#new kingdon
paleotool · 7 months
Sandals of the New Kingdom, Egypt (1550 - 1070 B.C.)
Some shoe solutions from the Bronze Age, North Africa. This image is virtually a sandal pattern ready to be made. Sandal maker – New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty from Thebes ca. 1504–1425 B.C.   Like a Diderot illustration this gives a good insight to the workshop of an artisan with the essentials of his trade.  There’s the stool, which is useful in leatherwork as it gives a good lap to work on.  A…
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ask-the-prose · 1 year
Do Your Research
This phrase is regularly thrown around writeblr and for good reason. It's important to research what you are writing about to know what to include, what can be fudged, and how to depict whatever you're writing. I see "do your research" most thrown around by well-meaning and highly traditionally educated writers. It's solid advice, after all!
But how do you research?
For those writers who don't already have the research skills necessary to write something comfortably already downloaded into your brain, I put this guide together for you.
Where do I even start?
It's a daunting task, research. But the best place to start is with the most basic, stupidest question you can think of. I'm going to talk about something that I already know a lot about: fighting.
When researching fight scenes, a great way to start is to look up what different weapons are. There are tons out there! So ask the stupid questions. What is a sword? What is a gun? How heavy are they?
Google and Wikipedia can help you a lot with these basic-level questions. They aren't great sources for academic articles, but remember, this is fiction. It doesn't need to be perfect, and it doesn't need to be 100% accurate if you don't want it to be. But knowing what is true to life will help you write well. Just like knowing the rules of writing will help you break them.
You may find in your basic research sweep that you have a lot more specific questions. Write them all down. It doesn't matter if they seem obvious. Write them down because they will be useful later.
How To Use Wikipedia Correctly
Wikipedia is a testament to cooperative human knowledge. It's also easy to edit by anonymous users, which means there is a lot of room for inaccuracies and misleading information. Wikipedia is usually pretty good about flagging when a source is needed or when misleading language is obvious, but Wikipedia itself isn't always the most accurate or in-depth source.
Wikipedia is, however, an excellent collection of sources. When I'm researching a subject that I know nothing about, say Norse mythology, a good starting point is the Wikipedia page for Odin. You'll get a little background on Odin's name and Germanic roots, a little backstory on some of the stories, where they appear, and how they are told.
When you read one of the sentences, and it sparks a new question, write the question down, and then click on the superscript number. This will take you directly to the linked source for the stated fact. Click through to that source. Now you have the source where the claim was made. This source may not be a primary source, but a secondary source can still lead you to new discoveries and details that will help you.
By "source-hopping," you can find your way across the internet to different pieces of information more reliably. This information may repeat itself, but you will also find new sources and new avenues of information that can be just as useful.
You mean I don't need a library?
Use your library. Libraries in many parts of the US are free to join, and they have a wealth of information that can be easily downloaded online or accessed via hardcopy books.
You don't, however, need to read every source in the library for any given topic, and you certainly don't need to read the whole book. Academic books are different from fiction. Often their chapters are divided by topic and concept and not by chronological events like a history textbook.
For example, one of my favorite academic books about legislative policy and how policy is passed in the US, by John Kingdon, discusses multiple concepts. These concepts build off one another, but ultimately if you want to know about one specific concept, you can skip to that chapter. This is common in sociological academic books as well.
Going off of my Norse Mythology example in the last section, a book detailing the Norse deities and the stories connected to them will include chapters on each member of the major pantheon. But if I only care about Odin, I can focus on just the chapters about Odin.
Academic Articles and How To Read Them
I know you all know how to read. But learning how to read academic articles and books is a skill unto itself. It's one I didn't quite fully grasp until grad school. Learn to skim. When looking at articles published in journals that include original research, they tend to follow a set structure, and the order in which you read them is not obvious. At all.
Start with the abstract. This is a summary of the paper that will include, in about half a page to a page, the research question, hypothesis, methods/analysis, and conclusions. This abstract will help you determine if the answer to your question is even in this article. Are they asking the right question?
Next, read the research question and hypothesis. The hypothesis will include details about the theory and why the researcher thinks what they think. The literature review will go into much more depth about theories, what other people have done and said, and how that ties into the research of the present article. You don't need to read that just yet.
Skim the methods and analysis section. Look at every data table and graph included and try to find patterns yourself. You don't need to read every word of this section, especially if you don't understand a lot of the words and jargon used. Some key points to consider are: qualitative vs. quantitative data, sample size, confounding factors, and results.
(Some definitions for those of you who are unfamiliar with these terms. Qualitative data is data that cannot be quantified into a number. These are usually stories and anecdotes. Quantitative data is data that can be transferred into a numerical representation. You can't graph qualitative data (directly), but you can graph quantitative data. Sample size is the number of people or things counted (n when used in academic articles). Your sample size can indicate how generalizable your conclusions are. So pay attention. Did the author interview 300 subjects? Or 30? There will be a difference. A confounding factor is a factor that may affect the working theory. An example of a theory would be "increasing LGBTQ resources in a neighborhood would decrease LGBTQ hate crimes in that area." A confounding factor would be "increased reporting of hate crimes in the area." The theory, including the confounding factor, would look like "increasing LGBTQ resources in a neighborhood would increase the reporting of hate crimes in the area, which increases the number of hate crimes measured in that area." The confounding factor changes the outcome because it is a factor not considered in the original theory. When looking at research, see if you can think of anything that may change the theory based on how that factor interacts with the broader concept. Finally, the results are different from the conclusions. The results tell you what the methods spit out. Analysis tells you what the results say, and conclusions tell you what generalizations can be made based on the analysis.)
