#new chapter is sitting at… 15k rn I believe ?
daydadahlias · 1 year
Okay, so you write an entire 10-15k chapter in the span of a week, right? So I'm wondering if there's a timeline for when in the week you have the planning done, writing done, and the editing done etc?
ok so the timeline is: the fic is all planned out from the very beginning of the writing process, while there will be small edits along the way, the overarching plot points and major scenes will all be the same! So when I start writing the next chapter, I’ll already have a good idea of what I’m gonna write.
So, if I post a chapter on Saturday, I’ll start writing the next one on Sunday; from there, I’ll put out about ~3k a day and finish the chapter Thursday. This gives me Friday and Saturday morning to edit.
And that’s the pretty much the timeline I’m working on :)
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yeehawbisexualold · 7 years
What are some of the current work in progress fics you're following??
Boy, am I following a lot of fics rn and boy, do I wish my memory was better because I’m tired and nothings coming to me so bear w me here.
I definitely remember I’m following this fic and not because she just updated it but because it’s unforgettable. The Price by @alchemistc is just……. soo good. Lieutenant dark!Swan AU: Once every fifteen years, the Dark One has a choosing in which she selects a man or woman for her kingdom and takes them away until it’s time to chose another. It is said to be a great honor but Killian doesn’t see it that way. This fic is unbelievable, really.  She is one of the most talented writers in this fandom or any other. I am constantly blown away by her writing. You know when you read something, imagery or a metaphor or whatever, and it’s so beautiful that you just have to take a moment and sit back and process it because it was just that amazing. Yeah, this is like every damn paragraph in this fic. It’s currently at Ch. 9 w 39.9k words. Rated T.
Special Instructions by @bleebug : Modern AU. A hurt and drunk Emma orders a pizza with specific instructions. The delivery guy is attractive and drunk Emma doesn’t handle that well. Adorableness ensues. Killian is a precious pizza delivering cupcake. Seriously, just a really adorable fic and a really fun read. I can’t wait to see where these two losers go. Currently on Ch. 5 w 15k words. Rated E.
FindEmmaSwanAFriend by @blessed-but-distressed : Modern AU. On a whim, Emma Swan moves to Scottland. Her friends at home, with good intentions, place an ad in the paper and #FindEmmaSwanAFriend goes viral. Killian Jones, a journalist, looking for a new subject for his article, takes interest in her. This is just???? Wonderful and interesting and unique. I really enjoy her writing style and how she switches between the actual narrative of Emma and Killian’s lives and Killian’s column. Currently on Ch 6 w 21k wors. Rated M.
Casualties by @legendofthephoenixcs / @poetic-justice-96 : A fake relationship AU. Emma Swan is the star of a popular tv show based on a military lifestyle like the one she was forced to leave behind. To quiet questions of her past, she must begin a fake relationship with her co-star, Killian Jones. This is one’s a little different from your regular celebrity or fake relationship trope and I’m very interested in seeing where it goes. Currently at Ch. 7 w 23.9k words. Rated M.
Caesura by @seastarved : Historical AU. Set during WW1. Killian is an artist, recovering physically and emotionally from his time as a Lieutenant in the Navy. Emma is a nurse. A story two people finding one another and learning how to breathe again. One of the things I love about this fic is how much effort has been put into maintaining historical accuracy. Very angsty (God, Killian is so angsty) and simply beautiful. Her writing is breathtaking and she does a great job of transporting you to this time. Currently at Ch. 10 w 64k words. Rated T. (Link directs to a consolidated post w all chapters and a set of beautiful manips. Chinx is seriously like the most talented graphic maker in this fandom and her manips for this fic are stunning)
This fic has actually been complete for about a month but there is the possibility of an epilogue, I believe, and I haven’t put it on a list yet and it deserves recognition. A Fairytale Beginning by @pocket-anon : Enchanted AU. Captain Hook, on a quest to kill the Dark One, winds up in the strange land of New York City. There he meets Henry and his mother Emma, who has no time for fairytale nonsense. This fic is just a big bunch of wonderful. I absolutely adore the movie Enchanted and Killian and Emma fit into the roles of these characters so well. 9 chapters w 61k words. Rated G.
And lastly, a fic I am super excited for and that nearly gave me a heart attacked when I noticed it was posted, Cast by the Light by @ripplestitchskein : s3 Canon Divergence. Killian sacrifices himself to obtain the Black Fairy’s wand and Emma is left to reunite Killian w his shadow. I haven’t even read it yet but everything she does is magic so I’m pumped. Currently at Ch. 1 w 7k words. Rated M.
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