All these names belong to mollies (she-cats): Sandfang, Cherrybark, Claypad, Roseface, Dovenose, Silverbriar, Crowstar (-heart), Newtthroat, Emberdawn, Smokebreeze
Sandfang- A no-nonsense and assertive she cat . She put her heart and soul into her clan and expects others to share her loyalty, a brilliant strategist who is often called upon for advice by her leader, 14/10
Cherrybark- A gentle cat with a relaxed attitude towards life, she very much believes that “what will be will be” and tends to just let things happen, but she will always intervene to try and avert tragedy, 14/10
Claypad- This adventurous she cat will often be found climbing to new heights, literally. Anything she can climb, she will. She’s always looking for her next challenge and adventure, 13/10
Roseface- A beautiful she cat widely regarded with admiration, not only for her looks, but for her ferocity in battle. You do not want to get on her bad side, 14/10
Dovenose- A quiet and shy she cat who prefers to observe rather than take part. She only speaks when she feels there is something to be said, and her wisdom has helped her clan out many times, 13/10
Silverbriar- A graceful and elegant she cat who knows words can often be more important than claws when it comes to winning conflict. She will often step in to either mediate, negotiate or even intimidate but will not hesitate to use her claws if needed, 15/10
Crowstar- A wise and intelligent leader, respected by all. She will never charge into battle without heavy consideration, not that many would challenge her, Crowstar makes sure her clan always has a trick up its sleeve, 15/10
Newtthroat - A cynical and often moody cat who finds it hard to be optimistic, she will often point out the bad points of a situation but this doesn’t come from a place of mean spiritedness, she’s just become disillusioned with the world after years of it beating her down, 14/10
Emberdawn- A bold and courageous cat often regarded as a hero in her clan. You can often find her telling stories of her battles and adventures to kits, and then she will challange them to a fight and let them “beat” her. Kits always clamour to be her apprentice, 15/10
Smokebreeze - A hardworking and serene cat who will often be found gazing at the horizon, wondering what else is out there. She often things about exploring beyond clan boundaries one day, but she wouldn’t leave the clan forever, 15/10
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