redpandagamrrpg · 1 year
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tactileprogress · 2 years
PROJECT TWO - (What little there is of it)
Video Here: (it should be, at least. I’ve tried to add it like four times.)
{Processing Code}
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort;
int lf = 10; // Linefeed in ASCII String myString = null;
int state = 1; //state - before, during, after
float sessTime = 2; //how long the session runs for int minCounter = 0; //what minute we're on int totalIntervals; int pastMillis;
//button values int red; int yel; int grn;
int prodVal = 0; //prodVal- latest productivity value from the controller int[] prod; //productivity array, stores past data
boolean listening = true; //whether or not it's receptive to information coming in. //if it's not listening, it's talking.
void setup() { size(600, 600); background(255); String portName = Serial.list()[1]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); textAlign(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER);
prod = new int[0]; }
void draw() { // // // if (state == 1) { //titlescreen/basic infocard //set session length //test connection background(0); noStroke(); //swap this black screen out for titlecard TODO if (listening == true) { while (myPort.available() > 0) { myString = myPort.readStringUntil(lf); if (myString != null) { myString.trim(); String newStr = trim(myString); int[] data = int(split(newStr, ',')); if (data.length >= 3) { red = data[0]; yel = data[1]; grn = data[2]; } } } }if (red == 1) { if (sessTime > 2) { sessTime--; } } if (grn == 1) { if (sessTime < 10) { sessTime++; } } if (yel == 1) { state = 2; pastMillis = millis(); } //this is the session timeframe fill(100, 180, 50); rect(300, 90, 200, 75, 5); fill(255); textSize(20); text("Begin " + sessTime/2 + " hour session", 300, 100); totalIntervals = int(sessTime * 3); //text(totalIntervals, 300, 80); //now the indicators fill(120, 0, 0); ellipse(250, 150, 30, 30); fill(120, 120, 0); ellipse(300, 150, 30, 30); fill(0, 120, 0); ellipse(350, 150, 30, 30); fill(255); text("-", 250, 155); stroke(255); line(293, 150, 298, 155); line(298, 155, 306, 142); text("+", 350, 155); //additionall info to imply what up/down and confirm are // //this is the sound test text("Buzzer Test", 80, 520); if (mouseX > 50 && mouseX < 110 && mouseY > 460 && mouseY < 510) { fill(100, 180, 50); if (mousePressed) { listening = false; //send beep to system TODO } } else { fill(255); } rect(80, 480, 60, 40, 5); //end of things needed in phase 1 // // //
} else if (state == 2) { background(0, 130, 90); //timer TODO //countdown until session end if ((millis()-pastMillis) % 60000 == 0) { if (minCounter == 10) { //buzzer listening = true; minCounter = 0; totalIntervals --; } else { minCounter ++; } pastMillis = millis(); } //regular stop if (totalIntervals == 0) { state = 3; } //emergency stop if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, 300, 200) < 38) { if (mousePressed) { //stops everything state = 1; pastMillis = 0; sessTime = 2; } noStroke(); fill(170, 50, 30); } else { noStroke(); fill(255); } ellipse(300, 200, 76, 76); fill(0); text("Force Quit", 300, 270); //write to array as info comes in if (listening == true) { prod = append(prod, prodVal); listening = false; } } else if (state == 3) { //garden background(20, 100, 80); fill(200); rect(300, 550, 600, 100);for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < sessTime/2; j++) { noFill(); stroke(0); rect(100 * i, 100 * j, 200, 200); for (int k = 0; k < prod.length; k++) { if (prod[k] == 1) { //flower fill(255, 255, 0); ellipse(100*i, 100*j, 180, 50); ellipse(100*i, 100*j, 50, 180); fill(0); ellipse(100*i, 100*j, 50, 5); }else if(prod[k] == 2){ //leaf fill(0,255,0); ellipse(100*i, 100*j, 180, 80); stroke(0,220,0); }else{ //seed fill(80,60,0); ellipse(100*i, 100*j, 20, 20); } } } }
} }
void keyReleased() {
if(key == ' '){ print(totalIntervals); print("|"); println(minCounter); println(prod);
} //phase one //left in for ease of testing, should be swapped over to phys buttons. if (state == 1) { if (key == 'i') { if (sessTime < 10) { sessTime++; } } if (key == 'u') { if (sessTime > 2) { sessTime--; } } if (key == 'g') { state = 2; pastMillis = millis(); //confirm! } } else if (state == 2) { if (key == 'q') { //red button prodVal = 3; } if (key == 'w') { //yellow button prodVal = 2; } if (key == 'e') { //green button prodVal = 1; } if (key == 't') { listening = true; } if (key == 'z') { state = 3; } } }
{Arduino Code}
#include "pitches.h"
int state = 1;
int inByte = 0;
int redBtt;
int ylwBtt;
int grnBtt;
int buzzer;
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
pinMode(10, INPUT);
pinmode(9, INPUT);