Next, read the conclusion section. This section will tell you what general conclusions can be made from the information found in the paper. This will tell you what the author found in their research.
Finally, once you've done all that, go back to the literature review section. You don't have to read it necessarily, but reading it will give you an idea of what is in each sourced paper. Take note of the authors and papers sourced in the literature review and repeat the process on those papers. You will get a wide variety of expert opinions on whatever concept or niche you're researching.
Starting to notice a pattern?
My research methods may not necessarily work for everybody, but they are pretty standard practice. You may notice that throughout this guide, I've told you to "source-hop" or follow the sources cited in whatever source you find first. This is incredibly important. You need to know who people are citing when they make claims.
This guide focused on secondary sources for most of the guide. Primary sources are slightly different. Primary sources require understanding the person who created the source, who they were, and their motivations. You also may need to do a little digging into what certain words or phrases meant at the time it was written based on what you are researching. The Prose Edda, for example, is a telling of the Norse mythology stories written by an Icelandic historian in the 13th century. If you do not speak the language spoken in Iceland in 1232, you probably won't be able to read anything close to the original document. In fact, the document was lost for about 300 years. Now there are translations, and those translations are as close to the primary source you can get on Norse Mythology. But even then, you are reading through several veils of translation. Take these things into account when analyzing primary documents.
Research Takes Practice
You won't get everything you need to know immediately. And researching subjects you have no background knowledge of can be daunting, confusing, and frustrating. It takes practice. I learned how to research through higher formal education. But you don't need a degree to write, so why should you need a degree to collect information? I genuinely hope this guide helps others peel away some of the confusion and frustration so they can collect knowledge as voraciously as I do.
– Indy
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filmnoirfoundation · 8 months
NOIR CITY Returns to Oakland's Grand Lake Theatre Today!
Full schedule, tickets and Passports (All-Access Passes) available at NoirCity.com. Eddie Muller in person!
Saturday Matinée • January 20
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1:30 PM
Cops William Holden and Barry Fitzgerald race to foil a kidnapping plot in Chicago's Union Station. The film packs a double-feature's worth of thrills into its brief running time, including some brutality decades ahead of its time. Ace crime scenarist Sydney Boehm keeps the plot humming like a runaway train and director (and renowned cinematographer) Rudolph Maté makes the ride more vivid through use of actual locations. Costarring Nancy (Sunset Blvd.) Olson and a terrifying Lyle Bettger.
UNITED STATES (1950) Dir. Rudolph Maté. 80 min.
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3:30 PM
A newspaper hawker (played by the director himself) at the eponymous train depot develops a frightening obsession with a sexy lemonade vendor. That's the premise for a suspenseful drama which cunningly uses the bustling station to depict clashing strata of Egyptian society. Chahine's combination of gritty authenticity and psychosexual Expressionism created a landmark of Egyptian cinema—despite public boycotts over its unflinching perversity and politics. Costar Hind Rustum was nicknamed "The Arab Marilyn Monroe." In Arabic with English subtitles
EGYPT (1958) Dir. Youssef Chahine. 77 min.
Saturday Evening • January 20
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7:00 PM
This intense manhunt thriller won the inaugural "Best Film" prize from the British Academy of Film Awards, and it remains one of the most highly regarded movies ever made in the United Kingdom. James Mason plays fugitive Irish Nationalist Johnny McQueen, roped into a heist that goes fatally wrong. Can Johnny navigate his way safely through a nocturnal nightmare of danger and deceit? Robert Krasker's cinematography is as good as his legendary work with Reed on The Third Man. An all-time classic!
UNITED KINGDON (1947) Dir. Carol Reed. 116 min.
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9:30 PM
NEW 4K RESTORATION  A film that virtually leaps off the screen. The music, the characters, the confrontations, the emotions—all boil over the top in this uniquely Mexican version of noir dubbed rumberas. Sexy Ninón Sevilla dances up a storm in a club featuring some of Latin America's top performers—Pérez Prado, Rita Montaner and Pedro Vargas—all while dodging a vicious pimp, defying her boss, and rescuing an abandoned baby from the trash. As André Breton is reputed to have said, "In Europe we talk about surrealism, in Mexico they live it every day." In Spanish with English subtitles
MEXICO (1951) Dir. Emilio Fernández. 90 min.
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"The aim of scientific thought, then, is to apply past experience to new circumstances; the instrument is an observed uniformity in the course of events. By the use of this instrument it gives us information transcending our experience, it enables us to infer things that we have not seen from things that we have seen; and the evidence for the truth of that information depends on our supposing that the uniformity holds good beyond our experience." -- William Kingdon Clifford
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mossadegh · 9 months
• Mossadegh media: newspaper & magazine articles, editorials
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gamefanatics · 1 year
Pdp Makes the Perfect Zelda Accessories for Your Switch
PDP (Formerly Pelican) is known for making some really cool looking accessories for consoles and PC. If you head to the PDP site, you will see hundreds of products themed around games like Mario, Call of Duty, and more. With the current popularity of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdon, PDP sent over their new travel case and Rematch Wired Controller. The travel case can fit all of the…
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asoiafandotherbooks · 11 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Death of Aegon the Conqueror
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
The last seven years of King Aegon’s life were uneventful. He celebrated a “feast of friendship” with Deria Martell, handed off the six-month long royal progresses to Aenys and Alyssa, and relocated the court to Dragonstone in 35 AC. He commanded the Aegonfort be torn down and a proper castle built in its place. Visenya and and the new Hand of the King Lord Alyn Stokeworth were placed in charge of its construction.
