#new summer lawn collection 2014
megbox · 4 years
2020 Year in Review
Previous Posts: (2019) (2018) (2017) (2016) (2015) (2014) (2013) (2012) (2011) 
2020 is a weird year because as the world goes through something collectively extremely traumatic and that is radically changing the structure of our lives, our workplaces, the way we connect socially, our mental health… our response to disease…. SO MUCH ABOUT THE WORLD…. And yet the day-to-day of living in a pandemic is so… mundane. I am privileged enough to have that opinion. I have stayed securely employed and it is privilege for my main reaction to something as intense as this pandemic to be boredom. But really, 2020 was a year of absences. It was a year spent largely alone, in my own company. It was a year that forced me to rest. It was a year that made me feel so terribly lonely but also forced me to get acquainted with myself and enjoy my own company in a new way. And it was a year of running. 
I would also like to thank Connor for making this post happen by reminding me to do it and not to break tradition. 
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January & February 
I am combining these months because they were not altogether all that memorable. My resolutions, as I noted on Twitter on January 2, were to 1) Keep running and 2) Learn how to make fresh pasta dough. I can safely say – mission accomplished on both fronts. 
On January 14, I had the privilege of presenting a suicide intervention lecture to students at the medical school where my brother goes. By that time, I’d done a million of these presentations so nerves aren’t really a factor (imagine that! Me, no longer remotely afraid of public speaking…), but this one meant a little extra to me. My brother is so highly accomplished, and I am so proud of him, and I enjoyed having an opportunity to show him what I do and make him proud of me. I wore my favourite dress and did my hair all nice and he described it later as “exceptional.” It was a really, really good feeling. The first weekend of February, Ali and I had planned to go to Jasper. We wanted to go for a hike or two, and get super stoned and go to the planetarium. A huge blizzard hit Alberta just before we were supposed to leave, so we ended up having a staycation here in Calgary. We rented a hotel room, went swimming, drank wine, went to Japanese Village, had drinks in the lounge and then later to a punk rock band roulette night at the Palomino and finally crawled into our giant hotel bed and fell asleep to Remember the Titans… of all movies. It was the kind of night where you simultaneously feel 18 and 35 years old. 
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March was when the pandemic really started to become real. I don’t know exactly why, but I did not take the threat of coronavirus very seriously until the last minute. My coworkers would whisper about it in the hallways and I just rolled my eyes. But then, people started deciding they would work from home, the number of us in the office dwindled. The vibe was bad. Nobody could really focus. They held meetings at 8am and 4pm every day just for COVID-19 updates and we all waited with bated breath for them to finally tell us to go home and not come back. I really feel like I didn’t acknowledge the true implications of this virus until we got the official work from home order, and I had to tell my boss, my laptop at home is too old to run this software, I need a work tablet. My first official work from home day was March 23, 2020. I don’t remember much about that time except that the general sense of panic and anxiety made my job a lot busier, and it is hard to do a job like mine from home because it is hard to counsel or reassure clients through anxieties that are hitting you just as hard. I coped with wine, a lot of running, and listening to Ben Gibbard’s afternoon live streams where he would play acoustic versions of Death Cab songs and other covers. He played New Slang by the Shins one night and I burst into tears. I also coped with teaching myself how to make fresh pasta dough, and enjoying what was, at that point in the pandemic, the novelty and fun of Zoom. 
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In the absence of being able to have a party for my birthday, I decided to be obnoxious and do a “challenge” on my Instagram story. I asked my friends to record a distance run and/or walked and send it to me as a birthday present. My actual birthday ended up being a cold and windy and pretty miserable day. I ran 12km myself, came back home and watched both Magic Mike and Magic Mike XXL, and then went to my parents’ to celebrate both Scott and I’s birthdays with our family. My friends dropped off presents to my door and drove past my house and honked and I felt very loved and appreciated. I drank a lot of Prosecco with my brother and we listened to Kacey Musgraves. 
It was also in April that I become “acquainted” with my neighborhood running nemesis. I put acquainted in apostrophes because I have never actually spoken to him. On one fateful run in April, I happened to catch up to him on my regular route. This was at the height of the COVID fear and so, while I would usually just pass someone on the sidewalk, I went out into the street. He saw me out of the corner of his eye and SPED UP. WHICH IS SUCH BAD RUNNER ETIQUETTE LIKE DUDE I’M IN THE ROAD LET ME PASS YOU. And then we ended up in this like, all-out 100m-finals-at-the-motherfucking-Olympics sprint challenge when all I was trying to do was go for a leisurely training run. And then I finally passed him, turned a corner and had to like collapse on to my hands and knees to catch my breath. Since then, I see this man running all the time. Sometimes while I am also running, sometimes from my car when I am driving through my neighborhood. He’s like… 16. And we are very competitive with one another. I hope to one day actually say hello to him. I both hate that guy and have to thank him for the motivation. 
I ran my first half marathon on April 13, 2020. I was very hungover because I had stayed up quite late with someone on Zoom the night before on a virtual “first date” that had gone much better than anticipated. I don’t know why but I woke up the next morning in such a good mood that I decided I would go for a long, slow run. I got to 18km and figured, what’s 3.1 more? And so, I did it. The first thing I did upon finishing was call my mom. The second thing I did was contemplate calling an Uber to drive me the 2km left to my house. The other notable thing in April is that Maddy moved back from Australia, begrudgingly and a LOT earlier than planned, because of COVID. 
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May was kind of a blur. It was the first month of the Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee, which I signed up for while coming off of the high of actually running a half marathon all by myself. The GVRAT was fucking awesome. It was created by Lazarus Lake, of Barkley Marathons fame. The ask is to run 1022.68km between May 1 and August 31, an average of about 8.3km per day. Well, you could run, walk, or hike. This is the actual distance it would take you to cover the state of Tennessee. Myself and about 20,000 other weirdos from around the world signed up for this challenge. I figured I would never get a chance to run in a Lazarus Lake race for real, and being home all the time opened up a lot more opportunity for training. It was one of the very best things I did for myself in 2020. So May involved a lot of running, because I was fresh and naïve and fully intended to be ahead of the curve. I was running about 10-12 per day, sometimes more, and not taking any rest days. 
In between these runs, I spent a lot of time going on long, ambling quarantine walks with Maddy. We would either go for a long walk or she would come over and we would get absolutely hammered in my backyard playing beer pong just to pass the time. We would send snapchats to our exes and make TikToks like 18 year olds. I know we never really said it out loud but having eachother during this time made these months bearable. We were lamenting the loss of a summer, and Maddy’s time in Australia, and all of the expectations we had for ourselves. We were watching our friends in relationships move in together or get closer due to the quarantine. We needed companionship, and stupid things to laugh about, and love, and distraction. And I can genuinely say I would not have gotten through this quarantine period if it weren’t for the nights I spent shooting Pink Whitney and dancing to Party in the USA in my living room with her. 
May 13th was my one year anniversary of working at the university. It felt good to have accomplished so many things in that time, and have moved up already in my job, and to have a full-time, permanent contract.
And May 16th was when I ran my second half-marathon as part of a virtual challenge put on by a friend of a friend. My parents came and sat in lawn chairs in the park while I did loops. They cheered me on and filled my water bottle for me when I ran out. They’re my number one supporters and I love having a family that does that kind of shit for me in the face of something arbitrary like a virtual half marathon challenge. I knocked 7 minutes (!) off my original time. Amazing what not being hungover can do for your fitness levels. 
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I don’t remember many important things about June, other than Maddy moving to Banff. It was depressing but I was also happy for her and happy to have an excuse to go out there and visit. I went the very first weekend after she moved. Halfway through June I seriously contemplated quitting the GVRAT. My shins were bruised, I was dreading every single run, and I could not fathom doing it for 2.5 more months. I was dragging behind in the standings and losing my motivation. 
I spent a lot of time with friends reading in parks. Sometimes, often, with wine. I met a stranger in Canmore Park and ended up kissing him. He was lovely. 
Ali and I had one really good day in June where we went to the Farmer’s Market and then came back to her place and watched Ru Paul’s drag race for like eight straight hours. It was one of those days where we hadn’t seen each other in so long and you just feel totally high off of friendship and absolutely everything is funny and you just can’t stop laughing. I vividly remember it as one of the best days of the year. 
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Again, July kind of passed in a blur. I did a lot of hiking, and a lot of running… keeping up with the GVRAT. I hiked Picklejar Lakes, Castle Mountain, Little Beehive Lookout. 
I went to Banff for a weekend to hang out with Maddy. We had a predictably wild weekend with her roommates and friends. We had dinner at Chili’s (hell yeah) and then went to High Rollers for beers and bowling. The “thing to do” at that point for all of these Banff people was to meet at the “rec grounds” aka public firepits and drink. The police would generally leave you alone so long as you weren’t being rowdy. I sat next to an Australian named Josh at a picnic table and later took him back to my hotel room and he gave me the world’s most unbelievable obvious hickey. Maddy and I sweat out the tequila shots the next day with a long ass hike, and then had a nap before her brother came and took us climbing at the Sunshine slabs – an activity I was not very good at but I wanted to be good at. It was the kind of weekend where you feel like, okay, I definitely indulged my wild side. And you drive home just like totally exhausted but smiling. I sent Maddy’s brother a voice note on my way into town thanking him for taking us climbing and saying it was nice to see him.
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Okay – August was actually really eventful. Like most of the year’s events happened in August, honestly. A lot of running and hiking. I did Ha Ling Peak for the first time, and we did a 30km hike to Aylmer Pass one day that was a fricken GRIND. I spent the long weekend in Saskatchewan. We went to a cidery, and I ran laps around my Dodo’s acreage, and then we got to visit Wakaw Lake and reunite with our old next-door neighbours. We took the boat out and went tubing and lit fireworks and had an amazing dinner and honestly it was like reliving my childhood in the best, best, best way. I fell asleep on the car ride home. 
I went camping with Ali in Sylvan Lake. We got ice cream and cooked fish tacos over the campfire. She told me that Cody had a date planned for the day they took possession of their house, that she wondered if he might ask her to marry him but didn’t want to get her hopes up in case it didn’t happen and ruin what otherwise was supposed to be a celebratory day. Spoiler – he did ask her to marry him  I was running when she called me. I was listening to Epsilon by Kygo, and now when I hear that song I always think of them. I stopped my watch and just openly bawled on the street out of happiness for them. 
Steven successfully defended his master’s thesis. We went camping in Waterton to celebrate with Matt, Kennedy, Regan, Scott, and Rie. They brought cake. We did a sunrise hike. I slept in the back of my Ford Escape. 
On August 27, Ollie passed away. It was both expected and unexpected. He had been having some issues with seizures. The vet didn’t think it was anything to be too concerned about, he was old and it wasn’t uncommon for them to happen. It happened suddenly. I had a terrible sleep that night, and woke up in a cold sweat somewhere between 3 and 4 am. In the morning, my mom called me and told me the news. He had a giant seizure in the night and was crying and yelping. They woke up and took him to the emergency vet, they made the executive call to put him down to prevent any further suffering. He died right around the time I woke up in the middle of the night. I like to think that was his way of saying goodbye, maybe. I cried all day. Well, let’s be honest, I cried all week. I burst into tears at the mere thought of him. He was such a good and lovely dog. He was so loved by us. He had a good life. It is always sad when we lose pets so early. They bring so much joy to our lives, and still when I go to my parents’ place the first thing I want to do is call for him or pet him. I hope he is running around in whatever the pet afterlife is. I miss him. 
And on August 31, I ran my last kilometre of the GVRAT. I finished with 733.78 run, 83.18 hiked, and 205.09 walked. 
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September was a nice break from running. I got to start coming to campus one day a week, on Thursdays, which was good for my mental health and work productivity. I got to spend September long in Vernon with Maeghan and Madison at Michael’s family’s cabin. They took us boating and made us meals and didn’t judge us for drinking margaritas with Michael’s sister literally all day. It was the best. It was the epitome of every summer weekend you dream about. I was so happy I got to go. 
I met a boy in September. It’s always September, isn’t it? It feels weird to write about him. Like, that makes him significant. But. He is significant. And I met him in September. And it was unexpected. Last minute. And essentially not a day has gone by since that day in September that I have not thought about him.
I also joined a Calgary Sport and Social Club team with my friends for softball and it started in September. We played two games and then I tore my hamstring running from second to third base. I tore… my hamstring…. Running like 30 metres…. After a summer of literally running 10+ km every day. I… it was the worst day ever. Softball itself was amazing and so fun even though I really do suck at the sport but highly recommend Rec League C-level beer league softball with all of your best friends. There’s just no way that isn’t fun. 
