#new techniques be hitting different tonight fellas
swordofthesanguine · 2 years
the best part of bottom growth is learning how to play w your tdick as it grows and the incredible gender euphoria when you finally figure out how to effectively jerk it off
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
Touch Me, Please [Starker Fic] Pt.3
Summary: Tony Stark has never told anyone that he’s still a virgin. He doesn’t want to sleep with people who only want him because of his outward persona. So instead, he hires an escort. Things get a little more heated than either of them had expected. Tags/Warnings: Escort!Peter, Virgin!Tony, nff, nsfw, sexual tension, teasing, Peter is 22, Tony is 53, oral sex, 69. Taglist: @starkerswonderland @staticwhispersinthedark @starkerprince @parkers-stark​ @bluestarker (let me know if you want to be added!)
Notes: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN 2 MONTHS SINCE I POSTED FOR THIS I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT Y'ALL!!! I come bearing good news though! This was supposed to have three parts, but the plot started living its own life and now we're definitely having a fourth part as well ehehehe. Hope y'all enjoy! -Kim
Read the fic here on AO3
Or click here to find the previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Peter knows he’s fucked. Absolutely, terribly, fucked.
And to be honest… Even that’s an understatement.
Peter clutches his coat tighter and fastens his pace. He’s snuck out of the enormous labyrinth that’s Tony’s home, and is now on his way to the bureau’s HQ. It’s still early in the morning, a little over 7 am, and Peter hopes to catch one of his managers before they start their meeting.
Peter made a grave mistake, and all he can do is spill it all out and pray that he can keep his job. He’s had unsafe sex with a customer. If there’s one thing that he should pay close attention to, it’s that. He never made a mistake like this before. However, with Tony, he completely threw his cool and composed sugar baby persona out the door; his mind lost to the wealthy man he only met last night. Tony may claim to be a virgin, which according to his eager yet sloppy techniques isn’t too hard to believe, but still. Peter shouldn’t have risked it.
He eyes the building in front of him and hesitates. He could just get a test done without his bosses knowing; play sick until he gets the results. But if they were to find out… He’d lose his job for sure. And contrary to popular belief, he’s not in the industry just for the money. He likes his career. 
In good faith, Peter steps forward and presses the doorbell.
Tony wakes up when a golden glow casts over his body. He smiles groggily. In his haze last night, he must’ve forgotten to close the curtains. He sighs and turns around, grabbing the sheets to tug them up a little higher. Slowly, the surroundings are getting to him. The distant sound of traffic rushing through the busy streets of NYC. The buzz of the elevator as it sweeps past his floor...
...and the complete lack of another human’s breath.
Tony swallows and his eyes flutter open. A harsh sting rips through his chest when he sees his bed is indeed empty.  “Peter?” He calls out, half-heartedly expecting an answer but not at all surprised when it stays dead silent.
It’s safe to say that the following days, Tony is in such a sour mood that his employees nearly cringe each time he walks across the room. He should’ve never hired an escort to have his first-ever sexual encounter with. The plan was destined to fail from the get-go, and it had. 
Tony turns around to find Pepper standing in the doorway of his private office. Pepper has been his personal assistant for years now, and he is aware that he wouldn’t survive a single day without her skills in his company. She’s seen his worst more often than not - and she doesn’t deserve to be the one to take his anger - but Tony can’t help but glare. “What?” “Jeez, they were right. You’re a fucking asshole today.” Pepper says calmly and raises her eyebrows as she closes the door behind her. Tony can feel some of the tension fade from his posture and he casts his eyes down.
“What happened?” She proceeds to ask. Tony shrugs. How could he tell her? “I did something stupid.” “I figured as much.” The PA places a stack of files onto his desk and sits down in the chair opposite of him. “Personal troubles, or Stark Industries-related?” “Personal.” “Ah, good. That’s one less of a worry.”
Tony glares again, but this time it’s more playful. Pepper smirks. “Gotcha,” she hums, seemingly pleased with herself. “Now, tell me what happened.” “I can’t.” “I’m sure you can, it’s-” “It’s too embarrassing, Pep. Please, I gotta deal with this by myself.” Pepper raises her eyebrow at his words and leans onto the wooden surface.  “Then deal with it before you drag Stark Industries into whatever it is.” She shoves the stack of paper forward and smiles faintly. “After you deal with these, of course.”
“Of course.”
It’s late in the evening, and Tony swirls the whiskey around in his glass. He finished the work right before dinnertime and decided to take the rest of the night off.
Deal with it.
Tony snorts. How could he? Peter left. It’s plain and simple that the kid didn’t want to stay. His pretty, sweet words had been nothing but lies and deception, and Tony feels like a goddamn fool for falling for the act. Peter is an escort. Pleasing people, telling them what they want to hear, it’s his job. Tony can’t blame him. He only blames himself.
