitwait, stop! I don’t have the faintest clue what you’re talking about, if you want to analyze my favorite songs to me you have to go back to Genesis to make it understandable for this Montanan jerk!” I cut her off chuckling.
“Do you mean the Old Testament or the band?” she grins. “Anyway, it’s very simple, look.”
She grabs the instrument out of my lap, disposes it onto hers and strums all strings one after another.
“Normal basses are tuned like double basses, right?“ To my nodding she names them. “E, A, D, G. So, let’s take Blitzkrieg Bop which is written in A major.” She plays the bass line of the mentioned song flawlessly and explains its chord progression in the meantime. I listen to her with dropped jaw and when she falls silent for a second, I take my bass quickly back.
“Okay, the lesson is over, excuse me but I have to go and bury myself alive.” I remark trying to keep a straight face.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t want to sound like a nerd or show off with my theoretical knowledge, I…”
“You don’t have to apologize for amazing me! But now it’s my turn to amaze you… Do you like graffiti?”
“I don’t know… I’m ambivalent… there are a few ones which look good and are also meaningful but if someone destroys a clear wall with stupid scrawls…” she frowns.
Oh. That’s not a good sign… Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale…
“I prefer the creative ones too, such as my friend from the art school. He studied photography and spent his last years with shooting the best graffiti he’s seen all across the country and Canada and his exhibition opens on Thursday in Boston. And since we have a day off right that day, right there, I thought you could join.” I utter fast with one big breath. She stares me silently for a few seconds which seem like an eternity.
“ ’Course. Cool.” she answers briefly as if she was declaring something evident. I don’t have too much time to process the positive reception since she begins to roll my skateboard back and forth with her foot.
“Your introduction made me curious, I want to try this diabolical device.”
“Haha, okay, but only if I can walk next to you, you may need a handhold.”
She steps onto the board and she rolls cautiously on the path where we got here in a few minutes. She’s too busy with balancing to notice the rest of the band approaching from the gate.
“Hey Jeff, a suspicious woman is trying to steal your baby!” Eddie shouts.
“Look, guys I’m skateboaaaaaa…” she has to circle with her arms a few times and grab my shoulder to prevent herself from tumbling.
“Carefully, Judy. You should try surfing, it improves sense of balance and falling in water is safer than concrete.” Ed recommends.
“Say yes, if you don’t want to be fired…” Mike whisper-shouts hiding his face with one hand from Eddie preventing him from hearing it, which is obviously totally unnecessary.
“I’m not a big swimmer, so…” she shrugs apologetically.
“Anyway, did Jeff force you to try it? You can answer by signaling with your eyelids…” Mike jokes on.
“No, she just turned out to be a way better bass player than me. So I’ll quit the band and she’s begun to practice before she has to take over all of my tasks.”
“Ah, I see. Judy, I warn you, you’ll have to slam-dance with me. You should gain some weight, I don’t want to kill you…”
“Ed’s right. I’m going to slap you in the face with the guitar neck a few times… I mean literally… but no offense, you can hit back anytime you want or you can land on my foot after jumps from the monitor box like Jeff does…”
Judy wrinkles her nose as she tries to follow the relay of jokes. Stone – who has stayed silent until now – flashes an evil grin and clears his throat. The well-known first signs of his moronic verbal diarrhea.
“Guys, you forgot to prepare her for the most important circumstances. But that’s why I am the band leader… Judith, you have to do some shopping. The polyester basketball shirts are essential parts of our stage look, we can’t allow ourselves losing them just because Jeff quits. And the hats… that’s a more difficult question, they look quite… unique… so I don’t think you have any other choice than borrow them. Do you have sensitive scalp? Because… nevermind, I can lend you a few bandanas to make it more hygienic. Oh, and at certain points of the shows you’ll have to strip. Jeff often drops his shirt and plays on half-naked as you could already see it, you can’t break this tradition. But you also have to keep the hat on your head, don’t ask me why, that’s the rule.”
I sway my guitar case pretending I want to hit him and in the meantime I bite my lower lip to repress my grin. Stone is an idiot but sometimes he has good ideas… I mean obviously I can relate to that plot if I can be in the crowd… Jesus, when did I become such a sexist? I’ve just asked the poor girl out and… I’d better take a cold shower.
“And can we see you on TV on Saturday?” I ask rolling the film with my finger back and forth on the table. When Judy called me I was selecting pictures I want to show to Krisha as reference works and I found a few ones which I have to have developed.
“Nah, I don’t think so. We’re going to be with the guys in the studio but we’re not going to be filmed with the cameras. I think Karrie and Brett will have to work with the sound staff in the control room and I… I don’t know yet, if they let me in too I’ll just watch them like a useless idiot… which I am…”
“Control room? Wow, that sounds like a sci-fi, I can totally imagine the Star Trek characters there…” I deliberately ignore her low self-esteem-powered remark. “I’ve also seen in the previews that Sharon Stone would host the show, that’s an interesting combination…”
“Yep, Eric mentioned the creators wanted a funny scene or spot with her and the band but I don’t know if they can find a common ground. They only want to play music and aren’t interested in show business at all.”
“Maybe they want to gag with their physical appearance. Like, Sharon is tall and her legs are unrealistically long whereas Eddie is short so the screenwriters may figure out a joke about him being able to walk between her legs without bowing his head.” I guess as I start rummaging the photo heaps in front of me.
“Haha, you’re evil! You have no right to joke about Ed’s height, you’re a dwarf just like me…”
“But dwarf jokes are the best ones, you have to admit it. And… what are your plans until Saturday? Have you used the tape recorder yet?”
“You’re unbelievable, I’ve said you should…”
“…borrow a guitar, I know. Uhm, yesterday Jeff gave me a bass lesson, does that count?”
“Mmmmh, Jeff Ament?” I ask meaningfully. Since Judy joined the staff I played with the idea of them getting together, he seems to match her.
“No, Jeff Goldblum… of course Jeff Ament, who else? And he also let me ride his skateboard.”
“He let you ride his skateboard? That’s how you call it? It’s that a new slang or…” I cackle.
“Shut up, I meant it literally. No slang, no obscene details.” she cuts me off severely. So typical, usually she isn’t against sex related jokes but when actual guys around her come into play, she suddenly turns into a prude spinster.
“Okay, okay, I was just kidding. I’m just surprised, you haven’t mentioned yet you two spend time alone.” Actually I’m happy for these news, not only because I think they’d click but also because in the first ten minutes of our conversation she was cursing Stone Gossard. And even if only the half of what she claimed is true, I can’t blame her; the dude must be quite obnoxious. But still, she barely mentions anyone else from the band and I’m afraid if she goes on like this, these negative feelings will spoil her tour. “And how went the skateboarding? Did you collect a few bruises?”
“Haha, not yet. I didn’t try any tricks and I was probably quite clumsy but he kept encouraging me, he’s a nice guy. And ah, as for plans, he asked me whether I want to go to the photo exhibition of his friend in Boston. The guy invited them and Jeff asked me to join too.”
“That sounds great! And what kind of photos?”
“Photos of interesting graffiti. Jeff used to draw graffiti as well, did you know that? He told me a lot about himself but not in that annoying way when one is talking and talking and isn’t interested in the listener at all… this and the fact Eric defended me and they even gave me a cake… and that Jeff invited me with the bunch… make me feel they really accepted me as a member of the crew… and… oh, shit, I have to go, we have to set off for the show! Kisses for Mom and Granny!”
