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[ad_1] Newswise — New research analysing the effects of two drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes indicates a consistent lack of cardiovascular and renal benefits in Black populations. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of severe illness and death associated with type 2 diabetes. Renal disease is also a common complication of type 2 diabetes.The drugs, called sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2-Is) and glucogen-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP1-RAs), are some of the newer treatments prescribed to lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.The research findings, published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, show that for White and Asian populations, SGLT2-Is and GLP1-RAs have beneficial effects on blood pressure, weight control and renal function, and significantly reduce the risk of severe heart problems and kidney disease. However, the research shows no evidence of these beneficial effects in Black populations.Researchers at the Diabetes Research Centre at the University of Leicester analysed the results of 14 randomised controlled trials of SGLT2-Is and GLP1-RAs reporting cardiovascular and renal outcomes by race, ethnicity and region.Lead researcher Professor Samuel Seidu, Professor in Primary Care Diabetes and Cardio-metabolic Medicine at the University of Leicester, said: “Given the well-documented evidence that Black and other ethnic minority populations are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and at a younger age, the consistent lack of benefits we observed among Black populations is concerning.“Minimising racial and ethnic variations in the cardiovascular and renal complications of type 2 diabetes requires targeted improved access to care and treatment for those most at risk.”The researchers suggest there are many factors that could have contributed to the lack of evidence of beneficial effects for Black and other non-White populations. Low statistical power due to small sample sizes of these populations may be partly responsible.“It is quite clear from the current data that some racial/ethnic groups such as Black populations were underrepresented in all the included trials,” pointed out Professor Seidu.Enrolment in the trials ranged from 66.6% to 93.2% for White populations, 1.2% and 21.6% for Asian populations, and 2.4% to 8.3% for Black populations.However, the researchers suggest that, given the consistent nature of the significant lack of beneficial effects across the majority of outcomes for Black populations, other factors may also be at play.“"Whether the differences are due to issues with under-representation of Black populations and low statistical power, or to racial/ethnic variations in the way the body and these drugs interact with each other needs further investigation,” said Professor Seidu. “It is therefore important that prescribers don’t hasten to deny these newer treatments to Black populations on the back of this research.” window.fbAsyncInit = function () FB.init( appId: '890013651056181', xfbml: true, version: 'v2.2' ); ; (function (d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); [ad_2]
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Pusat Moment di Ternate Hubungi 0821 1331 9132
Pusat Moment di Ternate Hubungi 0821 1331 9132 menawarkan bisnis dan produk moment. neo glucogen, propolis, fucosan, softly, zmooth, coffee, morex, dll.
Siapakah MOMENT?
Perusahaan ini didirikan dipenghujung akhir tahun 2012 dengan nama PT MOMEN GLOBAL INTERNASIONAL, yang bergerak dibidang penyediaan produk suplemen dan kesehatan kelas dunia yang bermutu tinggi.
Legalitas Lengkap Ini menjadi nilai tambah agar lebih yakin membangun bisnis dan team sukses. 1. Siup L (Ijin penjualan Langsung) 2. APLI (Suatu badan yang di percaya pemerintah untuk mengayomi Perusahaan Jaringan yang Legal dan melindungi Hak member/distributor. jika perusahaan Nakal / Melakukan kecurangan — Maka APLI akan melindungi Anda secara hukum ) 3. Halal MUI (Ini adalah legalitas Halal secara Produk dan system pembayaran bonus) 4. Kartu ATM Mandiri (Bisa di bagi Anda yang Menjadi member Aktif untuk mentransfer Bonus anda) 5. Momenf Care (Sebuah kegiatan sosial untuk berbagi kepada anak yatim & panti asuhan yang di ambil dari beberapa persen produk yg terjual) 6. ISO 9001–2008 (Ini merupakan Standart Management Control untuk kualitas dan aktifitas , Sehingga laporan keuangan perusahaan transparan).
Kenapa Saya Merekomendasikan MOMENT?
Anda akan lebih mudah mengembangkan Bisnis Anda, karena Produk-produk MOMENT adalah produk premium kelas dunia dan sangat laris. Banyak dicari karena manfaatnya yang LUAR BIASA. Tidak hanya bagus untuk kecantikan tapi juga kesehatan. Tampil cantik dan awet muda telah menjadi dambaan semua orang, dan telah menjadikan MOMENT sebagai bisnis yang sangat menggiurkan.
Pangsa Pasarnya sangat Besar dan Luas.
Anda akan lebih cepat mewujudkan Impian Anda, Karena mendapatkan penghasilan dari MOMENT sangatlah mudah. System yang diberikan oleh MOMENT sangat simpel dan mudah dipahami dengan berbagai komisi dan bonus yang besar dan cepat cair.
Anda tinggal mencontek saja untuk SUKSES di MOMENT, karena di MOMENT sudah ada Support SYSTEM yang handal dan teruji. Dan semua pembelajaran yang diberikan sangat simpel dan mudah di duplikasi.
Anda bisa santai dan fokus pada pengembangan bisnis Anda, karena Anda didukung oleh fasilitas Drop shipping. Fasilitas drop shipping ini sangat penting dan membantu Anda dalam mengembangkan bisnis. Anda tidak perlu pusing memikirkan stok barang, packing dan mengirimkan ke expedisi. Anda hanya perlu fokus pada PENGEMBANGAN BISNIS Anda. Anda bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas drop shipping untuk pengiriman barang ke seluruh Indonesia dan luar negeri.
Bisa dikerjakan 100 % full dari rumah. Anda tidak perlu bermacet-macet dan berpanas-panas ria, habis banyak waktu dijalan untuk mengembangkan bisnis ini. Anda akan sangat menikmati berbisnis MOMENT, karena Anda bisa lakukan tanpa harus meninggalkan anak-anak, bahkan mungkin tanpa harus meninggalkan tempat tidur Anda.
Bagaimana Bisnis ini akan Membuat Anda Sehat, Cantik, Awet Muda dan Dibayar MAHAL?
Problematika yang sering dihadapi, terutama oleh kaum wanita saat ini adalah permasalahan kecantikan seperti jerawat, kulit keriput, flek, kantong mata, penuaan dini, kegemukan dan lain-lain. Bagaimana cara mengatasinya?
Pada tahun 2008 WFDSA (World Federation Direct Selling Ascociation) melakukan survey dan menemukan bahwa omzet nutrisi kesehatan dan kosmetik kecantikan adalah yang tertinggi di antara produk — produk direct selling lainnya, yaitu mencapai 54 Milyar US Dollar atau sekitar 540 Trilyun Rupiah lebih. Tentunya sekarang ini jumlahnya jauh meningkat.
Dan tahukah Anda?
Bahwa Populasi Indonesia, 50 Juta jiwanya adalah WANITA DEWASA.
WANITA DEWASA ini dari hasil survei, demi merawat kecantikannya, rela mengeluarkan Rp 100.000 — lebih dari Rp 1.000.000 setiap bulan.
Dan itu artinya, Sebuah peluang bisnis dengan nilai Rp 5 Trilyun setiap bulan!
Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa bisnis nutrisi kesehatan dan kecantikan memiliki pangsa pasar yang sangat luas dan nilai bisnis yang sangat tinggi. Apakah Anda tergoda untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari bisnis ini?
Produk Moment
Produk — produk yang dihadirkan MOMENT adalah produk premium kelas dunia untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan. MOMENT memiliki komitment yang tinggi atas produknya, untuk itu produk MOMENT sudah ber-BPOM dan bersertifikat halal. Jadi Anda tidak perlu merasa khawatir mengkonsumsinya.
MOMENT NEO GLUCOGEN adalah penyempurnaan Glucogen Moment sebelumnya. MOMENT NEO GLUCOGEN adalah nutrisi yang terbuat dari bahan alami terbaik. Mengandung L-gluthathione yang merupakan precusor dari pembentukan satu zat penting di tubuh kita, yaitu glutathione, yang merupakan super antioksidan endogen bagi tubuh manusia
· Membantu proses detoksifikasi tubuh agar lebih optimal
· Membantu meningkatkan sistem imunitas tubuh agar terlindung dari berbagai penyakit
· Membantu menghambat proses penuaan dan mendukung regenerasi sel baik sel tubuh secara keseluruhan ataupun sel kulit
· Membantu regulasi hormonal, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesehatan reproduksi
· Membantu menjaga kesehatan dan menguatkan jaringan penyangga (otot, kulit, sendi, gigi dan tulang)
· Membantu mengatasi masalah pada kulit seperti flek hitam, jerawat, kerutan dan garis halus pada wajah, dll
CARA PEMAKAIAN Satu sachet Neo glucogen dapat dikonsumsi secara langsung tanpa perlu dicampur dengan air / minuman tertentu Dapat dikonsumsi 1 sachet setiap harinya dimalam hari, idealnya 1–2 jam sebelum tidur
Moment Propolis merupakan 100% zat alami yang banyak mengandung zat-zat berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh. Propolis merupakan antibiotik alami yang bebas racun dan tanpa efek samping.
· Berasal dari Green Brazilian Propolis yang merupakan jenis terbaik di dunia dengan kandungan flavonoid terbaik. Dimana Flavonoid di New Propolis Moment merupakan yang paling optimal dari sisi kualitas maupun kuantitas Diproses dengan menggunakan metode NANO TECHNOLOGY sehingga di dapatkkan molekul propolis yang lebih kecil yang lebih mudah diserap tubuh dan mengurangi resiko terjadinya Alergi
· Mengandung MINT yang selain untuk memperbaiki rasa asli dari propolis agar lebih nyaman ketika dikonsumsi, mint juga berfungsi untuk melegakan saluran pernafasan serta banyak manfaat lainnya Dikemas dalam botol kaca sehingga lebih hieginis dan tidak mudah terkontaminasi
MANFAAT MOMENT PROPOLIS SECARA UMUM : 1. Sebagai anti Jamur,Virus dan Bakteri 2. Anti Oksidan 3. Sebagai Stimulator Sistem Imun (Imuno Stimulator) 4. Membantu mengatasi Atherosklerosis (pengapuran pembuluh darah oleh kolesterol yang terkontaminasi oleh radikal bebas) 5. Anti Tumor 6. Sebagai Anti Prostaglandin (hormon yang menjadi penyebab reaksi radang) 7. Membantu Proses Regenerasi Sel Hati 8. Membantu mengatasi Diabetes Melitus (kencing manis) 9. Membantu mengatasi Gangguan Saluran Pencernaan 10. Membantu mengatai Gangguan Saluran Pernafasan 11. Membantu mengatasi Penyakit jantung dan Pembuluh Darah 12. Membantu menyembuhkan Luka, dll
MENGAPA ANDA HARUS MENGGUNAKAN MOMENT PROPOLIS Karena Propolis Moment telah teruji Secara Klinis dan terdaftar di BPOM dengan registrasi POM TR. 153690161 Sehingga aman untuk dikonsumsi dan terjamin kualitasnya. SIAPA SAJA YANG BISA MENGKONSUMSI MOMENT PROPOLIS Siapapun, bisa! Karena propolis Moment bisa digunakan oleh semua orang, baik itu laki-laki maupun perempuan, tua dan muda, anak-anak dan remaja juga bisa mengonsumsi propolis secara rutin. Selain aman digunakan, Propolis Moment juga tidak menimbulkan efek ketergantungan. Itu sebabnya Propolis Moment bisa menjadi pertolongan pertama untuk si buah hati.