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A lot of pouting about my hamstring, I went to two physio sessions and then decided to just start running again. I’m bad. I’m a bad example. Don’t do what I do… but also…. It worked. 
I went to Victoria to visit Sydney over the Thanksgiving weekend. We went to a Thanskgiving potluck party at my old coworker’s place. It was a nice experience to be the new people at a party, to have a room full of new people to meet and who ask you questions about your life. We got really drunk and they tried setting Sydney up with one of their roommate’s brothers, and gave us lipstick to try, and poured us tequila shots. We had such an amazing meal. It was honestly so fun. We laughed in the cab the whole way back about how we were going to need to debrief that evening HARD the next morning. We watched a lot of All Gas No Brakes, and went for dinner and brunch and I limped up Mount Doug with my hamstring. It was a very very chill weekend, like we spent a lot of time just lounging at Sydney’s apartment and doing nothing. Because that is the kind of friends we are. It was so relaxing and lovely. I was sad to leave. 
Karla, my roommate, left for New York at the end of October. Her aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and she and her mom made the executive move to go there to basically be with her for the end of her life. She wasn’t going to be back until December. I was happy, because it’s nice to have a place to myself, but also sad because Karla is lovely and I knew it was going to be a stressful situation for her. 
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November / December
I am combining these two months because they have also been largely uneventful. In fact… I don’t know if I could really tell you anything significant that happened. We’ve been in a lockdown. I’ve spent my time playing piano, watching Netflix, listening to podcasts, basically doing all of the things I usually do when I’m bored. Lots of Among Us. Lots of outdoor things… skating… more running. We’ve been in a lockdown since early December. Time has dragged on since then. I spent Christmas with my parents. Scott and Rie stayed isolated, because Scott is in and out of the hospital for school. My mom and I watched shitty Christmas Hallmark movies and made fun of the guys who star in them. We drank a LOT on Christmas Eve and both spent Christmas with a wicked hangover. My dad and I ate edibles and I was launched into the stratosphere. I spent New Year’s Eve with Boy from September. We played beer pong, and card games, and he tried to use a coat hangover to pick the lock on the mysterious room that my landlord keeps locked. We spent most of the night kissing, honestly. I was happy to spend the last moments of the year with him.
Honestly... at this point... who really knows? 
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trylonandperisphere · 4 years
Though media reports of the protests have dwindled, organized demonstrations for racial justice are still underway.
By Fabiola Cineas 
on July 16, 2020 8:30 am
In the weeks following the police killing of George Floyd, millions of Americans marched in the streets. Many had never attended a protest before, and some lived in historically conservative towns. At the peak of the protests — around June 6, according to publicly collected data from the Crowd Counting Consortium — people across all 50 states and dozens of cities around the world had participated in demonstrations that called for racial justice and an end to police violence.
But with the protests came a nonstop news cycle that seemed to fixate on burning cars and buildings, and clashes between police officers and protesters. As long as there were riots and looting, television news helicopters descended upon their respective cities, with organizers lamenting online that the media wasn’t interested in stories beyond those of broken windows, pepper spray, and vandalized storefronts.
And now, almost two months after the first protests erupted, national news cameras have fled, which makes it hard for the general public to recognize that protests are still going strong in cities and towns across America.
In Louisville, hundreds of protesters continue in their mission to bring to justice the police officers involved in Breonna Taylor’s death. Protesters have engaged in a number of large-scale public actions, from converging on the steps of the state’s capitol building to disrupting a mayoral press conference and hosting “blackout” marches.
On Tuesday, which marked day 48 of protests in the city, activists traveled to the home of Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, where they sat on his lawn and demanded he bring criminal charges against the officers. More than 100 people were reportedly detained at the demonstration for trespassing, according to organizer Tamika D. Mallory, co-founder of the social justice organization Until Freedom. Even Wanda Cooper-Jones, the mother of Ahmaud Arbery, traveled to Louisville to advocate on Taylor’s behalf. (She also spoke to local reporter Senait Gebregiorgis while she was there.)
The momentum is similar in other cities across the country, such as Minneapolis and New York, where multiple demonstrations happen every day. However, mainstream news stories about the protests seem to only emerge now in the event of isolated violence (including multiple instances of suspected or avowed white nationalists running their vehicles into protesters) or protester clashes (like the recent spat between “Blue Lives Matter” protesters and counterprotesters in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn).
Local activists say the waning media attention is expected, but the work must continue. “We are in the biggest social movement this country has ever seen,” said activist Oluchi Omeoga, co-founder of the Black liberation nonprofit Black Visions Collective based in Minnesota. “When we say this is what will be written in the history books, it’s not an exaggeration. The folks calling for change in this moment are the folks who are going to be on the right side of history.”
The early news cycle’s focus on violence and destruction
Early news reports of the protests focused heavily on images of fires, overturned vehicles, and elevated scenes that distorted what was really taking place on the ground, with some pointing out that coverage seemed to exploit Black pain and violence.
On June 1, the front page of the New York Times read, “Twin crises and surging anger convulse U.S.” above a photo of protesters with their hands in the air and another showing police dressed in riot gear in a cloud of smoke. The same day, the Washington Post published an image of Minneapolis protesters crying and hugging one another after a truck ran through the crowd, with its own front-page headline reading, “U.S. at a precipice as demonstrations intensify.” (The bottom two images depict demonstrators at protests in Kansas City, Missouri, and Washington, DC.) And a San Francisco Chronicle headline on May 31 read “Riots, shooting rock Oakland” above an image of a protester standing with a fist raised in front of a dumpster fire.
The early coverage seemed “breathless,” Kanisha Bond, assistant professor of political science at Binghamton University, told Vox. “But that is not an unfamiliar tone when it comes to media coverage, specifically of urban uprisings involving both violent and nonviolent protest activity, and particularly when people who have been historically excluded from the traditional centers of American power are engaged in any sort of unrest.”
This was seen in the media coverage of the 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri, following the police shooting of Michael Brown. A Race Forward analysis found that news reports at the time largely lacked context explaining the “patterns of racially skewed police violence” that sparked the protests, with some not even mentioning the word “race” at all, Vox reported in 2015. Race Forward research director Dominique Apollon, who authored the study, told Vox that part of his advice to journalists was to “not take police accounts at face value.”
As Morgan State University politics and journalism professor Jason Johnson wrote for Vox in May, news coverage of uprisings often fails to show the full scale of protest activity — just because a few trash cans are on fire in one location doesn’t mean the entire city is on fire. Moreover, news reports of the Floyd protests didn’t always cover the cause of much of the violence: the police themselves. In many instances caught on camera, police used inordinate force against protesters who were silently marching or otherwise engaged in a peaceful group demonstration.
“Much of the damage attributed to protesters is often the result of police action or inaction in the face of lawful public behavior,” Johnson wrote. “Sometimes buried at the end of post-protest reports by local authorities is the fact that police munitions often start fires at protests, but this is seldom reported by the press, and there have been surprisingly few protesters arrested for arson relative to the fires that erupted during the unrest.”
Johnson also noted that news reports didn’t do much to highlight the presence of “run-of-the-mill opportunistic criminals” who seized on the moment to raid local businesses. For example, the media didn’t distinguish these actors from the protesters who, in a targeted effort, burned down the Third Police Precinct in Minneapolis, which was “a specific act of revolt.” The focus on damaged property over lost lives illustrated the media’s “misplaced priorities,” Johnson wrote.
Now, nearly two months after the first protests, a quick scan of the front pages of newspapers and digital media outlets would likely have one believe that the protests have altogether stopped. While they have surely shrunk in number and size, the social media accounts of activists and organizers continue to show compelling images of daily demonstrations.
In the past two weeks, there have been demonstrations in Sartell, Minnesota, and Keystone, South Dakota. Protests also carry on in Philadelphia, Houston, and Washington, DC. Meanwhile, in New York, the Instagram account JusticeforGeorgeNYC lists a collection of daily rallies, marches, protests, and vigils for Black people who have lost their lives to police brutality. On Wednesday, July 15, there are nearly a dozen events planned across Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan — from 8 in the morning to just before sunset.
News coverage can both help and hinder ongoing demonstrations
According to activists, the lack of coverage both hurts and helps protest movements as they continue through the summer.
On one hand, the absence of widespread protest coverage creates a false sense that the demonstrations have largely come to an end. “Some people do get their political cues from what makes its way into the general public discourse, which is largely shaped by what’s in the news, so media blackouts or withdrawals can give them the impression that either the ‘newsworthy part’ of the protests has expired or that there are simply no more events to be covered,” Bond told Vox.
The importance of protests as a tool for shifting public opinion is already evident in national polls. Monmouth University found at the end of May that 76 percent of Americans believe that racism is a big problem now, up from 51 percent in 2015. Other polls show that more people support the defunding of police than ever before. A June poll from the research firm PerryUndem found that 72 percent of respondents supported reallocating funds away from police and to other services like health care.
As political scientist Megan Ming Francis told Vox last month, systemic change begins with a shift in public opinion that’s brought about through protest. “The history of protest in this country is that when there’s more people, politicians pay attention,” she said. “If you want legal change, if you want political change, then it means you need to, at the same time or before, shift public opinion. That is crucial.”
On the other hand, some activists believe the constant presence of news cameras could hamper progress. If activists are constantly under the gaze and watch of the state, this could invite more violence on protesters and open up the opportunity for derailment.
“When the mainstream media steps away, we see even more clearly the vital function that independent media — including social media livestreamers — plays in providing a comprehensive and well-rounded accounting of protest and social mobilizations,” Bond told Vox. “The ubiquity of social media might attenuate any negative effects from a lack of media coverage — but how much is likely heavily determined by what sorts of information you allow across your online boundaries and within your social network.”
The most recent protest headlines at mainstream outlets — including the New York Times’s “Drivers Are Hitting Protesters as Memes of Car Attacks Spread” and USA Today’s “‘I would be very careful in the middle of the street’: Drivers have hit protesters 66 times since May 27” — focus on violence or arrests. Then there is CBS’s “87 people charged with felonies after Breonna Taylor protest at attorney general’s house” following Tuesday’s events, framed around protesters trespassing on an elected official’s property. When news outlets cherry-pick moments of violence to cover or criminalize protesters, they are choosing drama and sensationalism over the larger narrative — that the biggest anti-racism movement in a generation is still happening in the US.
“It comes down to what is considered newsworthy, which is often action, large numbers, and apparent mayhem,” Bond told Vox. “Burning buildings, smashing glass, and bleeding people are often visually riveting and can add a sense of vicarious danger and unpredictability, while direct actions like sit-ins, public education sessions, street parties, and/or meal distributions don’t offer people that sense of ‘ooh, what’s going to happen next’ the way that other actions might.”
The fight for justice lives on
Activists recognize how much has changed in public opinion since the first Floyd protests — and that’s why they haven’t stopped organizing. According to Omeoga, protests have taken place every day in Minneapolis since Floyd’s fatal arrest. Omeoga told Vox that part of what’s been missing in the coverage that has existed is expanding what we mean when we say “protest” or “public demonstration” to fully capture how people are mobilizing.
“The occupation of ‘George Floyd Ave,’ the place where he was murdered, is an act of resilience or a protest. We have been occupying that space every day since George Floyd was lynched. Folks are protesting for change in the simplest terms,” Omeoga said. “Folks are protesting for Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Riah Milton, and Dominique Fells. Folks are protesting against police brutality and state-sanctioned violence and for interpersonal violence against Black trans women. Folks are out protesting for Black lives.”
According to Omeoga, the media largely focused coverage on the peak of the protests because “that’s what they think people are interested in,” she said. “We have been conditioned under this capitalist society to only find value in things for very short, transactional periods of time. The media affirms that in the ways they show what is worthy of news and what isn’t.” For Omeoga, left-friendly platforms like Democracy Now and Unicorn Riot are alternative media outlets that can help people stay up to date.
Ashton P. Woods, an organizer with Black Lives Matter Houston, recognizes that while coverage may now only extend to protests that feature celebrities or to protests where politicians are present, he can’t get comfortable and rely on politicians to do the work. “We have a responsibility to protect what we have secured for ourselves and dismantle white supremacy,” Woods told Vox.
That work, he said, doesn’t mean having to show up in the streets. With the number of coronavirus cases surging across the country and its disproportionate impact on Black, Latinx, and Native American communities, Woods acknowledges that people have to mind their health and the health of friends and family and community members. The work can take place in online seminars and gatherings that educate people who are new to the movement. For Woods, in Houston, it also includes showing up to courts and to city hall to pressure Texas lawmakers to sign legislation that tackles systemic racism. And moving forward, he said, protests must continue to create safe spaces for all Black lives, including women and trans, queer, and nonbinary people.