“Bye, take care of…” It’s needless to finish the sentence since she hung up in the meantime.
A few minutes later, I can hear the key turning in the lock and Mom literally falls in the apartment with her heavy shopping bags.
“You should have knocked, I would have helped you if you had asked me…” I shake my head and collect the apples and small cans which rolled everywhere on the ground.
“If I can give injection to Mrs. Mueller while she’s yelling at me calling me Gestapo’s slut, I can do everything…”
“Your foundation should employ octopuses, they are strong, can use their legs independently and are good listeners. And some of your clients wouldn’t even wonder if one crawled into their home…”
“That’s sure. I ask the opinion of my boss about it.” she settles to the table staring exhausted in front of herself.
“Anyway, you’ve just missed Judy’s call.”
“Damn… I wanted to hear her voice, I literally tossed Mrs. Muller into her bed to finish earlier…”
“Unfortunately you can’t see her either… I asked her about Saturday Night Live and we won’t see her in the show… But we still could watch it together, I would show you the guys and tell everything I’ve heard about them from her. We could make some popcorn and…”
“Oh, sweetie, haven’t I mentioned yet? I… I have to work…” she suddenly gets embarrassed.
“What? In the evening? On Saturday? By the time the show begins your clients are already sleeping the sleep of the just.” I complain.
“I know, but… there’s a former colleague from the hospital who works now in a nursing home. A few nurses quitted and I thought we could use the extra money so she recommended me to her boss as an occasional substitute nurse. And I begin on Saturday.”
Great. Since when have we concealed things like this from each other? I thought we could finally have a mother-daughter evening when she didn’t talk only about the insufferable old terrorists and didn’t pass out of exhaust right after dinner… she should finally relax and I need her company too, since Judy left I’ve felt like a lonely prisoner. And that’s more important than money, we don’t starve and if I got a few jobs I could contribute to our budget too, I wouldn’t be the cripple anymore who costs them a lot.
“And why didn’t you tell me that? Is it a secret or what?”
“Effie, honey, stop pouting, please. You can record it to me and we can watch it on Sunday. And I won’t even say a word if you stop it at every single shot, I’m going to listen to every single detail about these jam boys, I promise.”
“Mmmkay…” I mutter. I don’t like this patronizing voice, I’m not a toddler, I just want her to be honest with me.
“And what are you doing? Selecting pictures?”
“Yes… nothing particular…”
If she doesn’t tell me everything, why should I, right?
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spacechip707 · 8 years ago
Can you please do #60 for Seven/MC with a lot of fluff? c: (I like embarrassed Seven so if you don't mind can you do that?) I love your writing! It gives me so much happiness and makes me smile whenever there's a new chapter. Thank you so much for that!
I hope this is enough fluff for your sweet tooth! :) and Thank you, anon! It makes me happy that my writing brightens your day:) 
Prompt #60: You are my sunshine
 One would think that it would be the power outage that sent the RFA into absolute chaos inside Jumin’s penthouse. But no…it was three little words.
“Wait…where’s Seven?”
Yoosung noticed his disappearance first, but Jumin reacted before the question even left the blond’s mouth. With a sigh, you watched the scene erupt into something worthy of the best sitcom. You lifted your phone and started recording from your place on the kitchen island. Jaehee was trying to calm Jumin, who was frantically looking for his beloved cat. Meanwhile, Zen was howling with complaints about said cat. And lastly, Yoosung sat in the middle of the floor, head held in his hands, and regret exuding from his very body.
After half a minute, you saved the video and sent it to the culprit.
MC: Look what you’ve done.
You didn’t have to wait long for a response. You opened it, expecting a string of emojis…perhaps a detailed plan…an invitation to join him. Your fingers trembled at the prospect of all the fun you would have with your partner in crime.
707: Haha…Sry
You deflated. His response was so…lifeless.You hovered your thumbs over the keyboard, preparing some sort of reply. But worry squelched any of your enthusiastic answers.
MC: Where are you?
You waited a few minutes, the sinking feeling in your chest growing worse with every second. He couldn’t have gone far. You chewed on your bottom lip as you once again turned to the disorder unfolding in front of you. No one there would be of any help.
You hummed quietly at the phone, sending the same text in case it didn’t go through. A faint ding echoed in the distance. An idea sprung in your mind. Seven would probably make you pay for the flood of notifications, but…when had his threats stopped you before?
You sent one text…then another…and another…all the while, straining your ear over the clamor to listen for the source. It took you awhile to find him. Not only was Jumin’s house large, but some of the hallways weren’t as lit in the outage, and you got lost one or two times. But finally, your long string of texts and your phone’s flashlight led you to a spare coat closet in the middle of the main hallway. Your knuckles had barely hit the wood when you heard Seven’s exasperated cry.
“Elly! Move away from my–ouch!”
You cringed at Elizabeth’s hiss. “Er–Seven? You okay?”
He squeaked and suddenly went silent. Your lips twitched downwards. Was he avoiding you? In a bout of spite, you called his phone. You crossed your arms as the nyan cat theme song drifted from the closet.
The door  opened slowly. You flinched when what you assumed to be Elizabeth tickled your leg as she darted to freedom. In the dim light, you could see Seven giving you a sheepish grin. He was about to step out of the closet, but for some reason, you thought it would be a good idea to push him back in and join him, closing the door behind you.
“Oh, MC, such a bold move,” he sung. “I didn’t know you felt so strongly about me.”
Your face burned at his coy remark, but you suppressed your embarrassment. You shined your phone light onto him, making him squint. “What the heck are you doing in here?”
“Well, I was trying to fix the outage,” he said, gesturing to the open panel at the back of the closet. “But then, one thing led to another, and Elly got in and sat on my phone, and then she scratched me–”
He pulled up his sleeve, revealing the thin lines of blood streaking his arm. You winced, but you were pretty sure he deserved it. After all, the door was closed after Elizabeth seemed to have gotten in.
Seven sweeped his own phone off the ground and flopped back onto the floor in front of the panel. “But as you can see, I’m fine. You should go back to the others. Send me more videos.”
You were unfazed by the fake, exuberant responses. Even in the poor, combined light of both of your phones, you could see his brows twitching as he pretended to concentrate on the panel.
You sat down and stared straight at him. At first, there was no reaction. He continued to maneuver his fingers across various wires, pulling some here and there. But then, his actions grew more restless. Glancing at you from the side of his eyes…ruffling his hair in frustration…and finally twisting his entire body to face you.
He calmly crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap. “Okay, spill it. What’s wrong?”
“I’m here to ask you that,” you returned.
He raked a hand through his curls. “I already told you–”
His last words were interrupted when you pinched his cheeks harshly. He whined as you tugged his face back and forth. “Don’t lie to me, Seven. I know you too well,” you said, keeping your tone slightly playful knowing he might just avoid talking about whatever was bothering him.
He grabbed your hands and pried them off of his face. He pinned them together before you continued your torture. “Nothing. It has nothing to do with the RFA or you.”
You pursed your lips, not satisfied with his answer. Still, you didn’t want to intrude past your limits. You were always careful with your distance… not because he was “Mr. Dangerous” as he insisted, but he seemed to open up to you a lot more lately. You were terrified that one day you’d push him too far, and he’d retreat further into himself. You weren’t sure you could handle that. As much as you were scared to admit it, the bright–albeit sometimes loud–hacker had weaseled his way into your heart.
“Rough day at work?” you ventured.