Fucosan adalah minuman tinggi serat dengan rasa Black Currant yang terbuat dari bahan bahan organic alamiah pilihan terbaik. Tidak Hanya mengandung serat larut (soluble fiber) dan serat tidak larut (Insoluble Fiber) yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan serat harian anda tetapi juga mengandung bahan aktif lainnya yang salah satu diantaranya adalah Antioksidan
· Membantu membuang toksin dan sampah yang tidak berguna bagi tubuh (detoksifikasi) sehingga tubuh menjadi lebih sehat.
· Membantu menurunkan resiko terjadinya kanker terutama di sistem pencernaan.
· Membantu menurunkan kolesterol darah yang berlebihan sehingga mengurangi resiko terjadinya penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah .
· Membantu menjaga stabilitas gula darah sehingga menurunkan resiko terjadinya diabetes.
· Membantu mempertahankan rasa kenyang sehingga membantu menjaga berat tubuh ideal.
CARA KONSUMSI FUCOSAN Tuangkan 1 sachet kedalam 150 ml air , aduk hingga tercampur rata dan segera diminum sesaat setelah dicampur. Anjuran Pemakaian : 1–2 sachet /hari sebaiknya diminum sebelum makan. Sebaiknya diimbangi dengan pola makan yang sehat dan olahraga secara teratur untuk hasil yang maksimal. Semua penyakit berawal dari Usus. Pencernaan yang kotor adalah akar dari semua kejahatan (penyakit)
Zmooth adalah minuman serbuk botanical untuk detoksifikasi.
MENGAPA MENGGUNAKAN ZMOOTH ? Karena Zmooth mampu membersihkan usus anda kembali seperti awal. Di dalam zmooth mengandung Stem Cell aktivator yang mampu merangsang kembali pembentukan sel-sel yang rusak. Prebiotiknya mampu memberikan nutrisi pada parasit baik di usus. Zmooth akan membantu menyetabilkan berat badan anda sehingga anda akan mempunyai tubuh yang ideal sepanjang masa. Rasa manis pada zmooth ini berasal dari bunga Stevia, sehingga sangat aman untuk dikonsumsi.
· Feses tidak terbuang (ini adalah penyebab terbesar)
· Kurang serat sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk transit makanan lebih banyak dan akhirnya banyak makanan yang melekat pada usus besar dan menjadi toksin
· Makanan yang tidak sehat yang turut menjadi pemicu seperti misalnya makanan olahan yang mengandung pengawet dan juga gluefood (contohnya daging, keju, hasil susu, hasil tepung, gula gula)
MOMENT COFFEE tidak hanya sekedar memberikan cita rasa kopi tak terlupakan tapi juga memberikan manfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh sebagai berikut:
· Meningkatkan stamina dan daya tahan tubuh. Baik performa tubuh ataupun ketahan tubuh (endurance) itu sendiri.
· Mengatasi kelelahan kronis dan kelelahan pada usia lanjut baik fisik ataupun mental (psikis)
· Menstimulasi kerja otak seperti memperbaiki daya ingat , konsentrasi , meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif serta memperbaiki respon mood.
· Melancarkan peredaran darah dengan mekanisme melebarkan dan merelaksasikan pembuluh darah.
· Meningkatkan kekuatan daya dan hasrat seksual baik pria maupun wanita . Memperbaiki Ejakulasi dini dan disfungsi Ereksi pada pria.
· Memiliki efek sebagai Anti-Oksidan yang bisa mengurangi resiko terhadap kejadian kanker dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya, dll
SARAN PENYAJIAN MOMENT COFFEE dapat dikonsumsi 1–2 sachet per hari dengan menyeduhnya dalam 150 ml air hangat. Terutama di pagi hari atau siang hingga sore hari untuk menyegarkan tubuh anda yang lelah setelah beraktifitas. Sebaiknya disimpan di tempat yang kering dengan suhu 25°C
MOREX adalah minuman serbuk dikemas dalam sachet berbahan dasar tumbuhan yang diolah secara modern menggunakan teknologi nano. Dimana kandungan bahan alami tersebut dikenal bisa membantu meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh serta bermanfaaat sebagai obat kuat alami penambah stamina dan vitalitas.
· Meningkatkan stamina dan energi serta memperbaiki endurance pria
· Memperbaiki kemampuan otak dan kognitif seperti mod, fokus dan memori
· Sebagai aphrodisiac untuk meningkatkan Libido
· Membantu meningkatkan jumlah, kualitas, pergerakan dan kekuatan hidup dari sperma
· Membantu ereksi dan memperbaiki disfungsi ereksi
· Membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung dan pembuluh darah, dll
MOMENT MOREX sudah lulus uji di laboratorium sehingga sudah resmi mendapatkan ijin BPOM dengan nomor registrasi MD 869009281575. CARA KONSUMSI Diseduh dengan air putih 50–100 ml, aduk hingga rata kemudian siap untuk diminum. Ditabur dibawah lidah, diamkan 5–10 detik hingga lumer dengan sendirinya, kemudian baru ditelan. Setelah itu minum air putih secukupnya. Note : kedua cara minum morex diatas sama saja khasiatnya, tinggal anda lebih senang pilih yang mana. Minum morex sebaiknya pada siang hari, kasih jarak waktu 2 jam sesudah makan. sehari minum sekali 1 sachet
Moment softly merupakan produk moment WOMEN SERIES yang fungsi utamanya sebagai pembalut dan pantyliner HERBAL.
· Selain berfungsi untuk pembalut herbal bagi wanita, Moment Softly juga bermanfaat untuk :
· Membantu proses penyembuhan keluhan keputihan pada wanita.
· Membantu membunuh bakteri pada organ intim wanita.
· Membantu proses penyembuhan penyakit kista, miom, kanker serviks dll.
· Membantu Program Hamil pada wanita.
· Membantu menghilangkan bau tidak sedap di daerah kewanitaan, bau badan atau bau tempat2 yang lembab disekitar kita karena talcum pada softly memiliki kemampuan menyerap bau.
· Membantu penyembuhan anak yang sakit demam (digunakan sebagai kompres).
· Gel pada pembalut bisa untuk masker wajah dan scrub wajah dan dapatkan kulit anda lebih bercahaya dan bersih.
ISI PAKET MOMENT SOFTLY Pembalut DAY ( 1 pax isi 9 pads) Pembalut NIGHT ( 1 pax isi 9 pads ) Pantyliner ( 1 Pax isi 18 pads )
Apakah Anda membutuhkan bisnis Moment
Jika Anda sudah merasa nyaman dengan kondisi Anda saat ini, Jika Anda sudah merasa bahwa impian impian Anda sudah terwujud, maka Anda tidak membutuhkan bisnis MOMENT.
Namun jika Anda menginginkan sebuah perubahan, Anda masih memiliki prioritas prioritas utama dalam hidup Anda, Anda masih memiliki impian impian yang ingin Anda wujudkan, maka ANDA MEMBUTUHKAN BISNIS MOMENT.
Anda bisa menggali kembali, apa yang masih menjadi impian terpendam Anda. Mungkin beberapa point dibawah ini adalah salah satu impian Anda
Ingin punya usaha sendiri?
Ingin punya penghasilan yang lebih besar?
Ingin memiliki rumah dan mobil impian?
Ingin memberikan pendidikan yang terbaik untuk putra dan putri Anda?
Ingin membahagiakan orang tua dan mewujudkan impian orang tua Anda?
Ingin punya lebih banyak waktu untuk keluarga?
Ingin lebih bermanfaat dengan banyak membantu orang lain?
Jika dengan yang Anda kerjakan saat ini belum bisa mewujudkan Impian Anda, maka sesungguhnya Anda butuh sebuah PERUBAHAN!!
Informasi Moment (bisnis dan atau produk) lebih lanjut, segera hubungi 0821 1331 9132
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Biomed Grid | Beneficial Importance of Protein-rich Diets in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: Need for a New Look
The primary underlying mechanism of the development of type 2 diabetes is peripheral tissues’ resistance to the metabolic actions of insulin, with obesity as a major contributor. Of importance is liver insulin resistance which provokes uncontrollable, ongoing gluconeogenesis as primary contributor of the systemic hyperglycinemia characterized with type 2 diabetes [1]. A secondary contributor is the defective glucose uptake by the skeletal muscles and adipose tissue. The combination of these two factors underlie the pathophysiology of the condition.
Conventional dietary management of type 2 diabetes have focused on low intake of calorie-rich (carbohydrates and fats) diets, moderate protein intake and increased intake of fibre-rich diets [2]. The potential beneficial importance of protein-rich diets has not been given a major attention. This opinion piece focuses on addressing the potential benefits of protein-rich diets as a means of management of type 2 diabetes. A review by the American Diabetes Association [3] reported that there is inconclusive evidence of the beneficial importance of the concept of intake of low glycemic index/load foods on glycemic control in diabetes. However, the review showed that weight reduction is significantly associated with low risk of development of type 2 diabetes and better glycemic control.
Since persistent hyperglycemia itself results from unbridled ongoing gluconeogenesis from liver insulin resistance, it appears metabolically prudent that the type 2 ‘diabetic system’ does not need any further glycemic exposure from an exogenous source (diet). Afterall, the system is already challenged with the sustained hyperglycemia from inability to control ongoing gluconeogenesis. The primary source of precursors for gluconeogenesis are amino acids. The foregoing raises an intriguing question: If the metabolic system requires mobilized amino acids from the body’s proteins for gluconeogenesis, why not give the gluconeogenic pathway its main precursors from protein-rich diets to limit the body’s protein degradation as a means of extraction of glucogenic amino acid precursors for gluconeogenesis?
Additionally, protein-rich diets improve satiety with less food and reduce craving for food [4]. This means that whiles providing minimal calories and necessary gluconeogenic precursors, they also reduce the psychogenic need for additional glycemic exposure from the diet. The metabolic implication of the combination of intake of protein-rich diet that floods the gluconeogenic pathway with exogenous glucogenic amino acid precursors and reduction in food craving in the face of adipose tissue insulin resistance is that, the brunt of extra energy demand will shift to mobilization of fatty acids from adipose tissue stores. Protein-rich diets also increase the metabolic rate[5]. The rise in metabolic rate together with the continuous extraction of fatty acids from the adipose stores will collectively lead to a form of endogenous calorie-burning with an overall effect in weight reduction.
The overall metabolic effects of protein-rich diets can be summarized as:
a. Provision of minimal calories with rich-gluconeogenic precursors;
b. Reduction in food craving whiles promoting endogenous weight-reduction mechanisms.
Protein-rich diet may be a better alternative in the dietary management of type 2 diabetes and needs to be investigated further.
Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume6/beneficial-importance-of-protein-rich-diets-in-the-management-of-type-2-diabetes-need-for-a-new-look.001046.php
For more about: Journals on Biomedical Science :Biomed Grid | Current Issue
#biomedgrid#american journal of biomedical science & research#family medicine#journals on biomedical imaging
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Moment Glucogen +2 Asli
Moment Glucogen +2 Asli
New Moment Glucogen+2adalah salah satu produk terbaru unggulan dari PT. MOMEN GLOBAL INTERNASIONAL, yang mengandung bahan utama yaitu L Glutathione (Glutathione Precursor) di kombinasikan dengan kandungan Stemcell Aplle dan Stemcell Anggur sebagai pemicu Glutathione yang nantinya akan dihasilkan oleh tubuh. Dalam ilmu kedokteran, Glutathione ini dikenal sebagai induknya antioksidan yang bisa…
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#Efek Samping dan Testimoni Glucogen)#efek samping Glucogen#GLUCOGEN +2 Produk Moment Glucogen Terbaru#GLUCOGEN Asli#Glucogen Original#glukogen#Harga#harga Glucogen#Manfaat#momen Glucoghen plus2#Moment GLUCOGEN Asli#Moment GLUCOGEN Asli (Review#new glucogen +2#review Glucogen#Testimoni Glucogen
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GLUCOGEN +2 Produk Moment Glucogen Terbaru
GLUCOGEN +2 Produk Moment Glucogen Terbaru
GLUCOGEN +2 Produk Moment Glucogen Terbaru
Glucogen +2 – Seperti yang telah kita ketahui bersama produk Moment Glucogen adalah sebuah produk minuman kesehatan dan kecantikan Mega Best Seller dari PT. Moment Global Internasional. Ribuan orang telah merasakan manfaat dan khasiat dari produk Susu Glucogen Moment ini.
GLUCOGENmerupakan produk premium dan unggulan di bidang kesehatan dan kecantikan…
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#Efek Samping dan Testimoni Glucogen)#efek samping Glucogen#GLUCOGEN +2 Produk Moment Glucogen Terbaru#GLUCOGEN Asli#Glucogen Original#glukogen#Harga#harga Glucogen#Manfaat#momen Glucoghen plus2#Moment GLUCOGEN Asli#Moment GLUCOGEN Asli (Review#new glucogen +2#review Glucogen#Testimoni Glucogen
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What are The Best South Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss
Today, everyone is chasing for their dream fit psychic. And why shouldn’t they? After all, your body is the only element that is purely yours and you are its own. So why not keep your body as healthy and active as possible? Remember that a healthy body can not only keep your mind and soul fresh but also is the key to a successful life.
One thing that we all Indians face while starting a healthy diet is the endless cravings for Indian cuisine. And if you are someone who cannot stay away from the delicious mouth-watering chutneys and spices of India, weight loss goals become a little tougher but not impossible. Even Indian home cooked diet food is good enough to help you reach your desired weight scale, let alone South Indian food. Yes! You heard it right. South Indian diet food can also help you to reduce weight. Let’s discuss how.
Things to keep in mind while starting a South Indian diet plans for weight loss
There are a couple of things that you need to understand before getting your mouth on South Indian diet.
Proper weight management plan
Before you start eating healthy food and cut those inches off your weight, you have to be thorough about your body performances like Weight, BMI, BMR, and of course the fat percentage of your body. Many people who want to lose weight do not realize that crash diets and improper nutrition plans only affect their body negatively and they end up losing muscle instead of fat. And that only makes your body weak and the strength that you require to complete your daily activities. Our goal is to reduce the fat from the body while keeping the muscles strong. That’s how you make the ultimate weight loss transformation. Hence get your body analysis done before starting any diet.
Accurate calorie measurement
If you want to reduce weight, definitely you have to be in a calorie surplus South Indian diet plan. Increasing the protein intake in your meals while keeping a check on carb intake. This can easily help you stay full for a longer period of time while being on a calorie surplus diet plan and reduce weight in a scientific way.
Kitchen Sanity
Well, this might sound ridiculous to you right now but if you want to reduce weight, you have to do a sanity check of your kitchen, which means that you have to eliminate all the high glucogenic and carbohydrate food items and replace them with healthier choices, fresh fruits. For example, brown rice in place of white rice, nuts and seeds, Dal mix in place of rice mix to prepare dosa, more vegetables, and less snacking items.
Best South Indian Diet Plan to Reduce Weight
Wrong are those people who tell you to give up tasty food for weight management. The fact is, you have to eat healthily food and in a calorie deficit way in order to lose weight. Your meals must contain a good amount of protein and less amount of carb and fat. And what can be a better diet plan or better diet chart option than South Indian cuisine if you are an Indian foodie?
However, if you are new to this, charting a whole new diet chartwhile keeping all the requirements of your body in mind is a little intimidating. But don’t worry, that is the reason why professionals are for! Arogyadhama, a yoga and neuropathy clinic offers customized diet and nutrition services that are just perfect for your body type. They analyze your body state and curate different types of diet plans that help you lose weight faster and scientifically. A lot of people have seen their transformation in no time while working with Arogyadhama in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. You can be one of them too!
Here are some best South Indian diet plan for weight loss choices suggested by Arogyadhama that have helped many people reach their goals
Moong Dal Dosa:
As said earlier, to reduce weight you have to keep a constant check on your protein intake. Dosa is one of the most famous South Indian cuisines but the only problem with Dosa is that it is made with rice mix and we all know rice is a high carb food. However, you can still enjoy Dosas as much as you want if you replace the rice mix with Moong dal mix. Moong dal which is one of the most famous Indian pulses is known for its high fiber and protein contains. Prepping dosas with Moong dal is one of the best ways to put a step forward towards a healthier lifestyle. Best time to have Moong dal dosa is at lunchtime with some sambar and coconut chutney.
As said earlier, to reduce weight you have to keep a constant check on your protein intake. Dosa is one of the most famous South Indian cuisines but the only problem with Dosa is that it is made with rice mix and we all know rice is a high carb food. However, you can still enjoy Dosas as much as you want if you replace the rice mix with Moong dal mix. Moong dal which is one of the most famous Indian pulses is known for its high fiber and protein contains. Prepping dosas with Moong dal is one of the best ways to put a step forward towards a healthier lifestyle and healthy weight loss. Best time to have Moong dal dosa is at lunchtime with some sambar and coconut chutney.
Raagi Idlis:
It’s important to keep your carb intake low while targeting weight management but there is a difference. Simple carbs are harmful to your waist inches but complex carbs are not because it is a slow digesting food which keeps you full for a longer period of time and does not spike your insulin level. Raagi is one of the best complex carb food grain available in the Indian market. You can easily prepare raagi idlis for breakfast and enjoy them with some sambar. Don’t forget to keep a cup of green tea or black coffee on your breakfast table.
Veggie bowl:
South Indian diet is incomplete without a delicious bowl of vegetables. Mixed Vegetables and vegetables soup contain all the essential nutrients and vitamins that are required by your body. Just make sure to cook your vegetables in olive oil or just steam them with your favorite Indian spices to keep a check on the food calories.
Curd rice:
The first cuisine that comes to our mind when we hear South Indian food is curd rice, isn’t it? While rice is not a very good option to consume while losing weight, replacing white rice with brown rice can reduce the risk. Prepare some brown rice with low-fat curd and your high protein meal is ready to eat.
Filter coffee:
Do you know Caffeine is a natural fat burner? We, Indian have a bad habit of mixing milk and coffee with sugar and that’s how caffeine becomes fat gainer instead of a fat burner. But if you have classic black filter coffee without sugar or even filter coffee with milk that does not contain sugar in it, it becomes a fat burning bomb. If you can’t have coffee without sugar, replace the sugar with stevia but make sure to gradually eliminate even the stevia from your coffee. Enjoy the strong essence of coffee and you will literally forget whether or not it comes with sugar in it.
Well, these were vegetarian options, however, if you are a non-veg foodie, you always have the options of delicious chicken and mouth-watering egg recipes to fill your protein intakes.
Diet plans are different for each depending on their lifestyle and level of activity throughout the day. A perfect diet plan should include all the necessary nutrition and supplements. Here is the best diet plan which helps you shed a few kilos along with regular exercise of minimum 30minutes per day.
Add two tablespoons of honey and half sliced lemon to a glass of warm water and drink in empty stomach.
Have high protein breakfast, like egg whites, lentils and barley.
Your pre-lunch should include a fruit or a bowl of salad.
Include a small cup of rice or chapatti with a bowl of salad for lunch.
Have a cup of green/lemon tea with two biscuits for snacks.
Your dinner should be light and fulfilling, eat a bowl of sprouts, and vegetable salad.
One must drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water, which keeps you hydrated and also helps you lose weight.
Include healthy fats such as buttermilk, virgin olive oil and nuts like almonds so that your body gets necessary nutrition.
These are some of the best diet plan for weight loss.
Best Weight Loss Therapy in Bangalore
There are many weight loss therapies which help in losing weight and also tone the body. There are number of weight loss programs and plans that are offered by health centers which help you manage weight in the right way. Some of the best weight loss therapies in Bangalore are:
Inch loss
Gel lyoplytic therapy
Tripolop slim therapy
Body Toning
These therapies along with the proper diet and the regular exercise help you get your dream body and also be fit.
However, keep in mind that diet alone cannot give you the results that you want. Make sure that you actively workout at least 30 minutes every day to achieve the goals of your weight loss. Even a 30 minutes walk makes a huge difference in reducing your inches.
#Best diet and nutrtion centers in bangalore#Best yoga centers for health and disease in bangalore#naturopathy centers for weight loss in Bangalore#South indian diet plan for Weight loss
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Bệnh Pomple Con trai 5 tháng tuổi, mẹ chết lặng phát hiện bệnh hiếm và đây là cách người mẹ đối mặt
New Post has been published on https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi/tham-my-vien-koreans-benh-pomple-con-trai-5-thang-tuoi-me-chet-lang-phat-hien-benh-hiem-va-day-la-cach-nguoi-me-doi-mat.tham-my-vien-us-international
Bệnh Pomple Con trai 5 tháng tuổi, mẹ chết lặng phát hiện bệnh hiếm và đây là cách người mẹ đối mặt
Bé 5 tháng tuổi có biểu hiện viêm phổi, sức khỏe kém nhưng bác sĩ cũng không thể chẩn đoán chính xác nguyên nhân
Hôm 24/2, người mẹ trẻ có mặt từ rất sớm để tham dự ngày “Ngày quốc tế bệnh hiếm” với hy vọng được gặp gỡ các https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi có chung cảnh ngộ để cùng nhau chia sẻ những kinh nghiệm, học hỏi cách nuôi con và tìm kiếm hy vọng có những đứa con lành mạnh.
Theo chia sẻ của chị Hoàng Thị Trang (27 tuổi, ở Đan Phượng, Hà Nội), năm 2015 sau khi xây dựng https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi, chị sinh được một bé trai với vẻ ngoài hoàn toàn khỏe mạnh như những đưa trẻ bình thường.
Tuy nhiên, khi được khoảng hơn 5 tháng, bé có biểu hiện viêm phổi, sức khỏe của bé yếu đi rõ rệt. Ngay sau đó, https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi chị Trang đưa con đi bệnh viện thăm khám. Trải qua rất nhiều công đoạn thăm khám, xét nghiệm… nhưng các bác vẫn không thể chẩn đoán chính xác bé bị bệnh gì nên chưa thể có phác đồ điều trị.
