#new jobs 2022 in pakistan today
jobsolutions · 1 year
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falisha-enterprises · 30 days
Qatar Awaits: Partner with Pakistan’s #1 Recruitment Agency
In today's global job market, the pursuit of international career opportunities can be both exciting and challenging. For those aspiring to work in Qatar, a country renowned for its booming economy and diverse job market, partnering with a trusted recruitment agency can be a game-changer. Enter Falisha Manpower, the #1 recruitment agency for Qatar in Pakistan, dedicated to guiding job seekers towards successful careers in this dynamic Middle Eastern nation. In this article, we will explore why Falisha Manpower stands out as the Best Manpower Recruitment Agency in Pakistan and how it can assist you in achieving your career goals in Qatar.
The Growing Appeal of Qatar for Job Seekers
Qatar, with its vibrant economy, strategic location, and impressive infrastructure development, has become a sought-after destination for professionals from around the world. The country's ambitious plans for economic diversification, coupled with its status as a hub for major global events such as the FIFA World Cup 2022, have created a plethora of career opportunities across various sectors, including construction, finance, hospitality, healthcare, and technology.
However, securing a job in Qatar involves navigating a complex job market and understanding local requirements and regulations. This is where partnering with a top-notch recruitment agency like Falisha Manpower can make all the difference.
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Why Falisha Manpower is the #1 Recruitment Agency for Qatar in Pakistan
Expertise and Experience
Falisha Manpower boasts a wealth of experience in international recruitment, particularly in connecting Pakistani professionals with career opportunities in Qatar. As the #1 recruitment agency for Qatar in Pakistan, they have a deep understanding of the Qatari job market, including industry trends, employer expectations, and visa regulations. This expertise enables them to offer tailored services that meet the specific needs of both job seekers and employers.
Comprehensive Recruitment Services
Falisha Manpower provides a full spectrum of recruitment services, ensuring that every aspect of the job search process is covered. From initial career counseling and resume building to job matching, interview preparation, and visa assistance, their team of experts is committed to supporting you at every step. Their comprehensive approach not only helps job seekers find the right job but also ensures a smooth transition to working in Qatar.
Strong Network of Employers
One of the key advantages of working with Falisha Manpower is their extensive network of employers in Qatar. They have established strong relationships with leading companies across various sectors, giving job seekers access to exclusive job opportunities that may not be advertised elsewhere. This network also allows them to match candidates with roles that align with their skills, experience, and career aspirations.
Personalized Job Matching
At Falisha Manpower, they understand that each job seeker has unique career goals and preferences. Their personalized job matching process involves a thorough assessment of your qualifications, experience, and career objectives. By understanding your individual needs, they can connect you with job opportunities that best fit your profile, increasing your chances of finding a role that meets your expectations.
Guidance on Visa and Relocation
Navigating the visa and relocation process can be one of the most challenging aspects of securing a job abroad. Falisha Manpower's team is well-versed in the visa requirements for Qatar and can provide valuable assistance throughout the application process. From preparing the necessary documentation to ensuring compliance with local regulations, their expertise ensures that you can focus on your new role without the stress of administrative hurdles.
Commitment to Excellence
As the Best Manpower Recruitment Agency in Pakistan, Falisha Manpower is committed to excellence in every aspect of their services. Their team of professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional support and guidance to job seekers, ensuring that you have the best possible chance of achieving your career goals in Qatar. Their reputation for reliability, professionalism, and success speaks volumes about their commitment to their clients.
How to Get Started with Falisha Manpower
Getting started with Falisha Manpower is a straightforward process designed to ensure that your job search in Qatar is as efficient and effective as possible. Here’s how you can begin:
Contact Falisha Manpower
Reach out to Falisha Manpower through their website or contact details. You can inquire about their services, express your interest in working in Qatar, and schedule an initial consultation with one of their recruitment experts.