Aegon the Conqueror died of a stroke in 37 AC on Dragonstone. His body was cremated at Dragonstone, which was the traditional Valyrian burial.
The maesters discuss Aegon’s wise, peaceful, and prosperous leadership.  No credit given to either Rhaenys or Visenya for their contributions to the governance of the realm.
The Targaryens have a pattern of producing members who are so obsessed with their own greatness that they will pursue their obsessions regardless of the cost of human lives. Sometimes their drive is derived from prophecy, other times they believe they are simply that magnificent. Examples of this type of Targaryen would be Aegon the Conqueror, Daeron the Young Dragon, Daemon Blackfyre, Rhaegar Targaryen, and Daenerys Targaryen.
 Most of this group went up in flames and had nothing to show for their actions except the loss of tens of thousands of lives. The only exception to the group is Aegon the Conqueror and (possibly Daenerys). Show Daenerys belongs in the “legacy is nothing but tens of thousands of lives lost” category but book Daenerys’ future is up in the air.
Aegon established the Seven Kingdons but he shouldn’t be credited for a peaceful rule. His conquest involved the killing of untold thousands of lives, the Sistermen and the Ironborn rose in rebellion, and the war with Dorne took up a good chunk of his rule.
Per House of the Dragon, Aegon’s motivation for conquering Westeros was to prepare for a horrible threat coming from the North. He had 37 years to prepare for the threat but did nothing. Did Aegon truly believe in the prophecy or was it a way to tell himself he was justified in his actions.
I’m not a fan of the writers inserting the prophecy and the dagger into House of the Dragon. Neither has any importance to the story. It feels like an attempt to justify Viserys’ decision to name Rhaenyra heir along with her pursuit of the throne. Viserys named Rhaenyra heir because he was pissed at his brother. Rhaenyra pursued the throne because she wanted the power. No one in the “Dance of the Dragons” has noble motivations – not Viserys, not Rhaenyra, not Daemon, not Alicent, not Otto, and not Criston.  Helaena, her children, Aegon III, and Viserys II are the only true innocents in the story. The Dance is a story of power and the corruption it brings, not an individual’s desire to guard humanity against a horrible threat.
I’d rank Aegon at the “B” level of Westerosi kings. I know most put him at an A level, but he did nothing to achieve his primary goal of preparing for “the threat from the North”, you go down a ranking.  Yes, Aegon unified the Seven Kingdoms, but that only resulted in personal power for him.
Up next, the King is dead, long live the King.
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Every living being has origins. Yes, plural, because living organisms adapt and change over time. Along the way, they also shift and colonize new ground, new islands, new continents, new waters, new oceans—always adapting to ever-renewed, ever-transformed conditions. The living beings that call themselves “human” also have plural origins because their ancestral stocks have made several significant safaris and intercontinental exchanges between Africa and Eurasia. The timing, the extent, and the nature of these exchanges, these comings and goings, are still imperfectly understood. Nonetheless, it is clear that humanity’s prehistory is predominantly African. Yet to assert that human ancestors have been predominantly African for the last ten million years flies in the face of most people’s assumptions. The very idea that everywhere that is not Africa is territory colonized by Africans inverts the bland assumptions of many, perhaps most, of our contemporaries. 
The emergence of modern humans is an extremely complex and still imperfectly understood story, spanning some one million years. Compared to most other organisms, we are novices on this planet. As for our invention and development of science, especially evolutionary biology and ecology, these disciplines span but four or five generations! Despite our biological novelty and still newer invention of science, we find, embedded in our genes, entombed in African soils, and manifest in an ecology of unequalled complexity and diversity, the grand theater of human origins, newly informed by the extraordinary science of genetics. The molecules of genes, themselves coded messages, offer us new grammars, a new syntax that is embedded in all living beings. It is a language that was decoded while I was in my teens by men I have met. The modern science of biology came into being during my grandfather’s lifetime with the publication of a book entitled “On the Origin of Species.” I and all my readers belong to just one of the species to which Charles Darwin referred. For the human species, origin means Africa. 
These languages and their messages are new. Yet the lessons we must learn require a complete reframing of knowledge itself. Knowingly or not, we have entered an age of learning in which everyone’s lifelong commitment to ever-expanding knowledge has become the defining quest of contemporary culture. Furthermore, we must act on this always imperfect but always growing knowledge, not only for ourselves but for our children’s children. Defiant, willful ignorance threatened civilization twice in the last century, while new disciplines of thought predict that all organisms, including us, will soon suffer unimaginable consequences from today’s feckless industries and still worse politics. 
The wide Boreal Africa lies north of the equator, while the long, slimmer eastern half of Africa stretches way down south. Here are two continent-spanning archipelagos separated by a snake of aridity that, to my great surprise, has acquired a biogeographic title—the Kingdon Line. Each of these two divisions sub-divides further into island-like compartments. Together with a pendulum of climatic swings, these “islands” have mediated the evolution of many species of animals and plants. A large part of the world’s biodiversity has evolved in Africa, where a great number of plants and animals, especially large mammals, still survive, albeit precariously. I have written and illustrated field guides and handbooks that feature inclusive lists of the continent’s mammals. Reacting against just one more list, I turn to my senses for a less categorical appreciation of nature’s diversity. 
The sound of biodiversity is the song of every bird, the sonic boom of every whale, the vibration of every insect, feather, or vocal chord that ever evolved, the sound of every coming and of every going. 