“Dấu hiệu thấy rõ rệt nhất là tim của bé to bất thường. Sau đó, kết quả các xét nghiệm của bé được gửi đi nước ngoài, 25 ngày sau thì có kết quả và cuối cùng bé được chẩn đoán mắc căn bệnh “Pompe”.”, chị Trang chia sẻ.
Chị Trang có mặt từ sớm trong chương trình “Ngày quốc tế bệnh hiếm”
Theo các chuyên gia y tế, Pompe là căn bệnh xảy ra do sự thiếu hụt hoặc hoàn toàn thiếu của enzyme được gọi là axit alpha 1,4 glucosidase (còn gọi là axit maltase). Nếu hoạt động của enzyme này bị rối loạn, glycogen sẽ được tích trữ trong các tế bào của cơ thể và gây thiệt hại chủ yếu đến các cơ bắp khiến bệnh nhân có những biểu hiện như trên.
Căn bệnh hiếm luôn đe dọa đến tính mạng của trẻ
Chính vì vậy, căn bệnh “lạ” luôn đe dọa đến tính mạng của bé, trong suốt thời gian ban đầu các chức năng hô hấp, tim mạch luôn có những chỉ số yếu. Có lần đưa con đi bệnh viện cấp cứu về, vừa đặt túi đồ dưới nền nhà chưa kịp cất đi thì chị Trang lại phải xách đúng cái đó và ôm con trở lại bệnh viện.
Tuyệt vọng nhưng không từ bỏ ý định sinh con
Nghĩ về đứa con đầu lòng phải mang căn bệnh lạ suốt đời, chị Trang đôi khi đã thấy tuyệt vọng vì quá tốn kém, không có điểm dừng.
“Khi con còn sống ngày nào thì gần như đó là thời gian phải gắn bó với bệnh viện. Không có một từ nào diễn tả, đong đo được, mỗi tháng đến 4 lần phải đi viện truyền enzyme”. Nói đến đây chị Trang không thể tính hết được những lần đưa con bệnh viện. Thế nhưng, người mẹ quả cảm vẫn luôn nuôi hy vọng bé sẽ có ngày khỏe mạnh và vẫn tiếp tục sinh con tiếp theo.
May mắn bé trai đã 3 tuổi và có nhiều tiến triển tốt
“Bây giờ con đã gần 3 tuổi, mỗi lần truyền cho con thì con lại có tiến bộ về vận động. Con tôi bây giờ đã biết chạy rồi, https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi tôi không bao giờ có ý định dừng cuộc chiến đấu với căn bệnh Pompe, dù con ngoài ra phải đối mặt với một số căn bệnh khác nữa như viêm phổi, viêm phế quản… Nhưng https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi tôi tin rằng tương lai sẽ có thuốc điều trị để nuôi gen. Nhiệm vụ của https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi tôi là phải giữ cho con sống cho đến ngày tìm ra thuốc điều trị, tin ngày đó sẽ đến”, chị Trang trải lòng.
Tin tưởng vào sự phát triển của y tế, chị Trang luôn hy vọng sẽ có thuốc điều trị căn bệnh Pompe
Theo chia sẻ của người mẹ trẻ, hy vọng vào sự phát triển của y tế, vợ chồng chị Trang vẫn quyết tâm sinh con tiếp theo.
“Khi tôi hiểu được bệnh của con, tôi không muốn mạo hiểm nhưng tin vào sự phát triển của y học, vợ chồng tôi sẽ tìm hiểu các phương pháp, ví dụ như sàng lọc sơ sinh, thụ tinh nhân tạo.”, chị Trang tiết lộ đối với phương pháp này vợ chồng chị đã đi được nửa đường.
Vợ chồng chị Trang hạnh phúc bên đứa con đầu lòng
Theo ông Lê Thanh Hải, giám đốc Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương cho biết có tới hơn 7.000 các căn bệnh hiếm khác nhau đã được ghi nhận trên thế giới, với khoảng hơn 300 triệu người mắc bệnh (cao gấp hơn 3 lần dân số của nước ta).
Trong đó, 90% bệnh nhân chưa có giải pháp trong việc điều trị (chưa có thuốc điều trị bệnh) gây nên những thách thức lớn về mặt tiếp cận chẩn đoán và điều trị. Đặc biệt, 58% bệnh hiếm xuất hiện ở trẻ em, một đối tượng cần quan tâm chăm sóc đặc biệt.
“80% các bệnh hiếm là bệnh di truyền, tức là biểu hiện bệnh suốt đời mặc dù các triệu chứng có thể không xuất hiện ngay”, giám đốc Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương thông tin.
Trước thực tế này, Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương đã thành lập Trung tâm sàng lọc sơ sinh và quản lý bệnh hiếm.
Theo ông Hải, ngày cuối cùng của tháng 2 hàng năm được chọn là ngày thế giới về các bệnh hiếm gặp. Mục đích hàng đầu của ngày này là làm tăng nhận thức của cộng đồng, của những nhà hoạch định chính sách và các nhà chuyên môn về các bệnh hiếm gặp và ảnh hưởng của các bệnh này lên cuộc sống của người bệnh và https://vocdanghoanhao.mobi họ.
Sáng kiến tổ chức ngày bệnh hiếm lần đầu ở Pháp năm 2008. Tính đến nay đã có khoảng 100 nước đã tham gia các hoạt động hưởng ứng ngày quốc tế bệnh hiếm.
Một người đàn ông đang tìm hiểu về các bệnh hiếm trong khi đi tham quan chương trình
Ở Việt Nam, Bệnh viện Nhi Trung ương là cơ sở đầu tiên trong cả nước có các hoạt động hưởng ứng ngày thế giới về bệnh hiếm và lần đầu tổ chức năm 2013. Từ đó đến nay đều đặn hàng năm bệnh viện đều có các hoạt động cùng thế giới hưởng ứng ngày này.
Bệnh Pompe là một trong hơn 40 chứng rối loạn được đưa vào khi sàng lọc trẻ sơ sinh tại Tiểu bang New York. Đây là một tình trạng di truyền hiếm gặp do tích tụ một loại đường phức tạp có tên gọi là glucogen trong các tế bào của cơ thể. Glucogen thường bị phá hủy bởi một enzim có tên gọi là alpha-glucosidase (GAA); khi GAA hoạt động, enzim này giúp ngăn cản việc tích tụ glucogen. Ở những người mắc bệnh Pompe, enzim GAA này bị thiếu rất nhiều hoặc hoạt động kém. Điều này dẫn đến việc tích tụ glucogen và những glucogen xuất hiện thêm này sẽ làm cho các cơ quan và mô nhất định, như cơ, hoạt động bất thường.
Các triệu chứng của bệnh Pompe khác nhau ở từng người, một phần dựa trên độ tuổi của người bị bệnh khi lần đầu tiên các triệu chứng của họ xuất hiện. Độ tuổi khởi phát các triệu chứng thường liên quan mật thiết tới việc có bao nhiêu enzim GAA đang hoạt động (tức là các enzim càng hoạt động ít thì các triệu chứng sẽ xuất hiện càng sớm và càng trầm trọng).
Có hai dạng bệnh Pompe chính:
• Khởi phát sớm: Enzim GAA thiếu rất nhiều hoặc hoàn toàn không có. Ở những trẻ này, các triệu chứng xuất hiện ngay sau sinh và bao gồm trương độ cơ yếu, tim yếu và bị giãn nở, ăn uống và phát triển kém cũng như khó thở.
• Khởi phát muộn: Enzim GAA chỉ thiếu một phần. Ở những người này, độ tuổi khởi phát triệu chứng là khác nhau; các triệu chứng có thể sẽ xuất hiện sớm vào những tháng đầu đời hoặc cũng có thể sẽ xuất hiện muộn ở tuổi trưởng thành.
Triệu chứng chính là yếu cơ và ngày càng trầm trọng theo thời gian, và trẻ nhỏ cũng như trẻ sơ sinh có thể sẽ phải trải qua những mốc phát triển chậm. Tim thường ít có khả năng liên quan đến dạng bệnh Pompe này
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The Keto Diet for Beginners
New Post has been published on https://dietguideto.com/trending/the-keto-diet-for-beginners/
The Keto Diet for Beginners
What is a Ketogenic Diet?
The Ketogenic Diet (KD) is typically lower in carbohydrates and higher in fats. However, as you read in our “What is a ketogenic Diet?” article, it is much more than that. Once the body adapts to a KD, it switches from primarily using glucose as fuel, to using fat/ketones. This adaptation within the body, to increase fat breakdown and oxidation, can aid in improved body composition, general health, performance, and perhaps even longevity!
Low Carbohydrate vs. ketogenic Diet
While a KD is also low in carbohydrates, it is NOT synonymous with traditional low carbohydrate diets, in which the amount of carbohydrate and protein intake differs (usually both are higher in general “low carb diets”). In research, a low carbohydrate diet may be classified as any diet in which less than 30% of the total daily macronutrient calories come from carbohydrates. While these diets may be beneficial, it must be reinforced that they DIFFER from a well-formulated KD. In general, the macronutrient ratio for a KD consists of about 5-10% carbohydrates, 15-30% protein, and the remaining as fat. By restricting glucogenic substrates (i.e. nutrients that increase blood glucose levels, like carbohydrates), a deeper level of ketosis can be achieved, which may have a plethora of benefits as discussed below. As an example, this study comparing 30, 60, and 100 grams of carbohydrates found that restricting carbohydrates to 30 grams led to a greater increase in circulating ketone levels (1).
Traditional Atkins vs. Ketogenic Diet
The Atkins diet and KD are often used synonymously; however, they are different. While both diets lower carbohydrate consumption, the Atkins diet allows for a period in which both protein and carbohydrate intakes are increased (while fat intake is lowered) beyond what would classify as ketogenic. The goal of the KD is to shift the body into utilizing fat/ketones as its primary fuel source. By doing so, the body creates a metabolic substrate called ketone bodies. However, due to the increase of both carbohydrates and protein, and lower intake of fat, the Atkins diet often does not result in a consistent state of ketosis, and therefore is metabolically different from a KD.
In addition to the traditional ketogenic and Atkins diets described above, there are modifications that can be implemented to both of these diets in order to produce greater benefits on an individual basis. One such amendment, called the Modified Atkins Diet (MAD), is structured similarly to the Atkins diet, so that carbohydrates are monitored while the other two macronutrients (protein and fat) are consumed freely. This approach is commonly being used in children with epilepsy with great success, due to its ability to increase the likelihood of adherence to the diet while still minimizing glucose intake in the form of dietary carbohydrates (2).
Ketogenic Macronutrients
There exists great debate on how to quantify the macronutrient ratios for a traditional KD. Despite the numerous opinions, one must keep in mind that the ultimate objective is to develop a diet that is sustainable in achieving the desired outcome (i.e., a state of ketosis). As such, while it is suggested that 65-80% of the total calories come from fat, and 15-30% from protein, these numbers will be optimized according to every individual’s unique metabolic needs. For example, an individual who is trying to achieve a state of ketosis might have different macronutrient ratio requirements than someone who is using the KD to improve their body composition. Once the body begins to use fat as its primary fuel source, metabolic “keto-adaptation” accompanied by increased production of ketones occurs, which is further described below. It must be reinforced that there is no set optimal level of ketosis nor standard macronutrient profile since factors such as activity level and the desired outcome will influence these variables. Although individualized, Ketogenic.com currently recommends that active individuals beginning the diet use a similar macronutrient ratio (based on total calorie intake).
