rreya-blog · 10 years
Newbies' guide on ways of Erinn.
Or how I taught my cousin exactly nothing about this game.
Come, come closer all fledgling talents of Erinn! I shall enlighten you of what truly means to be a Milletian from the Stars.
1. First of all, finding yourself a road companion to hasten traveling is a must.
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It really comes in handy in case you decide to race. My cousin Carrotlv had just acquired his precious beginner Flappydeagle. Meantime my brother Captndog chose to be Jingleberry. That bear ran around as if it was on drugs. While my race animal of choice - well, owl Hedvig chose to race me >.>
Fear from my Hedvig made them run faster, so I finished last. No kidding.
2. Every respectful Milletian belongs to a secret society. Or is a part of secret conspiracy. Or attends secret parties.
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Or sits in a bush pretending to be unseen.
It was surprising to find some like-mined Milletians in these bushes.
3. Milletians are truthful, loyal and over anything they value fairness.
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Killing a total lvl 1 beginner with Final Hit definitely should be included into achievement journal.
4. One of the most cherished joys of Erinn - music.
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All that running around with young people made me a bit sleepy. We actually goofed around for 3 hours and it was already 24:00 at our side. Brother was so kind to play me a lullaby. It sounded more like a rock song written by a tone deaf...
5. Milletian knows how to appreciate a peaceful campfire evening.
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They made a violent pillow fight before going to bed. How cute.
So you see, I made sure my cousin gets to experience everything that makes our world so special.
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