He gave an affirmative grunt, finding a sudden fascination with your fingers. Warmth spread through your cheeks as the pad of his thumb ran down your palm with surprising gentleness. “I just…needed a few moments to myself. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
You hummed in understanding. Although, your chest ached a little seeing his lips downturned in a distressed frown. You cleared your throat, snatching his attention. “Well, then, Defender of Justice, I offer my services to rid you of your sorrows for a small fee.”
“What’s that?” he responded. Even those two words were heavy-laden with an unknown affliction.
You extracted your hands from his before placing a finger on either side of his mouth. You pulled upwards. Laughter spilled from your lips as you observed his confused and ridiculous smile you had enforced. “You have to give me one of these! A genuine one.”
“Hey!” he said, though his muffled admonition only made you laugh more. Again he grasped your hands in his lap. He pressed his lips in a fine line. His eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward conspiratorially. “Anything?”
You nodded, knowing there was a chance you might regret leaving yourself to his command. 
He clicked his tongue and leaned back against the wall. “Okay, then…do an impersonation of Elly.”
You smirked before swiping your nails across his exposed arm. He yelped and jumped back. He shot you a disgruntled scowl before muttering, “Touché.”
He snatched your phone and his from the ground and turned off the flashlight. You two were now completely engulfed in darkness. “Uh…Seven?”
“Next thing,” he went on, his voice still in front of you. “I’m placing our phones in a corner. Find them.”
You hesitated at the request. It was far too easy. After all, the closet wasn’t that large to begin with. You reluctantly crawled on all fours patting around the corner to your left. Then suddenly, two arms wrapped around you from behind, pulling you back before you realized what was happening. “Got you!” he cheered.
Seven’s fingers danced up and down your sides, causing peals of laughter to erupt from your mouth against your will. He didn’t stop until you were out of breath and gasping for air. His own laughter joined yours, and you couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face.
“Payment received,” you said. “Hope you’re satisfied.”
His arms tightened around you, and the scruff of his hair tickled your neck as he squeezed you in his embrace. “You’re my sunshine. You know that?”
If anyone else had said it to you, you would’ve dismissed it as the cheesiest statement on the earth. But with Seven? You couldn’t stop your head from spinning.
Then, in the midst of the darkness, something soft feathered against your lips. If his words lit  a flame inside your chest, his kiss sent a wildfire scorching through your veins.
He pulled away abruptly, his arms loosening their grip around you. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” he blurted. “I-I meant to kiss your cheek, but I couldn’t see and–Gah! Why did I even do that? You probably hate me, right? Do you want to slap me? Would that make you feel better–”
You silenced him simply by reaching out your hand and placing your fingers where you thought his face was. You traced along his features until the tip of your thumb reached his lips. A gulp slid down his throat, and you felt the warmth of his breath as he parted his mouth.
“Seven…” you hesitated. Your hand drifted from his face, and your fingers curled against his chest. Your body seemed to be pulled by an invisible string, drawing closer and closer out of its own volition.
Once again, your lips met with all the hesitance from before. Then, a spark and all was aflame. You lost yourself in bliss, only aware of him.
How he pressed into the kiss…how his hands pulled you against him as he deepened it…how he cupped the back of your neck…the feeling of his racing heart under your fingers…the sweet taste on his mouth…the light flooding into the room…
No wait.
You jumped apart, and Seven unceremoniously shoved you off his lap. Fluorescent light shone from the doorway, casting a shadow into the previously completely dark closet. You turned to see a silhouette of a tall man in the doorway, his ponytail swinging behind him.
“G-guess the power came back on?” you said, a nervous chuckle escaping your throat.
Zen glared down at you two–well, mostly Seven. The latter clambered to his feet, and you followed suit.  “C-calm down, Zen,” Seven said with hands raised in surrender. “I can explain.”
The older man exhaled shakily, a strained smile plastered to his face. “MC…I think you should join the others and continue the meeting. Seven will be there soon.”
You turned to the red head who had turned several shades paler, despite the flush on his cheeks. You patted it gently. “I’m sure he’s just teasing,” you reassured.
He didn’t seem so hopeful. You exited the scene before you made things worse for him.You stopped in the empty kitchen and pressed a hand to your still thundering heart.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen next with Seven. Was it a mistake? Would he even accept you now? You didn’t know the answer to either. But, there was something hopeful blossoming inside of you. Perhaps the events of this evening would end in nothing. Or…perhaps it could end with…everything. Your chest was ready to burst at the prospect.
You glanced back in the direction of the small closet. But you supposed…Seven would have to make it past Zen alive first.
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i phone x
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                                                           iPhone X review: face the future    
 After months of hype, endless speculation, and a wave of last-minute rumors about production delays, the iPhone X is finally here. Apple says it’s a complete reimagining of what the iPhone should be, 10 years after the original revolutionized the world. That means some fundamental aspects of the iPhone are totally different here — most notably, the home button and fingerprint sensor are gone, replaced by a new system of navigation gestures and Apple’s new Face ID unlocking system. These are major changes.
New iPhones and major changes usually command a ton of hype, and Apple’s pushing the hype level around the iPhone X even higher than usual, especially given the new thousand-dollar starting price point. For the last few years, we've said some variation of "it's a new iPhone" when we’ve reviewed these devices. But Apple wants this to be the beginning of the next 10 years. It wants the iPhone 10 to be more than just the new iPhone. It wants it to be the beginning of a new generation of iPhones. That's a lot to live up to.
This review is going to be a little different, at least initially: Apple gave most reviewers less than 24 hours with the iPhone X before allowing us to talk about it. So consider this a working draft. These are my opening thoughts after a long, intense day of testing the phone, but I’ll be updating everything in a few days after we’re able to test performance and battery life, do an in-depth camera comparison, and generally live with the iPhone X in a more realistic way. Most importantly: please ask questions in the comments! I’ll try to answer as many of them as I can in the final, updated review.
But for now — here it goes.
At a glance, the iPhone X looks so good one of our video editors kept saying it looked fake. It’s polished and tight and clean. My new favorite Apple thing is that the company managed to move all the regulatory text to software, leaving just the word “iPhone” on the back. The screen is bright and colorful and appears to be laminated tighter than previous iPhones, so it looks like the pixels are right on top. Honestly, it does kind of look like a live 3D render instead of an actual working phone.
The iPhone X basically looks like a living 3D render
But it is a real phone, and it’s clear it was just as challenging to actually build as all the rumors suggested. It’s gorgeous, but it’s not flawless. There’s a tiny sharp ridge between the glass back and the chrome frame that I feel every time I pick up the phone. That chrome frame seems destined to get scratched and dinged, as every chrome Apple product tends to do. The camera bump on the back is huge; a larger housing than the iPhone 8 Plus fitted onto a much smaller body and designed to draw attention to itself, especially on my white review unit. There are definitely going to be people who think it’s ugly, but it’s growing on me.
There’s no headphone jack, which continues to suck on every phone that omits it, but that’s the price you pay for a bezel-less screen with a notch at the top. Around the sides, you’ll find the volume buttons, the mute switch, and the sleep / wake button. The removal of the home button means there are a few new button combinations to remember: pressing the top volume button and the sleep / wake button together takes a screenshot; holding the sleep button opens Siri; and you turn the phone off by holding either of the volume buttons and the sleep button for several seconds and then sliding to power down.
And, of course, there’s the notch in the display — what Apple calls the “sensor housing.” It’s ugly, but it tends to fade away after a while in portrait mode. It’s definitely intrusive in landscape, though. It makes landscape in general pretty messy. Less ignorable are the bezels around the sides and bottom of the screen, which are actually quite large. Getting rid of almost everything tends to draw attention to what remains, and what remains here is basically a thick black border all the way around the screen, with that notch set into the top.