For example, if you are consuming 2,000 calories per day, that would equate to 155 grams of fat, 125 grams of protein, and 25 grams of carbohydrates. Keep in mind that these ratios may change if you are inactive (i.e., 15-20% protein).
Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet
Restricting carbohydrates can provide many different health benefits. Due to the higher level of ketone production accompanied with a KD, the majority of the benefits listed below are typically more robust when compared to a general low carbohydrate diet:
Appetite Control: The high-fat nature of the KD, as well as stable blood glucose levels due to carbohydrate restriction, have been shown to have a profound effect on appetite. Thus, this may give individuals who have a hard time controlling how much food they eat “freedom” in knowing that they won’t be as hungry and thus less likely to consume excess calories.
Body Composition
Physical changes in the body are one of the primary reasons people are attracted to and implement low carbohydrate diets. By definition, being in a state of ketosis means you are able to tap into the body’s fat stores, meaning you can break them down to be used as energy, or to produce ketones that can then be used as energy. Furthermore, the KD has been shown to reduce circulating insulin levels, which may lead to less storage of fat by the hormone insulin (6). While both “low carbohydrate” and KD are effective for weight loss, studies have demonstrated that the KD is superior (1).
Other Key Points:
Endurance Performance: Traditionally, endurance athletes tend to consume a high amount of carbohydrates in order to “fill up” their fuel stores for competitions. Thus, a diet where carbohydrates are restricted seems counter-intuitive for these individuals. However, Dr. Jeff Volek showed that once an individual is keto-adapted, not only is their performance the same or better than those consuming high levels of carbohydrates but their glycogen “fuel stores” are the same as well (12). Despite consuming a diet lower in carbohydrates, these athletes are able to adapt and utilize a nearly limitless supply of fat as their primary fuel source (and at a faster rate, allowing for fat utilization at higher intensities).
Is the Ketogenic Diet Safe?
Quite simply the answer is an astounding “yes!” for the majority of people. Due to its high-fat nature, it is often perceived as a health risk, and therefore, often deters individuals from trying it. Despite this misconception, research has demonstrated that the KD is safe for most people, providing you don’t have one of the following conditions (keep in mind that even if you are experiencing any of these, the KD may still be safe, but you would need to work very closely with your doctor):
Isn’t Fat Bad?
Unfortunately, it has been ingrained into society that consuming dietary fat is detrimental to our health. Due to early “research” by individuals such as Ancel Keys, these concepts have plagued us for several decades and have only recently changed our perceptions of dietary fat. Dietary fat, when consumed alone, isn’t the culprit for bad health, but rather the pairing of fat and carbohydrates in meals (i.e., fast food). This high-fat-carb duo has led to the many serious problems we face today. This gives rise to the quote, “Don’t blame the butter for what the bread did.”
What is Ketosis?
Ketosis is a metabolic state that is characterized by elevated blood ketone levels coupled with lower, stable blood sugar levels. When dietary carbohydrate is broken down into the energy substrate glucose, this raises blood glucose levels, which stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin (the hormone that stores fat and inhibits ketone production.) However, when carbohydrate intake is restricted, insulin is low, and the body’s primary fuel source shifts from glucose to fat, which primes the body to enter a state of “ketosis.” Ketones are made in the liver through a process known as ketogenesis (i.e., keto + genesis = ketone formation.) When carbohydrate intake is restricted, blood glucose and insulin levels decrease, which allows fat stores to break down and provide energy. Once our metabolism is primed for fat burning (fatty acid oxidation), the liver will produce additional fuel molecules known as ketones. Most cells in the body can utilize either fatty acids or ketones for fuel, including the brain which seems to prefer ketones over glucose.
Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis
The confusion between ketosis and ketoacidosis is a prominent reason why many individuals steer clear of the KD. Let’s start by saying they are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT metabolic states. Ketoacidosis may occur in Type 1 diabetics (DKA; diabetic ketoacidosis) due to insulin deficiencies. DKA is associated with both elevated blood glucose and ketone levels; due to insulin deficiency, blood glucose cannot enter insulin-dependent cells to be used for energy, and as such, cells become hungry, resulting in uncontrolled ketone production. In turn, a highly acidic environment is created and can have detrimental effects on an individual’s health, including death. It must be echoed that the KD, which induces “nutritional” ketosis, is vastly different and should never be confused with DKA. To put this in perspective, a normal state of ketosis, as achieved via the KD, may elevate ketones anywhere from .3-5mM, while DKA results in ketone levels of about 15mM or higher.
Where Do Ketones Go?
Glucose is the primary fuel source for most tissues throughout the body. However, once “keto-adapted,” many tissues increase their capacity to take up and utilize ketones for fuel. Some tissues even prefer to use ketones for their cellular energy needs. For instance, the heart, as well as many areas of the brain, prefer to use ketone bodies as opposed to glucose. In contrast, there are certain cells that cannot use fatty acids or ketone bodies, and are considered “obligate glucose users.” Red blood cells and specific parts of the brain are obligate glucose users. Don’t stress, however, because even though you may not be consuming carbohydrates, these cells can obtain glucose through a biological process called gluconeogenesis (the production of glucose from other non-glucose materials).
Dr. Stephen Cunnane found that the uptake of ketone bodies in the brain is proportional to their production (13). Additional research has also demonstrated that as uptake of ketones increases, the uptake of glucose decreases in brain tissue (14, 15). Due to the highly important energy demands of the brain, the liver will partially break down fatty acids and convert those into ketone bodies, which are then used to supply the energy demands of the brain.
How Long Does It Take to Get into Ketosis?
The answer to this question is often individualized and will depend on the metabolic state of each individual. One can enter a state of ketosis after an overnight fast. However, this slight elevation may not be high enough to allow for your body to efficiently utilize these ketones as a primary fuel source. Over time, as you become more adapted, your body will consistently be producing AND utilizing ketones. For some, this could take as little as one week, however, for others, it could take several weeks to accomplish.
Keto-adaptation occurs as tissues maximally increase their capacity to utilize ketone bodies for fuel. It requires a metabolic shift from primarily using glucose for energy, to using fatty acids. As glucose metabolism slows and fatty acid breakdown ramps up, ketones become synthesized and increasingly utilized for fuel. After a few weeks or months of increasing ketone and fat utilization, the body adapts to these new fuel sources, and you will become more keto-adapted. In addition to increased fat breakdown and ketone synthesis and utilization, keto-adaptation is associated with decreased and stabilized blood glucose levels. Imagine building up “tunnels” on the borders of the tissues in your body. As you continuously build up these tunnels/transporters, you will be able to take up and utilize ketones better
The length of time it takes to become keto-adapted is individualized and depends on the composition of the KD utilized (i.e., 20 grams versus 40 grams of carbohydrates per day), as well as personal activity level.
Among the many biological modifications that must occur for sufficient ketone body utilization, the upregulation of ketone transporters must take place. Thus, research has demonstrated that chronic elevations in blood ketone levels positively increase the number of these transporters. Therefore adherence, especially during the initial stages of the KD, is critical.
Side Effects of Keto-Adaptation
Despite the therapeutic benefits of a KD, some individuals may experience side-effects during the initial “keto-adaptation” process. Again, this will vary depending on the individual. The set of common side-effects associated with keto-adaptation have been collectively been coined the “keto-flu.”
“Keto-flu” as outlined below:
The Keto-Flu
The “keto-flu” is a term used to define the period of discomfort that accompanies the biological changes that occur when switching the body’s primary fuel source from carbohydrates to fats. With symptoms that often feel like an illness, the “keto-flu” may be characterized by the symptoms below:
As mentioned above, if the KD has been well-formulated, many of these symptoms may not occur or can be alleviated through proper electrolyte supplementation.
Performance Decrements
In addition to the “keto-flu,” many individuals may also experience impaired physical performance as the body adapts to the shift in fuel sources; however, this is only temporary and performance should be back up to speed upon full adaptation. As such, decreased performance may be expressed as:
Research looking at performance measures following the first 6 days of a KD have found that performance suffers (16). However, Paoli found that after a month of ketogenic dieting, performance did not suffer (17).
Rapid Weight Loss
At the start of a KD, it is not uncommon for an individual to experience rapid weight loss. This may concern some people, but it is worth noting that not ALL weight lost is body fat. When we lower our carbohydrate intake our insulin lowers, and when our insulin lowers we tend to excrete more water. Additionally, reducing carbohydrate intake causes the body to break down glycogen stores (to initially maintain blood sugar levels); glycogen is the storage form of glucose that is located in our liver and skeletal muscle. The loss of both water and glycogen accounts for most of the weight loss in the first few days. But don’t be discouraged! Increased fat burning immediately follows glycogen depletion!
Troubleshooting Your Keto Side Effects
As one begins to eliminate carbohydrates from the diet, it is common to experience carbohydrate cravings. Several suggestions for conquering these cravings are outlined below. However, it should be noted that as the body keto-adapts, hunger and appetite should become suppressed.
Hunger Cravings:
Sugar Cravings:
One interesting study found that a balloon entered into the stomachs of subjects led to feelings of perceived fullness . This means by doing things like drinking more water we can improve our feeling of fullness.
Headaches can be a common symptom of the “keto-flu.” Outlined below are several options to help alleviate the symptoms:
Due to the initial release of water when starting a KD, dehydration is another symptom commonly experienced, and may be responsible for potential “dry mouth.’ An effective remedy is to ensure that there is sufficient consumption of water coupled with electrolyte balance (particularly magnesium). If dehydration persists, an increase in electrolytes may be needed.
Decreased Energy:
In order to cope with this symptom, several options below may be consumed during this “adaptation” phase:
As mentioned above, the elimination of carbohydrates coupled with the increased release of water may lead to constipation. If this occurs, simply increasing water consumption as well as incorporating more fiber into the diet can alleviate these symptoms.
Are There Different Types of Ketosis?
There are several different methods in which the body can enter the metabolic state of ketosis.
1. Fasting ketosis:
Fasting ketosis, also referred to as starvation ketosis, played a major role in the development of the KD. The concept of fasting has been around for centuries and can be traced back to biblical times. By definition, fasting is the absence of food consumption for a period of time. This can range from several hours to several days and can have profound effects on the degree of ketosis. As the duration of the fasting increases, so does the production of ketones, and thus, a deeper ketogenic state. As such, the mechanisms of ketone production are similar among fasting and dietary applications in which both result in lower and more stable levels of insulin and blood glucose accompanied by fat metabolism.
A monumental study by George Cahill found that as fasting time increases, the level of ketone production also increases, and will eventually stabilize (19). Spanning for a period of 40 days, this landmark study is a prime example of the safety of the KD for a majority of individuals.
2. Nutritional ketosis:
Nutritional ketosis is classified as any dietary application that elicits the metabolic state of ketosis via ingestion of food, supplements, or beverages. There are 3 sub-types of nutritional ketosis:
Carbohydrate-Restricted Ketosis– This type of ketosis mimics the same biological alterations seen during lengthy fasts, but without the complete restriction of food. Carbohydrate-restricted ketosis is achieved primarily through a very low carbohydrate KD. This restriction, in turn, promotes reductions in insulin and blood glucose levels similar to that of fasting, which again increases blood ketone levels. For most individuals, nutritional ketosis is much more sustainable than fasting or starvation ketosis.