“There’s been an erasure of what we are really protesting for, like the Black LGBTQ community or the Black immigrants — all Black lives matter,” Woods told Vox. “We’ve been doing this anti-racism work since before Trump got into office. We’ve been planning, coordinating, and doing the type of work that doesn’t get on the news for a long time.”
The lack of attention and accountability by lawmakers means protesters have to keep elevating their message, whether in the streets or online, he said.
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judgment1964 · 6 years
Top 100 Favorite Albums
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1. Trout Mask Replica [Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band, 1969] 2. Paul's Boutique [Beastie Boys, 1989] 3. Judgment! [Andrew Hill, 1964] 4. The Hot Rock [Sleater-Kinney, 1999] 5. The Band [The Band, 1969] 6. 1977-1983 [Kleenex/Liliput, COMP, 2011] 7. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man [Louis Armstrong, COMP, 1994] 8. Jack Johnson [Miles Davis, 1971] 9. Rain Dogs [Tom Waits, 1985] 10. Ghetto Blaster [Red Aunts, 1998] 11. Wild Honey [The Beach Boys, 1967] 12. The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death [John Fahey, 1965] 13. Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) [Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band, 1978] 14. Mode For Joe [Joe Henderson, 1966] 15. Come Out, Come Out [cub, 1995] 16. The Nightfly [Donald Fagen, 1982] 17. Big Band and Quartet in Concert [Thelonious Monk, 1963] 18. Swordfishtrombones [Tom Waits, 1983] 19. Good Old Boys [Randy Newman, 1974] 20. Crystal Gazing Luck Amazing [Compulsive Gamblers, 2000] 21. Mambo Nassau [Lizzy Mercier Descloux, 1981] 22. The Definitive Collection [Chuck Berry, COMP, 2005] 23. Gobi. The Desert EP [Monolake, 1999] 24. Arthur [The Kinks, 1969] 25. Dig Me Out [Sleater-Kinney, 1997] 26. The Great Reunion [Louis Armstrong/Duke Ellington, 1963] 27. whokill [tune-yards, 2011] 28. Watertown [Frank Sinatra, 1970] 29. The Yellow Princess [John Fahey, 1968] 30. Mose Allison Sings [Mose Allison, COMP, 1963] 31. Money Jungle [Ellington/Mingus/Roach, 1963] 32. Empyrean Isles [Herbie Hancock, 1964] 33. Odyshape [The Raincoats, 1981] 34. Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards [Tom Waits, 2006] 35. Highway 61 Revisited [Bob Dylan, 1965] 36. London Calling [The Clash, 1979] 37. Black Up [Shabazz Palaces, 2011] 38. Way Out West [Sonny Rollins, 1957] 39. Critical Beatdown [Ultramagnetic MCs, 1988] 40. Point of Departure [Andrew Hill, 1965] 41. Ultraglide in Black [The Dirtbombs, 2001] 42. Everybody Down [Kate Tempest, 2014] 43. Love, Power, Peace: Live at the Olympia, Paris, 1971 [James Brown, ARCHIVAL, 1992] 44. Complete Town Hall Concert 1947 [Louis Armstrong, ARCHIVAL, 1983] 45. NTS Sessions 1-4 [autechre, 2018] 46. Homogenic [Björk, 1997] 47. Faust [Faust, 1971] 48. Modern Vampires of the City [Vampire Weekend, 2013] 49. Singles - 45's and Under [Squeeze, COMP, 1982] 50. Star Time [James Brown, COMP, 1991] 51. Germfree Adolescents [X-Ray Spex, 1978] 52. Mars Audiac Quintet [Stereolab, 1994] 53. Safe as Milk [Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band, 1967] 54. Labour of Lust [Nick Lowe, 1979] 55. The Richard D. James Album [Aphex Twin, 1996] 56. The Velvet Underground [The Velvet Underground, 1969] 57. Droppin' Bombs [Trouble Funk, COMP, 1998] 58. The B-52's [The B-52's, 1979] 59. One Beat [Sleater-Kinney, 2002] 60. Jesus of Cool [Nick Lowe, 1978] 61. Small Faces [Small Faces, 1966] 62. Flamingo [Flamin' Groovies, 1970] 63. Saxophone Colossus [Sonny Rollins, 1956] 64. In My Own Time [Karen Dalton, 1971] 65. Giants of Jazz [Henry "Red" Allen, COMP, 1980] 66. Sonny Rollins/Sonny Stitt Sessions [Dizzy Gillespie, COMP, 1976] 67. Night at the Village Vanguard [Sonny Rollins, 1958] 68. Fear of a Black Planet [Public Enemy, 1990] 69. Five Guys Walk Into A Bar... [Faces, COMP, 2004] 70. The Singles [Bikini Kill, COMP, 1998] 71. Doc at the Radar Station [Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band, 1980] 72. Too Much Too Soon [New York Dolls, 1974] 73. 1928 Sessions [Mississippi John Hurt, COMP, 1979] 74. 12 Songs [Randy Newman, 1970] 75. Misterioso [Thelonious Monk, 1958] 76. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [The Beatles, 1967] 77. Out to Lunch! [Eric Dolphy, 1964] 78. Small Change [Tom Waits, 1976] 79. At Folsom Prison [Johnny Cash, 1968] 80. Nikki Nack [tune-yards, 2014] 81. Village Green Preservation Society [The Kinks, 1968] 82. Atrocity Exhibition [Danny Brown, 2016] 83. The Blues and the Abstract Truth [Oliver Nelson, 1961] 84. Hokey Fright [The Uncluded, 2013] 85. 1999 [Prince, 1982] 86. Twin Fantasy (Face to Face) [Car Seat Headrest, 2018] 87. Monk's Music [Thelonious Monk, 1957] 88. Live in Tasmania [John Fahey, 1981] 89. Bitches Brew [Miles Davis, 1970] 90. Piñata [Freddie Gibbs/Madlib, 2014] 91. Mother 2 [Keiichi Suzuki, Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kanazu, 1994] 92. Nation Time [Joe McPhee, 1971] 93. Oylam [Judith Berkson, 2010] 94. Tijuana Moods [Charles Mingus, 1962] 95. Live at Montmartre [Stan Getz, 1977] 96. Blowout Comb [Digable Planets, 1994] 97. The Hissing of Summer Lawns [Joni Mitchell, 1975] 98. Clear Spot [Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band, 1972] 99. Martes [Murcof, 2002] 100. Complete 1937-1941 [Lionel Hampton, COMP, 1976]
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Full Album-A-Day List in Alphabetical Order: 2017
Full Album-A-Day List in Alphabetical Order: 2017
Alright, it’s been too long since the end of the year, but here my list of albums I listened to in 2017. There are 365 albums here in alphabetical order by artist and then by release date in each artist. I am repeating the challenge for 2018 and so far I’ve listened to 62 albums. Let me know what you guys think of this list and please check out some of the music on here. Some of my favorite albums ever are on this thing.
Actress - AZD
Alvvays - Alvvays
Alvvays - Antisocialites
Aminé - Good For You
America - America
Anderson .Paak - Malibu
Andy Shauf - The Bearer of Bad News
Andy Shauf - The Party
Angel Olsen - Half Way Home
Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire For No Witness
Angel Olsen - My Woman
Angel Olsen - Phases
Animal Collective - Marriweather Post Pavilion
Arcade Fire - Everything Now
Ariel Pink - Pom Pom
Atmosphere - Fishing Blues
The Avalanches - Since I Left You
Band of Horses - Cease to Begin
Beach House - Depression Cherry
Ben Folds - Songs for Silverman
Berhana - Berhana EP
Blank Banshee - Mega
Big L - Lifestylez ov da Poor & Dangerous
Big L - The Big Picture
Big Sean & Metro Boomin - Double or Nothing
Big Thief - Masterpiece
Big Thief - Capacity
Bob Dylan - Empire Burlesque
Boogie Down Productions - Criminal Minded
Booker T. & The M.G.’s - Green Onions
Brockhampton - SATURATION
Brockhampton - SATURATION II
Brockhampton - SATURATION III
Capital STEEZ - AmeriKKKan Korruption
Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial
Carly Rae Jepsen - E•MO•TION
Chance the Rapper - 10 Day
Chance the Rapper - Acid Rap
Chance the Rapper - Coloring Book
Charles Mingus - Mingus Ah Um
Charli XCX - Pop 2
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Rest
Chet Baker - She Was Too Good To Me
Childish Gambino - Because the Internet
Childish Gambino - Awaken, My Love
City and Colour - If I Should Go Before You
Clarence Clarity - No Now
Clipping. - Splendor & Misery
Connan Mockasin - Forever Dolphin Love
Connan Mockasin - Caramel
Crosby, Stills, & Nash - Crosby, Stills, & Nash
Crywank - Tomorrow is Nearly Yesterday and Everyday is Stupid
Daniel Caesar - Freudian
Danny Brown - The Hybrid
Danny Brown - XXX
Danny Brown - Old
Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
Dave Brubeck - Time Out
David Bowie - Hunky Dory
David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars
David Bowie - Aladdin Sane
Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Death Grips - Exmilitary
Death Grips - The Money Store
Death Grips - No Love Deep Web
Death Grips - Government Plates
Death Grips - Fashion Week
Death Grips - The Powers That B
Death Grips - Interview 2016 EP
Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
Deerhoof - The Man, The King and The Girl
Deerhoof - The Runners Four
Deerhoof - The Magic
Deerhoof - Mountain Moves
Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest
Denzel Curry - Nostalgic 64
Denzel Curry - Imperial
DeYarmond Edison - Silent Signs
Dirty Projectors - The Glad Fact
Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
Dirty Projectors - Swing Lo Magellan
Dirty Projectors - Dirty Projectors
Earl Sweatshirt - Earl
Earl Sweatshirt - Doris
Earl Sweatshirt - I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside
Elucid - Valley of Grace
Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton
Everything Everything - Get to Heaven
Fantastic Negrito - The Last Days of Oakland
Father John Misty - Fear Fun
Father John Misty - I Love You, Honeybear
Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
Feist - Let It Die
Feist - The Reminder
Feist - Metals
Feist - Pleasure
Fever Ray - Plunge
FKA Twigs - LP1
Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up
Flying Lotus - 1984
Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma
Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra
Frank Ocean - channel Orange
Frank Ocean - Blonde
Freddie Gibbs - Shadow of a Doubt
Freddie Gibbs - You Only Live 2wice
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata
Ghost Ship Octavius - Ghost Ship Octavius
Girlpool - Powerplant
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Greta Van Fleet - Black Smoke Rising EP
Grizzly Bear - Horn of Plenty
Grizzly Bear - Yellow House
Grizzly Bear - Friend EP
Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
Grizzly Bear - Shields
Grizzly Bear - Painted Ruins
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Huncho Jack - Huncho Jack, Jack Huncho
Hurray For The Riff Raff - The Navigator
Ibibio Sound Machine - Uyai
Ice Cube - AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted
Ice Cube - Death Certificate
Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights
Isaiah Rashad - Cilvia Demo EP
Isaiah Rashad - The Sun’s Tirade
J Dilla - Donuts
J. Cole - 2014 Forest Hills Drive
J. Cole - 4 Your Eyes Only
Jaden Smith - SYRE
Japanese Breakfast - Soft Sounds From Another Planet
Jay Som - Everybody Works
Jlin - Black Origami
Joey Bada$$ - 1999
Joey Bada$$ - B4.Da.$$
Joey Bada$$ - All-AmeriKKKan Badass
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
Joni Mitchell - Ladies of the Canyon
Joni Mitchell - Blue
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark
Joni Mitchell - The Hissing of Summer Lawns
Julien Baker - Turn Out The Lights
Ka - The Knight’s Gamble
Ka - Honor Killed the Samurai
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith - The Kid
Kamaiyah - A Good Night in the Ghetto
Kamaiyah - Before I Wake
Kamasi Washington - The Epic
Karriem Riggins - Alone Together
Kaytranada - 99.9%
Kelela - Take Me Apart
Kendrick Lamar - Section.80
Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, m.A.A.d City
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar - untitled unmastered.
Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
Kesha - Rainbows
Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music
King Krule - 6 Feet Beneath the Moon
King Krule - The OOZ
LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem - This is Happening
LCD Soundsystem - american dream
Lil Pump - Lil Pump
Local Natives - Gorilla Manor
The Long Winters - Putting the Days to Bed
Lorde - Pure Heroine
Lorde - Melodrama
Lou Reed - Lou Reed
Lou Reed - Transformer
Mac DeMarco - Salad Days
Mac DeMarco - This Old Dog
Madlib - Shades of Blue: Madlib Invades Blue Note
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On?
