#new app for iPhone yk
colossalstrawberry · 8 months
I’m actually kinda obsessed with lapse
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kittybloy · 2 years
talk about your rtc headcanons please.
i have a note open on my notes app full of hcs >:]
(some of these will be pretty ship centered, but they could probably be seen as platonic!)
• bites people. out of love. i think
• autistic because i said so
• new special interest every week
• long-term hyperfixation on doll collecting
• like girly has a terrifying amount of dolls
• she/they/it/doll/star pronouns fuck you
• forgets what her own voice sounds like sometimes so randomly she'll just.. start talking to himself.
• has a pet axolotl
• queer platonic relationship with ocean
• has an old galaxy note phone but it's kept it pristine condition
• can beatbox
• has really good rhythm!!
• soprano 1
• devilishly good at escape rooms
• along with mishca, the choirs bodyguard
• isn't allowed in the kitchen without supervision
• stims by just... riffing
• yk that riff in tbojd? that.
• favorite time if the year is Christmas, specifically for the carolling
• takes the choir to carol with it all the time
• cannot spell for shit
• cosplays with ricky constantly
• had a nightcore phase
• makes the most killer hot coco ever
• teached the choir asl after the accident BCS THEY ALL COME BACK IN THE END FIGHT ME
• every year for the different choir members birthdays she draws them as a cat. (he gives them fursonas i dont make the rules here).
• uses all pronouns
• named a cat after each of the choir members but refuses to tell them
• genderfluid as fuck!!
• has one of those samsung phones that can fold
• makes cat stickers for fun
• her mobility aids are covered in stickers and has little trinkets that dangle
• had a warrior cats phase
• got noel into warrior cats in middle school
• has 3 hairless cats
• obsessed with the Labyrinth
• gets high with mischa weekly
• fucking pro on an electric guitar
• has a baseball cap with cat ears attached to the top
• jazz hand stims
• makes the choirs halloween costumes every year
• excellent seamstress
• also loves tf outta Halloween
• she gets to dress up as a swinging space age bachelor man and wouldn't get judged, ofc she loves it
• stims by.. meowing and purring?? for fun??? its fun try it
• has a lifetime pass to any cosplay convention that happens in Uranium ( idk if thats a real thing but it is now )
• horrid asthma
• avarage glee watcher
• IS gossip girl
• they/she user
• neurodivergent as hell but is undiagnosed because their parents SUCK and don't believe in that stuff
• asexual lesbian real
• has to use either Constances or Mischas washing machine/dryer to wash her clothes.
• hates the beach
• they sunburn so easily
• sibling relationship with both mischa and noel
• has a yellow iphone with an otterbox phonecase
• keeps little Polaroid pictures of her and the other choir members in a journal she has
• she likes taking pictures I said so
• was the last one to grasp asl, but she is trying!!!!
• cuts her hair themselves and as genuinely good at it
• soprano 2
• has horrid OCD
• loves deer sm
• loves Christmas time <3
• hot mocha enjoyer
• her and noel have kareoke night every friday
• vocaloid enjoyer
• pumpkin spice latte drinker
• mom friend. keeps bandaids, candies, an inhaler, toothpicks, waters, and koolaid packets in her bag at all times.
• pansexual queen <3 i love her
• she/her pronouns, but doesn't mind they/them
• her family has threatened to adopt literally every single one of the choir members - noel and ricky
• listens to 90's rock music
• love language is physical touch!!! she loves holding everyones hands and gives the best hugs imaginable
• wrote pjo fanfiction in middle school
• it's still on ao3
• fandom junkie
• has a dark green motorola phone with a pastel blue case
• alto
• really good at crochet and makes sweaters for choir during their birthdays
• makes small sweaters for rickys hairless cats during winter
• K-pop stan
• has asked noel to dress up as a k-pop idol before
• adhd haver
• has hundreds of little lists for random things
• favorite holiday is Christmas and she loves giving the choir gifts
• giving love language is giving gifts fight me
• has a pet frog named Jeremy
• sometimes she just spins around as a stim
• HATES coffee, claims it tastes like dirt
• languages master ( teaches noel french bcs duolingo isn't helping at all)
• dad friend
• menace in the kitchen
• talia is real and they're in love... fuck you
• mischa "two hands" bachinski
• is the reason the choir room has a swear jar
• loves bearded dragons
• unreasonably terrified of snakes
• bisexual king
• He/They supremacy
• can and will down an entire bottle of straight vodka
• very proud of that fact
• transmasc real!!!!