The smell of biodiversity wafts from every flower, every gland, and, yes, every female mammal as she comes into season and the scent of her newborn baby. It is also the miasma of every corpse and the potential punishment stored in every skunk’s or zorilla’s anus. The shape of biodiversity is manifest in the architecture of a giraffe or the empires of underground tree roots, in the geometry of diatoms and the symmetry of spiders, deep-sea fish, and peacocks’ tails. The color of biodiversity flashes from the sides of every courting bird or flirting female, from the petals of every plant, and from the changing tints of chameleons as they ponder their next moves.
Living beings have untangled and reassembled light itself. Sunbirds, frenetic at midday, throw back restructured reflections of sunlight in all manner of ostentatious feathering. Moonlight off the metallic tips of bronze-winged courser wings divert gnu and topi traffic around the birds’ precious clutch of eggs as surely as a cop’s illuminated batons at a midnight roadblock. The same feather tips can flutter in the nose of a foraging jackal to distract from newly hatched chicks as they crouch in the burnt stubble. 
To return to the giant Boreal/Austral bisection of Africa, here lie clues to the very earliest emergence of the bipedal lineage that led to us. The last ancestor shared by today’s humans and today’s chimpanzees probably ranged over the tropics of both archipelagos some eight or nine million years ago. The Austral population became ground apes that eventually generated several lineages of bipeds, one of which became us. 
The fount of our intellect, our creativity, our curiosity, our capacity for inspiration, even our sense of humor and rhythm arose in Africa, probably before we became sapient. All need cultivation. Integral to that end, we must acknowledge our mother continent’s nurture of our species and make the continent what it has always been: nursery, school, and university of human origins. In our children’s hands, armed with an ever-expanding knowledge that can be tested for its truthfulness, Africa becomes the true primary source of our natural history, our origins—the ultimate setting for future universities of creative thinking, creative making, and creative living. 
Jonathan Kingdon is an award-winning evolutionary biologist and artist, and a research associate at the University of Oxford. His many books include Lowly Origin: Why, When, and Where Our Ancestors First Stood Up and The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals (both Princeton).
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wakestoriespod · 1 year
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Long, long ago, in a time so distant that the oldest of us have lost its memory, there was a man, a great king who had a son. His son Elnai, was a gentle man. He spent his days in learning, music and craft and history, the statecraft of his father's rule.
When Elnai was of age to be a man, his father asked him how he would begin learning the duties of a king. The young man thought for many days on this, and finally returned to his father with an answer.
"I would see this kingdom in its whole, my father, not simply as it shows itself to a prince. I would walk its roads and meet its people without them knowing me." His voice was quiet and sure. The king nodded, pleased with his son's answer.
"Then you will do so, and you will learn what it is to be a man instead of a prince. Do you still have your old harp, the one you put aside a few years ago.?" When the prince nodded, his father continued. "Then go, my son, and take that harp with you. Clothe yourself as a humble harper, and you will know welcome anywhere within the kingdon."
Elnai smiled and bowed deeply to his father. "I will return to you, my lord, when I have seen what I need to see." He left the king's rooms and returned to his own, gathering together his harp and traveling packs. He went quickly to the marketplace and bought some clothing, well made and warm, but not as fine as his princely garb. By morning, he was ready, and with the harp and pack upon his back, he set off to see the kingdom.
Spring and summer passed quickly as the harper, calling himself Lennas, wandered the roads. Every town and village he passed called to him for news and songs and tales, and he passed nearly every evening inside an inn or tavern, surrounded by the people of his father's kingdom. When his voice was tired, he would ask one of the local storytellers to give him tales from the town, and by the end of the evening, he was one of them, a friend in the tavern.
Now it was the middle of autumn, and the wind had turned cold. Lennas found himself very far from his home city, and thinking of the coming winter. His wanderings took him to the manor house of a noble lord, where he asked humbly for a place for the winter. So distant was he from the castle that his news from there was still new, and his stories fresh. The lord welcomed him greatly, giving him a guest's place at table, and comfortable, warm rooms.
The winter began with harsh snow and wind as the harper entertained the lord, his lady, and their daughter. He wove story and tale and song each evening for them, and all their household, but soon enough it was only the daughter his thoughts were on when he sang. In his eyes, his harpstrings became her honey brown hair, the smooth wood of the instrument the smoothness of her cheek, and as his heart filled with love for her, his songs filled with magic.
Ilithe smiled on the harper, feeling the magic of his songs twine around her spirit. She spoke to her father about him, and the lord thought long and hard about the match his daughter and the harper might make. Then a message came from the king's palace that changed everything.
The harper hid while the messanger was within the manor, fearing anyone sent by the king might recognize the young prince even in disguise. He smiled, seated with his harp near the fire, making plans for when he would bring Ilithe home, to be married. His fingers drifted lovingly over the strings as he planned the day he would ask her, the day he would tell her his true name and nature, but still, he was silent on it when she entered the room. Playing harper was too comfortable, and there would be time enough later to be a prince.
There was not. Some few days after the messanger had returned to the palace, Ilithe came to him. Her face was drawn and pale as she faced the young harper and told him of her betrothal. "A great lord has asked my father for my hand, in marriage to his son." she said softly as the whisper of harpsong stilled. "It is a match none with sense would refuse.. and my parents are sensible people. It is.. a great honor." She tried to smile, but her voice was flat, her eyes filled with unshed tears. She looked for a long moment at the harper, and then sat on the stool next to him. "I would rather.."
He cut her words off with a shake of his head. "Let me sing for you, my lady, and ease the pain away. Very few of noble birth have the luxury of choosing their marriage, but.. you will find love in it. You could do naught else." His voice was hoarse as he began the singing, but soon grew warm and strong again. With his music, he stilled her twisting thoughts, and his own, and for an evening, there was peace in that small room. When the singing was done, she rose quietly, seeming calmer. He almost told her then, but any talk of marriage would have shattered the peace. "There will be time enough tomorrow." he said to himself, banking the fire and climbing into bed.