Matmos - The Marriage of True Minds
Melvins - Eggnog EP
Melvins - Lice All EP
MF Doom - Operation Doomsday
MF Doom - Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs, Vol. 1 & 2
MF Doom - Mm.. Food
MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Mick Jenkins - The Water[s]
The Microphones - Don’t Wake Me Up
The Microphones - It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water
The Microphones - The Glow Pt. 2
The Microphones - Mount Eerie
Miles Davis - Porgy & Bess
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Miles Davis - Bitches Brew
Moses Sumney - Aromanticism
Mount Eerie - “No Flashlight” Songs of the Fulfilled Night
Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom
Mount Eerie - Dawn
Mount Eerie - Wind’s Poem
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
Mount Eerie - Ocean Roar
Mount Eerie - Sauna
Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked At Me
Mount Kimbie - Crooks & Lovers
Mount Kimbie - Cold Spring Fault Less Youth
Mount Kimbie - Love What Survives
The Mountain Goats - Goths
M83. - Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts
NAO - So Good EP
NAO - For All We Know
Nas - Illmatic
The National - The National
The National - Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
The National - Alligator
The National - Boxer
The National - High Violet
The National - Trouble Will Find Me
The National - Sleep Well Beast
Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms
Neon Indian - Era Extraña
Neon Indian - VEGA INTL. Night School
Neutral Milk Hotel - Everything Is EP
Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
New Order - Power, Corruption & Lies
Nick Murphy - Missing Link EP
Noname - Telefone
Notorious B.I.G. - Life After Death
Oddisee - The Iceberg
Open Mike Eagle - Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
The Pablo Collective - The Death of Pablo
Paramore - After Laughter
Perfume Genius - Put Your Back N 2 It
Perfume Genius - Too Bright
Perfume Genius - No Shape
Phoenix - Ti Amo
Phosphorescent - Muchacho
Pixies - Bossanova
Playboi Carti - Playboi Carti
Portishead - Dummy
The Postal Service - Give Up
Princess Nokia - 1992 Deluxe
Quelle Chris - Being You is Great, I Wish I Could Be You More Often
Quasimoto - The Unseen
Radiohead - Pablo Honey
Radiohead - The Bends
Radiohead - Kid A
Radiohead - Amnesiac
Radiohead - Hail to the Thief
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Radiohead - The King of Limbs
Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
Rapsody - Laila’s Wisdom
Ratt - Out of the Cellar
Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill
Richard Dawson - Peasant
Rogue Wave - Out of the Shadow
Run the Jewels - RTJ3
Sampha - Process
(Sandy) Alex G - Beach Music
(Sandy) Alex G - Rocket
SBTRKT - Wonder Where We Land
ScHoolboy Q - Oxymoron
ScHoolboy Q - Blank Face LP
Shabazz Palaces - Black Up
Shabazz Palaces - Lese Majesty
Shabazz Palaces - Quazars: Born on a Gangster Star
Shapes & Colors - Love / Sex / War EP
The Shelters - The Shelters
The Shouting Matches - Grownass Man
Slint - Spiderland
Smino - blkswn
Snakadaktal - Sleep in the Water
Soft Cell - Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret
Solange - A Seat at The Table
Sorority Noise - You’re Not As ___ As You Think
Spoon - Hot Thoughts
Squarepusher - Feed Me Weird Things
Squarepusher - Music is Rotted One Note
Squarepusher - Go Plastic
Squarepusher - Do You Know Squarepusher?
St. Vincent - Marry Me
St. Vincent - Actor
St. Vincent - Strange Mercy
St. Vincent - St. Vincent
Stan Getz & Cher Baker - Stan Meets Chet
Substantial - The Past is Always Present in The Future
Sufjan Stevens - Michigan
Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
Syd - Fin
SZA - Ctrl
The Tallest Man on Earth - Shallow Grave
The Tallest Man on Earth - The Wild Hunt
The Tallest Man on Earth - There’s No Leaving Now
The Tallest Man on Earth - Dark Bird is Home
Temple of the Dog - Temple of the Dog
This is the Kit - Where it Lives
This is the Kit - Bashed Out
This is the Kit - Moonshine Freeze
Thom Yorke - The Eraser
Thundercat - The Golden Age of Apocalypse
Thundercat - Drunk
Todd Terje - It’s Album Time
Tonedeff - Polymer
Travis Scott - Rodeo
A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
A Tribe Called Quest - We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your Service
Tycho - Past Is Prologue
Tycho - Dive
Tycho - Awake
Tycho - Epoch
Tyler, The Creator - Bastard
Tyler, The Creator - Goblin
Tyler, The Creator - Wolf
Tyler, The Creator - Cherry Bomb
Tyler, The Creator - Flower Boy
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
Vagabon - Infinite Worlds
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Vampire Weekend - Contra
Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
Van Morrison - Astral Weeks
Vince Staples - Hell Can Wait EP
Vince Staples - Summertime ’06
Vince Staples - Prima Donna EP
Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
Volcano Choir - Unmap
Volcano Choir - Repave
The War on Drugs - Wagonwheel Blues
The War on Drugs - Future Weather EP
The War on Drugs - Slave Ambient
The War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream
The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding
Warren G - Regulate… G Funk Era
Wavves - You’re Welcome
We Made God - It’s Getting Colder
The Weeknd - Beauty Behind the Madness
WIFE - What’s Between
Wiley - Godfather
Wolf Parade - Wolf Parade EP
Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary
Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer
Wolf Parade - Expo 86
X - Los Angeles
Xiu Xiu - Forget
The xx - Coexist
The xx - I See You
Yes - Close to the Edge
YG - Still Brazy
Young Pappy - 2 Cups Part 2 of Everything
Young Thug - Beautiful Thugger Girls
Young Thug & Carnage - Young Martha
Your Old Droog - Packs
Zola Jesus - Stridulum
Zola Jesus - Okovi
21 Savage, Offset & Metro Boomin - Without Warning
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Brooklyn, 1978. Ed Koch was mayor, Saturday Night Fever was the soundtrack of the summer, and a garbage-filled lot on East Fourth Street was being cleaned up, bag by bag, day by day, by a band of committed neighbors on a mission. Forty years later, we celebrate the tenacity and vision of the community members who made and still make the East Fourth Street Community Garden what it is today: a place of respite and reflection, of education and conservation. On Saturday, September 22, come out for a free, event-packed anniversary party that’s been 40 years in the making! We start the day at 9AM with a meditation class by Jaya Yoga, surrounded by the beauty of the garden’s flowers and trees. Our celebration’s official opening ceremony is at 10AM, as we honor the local veterans who gave the garden its identity as a memorial garden. Children’s activities begin at 10:30AM, with a singalong class led by Joanne Riel, whose musical play will encourage children and their families to explore expression, creativity and learning through music and movement. Joanne will sing some children’s favorites, multicultural music as well as songs from her CD, Flying Teapot. And speaking of kids, the garden will also have face painting and sidewalk chalk drawing—and a children’s gardening workshop at 2PM. Our CSA partner, Garden of Eve, sponsors a fermentation class with Chef Cheryl Paswater at 11AM. This class is hands-on and for all levels of cooking, so bring a glass jar and some veggies to transform into delicious treats you'll enjoy for weeks to come. Put some summer in a jar on the first day of fall! Craving something sweet? We’ll be selling baked goodies too, while supplies last. And at 11:30AM, one of our garden volunteers conducts a workshop on indoor composting—with a twist. This class, open to kids and adults, will demonstrate how to compost food scraps indoors using a worm bin. You’ll never look at a worm the same way again. At 12PM, we’re visited by local tribal belly dance troupe Witchmaste, whose shimmies and undulations will mesmerize the crowd on this autumnal equinox. Before you know it, you’ll be trying out some new moves yourself—Witchmaste encourages audience participation. We’ll also have a beer-brewing workshop starting at noon. Held in front of the garden’s hop garden, the workshop will go through the entire process to make a batch of homebrew and include a discussion of ingredients, creating beer recipes, and growing your own hops! At 2:30PM, we switch to quieter fare: as poets reading under the Sweet Action banner share their sublime works on the garden’s lawn. Founded in 2014, Sweet Action creates a welcoming space for a diverse group of women, nonbinary, and LGBTQIA poets. We close out the day’s celebration with a return engagement by the Brooklyn Bluegrass Collective at 3:30PM. (A garden never can have enough bluegrass!) The BBC’s second studio album, Volume 2, features local bluegrass talents. We’re pleased to have the Collective back for its second September concert in a row. But the festivities don’t end then. Come back on Sunday, September 23, for some gentle qigong at 10AM. Its simple sequence of flowing movements, breathing techniques, self-massage, and guided meditation will help promote feelings of balance, relaxation, and renewal. Our practice will be led by Marisa Carroll, Certified Healer-Within Qigong Practice Leader, The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi. Then at 4PM, we are happy to present an opening reception for the garden’s third annual art show, “Jewel Box,” featuring works by Eric Boucourt, Deborah Morris, and Tom Brown. Come enjoy a delightful afternoon with your neighbors, some yummy nibbles, and a trove of artworks to uncover along our lovely shade garden path. The East Fourth Street Community Garden, located between Fort Hamilton Parkway and Caton Avenue, has served the neighborhoods of Windsor Terrace and Kensington for 40 years. All events at the garden are FREE; check our upcoming events here or on our Facebook page.
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Armenian American Museum Announces Historic Groundbreaking In Summer 2021
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/armenian-american-museum-announces-historic-groundbreaking-in-summer-2021-68577-26-01-2021/
Armenian American Museum Announces Historic Groundbreaking In Summer 2021
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An architect’s rendering of the Armenian American Museum
GLENDALE—The Board of Trustees of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California have announced the historic groundbreaking of the highly anticipated landmark center in Summer 2021 – a major milestone for the community that has been years in the making.
The Glendale City Council officially kicked off the groundbreaking year with the approval of the refined museum building design and the waiving of city permit and plan check fees valued at $671,000.
The Armenian American Museum will rise to a two-level 50,820 square foot museum complex built on a one-level semi-subterranean parking garage. The first level will feature the grand lobby, auditorium, learning center, demonstration kitchen, gift shop, and administrative offices. The second level will be dedicated to the permanent and temporary exhibition galleries as well as the collections archives.
The cultural and educational center’s programming plans include producing and hosting powerful, immersive, and thought-provoking permanent and temporary exhibitions, leading meaningful dialogues and discussions through engaging public programs, providing educational programs for adults, youth, kids, and families, preserving Armenian heritage through the museum’s collections and archives, and serving as an iconic venue for memorable experiences, gatherings, and celebrations.
A side view of the Museum
“The highly anticipated groundbreaking of the Armenian American Museum represents a historic accomplishment for our community, and we believe it will be a symbol of hope and spirited resiliency for America, Armenia, and Artsakh during these challenging and unprecedented times,” stated Executive Chairman Berdj Karapetian. “The Board of Trustees and museum leadership wishes to express its sincere gratitude for the steadfast commitment and generous support of our donors, stakeholders, committees, volunteers, and government partners for this collective achievement.”
The Armenian American Museum was born in 2014 when the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee Western USA officially adopted the museum as its landmark project to honor the memory of the 1.5 million martyrs who perished in the Armenian Genocide and to help build and define the next centennial of the community as a message of strength, perseverance, and hope for future generations.
In 2015, the museum’s Board of Trustees was established, entrusting the governance of the project to ten united Armenian American cultural, philanthropic, and religious non-profit organizations. The Board of Trustees includes the Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union Western District, Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Relief Society Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
In 2018, the Glendale City Council approved the museum’s $1-per-year Ground Lease Agreement, officially marking Central Park as the future site of cultural and educational center. The initial term of the Ground Lease Agreement will be 55 years with options to extend the lease term for four 10-year periods totaling 95 years. The museum will neighbor the Downtown Central Library, Museum of Neon Art (MONA), and The Americana at Brand.
In 2019, the Glendale City Council approved an $18.5 million makeover and expansion of Central Park. The proposal includes the creation of a new central lawn connecting the museum and library, an outdoor amphitheater for live performances, a children’s park with playgrounds and splash pads, and outdoor recreational amenities for the community. The city and museum plan to collaborate on the programming of outdoor events in the downtown park.
The Armenian American Museum has assembled a team of experienced museum and industry professionals to provide guidance and expertise in construction, design, programming, and development for the landmark center. The museum’s design team led by Alajajian Marcoosi Architects will be formally submitting the project’s construction documents to the City of Glendale to initiate the plan check process.
The museum’s Groundbreaking Campaign has raised more than $14 million in contributions, pledges, and grants. The State of California has invested an unprecedented $8 million in support of the center through the efforts of Governor Gavin Newsom, Senator Anthony J. Portantino, and Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian. Los Angeles County has contributed $1 million to the center through a generous grant by Supervisor Kathryn Barger. The Board of Trustees plan to announce naming opportunities for the legacy project later this year.