Submit Your Resume
Provide your updated resume and any other relevant documents to Falisha Manpower. This will help them assess your qualifications and experience and match you with suitable job opportunities.
Consultation and Career Counseling
During your consultation, you will discuss your career goals, preferences, and any specific requirements you have for a job in Qatar. This is also an opportunity to receive professional advice on your resume, interview skills, and job search strategies.
Job Matching and Application
Once your profile is reviewed, Falisha Manpower will begin matching you with relevant job opportunities in Qatar. They will assist you with the application process, including preparing for interviews and negotiating job offers.
Visa and Relocation Assistance
If you receive a job offer, Falisha Manpower will guide you through the visa application process and provide support with relocation arrangements. Their goal is to ensure a smooth transition so that you can focus on starting your new role.
Securing a job in Qatar can be a transformative experience, offering exciting opportunities for career growth and development. Partnering with Falisha Manpower, the #1 recruitment agency for Qatar in Pakistan, can significantly enhance your chances of finding the right job and navigating the complexities of working abroad. Their expertise, comprehensive services, and commitment to excellence make them the ideal choice for Pakistani professionals seeking career opportunities in Qatar.
Whether you’re looking for a role in construction, finance, hospitality, or any other sector, Falisha Manpower is here to support you every step of the way. Connect with them today and take the first step towards a successful career in Qatar.
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feministfocus · 3 months
Defining a Movement: Feminism in the Fourth Wave
by Cassidy Gable
Social movements are a lot like the ocean. The further you go from the surface, the more complex it gets. They’re constantly changing, and each part, every sea within it, blends together. 
Perhaps one of the best illustrations of this is the feminist movement in the United States.
When you dive deeper, you discover a million things you’ve never seen before. Each decade, election cycle, or even month brings a new focus or goal the movement wants to conquer. The more you explore within feminism, the more you see the intertwining it has with other movements, like the LGBTQIA+ community or Black Lives Matter.
The analogies go on, which makes what we refer to as the “waves” of feminism even more fitting. Four eras, divided by their primary focuses and the time periods which they took place, make up these waves that have eroded sexism away bit by bit, shaping our society into what it looks like today. 
In 2024, we’re in the midst of the fourth wave. As new issues arise, the movement seeks to adapt to them and fight for what gender equality looks like today. 
What Is the Fourth Wave?
Officially, the start of the fourth wave, or modern day, feminism is hard to define. Some say it starts with the MeToo movement in 2017, with a few years between the third and fourth waves. Others say that it started earlier in the 2010s with events like the International Slutwalks in 2011.
For thoroughness, it’s best to begin in 2005 with the Hollaback! campaign. The small organization based in New York City focused primarily on discussing their encounters with street harassment.
The campaign got little attention and traction until 2010 when a woman named Thao Nguyen posted a picture of a man who harassed her on the subway. As that photo was distributed more and more, the Hollaback! campaign gained a lot of members.
As it grew within the country and internationally, more lectures, book talks, and film showings were held to educate people on street harassment and other forms of sexual assault. 
From there, many of the various movements and campaigns within the fourth wave were sparked by specific events--such as the MeToo movement, Slutwalks, and Project Unbreakable--rather than overarching concepts, though there are a few themes prominent throughout.
Intersectionality continues to be a very important topic to not only the feminist movement, but to most social equality movements. 
Fighting harassment, sexual assault, and domestic violence has been another extremely popular issue in the past decade. As the sexual assault rates become more startling, more and more women are speaking up because they know they aren’t alone. 
Additionally, the movement seeks to fight against everyday misogyny and sexism, rape culture, and job discrimination. With the rise of social media and the utilization of it, men have increasingly become more involved in the movement and in advocating for women’s rights.
Reproductive healthcare has been one of the largest focuses of the feminist movement since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022. 
By getting rid of the protections for women in the US to get safe abortions, many states completely outlawed abortions with few, unclear exceptions. Sexual and reproductive health for women has been threatened by state laws, radical anti-abortionists, and right-wing politicians. 