I personally think the iPhone 4 is the most beautiful phone of all time, and I’d say the iPhone X is in third place in the iPhone rankings after that phone and the original model. It’s a huge step up from the surfboard design we’ve been living with since the iPhone 6, but it definitely lacks the character of Apple’s finest work. And… it has that notch.
The iPhone X is Apple’s first phone to use an OLED display, after years of Apple LCDs setting the standard for the industry. OLED displays allow for thinner phones, but getting them to be accurate is a challenge: Samsung phones tend to be oversaturated to the point of neon, Google’s Pixel 2 XL has a raft of issues with viewing angles and muted colors, and the new LG V30 has problems with uneven backlighting.
Apple’s using a Samsung-manufactured OLED panel with a PenTile pixel layout on the iPhone X, but it’s insistent that it was custom-engineered and designed in-house. Whatever the case, the results are excellent: the iPhone X OLED is bright, sharp, vibrant without verging into parody, and generally a constant pleasure to look at. Apple’s True Tone system automatically adjusts color temperature to ambient light, photos are displayed in a wider color gamut, and there’s even Dolby Vision HDR support, so iTunes movies mastered in HDR play with higher brightness and dynamic range.
It’s just a terrific display
I did notice some slight color shifting off-axis, but never so much that it bothered me; I generally had to go looking for it. And compared to the iPhone 8 Plus LCD, it seems like a slightly cooler display over all, but only when I held the two side by side. Overall, it’s just a terrific display.
Unfortunately, the top of the display is marred by that notch, and until a lot of developers do a lot of work to design around it, it’s going to be hard to get the most out of this screen. I mean that literally: a lot of apps don’t use most of the screen right now.
Apps that haven’t been updated for the iPhone X run in what you might call “software bezel” mode: huge black borders at the top and bottom that basically mimic the iPhone 8. And a lot of apps aren’t updated yet: Google Maps and Calendar, Slack, the Delta app, Spotify, and more all run with software bezels. Games like CSR Racing and Sonic the Hedgehog looked particularly silly. It’s fine, but it’s ugly, especially since the home bar at the bottom of the screen glows white in this mode.
Some apps almost look right, but then you realize they’re actually just broken
Apps that haven’t been specifically updated for the iPhone X, but use Apple’s iOS autolayout system will fill the screen, but wacky things happen: Dark Sky blocks out half the status bar with a hardcoded black bar of its own, Uber puts your account icon over the battery indicator, and the settings in the Halide camera app get obscured by the notch and partially tucked into the display’s bunny ears. It almost looks right, but then you realize it’s actually just broken.
Apps that have been updated for the iPhone X all have different ways of dealing with the notch that sometimes lead to strange results, especially in apps that play video. Instagram Stories don’t fill the screen; they have large gray borders on the top and bottom. YouTube only has two full-screen zoom options, so playing the Last Jedi trailer resulted in either a small video window surrounded by letter- and pillar-boxing or a full-screen view with the notch obscuring the left side of the video. Netflix is slightly better, but you’re still stuck choosing between giant black borders around your video or the notch.
Landscape mode on the iPhone X is generally pretty messy: the notch goes from being a somewhat forgettable element in the top status bar to a giant interruption on the side of the screen, and I haven’t seen any apps really solve for it yet. And the home bar at the bottom of the screen often sits over the top of content, forever reminding you that you can swipe to go home and exit the chaos of landscape mode forever.
I’m sure all of this will get solved over time, but recent history suggests it might take longer than Apple or anyone would like; I still encounter apps that aren’t updated for the larger iPhone 6 screen sizes. 3D Touch has been around for years, but I can’t think of any app that makes particularly good use of it. Apple’s rolled out a lot of screen design changes over the years, and they take a while to settle in. We’ll just have to see how it goes with the iPhone X.
I haven’t had a lot of time to play with the cameras on the iPhone X, but the short answer is that they look almost exactly like the cameras on the iPhone 8. Both the telephoto and wide angle lenses have optical image stabilization (compared to just the wide angle on the 8 Plus), and the TrueDepth system on the front means the front camera can take portrait mode selfies. It’s nice.
iPhone X rear camera (left) / Pixel 2 XL rear camera (right)
Of course, the main thing the front camera can do is take Animoji, which are Apple’s animated emoji characters. It’s basically built-in machinima, and probably the single best feature on the iPhone X. Most importantly, they just work, and they work incredibly well, tracking your eyes and expressions and capturing your voice in perfect sync with the animation. Apple’s rolled out a lot of weird additions to iMessage over the years, but Animoji feel much stickier than sending a note with lasers or adding stickers or whatever other gimmicks have been layered on. And while iMessage remains a golden palace of platform lock-in, Animoji are notably cross-platform: they work in iMessage, can be sent as videos over MMS, or exported as MOV files. Nice.
Face ID: it works, mostly
The single most important feature of the iPhone X is Face ID, the system that unlocks the phone by recognizing your face. Even that’s an understatement: the entire design and user experience of the iPhone X is built around Face ID. Face ID is what let Apple ditch the home button and Touch ID fingerprint sensor. The Face ID sensor system is housed in the notch. The Apple Pay user flow has been reworked around Face ID. Apple’s Animoji animated emoji work using the Face ID sensors.
If Face ID doesn’t work, the entire promise of the iPhone X falls apart.
The good news is that Face ID mostly works great. The bad news is that sometimes it doesn’t, and you will definitely have to adjust the way you think about using your phone to get it to a place where it mostly works great.
Face ID is cutting-edge tech, but the fundamental concept is pretty simple: it’s basically a tiny Xbox Kinect. An infrared projector flashes out thousands of tiny dots that cover your face, and the front camera clicks on, captures that image, and turns it into a depth map. That map — not an actual image of your face — is stored locally on the iPhone X’s Secure Enclave, which is the same place Apple stored Touch ID fingerprint data.
Setting up Face ID is ridiculously simple — much simpler than setting up Touch ID on previous iPhones. The phone displays a circular border around your face, and you simply move until a series of lines around that circle turn green. (Apple suggests you move your nose around in a circle, which is adorable.) Do that twice, and you’re done: Face ID will theoretically get better and better at recognizing you over time, and track slow changes like growing a beard so you don’t have to re-enroll. Drastic changes, like shaving that beard off, might require you to enter your passcode, however.
Face ID should also work through most sunglasses that pass infrared light, although some don’t. And you can definitely make it fail if you put on disguises, but I’d rather have it fail than let someone else through.
In my early tests, Face ID worked well indoors: sitting at my desk, standing in our video studio, and waiting in line to get coffee. You have to look at it head-on, though: if it’s sitting on your desk you have to pick up the phone and look at it, which is a little annoying if you’re used to just putting your finger on the Touch ID sensor to check a notification.
You also can’t be too casual about it: I had a lot of problems pulling the iPhone X out of my pocket and having it fail to unlock until Apple clarified that Face ID works best at a distance of 25 to 50 centimeters away from your face, or about 10 to 20 inches. That’s closer than I usually hold my phone when I pull it out of my pocket to check something, which means I had to actively think about holding the iPhone X closer to my face than every other phone I’ve ever used. “You’re holding it wrong” is a joke until it isn’t, and you can definitely hold the iPhone X wrong.