When morning came, Lennas rose and dressed quickly in his finest clothing, slipping on the signet ring he had left off for so long. He made his way quickly to the study the manor's lord spent most of his days in. Where usually there was peace, he found disarray. Lord Noral was questioning his servants urgently, and guards ran off quickly in every direction.
"My lord?" he asked quickly. Noral didn't even take the time to look at the harper before speaking.
"She's gone, Lennas. She left a letter for me, saying she wouldn't stay to marry some strange lord. Ilithe has run away."
The harper's breath caught. His heart stilled, thinking of Ilithe out alone in the wind and snow."
"If I'd only know how she'd react to being betrothed, I would never have accepted. Better to lose her to a humble harper than to the snow." Lord Noral's hands shook as he waited for word to return to him. He and the harper both paced the floor, and Lennas found himself drifting away, barely listening to Noral's words, until-
"She wouldn't even let me speak to her of Elnai. I'm told he's a gentle, good man."
The harper stopped his pacing and turned to face Noral completely. "It was Elnai who she was asked for, the prince?" When the lord nodded, he closed his eyes and drew a breath. "Bring her back, my lord. Bring her home and all will be well." He opened his eyes again, turning quickly away and going to his rooms. No music echoed in the hallway.
Days passed, and all of the guards returned from their search empty handed. Lord Noral went out to search himself, with the silent harper at his side. Together they combed the base of the winter touched mountains, one calling out her name, the other simply watching, trying as if his eyes could see through the stone. Long past where the others had given up, this pair searched together.
It was dusk when they saw her. Any darker and they would have missed the shadow against the snow. The harper, silent for days suddenly cried out and fell to his knees. He dug into the snow, freeing Ilithe's still form and lifting her up into his arms. Noral stood beside him, eyes shut against the wind. As Lennas cradled her against him, he began to sing again, a solemn, wordless cry sent out to the heavens themselves. Perhaps the heavens heard him, but Ilithe drew no breath.
Both men were silent as they returned with her body to the manor.
The harper sang at her funeral, song speaking grief that others had no way to voice. His voice was rough from the cold, choked with tears, but it drifted clearly over the snowy plains. When the singing was done, and the funeral pyre lit, only those closest heard his whispered words. "Is this what it means to be a man instead of a prince?"
The next day, Lennas the harper went to lord Noral's study once more. The mountain passes were clear, and spring was coming to the land. He stood silent before the nobleman for a moment before Noral looked up to see him. "What am I going to tell the king, and his son?" Noral asked. His face was further lined with grief, but as always, his mind was on duty.
"You need not worry my lord. I will speak to the king upon my return. It is the least I owe you." The harper's voice was quiet, tinged with an edge of bitterness Noral had never before heard it carry. He searched the young man with his eyes, shaking his head.
"What do you owe me?"
"The truth at least, for if she or you had only known it sooner, you would still have a daughter, and I a wife." Slowly, the harper drew the signet ring from his finger and placed it on the desk between them.
Noral drew the ring to him, turning it over in his hands. As recognition dawned in his eyes, so did anger. "You.. YOU are the high prince? You are the very man my daughter would die to keep from losing, and die to avoid?" His voice rose sharply. "Why did you not tell me?"
"It was a promise between myself and my father, though he had no way of knowing I would end up in this place. When Ilithe came to me, I knew not which lord she had been betrothed to. I thought.. I didn't know she would run. I thought I has time to speak." Elnai's voice was a husky whisper. "If I had known.."
"The games of princes and kings!" Noral roared, crossing the room to where the young prince stood. "Harper, be gone from my home at once. You will not pack, you will simply go from the door. If you live to see your father, tell him what this game has cost."
"My harp.." the prince began.
"Will die here, where you should. Were you any other man I would have your life for my daughter's. Instead, you will live, knowing what has been lost." Noral turned cold eyes to the harper turned prince's face for a moment more, then turned his back to him. "Go, before I call the guards."
Elnai took the ring from the desk and slipped it into a pocket. Harper he came, and harper he would go, though when he left the manor, he didn't rest or tarry, but walked until he could walk no more, then after a short rest, began again.
He reached his father's castle in a matter of weeks, worn to exhaustion from travel and cold. Soon enough, he told his father the story, and the fate of his betrothed, Ilithe. The king said nothing for a long time, simply nodding and watching his son. Finally, he rested his hand on Elnai's shoulder and sighed. "You have learned more of being a man than I ever wished. Remember her, my son, and love her for as long as you breathe. She will live in you."
The king died several years later, and his solemn son took the throne. In time he married, and his queen bore him children. All the tales of him spoke of a good king, thoughtful and caring, generous without being foolish, a king who had learned the ways of ruling well. They also spoke of the gentle king who now never sang, and rarely spoke unless he had to.
In time, age took its toll on him. His wife passed many years before him, and his son was long past old enough to take the throne. The ceremony that made his son king was brief, and quiet as ceremonies go. In the midst of the celebration, after a tender farewell, the harper Lennas again took to the roads.
Few travelled to this part of the land in winter. The manor house within the valley was all but cut off by the mountains around it. Bent with age and wind, Lennas made his way to the plains before the manor and stopped. Not far from where he stood was the outcropping of stone by which he'd found Ilithe. His steps were slow as he found the spot, then knealt on the packed snow.