Widespread protests across the country expressed extreme discontent with the decision, as well as the argument that access to safe abortions is a basic human right. Denying that is direct oppression of women and bodily autonomy.
Figures of Today
When talking about people today who have fought for women’s equality, Malala Yousafzai is perhaps one of the first names that come up.
Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at just 17 for her efforts in expanding education to girls in Pakistan. After winning, some were unhappy with the decision, saying that Nobel Prizes are for efforts and strides made for global disarmament, not just good acts people do.
Throughout her life, she has advocated for education access for women and girls around the world, but especially in the Middle East. 
She spoke in front of the UN on her 16th birthday--July 12, 2013--which the UN dubbed Malala Day to spread awareness for education access. 
Diana Duatre is another activist that heads the organization MADRE. MADRE and Duatre work to expand feminism into politics, and to refine the US political system to be more caring and just for all its people.
Duatre uses the idea “the personal is political” in her actisims, both for gender and racial equality. This means that everyone’s personal lives and the experiences they have are more involved in politics than meets the eye. 
She’s also a big advocate against militarism. Duatre contributed to a 2021 discussion paper on dismantling racism and militarism in foreign policy.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the youngest woman ever to be elected to the House of Representatives at 29, brough the misogyny present in Congress forward when another male representative called her misogynistic names and slurs.
She came before the House floor after the incident in 2020, and after the representative apologized, said that his behavior was unacceptable, and a show of the normalization in our society of violent behavior towards women.  
The incident got a lot of national attention, and sparked conversation and change in professional places. 
After the 2020 elections for president and Congress, a record number of women and people of color entered government positions, including the US’s first female and biracial vice president, Kamala Harris.
Harris’s position, and the notoriety that comes with it, in addition to more and more women winning national elections has helped inspire more women to pursue politics and highly-regarded professions dominated by men.
As of 2023, the 29% of the House and 25% of the Senate are made up of women, and has been growing in recent years. Though women have a higher voter-turnout than men in the US, and make up more of the citizenry. 
Though she didn’t win the presidency, she accompanied several women running for office in 2020, again solidifying a woman’s place in politics, which is often questioned and criticized.
Criticisms of the Fourth Wave
Though fourth wave feminism frequently strives to represent more than just white, cisgender women and to be diverse as the female and the female-bodied people population is, there are still criticisms of the movement.
The movement's reliance on technology has been criticized as being inherently classist and ableist because it limits significant participation to those who can use technology. Excluding low-income and disabled people from being a part of the movement is a major hurdle that as a society, we should continue to tackle.
Stressing technology may also make people feel that simply participating online is enough to gain equality, when in reality, it takes much more work. Limiting activism to strictly social media keeps action solely online.
Some claim the fourth wave to separate women and minorities apart rather than bringing them together, because many people separate over disagreements. 
Fourth wave feminism--and social justice movements in general--are often only shown taking place in the West, when in reality, every continent partakes in it in unique ways.
Around the world, there were various branches of the MeToo movements, like the WoYeShi (Mandarin for me too) movement in China, the NotinMyName movement in India, the BabaeAko (Filipino for I am a woman) movement in the Philippines, and the AmINext movement in South Africa.
In Latin America, feminism has a focus on fighting for women’s mental health, which goes particularly uncared for in some areas, and violence against women. Indigenous Latin Americans advocate for their own set of issues, like political mobility and representation.
In their efforts against colonialism, African feminists have also been battling patriarchy and gender inequality. Because the two ideas are very closely tied, especially in countries that were ruled under European countries for years and mistreated, fighting against one means fighting against the other.
Because many African countries are primarily Muslim, Islamic feminism is also prevalent, which takes the topic of feminism and works into Islamic frameworks to bring women more equality. This is also prevalent in Asian countries that are predominantly Muslim. 
Elsewhere in Asia, like in India, economic independence is a major focus of feminists. Elevating women’s status economically gives women freedom from their families and husbands. 
