#new project of mine
somesaygeart · 1 year
Junk Mail Letters
Mail art started in the late 1950’s pioneered by Dadaists and Italian Futurists, consists of collaged post cards and letters, rubber stamps and bedazzled envelopes.  The main, central trait is that mail art used the postal service - was mailed to other people/artists.  One core person to contemporary mail art is Ray Johnson, who in the 50’s sent “moticos”, collages which sometimes had instructions.  These letters were supposed to be responded to, creating a correspondence chain.
However, its 2023, and post is no longer the primary form of long-form communication: digital messaging is.  With the 21st century, as email and texting becoming more accessible, and with the occurrence of the Global Financial Crisis spanning 2007-2009, the total domestic letters the Australian post has decreased by 65% by 2020/21, and it hasn’t up-ticked in the past two years, especially with the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the economic instability caused by quarantining and non-essential retail closer, the postal service also reduced mail being sent to one another.
I grew up within the declining of postal mail, with the only mail in my childhood (from memory) was Christmas cards and my parents bills, but not really correspondence between family and friends.  Why would you, when you can just call them, or text them?  For a while, I didn’t think about this.  It was just how life is.  But recently, I have been religiously checking my mail, because I’m anticipating a document that is supposed to be mailed to be.  And because I was checking the mail religiously, I noticed the mundanity of mail.  Bills, junk mail, and housing marketing flyers.  It dawned on me; mail, the thing one thinks of when it comes to communication between people on an intimate level, doesn’t happen anymore.  And so, this birthed Junk Mail Letters.
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Junk Mail Letters is a mail art project, in which each week, for 5-10 weeks, envelopes made from the pages of junk mail are dropped into the mail boxes of my neighbourhood, each holding a letter with a positive message.  This is to discuss the loss of connection and community which can be gained through the physical letter. The envelopes plays a slightly different role: the role of subversion. Junk mail is not something people expect to enjoy and like, so to use it to hold a positive message subverts expectations.
Mail, in some ways, is more intimate and connected to people than digital messaging is. Letters are written (or printed, if you own a printer) with the goal of talking about your life and checking in on other people, hand-crafted and hand-folded.  Whether its mail about yourself, or a surprise gift to someone else, the touch of a hand made them, and you can touch the letter yourself, hold it for as long as possible.  Mail holds connection through touch, from its physicality.  You can’t touch an individual text, its just the screen of the phone, with that spot touched also touching a word document, YouTube, this Tumblr post.  Mail is impactful though its physicality.
Information on Mail Art’s History (brief)
The state of Australian Postal Service
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lindsayerins · 8 months
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@kiddstellas said 🔥 → lucifer morningstar, from lucifer.
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wis-art · 1 year
Not a big fan of capitalism
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bananagreste · 9 months
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ladynoir, oh, ladynoir ↳ day 390
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thequantumranger · 8 months
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Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (2003) | Platform: PlayStation 2
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the-one-that-weeps · 3 months
Me and my mutuals should have kizuna ranks
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inthewychelm · 1 year
ive been thinking about hard of hearing steve, who started losing his hearing after starcourt, the scoops troops are the first to find out because of how attached they are, robin erica and dustin all insist on steve learning to sign but he's insecure about learning a new language so they slowly learn and start teaching him
after vecna, eddie gets adopted to their little group and starts picking up on the signs and learning on his own, still struggles to hold a conversation, esp with the likes of robin or dustin, but he atleast knows simple words and phrases enough to communicate, eddie also gets into the habit of signing ILY to steve before he leaves, except steve rarely studies asl on his own most of what he remembers is from robin/erica/dustin, who never thought to teach him that specific sign, so steve just thinks eddie is just being a metalhead throwing up a 'rock on' gesture, hes still absolutely endeared by eddie doing this but he doesn't realize that eddie saying he loves him everyday, what follows is a ridiculous amount of pining where only steve doesn't know because everyone else know what that sign means, he only finds out because after gossiping with robin(who has tried to tell steve that its reciprocated) about eddie, erica interupts their convo by telling steve that eddie tells him he loves steve everyday (that clown is so obviously in love with you, how are you still pining? you're supposed to be a expert, steve?)
(edit 07/23: this fic is now on ao3)
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lilcathsmith · 5 months
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp. [1/10 episodes]
"Concentrate on what cannot lie. The evidence." - Pilot (Season 1 Episode 1, 6th October 2000)
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osamusriceballs · 8 months
The Accident - Final Part
Atsumu x fem Reader
Warnings: Smut
Words: ~ 2,1 k
About: Not much to say- enjoy the ending! <3
Part I II -> Epilogue
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He smiles and waves when he spots you, his expression soft and excited as he jogs towards you, passing the court in an instant. You notice Sakusa and Hinata on the field too, waving in your direction, and you hear Bokuto calling your name. You return the greeting and wave at him too with a smile.