Someone in the manor house, out on a winter hunt, heard the singing. The hunt was called over, several well wrapped men and their shivering dogs making their cautious way toward the source of the sound. They couldn't make out the words until they were very close... but several times, they heard the song repeated. When they finally found the old harper, he was still singing, but ice had frozen his eyes closed, and his words were slurring. The cold had long since stiffened his fingers.
"Who do you hear on the wind and who do you wait for on the ridge in the snow, in the cold of long and longer night
Your breath, a white puff in the sky Your tears, clear water frozen dry In the snow, as you watch the rising light.
I hear the whisper of my love. She calls my name. I wait to see her crossing over the snowy plain. I hear the echo of the only song our voices ever shared. I wait for her. She will melt the snow. I wait for her. She will melt the snow. I wait for her. She will melt the snow.
Come my love to your home again. Come my love and shed the ice and rain Let me sing to you beside the rising flame.
Your hands, untangling your hair. Drinking my words in with care. Let me sing to you of what our love became.
We wed in summertime, the flowers fell around us. We walked together, hand in hand under the trees. Our children played in falling leaves and we made angels in the snow. We grew old together, and you never left me. We grew old together, and you never left me. Grew old together, and you never left me.”
When the song was done this time, his voice fell still, and winter took him.
The hunters never forgot him, nor did their children, or their children's children. And if you find the manor house today, tucked away in its snowy valley, there will still be those who swear they can hear the old man, king and harper, singing his simple, final song into the wind.
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astroboots · 2 years
Witch!reader anon here!!!!! Im so happy that you liked my idea!!!!! I actually thought another one but sent you just that. Two kingdoms decides that a wedding is the best way to make official their alliance...... reader is the older daughter but her brother is the next king and she doesn't want to marry by obligation bc come on! No one believes she can be a good queen but she's ok to be treated as a tool? So she runs away. In her little adventure she meets marc, who rescues her of danger. Some romance, both of them hiding their real identities. In the end: he's the one meant to marry her, a bastard prince that everyone calls "the mad prince". Maybe some angst and a bit of fighting for the good, oooor they staying together and running away to start a new life fuck the kingdons hahaha anyway love your work and ideas HAVE A NICE WEEK
Witch!reader nonny! I am LOVING all of your ideas.
This is so cute! I love the two runaways who bond together, it's giving me Tangled vibes and I just love that. But also the fact that you mentioned Mad Prince made me squeal cause that's actually the title of the Royal!Homecoming AU i have with Santiago x reader x Frankie!
And now i'm all OMG!!!! CROSS OVER ROYAL! (jkjk).
I'm personally very partial for let's run away together, and be renegades in love sort of ending. There's just something very romantic and escapist about it to run away from the life that you found constrictive and to start a new.
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albertfinch · 2 years
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Scripture Of The Day - February 16, 2023
"I stretch out my hands to You; My soul longs for You, as a parched land." - Psalm 143:6
As we continue on into 2023 we lean into the secret place, spending more time with God -- coming to understand the importance of comprehending our Christ identity and our oneness with Jesus --  there is a new hunger for communion, compelling us to "throw away" everything that carries no heavenly or eternal purpose. We are in a season where nothing else matters except Jesus!
A new hunger is growing in us. It is essential to throw away the things that seemed okay to us in our last season: old thought processes, busyness for the sake of busyness, and meaningless things that consume our time. Some things we have allowed in our lives cannot stay with us because of where we are going. Many are realizing it is meaningless—all is meaningless—except for our calling in Christ and bearing fruit that remains for His every advancing Kingdon! 
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." - Isaiah 43:18
"Jesus replied, 'No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.'” - Luke 9:62
"But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 3:13-14
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midxnights · 2 years
i’m going to try to get some writing done tonight. i wanted to be on way earlier, but i’ve been dealing with mother nature plus having both my nephews over. and i’m going to try to get stuff done tonight but they’re both supposed to be over for another two hours and even if i’m in a separate room - our place is very small and everyone is very loud right now and makes concentration hard. but i’m going to try - i do have four muses to add, two bios to do with that, so probably going to work on that first
i’ll hit people up in the ims and disco that i need to get back to, but feel free to come chat/plot on either if we’re not already.
also btw re: my previous post - all muses have birthdays now! i’m going to try to at least give a small acknowledgement for each one - even if it’s just a little post - but if you’d like to know actual dates - all ocs do have their birthdays on their bios (though tommy and arden’s are being changed, and via (olivia kingdon) needs to have hers added, when i add these new kids i’ll do that). and i’ll try to put out a list for canons or something but like - either way their birthdays will (from here on out because i’ve forgotten many this year) will be acknowledged on the days! but if there’s anyone’s specific you wanna know - just lemme know! anyways come hit me up! i’m around!
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godsmanforeverhis · 26 days
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(via "Great Truths Rooted in the Psalms" 8/25/2024 Posted by David Kitz for “I Love the Psalms”)
“Great Truths Rooted in the Psalms” 8/25/2024 Posted by David Kitz for “I Love the Psalms”
 Even the apostle Paul, who wrote almost half of the New Testament, knew he had unredeemed, carnal flesh that would never leave him his whole life... [Read Romans 7:15-20 here- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=rom%207%3A15-20&version=NKJV]
 But Paul also knew that because he was chosen by Jesus and received into God's Heavenly Kingdon as a redeemed, "born again" child of God... the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit living within him, was greater than Satan and his own carnal flesh... We see this penned by the apostle John in this scripture...
 1 John 1:4... You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (NKJV)
 1 John 2:15-16... Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. (NKJV)
 Are you still living in the world, without the protection of God and the Holy Spirit ??
 Not only will you have no help from God by the indwelling Holy Spirit...if you die without salvation which God wants for all people...here is a scary scripture verse penned by the apostle Paul, explaining your life after death...