Yet, it doesn’t keep him from grabbing his phone and navigating towards the escort website. He sniffs once, finding his way to the catalog. It should be easy to find Peter. Right? Tony scrolls down the list and frowns when he hits the bottom of the page. Mmh. He scrolls back up and sits a little more upright when he can’t seem to find Peter’s picture. He taps the search bar and types in his name.
No results found.
In a wave of panic, Tony types out the bureau’s number to contact them and waits anxiously. He has no intention of bothering Peter ever again, but now that it seems he vanished, it makes him feel strangely panicked. As if every link he had to the boy is simply gone. As if nothing ever happened.
Except something did happen.
“Good evening, this is Eva. How may I help you?” “Uhmm- Hi. It’s Mr. Stark. I’m, eh, I’m looking to book Peter again? He was here last night?” “Oh, I’m terribly sorry to inform you, sir, but I’m afraid Peter is temporarily unavailable. I could put you on the waiting list for when he returns?” “Please.”
And like a stupid idiot, he disconnects straight after. He sniffs and lowers his phone. He wonders if he just made another mistake.
Peter sucks at his teeth, his foot restlessly tapping onto the floor. He looks at his scheduled bookings and stares at the one empty spot. There’s only one client left to call, but Peter doesn’t know if he should. After a long tirade, and thankfully, a negative STD test, he’s back in the game and good to go. But, if he couldn’t keep himself together last time… He’s not sure if it’d be professional to go back to Tony.
Sweet, innocent, handsome Tony.
“Hey,” Harley pokes his head past Peter’s shoulder and grins. “I see you’re free tonight. My pal Dave is throwing a party at the Frizzles. Wanna come?” Peter rolls his eyes at his coworker and grins. “And get Dave to hopelessly flirt with me again? No, thank you.” “Oh, come on!” Harley throws his hands into the air in desperation. “Dave is your type!” “He’s not,” Peter grumbles, nearly shuddering at the idea. “Good fella, but no, not for me. Y’know I’m into rich old classy dudes. Heck, so are you!” “Hey, no need to attack me.” Harley lowers his bum on the edge of Peter’s desk and cocks his head. “You barely ever have a night off. Don’t you wanna have some fun? I’ll try and keep Dave off your back.” “Well…” Peter sighs and stares back at the empty spot in his schedule.
“I actually have a client.” “What do you mean?” “It’s the last free spot, and I have one more client to secure a booking with me. I just…” Harley frowns, his face displaying a sudden seriousness. “Peter, did this client hurt you?” “What? No!” “Then why are you looking all gloomy at the mere thought of that one client? Is he- Did he force you to not use protection? Peter, we can have him blacklisted, and-” “It’s not at all like that, please Harls, I promise.” “Then tell me why the fuck you’re so strange about it. You’re never strange around clients. Fuck ‘em, get them hooked for more and tadaa, that’s a healthy clientele, it’s how you taught me.”
Peter groans out loud in frustration and shoves his chair back a little, trying to distance himself from the scribbled down phone number at his desk. “I like him!” “What?” “I… I like him. Dammit. He’s really fucking different than the rest of them. I’ve only slept with him once, but he’s got me hooked, not the other way around.” “Then why’d he call us again? Eva told me he sounded pretty nervous.”
Peter’s face loses all color when Harley’s words crash down on him, crumbling the reality he’d build around himself. “No, no Harley, don’t enable me on this one. It’s bad luck. I shouldn’t do it.” Peter scrunches his nose. “Tell Dave I’ll be at the party.”
Harley simply grins, his eyes glimmering mischievously as if there’s something only he knows and Peter doesn’t. “Sure thing.”
It’s been two weeks since the damned party. Peter doesn’t feel any better about himself. As expected, Dave had followed him around all evening. Harley, traitor he is, was nowhere to be found. In the end, Peter couldn’t take it anymore, and he straight up told Dave he wasn’t interested. Thank god the lad took it pretty well, but it doesn’t make Peter feel any less shitty about it.
Peter really should just focus on his job and put his mind away from both Dave and Tony. It’s for the best. He sighs and stares at the next appointment on his list. The name is hidden, a feature they have for clients who are high in on their privacy. Peter sighs and grabs his car keys to go to the appointment. 
Tony’s tapping his foot anxiously while he tries not to stare at the elevator. It’s needless to say he’s not doing a very good job at doing so. Peter’s going to be here again. Oh, God. Tony can’t shake the feeling that maybe he shouldn’t have accepted the booking when Peter’s coworker called him.