The museum will be announcing its plans for the Groundbreaking Ceremony in Spring 2021.
The mission of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. The vision is a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice.
Read original article here.
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pansexual-potatoes · 4 years
Who is your hero?: I don’t have one.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?: I’d become a woods witch, of sorts. I picture it as a cabin so deep in the woods you only find it if you’re lost. Me, my dog and Frank (if we’re theoretically still married) in a very cute cabin with a little mailbox that’s never used and a short walkway to nowhere in particular. I’d have foxglove and lupine up front, hosta and ferns in the shaded areas and a wooden fence around my garden. No driveway but I’d have a shed with a snowmobile, snowblower, and shovel for the winter and a four wheeler, and a tiny car for the summer. I’d have a fire pit for campfires, a hot tub and a pool. Attached to the back of the house would be a greenhouse with a dining area for warm weather. Despite my rural living, I’d get great cell service and excellent internet.
What is your biggest fear?: Losing the people I care about.
What is your favorite family vacation?: My family growing up didn’t do vacations but my husband and I do. I also do fun stuff with my best friend.
What would you change about yourself if you could?: My looks
What really makes you angry?: Disrespect
What motivates you to work hard?: I have bills to pay, and we need to eat.
What is your favorite thing about your career?: I enjoy the plants. I work in a commercial greenhouse and for most of the year the plants are really nice.
What is your biggest complaint about your job?: the pay and lack of needed benefits are big problems.
What is your proudest accomplishment? I’m still here.
What is your child's proudest accomplishment?: Bailey learned to lay down. So far he’s learned Sit, Shake and lay down. I think next we’ll teach him to stay.
What is your favorite book to read?: cookbooks, lol. I actually love reading but my eyes can’t do it much anymore.
What makes you laugh the most?: memes
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? I don’t like movie theaters. I think the last movie I saw in one was the newest grinch movie and I thought it was a cute movie. I liked how they humanized him and brought his situation into scale.
What did you want to be when you were small? An oceanographer, then a marine biologist
What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? Bailey, I’m assuming, wants to be a smart, happy and curious doggo.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Mentally healthy
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? I don’t watch sports.
Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m in hell being punished, then you’ll see me on a bike. Horses are nice for leisure. Car if I have errands to run or am busy.
What would you sing at Karaoke night?:
I’m not singing
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
I don’t listen to the radio. I have Amazon music
Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
Any of those except the dishes.
If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Yard work. I don’t trust people that much except a very few people so cleaning is out of the question. I love cooking so wouldn’t need help there usually either. Yard work is impersonal enough where I’d feel more comfortable with someone doing that.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Salad. Anything can be a salad if you try hard and believe in yourself
Who is your favorite author?
Anne Rice
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?:
Not any that weren’t degrading
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not?
Generally not a fan. I have anxiety and I don’t like being the center of attention.
In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?
Any except visiting relatives.
Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why?
Hawaii. The warmth and hiking would be incredible, the beaches pretty and the cold makes my body hurt.
Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why?
Hm. Win the lottery. It would allow me to help not just myself but others too.
Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?
No one. If I’m stranded, I’m not going to make it. I don’t want someone else to go through that. I’ll just suffer alone, thanks.
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Help people who are struggling.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
How would your friends describe you?
According to them, I’m nice but straightforward.
What are your hobbies?
I like cooking, hiking, makeup, and relaxing
What is the best gift you have been given?
Companionship in all it’s forms.
What is the worst gift you have received?
Domino’s and a pack of socks to share with my brother (we had to share both). This was from my moms second husbands mom and we had to sit and watch our then step sister open a pile of gifts. We were kids, and my mom and her second husband had been married for a few years at that point so there was zero reason for us to be treated like that.
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
List two pet peeves.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully further along with my mental health
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
3- 1 for home, 2 for work
If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
I’d want to be able to financially help people
What would you do if you won the lottery?
First, before I tell ANYONE, my house is getting paid off. Ditto for all our bills. Once all that’s done, then I’ll let Frank know. From there on we decide what we want to do together
What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)
Train isn’t bad, neither is bus.
What's your favorite zoo animal?
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
If Frank and I could go back with the knowledge we have now we wouldn’t get licensed for foster care.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
My husband, my best friend, Nina, and Gerard Way
How many pillows do you sleep with?
2 when I’m awake, 1 once I fall asleep
What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? Like 3 days. I was having a mental breakdown and ended up in the hospital.
What's the tallest building you've been to the top in?
No idea.
Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?
Depends on the ratio between what you lose versus what you gain.
How often do you buy clothes?
As needed.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Of course not
What's your favorite holiday?
Definitely Christmas
What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
I fought continuously for ownership of myself in a house where I was viewed as less important than furniture because I was female. I dressed as a boy, quit bathing and became as repulsive as I could so I wouldn’t be attractive to the men or women in my moms lifestyle.
What was the last thing you recorded on TV?
I don’t
What was the last book you read?
Working on a new one.
What's your favorite type of foreign food?
Love Asian foods I’ve tried
Are you a clean or messy person?
Messy, I guess.
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
No one. I wouldn’t want people to see what I went through.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About a half hour
What kitchen appliance do you use every day?
The Keurig
What's your favorite fast food chain?
I don’t like most of them, tbh. Maybe Subway?
What's your favorite family recipe?
My moms bread recipe
Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
As long as they’re not super tall I don’t mind them
What's your favorite family tradition?
The Christmas Poinsettia
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Probably meeting my best friend.
What's your favorite movie?
The nightmare before Christmas
How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out?
I don’t remember.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
I’m just glad it has something to drink
What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
I got married.
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
Food, water, and a boat to get me home.
What was your favorite subject in school?
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
Do you collect anything?
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Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
Comfortable clothes. I’m going to wear them regardless but it would be nice to have a bigger selection to choose from
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Absolutely an introvert.
Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise)
No and I’m fine with that.
Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
Not that I’m aware of.
What do you do to keep fit?
Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
Baseline living guarantees
Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
I didn’t really have a teacher I was close to.
What three things do you think of the most each day?
My family, my job, and my obligations
If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
Warning: Avoid asking questions you don’t want an honest answer for. All attempts at niceness will be tried but there is no guarantee of satisfaction.
What song would you say best sums you up?
I have no idea. There are many who describe parts of me but not one I can think of that describes me as a whole.
What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
Weird Al. He seems like a pretty chill guy who wouldn’t mind chatting with an average person.
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?
My lilacs.
On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
Like a 2
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully much further along with my mental health
What was your first job?
Picking pine cones out of this ladies yard.
If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?
How many languages do you speak?
English and a lot of American Sign Language
Who is the most intelligent person you know?
My husband
If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?
Probably a bear. I’m not super social, enjoy sleeping through the winter as much as possible, am selective in my social obligations,enjoy fish and berries, avoid people if possible
What is one thing you will never do again?
Drive a semi.
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jeremystrele · 4 years
A Spectacular Northern Rivers Home Built By The Whole Family!
A Spectacular Northern Rivers Home Built By The Whole Family!
by Lucy Feagins, Editor
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Hannah Fewson, with her parents Jane and David Fewson, and Hannah’s daughter Purslane (Pursy) with bull terrier Len and blue heeler Bean. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Artwork on the right made by a group of Namibian women using potato stamps. Artwork on right by Jane and David’s other daughter Holly Fewson back in high school. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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A mix of jasmine and bleeding heart vine comes in the upstairs windows, and fills the whole house with their heady scent in spring. Also in this room are the few pieces Jane shipped over from her family farm house in Yorkshire: an old oak chest, small turned rocking chair, and a timber inlay artwork inherited from her great aunty Anne on the wall. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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A long view of the ‘winter room’ running the width of the house painted in Dulux Natural White. Landscape on the end wall by  Shaz Rhodes. All furniture is from the tip shop, road side, inherited or thrifted. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Hannah breastfeeding and chatting with Jane. The two large picture frames windows at either end are called the ‘snorkels’ by the family, and you can sit in the window frames and watch storms come in. The two antique arm chairs were collected from hard rubbish and reupholstered. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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View from the main bedroom into the winter room. Antique chais collected from hard rubbish and reupholstered. P Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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View down the side hall into the guest bedroom and mini study desk. Central Desert carved snake above door. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Guest bedroom with a door into the walk-in robe. David built the bed from structural laminated veneer lumber left over from the stairs. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Main bedroom en suite with bath, antique French plant pot, Moroccan rug, and two old chairs for chatting! Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Another view of the guest bedroom. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Main bedroom with view into en suite. David made this bed from salvaged timber from the build, and eucalyptus sticks from the property. Jumbled mix of second hand furniture, rugs and cushions. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Downstairs view of the office. Antique ‘carpet chair.’ Copper plumbing pipe on the staircase balustrade. Tiny drink table made by Hannah from a stump and sticks.  Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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From the top of the stairwell, with spears from the Central Desert on the right. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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The living room.  Art deco side lamp on the far right, and an old dentist’s floor lamp from the same era. Reupholstered road side rescued sofas. Mid-century Danish leather armchair. Old English tapestry above the fireplace. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Close up of the fireplace David bricked up. Old English tapestry above. Charcoal hand by Hannah. Large slab of limestone as the hearth from a local friend’s farm. Old English tapestry stool next to sofa. Detail of the wall light shrouds David had laser cut from ply. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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The central pillar in the downstairs room sort of divides the space into office, dining, living, kitchen areas. ‘We call it the ‘aorta’ as we had to put it in to run all the plumbing and electrics from upstairs!’ says Hannah. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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All kitchen cabinetry made by a local friend from salvaged timber. Sliding window above cooktop acts as a rangehood. The floor is the original concrete slab of the house/the old floor of the garage downstairs. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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The dining table was a former macadamia sorting table left in the shed when the property was bought! David made the top for it from timbers salvaged from old roof of the house. Hippeastrums from Hannah’s mother in law’s garden in a fish bowl on the table. Antique glass light shades bought off eBay. The huge Persian rug was found sodden outside a rug shop and bought for half price. ‘They left it in the rain and couldn’t move it – it was so heavy once it got wet!’ Hannah says. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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The Paddock Hall guest house Airbnb built and run by the family on the same property. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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David in his everyday work attire in the potting shed. Photo – Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Paddock Hall’s claw foot bath on the verandah. Photo –  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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Hannah, Jane and Pursy on the lawn, in front of the sliding kitchen window, (for passing tea and toast through!). The family eat breakfast at the antique French wrought iron table.  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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The impressive home exterior.  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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View from the pool to the barbecue area.  The golden cypress cladding is morphing and ‘greying off’ in the weather, as it is untreated.  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
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The pool! ‘Perfect as it’s deciduous, so provides shade in summer and lets the warmth in in winter,’ says Hannah.  Jessie Prince for The Design Files. Styling – Louella Boitel-Gill
In 2014, Jane and David Fewson drove around Australia in an old converted fire engine. It was on this trip that they fell in love with the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales, so much so that they decided to pack up their life in Fremantle and make the move to a small town located 30-minutes south-west of Byron Bay. They bought a large, rundown home on a 20-acre former macadamia farm that needed some serious work. 
Jane and David’s daughter Hannah Fewson joined them shortly after, to help with the renovations. ‘Mum and Dad looked at many properties. This one’s location just felt right, and we liked that although there wasn’t a grand view, all of the 20-acres were usable and not a steep escarpment,’ says Hannah.
Seven years later, and Jane, David, Hannah, her fiancé James and their 18-month-old daughter Purslane are all living in the spectacular home they built together. On the same 20-acre block is a cosy Airbnb rental Paddock Hall, built a couple of years ago and managed by Hannah, as well as an old Queenslander that Hannah and James had trucked down from Brisbane. They plan to move into it after they’ve completed their own renovation.
Jane and David’s house was in a state of disrepair when purchasing, but has now been completely transformed by the family. David owns the post and beam barn carpentry company Brotherwood, and undertook leading the charge of the renovations himself. 
It’s hard to believe this open, expansive home was once a was a large brick 1970s build with all the living upstairs, small hallways and pokey rooms. Downstairs was an enclosed drive-in garage with a roller door. Hannah explains just some of the extensive renovations they undertook: ‘We took the pitched roof off, brought the ceiling height up, and made a parapet around the new roof to give the external appearance of a flat roof. We clad the exterior upstairs with macrocarpa (or golden cypress) and rendered and painted the downstairs exterior. We polished the original concrete pad downstairs that became the floor for the living area, dining area and kitchen, and clad all the internal walls with lining boards.’
The whole configuration of the upstairs layout was changed, and the walls ripped out, to become four bedrooms, one ensuite and one bathroom.
