cryptidvoidwritings · 8 months
Il Sistina Cats is about to start their tour, so we're getting a new Grizabella.
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new-philosopher · 6 months
Here's hoping in 2024 that Rhett and Link will recreate the Newsical Kiss (or better yet, kiss without the plexiglass)
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favorite niche genre: star wars parody musicals
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newsicsdotcom · 2 years
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mikrofwno · 6 months
«Fake Newsical. Παρ@μυθομπερδέματα!» σε κείμενο Σταυρούλας Παγώνη και Στάθη Παχίδη στο Βασιλικό Θέατρο
Μια ιστορία με πολύ μυστήριο, σασπένς, συνεχείς ανατροπές, gangs, μπιτάτες μουσικές και βέβαια ξεκαρδιστικά παραμυθομπερδέματα. Η νέα ευφάνταστη παραγωγή της Παιδικής Σκηνής του ΚΘΒΕ «Fake Newsical. Παρ@μυθομπερδέματα!» έρχεται τον Ιανουάριο στο Βασιλικό Θέατρο σε κείμενο Σταυρούλας Παγώνη & Στάθη Παχίδη και σε σκηνοθεσία Εύης Σαρμή. Μα τι συμβαίνει στο Βασίλειο των Παραμυθο-ηρώων; Φήμες και…
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gffa · 1 year
Did you know I’ve probably cried like a dozen times from BATFAMILY fic over the last two weeks? I’m not a big cryer, so that’s saying something for me, by which I mean, I realize I have some incredibly intense feelings about fictional characters, but also fandom is phenomenal about hitting those feelings dead on in exactly the way they mean to do. And it’s great, hell yeah make me cry buckets in emotional catharsis!! And then balance it out with comfort or humor because my soul needs soothing, too! I have been reading so many comics lately (so many good comics, what is this, I’m not used to having comics I actually think are good) and I love the canon so very much, but part of the draw towards this fandom has always been the enthusiastic fic response, the willingness to explore things the comics themselves don’t always have time for, whether aftermath of events or psychological effects that aren’t necessarily intended but are fascinating to consider or just straight up downtime that’s not about a case because fic doesn’t need to make people punch things in every issue. The two go hand in hand for me and getting fun comics to read and fun fic to read has been really meaningful to me in a time when I’ve really needed that in my life. I hope that I can return the favor even a little by shoving a bunch of fics at you and only making you scroll a little to get through my Dick Grayson Problem. BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I’M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ May Our Memories Light The Way by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce, time travel, 1.9k      Bruce travels into the past and serves up an apology long over-due. ✦ Late Spring by halyordan, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.5k      Dick gets in his first ‘fight’ at school. Luckily, Bruce was an angry boy once. He knows how to deal with it. ✦ the color violet by TheResurrectionist, dick & bruce & cast, 2.6k      The address – 1007 Mountain Drive – told Alex two things: one, their patient was either going to be someone unreasonably wealthy or an unlucky service worker, and two, getting to the actual patient was going to be a bitch. ✦ as i was walkin’ by oh_fudgecakes, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.6k      Bored and chased out of the kitchen by an irate Alfred, a young Dick Grayson falls through a loose floorboard while exploring the attic and ends up in an locked storeroom housing an interesting set of journals. ✦ help me fill this hole in my soul by renecdote, dick & bruce & cast, 5.9k      Dick nearly drowns on patrol one night. He’s fine, except that he really isn’t. Alfred and Bruce take care of him when he gets sick and let him know that even though his parents are gone he isn’t alone. ✦ medio by newsical, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.1k      Loss, again. This loss was by his hand, by his own tongue, with words so sharply edged that they tore apart his mouth and left his lips bloody. The manor was silent, and he was alone. And Alfred’s half birthday was in three days. ✦ My Little Bird (is a Troublemaker) by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce & clark & cast, 10.9k      No, not good enough, thought Bruce as he gripped the boy’s shoulders in his hands. Dick still didn’t move and the man had to resist the violent urge to shake the answer out of him. This wasn’t his little bird. This wasn’t his Robin, he would never do something like this. Dick gets caught drunk, Bruce loses it. ✦ things kept hidden by emavee, dick & bruce & cast, 9.7k      “Better hope the Batman doesn’t catch wind of you. Batman hates metas. He’ll make you disappear. That’s what he does.” “But I’d never hurt anyone,” Dick stammers. He doesn’t know very much about Batman, but he’s a hero, right? He fought crime, like Superman, and Superman was a hero. Right? ✦ (Not) Enough by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.3k      After the training simulation goes wrong, Bruce takes his kid home. ✦ i can’t promise (it’s not written in the stars) by konan_konan, dick & bruce & alfred & cast, 7.3k      Batman is following him, surely, but he’s smaller and faster and he’s not going to let someone take him and lock him up again. Wayne Manor, he’s learned, is just another kind of prison. It may be big and fancy but it is also empty and cold and he’s not going back. Tony Zucco dies tonight, he tells himself. It is the only thing that matters. ✦ what’s needed most by dizarys, dick & bruce & alfred, 1k      Dick wants to fly. Bruce would like that to not involve giving him a heart attack for once. ✦ two sheep counted, but not enough to sleep by batofgoodintent (crownedcrusader), dick & bruce, 1.8k      Dick hasn’t been sleeping. It’s a problem Bruce should have addressed by now. BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ (At the Very Least), I Can by sElkieNight60, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian, 3k      “… something is wrong.” That was Bruce’s voice, he would know it anywhere. OR, Dick Grayson + Full Body Paralysis ✦ Catch by sElkieNight60, bruce & dick, 2k      Raptor has Bruce in dire straits. Nightwing catches Bruce as he falls. Then it turns out Bruce never fell at all, he jumped. “Dick. I didn’t fall. I jumped. I jumped because I knew you’d catch me.” Childhood trauma never truly goes away, it seems. OR, the emotional aftermath of “Better than Batman.” ✦ Call Me if You Need Me by LiterallyThePresident, bruce & dick & alfred, 1.1k      “Master Bruce is rather distraught, you see.” and now Alfred sounded pained, “The dose he received was not enough to render him immobile, but it is causing some paranoia and unpleasant hallucinations. He… Well, he appears to be rather convinced that something has happened to you.” BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ Sons and Fathers by FabulaRasa, dick & bruce & jefferson & dick/babs, 4.9k     Dick has three conversations that needed to be had, at the end of season three. This is blatantly