You can definitely hold the iPhone X wrong
That’s a small problem, though, and I think it’ll be easy to get used to. The other problem is actually much more interesting: almost all of the early questions about Face ID centered around how it would work in the dark, but it turns out that was exactly backwards. Face ID works great in the dark, because the IR projector is basically a flashlight, and flashlights are easy to see in the dark. But go outside in bright sunlight, which contains a lot of infrared light, or under crappy florescent lights, which interfere with IR, and Face ID starts to get a little inconsistent.
I took a walk outside our NYC office in bright sunlight, and Face ID definitely had issues recognizing my face consistently while I was moving until I went into shade or brought the phone much closer to my face than usual. I also went to the deli across the street, which has a wide variety of lights inside, including a bunch of overhead florescent strips, and Face ID also got significantly more inconsistent.
I’ve asked Apple about this, and I’ll update this review with their answers along with more detailed test results, but for now I’d say Face ID definitely works well enough to replace Touch ID, but not so well that you won’t run into the occasional need to try again.
Recent Apple products have tended to demand people adapt to them instead of being adapted to people, and it was hard not to think about that as I stood in the sunlight, waving a thousand-dollar phone ever closer to my face.
There’s a lot of new hardware in the iPhone X, but it’s still running iOS 11 — albeit with some tweaks to navigation to accommodate the lack of a home button. You swipe up from the bottom to go home, swipe down from the right to bring up (down?) Control Center, and swipe down from the left to open the Notifications pane. That pane also has buttons for the flashlight and camera; in a twist, they require 3D Touch to work, so they feel like real buttons. It’s neat, but also breaks the 3D Touch paradigm. It’s the only place the entire system where 3D Touch acts like a left click instead of a right click. It’s emblematic of how generally fuzzy iOS has become with basic interface concepts, I think.
Switching apps is fun and simple: you can either swipe up and hold to bring up all your apps in a card-like deck, or just quickly swipe left and right on the home bar to bounce through them one at a time.
And… those are basically the changes to iOS 11 on the iPhone X, apart from the various notch-related kerfuffles. If you’ve been using iOS for a while and iOS 11 for the past month, nothing here will surprise you. Apple might have completely rethought how you unlock the iPhone X, but it’s still not giving up on that grid of app icons or making notifications more powerful or even allowing the weather app icon to display a live temperature. Siri is still Siri. If you’re buying an iPhone X expecting a radical change to your iPhone experience, well, you probably won’t get it. Unless you really hate unlocking your phone.
The iPhone X is clearly the best iPhone ever made. It’s thin, it’s powerful, it has ambitious ideas about what cameras on phones can be used for, and it pushes the design language of phones into a strange new place. It is a huge step forward in terms of phone hardware, and it has the notch to show for it. If you’re one of the many people who preordered this thing, I think you’ll be happy, although you’ll be going on the journey of figuring out when and how Face ID works best with everyone else.
It’s a new iPhone
But if you didn’t preorder, I suspect you might not feel that left out for a while. The iPhone X might be a huge step forward in terms of hardware, but it runs iOS 11 just the same as other recent iPhones, and you won’t really be missing out on anything except Animoji. Face ID seems like it’s off to a good start, but it’s definitely inconsistent in certain lighting conditions. And until your favorite apps are updated, you won’t be able to make use of that entire beautiful display.
All that adds up to the thing you already know: the iPhone X is a very expensive iPhone. For a lot of people, it’ll be worth it. For a lot of people, it’ll seem ridiculous. But fundamentally, it’s a new iPhone, and that means you probably already know if you want to spend a thousand dollars on one.
Because this review isn’t final, we’re not scoring the iPhone X yet. Leave your questions and comments below, and we’ll try to address as many of them in our final review as we can. We’ll add the score at that time as.
2 notes · View notes
deantemjitunit1 · 7 years ago
Task 4
There have been a few changes to the title scene background since I last updated. I added more elements to the title scene as I thought it was too simple. Here are the results of the before and after down below and I will be explaining the process of how I created it.
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I completely removed the scenery as I thought it looked simple and doesn’t fit in with the next background scene. Therefore I decided to paint it all from scratch again, giving myself a 1-hour limit to finish it. It was created in Photoshop using with only one concept brush that I downloaded online to quickly paint these terrains. Furthermore, I was going to paint these terrains in colours, but I thought it would make much more sense if this were a greyscale, the same as the next background.
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Once the background has been completed, I then replaced the background with the original background in After Effect. Now I will be explaining the process of how to create a fake 3D planet animation in the background. I added this to the scenery to make it more interesting and fitting to the theme of the point & click game. Moreover, it was also easy to implement this into the background and animating it.
It wasn’t created from a 3D software or anything, it is merely a fake 3D effect that has been added on the flat planet to create this 3D illusion. Firstly, in After Effect, select the Ellipse Tool and form a circle.
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Next is to import an image onto After Effect and place the layer below the ellipse shape. I used this website, https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/ to get my textures and the reason why I decided to go with Mars textures was that I like the warm tone and thought it would be perfect for the background. 
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On the image layer, set the Alpha Matte to the ellipse shape above the layer.
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Create a new adjustment layer.
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Search for ‘Bulge’ on the Effects & Presets panel over the right-hand side.
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Apply the effect to the adjustment layer.
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On the ‘Horizontal Radius’ and ‘Vertical Radius’, change the setting to make it fit the ellipse shape perfectly. For this example, I used 360 by 360.
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Before and after:
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After the background has been animated, it is now time to animate the character in Adobe Animate. The reference I used for the forward walking sequence is from this image I’ve found on the internet. I then animated the character walking frame by frame by looking at the reference.
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To save time as I am in short of it, what I did was animate the character taking 1 step, and it would be from number 1 to number 6 on the reference image. Once that 1 step sequence is completed, all I have to do was duplicate the character's body and paste it into a frame. I then would copy the leg and transform it horizontally to get the other leg. This way of working not only saved a significant amount of time, but it also makes the animation smoother.
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After the walking sequence is completed, I then moved on to animate the character in an idle position as the character has walked through the portal. Animating this was easy as it is a sequence after the forward walking sequence, and all I have to do was to make a key drawing of the character in an idle position which I would then fill it with the in-between to complete the animation. Moreover, I’ve also animated the character breathing as it is in the idle position to show some movements on the character and make it look interesting. 
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What I planned to do with my animated character was to have the character walked through the portal and wonder where she is. The character will then wander around in the room, trying to explore. I’ve researched and looked at many point & click games, and one thing that is similar is that the movements of the characters are very stiff and linear. Therefore, achieving this results in the animation is surprisingly easy as all I have to animate was forward sequence, either left or right sequence and backward sequence if I wanted to. However, I am not going to be animating the backward animation as I only planned to have the character moved left, right and forward only.
I then animate the character walking to the left and animate the character in similar ways as I did for the forward walking animation.  Furthermore, I would only need to animate the character walking to either left or right, and I don’t need to create everything from scratch again. All I have to do to save time was that I could transform it to horizontally to flip side and there I would be able to have the character walking in the right or left easily.
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After the animation is completed, I then fill in the colours using the bucket tool in Animate. I initially wanted the character in colours. However, it would make sense and would fit better if I use colours similar to the background.
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I then animated the character in a backward position and this was really easy to create. I drew the character in a backward position and animated the breathing animation which is similar to the one I created previously.
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After all of the animations are ready, I then hide the layers which I don’t need exporting yet and only show the ones I wanted to export. To export the animation, go to File > Export > Export as Movie and select ‘.sfw’, and save. It is essential that I saved it as a .sfw file as I would be able to export the movie in a transparent background and in a format that would work in After Effect.