• talia helps pay for their T shots and after hearing about noel being trans too she buys her a binder <3
• so in love with noel and talia both he has too much passion
• brotp with ricky they're brothers your honor
• only one besides noel that can drive
• made vines
• works at a haunted house with penny during halloween
• his adoptive parents are rich as fuck
• can tell you the history of rap if you asked him to
• love language is words of affirmation bcs i said so
• sometimes he just carries around the other choir members (usually ocean) on his back for fun
• body heater
• has a red iphone with a clear case
• it has so many cracks
• godly at stick n pokes
• has a pet hampster his adoptive parents know nothing about
• has gotten a lightbulb stuck in their mouth twice
• has the most batshit insane ideas
• really into pop music but will NEVER tell anyone
• he has autism btw
• really good at critiquing movies
• baritone/bass what's the difference
• carries ricky up and down stairs even if it isn't needed
• giving love language is physical touch fight me ( him and constance are always touching eachother in someway, either by holding pinkies or leaning in eachother. platonic or not, take it as you please)
• its a real struggle with talia but they make do
• movie nights in his basement happen every Tuesday after choir rehearsal, usually only him and noel are there but ricky and penny join every so often!!
• the choirs bodygaurd
• he's friends with the detention teacher
• has the second highest gpa out of the choir
• special interest: RAP
• listens to imagine dragons unironically
• halloween enthusiast
• always dresses up as some cheesy horror movie villain
• sometimes, mid conversation, he'll just start speaking in Ukranian. he won't realize until the person he's talking to mentions it.
• has a pretty bad lisp
• flappy hand stimmer fight me
• ambidextrous
• starbucks employees know him by name
• stereotypical gay tbh, he drinks tf outta iced coffee
• tries to learn french through duolingo but fails miserably
• he/she noel supremacy
• always steals food from taco bell before a performance to give to the choir
• introduced rocky horror picture show to the choir and now they all wont stop quoting it
• mlm/wlw hatred solidarity between her and ocean
• but in a sibling way
• unreasonably obsessed with peacocks amd doves (specifically white doves, they're so pretty)
• literally so oblivious to mischas crush its hilarious
• hates his job. so. much.
• her favorite stim is just repeating lines from the Blue Angel in a french accent. she knows it's a german film, but french accents are just too fun man
• she's autistic too btw ive decided
• hyperfixated on french history
• and scented candles
• holy shit she has so many scented candles
• has those fake candy cigarettes but absolutely hates how they taste
• has a notebook of little shirt stories of moniques life
• absolutely has thought out entire movies with Monique as the main character
• really really bad abandonment issues
• love language is quality time <3
• she is genuinely so angsty i have so many sad hcs for her
• has terrible eyesight but refuses to wear glasses
• instead, wears shitty contacts
• musical theatre nerd
• paints his nails so he would stop chewing them but it doesn't work
• purple iphone user, has one of those square cases with the gold accents please know what i'm talking about
• has an old cat named Nyxl and she is treated like a got damn queen
• token tenor
• has a notebook full of poetry
• has a book full of edgar allen poes stories
• she loves them
• picky eater picky eater picky eater picky eater
• has to be chewing on something to even exist
• usually a toothpick, since she got scolded by ocean once because she bit a hole in her lip
• favorite holiday is valentines day
• he'll say he hates it but absolutely loves the romantic aspect of it
thanky ou for indulging me i needed yhis <3
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getaway-green · 3 years
Every single feature of ios15 actively makes using my phone worse
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sweetsweetbbq · 2 years
included: eren, mikasa, armin, sasha, connie, jean, ymir, historia, levi, hange, erwin, reiner, annie, berthotld, pieck, porco, zeke
modern au!!
part 1, part 2
levi -
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he believes smart phones are unnecessary and that flip phones have everything he needs
somehow he still finds a way on how to struggle using a flip phone 😭
hange -
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iphone/android whatevuh
hange probably drops their phone at least 10 times a day. idk how the phone still works but it does..
hange’s defo those types of people who REFUSE to get a new phone until their phone is completely unusable.
erwin -
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to ppl who worship erwin… srry but yo manz a living fossil
hes got that grandpa phone case and he thinks its amazing
he has 200 accidental selfies in his gallery.. and he probably doesn’t know about them; completely oblivious on how to use a phone (just like levi)
iphone android whatever, they all work the same to him 🤷‍♀️
reiner -
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idk i feel like he’d be an iphone user but then again i feel like he wouldn’t mind having an android
bro his phonecase is clear and he probably has like a photo of his pet or something in the phone case 😭
annie -
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iphone user for sure (wouldnt mind android tho, just prefers iphone)
she won’t buy like those phone cases with design, i think she’d stink w a rather simple one, like a plain color
like hange, she refuses to buy a new phone until her current one is useless
yk what, she’d definitely have a burner phone 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
bertholdt -
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i can see him using an android phone just bc he can download third-party apps and cracked games 😭
he’d be very careful of his phone and would do everything to save it from dropping on the ground
he’d have like a phone case with art on it
pieck -
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iphone user
her phone cases r so cute, she’d like those cartoon designs or flower designs (defo buys from casetify)
i feel like she’s one of those ppl who have an emotional connection to their phones and has a hard time getting a new phone 😭😭😭
porco -
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how do i even…
he’s like those iphone users that will SCREAM at you if he sees u using an android
his phone is completely wrecked (from him rage quitting while playing games) and is hanging by a thread 😭
his screen is oily 🤢
zeke -
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iphone user 💯
leather phone case
he’d have like multiple phones for like work and stuff like that and he’ll definitely upgrade as soon as the next model comes out (idk i feel like he’d be LOADED)
i dont rlly fw zeke but i gotta give it to him.. his phone condition is decent 👍
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puthyjuth · 3 years
i woke up angy but its okay cuz my new phone is coming :o i've had an iphone 6 not the 6s either for like a while and now i cant download/use a lot of apps LOL by the next update i probably wouldnt b e able to use youtube so i was like yk wat its time.. i got the purple iphone 12! on brande
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pareidoliajules · 5 years
✆ + idk your favorite you've rped??