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learnafrik · 4 years
THE GENIE SCRIPT REVIEWS: Worth Investing In? [Unbiased + Honest Review] An In-depth Review of Wesley Virgin Genie Script (2021 Update)
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Is It Possible To Manifest Your Desires When The Planet Feels Like It’s Falling Apart? 100% Yes!
I don’t want to scare you, but I’m ALSO going to reveal some unbiased and honest review about Wesley Virgin and its Genie Script Manifestation Mind Hack program that is currently rocking the internet space.
The Genie Script (Wesley Virgin) reveal some shady debilitating unethical subliminal government techniques they use to weaken your mind through cognitive dissonance with TV, radio, and even the Pandemic. Plus, there’s also ONE major “money crippler” that you’ll be thankful you can now break-free from using these unique frequencies as soon as tonight!
But let me warn you, 93.7% of people who watch the Genie Script Intro VIDEO to the very end, tears tend to roll down their cheeks, because The Genie Script peel the onion down to its core, exposing important people you may know using the genie script techniques, so today right now, relax and buckle up, you’re going to realize the undeniable truth about getting what you want sooner than later, right now. The final decision is your to make but am here to help you make an inform decision in this review.
The Genie Script is Wesley’s new 30-day program where he shows you how he applied a unique meditative technique to manifest a better financial, emotional, and mental life for himself.
So let start an honest Opinion from a Real Customer.
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A REAL CUSTOMER GENIE SCRIPT EXPERIENCE (Get full story from medium.com)
You may be asking — Hold on a sec’ — how’s all that related to the review you wanna give?
I’ll explain…but before that, can I share a QUICK true story with you?
“2019 was a breakthrough year for me — I grew my business 400%, travelled to 7 countries, and even got back in shape. Looking back, I thought I had figured out the “magical keys” to business success and happy living until 2020 hit.
In the midst of all of health and economic crises of this year, the mass media became my newest favorite obsession. And after a 1 month or 2 of consuming all that garbage, I began to witness my financial and emotional white picket fence crumble right before my eyes.
Then came along an avalanche of setbacks: I lost 70% of my clients…struggled to stay afloat of my bills…become 10x more stressed…and even picked up some unhealthy eating habits.
In a nutshell, I lost my financial and emotional confidence and I became a slave to my own limiting beliefs and fear-propelled mindset.
Fortunately, the universe aligned in my favor when my mentor gave me a surprise call one day… and he was SHOCKED beyond his mind when he heard me talk.
He was shocked at how the 2019 version of me — you know, the confident, happy, and strong version of me had changed dramatically into a sad, broke, and fearful version of myself.
It didn’t take long before he diagnosed the problem as well as the source of the problem.
My problem — Severe Scarcity Mindset
Problem source — Poor financial, mental, and emotional dieting
His recommendation — taking the 30-day Genie Script Program.
Upon hearing his recommendation, I was skeptical at first.
I still remember telling him:
“Really, you just want me to buy an online program to fix all my mindset problems?”
But somehow he managed to convince me to give the 30-day Genie Script Program by Wesley Virgin a try…and that 30-day experience became the best thing that happened to me this year. Period!
If I remember correctly, by Day 9(or thereabout), I woke up one morning and for the first time in a really long time, the energy all around me was infectiously positive.
In my own personal testimony, the program worked like MAGIC (sounds cheesy, I know) in fixing, reshaping, and reconfiguring my mindset. And upon completing the program, I just knew I had to unselfishly share my review with anyone who could benefit from it.”
Ola Dale.
Story from Medium.com
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So since you know the foundation story behind why I’ve composed this review, we should plunge into what is the issue here.
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So first of all, we should discuss the name — “The Genie Script”.
Wesley Virgin is attempting to paint the possibility that simply like a Genie who can make a wish work out as expected, everybody of us can likewise show our fantasies and wants in the event that we appropriately comprehend the correct methods to apply.
If you’ve ever tried meditation or any manifestation methods before and it’s not created the results you wanted to — you’ve probably blamed yourself.
You’ve convinced yourself you were doing it wrong. You’re not the right person to meditate.
But, I’m here to tell you that it’s not you that’s the problem. You’re getting the wrong results because you’re using the wrong techniques!
Wrong techniques that are over complicated, and impossible to master even for Buddah himself. They’ve become over commercialized.
You feel like you have to jump through a million hoops, only to find yourself back at square one. Firstly, it’s not your fault.
They’re the techniques almost everybody tells you to use, so why would you think to look outside of them?
The important thing is you’re now about to discover the unique way to meditate that actually delivers million dollar results.
A technique that’s so simple to follow and that’s why it’s so powerful.
Anyone can master this… AND with everything going on in the world — there couldn’t be a better time to do it.
So since we know the reasoning behind the especially fascinating name, we should discuss what the issue here is.