Tip: Fasting can still have its place in a KD. Many individuals following a KD like to implement a regular fasting protocol such as intermittent fasting (IF). This practice is not critical for success on a KD, but it can enhance the level of ketone production, and thus, magnify the benefits.
Supplemental ketosis: This form of ketosis has recently gained momentum in the field of ketogenic dieting. Supplemental ketosis is a ketogenic state that is achieved through the ingestion of ketogenic supplements. The commonly used supplements on the market are:
– Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil: MCT oil is a fat that, in contrast to other longer-chain fatty acids, travels straight from the intestines to the liver, and is readily metabolized. This, in turn, allows for ketone production in the liver to occur faster than with other fats (long-chain fatty acids have to travel through the lymph and circulatory systems first).
– Exogenous Ketones: Exogenous ketones are synthetic substances that mimic the ketones produced in our body (endogenous ketones). Exogenous ketones can come in the form of ketone salts or ketone esters.
It is very important to note that consuming these substances alone does not mean that an individual is “keto-adapted.” While these products can help during the keto-adaptation period, especially if one is experiencing the “keto-flu,” they will only elicit short-term increases in blood ketone levels. Exogenous ketones can acutely produce benefits similar to the KD; however, these products are best used in conjunction with a well-formulated KD, or the very at least, a diet that restricts carbohydrates.
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis (AKA): Is a ketone producing state that may occur following excessive alcohol consumption for long periods of time. When alcohol is metabolized in the liver, ketones are produced. Furthermore, as with other ketogenic states, certain biological changes, specifically at the hormonal level, occur to promote fat metabolism and thus, ketone production. It is critical to note that AKA will not occur if the alcohol consumption is coupled with sugar.
Note: Ketogenic.com does NOT recommend or promote the consumption of alcohol to produce or augment a ketogenic state.
3. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is the variation of ketosis that is responsible for deterring society from considering the adoption of a KD. DKA occurs primarily in those suffering from Type 1 diabetes. The inability to secrete insulin prevents ingested carbohydrates (glucose) from entering our insulin-dependent cells (i.e., muscle and adipose tissue) as a substrate for energy production. Due to this induced cellular starvation, the body will begin to produce ketones at an uncontrolled rate. Detrimentally, this results in high levels of both ketones and glucose. Extremely high ketone levels in the blood will elicit a dangerous biological environment that can even result in death. It must be clarified that DKA is very different than nutritional ketosis or fasting ketosis; ketone levels cannot be produced at such high levels in healthy individuals, as with DKA.
How Do I Know If I am in Ketosis?
In order to maximize the benefits of a KD, self-experimentation to achieve an optimal level of ketosis is important. In addition to quantifying blood ketone levels, there are several biological changes that your body will experience to help identify a ketogenic state. These changes will be more robust for some; however, in contrast to the negative side effects often experienced while on other low carbohydrate diets, a ketogenic state, and especially “keto-adaptation” can elicit euphoric effects including:
Testing Your Ketones
To determine whether or not you are in ketosis, there are several methods of measuring ketone levels, as noted below:
When tested in urine, these strips will elicit a color change based on the level of ketones, namely acetoacetate, which is present in the urine. It is important to note that acetoacetate is different than the ketones present in the blood, namely, beta-hydroxybutyrate (βHB). Due to its nature, urine ketone testing may be a sufficient initial method to test ketone production; however, it is not the ideal method for determining the utilization of these ketone bodies, especially once “keto-adapted.”
Measuring ketone levels in the blood more accurately measures and indicates an individual’s metabolic state of ketosis. Similar to measuring blood glucose levels, this method also uses a blood meter and a chemo-sensitive strip made specifically to measure ketones (βHB). As with blood glucose measurements, a blood sample can be acquired from a finger prick. The ketone level displays on the meter within a few seconds of a sample placement on the strip.
This method analyzes an individual’s breath to determine whether or not they are producing ketones, specifically, acetone. While this method has also been found to be an effective indicator, more research needs to be done to examine how this compares to the blood testing. Studies investigating breath analyzers have found that these devices serve as a reliable indicator of ketosis.
Optimal Ketone Range
As with other facets of the KD, the optimal ketone levels will vary on an individual basis. However, literature typically suggests that mild nutritional ketosis will begin once blood ketones are around 0.3 – 0.5 mmol/L. Upon “keto-adaptation,” this value may increase to around 1.0-3.0 mmol/L; however, that’s not necessarily the case. If an individual is following a KD strictly for therapeutic reasons, one may consider trying to achieve a deeper level of ketosis, but even those that are strict may see only slight elevations in ketones due to rapid uptake into tissues.
Testing ketones may be a good way to initially determine one’s metabolic state of ketosis; however, as mentioned above, since the “optimal” level of ketones varies among individuals, daily ketone testing is not necessary.
How Do I Start?
There are several strategies for transitioning into a ketogenic state. Depending on a variety of factors and lifestyle habits, some individuals choose to ease into the process by adopting a low carbohydrate diet prior to implementing a full KD. One place to start would be to eliminate sugary, processed foods, and replace those with whole, lower-carbohydrate foods. In doing so, you will begin to understand the KD, and once ready you can dive into the diet and customize to you. To aid in the transition of a ketogenic lifestyle, our “Keto for You” is an excellent resource!
How Do I Eat?
As mentioned above, learning which foods promote a ketogenic state may be the most difficult and time-consuming task for most individuals adopting a KD. Below you will find several steps that may aid in this process. It should be noted that it is critical to eliminate sugar or any fast-digesting carbohydrates. These include, but are not limited to: cookies, chocolate, cakes, crackers, ice cream, cereal, pretzels, pastries, baked goods, fruit juice, soft drinks, honey, candy, chips, bread, and white potatoes.
1. Cut the “healthy” carbs: Even the carbohydrate-containing foods that are considered to be healthy should be eliminated on a KD, including but not limited to: fruit, rice, pasta, quinoa, sweet potatoes, yogurt, whole grain products, granola, oatmeal, and sports drinks.
2. Stick to high-quality protein, fatty cuts of meat, healthy fats, and high-fiber cruciferous vegetables, while also drinking plenty of water. These are staples of a KD.
Note: When shopping, become accustomed to reading nutrition labels, paying careful attention to “sneaky carbohydrates” that may be included in dressings, sauces, and dips, which can add up quickly and knock individuals out of ketosis.
Common Ketogenic Dieting Mistakes:
As one embarks on a ketogenic lifestyle, there are major changes that need to occur aside from the biological adaptations in which there does exist a learning curve. Below are common mistakes that individuals can make when adopting a KD.
1. Not having enough fat: People restrict their carbohydrates but fail to increase their fat intake.
2. Having too much protein: This may not be an issue for everyone, but for others having too much protein can negatively impact ketosis, due to its glucogenic effects. The level needed to achieve this is still unknown, but likely higher than we originally thought. To prevent this, try to eat whole foods as much as possible instead of isolated protein sources (i.e., straight protein shakes).
3. Too many “sneaky carbohydrates”: Those who do not track may end up exceeding the 20-50g, or around 5-10%, which is traditionally recommended.
4. Drinking too much alcohol: Certain alcohols may be tolerated in moderation by individuals while remaining in a ketogenic state. However, consuming too many alcoholic beverages, which are often high in carbohydrates, can prevent some from achieving a ketogenic state, or will knock one out of ketosis if the ketogenic state has already been achieved.
A Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet:
When adopting a KD, ensuring that it has been “well-formulated” is indispensable. Unfortunately, this critical factor is often overlooked and makes adherence to this diet very difficult. In addition, taking into consideration food quality and micronutrients are also just as critical. A well-formulated KD will also aid in the prevention or alleviation of the side effects/ “keto-flu” that are often experienced with the keto-adaptation process. To help create a well-formulated KD, some points of consideration are outlined below:
1. Fiber- Adequate fiber ensures that you have proper digestive function, and may aid in the prevention of constipation.
2. Water- As mentioned above, water loss can be rapid on a KD. To prevent dehydration, consumption of more water than one is accustomed to will be necessary. If an individual experiences lightheadedness, brain fog, constipation, or headaches, dehydration may be the culprit.
3. Electrolytes- Due to the increased water expulsion by the kidneys, many electrolytes are simultaneously lost. Electrolyte imbalances are heavily responsible for feeling the “keto-flu.” Important electrolytes one must consider replacing: Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium. These electrolytes can be replenished by increasing your intake of certain foods and/or supplementation.
Meal Planning:
Here is our user-friendly, step-by-step guide to creating a ketogenic meal:
1. Choose A Protein Source
Choose a protein source of preference. Typically, it’s easier to choose a fattier protein source such as red meat, eggs, salmon, or chicken thighs. However, leaner meats will likely still work, fat will just have to be added elsewhere.
2. Add a High-Fiber Vegetable(s)
Selection preference is given to cruciferous, dark leafy greens. Salads following the suggested criteria for a well-formulated KD are always an excellent option.
3. Top with Fat
It is imperative that individuals on a KD consume an adequate amount of fat. This macronutrient can be achieved through the incorporation of full-fat salad dressings, butter, or oils (e.g., coconut, olive oil), full-fat cheeses and lower carbohydrate nuts.
Snacking on a Ketogenic Diet:
Snacking on a KD is not a requirement but a personal choice made on a daily basis. Some easy, low carb snacks on the go if hunger arises are:
Keto Recipes:
The adoption of a KD does not mean that the foods need to be boring. Many comfort foods may be modified to accommodate a ketogenic macronutrient profile. Below are some suggestions:
Breakfast- Egg frittata, egg and veggie cups, breakfast pizza, egg stuffed avocados
Tips for Dining Out:
Using the tips below, maintaining a ketogenic lifestyle while dining out can be stress-free.
1. Assess the menu options ahead of time.
2. Ask questions! Ask your server how specific dishes are prepared (sauces, dressings, seasonings, etc.).
3. Avoid the bread basket.
4. When in doubt, keep it simple by ordering a meat of choice with veggies/side salad. Top with a full-fat dressing, butter, or oils.
Supplements on a Ketogenic Diet:
To reiterate, maintaining electrolyte balances is critical on a KD, in order to prevent side-effects and the “keto-flu.” While this can be done exclusively through whole foods, some individuals may require additional sources. Sodium, magnesium, and potassium can all be replenished via supplementation.
Caffeine can be a useful supplement during the “keto-adaptation” process, as lethargy is a common side effect.
Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil:
As the primary fat composition in coconut oil, and due to its bio-availability, MCT oil can contribute to ketone production while serving as a reliable energy source.
As with electrolytes, fiber can be acquired exclusively through food. For those individuals who do not prefer eating a lot of vegetables, a fiber supplement can be considered.
Vitamin D:
Vitamin D can be supplemented but is also found in many foods allowed on a KD, including fatty fish, beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks.
Green Supplements:
To ensure micronutrient levels are sufficient and balanced, some individuals may consider incorporating a green supplement; however, it is critical that the supplement is low in carbohydrates.