 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9...  in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, (NKJV)
 Not yet a "born again" Christian ?? Not 100% sure you will be going to heaven when you die ?? You absolutely CAN be sure you are heaven-bound when you are "born again" by God above... Open the P.S. below, and seek Jesus Christ to become your personal Lord and Savior before it’s too late...
 Read this post by David, "Great Truths Rooted in the Psalms" for more about a blessed life filled with all of God's richest blessings for those living in obedience to God's PERFECT WILL, which God has planned to perfection for each of His "Spirit-filled", "Christ-centered" children !!
 Until you have experienced being saved by God's grace alone...you will have no idea of how God wants to BLESS YOU beyond mortal understanding !!
 Blessings in Christ, bruce
 Click below to open David's post for today-
 P.S.  When there is no other place to turn…turn to God !! If you’re not a “born again” Christian, is the Holy Spirit urging you to open this link ?? Here is the truth about how God’s grace is received to become a Christian in God’s eyes; through understanding and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…  https://godsmanforever.com
 To my brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel free to share this message of the cross with those in need…
Posted by David Kitz for “I Love the Psalms” @  https://davidkitz.wordpress.com/
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atlanticcanada · 2 months
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cffabioblog · 4 months
Media Hora/Middle Hour: "Los Ñoñesqueteros o mas bien The Canadians Musketeers
Dediquet to #TurningRed 's Fans
Reference for more info...
Here Goes...
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Parody bassed in the Alexandre Dumas novel "The Three Musketeers" how part of the serial "Teatro en la 1", Inside a "Che Copete's Middle Hour". In this scennes, the five (Meilin, Pryda, Abby, Miriam and Tyler) How a "The News or how said theys The Ninthsketeers to service of the maxime person, the "Presidente De La Nacion" some of to care the "The Princess and Prince of the PIT-CNT Of Downtown East", in special to "El Niño" to bizzarre and ridiculous places, some of protect the that said the Princess-Prince.
In this, scenne, in the Ontario's Intendence, theys listen and talks about a letter for the Cardenal Misseur Caillou. The Regidor Of The Ontario's Department, Sir Olw from the happy and nices tales. Thanks to theys for the notice, latter the group goes to care to the Princes to large travel for stop the posibble war in San Remo and Viña Del Mar.
In this episode, recording outside of the studio (Studio 3, CPdRCATV Of Prado Del Rey, or most good, Los Estudios De Prado Del Rey. The Meilin's Mother (Ming Lee), supervice that all are in correct work and the dress desings of the characters, was desingned literarely in italy for the famous House Versace.
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In Spanish:
Parodia del famoso libro y clásico de la literatura universal de la novela de Alejandro Dumas "Los Tres Mosqueteros" (The Three Musketeers), donde en esta versión, 5 por accidente asumen como guardias reales de la nación.
Como mosqueteros Meilin, Priya, Abby, Miriam y Tyler, cumplen con la difícil labor de cuidar a la entonces Princesa-Principe Lady Mi Chalo (Gonzalo Caceres), y "El Niño". Ademas Durante el temible viaje, luchan para proteger a ellos, como de evitar posibles guerras como entre Viña Del Mar y San Remo.
Ahí, se encuentra con un terrible obstáculo, uno de los peores males que afecta al hemisferio norte: "El Gran Carnaval De Montevideo". Ellas (Mei), le pregunta y le pide, si puede pasar la caravana para llegar al cuartel y castillo de Moe.
Baboon con un triciclo infantil lleva la "Carroza Real" (Un Tráiler o Camper).
Información resumida del libro, vía Wikipedia:
- https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_tres_mosqueteros
En refencia al carnaval de Montevideo, les dejo una gran cancion que habla del tema, en forma melancólica, de Emiliano y El Zurdo "Noche De Vereda"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=H8h5Kfrms70
(© Agadu / Montevideo Music Group )
Uno de las escenas grabadas fuera de estudio (incluido al de Pixar), mas precisamente en la Calle Florida n° 1497, pleno centro de la ciudad de Montevideo,
- https://www.google.com/maps/@-34.903659,-56.1995174,3a,90y,102.58h,98.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0C32FJKWJTRXPeyrWeQz5w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
(© Google / Intedencia De Montevideo).
Merida, Henry y Veeta, vestidos como unos murgueros, esta palabra, significan, La murga uruguaya, manifestación dramático-musical polifónica y de integración tradicionalmente masculina, surgió en el carnaval de Montevideo a fines del siglo XIX, a partir de diversos aportes hispánicos, en especial el de las murgas de Cádiz.
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- English-
In One of the finales battles or scennes, fights to the villain, The Conde Of Dark Kingdon From The Rosaio's City, Santa Fe Province (Ren Hoek), in they, he, insults to DarthaMei (Meilin), when shes angries, Fred is humilled with a simple touch for Athya Mangal From La Baviere (Priya), Porthos'T (Tyler) scare with the roourr for The Bad Griffin's Dog (Brian), while that Aramir (Miriam), disturd to The Lyon's Mutalt Duck (Edward From Camp Lazlo), in midle of the Perú-Quebec's Square in Canelones City. Messier Park (Abby) resques the "El Niño" (Che Copete), while the Messier Cardenal Caillou angries with fury in view this.
In the battle, ends a disaster, whit example, cabaret's and NightClubs peoples while a Tourist (Mr. Fumble), wants can to the Cast reptain the battle of now.
Recorded in The Studio3 "Avery-Jonnes" From Prado Del Rey Studios.
PS: For swords use, Merida (Brave) learns tho theys in how to use with many care.