All over the world, the fight for gender equality is as diverse as the country and the specific issues, culture, and social environment. 
Today is a beautiful show of what feminism is: the movement adapting to what people need and changing to help women thrive. 
As a movement, we should continue to include women across the world and elevate their voices as well to give their issues a platform. 
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techcubators · 2 years
Careem Stands Unfazed Amid the Economic and Political Crisis
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The tech sector all over the world has been crumbling lately, with more than 200,000 tech jobs lost in the past year, the industry is confronting one of its worst crunches in history with tech giants like Meta, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and Amazon announcing mass layoffs. And just like the rest of the world, Pakistan too has been struggling to keep up. With inflation at its highest in the past 4 decades, the country is also going through political turmoil and an even greater economic crisis that is on the verge of affecting the supply chains of several industries. Pakistan like several other economies was well on its way to flourishing until the COVID-19 pandemic bought the world to a halt. A major chunk of the business sector shut down due to uncertainty and daily wagers struggled to make ends meet, but life did start getting back to the new normal. And then came the Ukraine-Russia conflict which is still testing the global economies forcing companies to recalibrate and, in some cases, wholly reconsider their long-standing supply chain and partner ecosystems. Pakistan, along with the Ukraine-Russia conflict was being tested politically as a wave of unrest jolted the ruling leaders, things to date, remain the same for the country as inflation reaches a whopping 27.3%. This caused the booming start-up sector in Pakistan to collapse and several start-ups like Airlift, SWVL, Retailo, VavaCars, Truck It In, and UBER shut down operations in major cities of Pakistan making 2022 a dismal year for Pakistani startups. Foreign investors pulled out of the Pakistani market amid rising interest rates and a sharp fall in venture capital-backed stocks. But amid all the chaos, Careem managed to not only stay afloat but also became a household name facilitating not just its customers but also its captains. But this feat did not come easy to Careem, the organization had to take a step back, recalibrate and re-strategize its operations and policies to adapt to the constantly changing crisis in the country. Last year, while other startups were unable to raise funding and find a feasible revenue model, Careem announced an investment of $25 million to further simplify and improve their captains’ and customers’ experience in Pakistan. Careem also announced a significant reduction in its commission fees charged to captains, making it their all-time lowest. To further facilitate its captains, Careem has recently partnered with Gas and Oil Pakistan Limited (GOPL) to provide lucrative discounts on fuel and lubricant products to its captains operating in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Multan, and Peshawar. They also launched their fintech affiliate, Careem Pay, with the aim to invest $50 million in Pakistan. Having a network of more than 800,000 registered Captains across Pakistan, Careem has always been at the forefront when it comes to providing safe, secure, reliable, and affordable means of transportation to its customers and a flexible working environment for its captains. If anything, this proves that it takes resilience and strong determination to survive in the constantly-transforming world that we live in today. As businesses respond to the current crisis, they must also prepare for a new reality that focuses on agility, digitization, and multistakeholder collaboration. Read the full article
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thejobs365 · 2 years
ASF Jobs 2022 Apply online via fpsc.gov.pk
ASF Jobs 2022 Apply online via fpsc.gov.pk
 Get ASF Jobs 2022 Apply Online via fpsc.gov.pk on this page. As we all know the Federal Public Service Commission FPSC Jobs advertisement is published once a month and we provide you with every vacancy announced by FPSC. Here on our site today, we are discussing the new FPSC jobs Advertisement 13/2022 for which applications are invited from the citizens of Pakistan for the following jobs in…
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pkfuturejobs · 2 years
Ministry of Human Rights MOHR Jobs November 2022 – PkFutureJobs
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Ministry of Human Rights MOHR Jobs November 2022 – PkFutureJobs
Apply Now!