Atsumu comes to a stop when he finally reaches you, his hands immediately finding your hips and pulling you close. "What's my wifey doing here?" He leans down to peck your lips, his excitement barely concealed.
"I thought you could use some moral support. And maybe some food." You shyly smile and raise the bag in your hand just a little, the Onigiri Miya logo evident on it. "I asked Samu to make something that works with your diet. And I got a dessert for you, the one from the cafe we visited last time." He looks at you softly, his hands still holding your hips tightly, not the slightest bit embarrassed about showing his affection in front of his teammates.
"Thank you. I appreciate that. Yer always so good to me." You blush at his words, trying to wave it off, but he pulls you closer and kisses you again, his lips now firmly pressing against yours. You easily give in, your free hand resting on his biceps, feeling the smooth and hot skin under your fingers, not caring about the fact that he is slightly sweaty by now. The faint sounds of volleyballs meeting the ground are drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat, and a soft gasp escapes your lips when he ever so lightly brushes his tongue against yours. You pull back, clearly flustered, and he grins at your state. "Wanna come over tonight?" You nod with a smile, and he pecks your lips one last time before letting you go.
"Can't wait, wifey."
You yell, eyes only on him when he is about to serve. You're fully convinced that he can't hear you in the crowd, yet his eyes still flicker to your direction for a second before he focuses on the ball again, the red uniform a stark contrast to his bright hair.
He looks amazing. He's so focused on the game, you can see it in his eyes. This is the final moment of the game—if they manage to score one more point, the game will be over. You can see the pressure on him in his posture, and you can't help but want to hug him and make him feel more at ease.
He's serving, flawlessly as always, and you hold your breath when the other team receives his mean serve—and you find your heart skipping a beat when it's not Atsumu setting the ball after a fast attack from the other team, but rather Kageyama setting the ball and Atsumu attacking—surprisingly, even though you know that he does decent in every position. And you almost cry when his attack scores the final point, and he yells loudly and raises his arm triumphantly. You hug Yachi, who almost had a heart attack during the intense game, and you look up surprised when you see Atsumu staring at you happily and ignoring the cameras and media to come to you.
You're absolutely flabbergasted when he simply hugs you and slightly lifts you off the ground, grabbing your face almost too harshly before he kisses you in front of everyone. You're frozen, the noises of cameras clicking and yelling people almost overwhelming, but you somehow feel safe in his arms, so you just return the kiss and hug him tight too. He still beams from excitement when he pulls back, and you can't help but smile softly before you gently push some strands out of his face. "Congratulations. You did amazing." He smiles even brighter at your words, and you laugh breathlessly.
"Did it all for you. And for Japan. But for you too." He laughs, his chest still heaving heavily, and you can't help but smile softly. "I'm honored. And Japan too."
You press a last longing kiss to his lips and then you slowly let him go. "Now go—you need to get your medal or something. You're a world champion. I'll meet you after that, and we can celebrate." You smile gently, and he laughs happily. "Sure, wifey. I'll get my real reward later." His smile turns smug, and you blush feverishly. "S-sure," you whisper, flustered by his comment and avoid looking at his eyes.
"My real prize."
"Hmm?" you slightly raise your head, just enough to look at his face. You're comfortably cuddled against his chest, a thin blanket thrown over you both while you watch an animated fireplace and listen to slow music. His utterly relaxed expression is slightly crowded with unease, as if he has something on his mind.
"I was thinking... if you maybe wanna to store some clothes here. Like permanently. I made some space in my closet for you. Not like I want ya to move in already, I know most couples wait- but- just saying. There's space. Technically."
You raise your eyebrows, your eyes wide open, and he clears his throat awkwardly. The way he seems so shy and insecure about it—a state that you have never seen on him before. It warms your heart when you think about how nervous he is to ask just this, but it also fills you with excitement and makes your heart flutter.
"So... you wouldn't want me to move in?" You say while you try to suppress your teasing smile and try to seem as serious as you can. You feel his body tensing under your fingers, and his arm that had been loosely caressing your bare lower back under your shirt freezes.
"I didn't say that." He stretches the syllables while he seems to be in an inner conflict. "I just meant that ya might get uncomfortable if you're already moving in. It's only been a few months, I know that most couples wait a bit longer with that." He looks down at you, his tone showing his serious curiosity. "Are you not against moving in?"