The Genie Script is Wesley’s new 30-day program where he shows you how he applied a remarkable meditation method to show a superior monetary, passionate, and mental life for himself.
In the program, he discussed how this extraordinary way of meditating successfully molded his brain for progress and without any help took him from being dead destitute into making his initial 1 million dollars.
I realize you may be thinking — Does that stuff truly work?
All things considered, once more, in case I’m being genuine, I was at first suspicious from the outset in view of the entirety of the phony masters out there on the web. Since what made me continue to tune in to Wesley Virgin were his secret stash of confirmations. This man in a real sense reported each significant achievement he had and it seemed like I was watching somebody’s memoir being played out.
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Something else I can verify about his program is the profundity of value research that went into it. This is definitely not a run of the mill course program where an eager fella simply does an admixture of data, bundles them, and attempts to sell it at an excellent cost. I can truly bear witness to the way that the degree of exploration that went into this program was awesome and I found the data he was sharing profoundly practicable.
Alright, all things considered, we should proceed onward rapidly to discuss the assets inserted in this program.
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Asking What The Genie Script Program Can Do For You Is The Wrong Question
As long as you have the belief, dedication, and commitment, the sky’s the limit.
We could sit here, and talk through its possibilities, like finally being able to:
· Travel the world
· ​Have a happy, secure retirement
· ​Buy your dream car
· ​Pay off/get a mortgage
· ​Do house repairs
· ​Cover the kid’s fees
· ​Build a business
· ​Taking up new hobbies
· ​Create unreal memories with loved ones
· ​Take the weight off of your shoulders FOR LIFE
· But, that list could go on, and on for hours.
The better question is, “what can’t it do?” and the answer is “nothing.”
Can You Think Of A Better Option Right Now?
There has never been a more important time than now to have financial security, and prevent yourself from having the carpet ripped from under your feet.
Realistically, that’s not going to come from your job.
Most businesses will be cutting back for a long time, before they even begin to look at promotions, and pay rises.
On a similar note, starting a business isn’t one of the wisest decisions either.
Not with the economy on its knees, and people tightening their pockets.
“Traditional” wealth avenues are all but shut
So, it’s time to turn to a different approach.
An approach that, unlike putting your neck out on the line to your boss at work, or your bank for a business loan — there is no risk.
If we’re being extremely picky, you might say, there’s risk in investing in The Genie Script program…
But, for the price of the Genie Script program as it currently is, then you’d have to say doing your weekly grocery shop was a risk.
Or, class going out for dinner is a risk.
It’s nowhere near the risk of investing a lump sum in the stock market, or a start-up.
Besides, in life you can never get anything for nothing.
Not anything valuable anyway. The Genie Script can make your dream and make you financially free the way it generated $1,000,000.00 in 30-days for Wesley Virgin.
So here’s what you’ll get by enrolling inside The Genie Script:
A. 4x 10-Minute Meditation Every Week
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During these 10-min sessions, Wesley teaches how to master his unique meditation techniques. There are four (4) of these session every week.
B. Video Training On The 5 Meditative States
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The root of successful meditation is really understanding the process. So in these training videos, Wesley breaks down the 5 brain wave states (Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, and Gamma). He also goes in-depth into the benefits of each state and when to put yourself into each state to see the best results.
C. Access To Wesley’s Private Facebook Community
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I’m personally a big believer in the power of community. So I was personally happy that Wesley included a private FB community where you’ll be able to connect with people with similar aspirations and vision like yours, get inspired by other people’s results, and most importantly, stay focused for the entire 30 days.
Bonus #1: Wealth Frequency Binaural Beat Track
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This simple binaural beat track will engage your brain in a totally unique, highly-potent state of manifestation simply by listening to it.
Bonus #2: Kundalini Touch Exercise
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This exercise is a magical science that uses sound, mantra and energy healing to awaken beliefs of abundance to manifest physical desires more rapidly.
Bonus #3: Supernatural Third Eye Activation Exercises
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Developing your third eye helps you to connect your self, and spirit and strengthen your psychic and manifestation abilities.
Bonus #4: Occult Walking Guided Meditation Audios
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This is a technique that allows your mind to unconsciously concentrate and manifest your desires while you walk during your day to day routine.
Note: You Can Check Out Their Video Presentation For More Insights Into What You Should Expect By Joining This Program
GENIE SCRIPT PRICE: The Price You Have To Pay To Start Creating Your Dream Life In Just 30-Days with The Genie Script Program.
This is about you.
Think about all the things that you want to achieve in your life. I bet it goes way past the material things, like a nice car, house, or watch, real quick.
You want to build a legacy too.
A foundation for your family, future and present to thrive on.
You want to be their hero.
You want to be the person that changes the trajectory, puts everyone on a better path, and brings respect to the family name.
