#newbeginning forgetfear
hairnerd-blog1 · 7 years
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I’m Michalia (or Micki). I am starting this blog because I am scared. Why am I scared? I have struggled with a shoulder injury for the last nine years. As a hairstylist, this has really hindered my journey in my career. I have wanted to be a hairstylist for as long as I can remember. My dreams never wavered. In July 2013, I graduated from beauty school (Pivot Point Academy, if you were interested). One week later, I went into shoulder surgery. I did not know if the surgery would be successful. I did not know if I came this far to find out I could no longer pursue my passion. I could go on and on about how long it took me to get to the point where I found a doctor willing to do and try anything to find me some relief, but I will leave that for another time (maybe). I found my amazing doctor and surgeon who performed my surgery and I will forever owe him my gratitude. After a six month recovery of hard work and will-power, I was finally ready to start my career! I was living my dream for the next couple of years. I was working at a salon in Chicago, moved into the city, and built my following. Soon after that, I got the opportunity to become and educator for Flow Hair Care. I could not in my wildest dreams imagine my passion for hair growing even greater, but it did! Now, fast-forward to today. I had to quit my job at the salon. My shoulder issues all rushed back and I could no longer manage the pain while working (or just living in general). This. This is why I am scared. This is why I decided to start blogging. Why today? Today, I am exhausting all my options to solve the problem that is my body. After another round of physical therapy and no relief, my doctor offered one last option: an injection that is still considered experimental because of the use of stem cells. (By the way, I am pulling money out of my ass to cover all of this since insurance is a joke and I’m not working). Today, I received that injection. I am hoping with all of my heart and all of my energy that this works! I miss my job, my clients, my life, This is why I am scared. I cannot think of one thing that makes me happier than doing hair. That is why I am a “hair nerd”! I decided that I want to share my story even if no one listens to it. I am going to keep fighting until I can continue my dream. For now, I will continue educating and doing hair on the side as much as my body allows me. Now, I am not a writer and my thoughts might be all over the place, but this is me - raw, unfiltered me. If I can’t do hair, I will continue to talk about it. I will continue preaching self-love from behind a screen instead of behind the chair. Today marks a new beginning.
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