You pause, taken aback by the statement, and proceed to think about it. You know that moving in together is a big step- but on the other hand, you both have been married for quite some time. And being together with Atsumu just feels so right—you really don't mind moving in after seven months.
"I'm... not against it, to be honest. It's unconventional, but we're kinda already married, so I think it's fine to skip some steps. here." A deep relieved sigh leaves his lips, and you feel his posture relaxing once again. "Sounds good. I got ya a key on the counter, we can move your stuff gradually, if you want to? But I made a lot of space in my closet actually, you might wanna go shopping to fill it. My treat of course."
You look at him wide-eyed. "You already have a key for me ready?"
He looks away with a faint blush on his cheeks, his hand absently caressing your back again, but now more relaxed while his lips curl into a triumphant grin.
"Hmm?" You turn towards him and see a letter in his hands.
"That's um..." he clears his throat, his eyes looking anywhere but your direction. "It's from our lawyer. It's about the divorce. The year is over."
You freeze, carefully making your expression neutral while you wait for him to continue.
"It's um... we can—ya know. Wait a bit. I mean—you're busy with work and I'm also busy with Samu's new shop. We can maybe wait just a bit longer. If you want to. No pressure."
And you finally smile when you reach for his shirt and pull him down to press a kiss on his lips.
"Sounds good."
You look up at him in the mirror with pleading eyes, his hand tightly wrapped around your throat.
"Now come on. Tell me, what ya want me to do?" He grins teasingly, knowing fully well that you can't speak with his hand now firmly wrapped around your throat. You manage to gasp his name, and he raises an eyebrow. "What was that? Didn't hear ya, sweetheart. Might wanna try harder here."
You avert your gaze, overwhelmed by the intensity of it and arch your back slightly against him, offering him your neck submissively. A groan leaves his lips and his eyes soften at the sight of you. "So pretty for me. Always so good." He tilts your face and kisses you, the grip around your neck loosening and his free hand wandering to your chest, gently squeezing your body.
His lips are glued to yours, the kiss starting out softly, but quickly turning into a messy clashing of lips melding together and tongues grazing against each other. It's hot, so, so hot when his hand stops palming your chest and moves further down your stomach, causing you to gasp and whine against his lips as you tense under his touch until his hand stops between your legs. He doesn't stop the kiss, instead keeping one hand loosely around your neck while the palm of the other hand cups your pussy and presses against it. Your hips buck into his touch and you break the kiss embarrassedly after a lewd needy sound escapes your lips.
"What was that?" He asks, a bit breathlessly, but his lips curl into a smug grin. "Gettin' shy on me? You know that I love those pretty sounds. Especially when I do—this—" Two of his fingers push inside of you with no further warning and your body almost bends over at the feeling, but his hand quickly moves from your neck around your upper body to press you tightly against him. "Uh-uh, pretty wifey. Not escaping yer husband. I need to fulfill my duties after all, right? Satisfy my wife and all that. Look at ya, how you enjoy that, huh?" He slowly pumps his fingers in and out of you, the squelching sound making you whine embarrassedly, yet it feels so good that your eyes flutter closed and your mouth stays agape. He brings you to your high like this and holds you when you tense around his fingers, clenching tightly around him like a vice, his name leaving your lips breathlessly.
"Tsumu—" you whisper, your voice hoarse, but your body feeling so good and satisfied, and he softly pulls his fingers out with a lewd sound. "Oh, love, you made such a mess, huh?" He looks at his fingers with a grin and then down to your pussy, his tongue quickly coming out to lick his lips.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of ya."
"Tsumu—do we have to go out? We could also relax at home. Watch that movie maybe. Or... do different things." You smile a bit shyly as you hug his arm and press your chest against his biceps in a way that you hope is seductive.
He freezes for a second and then shakes his head. "As tempting as that offer is, we have plans. Or I have made plans. For us." He wraps his arm around your waist and directs you towards a building—that looks suspiciously familiar to you. "Tsumu— is that—no way! Why are we here?" Your eyes grow even bigger when you recognize the building, but he ignores your comment and simply pushes you forward. "C'mon, we have an appointment—and you need to get ready," he grins, but you can see a faint hint of nervousness in his eyes when he opens the door and reveals the club where you had met during your first day. Your jaw drops when you see the decorations—all in a classical wedding style, like the pictures you often like on Pinterest. "Tsumu—don't tell me—"
"Y/n." You hear his voice firmly, and you look at him, who suddenly lets go of you and looks at you a bit mischievously before he smoothly sinks down to one knee.
"I can't remember the first time I did this, but I promise, I won't forget this time. I wanna do everything right, Y/n. Marry you properly, be your husband and care for you."
