#new Sony Plant anon?
cantquitu · 6 years
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Me: expresses my disgust over people sending messages to Camille saying they hope she gets burnt, raped, mutilated or murdered.
PLeaSE dO NoT mAKe cAMilLE An InNoCeNT!!!!!!!!!!!
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Seek help.
(and I’ve TOLD you I’m on strike until Joffrey pays me. I’ve already quit!)
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It’s interesting how much vinyl sales have started to matter in regards to the charts. I’m guessing that now that concert ticket bundling is no longer an option and vinyl sales are only counted when shipped, the 1D members will also try to schedule their upcoming albums so that album vinyls are also available upon release date rather than six months down the line in order to boost first week sales.
Thanks anon - that's a great article, which brings up a lot of issues.
I think it's going to be really interesting to watch what charts do over the next few months, now that artists can neither merch nor ticket bundle (the impact of all the changes were hidden by the general weirdness of the pandemic and now is when things will become clearer).
And as the article suggests a huge part of it will be turning formats into commodities in themselves, instead of ways to deliver music. So I expect lots of coloured vinyl and coloured tapes to be produced.
The implications for 1D members are interesting. I think charts are important enough to all of them that they'll do what they can to jack them (although there's always a question of resources and priorities). And for anyone releasing an album next year, that means not releasing until six months after you're finished. It definitely pushes back expected release dates.
I wouldn't be surprised if Niall and Louis are aiming to finish so they try and release third quarter next year. Niall has a lot more flexibility than Louis, who still has to tour (my imagined good schedule for Louis would be promoting singles in early Summer and then using the Italian dates in September as a springboard to release the album off).
But it does make the rumours that Harry's going to release his album in 60 to 90 days quite interesting (to do this he would have had to finish HS3 between finishing filming MP and starting touring).
So I've always assumed that he'll finish his tour and then he'll release HS3 and sell another one. It's what makes him the most money and tours can be scheduled around various movies he has to promote and/or film. Releasing HS3 and then doing the rest of the Love on Tour dates seems to me to be leaving money on the table.
So why would he release now? One option would be that he feels like he's been invisible too long and he has to release music to maintain his relevance. This seems really unlikely to me - given all the rest of the attention he's got. It's possible that there's some advantage to him to fulfilling his contract with Sony faster, but I'm not particularly convinced.
I did wonder if he was worried about the charts. He used a lot of bundling to get his number ones last time and so it will look like he's selling less, whatever happens. First quarter is easier to chart than later in the year. But Fine Line streamed really well - and everyone is in that position (Ed Sheeran's numbers in the US for = are well down). It seems super cautious to release HS3.
There's lots we don't know. The rumours could be wrong. There could be very good reasons for what he's doing that we know nothing about. But I think it's worth noting that if he is releasing in first quarter that is not necessarily expected from an artist his size and is something to think about.
(Would it be a surprise drop with no pre album singles? Where would there be time for singles? I'm very curious).
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dearly · 4 years
What happened in 2015 that the big blogs didn't want the fandom to know? was diggingfluff or something like that a Sony plant?
it’s nothing of consequence now, if i remember correctly they believed all of louis’ partying was going to lead to a scandal but not the one we got, they thought there was going to be a sex tape (do i remember this right??) so they limited the discussion of his partying. if anyone remembers otherwise or has sources lemme know.
as for plants-- i don’t really think any bloggers were plants-- at least not any of the popular blogs. the occasional astro-turfing and anons i think it’s undeniable that that was going on. but other than that i don’t think it’s that obvious. i think a lot of what we’re seeing is a combination of the new online norms, human group psychology, and fandom manipulation from HQ, not necessarily “among us”. but i could be wrong, of course. i just read and try to apply what i’ve learned to what i’m seeing.
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
How #blessed are we with all the new lactation magnificence from jaerie? Feeling pretty god about the new year and the potential for a lactation fest, just saying. Love, the lactation anon
SO BLESSED, and yes, my true mission as an a Sony plant who’s unpaid yet somehow still sponsored by a megacorporation is to normalize the fact that the hids are bountiful and will provide us all with the sustenance we need to get through this year (related: if you have lactation kink prompts, send ‘em to Jaerie, she’s on fire!!!!)
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wellthatwasaletdown · 7 years
About Harry's solo deal
I agree that we will never know the fine details of his contract. I just read what one of your anons said with the link where they explain the difference between a distribution & a licensing deal. I agree with them that what him & OT3 went with the licensing deal because there are less risks on them to lose money.