pinMode(8, INPUT);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
if (state == 1) {
//wait for info on when to buzzer for sound test
//buttons incriment time and change
//listen for state change
inByte = Serial.read();
redBtt = map(digitalRead(10), 0, 1, 0, 255);
ylwBtt = map(digitalRead(9), 0, 1, 0, 255);
grnBtt = map(digitalRead(8), 0, 1, 0, 255);
} else if (state == 2) {
//regular buzzer pulses (every 10 min)
//update servo
//wait for state change
} else if (state == 3) {
//nothing happens
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m-m-himel · 4 years
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#sitstrings #newstring #guitar https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQeAgDFSk2/?igshid=1we8ksj77h0vq
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willhurdstrings · 4 years
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Trying a Sensicore #viola F string for use as a #cello #Cstring on #violoncellodaspalla I think it has a clear and warm sound! What do you think? ~~swipe left to see me change the string in a #timelapsevideo ~~swipe left again to hear me perform an excerpt of #longlongago on #violoncello da spalla using the #newstring Long, Long Ago was composed by English songwriter and dramatist Thomas Haynes Bayly and was the most popular song in the US in 1843 Sensicore sting by #supersensitivestrings purchased from #fiddlershop #changingstrings #stringchange #cellostrings #violastrings #strings #stringsattached #stringplayer #cellista #chello #cellistsofinstagram #celloist #musicalinstrument #suzukiteacher #suzukimusic #suzukibook1 #beautifulmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/CHNjNmSgfAr/?igshid=1r61esydhyq6m
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dan-axe · 6 years
Sequence shortened 🏂 I also sang some songs today, thank you to everyone who supported me out there on my first proper busk. Found some really delicious CBD things at the vegan market and I'm looking forward to sharing them all with you in the next few days
(at Quedam Shopping Centre, Yeovil)
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daveerving · 3 years
#busybusy #guitarintonation #newstrings #roughcut... #musiclife #musician #guitar #bass #musicproducer #music4life #evaderknives https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQakqVjV7q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aalleexx2907 · 4 years
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the-simple-sparkle · 5 years
🎶Bad Liar - Imagine Dragons Recently replaced my nylon strings with titanium strings and definitely still getting used to how they feel, but mannn I love the sound of fresh strings ✨ • • • • • • • #badliar #imaginedragons #ukulele #ukulelecover #luna #lunauke #lunaukulele #lunahightide #lunahightideconcertkoa #badliarcover #cover #vocals #fun #love #life #newstrings #origins #beautiful #home #adventure #imaginedragonscover #keychange #titaniumstrings https://www.instagram.com/p/B33hKxiJ5k6/?igshid=1d7fs4nn739hq
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kentvancil3 · 5 years
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So this happened on a #rainyday day and good songs inspired me today. #newstrings #ernieball #fender #fenderguitars #guitar #acousticguitar #30afest #imstilllearning #freefalling #tompetty #sundayvibes (at Secret Spot) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7zMpD5jyvX/?igshid=s64nztj89ngh
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nanashisaka96 · 5 years
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My guitar had brand new strings.... HAD... 🙃 #guitar #guitarist #strings #guitarstrings #guitaristproblems #brokenstrings #newstrings https://www.instagram.com/p/B7yd73LJhZB/?igshid=t59ekw6tc2yn
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rickg66 · 5 years
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New string day! #bassist #bassplayer #laklandbass #drstrings #ernieball #rocknroll #crispstrings #newstrings https://www.instagram.com/p/B4iFGPpA5J8/?igshid=ubwoy55qw73d
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tom-adams-music · 5 years
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Time to try out some new strings #fender #daddario #nyxl #telecaster #fendertelecaster #tele #newstrings #music #singersongwriter #guitarplayer #guitarist #guitaristsofinstagram #musician #homestudio #recording #newmusic https://www.instagram.com/p/B4QYcJIJKD7/?igshid=xx2rqstxxlua
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tactileprogress · 2 years
Code under cut
import processing.serial.*;
int lf = 10; // Linefeed in ASCII String myString = null; Serial myPort; // The serial port