a “there I fixed it” fic. ✦ The Best Medicine by JpegDotJpeg, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & alfred & cass, 2.2k      “I’m dying.” “You are not dying.” “This is it. It’s the end for me. I bet I have some exotic viral disease with no known cure and now I’m going to waste away into nothingness.” “I highly doubt that, Master Richard.” ✦ Look to the Stars by Zephyrra, dick & bruce & jason & hal & alfred & cast, lantern!dick, 8.3k      After Batman fires Robin for the last time, Dick becomes a Flying Grayson in an entirely new way: by becoming a Green Lantern. But no matter what kind of mask he dons, Dick Grayson has a way of (accidentally) changing history irrevocably. This is only the beginning. ✦ the courage of stars by theragingstorm, dick & clark/lois & jon & cast, 1.8k      When he really needs somebody, Dick goes to Metropolis. ✦ a great honour (to hold you up) by dizarys, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & duke, 2.6k      “For the last time, I’m not getting sick!” Jason and Tim exchanged skeptical looks behind Dick’s back. “You’re pale, shivering, and wince every time your bare skin touches the cold metal desk.” Jason ticked off on grease smeared fingers, “Sounds sick to me.” “Wonderful observations, Holmes.” Dick muttered, still looking through the microscope. “What does Watson have to add?” “That first of all, I’m Sherlock.” said Tim, “And my associate is correct. You should go get some rest.” ✦ i am tired of all these motherfuckin’ bombs on these motherfuckin’ spaceships by konan_konan, dick & bruce & damian & titans & background dick/kory & justice league, 4.5k      “Those generators won’t last long,” barks Batman. “We’re losing our window. What other plan do you propose, Nightwing?” He huffs. “I’m gonna blow up the ship.” or: when the justice league gets stranded in space, the teen titans come to the rescue. it doesn’t exactly go to plan. BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I’M GONNA THROW HIM AT HIS SIBLINGS BECAUSE IT’S FUNNY: ✦ abyssal plain by glassofwater, dick & jason, 3.5k      “What did you do?” “Exactly what he said. I killed him.” ✦ Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once, tim & jason & cast, 5.5k      ‘You shot me!’ Jason gasped, stunned, ‘Holy shit, you actually shot me.’ Tim’s eyes widened and he froze. They stared at each other for a second, dumbstruck and then- ‘Don’t tell Bruce.’ ✦ Break the Ice by dizarys, dick & jason, 1.5k      He felt the blades pierce his body. It was at the height of his leap, back arched as he sprang backwards over the car. A bolt of searing hot pain shot through his side then thigh. But Nightwing still landed with grace and flung his escrima sticks straight into two gang members’ heads. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I’M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ Not Quite Saudade by Wisptheraccoon, dick & damian & bruce & jason & tim & alfred & jon, 3.1k      Aka. The reason Dick is no longer allowed to leave on long missions without Damian. ✦ Scorpion-grass by Ididloveyou_once, dick & damian & bruce & tim, 2.9k      Damian gets hit with fear toxin and is forced to relive Dick losing his memories… Dick could’ve gone without knowing how the kid reacted to his amnesia. ✦ what’s waited till tomorrow starts tonight by theragingstorm, dick & damian & john/mary & cast, time travel, 63.4k wip      After an argument with his Batman, Dick Grayson, Damian finds himself in Dick’s past, with one of his greatest tragedies fast approaching and no easy route forward for either. As long as he risks being stuck seventeen years in the past, all he can do is live at the circus, with a family he never knew — and just maybe learn from it all. BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY’RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ When Wisdom Must Go by AnicomicQueen, bruce & dick & tim, 5.1k      Bruce experiences taking his children to get their wisdom teeth removed. Chapter 1: Dick (Age: 17) Chapter 2: Tim (Age: 16) ✦ So you’ll know where I’ve been by victoria_p (musesfool), jason & steph, 2.1k      “I just noticed your scars.” “We all have—Oh.” Jason drops his gaze again, runs his fingers along the faded incision on the left side of his chest. “No one else has one of these.” ✦ and when you’re in the trenches by dizarys, jason & tim & dick, 4.3k      When Jason stumbles across a shocking discovery, he’s forced to decide how much he truly cares about the people he used to call family. ✦ The Kids Are All Right by Browniesarethebest, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred, 11.4k      Dick and Tim are de-aged. It goes about as well as anyone would expect. ✦ World’s Saddest Breakfast Club by motleyfam, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & cass & steph & duke & cast, 7k      Following a couple of Very Bad Weeks™ (which may or may not have involved being kidnapped and mildly tortured), Jason decides the best way to cheer himself up is to break into the Manor for a 3 a.m. snack. Turns out he isn’t the only one awake. BATFAM FIC RECS - I CUT MY TEETH ON DICK & TIM AS CLOSE BROTHERS AND NOT EVEN CANON WILL NOT TAKE IT FROM ME: ✦ Not So Large but Definitely In Charge by dottie_dc (dottie_wan_kenobi), dick & tim & bruce & alfred, 6.7k      Alternate universes suck so much. Tim has always known that, but he’s never really grasped it, not until he and Dick were forcibly thrown into one a week ago. ✦ there’ll always be a few things, maybe several things by incogneat_oh, dick & tim, ~1k      Tim breaks the silence, half-glancing over his shoulder to murmur, “Pop-culture has taught me that you’re supposed to seek out your parent in the middle of the night. Not your sibling.” “Pop-culture isn’t a perfect teacher, Timmy.” ✦ will we ever get to the other side? by dizarys, dick & tim, 4.8k      Blockbuster is dead and Dick is lost. Haunted by that night and no longer Nightwing, he flees Gotham only to find himself back in Bludhaven on mob business. Now Robin is the city’s new protector and Dick is determined to avoid Tim & his old life. That is, until he finds Tim bleeding in an alley. ✦ World Gone MAD by Havendance, dick & tim & justice league, 5.5k      Ask the GCPD about the Joker’s death, and they’ll tell you he died of natural causes. Ask the Justice League, and they’ll tell you that it’s a matter that’s been resolved internally. Ask Batman and he won’t give you an answer, because he’s Batman. The truth of the matter, however, is this: Dick Grayson beat the Joker to death. ✦ Wake Me Up Before You Go Go by incogneat_oh, dick & tim, ~1k      He’s already halfway up the stairs, towards the window on the second floor landing, when Dick says, “Tim.” He turns back, says wide-eyed and guilty, “Mhm? Can I– I’ll get you a blanket? If you want?” – Or, Tim visits Dick in Bludhaven. ✦ unleash the beast (with a kiss on the cheek) by InkpotSprite, dick & tim & bruce & jason & stephanie, 1.3k      Dick’s chest tightened as his lips parted to say something that he’d truly regret. Before a soft pair of lips pressed against his cheek, then disappeared so quickly that Dick was almost sure