A licensing deal is:
Licensing is when another business, usually another record label (in this case Columbia) or a distributor (Apple Music who had made apparently a 25 million offer for 1 album), purchases the rights to an album from you. They pay you a set fee, and then they take on the task of acting as the label for that album in the territory for which they licensed the album. In this case it would be global.
They take the responsibility for manufacturing the album, promoting it (Did you see how hands on Columbia was in the promo? Only the high executives like VPs and all are taking care of Harry.) and getting it distributed it (hence why you see 2017 Erskine Record Limited, Under exclusive licence to Columbia Records). So for a certain time period as agreed on their contract, Columbia has the rights but once the time period is over, Erskine Record Limited which is Harry’s label gets back the rights to his material. It’s basically like he is renting the rights but he is technically the ultimate owner…  
 If they make tons of money selling it, then the rewards are all theirs; you don’t make any money beyond your original licensing fee. If they lose money on the album, then that loss is all theirs too; you still keep your licensing fee regardless of the album’s performance and sales.
That is also probably why Harry is doing back to back tours to increase his own revenue. Because there the label doesn’t get a cut unlike if it was like a 360 deal…For artists, it's touring that brings in the most money and not the album sales since the label gets a major cut.
This is the definition of a distribution deal:
Distribution, on the other hand, refers to getting your albums into shops. With a distribution deal, you only make money on what you sell, and your label is responsible for manufacturing and promotion. If you make a lot of money, you get to keep it all.
But if you lose a lot of money on the album, then the losses all come from your pocket. A distribution deal, would mean that Harry’s label Erskine Records Ltd would have had to pay for the manufacturing & promo. That would be quite costly and no one would advise him to that especially since he wanted to be a global star and not just a local indie act. Here are the pros of choosing a licensing deal:
When you are a big artist that has a following, generating a lot of buzz or you are a household name, major labels approach these artists with a licensing deal. Especially when there is a potential for a global market.
when it comes to getting your albums into the international market,  licensing offers plenty of benefits for a small label, including:
A major label knows the market better; they already have relationships with the media, the distributors, and the stores, so they will have better tools to promote the artist.
Licensing is good for cash flow; it puts a big check in your hand up front.
Licensing deals let someone else carry all of the risks.
Another link that people should read is about the Pros & Cons of signing with a major record label. With this, you will probably recognize some of the strategies used by the label during the promo campaign.. The same is applicable with Niall & Liam and their deals.  
On July 1st 2016, HDD published this:
HIGH STYLES: Columbia’s closing of the Harry Styles deal is a big win for Rob Stringer. It’s also a killer start in the managerial business for Jeffrey Azoff—not to mention yet another feather in the cap of power behind the throne Irving Azoff, though the proud pop gives total credit to Jeffrey for making the deal. Spinners are spinning that Apple supposedly offered $25m for one album, which set the bar high and drove up the offers to the extent that the winning bid was in the $75-80m range for three albums. Such a deal would have a break-even point of 5m units worldwide, not including marketing costs or streaming income. Now what would have Jeff Azoff pitched to these labels or distributors in order for them to go to a bidding war… This article from the DM also published on July 1st 2016 will give you a hint about the sales pitch:  www(.)dailymail(.)co(.)uk/tvshowbiz/article-3670161/Harry-Styles-signs-80million-solo-record-deal-Columbia-One-Direction-continue-hiatus(.)html
In August, it was reported that Sony Music - which owns Columbia - were keen to sign the 22-year-old star for a solo record deal.
A Sony insider revealed at the time: ‘Harry has always been One Direction’s most popular member and it’s obvious that we want to secure him. He’s a global superstar.
'Zayn will get to release an album first, as he left the band earlier, but the most excitement is about what Harry is going to do.
'Everyone wants to know what his solo material will sound like, there’s also a lot of pressure to get it right.
I am willing to bet that Jeff played those points in his sales and those same points were also used with the launch…Those ideas were planted since 2014 when Harry linked up with the Azoff.. His rebrand while in 1D was all in effort to make sure that once it is time to go solo, he will have a lucrative contract.
Now here we are almost 6 months in after the launch… Harry has not reached yet the 1.5 million mark of worldwide sales. As of November 1st he was at 1.25 million worldwide sales. twitter(.)com/chartdata/status/925656162300841984. As pointed out earlier by the article from HDD, in order to break even, he needs to sell 5 millions…  So in order for the label to say they are making profit, he would have to sell more than 5 million copies. As the Telegraph said, they have heard whispers and grumbles that his record company were not best pleased with the change of (One) direction. While his debut reached number around the world, sales were modest and faded quickly, and it has only produced one hit single. www(.)telegraph(.)co(.)uk/music/what-to-listen-to/harry-styles-embarks-beautiful-musical-journey-hammersmith-apollo/ So, for the rest of the year there has to be some sort of turn around in the sales. Maybe they are hoping that him being seen on a huge platform like the VS show or The Grammys will change things around.. These are probably the last 2 big opportunities to attract the general population… I am sure they were banking in on Dunkirk for it to boost his popularity with the general population and that failed. If the trend doesn’t change, for sure for HS2, Columbia will have way more input in the type of material he will release… They want what they were promised… Sorry for the long post…
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When you go back in your blog to get dates straight and put a timeline in your head and it just seems so planted...how can anyone believe this farce?