float flex = 0; float pot = 0; int butt1 = 0; int butt2 = 0;
boolean butt1low; boolean butt2low;
float xtarget = 300; float ytarget = 450; int highY = 410;
int spotSize = 4; int spotColor = 7;
void setup() { size(630, 600); background(255); String portName = Serial.list()[1]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); highY = 410; }
void draw() { if(keyPressed){ if(key == ' '){ background(255); } } //getting data from the serial port into my setup while (myPort.available() > 0) { myString = myPort.readStringUntil(lf); if (myString != null) { myString.trim(); String newStr = trim(myString); int[] data = int(split(newStr, ',')); //println(data); if (data.length >= 4) { flex = data[0]; pot = data[1]; butt1 = data[2]; butt2 = data[3]; } } //this is my diagnostics for the sensors print(flex); print(" "); print(pot); print(" "); print(butt1); print(" "); print(butt2); print("|"); print(ytarget); print(" "); println(highY);xtarget = map(pot, 0, 1023, width-50, 50); //average changes with setup- find the average? maybe? or just do it manually ytarget = map(flex, 375, 450, 0, 1000); //if highest Y is less than current y, then high y should update if(highY > ytarget){ highY = round(ytarget); } if(butt1 == 0){ butt1low = true; } if(butt2 == 0){ butt2low = true; } if (butt1 == 1 && butt1low == true) { if (spotSize <= 3) { spotSize += 1; butt1low = false; } else if (spotSize == 4) { spotSize = 1; butt1low = false; } } if (butt2 == 1 && butt2low == true) { if (spotColor <= 6) { spotColor += 1; butt2low = false; } else if (spotColor == 7) { spotColor = 1; butt2low = false; } }
//this is the code for determining the color/size of the ellipse if(ytarget < 400){ noStroke(); if (spotColor == 1) { fill(255, 0, 0); } else if (spotColor == 2) { fill(250, 140, 25); } else if (spotColor == 3) { fill(255, 255, 0); } else if (spotColor == 4) { fill(0, 255, 0); } else if (spotColor == 5) { fill(0, 0, 255); } else if (spotColor == 6) { fill(200, 100, 255); } else if (spotColor == 7) { fill(255, 150, 200); } //use current x coord and highest y coord, then reset highY ellipse(xtarget, highY, 20spotSize, 20spotSize); highY = 410; } //this section is my UI noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(10); rect(30, 0, 570, 500); fill(125); noStroke(); rect(0,0,30,height); rect(600,0,30,height); rect(0, 500, width, 100);//color of indicator circle if (spotColor == 1) { fill(255, 0, 0); } else if (spotColor == 2) { fill(250, 140, 25); } else if (spotColor == 3) { fill(255, 255, 0); } else if (spotColor == 4) { fill(0, 255, 0); } else if (spotColor == 5) { fill(0, 0, 255); } else if (spotColor == 6) { fill(200, 100, 255); } else if (spotColor == 7) { fill(255, 150, 200); } //this is the indicator ellipse ellipse(50, 550, 20*spotSize, 20*spotSize); fill(0); //left/right indicator triangle(xtarget,500,xtarget-5,510,xtarget+5,510); //up/down indicator triangle(15,highY,10,highY-5,10,highY+5);
//funtionality to add //targeting system //>xaxis pot* //>yaxis flex ~ //>release of slingshot - find the overshoot ~ //cursor * //color picker * //size picker *
//Arduino Code
//int flexRead; //int potRead; //int butt1Read; //int butt2Read;
//void setup() { // pinMode(12, INPUT); // pinMode(13,INPUT); // Serial.begin(9600); //}
//void loop() { // flexRead = analogRead(A0); // potRead = analogRead(A1); // butt1Read = digitalRead(13); // butt2Read = digitalRead(12);
// Serial.print(flexRead);//send as ascii // Serial.print(","); //seperate with comma // Serial.print(potRead); // Serial.print(","); // Serial.print(butt1Read); // Serial.print(","); // Serial.println(butt2Read); //final is println // delay(25); //}
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mariamarachowska · 5 years
YEAH! MY ACOUSTIC GUITAR GET NEW FLAT WOUND ELECTRIC GUITAR JAZZ STRINGS NUMBER 12 (VERY HARD TO PLAY! I LOVE IT!) @siberianblues #mariamarachowska #strings #jazz #guitar #greatsound #flatwound #acousticguitar #newstrings (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyA7L9H3ip/?igshid=1f6xvwwvm5ev0
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alexcolburnmusic · 5 years
New original called “Empty Promises” #originalmusic #musicnow #lyricslater #musiciansofinstagram #guitaristofinstagram #guitarist #epiphone #wildkat #epiphonewildkat #electricguitar #newstrings #riffs (at Providence, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0hWlHJg-f2/?igshid=9ibuqvku0t7h
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malderine · 5 years
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New strings! #music #guitar #fender #newstrings #newsounds #spring https://www.instagram.com/p/BwaHkxXhzHY/?igshid=1tc22hu25bntn
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