He want this to be accessible to everybody. So, usually the program is $389.00. But, for today, you can get your hands on it for just $37!
Whether you’ve tried meditation before and it hasn’t worked, or you’re brand new to it, this is your shot to master a technique that’s PROVEN to work.
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And I’m sure you agree $37 is an insane deal to receive this priceless gift that allowed Wesley Virgin to
Retire his mom and pop
Buy both of his parents’ cars
Purchase the mother of his children a brand new house and car
Fly around the world to over 40 countries first class
Buy every dream car that he ever wanted CASH
Take his children around the world
Feed, clothe and educate 1000s of homeless men and women under the bridges in my city.
Imagine how you would feel if you took a small action right now that will magically change your entire life for the better. The choice is yours to make on Genie Script.
The program is available and accessible as soon as you make the purchase.
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Lastly, the program comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. So if you’re on the fence because you don’t wanna waste your money that might be helpful to you.
But personally, I didn’t need to request for a refund because I was honestly very impressed with the quality of research, the practicability of the insights, and the ongoing internal and external transformation that have begun taking place in my life since I jumped on the program.
The Genie Script: Is it a Scam?
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Prefer a video review instead to validate if it is a scam or not? Check out this authentic video review I found on YouTube
I do not consider The Genie Script to be a scam. Although the testimonies behind it is astonishing but don’t take my word alone on it but listen to what this other people have to say about Genie Script.
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The Man Behind The Genie Script: Wesley Virgin.
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First things first, let me make something 100% clear:
Wherever you are now in your life, whatever position you’ve found yourself in, cannot be worse than where Wesley Virgin was when he first started on his journey to abundance…
…unless you’re reading this from inside a prison cell.
It’s easy to convince yourself that anyone with wealth started off with some kind of advantage but Wesley Virgin was actually the opposite.
From his story, Wesley Virgin said:
“I had a truly troubled and chaotic early adulthood.
I was a seriously lost young man that was heading off of the rails fast, destined to become the next local train wreck.
So, I did what a lot of people do and joined the Army.
I figured it would give me the discipline, structure, and salary I desperately needed to turn my life around.
It wasn’t.
I got kicked out.
Then, I tried to see if college was for me.
I figured that was the secret to a stable, suburban lifestyle that I saw in the movies.
It wasn’t.
I dropped out.
After that, my life fell into the worst kind of routine:
Going to jail, getting released, and getting sent back.
It was 10x in total.
During the time I was out, I got myself into a ton of debt, I got evicted, I lost cars. I was stupid. I even resorted to writing bad checks so my kids could eat.
I was a terrible, absent father, that couldn’t even be there consistently for them with the basics that they needed. I was rock bottom.
These were all the thoughts that were running through my head in my last stint in jail.
There I was in my orange jumpsuit, on my metal “bed,” thinking to myself:
Did I want to live the rest of my life like this?
Is this all there is?
There must be a better way to provide for my family?
I don’t know whether it was seeing the same old guards, same old inmates, and same old cells…
But, something snapped in me hard that day.
It was the slap across the face that I needed to wake myself up and change my life.
I went on a search for something different.
Clearly, I couldn’t nail down a job, or any of the conventional routes to living a good, honest, and abundant life…
That’s when I discovered meditation and manifestation.
I know what you’re thinking…
An ex-jail bird, meditating himself to a better financial, emotional, and mental state — seriously?!
And I would have had the exact reaction as you.
I’d have given up just like I’d given up on the army, and college, but for one thing:
The results I experienced.
I told myself, Wesley, you have got to stick with this for 30 days, before you can call it a write off.
If not for anything else, just do it for the kids.
Wow, all I can say is, that I am thankful that I did…
After I Meditated Consistently For 30 Days, Using This Unusual Soothing Sound, I Manifested 1 Million Dollars!                                                                  
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If you’re shocked, imagine how I felt when $1,000,000.00 hit my normally broke bank account.
They must have thought I’d robbed a bank to get that kind of money…
…when in reality all I’d done is meditate!
In an instant, my life changed. I paid off my debts. I put down a deposit on a house.
​I paid for a brand new car outright. I promised my kids the world and gave it to them.
But, it wasn’t just about the immediate short-term things.
Suddenly, I had visions, I had dreams, and I had the means to make them happen.
A life of:
Generational Financial Security
​Insane, Unimaginable Success
​Surreal opportunity
It was only later when people started to ask for my secret…
…that I realized I had created a totally unique meditation technique.
It was so different from what people were used to that when they tried it, they were blown away with the results it manifested.”
Wesley Virgin on Genie Script Meditation Program…
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“If you’ve ever tried meditation or any manifestation methods before and it’s not created the results you wanted to — you’ve probably blamed yourself.