February 23, 2017 - Louis papped at Sony Offices.
February 24, 2017 - The Sun runs this headline... “ Casual Louis Tomlinson steps out in a hoodie and ripped jeans for record company meeting...amid rumours that he has reunited with ex-girlfriend Eleanor Calder”.
This anon was sent to many, many Larrie blogs... “Anonymous asked: Just came to warn you that this is far from over. There are new larry tattoos as a sort of comfort to us for what is about to come. Eleanor is back and her and Louis are going to get engaged. This also means Babygate will end. But now Elounor-gate begins.”
All the while Phoebe is confirming that Louis was at the airport...and a fan (weird youtubers with only 1 1D mention) posts pic of Louis mentioning him and his girlfriend heading to Jamaica. 
All of a sudden on this day stalkers mysteriously start talking about their El photos with Louis from 2 weeks ago where they had blurred her and the location for privacy.
February 26, 2017 - Louis posts Always and You on his social media.
March 3, 2017 - Very planned airport arrival blueberry suit pics that do not go according to plan. The point is they were papped.
Now all these months later we are to believe that Louis wrote the favorite song on his album...that he’s EVER written...Always You...about his beloved girlfriend Eleanor? I guess it was written somewhere between grieving for his Mum, being heartbroken about the breakup of his longtime girlfriend he was so close to...what was her name? Eraser Girl who has been deleted from fandom memory...and before the Sony offices meeting.
-What’s your favourite song you’ve recorded so far from your album? I think I’ve already said that once before. There’s the song that’s probably my favourite I’ve ever written, that’s very personal to me, called “Always You” that I’ve got on the album. -What’s it about? It’s about Eleanor, my girlfriend. ~~~TraxFM 7-26-17
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cantquitu · 5 years
I feel like maybe my Sony plant anon is back!!!
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This ask has a sense of shrill, barely restrained hysteria to it, and in fairness Sony Plant anon rarely attempted restraint, but maybe they're trying a new approach?
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
You right, trashing the kid is not as bad as what evil harries do! Lets call them out for saying that Louis's son is cute! Like wtf, they are sick in the head
anon two:  Are you really gonna call out harries for posting freddie’ pic with cute hasthtags, instead of larries and rads who literally harrassing a little kid?? Like are you THAT deep in your conspiracies and delusions and threatened by reality that you really do not see the actual problem? Wow
I’m drunk enough to answer these two individual yet completely separate asks that arrived within 30 seconds of each other because it’s both clear AND obvious you’re new here, so for the record, nope, I’m absolutely not in the larrieTM crowd that trashes women and children on the regular (I have a ton of shitty anons and blocked blogs to prove it, I’ve been called a sony plant because not hating women is such a crazy notion that I literally need to be paid to have it), but I do stand by my response to the ask you’ve latched onto from a day or so ago because the whole thing was tres amusant, cou-cou, to me. I legit love the specific brand of solo harrie fan who vocally hates ANY kind of association that links Harry Styles to One Direction (the band, the brand, their fave ascended that trash, so “keep those names out of his mouth”)…AND YET at least two of ‘em went out of their way to post a current photo of ole Freddie T in amongst all the chart toppin’ and pap walkin’ and pictures of solo Harry livin’ his best solo Harry life, and I find that absolutely hilarious. Sorry, but I do. I love it the same way I love xarries who hate larries for all their tin-hattery, yet do the exact same thing, different letter (like, EXACT, I should compile posts and run a quiz: xarrie or larrie). We’re living in a global pandemic, bb, and in spite of what you might think from the covid police, you can slash should take your mouth off the tumblr twitter fandom standom hosepipe and walk outside for your gov’t suggested slash mandated dose of fresh air (mask encouraged, six feet from all paps). Alternatively, I guess you can keep sifting through comments on posts and tags to anonymously express your outrage on blogs you don’t follow to educate us all about the “actual problem” of…larrie conspiracies? How it makes total sense that harries who hate 1d are absolutely weak in the knees over future pop sensation Freddie T? idk, i don’t go here, but enjoy!
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