he’d imagined it. If it weren’t for Bruce’s fractionally wide eyes, Dick would think he had. Slowly, he turned his head to the side. Tim smiled back at him. BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE’S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ cat tactic of healing by CarrionCarnival, tim/kon, 2.1k      Kon finds a moderately sick Tim, and decides that it’s his problem to solve. feline style ✦ In the Corner Taking up Space by Louis_the_Snake, tim/kon & cast, NSFW, 5.1k      Tim gets roped into doing a simple modeling gig for Wayne Fashion with some of his siblings and realizes that everyone he knows is way hotter than he is. And the hottest thing about him is his ass. Which ends up plastered in every major city in the U.S. ✦ Thief by rotasha, tim/kon, NSFW, 1.8k      Kon walks in on Tim wearing his leather jacket. ✦ only touched you once by distracted_dragon, tim/kon, NSFW, 1.8k      Kon decides to tease Tim a little with his TTK. ✦ Missing Words by Violet_Witch, tim/kon & cassie, 6.9k      It takes Tim years to realize what’s always been there. ✦ What’s Real and What Isn’t by JpegDotJpeg, tim/kon & bart, 2.3k      Kon’s eyes almost glow in the dark, a luminescent blue so vivid Tim almost can’t stand looking at them, though he has a harder time trying to look away from them. “I thought you were having a nightmare or something. Your heart was beating so hard it woke me up.” Tim feels himself a flush. He can’t even sleep without bothering someone else. “Oh,” He replies, voice small. “Sorry. I’m fine, you can go back to sleep.” “You’re shaking,” Kon points out and Tim curses internally. ✦ you taught me the courage of stars before you left by popsunner, tim & kon & bruce & damian & lois & jon & cassie & cast, 6k      “He loved you, you know,” She says wistfully, meeting his eyes. Tim looks away. “I loved him too.” “Love.” “What?” “Love,” she repeats. “Not loved. He might be gone, but we don’t love him any less.“ BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT’S WHAT I’M HERE FOR: ✦ Arguments with the Recently Deceased by JackHawksmoor, dick & bruce & clark & tim & cast, 7.9k      Dick just got back from a lousy, week-long adventure traveling in time. When his ride drops him off at the cave the morning after he left, Dick isn’t expecting to find Bruce in the middle of a complete meltdown. Dick realizes there’s been a mistake- Dick hasn’t been gone six hours, he’s been gone six months, and everyone thinks he’s dead. ✦ Solar Flares by glassofwater, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & alfred & cast, 46.1k wip      Personhood, noun: the quality or condition of being an individual person. Son, noun: a man regarded as the product of a particular person, influence, or environment. Dick Grayson, noun: oldest son of Bruce Wayne, first son of Batman (i.e., a sum of parts, not a whole) ✦ Starlings in Winter by FromStarstuff, dick & bruce & clark & alfred & cast, 14.3k wip      When Dick was eleven years old he ran away from Gotham. No one could quite figure out why. Take your pick; there was a fight at school, a circus in town, and a song he can’t remember the melody of. Eleven-year-old Dick Grayson was flooded with grief, swimming in it, perpetually drowning. One day it was too much. ✦ Going Nuclear by wrsttballplayer, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & barbara & cass & steph & alfred, time travel, 15.3k wip      Dick looked at his younger self; the way his brow twisted up in so much anger and his was chest heaving with pure vitriol. Dick remembered what fury like that felt like. He remembered the way it burnt in his throat. He used to spew that poison at Bruce all the time, hell even the Titans had gotten the bad end of his temper more than once. And yet, Dick couldn’t place the last time he had been mad like that. Nowadays, all his anger died into withering flames of resignation and compromise more often than not. ✦ Why Is Tim the Only One With Any Tact? by CamsthiSky, dick & tim & wally, 4.1k      In which Tim tries to mediate an argument between Dick and Wally. Things don’t go so well. ✦ You Won’t Wake Up Alone by DawnsEternalLight, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian, 5.2k      Dick’s captured and drugged and probably about to die. The last thing he wants to do is die in front of his family, especially not his baby brothers, all he wants is to be with Bruce and feel safe again. ✦ Hold Me Dear and Close to Your Heart by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce & cast, 3.8k      Dick Grayson leaves his whole life behind when Bruce Wayne kicks him out. ✦ the flute of your whole existence by LovesFrogs, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & alfred, 4.2k     He could voice his greatest fears, weaknesses, or most secret dreams at the drop of a hat; all the things he’s never put into words before and keeps tucked close between his ribs. What kind of ammunition is his son going to ask for? What will he make Bruce admit, knowing he is incapable of a lie? ✦ The Kids Are(n’t?) Alright by avengemyheart, dick & bruce & tim & alfred & cast, rape aftermath, 3k      Dick saves a young rape victim from his babysitter and in the process reveals his own trauma. The problem? Dick is Batman at the time, and kids are blabber mouths. ✦ Cursed Silence by TheSilencer, dick & bruce & jason & tim & steph & cast, 3.4k      Dick Grayson is given a gift - to seal away his emotions. No one has a good time. ✦ Peeking Through the Tunnel Beyond by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce & cast, read the tags, 2.4k      Or, Dick Grayson just can’t seem to free himself from his past. And this time, Bruce is there. ✦ soft clocks by dustorange, dick & bruce & damian & jason & tim & alfred & tiger & cast, 35.2k      Dick has amnesia during his time at Spyral. The family grapples with finding out he’s alive. Dick grapples with finding out he has a family. ✦ Never Say That by JackHawksmoor, bruce & dick & jason & damian & cast, 9.6k      "Calm down, I’m not aiming for anything vital,” Jason said irritably. Batman turned away from the man he’d just floored. “We agreed-” he began sharply. “I didn’t promise anything,” Jason snapped. He lifted his gun, muttering under his breath. “You ought to be grateful, it could be worse-” Or: the Bats have an extremely bad night in Gotham City BATFAM FIC RECS - SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO TAKE ALL THE SERIOUSNESS OUT OF THE ROOM AND STAY SILLY FOR AWHILE: ✦ there but for the grace of god by TheResurrectionist, hal & dinah & ollie & flash & j'onn & bat-kids & young justice & justice league, 3.7k      A Justice League fic where everyone argues about who’s the most beautiful and intimidating sexy from the Big Three and everyone has valid points. ✦ The One With The Bat’s Son by Maximum_Quinn, bruce & dick & wally & hal & billy, 3.4k      “Batman has seven kids.” Wally blinked. “You’re shitting me.” “Not even a little, I just overheard him and Supes talking.” “Oh my god,” he breathed, staring at Hal incredulously. “You don’t think -?” Hal nodded, slowly and seriously. “Batman could be Captain Marvel’s dad.”