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I then imported the character into After Effect and position the character so that it looked as if it was walking through the portal. 
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I then start planning what I wanted my character to do and how I should position my character. I thought it would be a good idea to add a cursor so that it would make this animation more like an actual game. However, before I start making the cursor and other features, I need to start positioning my character first and decide on when the character should move to the left side and how many seconds will the character be facing in a backward position for.
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After the positioning of the character has been completed, I then begin creating elements of a video game such as a cursor, textbox and menu features in Photoshop. I wanted to keep the interface as simple as possible, so these were drawn and painted less than 45 minutes to save time.
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I then positioned the interface to which position I liked best and start animating the opacity keyframe of when these features should come into the screen.
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Next is when I animated the cursor using the position keyframe and make it as realistic as possible using the motion blur feature. Moreover, once the cursor clicked on an object, the whole object will be highlighted with a white stroke outline. This was to show the player that the object has been selected to create a style and make this animation as close to the game as possible.
The white outline has been created previously along with the cursor and other features. To create it was straightforward, there are two ways to create it and firstly is to use the pen tool in After Effect to go around the object or the second method which I chose was took a screenshot of the object and use the pen tool in Photoshop to create it. The reason why was because when I zoomed in, in After Effect, the image became very pixelated which is impossible to see the outline of the shape.
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Upon the cursor clicking on an object, I also animated the scale keyframe for the cursor when it clicked on an object, the scale of the cursor will be lowered to 80% then back to 100% again to create the click effect.
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Furthermore, I also created this amber ring around the area that the cursor has clicked to show that it has been clicked. I created this ring in After Effect using the ellipse tool and selecting the fill to none and the stroke to an amber colour.
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Finally, I have additionally created a click effect that shows the quick line effect that disappeared afterwards. Creating this effect is really easy in After Effect and the first step I took was used the pen tool to create a short amber line.
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Once the line has been created, make sure to add a Trim Paths to the layer and start animating using the keyframe of ‘Start’ and ‘End’.
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I then duplicate the line multiple times and place it in a circle that goes around the area of where the cursor has clicked.
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I then created another element for the cursor to click, and I thought that a box or a crate would be a perfect object to add to the scene as it’s small and I could create a text box saying that it needs a key to unlock it.
I have drawn and coloured in the box in Photoshop really quickly as shown below. I didn’t want the line to be smooth as I thought rough lines could look interesting in the scene too and this was drawn with a time limit of 5 minutes. 
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Next is when I animated the cursor clicking the box which I duplicated the clicking effect that I previously created and re-positioning the keyframe so that it happened when the cursor clicked on the object.
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Once the box has been clicked, a text will appear saying that it’s a box for something and that’s when the box will slowly fade away. This was also when a menu will pop up, and three small panels will start spinning. I created this because I thought it would make the animation look more towards a video game and fun to watch.
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These were drawn in Photoshop, including the black gradient. I created this to highlight the rectangle panel and to contrast it with the background. 
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The next thing I did was used the box layer and pre-composing it with the rectangle panel.
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To animate this rectangle spinning, I first need to enable the 3D layer, and it is the icon that is shown in the image below at the top right.
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Once it has been enabled, I then start to animate it to spin using the ‘Y Rotation’ keyframe and have it turn a few times before slowing it down. Furthermore, I also added keyframe such as opacity, scale and position as well. For the position, I placed the keyframe position when the object is out of the composition and animating the position keyframe so that it moved upwards. The scale was used because the spin will start small before it is enlarged. Finally, the opacity was used to add a subtle start fade at the beginning of the sequence.
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Once it has been completed, I then duplicated it two more times and positioned the panel at the correct places to complete this menu animation.
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Once the animation for the character and all of the assets has been animated, I then start to add the text in. 
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I first wrote the text out and apply the effect called ‘Typewriter’ to create the typing effect in the animation.
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Next was to animate the info guide text shown in the video. This was really easy to create, and I will be explaining the process in detailed down below.
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I first created this line using the pen tool and set the stroke to 2 pixels.
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I then create a rectangle shape of where the text will be placed. Moreover, set the opacity of the shape to about 60%.
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Duplicate the shape and position it as shown in the image below.
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Duplicate the shape once again on top of each other.
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Start adding the text and placed it on the right side.
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Now I will be explaining why there needs to be to shapes on the left side. The reason was that I am going to use both of the shapes as a layer mask for the text and the shape on the right side. Therefore, there need to be 2 shapes. To explain it better, both of the shapes on the left side will be animated to move over to the right side and reveal the text and the shape over on the right. 
On the right shape layer, Alpha Matte it to one of the shapes on the left side.
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The same goes for the text layer. Alpha matte it to another shape on the left side.
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Create a Null Object by navigating to Layer > New > Null Object.
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Place the null object behind the line.
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Now select both of the shapes on the left side that I have previously masked and select the short amber line layer. Parent these 3 layers to the null object.
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On the null object layer, animate the position keyframe to make it move and reveal the text and shape on the right side.
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Finally, the last thing to animate was the smoke I created when the gate is closing. This wasn’t FX animations that are available online, but an effect I created it myself in After Effect and creating it was really easy to do.
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The first step was to create a new shape layer. Navigate to Layer > New > Shape Layer.
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On the shape layer, add a new ‘Path’ to the layer.
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Add a keyframe at the beginning of the sequence.
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Select the pen tool and start drawing an imperfect circle that would resemble smoke.
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Now create another keyframe one second later and manipulate the points to create this kind of shape.
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On the shape layer, add a new ‘Fill’.
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Select a white colour.
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Next is to animate the smoke. Go to the transform on the shape layer and create a keyframe for position, scale and rotation. Adjust these settings to however you wanted. For this example, I used the position keyframe to move the smoke to my desired position, in this case, to the right side. I then set 80% for the scale keyframe at the end frame of the smoke to make it a little smaller at the end sequence. The rotation is to your preference as I set it to 286° which I think is at a reasonable speed.
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I always add ‘Easy Ease’ to my keyframes to make the animation smoother and to add acceleration and deceleration to the animation, but it was also to prevent the animation from becoming too linear. I could decide on each of the keyframes whether to add the ‘Ease In’ or ‘Ease Out’ to the keyframe, but that would take a long time, and an ‘Easy Ease’ is good enough to get the job done.
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Furthermore, over on the scale keyframe, change the setting to 0% as I wanted the smoke to start at 0% then appeared out to 100%.
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I pre-composed the layer to keep everything organised.
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I duplicated the pre-composed layer and rotate the composition a little bit to create some variations to the smoke, and I repeated the process to create many variations of the smoke.
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Next, I added a new adjustment layer.
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Navigate to the Effect > Matte > Simple Choker and apply it to the adjustment layer.
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Play around with the settings to get the smoke looking to your preferences.
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Before and After results of the simple choker being applied:
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I selected all of the layers, including the adjustment layer and pre-composed all layers once again to keep everything organised.
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Now to create a shadow for the smoke, duplicate the pre-composed layer and move it slightly down to the original smoke.
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On the duplicated smoke layer, click on the track matte icon shown below at the right side.
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Now navigate to Effect > Generate > Fill.
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Finally, select a grey colour to complete the smoke animation.
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This smoke was created really quickly for the example purposes. However, if I spent the time to refine it and make it as realistic and possible by creating many variations starting from scratch instead of duplicating the same smoke and rotating it a little, the smoke animation would look a lot better.