The latest jobs in Pakistan ministry of Human Rights Jobs November 2022 is in the Federal Government of Pakistan November 2022 Jobs. This Latest advertisement was obtained from the Daily Dawn newspaper. this Site publish Ministry of Human Rights Pakistan Jobs 2022 Application Form Online Download. Candidate are being invited from the Ministry of Human Rights Jobs. Today New Jobs in Ministry of Human Rights Jobs 2022 has been announced through the advertisement and applications.
Ministry of Human Rights MOHR Jobs November 2022 – PkFutureJobs
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ICI Pakistan Limited Jobs 2022 at Polyester Plant Sheikhupura
ICI Pakistan Limited Jobs 2022 at Polyester Plant Sheikhupura
Today, ICI Pakistan through the daily Jang newspaper has announced new job opportunities through “ICI Pakistan Limited Jobs 2022 Polyester Plant Sheikhupura”. ICI Pakistan Limited, formerly known as Imperial Chemical Industries, is a Pakistani chemical company. It is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. It manufactures polyester, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, soda ash, and animal health…
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elegentjobs · 2 years
The State of Nuclear Energy Today — and What Lies Ahead
Around the world, 440 nuclear reactors currently provide over 10 percent of global electricity. In the U.S., nuclear power plants have generated almost 20 percent of electricity for the last 20 years.
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Nuclear energy’s role in fighting climate change
Nuclear power is the second largest source of clean energy after hydropower. The energy to mine and refine the uranium that fuels nuclear power and manufacture the concrete and metal to build nuclear power plants is usually supplied by fossil fuels, resulting in CO2 emissions; however, nuclear plants do not emit any CO2 or air pollution as they operate. And despite their fossil fuel consumption, their carbon footprints are almost as low as those of renewable energy. One study calculated that a kilowatt hour of nuclear-generated electricity has a carbon footprint of 4 grams of CO2 equivalent, compared to 4 grams for wind and 6 grams for solar energy — versus 109 grams for coal, even with carbon capture and storage.
In the last 50 years, nuclear energy has precluded the creation of 60 gigatons of carbon dioxide, according to the International Energy Agency. Without nuclear energy, the power it generated would have been supplied by fossil fuels, which would have increased carbon emissions and resulted in air pollution that could have caused millions more deaths each year.
The state of nuclear energy today
Around the world, 440 nuclear reactors currently provide over 10 percent of global electricity. In the U.S., nuclear power plants have generated almost 20 percent of electricity for the last 20 years.
The greater part of the atomic plants working today were intended to last 25 to 40 years and with a typical age of 35 years, a fourth of them in created nations will probably be closed somewhere near 2025. After the Fukushima implosion, various nations started to consider deliberately getting rid of their atomic projects, with Germany expected to close down its whole atomic armada by 2022.
The U.S. has 95 atomic reactors in activity, yet just a single new reactor has fired up over the most recent 20 years. North of 100 new atomic reactors are being arranged in different nations, and 300 more are proposed, with China, India, and Russia driving the way.
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PAEC Jobs 2022 has been announced through the advertisement and applications from the suitable persons are invited on the prescribed application form. In these Latest Pakistan Atomic Energy Jobs the eligible Male/Female candidates from across the country can apply through the procedure defined by the organization and can get these Today Jobs in Pakistan 2022 after the complete recruitment process.