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batbabydamian · 7 months
question- do you mind doing fic recs? And if so, do you have any good fics centered around Dick and Damian's relationship? In particular anything that plays with their whole "I'm your brother but also your father/son but not but yes" thing they've got going on? If you see this thank you, you're doing the lord's work <3
anon if you’re still out there, thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy these! there’s MANY Dick&Damian fics i love so i tried to limit it to the “im your brother AND kinda your dad but not really” dynamic!!
3:16 by partingxshot
The knife pushes thin along Dick’s carotid artery, cupping the indent between neck and jawline—forcing him to angle his chin. The metal is warm, pulled with execution speed from under Damian’s pillow. “Okay,” Dick says quietly, tracking the intricacies of his own heartbeat—counting the space between breaths. “Guess I did need a shave.” (With faltering steps, Dick and Damian become Batman and Robin.)
i think every Dick & Damian enthusiast has read this lol it may be ongoing but its latest chapter is left on a very satisfying end for an arc!! 
an endless road to rediscover by littlearrows
In the months before Mar'i is born, Dick and Damian take a cross-country road trip together.
if you enjoyed the Dick and Damian tension from Nightwing (2016) #16-20 you might like this! :’) encouraging everyone to read those issues tbh
to be human by newsical
None of his Gotham acquaintances look upon his old life favorably — this, Damian knows. Was his life not noble before? Damian feels like a waterboarded gnat, swirling towards a drain. Gently, as though he has not ripped out Damian’s stomach with his teeth, Alfred says, “Attempting to take his father’s place won’t work, Master Richard…” Their voices peter out, and the last thing Damian can hear is Richard huff and say something that sounds like, “No shit,” and he is alone. Somewhere, a clock ticks. Damian pictures it melting. (Dick and Damian over the years.)
lovely dive into Damian’s personal growth and his relationship with Dick!! reading the poem that inspired the fic, especially again after finishing the fic is a nice touch!
Do You Feel the Way My Past Aches? by fishfingersandjellybabies
Bruce finds a wayward Damian asleep on his couch. Dick then find them both. An unexpected conversation ensues.
a tender Bruce perspective on the dynamic! “Bruce thought back to watching them work, Dick the master of the spotlight and Damian his perfect shadow.” THEM
When You're The One Who's Loved by fishfingersandjellybabies
Damian doesn’t understand why Dick is so upset. Tim does, though.
SO SOFTT ykw just go thru all of this writer's Dick & Damian fics they just exude love and warmth!!
Tea for Two by StormLeviosa
Their apartment is full of smiles now. It is because of Pennyworth, he is sure. Damian did not realise how much he'd missed Pennyworth until he came back. He slotted into their little family like the puzzle piece you do not know is missing. It was pleasant, having a grandfather he did not need to fear, and Pennyworth was all that and more.
part of a series, but easily read as a standalone. they’ve given up the vigilante life and DOMESTIC DICK & DAMIAN + ALFRED!! WHOLESOME!! i also enjoy the other Damian installments of the series, fun explorations of his interests/skills like violin!! and animals (going to vet school!!)
Pop-tarts and orange juice by Ididloveyou_once
‘Do you ever wish that Father had actually died?’ ‘Never.’ And despite the vehemence with which Richard says the word, Damian thinks that he might be lying. But only because he hates himself for the truth. Or: Bruce has been back from the dead for three months. Damian doesn’t know how to feel. He does know that he misses his da- Richard. They talk about it… Sort of.
"He wants to tell him that nothing compares to being Robin at his side. To being Damian at his side." WAILING
The Weight of Legacy by DawnsEternalLight
Damian didn’t think. He didn’t have to, protecting Richard was instinct by now. Darting forward right into the arc of Crane’s scythe as it aimed for his partner’s neck was as familiar to him as breathing, etched into his DNA. For if he lost Richard again, how could he continue to exist?  The man was not only his firmest tie to Batman’s mantle, now that Father was home and clashing with Damian, but at some point during their partnership he had inexorably woven himself into Damian’s very being. Through training, and lessons, and quiet nights filled with ice cream. Patience and love–a thing Damian had not hoped to find here when he’d first set foot on American soil.  To lose Richard would be akin to losing a limb. And so Damian acted as if that were true. He wove protection of his mentor, Batman, sibling, into every action he took and refused to accept failure as an option.
"We Both Know You're The Last of the Graysons" as a fic prompt is wild...that panel never fails to make me cry... also, another writer with an abundance of fantastic Dick & Damian fics!!
Emergency Contact by DawnsEternalLight
Damian: Apologies for the intrusion into your day, Richard. I need you to pick me up from the gallery trip early, it seems I have been stabbed. Dick blinked down at the message then read it again. And again. His brain not quite processing the words staring up at him, backlit by the phone.
this ventures bit more into parent Dick Grayson, as in Damian explicitly calling Dick his dad at the end but it's a fun fic!! that preview always cracks me up LOL
The Stowaway by LittleLadybugs
There's a cat in the penthouse. Fortunately, Alfred has yet to find out. Now to keep it that way. OR Dick tries his best to parent Damian. Damian tries his best, period. They’re both a bit clumsy, but they’ve got the spirit. There might be a cat Meow ᓚᘏᗢ 💙💚
smiling and laughing through this whole fic THEY ARE SO SILLY I LOVE THEM
as love carries its strength, but not its labels by AlterHarpia
Bruce is on a trip beyond Earth’s Solar System for longer than he intended, making Dick and Damian fall into an old pattern. “I'm not Batman.” A mere reminder, perhaps, but when said to Damian it always sounds like an apology.
basically them putting into words their own funky lil dynamic!!
Let The Right One In by whaleofatime
Hot on the trail of Deadshot threatening mayhem in Japan, Dick and Damian find themselves going undercover as a father-son duo on House Hunters International. Deadshot won't be the only source of chaos in Tokyo this summer, and Dick's only a little apologetic.
okok kinda cheating here since they’re just undercover as dad and son lol BUT it’s such a fun read of the duo on a Japan trip (mission)!
the primacy of personal conscience by birdsofthesoul
"WHAT MAKES IAGO EVIL? some people ask. I never ask." — Joan Didion, Play It as It Lays Or: Dick, his family, and the moral morass of a wishing well.
cheating again bc plot not focused on Dick and Damian’s relationship, but it’s there! really enjoyed the characterizations and dynamics here!!
soft clocks by dustorange
Side effects of being revived by Lex Luthor may include amnesia, going undercover into a high-level espionage agency, not recognizing your family, fighting your family, and dealing with the emotional weight and guilt associated with encountering said family. Ask your doctor if being revived by Lex Luthor is right for you. (a.k.a. Dick has amnesia during his time at Spyral. The family grapples with finding out he's alive. Dick grapples with finding out he has a family. Inspired by this post by bigskydreaming.)
lol sorry another not focused on their relationship but!! came and stayed for the plot, then the Dick & Damian moments KNOCKED ME OUTT!!