Much of the family home has been made from found or upcycled materials. A local cabinet maker and friend built the kitchen out of found white beech, as well as all the internal doors and windows that were crafted from recycled timber. David built the dining room table out of timber from the original roof, and floorboards were discovered and polished after getting rid of the rotting orange (flea infested!) upstairs carpet!
Despite these significant changes, there are still a few footprints (literally) from the original owners. ‘Kenny’s [the previous owner’s] footprints are still in our polished concrete floors downstairs, as he poured the original pad and according to local lore, only owned one pair of shoes – the ones he was married in,’ says Hannah! 
The family have filled the spaces with mostly second hand pieces they’ve inherited, thrifted, reupholstered, or bought off Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace. David also built some furniture items, including all the beds! A backdrop of crisp Dulux Lexicon Quarter white on the internal walls ties together this lovingly haphazard collection of pieces. 
As well as the renovations currently underway on Hannah and James’ transported  Queenslander (!), they group are also building another Airbnb on site, called One Oh Seven R. ‘It’s mid-century-esque underground concrete space, inspired by spaceships and the Thunderbirds. This will have a vegetated roof, a wall of massive steel, and glass sliding doors,’ says Hannah. We can’t WAIT to see how that turns out!
Find the Paddock Hall Airbnb here and keep up with One Oh Seven R’s progress here!
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armeniaitn · 4 years
Armenian American Museum announces groundbreaking in summer 2021
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/armenian-american-museum-announces-groundbreaking-in-summer-2021-68529-26-01-2021/
Armenian American Museum announces groundbreaking in summer 2021
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The Board of Trustees of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California have announced the historic groundbreaking of the highly anticipated landmark center in Summer 2021 – a major milestone for the community that has been years in the making.
The Glendale City Council officially kicked off the groundbreaking year with the approval of the refined museum building design and the waiving of city permit and plan check fees valued at $671,000.
The Armenian American Museum will rise to a two-level 50,820 square foot museum complex built on a one-level semi-subterranean parking garage. The first level will feature the grand lobby, auditorium, learning center, demonstration kitchen, gift shop, and administrative offices. The second level will be dedicated to the permanent and temporary exhibition galleries as well as the collections archives.
The cultural and educational center’s programming plans include producing and hosting powerful, immersive, and thought-provoking permanent and temporary exhibitions, leading meaningful dialogues and discussions through engaging public programs, providing educational programs for adults, youth, kids, and families, preserving Armenian heritage through the museum’s collections and archives, and serving as an iconic venue for memorable experiences, gatherings, and celebrations.
“The highly anticipated groundbreaking of the Armenian American Museum represents a historic accomplishment for our community, and we believe it will be a symbol of hope and spirited resiliency for America, Armenia, and Artsakh during these challenging and unprecedented times,” stated Executive Chairman Berdj Karapetian.
“The Board of Trustees and museum leadership wishes to express its sincere gratitude for the steadfast commitment and generous support of our donors, stakeholders, committees, volunteers, and government partners for this collective achievement,” he added.
The Armenian American Museum was born in 2014 when the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee Western USA officially adopted the museum as its landmark project to honor the memory of the 1.5 million martyrs who perished in the Armenian Genocide and to help build and define the next centennial of the community as a message of strength, perseverance, and hope for future generations.
In 2015, the museum’s Board of Trustees was established, entrusting the governance of the project to ten united Armenian American cultural, philanthropic, and religious non-profit organizations. The Board of Trustees includes the Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union Western District, Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Relief Society Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
In 2018, the Glendale City Council approved the museum’s $1-per-year Ground Lease Agreement, officially marking Central Park as the future site of cultural and educational center. The initial term of the Ground Lease Agreement will be 55 years with options to extend the lease term for four 10-year periods totaling 95 years. The museum will neighbor the Downtown Central Library, Museum of Neon Art (MONA), and The Americana at Brand.
In 2019, the Glendale City Council approved an $18.5 million makeover and expansion of Central Park. The proposal includes the creation of a new central lawn connecting the museum and library, an outdoor amphitheater for live performances, a children’s park with playgrounds and splash pads, and outdoor recreational amenities for the community. The city and museum plan to collaborate on the programming of outdoor events in the downtown park.
The Armenian American Museum has assembled a team of experienced museum and industry professionals to provide guidance and expertise in construction, design, programming, and development for the landmark center. The museum’s design team led by Alajajian Marcoosi Architects will be formally submitting the project’s construction documents to the City of Glendale to initiate the plan check process.
The museum’s Groundbreaking Campaign has raised more than $14 million in contributions, pledges, and grants. The State of California has invested an unprecedented $8 million in support of the center through the efforts of Governor Gavin Newsom, Senator Anthony J. Portantino, and Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian. Los Angeles County has contributed $1 million to the center through a generous grant by Supervisor Kathryn Barger. The Board of Trustees plan to announce naming opportunities for the legacy project later this year.
The museum will be announcing its plans for the Groundbreaking Ceremony in Spring 2021.
Read original article here.
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What Is The Best Best Graffiti Removal Products Service?
What Is The Best Graffiti Removal Rates Company?
Table of ContentsHow Much Should I Pay For Graffiti Removal Techniques Services?What Is The Best Removal Graffiti Software?What Is The Best Graffiti Removal Near Me Program?
Graffiti is a Criminal Activity New York (Image credit: Art Magazin) Graffiti Is a Criminal activity is the first of Banksy's pieces from his month long 'residency' in New York City in October 2013. It's in fact primarily a vintage store, and an actually good one at that it's the sort of store you 'd go to to discover a 1970s Expense Blass jeans jumpsuit and a pair of deceived (graffiti removal).
Custom NYC Tours Tours Private New York City Tours: Summer Season + Fall 2020 Central Park Art Deco & Landmarks of Midtown High Line & Hudson Yards Victorian Flatbush Possibility Park Tour Billionaires Row: Increase of the Supertalls Street Art & Graffiti Tours Customized Tour Options Seasonal Tours. Director: Tony Silver Stars: Satanic Force, Kase 2, Eric Haze, D.
Graffiti of NYC - Jared Erickson Jared Erickson #graffiti #nyc #bike. The accepted theory is that graffiti art was produced spontaneously with hip-hop's other components, at some point in the early 1970s. We are devoted to being the greenest window cleaning company in the tri-state area and make every effort to have the most affordable carbon footprint possible by utilizing bio-degradable products and (graffiti removal).
Offered the huge influence graffiti art has had on our pop culture, from music, movie, and tv to great art, toys, and clothes, it's easy to forget the kind's modest roots and exceptional evolution-- how what started as a way for bored kids to kill time turned into a movement bigger than anyone could potentially have pictured. graffiti removal. 0: 5,574 views: 10 years back in Arts & Literature: Share on Facebook: Permalink: Embed: Email: New York's Finest Graffiti - It. Graffiti art utilized by the blood group to express the message of the group, let me just as a way of course they stay worried about the quality of the making of graffiti art, both in the form of the alphabet, letters, and others.
Jul 1, 2016 - Check out radriot's board "Graffiti" on Pinterest. While this space was traditionally a hub for shipping and commerce, the site has sat uninhabited given that the 1990s. Director: Tony Silver Stars: Devil, Kase 2, Eric Haze, D. We concentrate on designing impactful and trend setting custom artwork for services.
Maybe she or he will discuss the late Jean-Michel Basquiat, who started as a graffiti artist in New york city's Lower East Side in the 1970s prior to becoming popular; one of his paintings sold at a. If you want more for us older kids, we likewise have [] Authorities recovered 2 stun guns, smoke grenades, and break-in and graffiti tools.
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How Much Does A Graffiti Removal Business Cost?
In previous years, December designer sample sales consisted of L'Oreal, Botkier, Autumn Cashmere, Theory and Diane von Furstenberg and many more. The underground art form that was birthed in the train lawns and streets of New York City in the late 1960s and grew in the early 1980s rapidly made its method to London.
New York City City has actually stopped a popular graffiti-removal program, aggravating company owner attempting to combat vandalism. Banksy changes Migrant Road Sign into DREAM Crossing. This began a crackdown on "lifestyle criminal offenses" throughout the city, and one of the largest anti-graffiti campaigns in U. web - wholesale graffiti materials.
See more concepts about Graffiti art, Graffiti, New york city graffiti (graffiti removal). AG Graffiti-Re GraffitiArte Graffitibox Graffiti Collector Graffiti Hamburg Graffiti Hamburg 80 Graffiti Kings Graffiti Planet Graffiti Stockholm Graffiti @ Yokohama Graffiti Zone Kiev GraffitiFilms. The very first graffiti message was identified on a wall at a Annadale underpass. Because 1999 We've worked to both style & collect the most full included, advanced, digital typefaces for developing wildstyles, handstyles, throwies, obstructs & more with graffiti letter designs from the old-fashioned to the brand-new.
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Cops recovered two stun weapons, smoke grenades, and theft and graffiti tools. graffiti removal. So, we can verify that. bombingscience. Votes: 2,643. Swoon is a New York City. Let's face it: you can't take a stroll around the concrete jungle without stopping. Graffiti in New York City. Cuomo told Mayor de Blasio Thursday to get rid of graffiti blaring anti-police messages like "Kill all cops" and "F-- k cops" from courts, calling it "another sign of decay" in the.
The Graffiti Free NYC graffiti elimination program for residential and commercial structures has been suspended forever so the City can commit resources to important requirements. The movie is a hybrid of a narrative musical and documentary, having the real and popular hip-hop pioneers play themselves in a loosely scripted story shot totally on place in The South Bronx and.
Embrace this New York art kind yourself with this personal Brooklyn graffiti workshop. The Bushwick Collective, East Village Walls, Gandhi and Mother Teresa Mural, Banksy, Houston Bowery Wall, Graffiti Hall of Fame, The Snoopy Collection, World Trade Plaza & High Line. 924808608. The leading spots to see graffiti in NYC From storied walls to interesting brand-new spaces, here are the must-see outside spots displaying the city's finest street art and graffiti.
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Oct 21, 2014 - Check out Ann M's board "GRAFFITTI" on Pinterest. When Long Island City's famed 5Pointz murallong heralded as a capital for aerosol artistswas taken apart to make method for a property (graffiti removal). New york city City law prohibits individuals between the ages of 18 and 21 from having "graffiti instruments" unless they are in locked containers.
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See more ideas about Graffiti, Graffiti art, Street art. No bullshit commercials or bothersome infections - only real documentaries and movies of raw uncut graffiti action. Petersburg (graffiti removal). Patrick's Cathedral throughout #NYCPROTEST Saturday. Many of the graffiti remained in Russian; a sooty word cloud of Cyrillic names, indecencies and. This photo appears in the following galleries: Images of NoLiTa.
Welcome to MyFonts, the # 1 place to download excellent @font- face webfonts and desktop fonts: classics (Baskerville, Futura, Garamond) alongside hot brand-new typefaces (TT Lakes Neue, Alkes, Rockford Sans). 50 Cent Original Painting 40 Art Music Rap Hip Hop New York City Graffiti Richard Day. Site developed by Fabara Designs. New York's famous kings of graffiti and b-boys own a special location in the hip hop pantheon.
The book features roughly 1,000 images, complemented by texts by the authors and appropriate gamers in the motion, in addition to detailed graphics and sidebars. Graffiti is a Criminal Activity New York (Image credit: Art Magazin) Graffiti Is a Crime is the very first of Banksy's pieces from his month long 'residency' in New York City in October 2013.
You don't have to take a trip far from most Manhattan houses to discover an outstanding screen of imaginative skill because regard, to the point where New York is typically placed at the peak of round ups detailing excellent. net - wholesale graffiti materials. See more ideas about Graffiti art, Graffiti, Nyc graffiti.
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daveliuz · 4 years
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
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Luckily, if you’re a amateur back it comes to decorating with wallpaper, there are a scattering of allegiant designs that accomplish selecting an clear arrangement a breeze. “Wallpapers such as Zebras by Scalamandré, Citrus Garden by Schumacher, and Brazilliance by Dorothy Draper are so adventurous and whimsical, they about cartel you to not be happy,” says Jessica Geller of Toledo Geller. “There is a faculty of acquaintance with these iconic wallpaper patterns, so while they are abundantly bold, they additionally feel safe because—whether you apprehend it or not—you’ve apparently apparent them again over the years in architecture books, magazines, and movies.” Looking for a allegorical wallpaper arrangement to apply in your own home? Scroll bottomward to apprehend added about bristles of the greatest wallpaper designs of all time, with acumen from our experts to boot.
Meet the 5 Trendiest Houseplants of Summer 2020
Including the ultra-popular bulb aerial off the shelves at Trader Joe’s.