Fish Oil:
Fish oil is an excellent addition to any healthy diet, especially a diet that is lacking in Omega-3 fatty acids. Research investigating the effects of fish oil supplementation on a KD demonstrated greater reductions in triglyceride levels when compared to a KD without supplementation .
Ketone Supplements
Supplemental, or exogenous ketones, are gaining momentum in the ketogenic community. As such, it has piqued the interest of those curious about the ketogenic lifestyle. Exogenous ketones are synthetic ketones that, upon ingestion, can increase blood ketone levels. Exogenous ketones come in both powder and liquid form:
It is important to note that consuming these supplements does not mean that an individual is “keto-adapted.” While these products can acutely put one’s body into a state of ketosis, which may alleviate “keto-flu” symptoms for some, most individuals use ketone supplements in conjunction with a ketogenic or low carbohydrate diet.
Tip: Consuming a moderate dose of exogenous ketones during the initial “keto-adaptation” period could potentially accelerate the “adaptation,” while at a minimum increasing energy production. Once one is adapted, these products are excellent for achieving higher blood-ketone levels, which, in turn, can be beneficial for athletic and cognitive performance, energy production, and perhaps more effective therapeutic treatment.
Ketogenic Diet for Therapeutic Applications:
Blood Lipids on a KD:
Lack of proper education has incorrectly held a high-fat diet responsible for an increase in blood lipids. Decades of research, combined with efforts to shift the paradigm, are now revealing that increased dietary fat consumption does not directly result in increased blood lipids. It is actually carbohydrate consumption that tends to increase total cholesterol with noticeable decreases in the HDL “good” cholesterol. Also, often times researchers use a “high-fat diet” interchangeably with a “Western diet”; many confuse the term “high-fat diet” in the research with a KD. A “high-fat diet” in the research indicates a diet with both high-fats and high-carbs, which is associated with increased blood lipids, whereas a KD is not.
For example, here are a couple studies that have looked at this directly:
Keto for Diabetes:
The KD can be an extremely effective therapeutic treatment for diabetes. Since Type 2 Diabetes is hallmarked by insulin resistance, a KD may improve insulin-resistance, associated pathological state via the following: 1) lowering and stabilizing both blood glucose and insulin levels.; 2) Improving insulin sensitivity. and 3) Providing an alternative fuel source through ketone production. For more information, please visit our friends at Virta Health who are actively working with diabetics (https://www.virtahealth.com).
For example, here are a few studies that have seen improvements regarding insulin sensitivity with a ketogenic diet:
Keto for Epilepsy:
The KD originated in the 1920s as an effective treatment for children suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy. Since then, its highly successful applications have expanded to treat adult epileptic patients as well. Early studies found that 12% and 42% of children, when placed on a KD, experienced full remission or reductions in seizures respectively .
In patients whose seizures could not be treated with drugs, KD was able to reduce seizures by more than 50%. Since this, numerous studies have shown this modality to be effective for children and adults with epilepsy.
Keto for Cancer:
Cancer is now being discussed as primarily a metabolic disease in which glucose can fuel its progression. Due to recent light shed on this subject, intensive investigations are underway and have begun to reveal that restricting carbohydrate intake can slow oncogenesis, and a full ketogenic-state may elicit even greater therapeutic benefits. Furthermore, research also suggests that fasting and the state of ketosis may increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation and chemotherapy.
For example, here are a couple studies that have looked at ketogenic therapies in cancer situations:
Keto for Alzheimer’s Disease:
One characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease is insulin resistance in the brain (hence why it’s now being referred to as Type III diabetes), which, in turn, robs this critical tissue of energy. Limiting glucose while introducing ketones may be an effective mechanism for replenishing the energy in the tissue. The higher level of ketone production accompanied with a KD is another example as to why this diet is superior to one that simply restricts carbohydrate intake. Additionally, Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by beta-amyloid deposition, which may also be mitigated by the implementation of a KD.
Keto for Parkinson’s Disease:
Parkinson’s disease develops as a result of neuron death in the midbrain and is typically accompanied by tremors, as well as physical and cognitive impairments. Due to its neuroprotective effects, the KD may help protect neurons, increase energy production and mitochondrial function, lower inflammation, and improve motor function–all of which play a role in Parkinson’s disease.
For example, one study with 5 patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease who adopted a KD saw a 43.4% reduction in the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (40).
Keto and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):
Research involving TBI has found that immediately upon trauma to the head, the brain takes up massive amounts of glucose. However, soon thereafter, the brain becomes resistant to taking up and utilizing glucose. This damage, in turn, leads to insulin resistance and inflammation of brain tissue. The anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of ketones have been shown to not only reduce inflammation but reduce glucose uptake in the brain. The KD may also be a therapeutic treatment option for those individuals who have experienced long-term ramifications of a TBI by providing ketones as an alternative fuel source, that can be readily taken up and utilized by the brain following these traumas.
Emerging Areas:
1. Do I have to stay keto forever?
-No! Though it’s possible, studies have shown that once you are adapted, you could transition to eating low carb for a few days/weeks before going back to strict keto. However, it is important to understand that this flexibility should come after you are adapted and not just in the beginning.
2. What happens if I fall off the diet?
-If you “slip up” on your KD, it is not the end-of-the-world nor does it mean you should continue to be off the wagon. Unfortunately, having frequent “slip-ups” or “cheat days” may prevent you from becoming “keto-adapted.” However, an occasional “slip-up” for someone who is already “keto-adapted” may not be as detrimental. Get back on track and get back in your routine.
3. Can I have alcohol?
-Certain alcohols, in moderation, may be well-tolerated by some individuals. An example of a ketogenic-friendly red wine is Dry Farm Wines. Also, low carbohydrate beers may permit certain individuals to remain in a ketogenic state. Be sure to avoid sugary liquors and beer as well as sugar-laden mixers.
4. Do I have to count calories?
-Restricting your calories may be important for some individuals, and may aid in the initiation of ketosis; however, not everyone will require calorie tracking to maintain a deficit. It is not uncommon for caloric-restriction to occur inadvertently as a KD tends to be satiating, leaving individuals satisfied with fewer calories.
5. Should I implement a carbohydrate refeed?
-A carbohydrate refeed is not necessary on a KD, as the keto-adapted biological and metabolic changes do not require dietary carbohydrates. There are certain circumstances, however, in which an increase in small carbohydrate influx may be beneficial, however, more research is needed on this topic, specifically with respect to variations of KD, including “cyclic” and “targeted” ketogenic diets.
6. What is fasting?
-By definition, fasting is the absence of caloric consumption for a distinct period of time. There are several different fasting strategies: intermittent, alternate day and even several days.
7.What is fat-fasting?
-Fat-fasting is the consumption of only the macronutrient “fat” during the fasting period. An example is drinking coffee all day, with fats like heavy whipping cream, butter, or coconut oil added in. Some research has shown that since this doesn’t increase insulin, it mimics a fasting state.
8. Will I lose muscle?
-Among the many benefits of being in a ketogenic state is muscle preservation. Research has demonstrated that ketones prevent muscle catabolism. Furthermore, muscle anabolism may actually occur once “keto-adapted.” For these reasons alone, the KD is far more superior to a low carbohydrate diet alone.
9. What are exogenous ketones?
– Exogenous ketones are molecules that, upon consumption, behave similarly to the endogenous ketones that the body produces due to carbohydrate-restriction.
10. Will I be hungry?
-At first, you may experience intense hunger; however, if your diet is well-formulated, once your ketones become elevated and your blood glucose stabilizes, hunger tends to subside.
11. What are Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT)?
-MCTs are fatty acids that are structurally shorter than long-chain triglycerides, which require processing from the gallbladder. As such, MCTs are rapidly digested and directly used for energy, with a lower propensity for fat storage. These fats are a staple on the KD, in which they can be converted to ketones!
12. Are there fats I should avoid?
-Not all fats are created equal! Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as “trans” fatty acids, should be limited or completely avoided if possible. Rather, one should focus on a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties.
13. Should I track “net,” or total carbs?
-Ketogenic.com suggests tracking total carbohydrates (fiber + non-fiber carbohydrates) in the initial stages of “keto-adaptation;” however, once adapted, one may be able to track “net” carbs (non-fiber carbohydrates – fiber).
14. Can I have coffee?
-Yes! In fact, caffeine may actually increase endogenous ketone production. However, as usual, be careful about consuming caffeine late in the afternoon, as it may affect your sleep.
15. Can I have fruit?
-Some fruits, such as berries, have a low glycemic index and are also lower in carbohydrates. If incorporating berries, try and opt for the fresh, organic, frozen berries
16. Can I have dairy?
-As with other customized properties of the diet, the consumption of dairy is individualized. If digestive or glycemic problems develop due to the lactose and casein in dairy, then dairy may need to be avoided. If you can tolerate it, opt for lower carbohydrate dairy like cheese, heavy whipping cream, and butter, rather than higher carbohydrate products like milk.
17. Do I need to exercise to see results?
-Not necessarily. Positive results can be seen on the KD without exercise; however, exercise will maximize the benefits of the diet. In addition, exercise may help accelerate the adaptation process and allow your body to utilize ketones better.
18. Can I have as much protein as I want?
-Tracking protein is important for anyone who has adopted a KD. Depending on activity level and other metabolic factors, some individuals may be able to tolerate more protein. As mentioned above, at a certain level protein can be glucogenic, so tailor it to your needs. However, we would say to lean toward more, not less, especially for women.
19. What do I do if I hit a plateau with fat loss?
-Hitting a plateau on a KD is possible regardless of one’s goal. Below are actions to consider taking to continue losing fat:
20. Can I start a KD if I have elevated triglycerides or cholesterol?
-As always, check with your physician first. Despite the high-fat nature of the diet, research has shown that the KD may actually be beneficial for improving one’s blood lipid profile.
21. Can I have too much fat?
– Of course. Calories are still of importance, even on a KD. Simply eating unlimited fat will not guarantee results.
22. How important are strict ketogenic macronutrient ratios?
-Depending on an individual’s current metabolic state, activity levels, and goals, macronutrient profiles will vary among individuals. In general, we recommend that a beginner adopts a macronutrient ratio around 70/25/5 (fat/protein/carbohydrate) and then customize from there.
23. Which sweeteners are best on KD?
– One key to the longevity of a KD is to incorporate foods that are satisfying. If individuals choose to make keto-friendly desserts, learning which sweeteners permit one to remain in a ketogenic state is essential. Ideally, we encourage natural sweeteners like Stevia, Monk Fruit, and Erythritol
Keto Physicians
-We are excited to see that there are a growing number of physicians who are implementing the KD as a therapeutic treatment option for patients suffering from various diseases/conditions. Due to the difficulty in locating these physicians, be sure to use our “Keto Clinicians” tool to find a ketogenic physician near you!
Time to Transform
It’s time to take that next big step and start your ketogenic lifestyle today. Having a community of supporters to encourage you along the way can make the transition much easier. Become a part of our Ketogenic.com community and start your keto transformation today!