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Once all of the animations have been completed, I exported both the title scene and the background as a movie file. Once all of the movies are ready, I decided to use Premiere Pro as I thought it is the best option to use for editing video and adding sound effects to the video.
In Premiere Pro, I set my composition the same resolution as my After Effect composition to get the best quality results. I then start importing both video files into Premiere Pro by right-clicking a box panel on the bottom left side.
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Once it has been imported, drag and move the videos onto the timeline sequence which I then start to add sound effects and soundtracks to make the animation similar to a point & click game.
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These are the websites I used for the sound effects:
These are the websites I used for the soundtracks:
Free Music Archive
These are the original creators of the soundtracks I used:
Daniel Birch - Sound Of Belonging (title scene)
airtone - NightWalk (background)
0 notes
Iphone x..
After months of hype, endless speculation, and a wave of last-minute rumors about production delays, the iPhone X is finally here. Apple says it’s a complete re imagining of what the iPhone should be, 10 years after the original revolutionized the world. That means some fundamental aspects of the iPhone are totally different here — most notably, the home button and fingerprint sensor are gone, replaced by a new system of navigation gestures and Apple’s new Face ID unlocking system. These are major changes.
New i Phones and major changes usually command a ton of hype, and Apple’s pushing the hype level around the iPhone X even higher than usual, especially given the new thousand-dollar starting price point. For the last few years, we've said some variation of "it's a new iPhone" when we’ve reviewed these devices. But Apple wants this to be the beginning of the next 10 years. It wants the iPhone 10 to be more than just the new iPhone. It wants it to be the beginning of a new generation of iPhone. That's a lot to live up to.
This review is going to be a little different, at least initially: Apple gave most reviewers less than 24 hours with the iPhone X before allowing us to talk about it. So consider this a working draft. These are my opening thoughts after a long, intense day of testing the phone, but I’ll be updating everything in a few days after we’re able to test performance and battery life, do an in-depth camera comparison, and generally live with the iPhone X in a more realistic way. Most importantly: please ask questions in the comments! I’ll try to answer as many of them as I can in the final, updated review.
But for now — here it goes.
At a glance, the iPhone X looks so good one of our video editors kept saying it looked fake. It’s polished and tight and clean. My new favorite Apple thing is that the company managed to move all the regulatory text to software, leaving just the word “iPhone” on the back. The screen is bright and colorful and appears to be laminated tighter than previous iPhone's, so it looks like the pixels are right on top. Honestly, it does kind of look like a live 3D render instead of an actual working phone.
The iPhone X basically looks like a living 3D render
But it is a real phone, and it’s clear it was just as challenging to actually build as all the rumors suggested. It’s gorgeous, but it’s not flawless. There’s a tiny sharp ridge between the glass back and the chrome frame that I feel every time I pick up the phone. That chrome frame seems destined to get scratched and dinged, as every chrome Apple product tends to do. The camera bump on the back is huge; a larger housing than the iPhone 8 Plus fitted onto a much smaller body and designed to draw attention to itself, especially on my white review unit. There are definitely going to be people who think it’s ugly, but it’s growing on me.
There’s no headphone jack, which continues to suck on every phone that omits it, but that’s the price you pay for a bezel-less screen with a notch at the top. Around the sides, you’ll find the volume buttons, the mute switch, and the sleep / wake button. The removal of the home button means there are a few new button combinations to remember: pressing the top volume button and the sleep / wake button together takes a screenshot; holding the sleep button opens Siri; and you turn the phone off by holding either of the volume buttons and the sleep button for several seconds and then sliding to power down.
And, of course, there’s the notch in the display — what Apple calls the “sensor housing.” It’s ugly, but it tends to fade away after a while in portrait mode. It’s definitely intrusive in landscape, though. It makes landscape in general pretty messy. Less ignorable are the bezels around the sides and bottom of the screen, which are actually quite large. Getting rid of almost everything tends to draw attention to what remains, and what remains here is basically a thick black border all the way around the screen, with that notch set into the top.
I personally think the iPhone 4 is the most beautiful phone of all time, and I’d say the iPhone X is in third place in the iPhone rankings after that phone and the original model. It’s a huge step up from the surfboard design we’ve been living with since the iPhone 6, but it definitely lacks the character of Apple’s finest work. And… it has that notch.
The iPhone X is Apple’s first phone to use an OLED display, after years of Apple LCD's setting the standard for the industry. OLED displays allow for thinner phones, but getting them to be accurate is a challenge: Samsung phones tend to be over saturated to the point of neon, Google’s Pixel 2 XL has a raft of issues with viewing angles and muted colors, and the new LG V30 has problems with uneven back-lighting.
Apple’s using a Samsung-manufactured OLED panel with a Pen-tile pixel layout on the iPhone X, but it’s insistent that it was custom-engineered and designed in-house. Whatever the case, the results are excellent: the iPhone X OLED is bright, sharp, vibrant without verging into parody, and generally a constant pleasure to look at. Apple’s True Tone system automatically adjusts color temperature to ambient light, photos are displayed in a wider color gamut, and there’s even Dolby Vision HDR support, so iTunes movies mastered in HDR play with higher brightness and dynamic range.
It’s just a terrific display
I did notice some slight color shifting off-axis, but never so much that it bothered me; I generally had to go looking for it. And compared to the iPhone 8 Plus LCD, it seems like a slightly cooler display over all, but only when I held the two side by side. Overall, it’s just a terrific display.
Unfortunately, the top of the display is marred by that notch, and until a lot of developers do a lot of work to design around it, it’s going to be hard to get the most out of this screen. I mean that literally: a lot of apps don’t use most of the screen right now.
Apps that haven’t been updated for the iPhone X run in what you might call “software bezel” mode: huge black borders at the top and bottom that basically mimic the iPhone 8. And a lot of apps aren’t updated yet: Google Maps and Calendar, Slack, the Delta app, Spotify, and more all run with software bezels. Games like CSR Racing and Sonic the Hedgehog looked particularly silly. It’s fine, but it’s ugly, especially since the home bar at the bottom of the screen glows white in this mode.
Some apps almost look right, but then you realize they’re actually just broken
Apps that haven’t been specifically updated for the iPhone X, but use Apple’s iOS autolayout system will fill the screen, but wacky things happen: Dark Sky blocks out half the status bar with a hardcoded black bar of its own, Uber puts your account icon over the battery indicator, and the settings in the Halide camera app get obscured by the notch and partially tucked into the display’s bunny ears. It almost looks right, but then you realize it’s actually just broken.
Apps that have been updated for the iPhone X all have different ways of dealing with the notch that sometimes lead to strange results, especially in apps that play video. Instagram Stories don’t fill the screen; they have large gray borders on the top and bottom. YouTube only has two full-screen zoom options, so playing the Last Jedi trailer resulted in either a small video window surrounded by letter- and pillar-boxing or a full-screen view with the notch obscuring the left side of the video. Netflix is slightly better, but you’re still stuck choosing between giant black borders around your video or the notch.
Landscape mode on the iPhone X is generally pretty messy: the notch goes from being a somewhat forgettable element in the top status bar to a giant interruption on the side of the screen, and I haven’t seen any apps really solve for it yet. And the home bar at the bottom of the screen often sits over the top of content, forever reminding you that you can swipe to go home and exit the chaos of landscape mode forever.