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jobustad · 2 years
Latest Jobs in IBA Karachi October 2022 - Institute of Business Administrations Jobs
Latest Jobs in IBA Karachi October 2022 – Institute of Business Administrations Jobs
Latest Jobs in IBA Karachi October 2022 has been announced through the advertisement and applications from the suitable persons are invited on the prescribed application form. In these New Institute of Business Administration Jobs the eligible Male/Female candidates from across the country can apply through the procedure defined by the organization and can get these Today Jobs in Pakistan 2022…
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Latest Teaching Jobs 2022 -  Rawalpindi | Abbottabad | Lahore | Peshawar | Quetta
Latest Teaching Jobs 2022 –  Rawalpindi | Abbottabad | Lahore | Peshawar | Quetta
Latest Teaching Jobs 2022 –  Rawalpindi | Abbottabad | Lahore | Peshawar | Quetta   Latest Teaching Jobs 2022 in different areas of Pakistan are available and the same has been announced in Newspapers (Jang & Mashriq) on 14 May 2022. In this regard, eligible candidates can apply for the post of Special Education Teacher | Quran Teacher | Male Female Teacher | Computer Science | Teacher | Subject…
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jobsolutions · 1 year
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jobsrever · 2 years
FIA Jobs August 2022 – Latest Federal Investigation Agency
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jobs-hours · 3 years
Jobs In House Building Finance Company 2022 | Manager & Assistant Manager Jobs 2022 | JOBS HOURS
House Building Finance Company Limited
It is stated with due regards that Read the Details mentioned below about Job, Job providing Department, Location, Quota, Education/ Qualification required for Job position, Age limit and mostly focus on Last Date.
Here in the following details you will be able to apply easily and fully understood about Job, Job providing Department, Location, Quota, Education/ Qualification required for Job’s vacant position, Age limit and fully focus on Last Date.
House Building Finance Company Limited
in which vacant positions are available for jobs. Apply in vacant posts and en-light your future.
House Building Finance Company Limited
published on 28 December 2021 in the Newspaper “Daily The Nation”. House Building Finance Company Limited
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Let everyone must submit their application forms before 09 January 2022.
All applicants have time to submit their application form between 28 December 2021 and 09 January 2022.
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needs candidates possessing Education/ Qualification Master, Bachelor, ACMA, ACA, CMA,
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Jobs In House Building Finance Company 2022 | Manager & Assistant Manager Jobs 2022 | JOBS HOURS Domicile required: All Over Pakistan Last Date to Apply: 09/01/2022 APPLY ONLINE: https://cutt.ly/sUbBRvH
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delilahmidnight · 2 years
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Pakistani trans activist Dr. Mehrub Moiz Awan was removed from the panel of speakers at a TEDx conference at the International School Lahore (ISL) on August 20. The full official draft of her talk is as follows:
"In 2018, Pakistan became the first Muslim nation in the world to unanimously recognize transgender persons and grant them civil liberties and protections. Since then, we have gone on to become the only nation in the world to be represented by a transgender woman at a United Nations forum and have conferred national recognition to transgender activists Aisha Mughal and Dr. Sara Gill on the 23rd of March 2022. Ms. Bubbli Malik recently became the first transgender woman to speak on the floor of the National Assembly. The Punjab government has a schooling program for transgender persons, the Sindh government has a job quota for us, and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has a fund for monetary assistance for transgender persons. Slowly, we are inching towards acceptance and tolerance, both legally and socially. But very few of us know the history of how we got here, and who taught us hatred in the first place. Today, I want to narrate our history and our story in our words, on our terms. In many ways this is also my story, where I had to dig deep and understand my history, biology, psychology, and spirituality when none around me were willing to accept my existence. And it gives me immense joy to share with you all that I have learnt. This is a story of joy, resistance, struggle, victory, and eventual surrender to the Divine.
Understanding and acknowledging that all our problems started with the arrival of the British, and the new colonial gender regime that they imposed on us, is crucial to making Pakistan a more inclusive country. When the white man from Europe landed on the glorious shores of South Asia with his shallow agenda of loot and theft, he was mesmerized by our diversity, riches, culture, and splendor. He was used to the mundane dark life of the British island, where men and women tiptoed across rigid gender roles and unequal societies. We, contrastingly, were a culture rich with many genders and a variety of gender roles. Warrior queens and princesses, an appreciation of arts by all, male poets, and dancers, Sufi dervishes, and us – the khwajasiras. The first Portuguese travelers to Goa noted the unique presence of khwajasiras – loading and offloading ships, running businesses, dressed in beautiful feminine clothes, and wholly integrated in the South Asian society. All Muslim societies, especially those in South Asia, have had a rich history of gender-variant people. Khwajasiras were protectors of the female quarters, were allowed to pray alongside men in mosques, were guardians of all Sufi shrines in South Asia, and led the funeral prayers of Baba Bulley Shah in Kasur. However, after colonizing us the British deployed a coordinated strategy across many decades with a clearly communicated agenda – to eliminate khwajasiras, and all transgender people, from South Asia. This is the genocide, that the world doesn’t talk about, because it doesn’t know about it.