ASK ME THINGS, especially THESE things!
✆ - what kind of phone does your character have and what applications are most likely always used + my favorite(s) because i’m an indecisive ho
Canon Mason has an iPhone, of probably two generations before current, because his parents don’t raise him and only passively support him, but they’re on a family plan and he and Madison get new phones when they’re eligible to upgrade. His most frequently used apps are probably the Calendar (bc Madison organizes them within an inch of his life and their calendars are synced), Candy Crush, Facebook/FB Messenger and texts, though idk if that counts as an ‘app’.
Soulmates!Mason also has an iPhone, probably just one generation of current since now that he and Madison both also have jobs, they can contribute to their portion of the phone bill and pay off their devices faster. It’s probably a lot of the same as canon Mason, though I know for a fact he (still) has FlappyBird installed. He also checks the weather a lot, bc Chicago is fuckin batshit weatherwise. He also probably cried real tears when Vine died.
Futures!Mason has to get new phones a lot bc tech + magic, yk. His family is obv basically loaded and he makes money from contracts too, so it’s no big deal expense-wise, but it takes him forever to get used to a new phone. And they break, frequently. He probably has a lot of those Idle games where you do A Bunch of Stuff and then leave it alone for hours and come back, get a bunch of stuff, and repeat. He doesn’t know a lot about Commons’ phone app phases, either, but he…has adhd, so anything that’s bright and colorful and distracting is good in his book.
Canon Madison is ditto above for canon Mason, but she doesn’t really do games - except every so often she’ll get pulled into whatever one Mason’s playing that week and then accidentally stay up very very late at night playing it and playing it and playing it and no she’s not tired but thank you for pointing it out!! She also has So Many organization apps.
Glist!Madison has a very old iPhone that’s hanging on by a thread, basically and half of the newest apps don’t even work on it, but there’s not a mark on the screen or case and she’s not getting rid of anything that works perfectly well for something new and flashy, no matter how much Mason begs. She also has the calendar and organizational app situation, but she also has a folder just for job sites. She also frequently stalks the show choir blogs and college chatboards. She has games on her phone, but she doesn’t even enjoy them anymore, they’re just there and they work on her phone, so. She also has Twitter and Instagram, and is active on both!
WMA!Madison: She had to get a new phone with Mason when he threw his off the roof, so they both have most-recent generations of iPhones, and she has a crapton of apps. A lot of meditation apps, self-sub-ing apps, youtube and twitter and instagram. She still relies heavily on the Calendar app, but she also has a planner that is heavily used, cross-referenced and color-coordinated.
I just want to put him here because canon or an au, he has an Android, goddammit.
Canon Spencer: Probably also an iPhone, unfortunately, and with a million sports apps for watching, talking about, following, etc. Maybe a news app he doesn’t ever use. If Fantasy Football has an app, he has that, and probably also some of those terrible FPS phone games that stress me out.
Futures!Spencer probably has an Android because they don’t break as soon as you look at them (or in Spencer’s case, as soon as you get thrown into a tree by a monster while on a contract).
CWM!Spencer probably also has an Android bc he doesn’t like to do what everybody else is doing, and he’s argumentative enough to start shit about it too. Ditto canon as far as apps go, but he actually reads his news apps and probably even pays to get more than just the free articles monthly, too.
Canon Kurt: is an iPhone man, who has a decorative case but not a protective one, because he’s careful enough not to need one. He has all of the magazines’ mobile apps - vogue, elle, people, etc, plus Netflix and Hulu and Instagram and Twitter, though he doesn’t use Twitter regularly at all.
Thehalls!Kurt: ditto above, but with more fashion and more awareness that people are obsessed with knowing what he’s doing and how he’s doing it, so his phone is sort of scrubbed, in case it ever gets hacked.
NDHQ!Kurt: is also an iPhone man, of course; he has map apps, youtube, the ndhq app, a mobile video-cutting app if such a thing exists, stupid games for when he gets bored and then stops playing them a week after he downloaded them………and grindr/tinder/etc, even though he’d deny it if you asked.
I’m literally exhausted thinking about it. 
If it’s fancy, he owns it, and if it’s gay, he’s got it, whether canon or the one half-second where I played him in an actual game. He probably also has funny video apps, because he likes to laugh when people fall down.
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shizzymcfizzy · 3 years
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Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
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