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myfestkitty · 2 months
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Some sketches of the newsical kiss, classic rhink moment. I love links dazed expression
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dandeeliion · 4 months
i wrote a fic :) the premise is the theory of a warped photo ! dick grayson, investigative journalist, is kidnapped by roy harper, ward of oliver queen and sometimes vigilante-adjacent figure. (tragically) accustomed to the kidnapping scene — courtesy of one slade wilson, the brains, brawn, and father of the wilson crime family empire — dick knocks roy’s plans into slight chaos
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dustorange · 23 days
🐞 🫶
🐞 Recommend a favorite fic or several from one of your friends, or a fic author you really look up to!
A DEAR FRIEND WHOm I adore and whose work I adore is newsical. Her fics—especially to the left and to be human—are some of my favorite ever and you get the same sense reading her work that you get when you read the really good pieces of like actual literary canon like when the author has their hand fully wrapped around like SORRY TO SOUND TRITE HERE but wrapped around the actual human condition and also just gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous—and fun—prose. Serious generational talent as in once in a generational genuinely something so so special. To the left is for dick&roy and to be human is Damian and damian&dick centric and ……. Omg
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
PUZZLE: The recurrent Rhink storyline is not even new!!!!!!!
Ok, I must take a deep breath. I must preface this by mentioning the recent Rhink analyses I have made. If you haven't read these, please don't read this one either if you take an issue with my firm belief that Rhett and Link are more than friends, because, to summarize, this is exactly what I am saying in these posts plus that Rhett and Link are gradually preparing for the "Is it yet yet?" day. This is why they are releasing these videos lately, which are full of coded messages. For example, the "We Dug a Medium-sized Hole" is about their whole relationship, including a focus on their sexual life. The "We Hired an Excorcist to play DnD" is about them having to date and get married (to others) under the shadow of their Church. This is not the first time they take this approach though. This is the allegory in Hazel, where they both end up trapped in the "closet", the middle room, Hazel's forest inside, with no way out. And more obvious than any is their book The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek with their alter egos Rex and Leif fighting with the reform school of their very conservative town. There the symbolism is particularly strong.
For more details and evidence on that, see the previous posts:
They Dug A Hole
The "We Dug A Hole" Discussion
It has always been one story
But even this was not the beginning of the heavily coded scripted content. It turns out we can go all the way back to freaking 2015 and their GMM Sketchtober. Sketchtober was a project they did in October 2015 which was them essentially releasing five scripted videos just for the sake of it. To be fair, I do not see clear symbolism in all of them, so I will analyze them in an order that makes sense for this post. Bear with me here. However, I sense it's me not picking up on some of it and not that some videos really don't have a symbolism at all. Why, you ask? Because of the official video descriptions.
The post is long so I am putting the rest of it under a Read More. BUT!!! If you are interested in this topic but don't have enough time or willpower, open the readmore and read the last chapter, named "Puzzle". Trust me, that's where the most juice is.
The Nose-Looker
Symbolism significance: 3/5
This is the first video they released. The official description is "The nose is the window to the soul". The video starts with Rhett asking Link whether he would choose to only eat straight or curly fries for the rest of his life... Link cuts him off and confronts Rhett for staring at his nose and not at his eyes. Rhett is taken aback and admits looking at Link's nose, with the excuse that he just looked generally at the face and didn't know where exactly to focus. Link presses him to choose an eye to look at and makes a point that he is beautiful, which leaves Rhett speechless. After Rhett tries to manipulate unsuccessfully the conversation, he proposes that they should rather stop looking at each other. They start looking over each other's shoulders, which they characterize as "freeing". They see then a Ring girl and a falconer over each other's shoulders and I don't know if there is any symbolism in this or it was just to add a funny red-herring. The video ends with Link asking whether he could choose waffle fries, so I suppose something that is considered both straight and curly. Hmmm.
Aside from the suspicious fries talk, the obvious commentary here is that you can change the word "nose" with the word "lips" and you might as well have something that really happened. Even in GMM it was obvious how often Rhett looked at Link on the lips, so imagine how obvious it was in private. After the newsical kiss, after writing in his diary and taking the big decision, it wouldn't surprise me if this is the approach Link followed; to non-chalantly confront and expose Rhett, so that Rhett would have trouble escaping him.
Symbolism significance : 4/5
This is the second video they released. The official description is "Just two guys enjoying the great outdoors...". Of course you know that all sentences that start with "just two of something" have a heavy sexual implication. This is the one most of the casual viewers found to have some innuedos, however the general concept behind it initially seems to be about people not being able to detach from technology and be immersed in nature. This, however, is once again the red herring. Watch this video and try to tell me they don't act like two people in a tent struggling to not have sex. They lie down to sleep supposedly, they muse about the beauty of nature and how they should do this regularly but then they are incredibly antsy and can't sleep. In fact, it's Link who always finds something annoying enough to disturb their effort to fall asleep. First, he needs to pump up his mattress. Second, he is too thirsty. Third, he is too hot. So, pumped up, thirsty and hot are Link's problems. At every mention of a new problem, Rhett jumps up and agrees that he has the same problem. As a result, they inflate their mattresses, they inject a hydrator in their veins and Link pulls his duvet and stays completely naked from the waist down. Then a cricket gets inside the tent and they leave screaming, only so we find out the tent was out of one of their houses (the whole detachment from nature thing). A neighbour sees Link running after Rhett with his junk out.
While there is not much of a story here, we should remember that there is something shady whenever Rhett and Link mention camping. Don't forget when they told Cuddle Queen Jean about two friends of theirs who once got lost in a hiking trail and had to spoon each other in the cold. CQJ said this could make them either "stop talking to each other" or the bestest of friends. Rhett added: "Right. Or more", which could suggest that Rhett knows how the relationship between "these two friends" evolved. They have also discussed how once Link forgot his sleeping bag and had to sleep together. In any case, there is some sort of significance in camping.