You’ve convinced yourself you were doing it wrong.
You’re not the right person to meditate.
But, I’m here to tell you that it’s not you that’s the problem.
You’re getting the wrong results because you’re using the wrong techniques!
Wrong techniques that are overcomplicated, and impossible to master even for Buddah himself.
They’ve become over commercialized.
You feel like you have to jump through a million hoops, only to find yourself back at square one.
Firstly, it’s not your fault.
They’re the techniques almost everybody tells you to use, so why would you think to look outside of them?
The important thing is you’re now about to discover the unique way to meditate that actually delivers million dollar results.
A technique that’s so simple to follow and that’s why it’s so powerful.
Anyone can master this…
AND with everything going on in the world — there couldn’t be a better time to do it.
With everything that’s going on in the world we have more time on our hands, and more need to take control of our own lives, and our finances than ever before.
You can start meditating the right way, starting tonight and attract wealth from the comfort of your own home. Then, when the world gets back to normal…
…you can always have this technique in your back pocket!
Think about it, whenever in this lifetime, might you have an opportunity as perfect as this to at least try something new like my meditation technique and give it 100% of your attention?
Mine was jail. Yours can be a pandemic!
If you pass up on this chance now, by the time you realize what you could have had, you either won’t have the time to invest to make it work…
Or, the current offer on the program will have expired.
Invest in yourself now, and thank yourself later!”
The Genie Script: Final Verdict.
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So there you have it guys…that’s my review of Wesley’s new program The Genie Script.
As per Wesley, he planned the program as a thoughtful remedy (for your monetary, mental, and enthusiastic wellbeing) that you burn-through for 30 days, with the guarantee of emphatically modifying your psyche and permitting you show substantial outcomes and the kind of financial freedom you yearn for.
I’m as yet on the journey…and up until now, I can verify how I have become a considerably more engaged individual in my own mission towards my own objectives. The program assisted me with finding how to make reflection/meditation fun yet amazing, and it freed me up to grasping a wealth mentality.
I’m trusting my review helped in responding to your inquiries. Remember that on the off chance that you want to jump into his program, you can look at their authority site HERE.
Much obliged to you for perusing, and I’m wanting you to enjoy all that life has to offer!
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Affiliate Disclaimer: If it’s not too much trouble note that a portion of the links in this article are affiliate links, and thusly, I may get a remuneration on the off chance that you choose to enlist for The Genie Script Program. In any case, my remuneration will be at NO additional expense to what in particular you’re paying for the program. If it’s not too much trouble note that I am embracing this program simply because I’ve encountered it and I can completely 100% vouch for it.
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balarouge · 5 years
Quick Shifts: Reluctant DJ Marner reveals Maple Leafs’ new win song
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An easy mix of the things our company learnt from the full week of hockey, major as well as much less thus, and also rolling four-lines deep. Typed with one palm while Dmitry Kulikov pulled us down to the ice.
1. Due to the fact that I spend an unhealthy amount of your time dealing with trivial matters that has little bearing on the real outcome of hockey video games, some of my very first ideas once the Toronto Maple Leafs permit both Jake Gardiner and also Nazem Kadri go over the summer season was: However who is actually mosting likely to be actually the dressing-room DJ now?
For many years, Gardiner cued up the club's morning-skate playlist and Kadri cranked up the beats for pre-game.
Switches out, no person intended to inherit the job.
"Our experts are actually making Mitchy do it this year," says Auston Matthews, after Thursday's strategy. "It's been hit-and-miss."
Matthews looks to his teammate: "Our team merely compelled ya. You just toss on the top charts and also let it run?"
"Top charts in to hip-hop," Marner shoots back. "Absolute bangers."
I talk to for an instance of the tracks that work along with the group.
"Absolutely nothing works. They regularly criticize," Marner mentions, defeated. "Regardless of what track acquires participated in, everyone detests it."
So, was Kadri a far better crew DJ?
"I can not offer Nazzy that. He had some tough goes there," Matthews smiles. "If you're the individual doing the popular music, you are actually screwed. You're constantly in the incorrect. Either the popular music's certainly not playing, the Bluetooth's not functioning, or it's a poor song ... it resembles a no-win scenario. Someone's received ta do it."
Marner it is.
"I obtained howled at to snatch my phone and play popular music, so whatever. I only put on a broadcast station on my app as well as say to everyone to pull it up. I am actually scarcely in the room until 26 mins [up until puck reduce] I do not take requests. I do not care," clarifies Marner, the reluctant selector.
"Article Malone's regularly excellent. It relies on the state of mind. I saw him in 2015 listed here, in the summer. He's excellent real-time. I such as all categories.
"I am actually not as well particular along with my music. On a lengthy bus ride, I can remain on my phone and also play music and merely cool."