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Based on a 1947 archival book by Austrian artist and artist Josef Frank, Citrus Garden by Schumacher has continued been admired by architecture enthusiasts for its whimsy and warmth. “I aboriginal apparent Citrus Garden in the Schumacher annal back I was alive on a appropriate activity as the editor-in-chief of a arch magazine,” says Dara Caponigro, the artistic administrator at Schumacher. “I spied the happy, avant-garde book and knew it had article appropriate about it—it was ambrosial and friendly, but it additionally had an astonishing sophistication. In 2014, back I began my job as Artistic Administrator for Schumacher, my aboriginal appointment was creating our 125th ceremony collection. Guess which arrangement was top of my account to reissue? It’s been a delinquent hit anytime back and I anticipate it’s because it makes you smile and brings burning joy to any space.”
Originally advised in 1945 by Flora Scalamandré (Franco Scalamandré’s wife) for the again newly-opened Gino of Capri restaurant on New York City’s Upper East Side, Zebras by Scalamandré is arguably the best apparent wallpaper arrangement of all time. The activated account of two zebras leaping on a active red accomplishments was aggressive by the restaurant owner’s affection for animals and dream of one day demography an African safari—and it charcoal aloof as accepted today as it was 75 years ago. “I anticipate the architecture itself leaves abundant ‘room’ for the eyewitness to actualize their own ‘backstory’ about it,” explains Faith Stoveld, the business administrator at Scalamandré. “It is aloof the appropriate bulk of fanciful, graphic, and chichi to alive through decades and decades of architecture and bypass any cursory trends.”
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Released in 1965 as a modern, august beastly print, Les Touches by Brunschwig & Fils reads allotment polka dot and allotment abstruse pattern, authoritative it able abundant to assignment in aloof about any space. Within years of its release, the bolt and wallpaper architecture was accessible in a ambit of colorways, including dejected and pink, accepting its abode as the ascendant beastly book of the autogenous architecture world. “Combined with the analogous fabric, it makes a able account in any room, but can additionally alloy able-bodied with added patterns,” Karpf says. Adds Laurie Blumenfeld-Russo of Laurie Blumenfeld Design,”Animal prints never go out of style.”
Created in 1937 by allegorical autogenous decorator Dorothy Draper, Brazilliance was originally advised for the Arrowhead Springs Hotel in San Bernardino, California, as able-bodied as the Quitandinha, in Brazil. Generally apish but never duplicated, the adventurous Hollywood Regency-style assistant blade book has back fabricated its way assimilate the walls of several added iconic hotels, including The Greenbrier in West Virginia and, conceivably best famously, The Colony in Palm Beach. “Mrs. Draper generally said in the office, ‘Show me annihilation that looks like gravy!'” Brinsley Matthews​, the controlling carnality admiral of Dorothy Draper & Company says. “Brazilliance is abandon from all the drab.”
Based on a 19th-century bolt book that allegorical decorator John Fowler apparent while blockage at England’s acclaimed Bowood estate, Bowood by Colefax and Fowler is the apotheosis of archetypal chintz. Originally appear in 1938, the wallpaper architecture still perseveres as one of the brand’s acknowledged prints, authoritative its way into modern-day spaces for its constant qualities. “The colors are serene, yet able and the floral arrangement is so timeless,” says autogenous artist Elizabeth Cooper. “It works aloof as able-bodied in homes today as it did in the 1940s.” Blumenfeld-Russo, agrees: “Floral trends appear and go, but this architecture carries a able dosage of nostalgia.”
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gsasustainability · 4 years
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Flora Robson 
Painting and Printmaking
There is tree at the bottom of my garden which has fascinated me for the past 22 years. I have grown up watching this sycamore (of the Acer Brilliantissimum variety) lose its foliage each year, it’s salmon pink leaves turning yellow to green to a gorgeous emerald by summer. This hardy tree holds this parade of colour every year, living and breathing amongst its herbacious peers. It’s interesting how attached you can become to something as simple as a tree standing at the end of your lawn, the assurance that comes with knowing that as each summer arrives, so will the abundance of fresh array of green leaves, it is rooted, a constant in the ever changing tides of the everyday. For my final year, trees therefore were at the forefront of my mind, in particular Scots Pines- from charcoal plein-eir sketching in Mull, Loch Lomond and Kintyre, to the etching room, where in October I began some experimentation with Photech. There are some etchings I made in october.
Having decided to focus my paintings on the Scottish Landscape for my final year project, I started researching into the Scots Pine, and the history of this tree in Scotland’s landscape. It is known as a pioneer species, due to its ability to regenerate in poor soils, a native of the once vast Caledonian Forest (a title deriving from the Latin ‘wooded heights’.)  At the start of the Holocene, Scotland was covered with substantial ice sheet with little vegetation. When this ice retreated, records of pollen preserved in peat bogs have shown that the land was rapidly colonized by Birch, Scots Pine, Hazel and Oak. Over the next 11,000 years human settlement and agriculture practices brought about variation in tree cover. Pollen records show a sharp decline in the extent of the Caledonian Forest over the past 400 years, due to the age of vast clearances of trees on land (Scottish Clearances) as well as natural changes in climate and volcanic activity. With the collapse of many ‘fermtoun’ settlements after the Jacobite rebellion in 1745, there was a huge dip in the regeneration of forests in upland areas, and subsequently a huge loss in biodiversity. In addition to the rise of monoculture farming, the combination of both world wars had a huge effect on the amount of timber left in Britain. The sitka spruce was introduced to create dense plantations for wildlife but only supported a small range compared to the native woodland which was being felled. Such large-scale ecologcail destruction to the Caledonian Forest has resulted in a complete transformation of the woodlands, with only 1% of the native pinewoods remaining, with large habitats suffering at the cost.
In October, I attended a curators workshop at the CCA titled ‘Being Ecological’, led by Artist Kotryna Ula Kiliulyte and A+E collective, discussing the work ‘Being Ecological’ by Timothy Morton, which gives readers an insight into a more genuine and real approach to handling ecological knowledge, how we are all part of the biosphere, and how we interact with ecological health can have a huge impact on our mental health, how ‘teaming-up’ with the non-human elements surrounding us can help us move forward in combating the effects of climate change, and deconstructing the western colonial narrative surrounding land use.
I then spoke to John Thorne, who himself mentioned a tree he remembers from his childhood garden, and how he remembers observing it from a young age how important is remains to him. The emotional response to trees and landscape in general is one that interests me, with my paintings being driven by this connection to a certain view. It’s interesting how tree-planting on even a small scale can be an act of legacy making, in a similar way to traditional landscape painting.  Landscape is so transient, so fleeting, and trying to solidify this feeling into a painting seems impossible, it is an attempt at something permanent, a part of the landscape to grasp onto.
I began to research into organisations that offer wood packs to schools, universities and individuals who are interested in tree replantation, in the hope that I could make an active impact on the environment within the GSA community, whether that be around the STOW college building, on Garnethill or further afield at the GSA Highlands and Islands Campus. John put me in contact with FROGGS (friends of Garnethill community) who were hugely helpful in discussing the process of ordering tree packs and regenerating the area of land next to the Margaret Macdonald halls of residence, as well as their involvement with the Council in making Glasgow greener.
Having decided to base the planting project at the GSA Highlands and Islands Campus, I was able to look at the host and trees and wildlife already abundant in the region of the Forres estate. This project would also help me provide links between the Glasgow Campus and the students studying in Forres, in the hope that there can be future sustainable projects and a sharing of resources and space between both campuses. The Woodlands Trust Scotland campaign works to plant and halt the loss of native woods and trees, restoring woodland to peak condition. Having ordered my ‘working wood pack’ from the Woodlands Trust, a mix of Hornbeam, Pedunculate Oak and Rowan, I headed up to Forres to visit the campus and discuss the project with Sir Alistair Gordon-Cummings, the landowner of the Forres estate.
On Wednesday 30th October, I got the train to Forres, a five hour journey which took me the snow capped hills of Aviemore, through the Caledonian Forest. Driving up the lane to the Forres Estate Office was breathtaking, the October light leaking through the gaps in the pines.
Planting was discussed we opted for March, as the harsh conditions in the winter months are too limiting for growth. It was fascinating to talk to Sir Alistair, how the land at Forres has a strong ecological function in terms of having a positive social and ecological impact on the existing woodland and wildlife, as well as promoting future sustainable ways of farming and planting. The estate has over 7000 acres of sustainable woodland and this provides and exceptional resource for biomass, with facilities put in place for converting their timber into chipping. In 2015, renewable energy was provided to the GSA campus, with the introduction of the Berryburn Wind Farm, commissioned in 2014.
It was important to Sir Alistair that my intentions were clear, whether the site was to be an ‘open’ or closed space, an exhibition or an ecological protest. It is hard to draw a conclusion as to what this space will become, there are a lot of uncertainties surrounding planting, i am unsure that these saplings will survive the cold biting winter months of 2020, perhaps a herd of confident deer will chew the saplings up. I asked Sir Alistair a series of questions, and just as I began he placed a small object on his desk. A root of a Scots Pine from 3000 years ago, from Rochlin. A phenomenon, sitting next to his teacup.
I asked him, ‘In terms of History of Farming at Forres, how do you manage the traditional patterns in terms of the future of the land and the soil?
We have just embarked on a new type of farming called ‘holistic’. We are converting the farm froma traditional style of managing the farm to this new form. Well, it’s not really new, just in terms of perception. It involves organic matter and the soil. What we are hoping to achieve in the next 7-10 years is a transformation of the soil, allowing it to grow in a way we want it to. You start by taking soil samples, and from there you find percentages of organic matter that you have at the minute, and then you ‘ween’ the soil so no fertiliser no spraying no direct drilling. This will hopefully mean my yields of corn be higher, the health of the invertebrates will improve, the birds the bees, there will be a general improvement overall. It seems all thoroughly sensible to me.
I then went on to ask,
‘In terms of the history of trees here, can you tell me a bit about them?'
Trees have been here for hundreds of years and essentially what one does with trees is replace what one has before. So for me I find the tree business the biggest in terms of land mass. We grow all the traditional types, I think we are over 50% Scots Pine. It used to be 70% but now it’s 50. Sitcus spruce, lodgeball pine and more and more lark which I like. We have a wonderful bank of stuff, of all shapes and sizes which gives the estate a wonderful autumnul feel. It has always been like that, and I don’t feel any need to re-invent the wheel. And they bring new species to you and sometimes you say fine but sometimes you don’t. That’s part of everyday life.
In terms of coppicing, is it an industrial method you use?
To me it’s quite suburban, when I was born here there were a lot of foresters, and they used to coppice, I call it prune, to make soil logs. But now they don’t because we haven’t got the time or money. So coppicing isn’t a thing we get hugely involved in, we prune hardwoods in normal fashion in order to get oak in 100 years.
I then went on to speak to Fergus Fullarton Pegg, a research associate who focuses on the impact of digital interface on creativity in remote and distributed communities. Last year he started to grow a permaculture garden- a space in which students and staff work cooperatively growing a variety of wild-flowers, vegetables and plants. Fergus is particularly interested in what he refers to as the ‘circular economy’ of textiles and plants and how this can be embedded in a dye garden next to the campus. Addressing the complexities of a sustainable future begins by the deconstruction of product ecology and our dependency on these products. He was interested in the tree planting project, as its intentions sit alongside this idea of sharing values of sustainability and looking to the future of a site and the produce we can garner from it. Fergus mentioned he had planted hedgerows around the permaculture garden and had to be experimental in terms of his tools for the indentation of the soil, switching to a metal pole as an alternative. In terms of the benefits of planting by the campus building, we spoke of the fact that the trees will soak up water (up to half a tonne a day) which will aid flooding, as well as decrease soil erosion. The trees could act as a social project for students studying at the innovation school to work with, as well as admire, with the neighboring crossbills, tree-creepers and red squirrels also hopefully benefiting! What is interesting is the mutability of this project, similarly to the importance of understanding the mutability of a landscape. It is irregular, its rough edges exist in order to have a non-hierarchical understanding of our position as humans in the biosphere.
Over the next few months I spent a huge amount of time in the etching workshop, creating a series of prints to illustrate each of the 45 saplings that I was going to plant on the Altyre estate, gathering keen volunteers and orchestrating a plant to get the train up to Forres for March 12th 2020.
Clutching two of Toby’s spades, Rebecca’s camera and tripod, plenty of layers and snacks for the journey-we caught the 10:10am train to Inverness from Glasgow Queen Street. As well as the 45 saplings as well as deer protectors which has been nestled in my room for the past week. Our arms were full to say the least.