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Of the battle latter, Hoek Kills with beer and drugs to The Big Elmo, when he die. Alls consternned, incluide to the coffe's chieff also.
Recorded in The Studio3 "Avery-Jonnes" From Prado Del Rey Studios.
In reference to "Prado del rey"
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prado_del_Rey_(studios)
From Wikipedia
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From Various or many battles latter, in the "Alexandra Palace" in Miami, The "Presidente De La Nación", The President Peron thanks with the Lady Chalo for all the work. But theys doesn't this honors and goes to the
"Damas De Amarillo" in can to help tho the fight agaist the Polio.
Recorded in The Studio3 "Avery-Jonnes" From Prado Del Rey Studios.
Merida and Angus (Film Brave), Buyselle (Film Toy Story), Mei (Meilin), Miriam, Abby, Priya and Tyler (Turning Red)
© Pixar / Domee Shi. Alls Rigths Reserved.
© PBS / Wild Brain. Alls Rights Reserved.
Olw (Winnie The Pooh), Maximus (Tangled), and Henry Hugglemonster
© Disney. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Cartoon Network / WarnerMedia-Discovery / David Feiss. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Akira Toriyama / TOEI. Alls Rights Reserved.
Mr. Horse (Ren And Stimpy)
© Paramount / Nickelodeon / John K. Alls Rights Reserved.
© Agadu / Montevideo Music Group. Alls Rights Reserved.
Mr. Resse (Clarence)
© Cartoon Network / Warnermedia-Discovery. Alls Rigths Reserved.
Ren Hoek (Ren And Stimpy)
© Nickelodeon / Paramount / Jon K. Alls Rigths Reserved.
Fred Flintstone (The Flintstone)
© WarnerMedia-Discovery / Hanna-Barbera. Alls Rigths Reserved.
© WordEditords S.A. / Pepo. Alls Rigths Reserved.
Edward (Camp Lazlo)
© Cartoon Network / WarnerMedia-Discovery / Joe Murray. Alls Rigths Reserved.
Brian Griffin (Family Guy)
© Disney / Twentieth Century Fox / Seth M. Alls Rigths Reserved.
Spirit Horse
© DreamWorks Animation. Alls Rights Reserved.
Toodee (Yo Gabba Gabba)
© WildBrain / Jacobs. Alls Rigths Reserved.
© Sesame . Alls Rigths Reserved.
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lalsingh228-blog · 8 months
Aerostructures Market Set for Explosive Growth
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Global Aerostructures Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, player’s market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include, Arconic (United States), Spirit AeroSystems (United States), Daher (SOCATA) (France), Airbus (Netherlands), amphenol (United States), Jamko Aerospace Inc.(United States), Griffon Aerospace(United States), Cyient LTD (India), RUAG International Holding AG (Switzerland), Elbiet systems Ltd. (Israel), Saab AB (Sweden), Stelia Aerospace Group(Sweden), GKN Plc.(United Kingdon). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/117219-global-aerostructures-market An aerostructure is a part of an aircraft's frame. This can include whole or part of the fuselage, wings, or flight control surfaces. Companies specializing in designing, constructing these components are referred to as "aerostructures manufacturers", although major aerospace firms with a very great extent of manufacturing line portfolio also build Aerostructures. With a universal testing machine, the mechanical properties of the individual's parts like fatigue, tensile, compression, the impact can be tested. These are manufactured in Civilian, Military, Research. Market Drivers
Increasing Demand in UAV due to Border Conflicts
More demand and Adaptation for Composite Component
Market Trend
Aerospace and Defence Needs and Developments in Asia-Pacific Region
Low Risk and Highly Effective Innovations for Proper Money Expenditure
Electric Infusement in Aircraft for Less Fuel Usage and Saving In Fuel Costs
Increase In Demand For Air Passengers In North America, Europe, Asia, And Pacific Regions
Major Advancements In Material Science And Critical Weather Withstanding Technologies
Outsourcing with Supply Chains
Existing and After Sales Service of Already Existing Aircraft
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/117219-global-aerostructures-market In this research study, the prime factors that are impelling the growth of the Global Aerostructures market report have been studied thoroughly in a bid to estimate the overall value and the size of this market by the end of the forecast period. The impact of the driving forces, limitations, challenges, and opportunities has been examined extensively. The key trends that manage the interest of the customers have also been interpreted accurately for the benefit of the readers. The Aerostructures market study is being classified by Application (OEM, Aftermarket), Components (Wings, Nose, Fuselege, Nacelle and Pylon, Others), Platform (Fixed-wing Aircraft, Rotary Wing Aircraft), Material Type (Metals, Composites, Alloys) The report concludes with in-depth details on the business operations and financial structure of leading vendors in the Global Aerostructures market report, Overview of Key trends in the past and present are in reports that are reported to be beneficial for companies looking for venture businesses in this market. Information about the various marketing channels and well-known distributors in this market was also provided here. This study serves as a rich guide for established players and new players in this market. Get Reasonable Discount on This Premium Report @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/117219-global-aerostructures-market Extracts from Table of Contents Aerostructures Market Research Report Chapter 1 Aerostructures Market Overview Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers Chapter 4 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*) by Region Chapter 5 Global Supplies (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions Chapter 6 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*), Price* Trend by Type Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application ………………….continued This report also analyzes the regulatory framework of the Global Markets Aerostructures Market Report to inform stakeholders about the various norms, regulations, this can have an impact. It also collects in-depth information from the detailed primary and secondary research techniques analyzed using the most efficient analysis tools. Based on the statistics gained from this systematic study, market research provides estimates for market participants and readers. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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