Ironically, it was Kadri's replacement, Tyson Barrie, that assisted promote the 2-0 Maple Leafs' brand-new gain song they crank after a W.
"It's phoned 'Hot,' through Youthful Troublemaker," Marner mentions. "Tyson was the one that actually carried it up, as well as a pair people spoke about it. Youthful Hooligan performs a complete operate by means of this closet room immediately. It is actually receiving played on my phone very a little."
Incentive Beat! 6 performers Matthews plays in his headphones as he walks into the ring: Youthful Criminal, Drake, Future, DaBaby, Lil Child, Gunna.
"At the very least the music's a bit louder [during the course of warm-ups] this year. In 2013 it was extremely quiet," Matthews mentions. "Individuals were actually whining that it was actually too loud, yet our team're the ones participating in, so I believe they bumped it up a little. And our experts have actually had the ability to ask for tracks, so it is actually been actually a whole lot a lot better this year."
2. Shed in the shade of Jason Spezza obtaining healthy-scratched for the Walnut Leafs' time opener was actually the happy-news tale for his substitute, Scar Coast.
At age 27, the depth forward combated back to the NHL after an one-year respite in Magnitogorsk, where he placed up 16 aspects in 37 KHL activities.
"You can only chat to a handful of fellas in the storage locker room," he said of his winter season in Russia. "The coach is actually up on the panel, and he's certainly not speaking English. That is actually a little bit of a surprise at very first.
"It's a various experience. There is actually a considerable amount of positives you may apply for of it, yet at the end of the time I am actually satisfied to be actually back."
Toronto connected to Shore practically quickly after Metallurg was eliminated from the playoffs as well as told the journeyman they preferred him to simply play his activity-- inspection, succeed face-offs, begin a lot of your shifts in the defensive zone, don't anticipate a lot of mins.
"The moment I heard this was an opportunity, I was actually prepared to go," Coast claims. "Anytime you possess an odds to come to an association such as this, kinda inside out, it's one thing you acquired ta be actually definitely thrilled to perform."
Bank knows that many veterans, especially depth gamers, that jump from 3 different NHL crews in a solitary season just before finishing up overseas certainly never create it back to the highest degree.
"Among things you discover over there is actually, do not take anything for approved," he claims. "Thus when you obtain a possibility similar to this, you acquired ta maximize it."
3. Leafs instructor Mike Babcock changed out fourth-liner Coast for Spezza for Friday's gain in Columbus. He likewise got rid of third-line winger Dmytro Timashov in favour of Nic Petan and also bottom-pair defenceman Martin Marincin for Justin Holl, presumably on his swan song to catch as a Fallen leave.
Shore, Timashov as well as Marincin return to activity Saturday versus the Montreal Canadiens.
A rotation of bubble players are practically extending practices in to October, until the Walnut Leafs' mentoring workers feels positive in the group.
"We don't possess the responses; our team're attempting to find 'em," Babcock stated.
Babcock hired this exact same strategy a married couple autumns once attempting to select Calle Rosen versus Andreas Borgman and Eric Fehr versus Dominic Moore.
We such as the turning tip. It always keeps gamers clean and also starving, and supplies our company outside along with debate. Why hurry to wrap up when personal injuries and ruts could will place any kind of lineup in motion anyhow?
Still, it's tough certainly not to check out Spezza's Game 1 scrape as a pointer that Babcock is actually visiting carry out things his technique, harmed feelings be actually damned.
"Mike and also I are actually one hundred per-cent on the very same web page," mentioned GM Kyle Dubas, talking to that reviewers stand by to evaluate these decisions till time's end rather than censuring pictures. "Mike possessed his rationale and also reasoning. I know it's unsatisfying for Jason, and I completely understand. I obtain why it is actually a dialogue."
Jason Spezza states he's never rested a property opener before. "It is actually unsatisfactory."
-- luke fox (@lukefoxjukebox) October 2, 2019
4. At $2.1 thousand, Connor Brown was as well pricey for the Leafs' fourth pipe.
Now, he's a bargain on the Ottawa Senators' best trio, to the right of franchise foundation Colin White as well as Brady Tkachuk.
"It is actually enjoyment. I have actually regularly been a fella that would like to contribute offensively. That is actually, in all trustworthiness, the enjoyable part of the video game," Brown states.
"Brady as well as Whitey, my two lineys here, I failed to really understand a lot regarding them, coming from all of them being actually young in the game, and they each possess a considerable amount of capability. Whitey has a ton of rate, and Chucky, I was actually surprised along with how excellent his palms are actually and just how well he finds the video game and his capability to make plays. They're mosting likely to be quite great players for a very long time."