Symbolism significance: 2/5
This is the third video they released. The official description is "They're so close they can finish each other's sentences". After staying too close to the microwave, Link develops the ability to finish Rhett's words and predict what he is going to say. Rhett manipulates him to believe this is not happening and then reveals himself as an agent who asks this Link to be withdrawn and recycled. Three masked men violently seize Link and a new Link without previous memory is offered to Rhett. Rhett introduces himself, clearly manipulating the new Link to think of him as his best friend. The music in this one is melancholic and a little haunting. The new Link is seen getting hypnotised by the microwave too.
While it's not very clear, I think the hint lies in the description. Apparently, by finishing Rhett's words Link violates some boundaries of their already extreme closeness. Rhett initially tries to talk him out of it and when this doesn't work, he recycles him. Perhaps this has to do with the church. The suspicion that Link wasn't straight could have been established early. Maybe Rhett saw it in himself to guide Link, to manipulate him that this is not actually the case. The fact that this seems to be happening again and again suggests that Link went through many periods of repression but his feelings for Rhett always emerged again.
Did You Get Me Anything?
Symbolism significance : 1/5
This is actually the fifth video they released but I am saving the fourth for last for reasons that will become clear very soon. The official description is "Never make a promise you don't intend to keep". In this one, Rhett and Link are amateur herpetologists who seek a rare monkey snake. The snake (devil? temptation?) bites Link, who falls into a temporary paralysis. Rhett looks deep into his eyes and can always tell what Link wants to be fed. Link's favourite foods apparently are: wood, dirt, living squirrels, glass and we also get a quick scene of Rhett with a toilet paper that I do not dare think what it implies (it's a joke ofc). At some point, Link almost seems to lose the battle, so Rhett tries to bring him to and promises to always feed Link with what he wants to eat by looking him deep in the eyes. Later, he seems to forget this but only for a moment. He gives Link a lamp to eat with Link appreciating this arrangement. Now, I don't know if this is entirely a symbolism but it probably is. We do get a "promise forever" and in light of everything else in this series of videos, it probably matters.
The Puzzle
Symbolism significance : 5000000000000000000000000000/5
This is one of the dirtiest videos Rhett and Link have made and I can't believe how under the radar it is despite its many views. Not only it is dirty but it is one of their most revelatory scripted work and, as you'll see below, in full sync with other content and spontaneous things they have said. To put it simply, this is their first time. I am gonna write a lot about this one, perhaps more than I wrote about anything else before.
This is the fourth video, so the last video before the "forever promise". The official description is "It's not all fun and games when a puzzle needs completing". Wanna see a similar statement?
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On failing to push the shovel into the dirt at the first time, Rhett comments: "I don't know what I was expecting. And it immediately registered with me that this is not going to necessarily be easy or fun".
He's talking about the exact same thing. So let's actually start with the puzzle video. During a storm that keeps them inside their office, Link suggests they could play a puzzle to which Rhett responds enthusiastically. It was Link's initiative. Link was also the one who suggested they made as big a hole as possible. Leif in TLCOBC is the one who presses Rex to leave his own scooter and jump behind him on his own bike. (Just wait, it all clicks together in the end.)
We can be pretty sure that for quite some time at the beginning, Rhett and Link were really not good at solving puzzles or digging holes or biking together.
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The gif is self-explanatory. Rarely have they been so clear, in fact. I don't know if their puzzle solving here is any accurate as a measure of their ineptness. Hopefully not, because, well, you would expect that men married for like 15 years at the time would be at least sliiiightly better at this than that. BONUS points for the very consciously chosen 80s amateur porno vibe and music specifically for this moment.
Eventually they get the puzzle almost complete. The puzzle, which pictures a dead grandpa inside a coffin, is however missing one piece. And you know the piece that's missing? THE HEAD.
Rhett and Link start to look frantically for the head (piece) and their panic rises. They stop and try to calm down by reciting this poem about the ocean and the calming lotion, which they repeated in their "Link straightens Rhett's hair" vlog. It doesn't help them though - the head doesn't just show up - so they panic again.
Now I will interrupt here to say a) we have the moment of Rhett failing to push the shovel in the dirt in the dug a hole video, b) we have that time Rhett said in GMM "For some time we had a little project called 'who is soft and who is moist '. It depended on the day", c) we have that time in GMMore Link told Rhett "Nobody is better than you at being flaccid", d) we have that slide GMM episode where Rhett said "I am gonna go hard but, you know, Rhett-hard" where Link interjects to say "Kinda limp. Got it" and then Rhett finishes by saying "- which is not as hard as some people" and e) I remember one time Link letting it slip that he had "helping" pills in his car.
I am willing to bet that at least at the first attempts they had, be it the awkwardness, the anxiety, everything that was at stake, their inexperience in this particular way of going at it, the secrecy or whatever else, Rhett had problems. So imagine if he actually took a helping pill and now watch what happens in the puzzle video:
Freaked out as they are, as nothing seems to be working, they decide to call the customer service of the puzzle company to complain. (Please God, Universe, please tell me they actually did this irl. Please). A Nora answers the phone and they complain they don't have the head. Nora tells them it's unlikely it's the puzzle's fault and Rhett and Link are basically fuming. Nora politely responds that this must be puzzle user error, which freaks Rhett. She further says all "puzzles" (pills) are tested by professionals and at this point their anger is hilarious. An out of his mind Rhett threatens to sue them and he stands up full of determination which is when Link sees he has the head on his raised arm. Freaked out again, Rhett however goes on with his threat. Nora senses the change in his voice and asks if they found the head. (PLEASE GOD TELL ME THIS HAPPENED AND IT'S NOT MADE UP.) At this point, as they don't know what to do, Link impulsively takes the head to his mouth, the puzzle piece, I mean. After an initial shock, Rhett screams nonsense at Nora to hide what's going on. Link starts choking and Nora hears his choking sounds and understands. Rhett keeps threatening her while simultaneously trying to save Link, in this way:
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Turn around and say hello to my "little friend". This makes no sense with the context of the video. It's a classic "hard dick" reference. It's really one of the most glaring videos they have ever done.
The piece finally is ejected from Link's mouth and falls right on the puzzle and completes it, with this not at all lewd shot.
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The head with Link's spit on it.
Nora perceives all of that. Rhett and Link, now very happy, confirm to her that that's what happened and thank her, but Rhett doesn't hang up the phone correctly.
Rhett: (still a little shocked) That escalated quickly.
Link: (content) Yeah, that's what happens when you put together a puzzle.
Nora: (politely) I am actually still on the phone.
Rhett and Link: ...
Nora: Well, I have you boys here, you mind answering a few survey questions?
Link: Sure!
Rhett: No problem.
Nora: On a scale of one to ten, how helpful was I today?