The British exacted this genocide in many ways. They introduced two sets of laws called the Criminal Tribes Act that stated that khwajasiras will be punished for two years in prison for wearing what they normally wear, feminine clothes. It also prompted the local police to maintain a register of all khwajasiras, and to continue surveilling them. Khwajasiras were forbidden to travel without first informing the police. And the senior British police bureaucracy constantly sent letters to local police to investigate whether the khwajasiras were committing “sodomy”. The British used the term “eunuch” for us, ignoring all the local words that already existed for us. Through this, the British over decades not only put khwajasiras under constant surveillance and criminalized their very existence, but they also created hateful police that were constantly suspicious of us. Even worse, the British associated khwajasiras with sodomy, and that negative perception exists to this very day.
When the British conducted the first census on our lands, they only counted men and women – refusing to count us – and thus my ancestors stopped being citizens of the modern Indian state that the British had created and could thus not participate in any activity of the new State structure. Criminalization, police torture, and surveillance on one end, refusal to provide any State services on another: the sinister project that the British started in 1860 continues even today. In summary, our public learnt hatred and violence from the British, their colonizers, and is still stuck in the same hateful loop.
We must all understand that colonization wasn’t just about capturing economic resources; it was simultaneously a racist project. Armed with the power of racist biology and unethical science, white scientists published multiple books about how the white race is genetically superior to other races and hence more evolved on the tree of evolution. One vital pseudo fact that they used was sex-difference. The racist logic went somewhat like this. Lower species have very minimal differences between the sexes, and as species evolve sex differences become more prominent. As human beings are the most evolved species, therefore sex differences are the highest among us. During colonization, white people came across civilizations where gender roles were markedly different from their regimented European roles, just like ours. Our colonizers stated that because men and women in our societies do things that are not considered masculine or feminine according to European standards, it means that in our races sex differences are not as high as white people, and hence we are an inferior race to the whites.
The Nawab of Lucknow was declared a “eunuch” by the Britishers, and his territories captured after a fierce war simply because he was a patron of Eastern classical music, kathak dance, and fine Urdu poetry. Many women and khwajasiras lined battlefields to fight the all-male British army. Tawayifs helped rebels and fighters by hiding them in their quarters. All of this gave our colonizers immense anxiety, and to ensure their rule upon us they felt they must establish a gender regime where women are locked away in houses making tea (just like their British counterparts) and the brown man is the slave to the white ruler.
Parroting the British Protestant stories of the Prophet Lot, and using English words like sodomite, homosexual, degenerates, cross-dressers, and perverts, an entire generation of scholars was prepared that not just hated us, the khwajasiras, but wanted us eliminated altogether. Yet here we stand today; alive, successful, and proud of our existence. Because according to us, it was Divine will that saved us then, and it is His power that will make us thrive further. We aren’t pretending to be men or women; we are being who we are, what we feel, what we know, and where we want to be. We aren’t a gender; we are a people!
Who am I? Who are you? Who are we? Identities are fascinating delusions of our modern times. They are the core to how we communicate, live, socialize, and die. We are a name, a race, a gender, a nationality, an occupation, a religion, and so on. How many of these did you choose yourself? Or shall I rephrase, how many of these were you given the chance to choose? If we are all agents of free-will and will be tried and tested in front of a human or Divine court of law, we must have the freedom to choose as well. Otherwise, we are being rewarded, or punished, for the choices someone else made for our identity. God makes no mistakes. We aren’t a mistake. In the Garden of God, there are not just two types of flowers; there are many, beyond our counting abilities. Diversity, and heterogeneity, is the order or nature; gender binaries are unnatural, artificial, and engineered.