I’m sure all of this will get solved over time, but recent history suggests it might take longer than Apple or anyone would like; I still encounter apps that aren’t updated for the larger iPhone 6 screen sizes. 3D Touch has been around for years, but I can’t think of any app that makes particularly good use of it. Apple’s rolled out a lot of screen design changes over the years, and they take a while to settle in. We’ll just have to see how it goes with the iPhone X.
I haven’t had a lot of time to play with the cameras on the iPhone X, but the short answer is that they look almost exactly like the cameras on the iPhone 8. Both the telephoto and wide angle lenses have optical image stabilization (compared to just the wide angle on the 8 Plus), and the TrueDepth system on the front means the front camera can take portrait mode selfies. It’s nice.
iPhone X rear camera (left) / Pixel 2 XL rear camera (right)
Of course, the main thing the front camera can do is take Animoji, which are Apple’s animated emoji characters. It’s basically built-in machinima, and probably the single best feature on the iPhone X. Most importantly, they just work, and they work incredibly well, tracking your eyes and expressions and capturing your voice in perfect sync with the animation. Apple’s rolled out a lot of weird additions to iMessage over the years, but Animoji feel much stickier than sending a note with lasers or adding stickers or whatever other gimmicks have been layered on. And while iMessage remains a golden palace of platform lock-in, Animoji are notably cross-platform: they work in iMessage, can be sent as videos over MMS, or exported as MOV files. Nice.
Face ID: it works, mostly
The single most important feature of the iPhone X is Face ID, the system that unlocks the phone by recognizing your face. Even that’s an understatement: the entire design and user experience of the iPhone X is built around Face ID. Face ID is what let Apple ditch the home button and Touch ID fingerprint sensor. The Face ID sensor system is housed in the notch. The Apple Pay user flow has been reworked around Face ID. Apple’s Animoji animated emoji work using the Face ID sensors.
If Face ID doesn’t work, the entire promise of the iPhone X falls apart.
The good news is that Face ID mostly works great. The bad news is that sometimes it doesn’t, and you will definitely have to adjust the way you think about using your phone to get it to a place where it mostly works great.
Face ID is cutting-edge tech, but the fundamental concept is pretty simple: it’s basically a tiny Xbox Kinect. An infrared projector flashes out thousands of tiny dots that cover your face, and the front camera clicks on, captures that image, and turns it into a depth map. That map — not an actual image of your face — is stored locally on the iPhone X’s Secure Enclave, which is the same place Apple stored Touch ID fingerprint data.
Setting up Face ID is ridiculously simple — much simpler than setting up Touch ID on previous iPhones. The phone displays a circular border around your face, and you simply move until a series of lines around that circle turn green. (Apple suggests you move your nose around in a circle, which is adorable.) Do that twice, and you’re done: Face ID will theoretically get better and better at recognizing you over time, and track slow changes like growing a beard so you don’t have to re-enroll. Drastic changes, like shaving that beard off, might require you to enter your passcode, however.
Face ID should also work through most sunglasses that pass infrared light, although some don’t. And you can definitely make it fail if you put on disguises, but I’d rather have it fail than let someone else through.
In my early tests, Face ID worked well indoors: sitting at my desk, standing in our video studio, and waiting in line to get coffee. You have to look at it head-on, though: if it’s sitting on your desk you have to pick up the phone and look at it, which is a little annoying if you’re used to just putting your finger on the Touch ID sensor to check a notification.
You also can’t be too casual about it: I had a lot of problems pulling the iPhone X out of my pocket and having it fail to unlock until Apple clarified that Face ID works best at a distance of 25 to 50 centimeters away from your face, or about 10 to 20 inches. That’s closer than I usually hold my phone when I pull it out of my pocket to check something, which means I had to actively think about holding the iPhone X closer to my face than every other phone I’ve ever used. “You’re holding it wrong” is a joke until it isn’t, and you can definitely hold the iPhone X wrong.
You can definitely hold the iPhone X wrong
That’s a small problem, though, and I think it’ll be easy to get used to. The other problem is actually much more interesting: almost all of the early questions about Face ID centered around how it would work in the dark, but it turns out that was exactly backwards. Face ID works great in the dark, because the IR projector is basically a flashlight, and flashlights are easy to see in the dark. But go outside in bright sunlight, which contains a lot of infrared light, or under crappy florescent lights, which interfere with IR, and Face ID starts to get a little inconsistent.
I took a walk outside our NYC office in bright sunlight, and Face ID definitely had issues recognizing my face consistently while I was moving until I went into shade or brought the phone much closer to my face than usual. I also went to the deli across the street, which has a wide variety of lights inside, including a bunch of overhead florescent strips, and Face ID also got significantly more inconsistent.
I’ve asked Apple about this, and I’ll update this review with their answers along with more detailed test results, but for now I’d say Face ID definitely works well enough to replace Touch ID, but not so well that you won’t run into the occasional need to try again.
Recent Apple products have tended to demand people adapt to them instead of being adapted to people, and it was hard not to think about that as I stood in the sunlight, waving a thousand-dollar phone ever closer to my face.
There’s a lot of new hardware in the iPhone X, but it’s still running iOS 11 — albeit with some tweaks to navigation to accommodate the lack of a home button. You swipe up from the bottom to go home, swipe down from the right to bring up (down?) Control Center, and swipe down from the left to open the Notifications pane. That pane also has buttons for the flashlight and camera; in a twist, they require 3D Touch to work, so they feel like real buttons. It’s neat, but also breaks the 3D Touch paradigm. It’s the only place the entire system where 3D Touch acts like a left click instead of a right click. It’s emblematic of how generally fuzzy iOS has become with basic interface concepts, I think.
Switching apps is fun and simple: you can either swipe up and hold to bring up all your apps in a card-like deck, or just quickly swipe left and right on the home bar to bounce through them one at a time.
And… those are basically the changes to iOS 11 on the iPhone X, apart from the various notch-related kerfuffles. If you’ve been using iOS for a while and iOS 11 for the past month, nothing here will surprise you. Apple might have completely rethought how you unlock the iPhone X, but it’s still not giving up on that grid of app icons or making notifications more powerful or even allowing the weather app icon to display a live temperature. Siri is still Siri. If you’re buying an iPhone X expecting a radical change to your iPhone experience, well, you probably won’t get it. Unless you really hate unlocking your phone.
The iPhone X is clearly the best iPhone ever made. It’s thin, it’s powerful, it has ambitious ideas about what cameras on phones can be used for, and it pushes the design language of phones into a strange new place. It is a huge step forward in terms of phone hardware, and it has the notch to show for it. If you’re one of the many people who preordered this thing, I think you’ll be happy, although you’ll be going on the journey of figuring out when and how Face ID works best with everyone else.
It’s a new iPhone
But if you didn’t preorder, I suspect you might not feel that left out for a while. The iPhone X might be a huge step forward in terms of hardware, but it runs iOS 11 just the same as other recent iPhones, and you won’t really be missing out on anything except Animoji. Face ID seems like it’s off to a good start, but it’s definitely inconsistent in certain lighting conditions. And until your favorite apps are updated, you won’t be able to make use of that entire beautiful display.
All that adds up to the thing you already know: the iPhone X is a very expensive iPhone. For a lot of people, it’ll be worth it. For a lot of people, it’ll seem ridiculous. But fundamentally, it’s a new iPhone, and that means you probably already know if you want to spend a thousand dollars on one.
Because this review isn’t final, we’re not scoring the iPhone X yet. Leave your questions and comments below, and we’ll try to address as many of them in our final review as we can. We’ll add the score at that time as well.
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