Rhett and Link: Ten?
Nora: Aaand on a scale of one to ten, how (inaudible) do you find the grandpa puzzles?
Rhett and Link:
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It is reasonable to conclude at this point that their first time was great for Rhett, however he was entirely oblivious to the fact that for Link the experience was disappointing, if not painful. And yes, this is essentially established through their content too. Aside from the puzzle video, we have this:
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Notice their microexpressions.
We have a world darts game on GMM a few years ago where Link said: "I gotta dart first!" and Rhett muttered "Oh yeah I am used to that".
And of course, going back to the bike ride in TLCOBC:
After their falling behind in the chase for Alicia, Leif urges Rex to hop on his bike and let go of his scooter. Rex denies and defends his "scooter or pushing leg", supporting he simply hasn't trained it well yet, because it takes practice. After some argument, Rex cedes and hops on Leif's bike:
Rex abruptly hopped off his scooter and tossed it under a shrub on the side of the road. He stepped onto the two pegs jutting out from Leif’s back wheel, his hands on Leif’s shoulders. “Burn it.” And Leif did. He pedaled like he’d never pedaled before, rocketing forward even with the extra 150 pounds of lanky human freight. The fiery pain in his thighs was overwhelming, but as the boys rounded the last turn on Creek Road, the white dot reappeared ahead, and that was all the motivation Leif needed.
But despite all that they don't manage to catch Alicia and Leif is heartbroken:
“But…” Rex still had both hands and one foot on the fence. “So that’s it? We’re just giving up on her?” “I…I don’t know,” Leif said, wiping his wet cheeks, grateful for the cover of night. “Maybe.” (...)
Leif stared down the shadowy driveway, feeling like his heart had been injured.
But despite the obvious failure, Rex makes an unexpected comment.
“Hey, Leif,” Rex said out of nowhere (...) “Good call on the bike pegs.” Or not. Leif nodded and kept pedaling.
Even though they fail at saving Alicia, Rex is oblivious to Leif's heartbreak and his struggle. On the other hand, Leif seems to have regretted proposing the bike ride which was both very painful and eventually fruitless.
So above we have Link's barb that " a first time must be slow". Further above, we have him judging Rhett and saying he expected the hole digging to be more dramatic. And to go back to our puzzle video, Rhett had a ten that night but Link had only a two. I guess they were struggling so bad and when Rhett had finally some push from a pill or resolved the issue in whatever way, he went full force and with too much enthusiasm to last at all. (Plus there are running jokes even in GMM that Rhett doesn't last long usually, which might have to do with excessive enthusiasm!) This made the experience somewhat traumatic for Link though, as he didn't have time to adjust and enjoy this, and was building this up in his mind for a damn long time.
But we're still good. Judging from that GMM, they now have a rule of Link darting first. I wonder why they go back and back to this particular experience even in their scripts and not, say, their first mutually great time. Maybe this is off limits and off comedy, which would be totally understandable.
After this massive parenthesis, we reach the most crucial point. Nora asks the hardest question last: "And are you still embracing each other?"
This is my favourite moment. Despite Link's conflicting emotions and apparently their initial intent to keep this casual, they are just there still cuddling. It's important that this was filmed in late 2015. It suggests they realised super early that they weren't meant for casual. Then again, I don't know how they even believed they could do casual. You just don't decide to bone your best friend of 30 years casually, especially if you are supposedly a Christian straight married man. Lol casual. Medium. Judging from the digging a hole video, where Link first proposed the biggest hole possible and then downsized this to a medium hole so that he wouldn't scare Rhett away, it's clear Link never meant this to be casual but he did downplay what he wanted originally to convince Rhett, and Rhett was at a point that would let himself be convinced by anything.
As if ALL this wasn't enough, they add a post-title in the end, which is something they didn't do in any other of their videos. The font they chose was this:
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Okay guys I GET IT chill now
Anyway these were my many cents for their old Sketchtober. The fact that these videos were filmed in 2015 certainly puts things into perspective.
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bluegarners · 2 months
🥤 🎨 ❄️ if you not answered yet:)
omggg i just saw this!!!!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
to the left by @newsical!!!!! i had the privilege of seeing this fic before it was published, and when i tell you i clogged up their comment's feed by the doc... newsical has such a beautiful way with words that it's so easy to get lost in them, and i highly recommend checking out her other works on ao3 too, but specifically "to the left" is a stunning and MYSTERIOUS au where everything has shifted just a little to the left of canon, and yet the VAST implications of what such a slight shift can do to all the characters and their relationship with each other... it's just. so good. i cannot praise it enough!!
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
okay so i cannot find the pieces anymore, but all of @viceturtle's fanart is soooo pretty and dynamic and they hold such a close place to my heart bc vice was the first person to ever draw fanart for one of my fics and i was SO blown away and awed and had never felt more privileged to have such a talented person take the time to draw scenes from my own fic- OUGH. i'll go through vice's blog soon and rb their art bc if you guys haven't seen it before, you will now!!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
honestly, so many of my dream themes/plots for fic have been done already, and done BEAUTIFULLY, so i never really have a specific yearning for any kind of content.... i guess, right now, what i would love to read is a team-up fic with dick and damian- i miss them!!
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on the second floor of wayne manor, to the right of the generations of family portraits and above the old billiards room that has been converted into, more-or-less, a movie den complete with a popcorn machine, nestles the library of wayne manor.
it's not particularly grand or particularly sweeping. instead, it's rather crooked in every direction, bookshelves built this way and that, crawling up the walls like ivy, brimming with novels of any and every sort. a couple plush armchairs and a loveseat were shoved into the corners, an afterthought.
at first, clark couldn't quite imagine bruce in this room. how could he? the musty smell of books permeated the place; clark had only ever known bruce to have machine grease and oil smeared on his fingers and clothes. the armchairs, the bookshelves, the walls themselves seemed to curl in towards the center of the room, as if offering an embrace of the dreamiest sort; bruce threw all the master bedroom furniture up into the attic and replaced it with the sort of soulless shit clark had only ever seen in magazines aimed to please middle-aged majority shareholders. the minute clark stepped into the library, he felt a dozy sort of beauty drape over his shoulders, feeling old and sad and more comfortable than nearly anything else he's experienced. bruce wayne was to clark kent what a pump of adrenaline was to most other people.
and yet.