I was four years old, in kindergarten, and on the first day when my teacher asked all of us to divide into boys and girls, I naturally moved and stood with the girls. She laughed, told me that was wrong, and made me stand with the boys. I was 5 and 6 when complaints and letters were sent to my parents every month stating that your son is too feminine, plays with girls, and talks like them; fix him! I was barely 10, when multiple adolescent males began moving on me sexually and coercively, telling me that girly boys like me deserve this treatment. I was in an all-boys school when I was constantly bombarded with slurs and abuses, many of which I still get on my social media from educated men and women. In my biology classes, while studying endocrinology I always had to leave class and hide in a bathroom because every time Klinefelter Syndrome was mentioned, everyone would point at me and laugh. Klinefelter Syndrome is a biological condition where individuals are born with an extra X chromosome and classified as intersex. And in my medical school, the cursed word of being gay or homosexual dangled over my head for 5 years straight. I have been beaten, locked away in the dark, punished, called out, degraded, humiliated, raped, and almost killed for having a limp wrist, a slender body, and whatever you consider feminine. But I stand here, proud of my existence, and thankful to the Divine for making me who I am. I shouldn’t have had to endure all of this – the science is clear on the existence of people like me. Countless years of research and wisdom now exists stating that transgender people are valid, their gender identities are valid, and that by making our society more inclusive we improve the living conditions for everyone. Then what is this invisible phenomenon that still makes us hate people that are different from us, or don’t neatly fall on the gender binary?
Gender binaries are made by societies that want to lock people in a strict reproductive order where a calculated number of poor people must be produced every generation to provide services and labor to the minority elite. Failure to do so means that you will be punished in the worst manner possible. You must marry within your class, caste, creed, sect, social status, and if you don’t you will be hunted down and killed, legally prosecuted, or shunned to a life of social exclusion. But we the khwajasiras are beyond this, and hence we present a possibility; a chance of being yourself, true to your soul. We look at life as a journey of Ishq, the search for the self, and through that the search for the Divine. We present the possibility of looking at rigid gender binaries, roles, and customs straight in the eyes and telling them that we are complete individuals made by the Divine and on a journey to live life as our mind, heart, and soul tells us to. And this threatens and frightens the rigid order of gender, known as heteropatriarchy.
If I was not who I am, I wouldn’t know Haq from Baatil, Truth from Falsehood, and Liberty from Oppression. I am free of the confines of social gender binaries, coded and recoded by oppressive rulers, white and brown, and enforced by patriarchal men and women. I am free from this slavery of reproduction, where you all MUST reproduce, and your worth is calculated by how many sons you produce. I am not an insentient uterus, nor am I a toiling breadwinner without any passion or dreams. I am a traveler, a lover, a poet, a warrior, and a broken cup whose cracks are filled with gold and silver. I am all that you were never allowed to be. And that is what makes me special, and hence a target. My being transgender has taught me that too often we categorize behaviors and actions as boyish or girlish when they are neither. Who decided that blue is for boys and pink is for girls? Or that boys must play sports and girls must play with dolls? Why can’t we let kids be kids and allow adults to choose their hobbies and passions, without force fitting everything into a neat category of “for men” and “for women”? Imagine a world where we celebrate people for their talents and passion, and not for how manly or womanly they are. That sounds like liberation to me.
To all young queer and trans people, hold your fort; God has sent you with a plan and purpose and in due time you will find it. To the parents of gender variant people, may God give you the courage to open your eyes to love and shun away the hate that history and patriarchy has taught you. To teachers and school, may God give you the empathy and power to make gender inclusive classrooms where children learn to appreciate each other for their differences instead of bullying. To employers and businesses, may God give you the sense to hire people without the baggage of gender identity and bias. And to all humanity, may you recognize the love and diversity present within you, as gifted by the Almighty already."
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