You look at him, feeling tears dwell in your eyes when you realize how he has spent the last few weeks preparing this—and you bite your lip to avoid a sob when he pulls out a ring—similar to the one he had given you last time, yet even more beautiful.
"Will ya marry me?
A/n: Thank you so much for following this series! I'll make an epilogue about the night they met around next week-ish! But after that, that's it for the series! I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next one! <3
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ferahntics · 10 months
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Second batch of commissions done!
Thank you all so much for commissioning me, I appreciate it more than I can say qvq 💖
1st batch
Commissions are here! (Closed at the moment)
Tags under the cut:
1st @id-f87
2nd @moonverc3x
3rd @startistdoodles
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jamietwat · 1 year
Thinking about how Jamie left Richmond with friends on the team and probably came back expecting to have to prove himself but to still have a few friends just to come back to everyone openly hating him and mad at him and not wanting him there or to acknowledge his
Thinking about how in that interview when he was on Man City he was his usual cocky self talking about carrying his team, but he actually didn’t say anything bad about anyone outside or Roy and Ted. He talked about how all of the players on Richmond were good lads except for Roy Kent and called Ted a rodeo clown and Nate showed the team it and they all hated him enough to start throwing shit despite the fact that he wasn’t saying anything he wouldn’t have to their faces if he was still on the team and despite the fact that he was actually nicer to all the players except for Roy than he ever had been in person
Thinking about how Isaac went from being his friend and starting shit with him to breaking a TV because of his hatred toward him when Jamie really hadn’t even done anything to him and Jamie coming back to Isaac hating him as if they weren’t getting up to the exact same shit together when Jamie was there and if Isaac thought he himself was a way better person now and so was Colin but there was no chance that there could be anything redeemable in Jamie
Thinking about how Jamie left and DIDN’T talk shit about the team or make weird personal comments outside of the ones about Roy and Ted that he would have made to their faces if he was still there
Thinking about the way Nate left of his own volition and talked shit publicly every chance he got
Thinking about how Nate came back trying with everyone letting him that easily when HE was a dick in person too, left them of his own volition, and slandered them and made them a public joke for fun
Thinking about how Jamie got kicked out, DIDN’T talk shit about his friends, had to beg Ted to come back against the whole team’s wishes, and then got iced out by everyone whether it was people with a right to it like Sam or people like Isaac and Colin that had been friends with him and decided to treat him like the worst man alive to distance themselves and make themselves look better by comparison
Thinking about how Jamie think his friendships are all dependent on his spot on the team and he’s seen them disappear when he got kicked out before
Thinking about how Jamie still calls Isaac his best friend after this because he thinks he deserved all of what he got and that he was the one and only problem in that situation and how really we never see Jamie and Isaac as close again as they were in season one and there are plenty of other teammates I would have expected him to say over him
Thinking about Jamie watching Nate come back and forgiving him and knowing what it’s like to be in his place but also Jamie watching everyone else forgive him and care about him as a person that easily again while he had to fight for even Ted to let him come back and had to fight to have people even accept him being on the team again and to get them to acknowledge his existence long before he earned their friendship
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ruikasas · 8 months
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keep it steady, let’s aim for the star!
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culivio · 24 days
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[01.10.2024; first day of my challange]
So my dears, I need to do a glow up by the end of this year. Remember what resolutions you had? I do. I wanted to be more organized, study better, write a journal, exercise at least 3x a week and more. It was different this year, sometimes better, sometimes worse. Ultimately, I am better now than I was at the beginning, but I am not the best I can be. I decided that I had to make my own challenge that would be a combination of "75 hard" and "100 days of productivity". I called it just "quarter project" because it is scheduled to last for the last three months of this year. I guess it's time to learn the rules.
Rules of "quarter project"
Stick to your diet, 1200 kcal, no "cheat" meals and alcohol
Drink at least 2.5 liters of water (we counting only water)
Read for at least 20 min AND audiobook/podcast episode
Minimum 50 minutes of study (Studying for final exams, lessons and languages)
Write a daily journal with a description of your day, gratitude and affirmations
Gym 3x a week and 3k steps every day
make a daily Tumblr post, insta & progress photo
not skipping skincare routine
Maximum 4 hours using the phone
Sleep 7-8 hours a day
Take a step towards realizing your dreams
If you also want to do this challenge with me, you can also use your own rules.
XOXO culivio
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bananagreste · 6 months
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oh, hey, it’s adrinette → day 198
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
Its funny that I could feel my WH hyperfixation slowly morph into just my genuine special interest. I worried at first, cause I thought my love for it had died. Because it was duller. But no no. Now it sits comfortably and idly in my mind. Unshaken. Comfortable. At home.
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