"i spent half my childhood up here," bruce admitted. "i know for a fact i've read every crime or mystery book we had. then i started collecting them."
thick, calloused fingers skimmed over the bones of the shelf closest to them. bruce turned, enough so clark could enter behind him, but still making sure he had to brush past the other man to get there. (bruce thought he was being crafty. clark wanted to hook his chin over bruce's shoulder and give him a hug.)
with a casual sort of grace that had bruce flicking his eyes over, clark settled into the loveseat, leaning back and simply taking in the room. he shut his eyes, trying to hear a younger bruce shifting on the plush fabric of the chair across the room, greedily leafing through the pages with his hair falling over his forehead.
it's easier than clark had thought. then again, bruce had always felt a bit like midnight velvet, the kind of handsome that felt more at home in black and white. a thin-faced boy—a boy by candlelight, a boy whose hours were so filled with stories that he likened himself to one of those dark knights on the pages—isn't too far out of reach.
clark kent is someone who reads and writes for a living, who knows full well the sheer power words hold, who knows just what they can reveal about other people, who twines them around his lips threads them through his fingers and uses them to do more good in the world than his abilities ever could. clark kent is someone who knows exactly what he's asking when he says, "which is your favourite?"
and bruce, shrewd as he is, picks a worn blue volume from the shelves, sits next to clark, and flips the book open so they can read.
in which the author foists all of her longing into a nonsenical little snippet that is less superbat and more me missing the library
tag list: @woahajimes @birdy-bat-writes @subtleappreciation @catxsnow @pricetagofficial @screennamealreadyused @clamityganon @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump @xatanna-troy @red-hood-redemption @capricorn-stark @batshit-birds @buticaaba @comics-observer @newsical @queenofbooknerds @scattered-winter
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olddustorange · 4 months
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newsicsdotcom · 5 months
0 notes
moonandinternet · 1 year
Best Albums of 2022 + よく聴いた旧譜とか
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Axel Boman - Luz / Quest For Fire [Studio Barnhus] (2022) Bandcamp Luz: Apple / Spotify Quest For Fire: Apple / Spotify
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Betonkust - Concrete Coast [World Of Paint] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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“Blue” Gene Tyranny - Out Of The Blue [Lovely Music] (1978) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Diagonals [DDS] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Boomkat
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Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork [4AD] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Horsegirl - Versions Of Modern Performance [Matador] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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ind_fris - Portfolio [Scaffolder Recordings] (2022) Bandcamp
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Jack J - Opening The Door [Mood Hut] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Loris S. Sarid, Innis Chonnel – Where The Round Things Live [12th Isle] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Lucky Mereki - You Got Me Dancing [Accord Music] (1991) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Ludwig A.F. - Air [Exo Recordings International] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Metamatics - A Metamatics Production [Clear] (1997) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Move D & Dman - All You Can Tweak [Smallville] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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The Other People Place – Lifestyles Of The Laptop Café [Warp Records] (2001) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Palmbomen Ⅱ - Make A Film [World Of Paint] (2021) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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PinkPantheress - To Hell With It [Parlophone] (2021) Apple / Spotify
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Rosalía - Motomami [Columbia] (2022) Apple / Spotify
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Sonny Ism - Clock Without Hands [Northern Underground Records] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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越智義朗 - Natural Sonic [Newsic] (1990) Apple / Spotify
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V.A. - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids [Numero Group] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
順位はつけていないけれど、ダントツでお気に入りがAxel BomanとBorn Under A Rhyming Planetなので、ぜひ聴いていただきたい!
ずっと推しているAxel Bomanの、夢見心地でミステリアス、小気味よいパーカッション感覚は相変わらず。ダンスミュージックとしても機能するだろうし、日常生活にも取り入れやすい朗らかさ、柔らかさがある。2枚同時リリースで、フィジカルは豪華な3LP。レコードのインナースリーヴにショートショートが書いてあって、ジャン=ジャック・アノー監督『人類創生』(原題:Quest for Fire、1981年)リブート版の撮影を計画する、映画監督のルーカス(って誰?)に雇われ、現代に旧石器時代を表現しようと……、というストーリーがおもしろい。いろいろな聴��方を試した結果、通しで聴けるBandcampが好きかな。ここ数年の趣味で園芸をしているので、10月にチューリップの球根を植えるときにかけたら、春に花が咲く脳内イメージと重なって至福の時間が過ごせた。
Born Under A Rhyming Planetは、Move DらとConjoint、Studio Pankowをやっていた、ジェイミー・ホッジのソロ・プロジェクトということから知る。リンクをつけているBoomkatの紹介によると、ティーンのとき、シカゴ音響派の代表格Gastr del Solのレコーディング・リハーサルを目撃、東海岸の大学見学ついでに寄り道してカナダのリッチー・ホウティンに会いに行き、リッチーのレーベルPlus 8からデビュー、その後ハイデルベルクにも行っちゃうなんてアツい男だ。未発表曲や未完成だった曲を仕上げて収録したこのアルバムは、新鮮な音像をもってテクノ、ディープハウス、ジャズ、アンビエントの絶妙なバランスにほれぼれする。短い曲が多いのでデモテープ的といえるが、その儚さが独特の魅力となっているし、ひとまとまりの作品として完成度が高く、意識が研ぎ澄まされる気がして何度もリピートしてしまう。私が今年 Apple Musicでいちばん再生した曲は“Menthol”だった。日本語の勉強をしているそうなので、来日お待ちしています。
年始にハマったLucky Merekiが掲載されているのをとっかかりとして、初夏にようやくSanshiro『ポスト ハウス・ミュージック ディスクガイド』をゲット。この本が出たあと再発された盤もあって、予言の書みたいだ。収録されているAntal(Rush Hour)のインタビューが腑に落ちた。彼は新譜やリイシューをチェックするほかにシャーデーなどクラシック(定番)なアルバムをよく聴いているらしく、
と語る。これを読み、最近はなんでも簡単に聴けるから、うっかりすると消費が浅く加速しがちな状態がキツく感じていたので、レコードを手に入れたらじっくりリスニングするのを心がけたいと思う。今回紹介しているアルバムは、カセットのLoris S. Sarid, Innis Chonnel以外すべてレコードで購入した。購入したものを寝る前に気軽にApple Musicで再生することも多い。ベッドサイドに置いたSONYの小型Bluetoothスピーカーはなかなかに悪い音質で、小中学生の頃に使っていたCASIOのCDラジカセよりもひどい気がする。そんな環境でも良い音楽に感じたものは、いざレコードに針を落とすとほんとうに素晴らしく聴こえるのだ。
毎年恒例「FRENCH BLOOM NET」年末企画、2022年のベスト音楽に参加しました。好きだったものからフレンチしばりでPhoenix、Sweely、The Balek Bandについて書いています。プレイリスト 2022 Best 100+ Tracks(Apple / Spotify)も作ったので聴いてみてください。
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