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The Keto Diet for Beginners
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Ways To Cook Bojangles Dirty Rice
Litter-Alley Fantastic Natural Corn Kitty Trash is an innovative brand julius-Gym-blog.Info new all natural kitty trash produced from pelletized corn cobs. Moving with normal legal productivity, Congress passed the Meals Protection Modernization Action in 2010, 3 years after the mass pet as well as cat die-off. Milk: dairy is actually a food, certainly not a drink (the merely kitty alcoholic beverage is actually water). This is said that 'dogs have proprietors, cats have personnel'. Having said that, the real metabolic modifications are actually so much more challenging: hyperthyroidism frequently leads to modest to serious endogenous" the hormone insulin resistance, as shown through higher resting lotion insulin concentrations as well as an overstated blood insulin feedback during an IV glucose tolerance exam (8,9).
The majority of fleas reside off the majority of animals, however could also live off of our company folks. Cats naturally understand the feel of young affiliating this along with filth. Claw removal likewise has an effect on a feline's equilibrium and stride, given that the delicate claws are actually utilized due to the body system to deliver reliability. Just recently there has been a bunch of discuss chemical items certainly not working to kill bugs on our animals. Big T must really feel safe at home with the cats and me. I never view him put his scalp inside his layer in or away from the tank apart from when he is actually resting sometimes. Some blemishes, especially those in regions where the pet cat has actually urinated repeatedly over an extended period of your time, will arrive at via the rug as well as pad to the flooring. I'm considering an automated litter box I have actually observed at a cat show earlier this springtime, which was actually far more like a mini flush rest room instead of an ordinary litter box. When the FDA to begin with suggested a rule on family pet meals and pet feed in Oct 2013, this was deluged with criticisms off enterprises opposing every little thing off preserving essential digital reports to evaluating food items handling equipment for virus. After you have actually identified the place concerned, you need to know that soap as well as water is actually not enough to get rid of the cat pee smell. This implies that other than the meals and also the veterinarian treatment you must give, you will definitely additionally have to handle the mess the dog are going to undoubtedly make. Cleaning floor tiles, sinks, bath as well as cooktop' Clean in a mix from one dessertspoon borax in 2 litres from warm water, or even for persistent blemishes sprinkle borax on damp towel massage around grimy place and also rinse off. Therefore, they carry out certainly not must consume alcohol as a lot water as you as well as I, or our other family pets perform. Nevertheless, water is still an important part of your kitties' diet. Whilst tuna itself is actually not ideal for felines, one achievable trade-off is to include the water in which tuna is packed to your cat's prescribed or various other diet regimen if you want to moisturize it and create this extra palatable. Dust-free litters like Feline Pine or even Swheat Scoop are biodegradable, much less unsafe if ingested through pet dogs, as well as make no unsafe respirable dirts. The high protein and body fat thickness of usual kitty diet plans make certain that cats consuming these diets have enough glucogenic prototypes (glucogenic amino acids and also glycerol, respectively). Some individuals might suggest utilizing ammonia or alkali based products to clear up the give off kitty urine, when in reality that is the last point you must carry out. Kitty pee currently consists of ammonia so possibilities are actually the smell will simply get worse.
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Obat Propolis Untuk Kista Di Bandung Hubungi No. WA : 0818-0986-7604
New Post has been published on https://ubpreneur.com/obat-propolis-untuk-liver-di-bandung.php
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Harga : 650.000 / 25 sachet, hanya jual perpack. NEW MOMENT GLUCOGEN+2 New Moment Glucogen+2 adalah salah satu produk terbaru unggulan dari PT. MOMEN GLOBAL INTERNASIONAL, yang mengandung bahan utama yaitu L Glutathione (Glutathione Precursor) di kombinasikan dengan kandungan Stemcell Aplle dan Stemcell Anggur sebagai pemicu Glutathione yang nantinya akan dihasilkan oleh tubuh. Dalam ilmu kedokteran, Glutathione ini dikenal sebagai induknya antioksidan yang bisa menangkal radikal bebas. Pada produk New Moment Glucogen+2 yang baru ini bahan utama pembuatan produknya semakin lengkap dan penyempurnaan dari produk moment glucogen yang lama karena ada tambahan kandungan STEMCELL APPLE dan STEMCELL ANGGUR. Hebat gak tuh.. satu-satunya produk yang mengandung L-Gluthatione, Collagen dan Double Stemcell. ----- . . Manfaatnya : 1. Mengurangi kadar melanin 2. Mencerahkan Kulit Secara Merata 3. Mengembalikan Warna Kulit Yg Belang Menjadi Putih Kembali 4. Mencegah Timbulnya Jerawat Dan Mempercepat Proses Penyembuhan Jerawat 5. Menghilangkan Noda-Noda Hitam Bekas Jerawat / Flek2 Akibat Sinar Matahari, Faktor Usia, Maupun Krn KB 6. Memudarkan Bagian-Bagian Yang Hitam Pada Ketiak, Lutut, Siku, Dan Selangkangan 7. Mengurangi Garis2 Kecil Dan Keriput 8. Mengembalikan Kulit Dan Mendetoks Kulit yang sudah terkontaminasi Krim2 Bermerkuri 9. Mengurangi Kemerahan Yg Disebabkan Peradangan Atau Kulit Sensitif 10. Mengencangkan kulit dan membuat kulit lebih Kenyal Dan Bercahaya 11. Kulit Akan Tampak Cerah Bersinar, Segar Dan Terlihat Awet Muda 12. Mengurangi Scar / Bopeng Pada Kulit Rusak Woow hebat kaaan glucogen + stemcell ini. 2 manfaat produk ( glucogen & biocell) bisa anda dapatkan dalam 1 kemasan glucogen + stemcell Kontak kami : Sms / WA : 083824024412 Khusus telkomsel : 082320685626 Line id : jra41 Website : www.vemaleviolet.com / www.kosmetikanda.com Pin bbm : by request Format order : Nama, alamat, no hp dan nama produk yang dipesan #glucogen #momentglucogen #jualglucogen #glucogen2 #glucogen2plus #collagendrink #minumankecantikan #minumankecantikan #pemutihkulit #momentbiocell #gluacol #glucola #jualmomentglucogen #jualmomentglucogenmurah #jualmomentglucogenplus2
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New Post has been published on Yêu Mỗi Ngày
New Post has been published on http://yeumoingay.com/suc-khoe/giam-dau-khong-can-dung-thuoc-tay-rat-gia-tri-khi-chang-may-bi-bong-gan/
Giảm đau không cần dùng thuốc tây: Rất giá trị khi chẳng may bị bong gân
Bong gân mắt cá chân thường xảy ra khi bạn đi bộ hay chạy bộ trên những khoảng đất không bằng phẳng, mang dày cao gót, leo cầu thang, hay tập thể thao bị sai.
Nguyên nhân là do các cơ bị rách hoặc giãn quá căng, xảy ra khi một khớp bị xoắn lại, làm tổn thương các dây chằng nối các xương trong khớp. Tùy thuộc vào mức độ bong gân mà có biểu hiện sau:
– Bong gân độ I: Dây chằng bị kéo căng có biểu hiện sưng đau tại chỗ, vẫn đi lại được.
– Bong gân độ II: Dây chằng bị đứt một phần. Cổ chân sưng to và đau nhiều làm đi lại khó khăn, có thể có dấu bầm tím ngoài da.
– Bong gân độ III: Dây chằng bị đứt hoàn toàn, toàn bộ cổ chân sưng và rất đau. Khớp lỏng lẻo rất rõ và đi lại hết sức khó khăn.
Rất may mắn là hầu hết các trường hợp bong gân mắt cá chân đều có thể được điều trị dễ dàng tại nhà nếu biết xử trí ban đầu đúng để giảm đau và tránh những hậu quả đáng tiếc.
Khi bị bong gân mắt cá nhân, bạn nhớ áp dụng nguyên tắc R – I – C – E dưới đây:
– R (rest): Nằm nghỉ ngơi và hạn chế mọi cử động (có thể gắn nẹp để cố định và bảo vệ khớp).
– I (ice): Chườm lạnh vùng bị trật khớp.
– C (compression): Dùng băng thun quấn chặt vừa phải theo chiều từ bàn chân lên đến gối để giảm sưng.
– E (elevation): Nằm xuống và kê chân ở độ cao vừa phải (từ 10 đến 20 cm) nhằm giúp máu trong tĩnh mạch lưu thông dễ dàng hơn.
Mắt cá chân bị bong gân thường gây đau đớn. Thay vì uống thuốc giảm đau, bạn có thể dùng các liệu pháp tự nhiên trong tình huống này.
Được biết đến với đặc tính chống viêm, giúp thư giãn các cơ bắp và các dây thần kinh, nghệ rất hữu dụng cho trường hợp bong gân mắt cá chân. Trộn đều khoảng 2 thìa bột nghệ,1 thìa nước cốt chanh và một chút nước ấm. Đắp hỗn hợp này xung quanh vùng bị tổn thương và sau đó dùng băng quấn lại để qua đêm. Áp dụng cách này trong 3 – 4 ngày có tác dụng xoa dịu cơn đau.
Ngay sau khi bị bong gân, bạn nên lấy vài viên đá nhỏ và chườm lên vùng bị đau. Cách này sẽ giúp giảm đau, giảm sưng phồng. Bạn sẽ cảm nhận cơn đau biến mất nếu tiếp tục chườm đá sau mỗi 1 – 2 giờ.
Muối Epsom là khoáng chất tự nhiên chứa magnesium sulfate, giúp làm dịu các cơ bắp và dây thần kinh bị bong gân. Cho 1/2 chén muối Epsom vào trong một cái xô chứa nước ấm. Sau đó ngâm chân trong xô trong khoảng 15 phút, cơn đau nhức tan nhanh.
Tỏi là một trong những phương thuốc tự nhiên trị bong gân vô cùng hiệu quả nhờ chứa glucogen fitonxit và aliin, có công dụng diệt khuẩn, sát trùng, chống viêm nhiễm. Lấy vài tép tỏi nghiền nát và lấy nước trộn cùng 1 thìa cà phê dầu dừa ấm rồi thoa lên vùng bị thương. Giữ vậy trong khoảng 30 phút và sau đó rửa sạch bằng nước ấm. Làm cách này 2 – 3 lần/ngày.
Hành tím được biết đến với đặc tính chống viêm, giảm đau và sưng. Vì vậy, bạn có thể thái nhỏ, rồi đắp lên vùng bị bong gân và cuối cùng lấy một miếng vải để băng kín lại. Ấn tay liên tục trong khoảng 10 phút, làm 2- 3 lần/ngày.
Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng lô hội để giảm đau do bong gân. Bóc vỏ và lấy gel rồi đắp trực tiếp lên vùng bị tổn thương.
* Theo Boldsky
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New Post has been published on https://ubpreneur.com/jual-propolis-gold-murah-di-bandung-2.php
Jual Propolis K Link Di Bandung Hubungi No. WA : 0818-0986-7604
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Harga Propolis Diamond Asli Di Bandung Hubungi No. WA : 0818-0986-7604
New Post has been published on https://ubpreneur.com/harga-propolis-c9-di-bandung-2.php
Harga Propolis Diamond Asli Di Bandung Hubungi No. WA : 0818-0986-7604
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Propolis Obat Gondongan Di Bandung Hubungi No. WA : 0818-0986-7604
New Post has been published on https://bandungsale.com/propolis-obat-gondongan-di-bandung.php
Propolis Obat Gondongan Di Bandung Hubungi No. WA : 0818-0986-7604
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