As the train whistled once again through the hills, passing Perth, Aviemore and Nairn, it was alarmingly snowy. A moment of doubt crossed my mind, if there was snow on the ground these saplings would be off to a chilly start. But thankfully, Forres and Findhorn are known as having a micro climate, boasting a warm spring/summer due to the shelter of the western and northern highlands.
We were greeted at Altyre Office by David Clark, the resident Forester there. Along with his trusty dog, we hopped into the truck and drove up to the GSA Campus, the grey sky starting to descend. We began to plot the distance between each sapling, with a row of hornbeam at the front, followed by rowan and finally oak, 6 metres apart stretching across the edge of the field. Setting up at tripod in the corner of the field we managed to film the process from start to finish, just as the light was fading. The delicate sapling which had begun to flower were placed within the protectors, attached to wooden stakes. David mentioned how in summer they manage to plant thousands of trees each week, covering areas of the estate in new saplings with a team of helpers. Below are images of the final stage. My intention as an artist is only a small part of the process, the planting in a way a performance, a protest and an act of empathising with our environment. I look forward to visiting the site in the near future to see their growth. For my degree show I plan to show the etchings alongside the film of the process in real time. I am hugely grateful for Sir Alistair, David, Rebecca Gill, Toby Mills and the team at the GSA Highlands and Islands Campus for allowing me to embark on this planting, as well as of course the Woodlands Trust. I hope in future for future collaborations within the GSA community surrounding sustainability and the processes we can take in order to take the steps to a greener future.
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agilenano · 5 years
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x-enter · 5 years
The life and rise of Tim Sweeney, the billionaire CEO and founder of the company behind 'Fortnite,' Epic Games
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Tim Sweeney is the CEO and founder of Epic Games, the company that brought the world "Fortnite."
Despite having a net worth of $7 billion, Sweeney enjoys the simpler things in life like Diet Coke and fried chicken from Bojangles'.
Read on to learn about the life and rise of Sweeney as he changes the way the world thinks about video games. 
Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. 
Tim Sweeney may seem like your average guy. He likes hiking, tinkering with technology, the occasional Diet Coke, and fried chicken from Bojangles'. 
However, he is anything but average. Sweeney is the CEO of Epic Games, the company behind "Fortnite" — the popular battle-royale-style video game that raked in over $2.5 billion in 2018. Epic Games also brought games like "Gears of War" into the mainstream.
Sweeney has a net worth of $7 billion, millions of which he has donated to forest conservation efforts. 
When it comes to tech execs, Sweeney is one who remains rather low-key. He's single, unmarried, and doesn't have any kids. And he's never been enticed by the flashy trappings of Silicon Valley: Epic Games is based out of Cary, North Carolina, just down the road from Raleigh. 
Sweeney's first-ever job is still his current job, though the responsibilities have changed since founding Epic Games in 1991. Overall, Sweeney describes his life as "simple." If he means a simple life that has also radically changed the way millions of people play video games online, then, sure — a simple life indeed. 
Here's everything you need to know about Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games.
SEE ALSO: The first video games and software programs famous tech CEOs made when they were young
DON'T MISS: These 7 tech CEOs and executives lost millions, along with the companies they helped build
Tim Sweeney, 48, was born in 1970 and raised in Potomac, Maryland, with two older brothers. His father was a cartographer for the US government and his mother took care of Sweeney and his brothers.
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Source: Wall Street Journal
When Sweeney was a preteen, he visited his eldest brother in San Diego, California, at a startup he was working at, which had an IBM computer. His brother taught him how to program on it, and Sweeney spent the rest of the rather impressionable trip "just programming the computer, figuring things out."
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Sources: Gamasutra, Kotaku
After turning 11, Sweeney spent hours on the Apple II Plus computer his brother gave him and used it to program video games. Sweeney told The Wall Street Journal in an interview that he spent more time "programming than I think I was sleeping or in school or doing any other one thing in the world."
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Sources: CNBC, The Wall Street Journal
Sweeney would play Nintendo's "Super Mario Bros." when he was a child as a way to "discover what games were doing and how they were doing it," according to an interview with video game website Kotaku in 2011. Aside from gaming, the inquisitive future CEO would also take apart lawnmowers​, radios, and TVs to see how each gear functioned. He was also a big fan of arcades.
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Source: Kotaku
Sweeney attended the ​University of Maryland as a mechanical-engineering major. During his second year of college, he decided to go all-in with gaming by creating his first full-fledged​ video game, "ZZT." He also founded his company, Potomac Computer Systems, which would later become Epic Games, to develop the "ZZT."
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Source: Gamasutra, CNBC
Despite being a gifted young coder, Sweeney didn't initially know how to program graphics, like "actual characters and objects," into ZZT. Instead, he used symbols and smiley faces that would attack monsters and "run through levels." The hardware also functioned as an editor, so users could create their own games with it. He released the game in 1991.
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Source: Engadget
Sweeney dropped out of University of Maryland just one credit shy of graduating and moved back in with his parents in Potomac when he was 20. He used the $4,000 in his savings and began working on what would later become Epic Games in his parents' garage. For quite some time, customers who were interested in buying a copy of "ZZT" sent checks to Sweeney's parents' house, and waited for a disk copy of the game to come in the mail.
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Sources: The Wall Street Journal, CNBC
Sweeney sold "several thousand" copies of "ZZT" while living with his parents. He rebranded his company as Epic Games, a name Sweeney said was "kind of a scam to make it look like we were a big company." With new orders coming in daily, Sweeney was able to move out of his parents' house in 1999 and quit his side-gig, mowing lawns.
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Source: Gamasutra
Sweeney then moved Epic Games to Cary, North Carolina, where it still remains. At the start, Sweeney's primary role was still programming, until the release of "Unreal," the company's inaugural first-person shooter video game.
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Source: CNBC
"Unreal," which was released in 1998, was a PC-based game that allowed users the ability to play together on separate computers. The 3D graphics technology behind the game was called the Unreal Engine "that has evolved to become the ubiquitous bedrock upon which Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC and even iPhone and iPad blockbusters are built," according to Kotaku.
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Sources: Business Insider, Kotaku
In 2006, Epic's "Gears of War" was released. It was built upon the Unreal Engine for Microsoft’s Xbox 360. The New York Times described the game as "a more deliberate, thoughtful sort of shooter [with] plenty of action and gore." The publication also called "Gears of War" one of the "best looking" games.
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Sources: CNBC, The New York Times, The New York Times
By the release and subsequent success of "Gears of War," Sweeney was 30 years old and beginning to see success. According to an interview he gave to the Journal in 2019, he had a “Ferrari and Lamborghini in the parking lot of my apartment ... People who hadn’t met me thought I must be a drug dealer.” Sweeney has since gotten rid of his sports cars.
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Source: The Wall Street Journal
The first "Gears of War" franchise, which included nearly a dozen titles, went on to sell over 22 million units, making over $1 billion in revenue. (Microsoft bought the "Gears of War" franchise in 2014 for an "undisclosed amount.")
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Source: CNBC, Gamepedia, Engadget
Epic Games is also responsible for games like "Shadow Complex" and the "Infinity Blade" series, both role-playing fighting games set in past and futuristic time periods. In 2013, Chinese tech company Tencent invested $330 million into Epic Games for a 40% stake.
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Sources: Business Insider, CNBC
In 2015, Epic Games announced that the Unreal Engine would be made free, making it easier for any aspiring game developer to start their next project. The technology behind the Unreal Engine is regarded as "one of the most widely used engines in existence." By making the Unreal Engine free to use, Epic Games gets a cut when game developers and publishers sell games made with it — a significant part of the way the company generates revenue.
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Source: Business Insider
Epic had revealed a new game it was working on called "Fortnite" in 2011, a survival-style game that Epic pictured as a small, indie title. But Epic didn't start offering early access to the game — at that point, it was simply "Fortnite Save the World," a cooperative shooter — until mid-2017.
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Source: Polygon, IGN
Everything changed for Sweeney and Epic Games in September 2017 with the release of "Fortnite Battle Royale" — a free-to-play battle-royale-style version of the game where users "collect resources, make tools and weapons, and try to stay alive as long as possible." The game found worldwide success just a few months after its release, amassing over 200 million players across seven different game platforms.
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Source: NBC, Business Insider
Sweeney, however, does not like to take credit for the success of "Fortnite" — he credits it largely to the game developers on his team. The Journal reported, "the entrepreneur is adamant about one thing: He did not create 'Fortnite' — his employees did. He didn't design or program the game" — but he did create the company that did.
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Source: The Wall Street Journal
Even though "Fortnite" is free-to-play, Epic Games receives revenue from it "entirely from in-game purchases, even though the virtual goods give players no competitive advantage." Character costumes, called "skins," seasonal "battle passes," and accessories can cost up to $10 each. With over 250 million "Fortnite" players, the company made over $2.5 billion from the game in 2018 alone, and over $4 billion since its release.
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Sources: Business Insider, Business Insider, Engadget, The New York Times
With the blockbuster success of "Fortnite," Sweeney skyrocketed onto Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index with a net worth of $7 billion. This puts him above other billionaires like George Lucas and George Soros, but well below tech giants Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. Epic Games currently employs more than 700 people.
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Source: Business Insider
"Fortnite" has not only made Sweeney a richer man, but many "Fortnite" players as well, including Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, 28, who reportedly made $1 million a month playing the game and streaming it on Twitch (he has now switched to streaming platform Mixer). This past summer, Epic Games also hosted a "Fortnite World Cup" where players could win a piece of a $30 million prize.
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Sources: CNBC, USA Today
Read more: This 28-year-old makes $500,000 every month playing 'Fortnite' — here's how he does it
Sweeney is a very casual guy. His workplace attire consists of t-shirts and cargo pants. When people go to an interview at Epic Games, they are advised not to wear a jacket and tie.
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Source: The Wall Street Journal
Despite having a sports car infatuation at the beginning of his career, Sweeney has since spent his millions on conservation efforts in North Carolina. He bought 193 acres in Alamance County for​ preservation and donated $15 million to protect 7,000 acres of forests in western North Carolina.
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Source: Triad Business Journal
source https://www.businessinsider.com/fortnite-maker-epic-games-ceo-tim-sweeney-history-timeline-2019-10
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cheapyoutubetypes · 5 years
Demanding Pakistani Dresses
The culture of Pakistan is colorful and fun. It is admired by other regions like the United States, United Kingdom, India and more. One of the Pakistani brands like Asim Jofa who gained international attention by winning an international award for its brand. Khaadi has also won several awards at the lux style award.
Now lets at the demanding Pakistani dresses UK
Bareeze is Pakistan’s elegant clothing brand. Also, it is one of the leading fashion brands in the country. It is a flagship brand of SEFAM PVT., founded in 1985. In a wide range of designs, they produce a luxurious quality of the unstitched and stitched fabric. This is the result of over 30 years of commitment to quality and design.
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They have established many franchise and shops nationwide in which include India, Malaysia, United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. The products include formal and casual range of luxury attire including silk, chiffon, maysorie, banarsi made lace fabric.
Other seasonal fabrics include wool, linen, and khaddar. In bareeze lawn collection, they featured a swiss lawn, cotton lawn and embroidered lawn for the summer season.  The women get excited when they make some changes in fashion. Every brand had put out their lawn collection for the year 2016 to 2017. But they couldn’t beat out bareeze as they always come with vibrant colors and best matching.
With elegant designs and artistic patterns makes bareeze different and unique from another Pakistani brand. Also, it is a perfect blend of vibrant and pastel colors. They release their new collection for all seasons and festive like summer, winter, and wedding and Eid collection. They keep their customers update with new latest trends and fashion. The main headquarter of the company is located in Lahore, Pakistan. This brand has used very quality fabric in its collection that is very internationally popular. They provided access to online shopping services and also ship overseas.
From handwoven fabric, Khaadi offered kurta and loose fabrics back in 1998 when it was officially opened. The first shop opened in Karachi Pakistan. The chairman and founder of Khaadi are Shimon Sultan. He had the intent of reviving the ancient craft of the handloom and popularizing the rational medium in a contemporary manner. Khaadi means hand-woven. So it has stayed true to its name.
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The brand continues to produce a fusion of styles complementing both the east and west. While it still uses hand-woven on selected products. Khaadi describes its lines as concepts. Initially, it had prêt (READY-TO-WEAR), unstitched (fabric) and Man (eastern wear). The brand has entered into the international arena by exporting to several regions. It established an online store in Pakistan in 2014. Khaadi continues its aggressive expansion strategy by opening several retail stores in smaller cities of Pakistan.
With brands extending their roots in other countries, there will be a chance for upcoming young artists who has passion. There will be a lot of scope and place in Pakistan's fashion market.
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