Comical just how quick a gamer's situation may change based on utilization. If Brown, a favourite of trainer D.J. Smith, may thrive in his brand new repulsive part, he might be actually in for a juicy salary increase hereafter, another platform period.
"Brownish Cow is actually a guy who we really love. You despise to find a man who is actually coming from Toronto, that likes being right here, leave, but it's the financial resources in the video game," Babcock said. "That's merely the fact."
Congrats to #Sens ahead Connor Brown that has earned the 100th point of his @NHL job along with a support on tonight's game-opening goal in Toronto.
-- Feelings Communications (@Media_Sens) Oct 2, 2019
5. In recent projects, the Walnut Leafs was among those rare clubs that failed to circulate a player-of-the game token after a victory.
This period, they revealed a fairly distinct one:
Go behind the curtain along with the Blueprint video cameras complying with Wednesday's succeed as Mike Babcock commemorates the @Raptors historic championship with a brand new Leafs heritage after wins. #LeafsForever pic.twitter.com/BCligTRUwH
-- Toronto Walnut Leafs (@MapleLeafs) October 4, 2019
That take care of on Matthews in complete equipment, though:
we got you pic.twitter.com/sDy02ucYsE
-- Toronto Walnut Leafs (@MapleLeafs) October 4, 2019
6. The St. Louis Blues' social-media squad is already in championship type, trying out to produce us sob along with view ...
A special present coming from her kids-- thank you Laila for being actually such an inspiration during our #StanleyCup operate. #stlblues pic.twitter.com/4Zlu1Xuwjb
-- St. Louis Woe (@StLouisBlues) Oct 1, 2019
... and along with chuckling:
Sorry about the flaw. We are actually still knowing exactly how to twitter update with our champion bands on. #stlblues
-- St. Louis Blues (@StLouisBlues) October 3, 2019
7. At the danger of hammering the John Tavares captaincy drum once again, the web links in between him and the descent of previous Toronto captains is actually something.
Darryl Sittler and also Wendel Clark went to Wednesday's opener to applaud him in-person. Doug Gilmour penned an open letter to Tavares upon hearing the news. And also the previous captain, unsigned Dion Phaneuf, along with whom Tavares dipped into the planet champion, connected via content.
"He sent a truly, really pleasant notification just mentioning just how exclusive it is actually to be actually a captain listed below and to participate in for this metropolitan area," pointed out Tavares.
As a young person, Tavares also fulfilled another Leafs leader, George Armstrong.
"It is actually definitely awesome to state I reached satisfy him and also be around him even at that grow older."
8. Dylan Larkin only backs products he relies on. He also performs an extreme quantity of stretching while using gown trousers.
this is actually the type of targeting marketing i would like to see from the NHL pic.twitter.com/If18tSW9QF
-- cayce (@cayceonthego) October 2, 2019
9. Patric as well as Helena Sandin took flight from Sweden to consume their boy Rasmus's NHL debut.
"They sacrificed a lot for me when I was actually much younger, so I assume it suggests a great deal to all of them also. They want the greatest for me and my bro, so they're incredibly pleased for our team," claimed Sandin, just before rewarding them with a help and also a gain.
Post-game, the teenage phenom admitted there was actually a moment during some of his shifts where he had to inquire himself if he was awake.
"It's heading to remain in my scalp at all times," he stated. "I'll remember this permanently."
10. Because our experts stated KHL star and Minnesota Wild prospect Kirill Kaprizov recently, our experts kinda thought our experts will packed our Kirill Kaprizov percentage for an although.
Then he went out as well as racked up three goals in a period of eight minutes as well as 35 seconds. Receive this child in the NHL. Permit's pack up the Central Branch much more.
8 min 35 sec
Kirill Kaprizov credit ratings fastest hat trick in CSKA history. pic.twitter.com/MjfxqwcVJI
-- KHL (@khl_eng) Oct 2, 2019
11. A couple of exciting notes about Alex DeBrincat's three-year agreement expansion ($6.4 million AAV) along with the Chicago Blackhawks:
- Thus most of the other link bargains authorized through younger stars over the past month, DeBrincat's salary spikes in the 3rd time, to $9 thousand, ensuring his certifying deal is going to be actually a juicy one.
- His offer will definitely run out in 2022, the exact same summer season pros Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews as well as Duncan Keith all come off the manuals and also the hat is anticipated to hop. Can be a significant switching point for the franchise.
The Pussy-cat is actually BACK!
Alex DeBrincat has actually signed a 3-year agreement extension that jogs by means of the 2022-23 time, with an AAV of $6,400,000. #Purr #Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/rF4ztP9YON
-- Chicago Blackhawks (@NHLBlackhawks) Oct 3, 2019
12. Yes! Lazlo Holmes is actually now a persisting personality:
This content was originally published here.
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