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Reposted from @tacobuddha Hold on to your hats, folks 🤠 The taste of summer is back on the menu. It's the party of the year for your tastebuds and this is your official invite. Check out this goodness: ❤️ Slow-smoked, pulled pork 🧡 Local peach and Four Roses bourbon BBQ sauce 🤍 Tangy coleslaw sauce 💜 Shredded cabbage 💛 Cornbread crumbs 💚 Green onion 🤍 Flour tortilla Keep it peachy, y'all 🤠 Gluten-free on corn tortillas. Dairy-free w/o cornbread crumbs. Egg-free w/o coleslaw sauce. • • #newtaco #newmenuitem #savannah #pulledpork #peach #bourbon #stlfood #stleats #stlfoodie #stlfoodies (at Taco Buddha) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg0i4hjjf-_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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先日はオープニングに来てくださりましてありがとうございました。オープンからほぼずっと餃子を焼いて、塩対応でしたが、来てくれた皆さんの笑顔でとても嬉しかったです。本当に楽しかったです。タッキーの料理も大谷さんの花も好評で、料理も餃子も無くなったので良かったです!!またいつでもふらっと来てください!今後ともよろしくお願い致します。 #taco #newtaco #opening #ヨシダダイスケ #dicapn @takitakitakky519n @ssachiyo (Taco studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2vDAseDRcy/?igshid=1qbwon3kncp0y
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Working on a little something new.. #tacos #newnew #newtacos #tastekitchen #tacosTK (at Modernist) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sUaxfAjHP/?igshid=eho5auwzmkz6
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HBD to me! Just needs the TRD PRO wheels. #toyotatacoma #newtaco #rohrichtoyota #toyotapaulofpgh #toyota4life (at Plum, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoImnj9g96v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15emxl7cw5csz
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Join us @oldstumpbrewery today! Tacos,beer, and football! Featuring our new taco Las Rajitas. #lahuesudatacos #tacos #tacoporn #tacosandbeer #sundayfunday #football #lasrajitas #rajas #newtaco #newspecial #oldstumpbrewery #pomona #eatlocal #drinklocal (at Old Stump Brewing Co.)
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Cho thuê tòa nhà HEID Building
Cho thuê tòa nhà HEID Building
HEID Building là tòa nhà văn phòng tiêu chuẩn hạng B nằm tại ngõ 12 Láng Hạ, khu tập thể Bắc Thành Công, quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội. Đây là khu vực trung tâm của thành phố, tiếp giáp với quận Đống Đa và nhiều tòa nhà văn phòng chuyên nghiệp như: Harec Building, tòa nhà 14 Láng Hạ, Newtaco Building, tòa nhà Vinaconex. Chính vì vậy, HEID Building được thừa hưởng rất nhiều tiện ích, dịch vụ văn phòng chuyên nghiệp trong khu vực.

Với quy mô xây dựng 13 tầng, tầng trệt là chỗ đỗ xe, trong đó mỗi mặt sàn rộng tới 450 m2, HEID Building đã cung ứng cho thị trường thuê văn phòng Hà Nội diện tích khoảng hơn 5.000 m2. Mỗi mặt sàn có thể chia cắt thành nhiều diện tích nhỏ và linh hoạt đáp ứng nhu cầu thuê và ngân sách của mọi doanh nghiệp. Bên cạnh đó với mức giá cho thuê khá hợp lý tại quận Ba Đình, HEID Building là lựa chọn phù hợp cho những doanh nghiệp đang cần thuê văn phòng tại vị trí trung tâm với mức chi phí hợp lý.
Xem thêm tại: https://ccboffice.vn/office/heid-building/
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Shipping containers full of tacos coming to SoDo neighborhood
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Reposted from @tacobuddha Hold on to your hats, folks 🤠 The taste of summer is back on the menu. It's the party of the year for your tastebuds and this is your official invite. Check out this goodness: ❤️ Slow-smoked, pulled pork 🧡 Local peach and Four Roses bourbon BBQ sauce 🤍 Tangy coleslaw sauce 💜 Shredded cabbage 💛 Cornbread crumbs 💚 Green onion 🤍 Flour tortilla Keep it peachy, y'all 🤠 Gluten-free on corn tortillas. Dairy-free w/o cornbread crumbs. Egg-free w/o coleslaw sauce. • • #newtaco #newmenuitem #savannah #pulledpork #peach #bourbon #stlfood #stleats #stlfoodie #stlfoodies (at Taco Buddha) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg0i4hjjf-_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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DMについて色々と言われるのですが、実は制作期間2ヶ月かかっています。素材選びから、シルクスクリーンでの印刷、穴あけ、タコベイトの取り付け、パッキング、発送まで全て手作業でございます。私の事務所は私の頭の中に近いので知ってもらう糸口としてこんなDMになりました。圧倒的に送料が高いので一部手配りさせてもらっています。 製作の過程は何にも変えられないくらい楽しかったです!! デザインはRISSI inc.の松永さんです。 めちゃめちゃ手伝ってもらいました。 ありがとうございます😊 #taco #newtaco #move #DM #アクリル #シルクスクリーン #タコベイト #フードシーラー #定形外の規格外 (Taco studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2VKwg4D7xb/?igshid=1aj2o1owtnd4k
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無事にスタジオ事務所の移転が完了しました。1ヶ月半かけて仕事の合間に工事をして、ようやく今の形になりました。楽しかったです!!広さも1.5倍くらいになりました!!近くにお越しの際は是非お立ち寄りください。 新住所は 5400005 大阪市中央区上町1-6-13 清水谷ビル3階 です。 よろしくお願いします!! #taco #newtaco (Chūō-ku, Osaka) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0e-0hPjl5b/?igshid=nhlndhzp4978
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もうすぐ完成! #taco #newtaco #move (Chūō-ku, Osaka) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzxIQy1DzHU/?igshid=7k333rilon19
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着々と… #newtaco https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFeFytjip1/?igshid=13yooqfqelqtb
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今日はずいぶんと進んだよ #newtaco https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxVfqqjiQA/?igshid=1t8jd9y5li35c
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完成するんかな… #newtaco https://www.instagram.com/p/ByuVT9RjulN/?igshid=84x8jx7x5c82
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まだまだ暑い日が続きますがお知らせです。9/21の14時より22時までですが新事務所にてお披露目を兼ねてささやかですがパーティをしようと思います。食事や飲み物、僕の餃子も振る舞おうと思います。是非遊びにきてもらえればと思います。食事や飲み物はもしかすると数に限りがあるかもしれませんがたくさん用意するつもりです。 フードは松屋町で爆発的人気を誇る立ち飲みベトナム料理のtằmのタッキーに自由にやってもらいます。間違いなく美味しいのでそれだけ食べに来ても良いと思います。事務所の装飾にセンス��群な天才フローリストの大谷さんに飾ってもらいます。間違いなく目と感覚の保養になるのでそれだけ見に来てもらっても良いと思います。 僕は餃子焼いたりしてバタバタしてるかもしれませんがフラッと立ち寄っていただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。 new taco party 9/21 sat 14時より 大阪市中央区上町1-6-13 辰巳屋金属清水谷ビル3階 #taco #newtaco #tằm #ヨシダクンノギョウザ @takitakitakky519n @ssachiyo https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OkZHhDNC9/?igshid=489881b0wk21
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We introduce El Vegan: Grilled cauliflower, almond mole, roasted almonds and peanuts, and micro cilantro. #lahuesudatacos #tacos #elvegan #vegan #newtaco #molemole #mexicanmole #almondmole #pacificplate #craftbeer (at Pacific Plate Brewing Co.)
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